Lord Krishna - Management Principles

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S. no. Particulars Page no.

1. Declaration 3

2. Plagiarism test report 4

3. Introduction- Lord Krishna 10

4. Instances form Mahabharat 11

5. Leadership qualities from Lord Krishna 13

6. Management qualities 14

7. Research methodology 16

8. Conclusion 16

9. Value addition 17

10. Webliography 17


The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic. The main story revolves around two branches of a
family - the Kaurvas and the Pandavas – who had the Kurukshetra war, the battle for the vast
and divine throne of Hastinapur. Interwoven into this narrative are several smaller stories
about people of the phase either dead or living, and the philosophical discourses during the

It is a careful study of the scripture that teaches us important lessons from the perspective of
leadership and management skills.

Lord Krishna is an avatar/reincarnation of Lord Vishnu and is a highly respected and popular
Hindu creator and god, synonymous with communication skills, great intelligence, love and
affection, and the capability to resolve crises faced by all his devotees. In modern era, he can
be best described as ‘The Greatest Crisis Manager’ the whole world has ever seen.

An exemplary- a leader, a philosopher, a hero, a teacher, a protector and a friend: all in one.
He was one of the most practical Lords of all times; the best manager and a leader who
imparted valuable lessons to the devotees and the world. He propagated the theory of bhakti
and good karma relations in Bhagavad Gita. The Holy Book Bhagavad-Gita explains several
important management lessons for all.

He passed-on the supreme knowledge of Dharma and Karma to all through epic war of
Kurukshetra (Mahabharata) for the throne of Hastinapur. His discourses to Arjuna and the
narratives before beginning of the battle of Kurukshetra took the form of framework
Bhagavad-Gita. The teachings are in the form of dialogues communicated between the
Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer the divine Lord Krishna. He guides
Arjuna to perform the duty of a true warrior and fight the righteous war to make the rule of
good. He brought to light concepts of Supreme Self, Karma, the purpose of yoga, the
difference between our self and our material body etc.


Lord Krishna, as the central character, comes across as a master strategist and tactful leader
adopting different leadership styles according to the situation and people along with. Let us
look at some famous anecdotes from the epic to illustrate.

1. Bheema and Jarasandh: The story is about the fight

between Bheema and Jarasandha in the presence of Arjuna and Lord
Krishna. Jarasandha picks Bheema as one and only worthy to fight with. They fight for
days, matching each other simultaneously. Every time Bheema kills Jarasandha,
miraculously, his body recovers. Bheema, realised that Jarasandha was more than an
equal match to him, and looking up to Lord Krishna for his important direction. Lord ,
who knew the story of Jarasandha’s birth, picks up a stick, breaks it in two halves and
throws the two halves far away from each other and in opposite directions. Bheema
understands the gestures of lord Krishna and throws Jarasandha to the ground, and
splits his body in two pieces. He then throws the two halves of Jarasandha’s body far
away from each other in opposite directions, thereby killing him.

2. Arjuna’s reluctance: During the Kurukshetra war with the Kauravas, Lord Krishna
takes the reins as Arjuna’s charioteer. On seeing a reluctant Arjuna unwilling to fight
and destroy his own relatives in the war, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna in the nature of
a discourse called the Bhagavad Gita about the responsibilities of a soldier and the
finer and broader aspects of human life. Arjuna was a sensitive but extremely
thoughtful, righteous person with a great sense of duty. The tactful Krishna,
understanding Arjuna’s personality, uses the directive style of leadership effectively,
persuading Arjuna to begin the war.

3. Bhishma and Shikandi: Lord Krishna, being a great supporter of the Pandavas, does
not spare even Bhishma pitamaha, the veteran general of the kaurvas and manages to
find a way to tackle him as well, who had led the Kurukshetra war for the first nine
days, causing severe damage to the army of the Pandavas. Bhishma had a towering
personality and a befitting king. He was a true soldier and a great warrior; as strong as
steel in character, symbolic of truth and his duty and was extremely humane. He was
blessed to choose the manner and time of his death. Lord Krishna takes Yudhisthira to

Bhishma pitamaha seeking the secret to become victorious in the war. Bhishma, was
well aware that the Pandavas truly deserved to win this battle, tells Yudhisthira the
secret of overcoming him to win the war (ie, he would not aim at a woman in the
battle). Bhishma, thus confronted by Shikandi (a transgender woman who had
undergone a surgery to become a man) on the 10th day of the war refused to consider
him as a man and throws down all his bow and arrows, choosing not to fight against
shikandi. Lord Krishna, thus uses a very influential style of leadership and tackles
Bhishma pitanmaha by making him, the General of the enemy front, an ally by using
subtle diplomacy.

4. Drona and Ashwatthaama: Yudhisthira, the eldest of the five Pandavas, was the
embodiment of truth and righteousness. When the Kauravas’ guru and the
General, Dronacharya, was leading the battle, the tactful Lord Krishna uses
Yudhisthira cleverly. Drona was unconquerable and was clearly devastating the army
of the Pandavas. Lord Krishna realises that the only way to get rid of the general was
by exploiting his weakness for his son named as Ashwatthaama. Lord Krishna tell the
Pandavas that the only way to kill the general is by conveying to him that his son
Ashwatthaama is dead. Understanding that Dronacharya can only believe this story if
prince Yudhisthira says it, everyone looks at prince Yudhisthira to take up the
responsibility. He accepts the responsibility and says that Ashwatthaama is dead, but
his conscience remains somewhat unblemished as he averts killing the son, getting an
elephant named as Ashwatthaama killed instead. The word ‘elephant’ gets lost in the
din of the battle and Dronacharya only hears “Ashwatthaama is dead”. Being
disheartened he gives up the weapons and dies in the battle. Lord Krishna thus
achieves the objective of eliminating the general by using a participative leadership
style to prepare Yudhisthira to accept the responsibility of telling a half truth.


Krishna as the Management Guru

Lord Krishna is the master of expertise and there is a lot to of things to be learnt from him.
Following are some of the management strategies useful for leaders that Lord Krishna

Share Learnings: True manager or leader must share their learnings with other people. As
per this saying that ‘knowledge grows when shared with others’, when applied is the best of
all the practices. Krishna who was also called as a ‘Sarvagnya’ – never hesitated to share his
thoughts with people. When Arjuna was in a fix whether to fight his brothers or not, he
reminded him of his purpose and taught him the methods to overcome all the fear and doubts;
thereby focusing on his duty.

Stick to your Goals: Krishna had three important life goals for himself. First, ‘Paritrayana
Sadhunam’ which means welfare for good; second, ‘vinashaya dushkritam’ meaning
destroy the evil (thoughts) and lastly, ‘dharma sansthapana’ meaning strengthen and
establish the good principles. Being a manager he laid emphasis on having a clear cut goals
to be in the organization and for the organization and should never allow their senses and
powers to be controlled.

Strategic Approach: He was master strategist who used problem solving approach
throughout his life. He with his tactical skills won the Mahabharat. He proves that a person
who is skilled in planning action or formulating policies will win for sure in war and politics.
A plan of action is always important to achieve long-term and short-term goals.

Tactful Communicator: Krishna through his power of speech motivated Pandavas several
times. He motivated them to serve good, concurrently working towards attainment of justice.
A true leader or manager always takes an initiative to motivate his colleagues.

Be Grounded: Despite being a king, Krishna lived his life in simplicity and he was a man of
people. A leader should be noble, humble and down to earth. This will ensure his growth and


Keep playacting Duty:

The Divine Bhagwat sacred text says keep functioning on actions while not expectation of
fruits or rewards reciprocally, whereby leading a unselfish life. Krishna aforesaid don't need
for fruits and focus your actions and efforts on your performance of duties. this provides
message there's no short cut for fulfilment , one needs to continue creating exertions to
induce success.

Leader continually take lead and Boost the morale:

As Shri Krishna Boost the morale of mythical being morale, confidence, motivation. Shri
Krishna vie a job of teacher, Guru to revive morale of Arjun. Likewise, leader needs to take
lead in taking lead position in breakdown issues, giving visions, and to attain goal.

Leader ought to embrace rather avoid challenges and this can be the best strength of

Leader ought to be resilient in their actions, firm determination and may not hand over by
pain and pleasure. an honest leader is UN agency doesn't lead by concern or anger, however
ought to keep patience. His focus is often mustn't achieving goal by taking part in role of

Krishna Defines 3 principles of that square measure needed for effective leadership:

1. Discipline of learning

2. Effective communications

3. Discipline of temperament

Great Leader ought to have sturdy willing power and may not concern by the
consequence of decision:

Once call has been taken leader ought to implement them with temperament, confidence and
may not return foot, otherwise he can loss identity nearly as good leader. He ought to take no
matter happened permanently ought to learn from mistake and failure.

Change is law of universe and Up and down square measure a part of Life:

Changes square measure solely permanent issue, there must always be changes and an honest
leader must always be prepared for adopting in step with circumstances, he ought to build his
strategy consequently then solely he can ready to survive.

Ought to have ability to require and manage in Pressure:

The extremely take a look at of leader is keep himself cool and calm even within the
circumstance of high, like Krishna UN agency was having a giant target of creating pandavas
win against Kauravas however he ne'er loss his patience however continually keeping guide
to Pandavas.

Continually be Loyal to your duties:

for removing evil Krishna Even took call for killing Kansa, equally we should always be
loyal to our work and may not compromise our duty with personal gains.

Leader must always share his data and may be approachable:

In Mahabharat Krishna continue sharing his data in Pandavas for creating them strategy for
fighting against evil and to finish evil. sort of a sensible leader in any walk of life keep
motivated their team, keep them updated with Recent changes in law, technology,
environmental to form them strategy for achieving goal swimmingly by creating strategy to
beat obstacle and set up prior to.

Leader ought to observe strategy:

In sacred writing Krishna is aware of that Kauravas can do there best to win, he has created
strategy terribly fastidiously. He was keeping continuous watch on there techniques.


The research methodology of the assignment based on topic on the learnings of the
management principles and leadership qualities from a leader from the Mahabharat. While
getting the secondary data on the teachings by Lord Krishna the research was divided in the
following manner-

• Step1.- Getting to know the leaders of Mahabharat

• Step2.- Selecting the character to prepare the project
• Step3.- Reading and summarising instances from Mahabharat related to Lord Krishna
• Step4.- Reading about the leadership qualities and management principles exercised
by lord Krishna.
• Step 5.- Compiling the researched data in the document.


Lord avatar, through his life incontestible a way to live a life in completeness and explicit
continue doing right, while not having attachment towards the result of these actions and
most significantly, ne'er hurt anyone.

Krishna is AN embodiment of all divine potentials (whether hidden or not) and what
appropriate occasion of Janmashtami to speak concerning Lord avatar. Celebrated with nice
fervor across the state, Krishan Janmashtami symbolizes imprisonment within the worldly
illusions, and incarnation of Lord Hindu deity (birth of good) symbolizes vanquishing of evils
(outside and within) resulting in enlightenment and peace.

Lord avatar was therefore a good pragmatic and clever leader, mistreatment the resources of
men and material most expeditiously and proactively. a frontrunner within the company
world tries to try and do precisely the same, as progressively, businesses are becoming
additional folks headed. Therefore, there's nice potential and chance to achieve knowledge by
drawing examples from our nice epics and use them as our guiding philosophy within the
company world, as well as, in our day to day lives. a company leader may be a visionary
operating towards the well-being of all stakeholders, whereas conjointly making an attempt to
stay on the righteous path (dharma)


The project on Identifying a leader of your choice from Mahabharat and justify the
management principles followed by him/her as a leader. Lord Krishna is an inspiration for all
the all of us. He is the source of divine knowledge and worldly source of development.

Working on the project helped in identifying the vast and insightful character and learnings of
lord Krishna. His learnings were based on the Kurukshetra war for the throne of Hastinapur
and his conversations with Pandava Prince Arjuna; guiding him throughout the war along
with some tactful teachings in the scope of life, power, truth, universe etc. the project
working guided us to delve in the stories of Mahabharata and know some of their characters.
Alongside of learning the leadership qualities and management from lord Krishna.

Moreover, the working and research of such a vast topic and summarising it in a document on
specific sub-topics was a challenging job. Working upon this helped to enhance our skills on
documentation and summarising.


• https://www.peoplematters.in/blog/watercooler/what-krishna-exemplified-as-a-
• https://www.pureecoindia.in/4-leadership-lessons-from-the-mahabharata/
• https://taxguru.in/chartered-accountant/management-principles-shri-krishna.html
• https://www.ancient.eu/Mahabharata/#:~:text=The%20Mahabharata%20is%20an%20
• https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-hr-leadership-lessons-from-mahabharata-nisha-


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