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Issued To:_________________________________________________________________________

Date Issued:_______________________________________________________________________




Outside Agency:__________________________________________________________________



Issued By:_________________________________________________________________________


Table of Contents Pag

This Welding Quality Assurance Manual is for the exclusive use of Mid-Plains Community College in
the operation of its Accredited Test Facility.

This manual may not be reproduced without consent of the appropriate Mid-Plains Community
College facility representative in writing.
Section: __________________________
Revision: ________________________
Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

Section 1: Scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Section 2: Amendments and Revisions to the Quality Assurance Manual..................................................4

Section 3: Organization.................................................................................................................................................... 4

Section 4: Control of Purchased Items....................................................................................................................... 5

Section 5: Control of Measuring and Welding Test Equipment.......................................................................7

Section 6: Weld Material Control: Weld Wire and Glasses................................................................................ 8

Section 7: Quality Records.............................................................................................................................................. 8

Section 8: Applicants......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Section 9: Destructive and Non-Destructive Inspection..................................................................................10

Section 10: Measuring and Testing Equipment................................................................................................... 11

Section 11: Handling and Storage of Test Specimens....................................................................................... 12

Section 12: Non-Conformance.................................................................................................................................... 13

Section 13: Quality Assurance Procedure Review.............................................................................................. 14

Section 14: Quality Records......................................................................................................................................... 14

Section 15: Report Forms............................................................................................................................................. 15

Section 16: Standard...................................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX (A-BB): A list of items contained in the Appendix follows the Quality Assurance

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Revision: ________________________
Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

Section 1:
Policy Statement and General Requirements

1.1 Scope
This manual describes Mid-Plains Community College, North Campus Quality System
Policies and Procedures that will comply with the rules as required by AWS to establish
and operate an American Welding Society Accredited Test Facility. The policies and
procedures control all activities from Supplier procurement to the applicant’s final weld.

1.2 Policy Statement

Mid-Plains Community College Welding Technology program (North Platte Campus)
shall adhere to and abide by AWS QC4 and QC7 as well as applicable codes,
supplements or standards when operating as an AWS Accredited Test Facility.

1.3 Application
The quality System described herein is mandatory for all activities performed at Mid-
Plains Community College, North Campus at North Platte, Nebraska.

1.4 Purpose
This Quality Assurance document shall establish the rules and guidelines to assure
compliance under the American Welding Society’s Standard for Accreditation of Test
Facilities (AWS QC4-89).

1.5 Safety
Safety precautions, regulations and rules shall conform to the latest edition of (ANSI
Z49.1:2012) “Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes” published by the
American Welding Society. Supplemental safety regulations may also be required.

1.6 Responsibilities
This manual and supporting documents will be reviewed on an annual basis, and revised
as necessary to ensure conformance. Revisions will be issued by the FTest
Manageracility Representative and controlled in accordance with the applicable

1.7 Definitions
ANSI/AWS A3.0-2010 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions shall be used as it
pertains to Mid-Plains Community College’s Quality Assurance Manual. In addition the
following terms will also apply.

Acceptance criteria: Specified limits placed on characteristics of an item, process or

service as defined in codes, other standards or other contract documents.

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Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

Accreditation: Certification as being able to meet a

prescribed standard.

Accreditation body: Any organization qualified to certify test facilities as acceptable

suppliers of services including but not limited to AWS Certification Committee.

Accredited facility: A facility that applies to the AWS designated third party agency and
received accreditation.

Assessment: A systematic review and verification of a facility and operations in

accordance with its Quality Control Manual.

Assessor: A third party who is qualified for the task of performing assessments.

AWS: American Welding Society, 550 NW LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 33126

Certification: The act of determining, verifying, and attesting in writing to the

qualifications of personnel in accordance with specified requirements.

Facility representative: An individual designated by the Test Facility who can make
legally binding commitments and statements on behalf of the Test Facility. The Facility
Representative and Campus President, if applicable, have final authority concerning all
changes. The facility representative shall be an AWS Certified welding Inspector who has
been designated by the Test Facility. This person(s) shall be the Technical manager and
the Facility Manger.

Inspection: Examination or measurement to verify whether an item or activity conforms

to specified requirements.

Inspector: A person who performs inspection activities to verify conformance to

specified requirements.

Performance test description: A document which defines the dimensions, positions,

and welding procedure specification to be used to make a test weldment.

Qualification: Conformance to a prescribed set of parameters.

Quality Control Manager (QCM): An AWS Certified Welding Inspector who has been
designated by the Test Facility. This person(s) shall be the Technical Manager and the
Facility Manager.

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Date: _____________________________

Qualified Facility: A facility which meets or exceeds the

requirements of this specification.

Test Facility: A facility that has met the qualification requirements of this specification
as verified by a designated third party assessor.

Test Supervisor: A current AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) designated by the
accredited test facility.

Test Weldment: Work pieces joined by welding to qualify welding procedures, welders,
or welding operators.

Section 2:
Amendments and Revisions to the Quality Assurance Manual

2.1 Revision Control

This manual will be revised by Quality Assurance personnel as required. Whenever
revisions occur, all holders of controlled copies will be distributed copies of the
application revised pages, including a new revision page describing changes. All changes
to the quality manual shall be maintained and documented by the Quality Manager.

2.2 Reviews
Management reviews of operations are continuous and any problems indicated with the
Quality Assurance Program or its implementation will be addressed and corrected as
directed by management. Management Reviews will be performed annually.

Section 3:

3.1 Responsibility and Authority

An organizational chart has been established to show the interrelation of personnel in
the college. Job descriptions define the responsibilities and authorities of each of the
positions the organizational chart. This is how administration at Mid-Plains Community
College ensures Responsibilities and Authorities are defined and communicated within
the college. Job descriptions and the organizational chart are reviewed and approved by
administration for adequacy. These documents are available throughout the college to
help employees understand responsibilities and authorities. An organizational chart is
located in the Appendix of this manual.

3.2 Facility Representative

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Date: _____________________________

The Facility Representative shall be responsible for the test

facility administrative operations and will have access to the Mid-Plains Community
College Campus President. The Facility representative and Campus President, if
applicable have final authority concerning all changes.

3.3 Quality Manager: Technical Manager

The Quality Manager reports directly to Vice President of Instructional Services and is
delegated authority and organizational freedom to identify and evaluate quality
problems and to initiate, recommend or provide solutions.

3.4 Responsibilities
The Quality Manager is responsible for:
a) Update and distribution control of the Quality Manual as required.
b) Directing inspection activities.
c) Surveillance of procurement documents.
d) Approval of Suppliers.
e) Maintaining a listing of approved suppliers.
f) Monitoring procedures to assure compliance.
g) Reviewing and maintaining Quality Records.
h) Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment.

3.5 Test Supervisors

The Test Supervisors shall have responsibility for testing and evaluations of all tests in
accordance with applicable governing procedures and standards. All Test Supervisors
shall have current certification as American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspectors
in accordance with AWS QA-1-88.

3.6 College Personnel

The Quality Control Manager shall be responsible for assignment of qualified personnel
to maintain and control applications for testing, scheduling, payment and

3.7 Receiving and Inventory

The Quality Control Manager or designee shall be responsible to maintain the
inventory of equipment and materials for the facility.

3.8 Control of Quality Manual

No copies of the quality assurance manual may be made without consent of the Quality
Control Manager and notification of the Facility.

3.9 Control of Distribution

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The Quality Control Manager shall be responsible for the

distribution of the Quality Assurance Manual. A record of distributed copies shall be
recorded and maintained by the Quality Control Manager.

Section 4:
Control of Purchased Items

4.1 Purchasing
Purchasing shall be approved by the Facility Representative or designee. A separate
account for revenues designated by the Mid-Plains Community College Business Office
shall exist (Project Code: WELD ATF). Purchasing of materials shall be done by
Requisition and Purchase Order for traceability and shall follow all policies of the College
purchasing department.

4.2 Incoming Articles

Receipt of purchased articles is documented on a Receiving Report (Appendix A). The
requirements of the Purchase Order are (included in) (attached to) the Receiving Report
to provide the inspection function with complete criteria for the evaluation of the receipt.

4.3 Supplies
Supplies shall be subject to the Test Facility needs and evaluated for reliability by the
Quality Control Manager.

4.4 Inspection
Articles are inspected in accordance with the requirements of the receiving documents.
As a minimum, all articles are inspected for count, identification and damage. The
Quality Control Manager or a designate will sign for materials.

4.5 Certifications
Certifications and Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR’s) are reviewed for compliance
and accuracy of contents as required by procurement documents certified reports or
other proof.

4.6 Rejected Articles

Rejected articles will be documented as nonconforming on the Receiving Report to
prevent inadvertent use or further processing. The Quality Manger will approve final

4.7 Acceptance
Acceptance of the receipt will be documented on the Receiving Report as accepted and
the identity of the inspector will be included by initialing the document.

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Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

4.8 Material Storage

Upon approval of the Quality Manager, all material will be identified and stored. The lot
or batch number will be traceable to all materials.

4.9 Material Storage

Upon approval of the Quality Manager, all material will be identified and stored. The lot
or batch number will be traceable to all materials. Lots of material will not be mixed in
individual bins, boxes, or containers. Materials will be stored in the environment
required by Mid-Plains Community College.

Section 5:
Control of Measuring and Welding Test Equipment

5.1 Commercial Equipment

Calibration of normal commercial equipment (i.e., ruler tape measures, levels, and other
similar devices) is not required. It is the responsibility of the user to report worn or
damaged equipment to the Test Supervisor.

5.2 Special Devices

Calibration will be performed and maintained at prescribed intervals in accordance with
Appendix B. An Outside Calibration Laboratory is contracted to supply this service. The
supplier is certified and performs calibrations traceable to recognized national standards.

5.3 Identification of Equipment

Each item is identified with current status of calibration and the user is responsible to
verify an item is serviceable. Item too small to be identified are serialized, and calibration
status is maintained by a traceable record supporting a calibration recall system.

5.4 Welding Equipment

Welding equipment to be used for certification of welders shall be located in the welding
labs of the facility. All equipment shall be designed for the welding or cutting process to
be used with the capability of providing the full range of parameters specified in the
specific Welding Procedure Specification.

5.5 Storage of Equipment

Inspection, measuring and test equipment is stored in a locked room, free from dust,
excessive temperature variations, or other environmental influences which may affect the
accuracy or fitness for use.

5.6 Material Records

All records of purchasing shall be maintained on file by the Quality Control Manager
and/or the Purchasing Department.

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Date: _____________________________

5.7 Test Materials

Upon Completion of the welder’s application, the required test material will be
withdrawn from locked storage and issued to the applicant. The heat number and
specification shall be recorded on the welder qualification checklist (see form MPCC-1)
and become part of the permanent file.

5.8 Mill Test Reports

The heat number of the base material shall be recorded on the cutting tickets for
material traceability to the mill test report. Purchase order numbers and or the Mill Test6
Report numbers may also be used on the cutting tickets to clarify the traceability to the
mill test report.

Section 6:

6.1 Weld Material Control: Weld Wire and Gasses

Welding materials that are ordered for stock (not for testing purposes) and which have
the manufacturer’s markings, are required by the AWS. Specification need not have
additional information marked on them, provided they can be traced to any required
material certification.

6.2 Welder Qualifications

All welder qualifications must be as per AWS standards. All welders will be assigned a
unique identifying symbol. The Test Advisor will maintain a list of the symbol
assignments. It is the Test Advisor responsibility to insure that these symbols are
regularly and consistently steel-die stamped, when permitted, or otherwise identified
adjacent to all welds. Copies of Welder qualification test reports and Welder
performance qualifications will be maintained and filed by the Test Supervisor.

Section 7:
Control of Quality Records

7.1 Quality Records

Mid Plains community College implements a system for the identification, collection,
storage, maintenance, retention and disposition of quality records.

7.2 Quality Assurance

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Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

Quality assurance records shall be generated and completed in

accordance with Mid-Plains Community College specifications.

7.3 Test Supervisor

A Test Supervisor shall collect all test documents; review the documents for
completeness, legibility and identification.

7.4 Corrections
Corrections to documents shall be accomplished by completing the top left box
contained on each page of the manual and the front Manual Revision Status section.

7.5 Storage of Records

All quality records are stored at the North Campus of Mid-Plains Community College in a
way that prevents damage, deterioration or loss.

7.6 Records
Records shall be labeled for easy identification and accessibility.
Records that document compliance typically include:
 Inspection records
 Mill and consumable purchase orders
 Corrective action reports
 Internal and external quality management audits

Section 8:
Qualification Testing

8.1 Applicants
Each applicant shall be assigned an identification number. It shall consist of the first
letter of their last name and the last four digits of their social security number.

8.2 Identification
Prior to initiation of welding, the applicant’s identification shall be checked by the Test
Supervisor against the photograph of the applicant’s driver’s license or similar identifying

8.3 Materials
Prior to welding, materials shall be checked by the Test Supervisor for fit-up
requirements and marked with the welder’s identification number as specified in Section
8 of this manual.

8.4 Preparation

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Date: _____________________________

Applicant shall prepare the specified test assembly for welding

in accordance with the appropriate procedures and supplements and under the direction
of the Test Supervisor or their designee. Tack welds shall be placed in locations
specified in the procedure or at the direction of the Test Supervisor, whichever is

8.5 Test Supervisor

The Test Supervisor or designee shall witness the positioning of the test weldment. All
test weldments shall remain in position until welding of the test is completed.

8.6 Cleaning
All cleaning, grinding, chipping of slag, or other process operations, shall be performed
with the test assembly in the specified welding position unless removal for cleaning is
approved directly by the Test Supervisor. Evidence of removal of the test assembly or
movement from the original location, except by accidental means or supervisor approval
(subject to concurrence of the Test Supervisor) shall be cause for test termination.

8.7 Documentation
All welder performance qualification tests that have met the specified requirements shall
be documented on the welder performance qualification record (PQR) supplied by the
Quality Control Department.

8.8 Eye Correction

When eye correction is required, the applicant shall use the eye correction specified
during the qualification testing. The type of eye correction used shall be recorded.

8.9 Welder Qualification Test Records (WQTR’s)

Each welder qualification test record shall be signed by the Quality Control Manager or
Facility Representative.

8.10 Checklist
A checklist shall be used to insure a uniform process of testing. The Test Supervisor shall
check each listed item as the test progresses (see form MPCC-1).

8.11 Retests
Retests may be allowed by the Test Supervisor, under the provisions of QC-89 Section
9.9.1 and 9.9.2. The applicant must re-apply to the Test Facility if applicable.

8.12 Welder Candidate Package

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Date: _____________________________

Each welder candidate will receive and sign a form that they
have received and read the Mid-Plains Community College Welder Candidate Package.

Section 9:
Destructive and Non-Destructive Inspection

9.1 Inspection
All inspection including visual, destructive and non-destructive shall be done in
accordance with the latest ANSI/AWS, ASME, API Standards or as applicable to other
standards allowed.

9.2 Codes
All inspections shall conform to applicable welding codes, standards or procedures shall
be performed by a current Certified Welding Inspector.

9.3 Code Requirement

A written Welding Procedure Specification and Performance Test Descriptions shall meet
any requirements required by the specific standard or code that work is performed.

9.4 Visual Inspection

Visual inspection acceptance criteria for qualification test assemblies shall be defined in
the appropriate code or standard utilized and performed by a CWI.

9.5 Non-Destructive Testing

Non-destructive testing shall meet ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 6, ASME IX, and API or like
requirements for other codes. When non-destructive testing is utilized, the testing shall
be performed by personnel certified to SNT Level II.

Section 10:
Measuring and Testing Equipment

10.1 Maintenance of Equipment

The Quality Control Manager shall ensure proper maintenance of all equipment used for
testing or measuring. Request for maintenance forms will be employed to request the
proper maintenance personnel. (see form MPCC-3).

10.2 Servicing Equipment

The Quality Control Manager shall take out of service any equipment that doesn’t
perform as intended by the manufacturer. Repaired equipment must show to be
functional by testing or calibration.

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Date: _____________________________

10.3 Measuring Test Equipment

Measuring and test equipment shall be calibrated by the Quality Control Manager or a
qualified designee before being placed in service. A calibration chart shall be kept on
each piece of equipment used for testing.

10.4 Tagging Equipment

The Quality Control Manager shall attach a tag or sticker that shows calibration dates
and due dates to equipment requiring calibration.

10.5 Calibration Tests

Dates of calibration of test equipment shall be made before placement into the facility
program. Calibration thereafter shall be done at intervals as required by the code,
manufacturer recommendations, or accepted industry standards.

10.6 Records
Records of measuring and testing equipment shall be kept and made available to those
authorized when requested.

Section 11:
Handling and Storage of Test Specimens

11.1 Material Markings

All materials shall be marked with the PO/heat number as applicable and the type of
material. This identification shall be performed by the Quality Control Manager or a
designee upon receipt of materials. MTR numbers may also be used to clarify

11.2 Material Storage

The Quality Control Manager or designee shall insure all test materials are secured in a
suitable locked storage area designed to secure and protect test specimen materials.

11.3 Test Identification

Welder’s tests shall be identified by stamping the test with the following:
a) Welder’s first initial of last name and the last four digits of their social security
b) Welding procedure number if applicable
c) Welding position

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Date: _____________________________

(Markings will be placed as close as practical to edge of welds

but outside of any required test coupon areas. Test coupons shall also be identified by
welder’s ID number and the type of specimen it is as well as position the specimen was run
in. Markings on bend specimens shall be placed on the side to be bent (i.e. a face bend
shall be marked on the face side; a root bend shall be marked on the root side etc.)
Acceptable marks shall be stamps, or other means of permanent marking of specimens.

11.4 Disposal of Specimens

Test samples and specimens shall be retained for thirty (30) days. After the 30-day
minimum retention period, the samples may be disposed of provided the samples are
destroyed in a manner that renders them useless. These specimens shall be disposed of
and discarded as scrap materials.

Section 12:

12.1 Reporting
All nonconformances shall be reported to the test supervisor and the Quality Control
Manager. The Quality Control Manger shall then report the nonconformance to the
Facility Representative.

12.2 Investigation
The Quality Control Manager shall investigate the scope of the nonconformance, its
cause and repercussions.

12.3 Quality Control Manger Responsibilities

a) A disposition of the nonconforming items.
b) Possible revisions to procedures or the Quality Manual to prevent reoccurrence
of like nonconformance.

12.4 Nonconformance of Materials

All materials used for testing purposes at the facility that do not conform to
standards or specifications shall be marked by the Quality Control Manager as such
and removed to prevent it from being used as test material

12.5 Reporting of Nonconforming Materials

A report of nonconforming materials shall be made by the Quality Control
Manager or designee to purchasing. The report shall indicate the nature of the
nonconformity and purchasing shall then pursue the complaint to a logical

12.6 Technical Complaints

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Date: _____________________________

Technical complaints shall be reported to the Quality Control

Manager for immediate attention as described in Section 12. The Quality Control
Manager shall forward all unresolved complaints to the Facility Representative for
resolution. Complaints not solvable at the Test Facility shall be forwarded to
the AWS Q & C department for recommendations.

12.7 Records
Records of all complaints filed shall be available for AWS review.

Section 13:
Quality Assurance Procedure Review

13.1 Review
The Quality Control Manager shall review the Quality Assurance Manual annually.

13.2 Management
The Quality Assurance System shall be reviewed annually by the management or their

13.3 Records
Records of the annual review shall indicate their findings or other actions taken.

13.4 Storage
Records of the annual review shall be kept on file for review by those authorized to do

13.5 Approval
The Facility Representative shall approve and direct all changes found during the annual

Section 14:
Quality Records

14.1 Maintenance of Records

The Quality Control Manager shall maintain the following records for a period not less
than five (5) years:
a) Original observations
b) Calculations and derived data
c) Calibration records

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d) Final test reports

14.2 Storage of Records

The Quality Control Manager shall be responsible for record storage that meets
the following conditions:
a) Records and Test Reports remain confidential
b) Records and Test Reports to be secured by locked storage
c) All access to records and Test Reports shall be approved by the Quality Control
Manager or the Facility Representative.

Section 15:
Report Forms

15.1 Standard Report Forms

Standard report forms as required or recommended by AWS standards shall be used and
completed by the Quality Control Manager or a Designee.

15.2 Directions
Reports shall be completed clearly and accurately. Blanks and space that are “not
applicable” on test reports shall be marked “NA”.

15.3 Copies
Copies of reports shall be available to the Facility Representative for review
purposes and approval.

15.4 All Reports

All reports shall be returned promptly to the AWS Q & C Department.

Section 16:

16.1 Standard
ANSI standard Z49.1: 2012 or later (Safety in Welding and Cutting) shall be used as
safety guidelines at Mid-Plains Community College, North Campus Welding.

16.2 Safety Regulations

Safety Regulations as required by Mid-Plains Community College shall be observed.
Each candidate that uses the Test Facility shall be made aware of the safety requirements
of the specific location where the work is to be done. A safety check-off shall be used
for each candidate that intends to make use of the facility. The candidate’s signature
and date will be required on the safety check-off before being allowed to work in the lab.

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The safety check-off will be kept on file with other records of

each candidate.

16.3 Candidates and Non-Candidates Safety

Welders working in the Test Facility shall abide by all applicable safety rules. Failure
to abide by written standards of safety will be cause for expulsion from the facility. The
discretion shall be the responsibility of the Quality Control Manger.

16.4 Location and Safety Standard

The Quality Control Manager for reference shall keep a current copy of
ANSI Z49.1 at the facility location.

16.5 Unsafe Equipment

All unsafe equipment shall be taken out of service and reported to the personnel
responsible for maintenance of said equipment. All equipment deemed unsafe shall
be repaired and inspected before returning to service.

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Approved: _______________________
Date: _____________________________

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Mid-Plains Community College Welding Quality Assurance Manual 18 | P a g e

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