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Safety Applications

with the S7-1200 FC

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Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 How to Use this Document ............................................................................... 9
2 Why Safety with the S7-1200 FC CPU? ........................................................... 9
3 Description of an Automation Task ............................................................... 10
4 PL and SIL ........................................................................................................ 11
4.1 Achieving PL c/SIL 1 .......................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Interconnection examples .................................................................. 12
4.1.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration ................................. 13
4.2 Achieving PL d/SIL 2 .......................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Interconnection examples .................................................................. 14
4.2.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration ................................. 15
4.3 Achieving PL e/SIL 3 .......................................................................... 18
4.3.1 Interconnection examples .................................................................. 18
4.3.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration ................................. 18
5 Prepared User Scenarios ................................................................................ 19
6 What applies to all user scenarios ................................................................. 22
6.1 Installing the user scenario................................................................. 22
6.2 Interlocking mechanisms for safety doors with guard locking ............ 25
6.3 RFID safety switches .......................................................................... 28
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6.4 Program structure ............................................................................... 28

6.5 Brief description of the F-library blocks .............................................. 30
6.6 Passivation and reintegration ............................................................. 31
6.7 Value status ........................................................................................ 33
6.8 Notes on the electric actuators ........................................................... 33
7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3 .................................. 34
7.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 34
7.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 34
7.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 34
7.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 35
7.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 36
7.6 Description of the user block FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23 ................... 37
7.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 38
7.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 39
8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1 .......................................... 40
8.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 40
8.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 40
8.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 40
8.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 41
8.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 42
8.6 Description of the user block FB F02EStopPLcSIL1 ......................... 43
8.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 44
8.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 45
9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2 .......................................... 46
9.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 46
9.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 46
9.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 46
9.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 47
9.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 48
9.6 Description of the user block FB F03EStopPLdSIL2 ........................ 49

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9.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 50

9.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 51
10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1 .......................................... 52
10.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 52
10.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 52
10.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 52
10.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 53
10.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 54
10.6 Description of the user block FB F04EStopPLcSIL1 ......................... 54
10.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 56
10.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 56
11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL
2, 3 ..................................................................................................................... 58
11.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 58
11.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 58
11.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 58
11.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 58
11.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 60
11.6 Description of the user block FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23 ..................... 61
11.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 62
11.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 63
12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1 .......... 64
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12.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 64

12.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 64
12.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 64
12.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 64
12.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 65
12.6 Description of the user block FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1 ......................... 67
12.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 68
12.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 68
13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2 .......... 70
13.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 70
13.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 70
13.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 70
13.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 71
13.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 72
13.6 Description of the user block FB F07FDoorSIL2PL .......................... 73
13.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 74
13.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 75
14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1 .......... 76
14.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 76
14.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 76
14.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 76
14.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 77
14.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 78
14.6 Description of the user block FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1 ........................ 79
14.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 80
14.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 81
15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL
2, 3 ..................................................................................................................... 82
15.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 82
15.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 82

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15.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 82

15.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 83
15.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 84
15.6 Description of the user block FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23 ..................... 85
15.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 86
15.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 87
16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2 ........ 88
16.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 88
16.2 Safety function .................................................................................... 88
16.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 88
16.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 89
16.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 90
16.6 Description of the user block FB F10FDoorPldSIL2 ......................... 91
16.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................... 92
16.8 Operation of the user scenario ........................................................... 93
17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3 .......... 94
17.1 Sensor/actuator .................................................................................. 94
17.2 Safety functions .................................................................................. 94
17.3 Hardware and software components ................................................. 94
17.4 Wiring ................................................................................................. 95
17.5 Brief description of the core functionality ........................................... 96
17.6 Description of the user block FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23 ..................... 98
17.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 100
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17.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 100

18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ............ 102
18.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 102
18.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 102
18.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 102
18.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 103
18.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 104
18.6 Description of the user block FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1 ....................... 106
18.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 108
18.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 108
19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2 ........... 110
19.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 110
19.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 110
19.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 110
19.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 112
19.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 113
19.6 Description of the user block FB
F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2 ..................................................... 115
19.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 117
19.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 118
20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ............ 120
20.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 120
20.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 120
20.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 120
20.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 122
20.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 123
20.6 Description of the user block FB
F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1 ..................................................... 125
20.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 127
20.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 128

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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard

Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3 ............................................................................ 129
21.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 129
21.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 129
21.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 129
21.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 130
21.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 131
21.6 Description of the user block FB F15EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23 ......... 132
21.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 134
21.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 134
22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard
Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ..................................................................................... 136
22.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 136
22.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 136
22.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 136
22.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 137
22.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 137
22.6 Description of the user block FB F16EStopFDoorPLcSIL1 ............. 139
22.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 140
22.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 141
23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard
Locking at PL d/SIL 2 .................................................................................... 143
23.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 143
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23.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 143

23.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 143
23.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 145
23.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 146
23.6 Description of the user block FB F17EStopFDoorPLdSIL2 ............. 147
23.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 149
23.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 149
24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard
Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ..................................................................................... 151
24.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 151
24.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 151
24.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 151
24.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 153
24.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 154
24.6 Description of the user block FB F18EStopFDoorPLcSIL1 ............. 155
24.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 157
24.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 157
25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard
Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3 ............................................................................ 159
25.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 159
25.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 159
25.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 159
25.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 160
25.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 161
25.6 Description of the user block FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23 ........ 162
25.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 164
25.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 164
26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard
Locking at PL d/SIL 2 .................................................................................... 166
26.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 166

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26.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 166

26.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 166
26.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 168
26.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 169
26.6 Description of the user block FB F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2 ............. 170
26.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 172
26.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 172
27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard
Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3 ............................................................................ 174
27.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 174
27.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 174
27.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 174
27.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 176
27.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 177
27.6 Description of the user block FB F21EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23 ......... 179
27.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 181
27.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 182
28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard
Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ..................................................................................... 184
28.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 184
28.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 184
28.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 184
28.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 186
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28.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 187

28.6 Description of the user block FB F22EStopFDoorPLcSIL1 ............. 189
28.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 191
28.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 192
29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard
Locking at PL d/SIL 2 .................................................................................... 194
29.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 194
29.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 194
29.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 194
29.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 197
29.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 197
29.6 Description of the user block FB
F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2 ........................................... 199
29.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 202
29.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 202
29.9 Additional information on engineering .............................................. 205
29.9.1 Emergency stop ............................................................................... 205
29.9.2 Safety door including guard locking ................................................. 206
29.9.3 SINAMICS G120 .............................................................................. 208
30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard
Locking at PL c/SIL 1 ..................................................................................... 210
30.1 Sensor/actuator ................................................................................ 210
30.2 Safety function .................................................................................. 210
30.3 Hardware and software components ............................................... 210
30.4 Wiring ............................................................................................... 212
30.5 Brief description of the core functionality ......................................... 213
30.6 Description of the user block FB
F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1 ........................................... 215
30.7 Configuration and parameterization ................................................. 217
30.8 Operation of the user scenario ......................................................... 218
31 Links and Literature ...................................................................................... 221

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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Table of Contents

32 History............................................................................................................. 221
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Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

Entry ID: 109478932, V2.0, 01/2018 8
1 How to Use this Document

1 How to Use this Document

This document describes a large number of typical user scenarios from the field of
functional safety. From this variety of user scenarios, you can select (chapter 5
and the following chapters) a scenario you are particularly interested in. Therefore,
it is not necessary to read the entire document.

2 Why Safety with the S7-1200 FC CPU?

Simple stand-alone solutions
SIMATIC S7-1200 with Safety Integrated is the intelligent choice for all the
everyday standard and fail-safe automation tasks with a small project scope:
 Certified for functional safety according to EN 61508 (version 2010)
 Suitable for use in safety-related applications up to SIL 3 according to IEC
62061:2005 + A1:2012 + A2:2015 and PL e according to EN ISO 13849-
 Additional password protection for the F-configuration and safety program

F-blocks certified by TÜV are available for support. You can integrate these blocks
into your solutions. This document supports you in doing so.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The S7-1200 FC CPU also supports distributed solutions. In this context, the
PROFIsafe profile allows safety-related applications.

Economic efficiency
As part of Safety Integrated, the S7-1200 FC CPU stands for the consistent
implementation of safety technology in the sense of Totally Integrated Automation.
This includes consistent and convenient integration of safety technology into
standard automation. This results in tremendous advantages for machine
manufacturers and plant operators – particularly in economic terms.

The TIA Portal automation platform

Engineering of the S7-1200 FC CPU is performed based on the TIA Portal
automation platform. This allows you to access all the advantages of Totally
Integrated Automation (TIA): TIA Portal is designed for efficiency, intuitive
operation and future viability. It allows you to solve all the engineering tasks of
automation and drive technology.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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3 Description of an Automation Task

3 Description of an Automation Task

This document assumes that a risk analysis and assessment have already been
performed. The technical measures for risk reduction on the cutting machine to be
examined are implemented through the safety devices safety door and emergency
stop pushbutton (see the figure below)
Figure 3-1 Cutting machine with safety door and emergency stop pushbutton
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The following questions reflect the automation task to be discussed in this

 Safety door with or without guard locking?
 Is it possible to open the safety door during operation without shutting down
the machine?
 How do I connect the components?
 How does the PLC support me?
 How and what can I parameterize? What can I program?
 How do I achieve PL e/SIL 3?
 What if I don't need PL e/SIL 3 but PL d/SIL 2 or PL c/SIL 1?

This document provides specific answers to these questions. Before chapter 5 and
the following chapters refer to specific user scenarios, chapter 4 provides basic
information on the safety integrity and performance level.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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4 PL and SIL

4 PL and SIL
The performance level (PL) or safety integrity level (SIL) classifies electrical and
(programmable) electronic systems in terms of the reliability of safety functions.
You implement a
 PL when you follow EN ISO 13849-1:2015.
 SIL when you follow IEC 61508 (basic standard) or IEC 62061:2005 + A1:2012
+ A2:2015 (sector standard).

Table 4 of EN ISO 13849-1:2015 specifies a relationship between PL and SIL:

Table 4-1 Relationship between performance level (PL) and safety integrity level (SIL) from
table 4 of EN ISO 13849-1:2015
PL SIL (high/continuous mode of operation)
a -
b 1
c 1
d 2
e 3

The following applies:

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PL e/SIL 3 describes the highest degree of safety.

NOTICE This document does not replace the standards for functional safety!
However, it shows concise aspects of engineering and its aim is to contribute to
their clarification.

Note The statements in this chapter are of a general nature. They do not directly relate
to the F-library blocks offered for this documentation or settings of the associated
hardware configuration.

Note The following sections list the numerical values for the probability of a dangerous
failure per hour. You need these PFHD values to assess your safety function.
This assessment can be made conveniently using the Safety Evaluation Tool
(SET). For the SET, visit

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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4 PL and SIL

4.1 Achieving PL c/SIL 1

This chapter deals with emergency stops and position switches. The statements
generally apply to electromechanical components.
The following applies to PL c/SIL 1:
 10−6 ≤ 𝑃𝐹𝐻𝐷 < 3 10−5
 The circuit design may be a single-channel design.

4.1.1 Interconnection examples

Example of an emergency stop interconnection

Assign the emergency stop signal to the F-DI on a single-channel basis to achieve
PL c/SIL 1.
Figure 4-1 Emergency stop interconnection for PL c/SIL 1

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Example of a safety door interconnection

Assign the position switch signal to the F-DI on a single-channel basis to achieve
PL c/SIL 1.
Figure 4-2 Interconnection of a position switch for PL c/SIL 1


Position switch

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4 PL and SIL

4.1.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration

You can assign – on a single-channel basis – the emergency stop pushbutton (or
position switch) to any channel (shown for channel 0 in the below figure).
Figure 4-3 Settings for the F-DI in the hardware configuration

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 4-2 Explanation of the above figure

No. Explanation
Select the appropriate channel pair (here: "Channel 0, 8").

The default setting is "1oo1 evaluation".

Note: 1oo1 = 1 out of 1
The channels are activated by default.
Note: You should deactivate unused channels.
For PL c/SIL 1, you can set internal or external sensor supply.
Note: We recommend the internal sensor supply offered in the hardware
configuration of the respective user scenarios.

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4 PL and SIL

4.2 Achieving PL d/SIL 2

This chapter deals with emergency stops and position switches. The statements
generally apply to electromechanical components.
The following applies to PL d/SIL 2:
 10−7 ≤ 𝑃𝐹𝐻𝐷 < 10−6
 The circuit design should be a two-channel design ∗1 ).
 Internal or external sensor supply can be used.
∗ ) Single-channel circuit design (hardware fault tolerance (HFT) = 0) is basically
possible for
PL d/SIL 2; in this case, however, you have to increase the safe failure fraction
(SFF). When HFT = 0, this value would be in the following range:
90% ≤ 𝑆𝐹𝐹 < 99%

Note The correlation between HFT and SFF can be found in table 5 of
IEC 62061:2005 + A1:2012 + A2:2015 (see \4\). For help with
IEC 62061, please refer to
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4.2.1 Interconnection examples

Example of an emergency stop

Assign the emergency stop signal to the F-DI on a two-channel basis to achieve PL
d/SIL 2.
Figure 4-4 Emergency stop interconnection for PL d/SIL 2


Example of a safety door application

Use two position switches to achieve PL d/SIL 2. Assign each switch to the F-DI on
a single-channel basis. The evaluation itself is performed on a two-channel basis
(for more information, please refer to chapter 4.2.2).

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4 PL and SIL

Figure 4-5 Interconnection of a position switch for PL d/SIL 2


Position switch 1

Position switch 2

4.2.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration

Emergency stop
You can assign the emergency stop to any provided channel pair (this is shown for
the channel pair 0 and 8 in the below figure).
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Figure 4-6 Settings of the F-DI for the emergency stop in the hardware configuration

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4 PL and SIL

Table 4-3 Explanation of the above figure

No. Explanation
Select the appropriate channel pair (here: "Channel 0, 8").

Select "1oo2 evaluation, equivalent"

Note: 1oo1 = 1 out of 2, equivalent due to the same logic (normally closed contact,
NC/NC) of the sensors
For PL d/SIL 2, after a channel fault, reintegration requires a FALSE signal.

The channels are activated by default.

Note: You should deactivate unused channels.
For PL d/SIL 2, you can set internal or external sensor supply.
Note: We recommend the internal sensor supply offered in the hardware
configuration of the respective user scenarios.

1002 evaluation automatically applies for the second channel.

1002 evaluation automatically applies for the second channel.

Position switches
In the prepared examples, the 1oo2 evaluation of the position switches is
performed by the FB SFDOOR F-library block. This block requires a single-channel
signal at each of two inputs. For this reason, each of the two inputs is
parameterized as a 1oo1 evaluation in the hardware configuration.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Figure 4-7 Settings of the F-DI for the position switches in the hardware configuration

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4 PL and SIL

Here, too, the following applies:

 You should deactivate unused channels.
 For PL d/SIL 2, you can set internal or external sensor supply.
We recommend internal sensor supply.
 For PL d/SIL 2, after a channel fault, reintegration requires a FALSE signal. For
the safety door, this is automatically done by the
FB SFDOOR F-library block so that, in the hardware configuration, the "Test 0-
Signal not necessary" setting can be kept.

Note To implement a 1oo1 evaluation with two sensors for each switch, it is not
mandatory to select a channel pair (e.g., 0, 8 or 1, 9 or …).

Figure 4-8 1oo2 evaluation in the FB SFDOOR F-library block

1oo2 evaluation is
performed in the block
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4 PL and SIL

4.3 Achieving PL e/SIL 3

This chapter deals with emergency stops and position switches. The statements
generally apply to electromechanical components.
The following applies to PL e/SIL 3:
 The circuit design must be a two-channel design and a cross-circuit must be
safely detected or ruled out.
 10−8 ≤ 𝑃𝐹𝐻𝐷 < 10−7

4.3.1 Interconnection examples

Example of an emergency stop

The interconnection for SIL 3/PL e is the same as the one shown in Figure 4-4 for
PL d/SIL 2.

Example of a safety door application

The interconnection for SIL 3/PL e is the same as the one shown in Figure 4-5 for
PL d/SIL 2.

4.3.2 Settings in the STEP 7 hardware configuration

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Emergency stop
The settings of PL d/SIL 2 apply. In addition, the following applies:
The ability to withstand crossover required by PL e/SIL 3 can only be implemented
using internal sensor supply.
Figure 4-9 Activating the short-circuit test

Note You can deactivate the short-circuit test if you can otherwise rule out a cross-
circuit, for example, by installing protected lines. The short-circuit test must be
deactivated for sensors that perform internal short-circuit monitoring.

Position switches
The statements under "Position switches" in chapter 4.2.2 apply. In addition, the
statements made on the emergency stop earlier in this chapter (4.3.2) apply

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5 Prepared User Scenarios

5 Prepared User Scenarios

Prepared user scenarios
In many areas of production engineering, emergency stop buttons and safety doors
are typical safety devices to implement your safety function. Various options exist
for implementing typical safety functions with emergency stop and/or safety door.
From a total of 24 user scenarios, we offer you solutions for your safety function
with emergency stop and safety door. All solutions include the F-program block that
solves the automation task.
Simply select your application from the table on the page following the next page.
Figure 5-1 Emergency stop pushbutton + safety door with guard locking
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5 Prepared User Scenarios

Table 5-1 Matrix of the prepared user scenarios

Scenario Safety level Safety device Actuator
No. PL SIL Emergency Safety door Contactor SINAMICS G120 via Link
stop (central PROFIsafe
Without guard locking With guard configuration)
Position RFID safety
switch switch
1 d, e 2, 3 X X Chapter 7
2 c 1 X X Chapter 8
3 d 2 X X Chapter 9
4 c 1 X X Chapter 10
5 d, e 2, 3 X X Chapter 0
6 c 1 X X Chapter 12
7 d 2 X X Chapter 13
8 c 1 X X Chapter 14
9 d, e 2, 3 X X Chapter 15
10 X X Chapter 16

d 2
11 d, e 2, 3 X X Chapter 17
12 c 1 X X Chapter 18
13 d 2 X X Chapter 19
14 c 1 X X Chapter 20
15 d, e 2, 3 X X X Chapter 21
16 c 1 X X X Chapter 22
17 d 2 X X X Chapter 23
18 c 1 X X X Chapter 24
19 d, e 2, 3 X X X Chapter 25
20 d 2 X X X Chapter 26
21 d, e 2, 3 X X X Chapter 27

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5 Prepared User Scenarios

Scenario Safety level Safety device Actuator

No. PL SIL Emergency Safety door Contactor SINAMICS G120 via Link
stop (central PROFIsafe
Without guard locking With guard configuration)
Position RFID safety
switch switch
22 c 1 X X X Chapter 28
23 d 2 X X X Chapter 29
24 c 1 X X X Chapter 30

The row highlighted in color in the above table shows scenarios that provide additional information on engineering and are also valid for
other scenarios. These additional scenarios comprise:
 Emergency stop
 Safety door including guard locking

Password for changes in the safety program: siemens

Solution for the user scenarios

Each of the 24 user scenarios is discussed in a separate chapter (chapter 7 and the following chapters).
This concisely provides you with all the information required for the user scenario you are reading.
The next chapter, 6, provides global information that applies to all user scenarios.
At the appropriate points in the individual user scenarios, there are links to this information.
You can read the next chapter (6) or specifically access it from the individual user scenarios.

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

6 What applies to all user scenarios

6.1 Installing the user scenario

Note If you make changes to safety-related settings or the safety program, you will be
prompted for a password. This password is siemens.

When you have selected your user scenario, the following instructions help you
download and use it.

Downloading the S7_1200F_LIB_V15 library

1. Download the file to any Windows directory.
2. Extract the zip file: "Right-click > 7-Zip > Extract"

Opening the S7_1200F_LIB_V15 library

3. In TIA Portal, create a new S7 project: "Project > New".
4. Enter a name and the storage path.
5. Click "Libraries"
Figure 6-1 Opening libraries
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6. Click the "open global library" icon

Figure 6-2 "open global library" icon

7. Locate the S7_1200F_LIB_V15 file

Important: Uncheck "Open as read-only" before you click "Open".
Figure 6-3 "Open as read-only" checked

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

Hardware configuration, F-user block and selection of the user scenario

8. Open the folder of your user scenario (shown here: "01EStopSIL3PLe").
9. Use drag and drop to move "PLC_1" to "Devices & networks"
Figure 6-4 Drag and drop hardware configuration to STEP 7 project

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop

10. Open "Program blocks"

Figure 6-5 "Program blocks" folder
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The F-user block is located in the STEP 7 project.

11. Select "PLC_1 [CPU 1215FC DC/DC/RLY]" > Right-click > "Compile" >
"Hardware (rebuild all)".
12. Select "PLC_1 [CPU 1215FC DC/DC/RLY]" > Right-click > "Compile" >
"Software (rebuild all blocks)".
13. "Save project".

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

Downloading to the CPU

1. Select the "PLC_1" F-CPU.
Right-click > Download to device > Hardware configuration
2. Establish an online connection to the S7-1200 FC CPU.
Figure 6-6 Preparing the download
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3. Select the "PLC_1" F-CPU.

Right-click > Download to device > Software (only changes)

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

6.2 Interlocking mechanisms for safety doors with guard

You should read this chapter if you are using a safety door with guard locking.
An output of the F-DQ activates a magnet in the position switch. The magnet
implements guard locking depending on whether
(1 signal from the F-DQ) or not (0 signal from the F-DQ) it is activated.
Figure 6-7 Control of the coil in the position switch

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Basically, there are two interlocking mechanisms:

 Locking with electro-magnetic force
 Locking with spring force

Locking with electro-magnetic force

To interlock the safety door, the coil must be controlled with 1 signal.

Locking with spring force

To interlock the safety door, the coil must be de-energized (0 signal).

Which option is preferable?

Locking with spring force has the advantage that in the event of a failure of the F-
DQ channel that controls the coil of the position switch, this channel safely outputs
0 signal and therefore the coil remains de-energized; this means the guard locking
of the safety door remains active or is automatically activated. For this reason, the
user scenarios for safety doors with guard locking shown here use the locking with
spring force mechanism.

Monitoring the locking device

The SIRIUS 3SE5 position switch allows monitoring of the locking device position.
This information is read in via a standard DI.

Safety door signals

The following section provides an overview of the safety door signals

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

 fDoorCoil
 eMagnet
 sepAct
 hingedSwitch
are variables of the safety program of your user scenario.

Figure 6-8 Correlation between control of guard locking (fDoorCoil variable) and monitoring
of guard locking (eMagnet variable)
“fDoorCoil” = 0
(0 signal from F-DQ) 41
“eMagnet” = 1
E1 E2

“fDoorCoil” = 1
(1 signal from F-DQ) 41
causes “eMagnet” = 0
E1 E2

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Figure 6-9 Correlation between the actuator and the "sepAct" variable
Actuator inserted 11
(door closed)
causes “sepAct” = 1

Actuator not inserted 11
(door open)
causes “sepAct” = 0


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6 What applies to all user scenarios

Figure 6-10 Hinge switch

(door closed) “hingedSwitch” = 1

Hinge switch
“sepAct” = 0
(door open)


Normative assessment of guard locking

For the normative assessment of a safety door application, a distinction has to
made between:
 Opening and closing of the safety door
 Guard locking of the safety door
Due to the use of spring-actuated lock position switches, guard locking remains
active in the event of an electrical fault (e.g., passivation of the channel of the F-
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

DQ) (safety door cannot be opened).

A fault current on the magnet at a time when the safety door must be closed
(hazardous machine active, "fDoorCoil"=1) must result in the safe shutdown of the
machine. Theoretically, someone could open the door at this very moment, which
might cause a hazard. Therefore, PL e/SIL 3 e cannot be achieved for the guard
Chapter 8.4 (see \3\) of DIN EN ISO 14119 addresses this subject and assumes
that in most cases the required PL or SIL of the guard locking function is lower than
the required PL or SIL of the interlocking function. The probability of a guard
locking function failure while a person simultaneously enters the area is considered
to be very low.
The user scenarios provided in this document are based on this assessment.

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

6.3 RFID safety switches

Internally, the non-contact RFID safety switches have a two-channel design.
Because of this, and because it is tamper-proof due to its RFID technology, a
redundant safety switch is not required to achieve PL e or SIL 3.
Figure 6-11 RFID safety switch

When parameterizing, keep in mind that the RFID safety switch performs an
internal short-circuit test. Therefore, deselect short-circuit monitoring in the DI
parameters (see Figure 4-9). If you need short-circuit monitoring for other sensors
connected to the F-DI, set "external power supply" for the RFID safety switch. Then
short-circuit monitoring can remain selected.
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6.4 Program structure

The block offered for your user scenario is your user interface (F-user FB). All other
blocks that are used need not be edited. To provide an overall understanding of the
F-user FB within the safety program, some explanations will be given below.

F-library blocks
To implement the respective safety function, the F-user FBs access certified F-
library blocks included in STEP 7 Safety. The following F-library blocks are used in
the application examples shown here:
 Emergency stop (FB ESTOP1)
 Safety door (FB SFDOOR)
 Readback (FB FDBACK)
 Reintegration via all F-I/O (FB ACK_GL)

F-user FB
The F-user FB of your selected user scenario includes at least two of the above-
listed F-library blocks.

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

Figure 6-12 F-user FB and used F-library blocks

F-user FB



FB FDBACK F-library blocks

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While you can change the F-user FB,

the F-library blocks are know-how protected.

Note The F-user FBs are also provided to you in a block library. However, this is not
the F-library included in STEP 7 Safety.

Execution of the safety program

The standard program is interrupted by the safety program (F-program) in fixed
time slices. During this process, an F-OB (FOB_RTG1) calls the
Main_Safety_RTG1 F-block.
Figure 6-13 Call of the safety program

FB Main_Safety_RTG1 calls the F-user FB.

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

6.5 Brief description of the F-library blocks

The following section provides a brief description of the functionality of the
F-library blocks.

Note For related information on the individual F-library blocks, please refer to the
STEP 7 online help.
Select the F-library block in the safety program editor > Press "F5"

Emergency stop: FB ESTOP1

The signals from the emergency stop pushbutton are read in to the F-DI on a two-
channel basis (except for SIL1/PL c). To achieve PL e/SIL 3, both signals must
carry the same signal when the emergency stop pushbutton is actuated within a
certain configurable time. When this time is exceeded, the block reacts in the same
way as when the emergency stop is pressed: by resetting the Q output.
Figure 6-14 Discrepancy analysis for the emergency stop

E-stop F-DI
Chnl 1
Chnl 2
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The evaluation of the two channels is performed in the F-DI. In the safety program,
the processed signal is available as an input in the process image. This always
corresponds to the lower address of the two channels.

Safety door: FB SFDOOR

This F-FB monitors the correct closing of the safety door. In the examples, the
evaluation is performed via two input channels:
 Insertion of the actuator into the position switch
 Position of the hinge switch
Figure 6-15 Reading in position switch/actuator and hinge switch

Position switch

Hinge switch

If the two signals do not correlate as expected, this will be detected as a fault and
the Q output will not be set/reset.

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

An actuator – that has broken off the swinging part of the safety door – inserted in
the position switch outputs the information "safety door closed" when the safety
door is opened. The hinge switch, in contrast, outputs the information "safety door
open". This discrepancy is detected by FB SFDOOR and the Q output is reset to 0
After such a fault, it is always necessary to completely open and close the safety
door before the fault can be acknowledged. This ensures that, for example, an
actuator that has broken off is safely detected.

Readback: FB FDBACK
This block compares, for example for a contactor, whether the state of the
contactor coil correctly correlates with the state of the contactor auxiliary contact.
Figure 6-16 FB FDBACK

auxiliary contact

Contactor coil
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If these two states are not plausible to each other after a configurable period of
time, the Q output (here: the contactor coil) will be safely disabled. This allows you
to react, for example, to a welded contactor.

Reintegration: FB ACK_GL
Passivated F-modules/channels cannot output process values until the fault has
been cleared and the F-module/channel has been reintegrated (see also chapter
6.6). With FB ACK_GL used here, you reintegrate the entire F-I/O of an F-runtime

6.6 Passivation and reintegration

The safety program provides a set of commands that allows you to safely shut
down one or more actuators. Typical applications include emergency stop or the
unauthorized opening of a safety door.
Furthermore, situations can arise where functional errors occur. In this context, the
following example describes a discrepancy error:
Two sensors (normally closed contacts, NC) are read in via an F-DI. A time value is
configured to evaluate the discrepancy time. If a sensor changes its state, e.g. from
1 to 0 signal, this change must also be made – within the configured discrepancy

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

time – by the sensor on the other channel; otherwise, the F-system detects a
functional error (here: discrepancy error).
Figure 6-17 Passivation due to discrepancy error

Sensor 1 Chnl 1
Discrepancy Time Discrepancy
Sensor 2 Chnl 2 analysis elapsed error

The discrepancy error automatically results in passivation of the respective

In case of passivation, the affected channel outputs substitute values (0 signal)
instead of the process values. The author of the safety program must ensure that 0
signal corresponds to the safe state.

Even if the error that caused passivation is no longer present, passivation persists.
To enable the passivated channel to output process values, reintegration is

Note The term "depassivation" is also used as a synonym for reintegration. This
document uses only the term reintegration.
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Reintegration of the F-I/O after clearing the errors requires user acknowledgment
with a positive edge at the ACK_REI variable of the F-I/O DB. For this purpose, you
can provide, for example, the acknowledgment button, a separate button or also an

Death or severe personal injury may result if you implement reintegration

in the program without deliberate acknowledgment (automatic
Automatic reintegration may only be used if it does not result in hazards such as
the unexpected startup of hazardous machines. The risk analysis is to confirm

In addition, the FB ACK_GL F-library block provides you with the option to
reintegrate the entire F-I/O (see chapter 6.5).

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6 What applies to all user scenarios

6.7 Value status

The value status is binary additional information on a channel value of an
F-I/O and entered in the process input image (PII).
Variable names that contain the value status have the "VS" suffix at the end. The
value status provides you with information on the valid channel value:
 1: A valid process value is output for the channel.
 0: A substitute value is output for the channel.

The table below shows an example of the address assignment in the PII for the 16-
channel F-DI:

Table 6-1 Example of the address assignment in the PII for a fail-safe digital input module with 16
Byte in Assigned bits in the F-CPU per F-module:
F-CPU 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

x+0 DI8 DI7 DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1

x+1 DI16 DI15 DI14 DI13 DI12 DI11 DI10 DI9
x+2 DI8 DI7 DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1
value value value value value value value value
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status status status status status status status status

x+3 DI16 DI15 DI14 DI13 DI12 DI11 DI10 DI9
value value value value value value value value
status status status status status status status status

The address of the value status of a fail-safe input E0.0 would be E2.0.

6.8 Notes on the electric actuators

Among other things, the user scenarios provided in this document differ in the
types of actuators used:
 Electromechanical actuators
 Electric actuators

In the case of electromechanical actuators (e.g., contactors), the readback signal is

processed accordingly by the actuator. In the case of certified electric actuators
(e.g., F-drives), safety-related checks are performed within the actuator.
The F-actuator included in the user scenarios described in this document is the
SINAMICS G120 connected via PROFINET. The safe data is exchanged via the
PROFIsafe profile and transferred using the PROFINET protocol.

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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at

PL d, e/SIL 2, 3
7.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

7.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.

7.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
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Table 7-1 Hardware

Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 7-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety Basic 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
V15 V15

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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

7.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 7-1 Emergency stop PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




K2 K1
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L+ Vs1
.3 L+ 0+
.4 M




Note In the safety program, the auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

7.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 7-2 Core functionality


Actuators Yes E-stop

switch off pressed?

No No


Stop caused by
e-stop or
1st start?

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Actuators Yes
Operational stop?
switch off

Start condition No


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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

7.6 Description of the user block FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23

Note The names of the prepared F-user FBs start with an "F" and a number for the
block number that refers to the user scenario number (e.g., FB
F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2 refers to User Scenario 20). The only exception to this
convention is FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23, which refers to User Scenario 1. "100"
was used instead of "1", because the block number "1" is assigned to the
Main_Safety_RTG1 by default.

Figure 7-3 F-user FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23

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NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 7-3 Inputs of FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up

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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Output K1K2 value status K1K2_VS BOOL 0: Fault
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors

Table 7-4 Outputs of FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency stop Information of the
emergency stop released and F-library blocks.
acknowledged Can be read out,
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL 1: for example, in the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

required Acknowledgment standard user


7.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F100EStopPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

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7 User Scenario 1: Emergency Stop at
PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

7.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released

Table 7-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1K2 picks up
3 Press stop K1K2 drops out
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Table 7-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1K2 picks up
3 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1K2 drops out
4 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
5 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
6 Start again with no. 1

Table 7-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1K2 picks up
3 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
4 Press stop Readback error is detected
5 Let the contactor drop out
6 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 1

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL

c/SIL 1
8.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

8.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.

8.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 8-1 Hardware

Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
Contactors 1 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 8-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

8.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 8-1 Emergency stop PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Vs1 0+
.3 L+
M 0-


Note In the safety program, the auxiliary contact of contactor K1 is termed "feedback".

Note Due to the use of the FB FDBACK F-library block, it is useful to monitor
readback. Basically, monitoring the readback signals is not required for PL c/SIL

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

8.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 8-2 Core functionality


Actuator Yes E-stop

switches off pressed?

No No


Stop caused by
e-stop or
1st start?


 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Actuator Yes
Operational stop?
switches off

Start condition No


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

8.6 Description of the user block FB F02EStopPLcSIL1

Figure 8-3 F-user FB F02EStopPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F02EStopPLcSIL1.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 8-3 Inputs of FB F02EStopPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment after triggering the
safety function
to reintegrate F-I/O
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Output K1 value status K1VS BOOL 0: Fault
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactor

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

Table 8-4 Outputs of FB F02EStopPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactor K1 K1 BOOL 1: Actuator Actuator on F-DQ
(contactor has
picked up)
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency stop Information of the
emergency stop released and F-library blocks.
acknowledged Can be read out,
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL 1: for example, in the
required Acknowledgment standard user

8.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F02EStopPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

function not being triggered in the event of danger.

WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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8 User Scenario 2: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

8.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released

Table 8-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1 picks up
3 Press stop K1 drops out
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 8-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1 picks up
3 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1 drops out
4 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
5 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
6 Start again with no. 1

Table 8-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start K1 picks up
3 Make sure that K1 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
4 Press stop Readback error is detected
5 Let the contactor drop out
6 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 1

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL

d/SIL 2
9.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

9.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
When the emergency stop button is pressed, the actuator is safely shut down using

9.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 9-1 Hardware
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Component No. Article number Note

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 9-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive
Startdrive V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

9.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.

Figure 9-1 Emergency stop PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ Vs1



Note For the actuators used in this user scenario, please also refer to chapter 6.8.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

9.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 9-2 Core functionality


Actuator Yes E-stop

switches off (STO) pressed?

No No


Stop caused by
e-stop or
1st start?

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Actuator Yes
Operational stop?
switches off

Start condition No


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

9.6 Description of the user block

Figure 9-3 F-user FB F03EStopPLdSIL2

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F03EStopPLdSIL2.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 9-3 Inputs of FB F03EStopPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment after triggering the
safety function
to reintegrate F-I/O
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

Table 9-4 Outputs of FB F03EStopPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Start and stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop drive At the "EnableAxis"
drive 1: Start drive input of the
(DriveLib block).
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL 1:
required Acknowledgment

9.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

commissioning FB F03EStopPLdSIL2. Customizations are possible.

The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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9 User Scenario 3: Emergency Stop at PL d/SIL 2

9.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released

Table 9-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
3 Press stop DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 9-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
3 Press the emergency stop (eStop) DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 0
4 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
5 Start again with no. 1

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL

c/SIL 1
10.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

10.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
When the emergency stop button is pressed, the actuator is safely shut down using

10.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 10-1 Hardware

Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 10-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive
Startdrive V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

10.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 10-1 Emergency stop PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





L+ Vs1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved




Note For the actuators used in this user scenario, please also refer to chapter 6.8.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

10.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 10-2 Core functionality


Actuator Yes E-stop

switches off (STO) pressed?

No No


Stop caused by
e-stop or
1st start?

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Actuator Yes
Operational stop?
switches off

Start condition No


10.6 Description of the user block FB F04EStopPLcSIL1

Figure 10-3 F-user FB F04EStopPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F04EStopPLcSIL1.

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 10-3 Inputs of FB F04EStopPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment after triggering the
safety function
to reintegrate F-I/O
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 10-4 Outputs of FB F04EStopPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Start and stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop drive At the "EnableAxis"
drive 1: Start drive input of the
(DriveLib block).
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL 1:
required Acknowledgment

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

10.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F04EStopPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

refer to chapter 4.1.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

10.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released

Table 10-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
3 Press stop DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 1

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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10 User Scenario 4: Emergency Stop at PL c/SIL 1

Table 10-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
2 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
3 Press the emergency stop (eStop) DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 0
4 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
5 Start again with no. 1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3
11.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

11.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
Opening the safety door safely shuts down the actuator.

11.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 11-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher

SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 2 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 2 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 11-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

11.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Figure 11-1 Safety door without guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




K2 K1

L+ Vs1
.3 L+ 0+
.4 M
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


posSwitch2 posSwitch1

Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

11.5 Brief description of the core functionality

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Figure 11-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuators Yes Safety door

switch off open?


Actuators Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switch off
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Safety door
Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

11.6 Description of the user block FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23

Figure 11-3 F-user FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23.

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 11-3 Inputs of FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K1 NC
0: Contactor has
Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL picked up
auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Position switch 1 posSwitch1 BOOL NC
1: Actuator

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 2 posSwitch2 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 1 value posSwitch1VS BOOL
0: Fault VS: value status
Position switch 2 value posSwitch2VS BOOL
status Chapter 6.7

Output K1K2 value status K1K2VS BOOL

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors

Table 11-4 Inputs of FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the

door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1: standard user
for safety door program.

11.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F05FDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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11 User Scenario 5: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

11.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
Table 11-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 11-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Open the safety door K1K2 drops out
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 11-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting the
scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out Simulated welding of the contactor
when shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1
12.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

12.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
Opening the safety door safely shuts down the actuator.

12.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 12-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher

SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 1 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 1 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 12-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

12.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 12-1 Safety door without guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





Vs1 0+
.3 L+
M 0-
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Note In the safety program, the auxiliary contact of contactor K1 is termed "feedback".

Note Due to the use of the FB FDBACK F-library block, it is useful to monitor
readback. Basically, monitoring the readback signals is not required for
PL c/SIL 1.

12.5 Brief description of the core functionality

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 12-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuator Yes Safety door

switches off open?


Actuator Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switches off

Safety door
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

12.6 Description of the user block FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1

Figure 12-3 F-user FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 12-3 Inputs of FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up
Position switch posSwitch BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value status posSwitchVS BOOL 0: Fault VS: value status
Output K1 value status K1VS BOOL Chapter 6.7

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactor

Table 12-4 Outputs of FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactor K1 K1 BOOL 1: Actuator Actuator on F-DQ
(contactor has
picked up)
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1: standard user
for safety door Acknowledgment

12.7 Configuration and parameterization

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F06FDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

12.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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12 User Scenario 6: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

 No faults
 Safety door closed

Table 12-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Press stop K1 drops out

Table 12-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

3 Press start K1 picks up

4 Open the safety door K1 drops out
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 12-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting the
scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment required)
8 Start with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2
13.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

13.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
When the safety door is opened, the actuator is safely shut down using STO.

13.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 13-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher

SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 2 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 2 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 13-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety Basic 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
V15 V15

SINAMICS Startdrive 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Component No. Article number Note


13.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 13-1 Safety door without guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





L+ Vs1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved




posSwitch2 posSwitch1

Note For the actuators used in this user scenario, please also refer to chapter 6.8.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

13.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

Figure 13-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuator Yes Safety door

switches off (STO) open?


Actuator Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switches off
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Safety door
Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

13.6 Description of the user block

Figure 13-3 F-user FB F07FDoorSIL2PL

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F07FDoorSIL2PL.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 13-3 Inputs of FB F07FDoorSIL2PL

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Position switch 1 posSwitch1 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 2 posSwitch2 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 1 value posSwitch1VS BOOL
status VS: value status
Position switch 2 value posSwitch2VS BOOL 0: Fault
Chapter 6.7

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 13-4 Outputs of FB F07FDoorSIL2PL

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Start and stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop drive At the "EnableAxis"
drive 1: Start drive input of the
(DriveLib block).
Release for safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment

13.7 Configuration and parameterization

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F07FDoorSIL2PL. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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13 User Scenario 7: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

13.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed

Table 13-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4 Press stop DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 1

Table 13-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door. When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
4 Open the safety door DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 0
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1
14.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

14.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
When the safety door is opened, the actuator is safely shut down using STO.

14.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 14-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher

SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 1 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 14-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

14.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 14-1 Safety door without guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





L+ Vs1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved




Note For the actuators used in this user scenario, please also refer to chapter 6.8.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

14.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

Figure 14-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuator Yes Safety door

switches off (STO) open?


Actuator Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switches off
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Safety door
Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

14.6 Description of the user block

Figure 14-3 F-user FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 14-3 Inputs of FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Position switch posSwitch BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value status posSwitchVS BOOL 0: Fault

VS: value status
Chapter 6.7

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 14-4 Outputs of FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Start and stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop drive At the "EnableAxis"
drive 1: Start drive input of the
(DriveLib block).
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL 1:
required Acknowledgment

14.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

commissioning FB F08FDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.

The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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14 User Scenario 8: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

14.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
Table 14-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4 Press stop DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 1

Table 14-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
4 Open the safety door DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 0
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3
15.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: RFID safety switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

15.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
Opening the safety door safely shuts down the actuator.

15.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 15-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher

SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
RFID safety switch 1 3SE6315-1BB01
Actuator with 1 3SE6310-1BC01
magnet latching
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 15-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

15.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 15-1 Safety door without guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




K2 K1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

.3 L+ 0+
.4 M





A2 A1 X1 X2

Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Note When using RFID safety switches, the short-circuit test in the hardware
configuration must be deactivated.

15.5 Brief description of the core functionality

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Figure 15-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuators Yes Safety door

switch off open?

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Actuators Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switch off

Safety door
Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

15.6 Description of the user block FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23

Figure 15-3 F-user FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23.

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 15-3 Inputs of FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K1 NC
0: Contactor has
Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL picked up
auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Safety output 1 OSSD1 BOOL 1 when door
Safety output 2 OSSD2 BOOL

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Safety output 1 value status OSSD1VS BOOL
VS: value status
Safety output 2 value status OSSD2VS BOOL
0: Fault Chapter 6.7
Output K1K2 value status K1K2VS BOOL
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors

Table 15-4 Outputs of FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1: standard user
for safety door program.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

15.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F09FDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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15 User Scenario 9: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

15.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
Table 15-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out

Table 15-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

No. Action Comment

1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the first
time and after each opening of the safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Open the safety door K1K2 drops out
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 15-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time or in
the event of a safety door fault, open and close
the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting the
scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out Simulated welding of the contactor
when shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without

Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2
16.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: RFID safety switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

16.2 Safety function

The safety function is as follows:
When the safety door is opened, the actuator is safely shut down using STO.

16.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 16-1 Hardware
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Component No. Article number Note

CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
RFID safety switch 1 3SE6315-1BB01
Actuator with 1 3SE6310-1BC01
magnet latching
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 16-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15

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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

16.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 16-1 Safety door without guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

A2 A1 X1 X2


Note For the actuators used in this user scenario, please also refer to chapter 6.8.

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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

16.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Figure 16-2 Safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Actuator Yes Safety door

switches off (STO) open?


Actuator Yes
Safety door
Operational stop?
closed switches off
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Safety door
Acknowledge Yes

Start condition


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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

16.6 Description of the user block

FB F10FDoorPldSIL2
Figure 16-3 F-user FB F10FDoorPldSIL2

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F10FDoorPldSIL2.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 16-3 Inputs of FB F10FDoorPldSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Safety output 1 OSSD1 BOOL 1 when door
Safety output 2 OSSD2 BOOL
Safety output 1 value OSSD1VS BOOL
status VS: value status
0: Fault
Safety output 2 value OSSD2VS BOOL Chapter 6.7

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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 16-4 Outputs of FB F10FDoorPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Start and stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop drive At the "EnableAxis"
drive 1: Start drive input of the
(DriveLib block).
Release for safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment

16.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

commissioning FB F10FDoorPLdSIL2. Customizations are possible.

The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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16 User Scenario 10: Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

16.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed

Table 16-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1

4 Press stop DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 1

Table 16-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door. When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start DB "Drive".enableAxis = 1; STO = 1
4 Open the safety door DB "Drive".enableAxis = 0; STO = 0
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard

Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3
17.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

17.2 Safety functions

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Safety function with regard to opening/closing the safety door
– Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

17.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 17-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Hinge switch 1 3SE5132-0LU21
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Software components
Table 17-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

17.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 17-1 Safety door with guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved



.2 L+

.5 M
L1 .4
0+ Vs1
K2 K1
.0 .1
L+ K1 K2





hingedSwitch sepAct

Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

The following signals from the above connection diagram are connected to the
position switch (sepAct):
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 17-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)

17.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Figure 17-3 Safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
Actuators stop

Previous Yes
stop was
Timer starts
operational stop

Timer No
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge expired or

Start condition Safety door

met interlocking
is released


In this example for electromechanical actuators, the safety door's guard

locking is deactivated as follows:
WARNING When the configured delay time is greater than zero (delayTimeUnlock > 0):
 The timer has expired or
 the standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.

When the configured delay time is equal to zero (delayTimeUnlock = 0):

 The standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

17.6 Description of the user block FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23

Figure 17-4 F-user FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Note This example assumes that you are using a hinge switch (hingedSwitch) as a
second channel. However, it is not mandatory to use a hinge switch. The
required dual-channel redundancy can also be implemented with a different

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F11FDoorSIL3PLe.

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 17-3 Inputs of FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K1 NC
0: Contactor has
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL picked up

auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed) Chapter 6.2
Hinge switch hingedSwitch BOOL NC
1: Unoperated
(safety door
Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL
Hinge switch value status hingedSwitchVS BOOL
0: Fault VS: value status
Output K1K2 value status K1K2VS BOOL Chapter 6.7
Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoilVS BOOL
Standstill detection standstill BOOL 1: Standstill Simulates the
standstill/motion of a
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME Set this time to a
of the actuators to release sufficiently large
the safety door. value

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 17-4 Outputs of FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment

17.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F11FDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

17.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
 "delayTimeUnlock" > 0

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17 User Scenario 11: Safety Door with Guard Locking PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 17-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1K2 picks
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out; then the timer for the
delayed release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.

Table 17-6 Safety function: Safety door fault

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1K2 picks
4 Turn the hinge switch until it outputs "0" signal. K1K2 drops out; then the timer for the
delayed release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.
6 Close the safety door
7 Start again with no. 1

Table 17-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Wait until the timer expires.
9 Start with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard

Locking at PL c/SIL 1
18.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

18.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

18.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 18-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 1 3RT2015-2BB42

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Software components
Table 18-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

18.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 18-1 Safety door with guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

.1 L+

L1 .4
.3 .1
L+ 0+
eMagnet standstill 0-




Note In the safety program, the auxiliary contact of contactor K1 is termed "feedback".

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)
The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 18-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)

18.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 18-3 Safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
Actuator stops

Previous Yes
stop was
Timer starts
operational stop

Timer No
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge expired or

Start condition Safety door

met interlocking
is released


In this example for electromechanical actuators, the safety door's guard

locking is deactivated as follows:
WARNING When the configured delay time is greater than zero (delayTimeUnlock > 0):
 The timer has expired or
 the standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.

When the configured delay time is equal to zero (delayTimeUnlock = 0):

 The standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

18.6 Description of the user block FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1

Figure 18-4 F-user FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1.

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 18-3 Inputs of F12FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
Chapter 6.2
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL 0: Fault

VS: value status
Output K1 value status K1VS BOOL Chapter 6.7

Standstill detection standstill BOOL 1: Standstill Simulates the

standstill/motion of a
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME

command and the response
of the contactor
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME Set this time to a
of the actuators to release sufficiently large
the safety door. value

Table 18-4 Outputs of FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactor K1 K1 BOOL 1: Actuator Actuator on F-DQ
(contactor has
picked up)
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

18.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F12FDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

18.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
 "delayTimeUnlock" > 0

Table 18-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1 picks up
4 Press stop K1 drops out; then the timer for the delayed
release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.

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18 User Scenario 12: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 18-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1 picks up
4 Release the interlocking and open the safety door K1 drops out

Table 18-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

6 Let the contactor drop out

7 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Wait until the timer expires.
9 Start with no. 2

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard

Locking at PL d/SIL 2
19.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

19.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– When the safety door is opened during operation, the actuator is safely
shut down using STO.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

19.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 19-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Hinge switch 1 3SE5132-0LU21
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Component No. Article number Note

SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 19-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

19.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 19-1 Safety door with guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring
24V DC

stop start ack




L+ Vs1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved






Note For the actuator signals, please refer to chapter 6.8.

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 19-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

19.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Figure 19-3 Safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop reques?
Safety door
Actuator stops

stop was Yes
operational stop Timer starts
Yes Safety door
opened after
operational stop?
Unlock No
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge timer
No ?

Safety door
Start condition interlocking
met is released


In this example for electric actuators, the safety door's guard locking is
deactivated when the timer has expired. For moving parts, a hazard cannot
be automatically ruled out when the timer has expired.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

19.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 19-4 User block FB F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Note This example assumes that you are using a hinge switch (hingedSwitch) as a
second channel. However, it is not mandatory to use a hinge switch. The
required dual-channel redundancy can also be implemented with a different

NOTE If you want to use the extended safety function SLS in the drive, you have to set
the bit SS1 also on TRUE. This is solved in network 2 of the
FB F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2. There you can fit the address of SS1 if

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 19-3 Inputs of FB F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

position switch
SLS request reqSLS BOOL NO
1: SLS requested
SLS feedback from drive fdbackSLS BOOL 1: SLS active
STO feedback from drive fdbackSTO BOOL 1: STO active
Power-on inhibit of drive driveLockout BOOL 1: Power-on
inhibit active
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed) Chapter 6.2
Hinge switch hingedSwitch BOOL NC
1: Unoperated
(safety door
Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL
Hinge switch value status hingedSwitchVS BOOL
VS: value status
0: Fault Chapter 6.7
Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoilVS BOOL
In the position switch: Time feedbackTime TIME
between the response of
the magnet and the
monitoring contact
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME Set this time to a
of the actuators to release sufficiently large
the safety door. value

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 19-4 Outputs of FB F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
"Safe Torque Off" STO BOOL 0: STO active
power supply to
drive interrupted
"Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: SLS active
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL 1:
internal drive Acknowledgement
Start enable of onDrive BOOL 1: Start enable
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

19.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F13FDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

19.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
Table 19-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Press stop  "onDrive"=0
 the timer for the delayed release of the
safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

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19 User Scenario 13: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 19-6 Toggle between normal mode and SLS

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Switch to SLS ("reqSLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=1)  "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
5 Close the door and return from SLS to normal  "fDoorCoil"=0: Door interlocked
mode  "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
6 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
7 Wait until the timer expires.  When the timer has expired, the safety
door can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

"STO"=1, "SLS"=1

Table 19-7 SLS from standstill (n=0)

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Switch to SLS ("reqSLS"=1) To start at SLS from a standstill, the door
must be closed.
 "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=0
4 Press "start"  "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
5 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=0
"stop" (OFF1 in the drive) automatically
triggers STO.
6 Press "ack"  "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
7 Start again with no. 4

NOTE In case of closing door and "onDrive"=0 (OFF1 is active in the drive), the drive
will change to STO after some seconds, if there is "reqSLS"=1 and no start

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard

Locking at PL c/SIL 1
20.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

20.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– When the safety door is opened during operation, the actuator is safely
shut down using STO.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

20.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 20-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Component No. Article number Note

SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 20-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15 V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

20.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 20-1 Safety door with guard locking SIL 1/PL d wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ Vs1






Note For the actuator signals, please refer to chapter 6.8.

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 20-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

20.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ACK=1.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 20-3 Safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
Actuator stops

stop was Yes
operational stop Timer starts
Safety door
No Yes
opened after
operational stop
? Unlock No
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge timer
No ?

Safety door
Start condition interlocking
met is released


In this example for electric actuators, the safety door's guard locking is
deactivated when the timer has expired. For moving parts, a hazard cannot
be automatically ruled out when the timer has expired.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

20.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 20-4 F-user block FB F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1

NOTE If you want to use the extended safety function SLS in the drive, you have to set
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

the bit SS1 also on TRUE. This is solved in network 2 of the

FB F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1. There you can fit the address of SS1 if

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 20-3 Inputs of FB F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
SLS request reqSLS BOOL NO
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

1: SLS requested
SLS feedback from drive fdbackSLS BOOL 1: SLS active
STO feedback from fdbackSTO BOOL 1: STO active
Power-on inhibit of drive driveLockout BOOL 1: Power-on
inhibit active
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
Chapter 6.2
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value sepActVS BOOL 0: Fault


VS: value status

Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoilVS BOOL Chapter 6.7

In the position switch: feedbackTime TIME

Time between the
response of the magnet
and the monitoring
Time delay after delayTimeUnlock TIME Set this time to a
shutdown of the sufficiently large
actuators to release the value
safety door.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 20-4 Outputs of FB F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: Select STO The converter with
safety function 1: Deselect STO the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
"Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: SLS active
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL 1:
internal drive Acknowledgment
Start enable of onDrive BOOL 1: Start enable
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking Actuator on F-DQ
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
standard user
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

20.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F14FDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

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20 User Scenario 14: Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

20.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Safety door closed
Table 20-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1, "STO"=1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4 Press stop  "onDrive"=0

 the timer for the delayed release of the
safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

Entry ID: 109478932, V2.0, 01/2018 128
21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
d, e/SIL 2, 3
21.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

21.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.

21.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Hardware components
Table 21-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
Position switch 2 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 2 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Software components
Table 21-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

21.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 21-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved




K2 K1

L+ Vs1
.3 L+ 0+
.4 M




posSwitch2 posSwitch1


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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

21.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 21-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
and e-stop
released Actuators are
? switched off
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

stop was Yes
operational stop



Start condition


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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

21.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 21-3 User block FB F15EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 21-3 Inputs of FB F15EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering a
safety function
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request

Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC

auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Position switch 1 posSwitch1 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 2 posSwitch2 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 1 value posSwitch1VS BOOL 0: Fault
VS: value status
Position switch 2 value posSwitch2VS BOOL
status Chapter 6.7

K1K2 value status K1K2VS BOOL

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 21-4 Outputs of FB F15EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency standard user
emergency stop program.
stop released and
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

21.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F15EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

21.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed

Table 21-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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21 User Scenario 15: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 21-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Open the safety door K1K2 drops out
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 21-7 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1K2 drops out

5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
6 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 2

Table 21-8 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
c/SIL 1
22.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

22.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.

22.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 22-1 Hardware

Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 1 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 1 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 22-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

22.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 22-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack





L+ Vs1 0+
.3 L+
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved



eStop posSwitch1

Note In the safety program, the auxiliary contact of contactor K1 is termed "feedback".

Note Due to the use of the FB FDBACK F-library block, it is useful to monitor
readback. Basically, monitoring the readback signals is not required for PL c/SIL

22.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 22-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
and e-stop
released Actuator is
? switched off

stop was Yes
operational stop

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


Start condition


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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

22.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 22-3 User block FB F16EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 22-3 Inputs of FB F16EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
contactor K1 picked up
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Position switch posSwitch BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value status posSwitchVS BOOL 0: Fault

VS: value status

Chapter 6.7

Output K1 value status K1VS BOOL

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME

command and the response
of the contactor

Table 22-4 Outputs of FB F16EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency standard user
emergency stop stop released and
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

22.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F16EStopFDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

22.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed

Table 22-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

3 Press start K1 picks up

4 Press stop K1 drops out

Table 22-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1 drops out
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
6 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 2

Table 22-7 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Open the safety door K1 drops out

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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22 User Scenario 16: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

No. Action Comment

5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 22-8 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start again with no. 2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
d/SIL 2
23.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

23.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 When the safety door is opened during operation, the actuator is safely shut
down (STO) or monitored for Safely Limited Speed (SLS). The selection is
made using a switch.

23.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Hardware components
Table 23-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 2 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
Position switch 2 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 2 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Software components
Table 23-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15 V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

23.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 23-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ Vs1




posSwitch2 posSwitch1


Note For the actuator signals, please refer to chapter 6.8.

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

23.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 23-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Safety door
Yes No
and e-stop Safety door open?
released Actuator is
? switched off (STO)
Yes Yes

STO selected
STO or No by operator?
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved



SLS active

Start condition

Yes Operational stop


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

23.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 23-3 User block FB F17EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 23-3 Inputs of FB F17EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Select STO or SLS selectSTOOrSLS BOOL 0: STO Only relevant to
1: SLS opening the
safety door.
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Position switch 1 posSwitch1 BOOL NC
1: Actuator

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 2 posSwitch2 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 1 value posSwitch1VS BOOL
status VS: value status
0: Fault
Position switch 2 value posSwitch2VS BOOL Chapter 6.7

Table 23-4 Outputs of FB F17EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: selected The converter with
1: deselected the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: selected
Speed 1: deselected
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL Acknowledgment The "ack" button is

internal drive on negative edge used for
event of acknowledgment.
Start/stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop Switches the
drive (assignment 1: Start "EnableAxis" input of
of drive control the "SINA_SPEED"
word 1 bit 0) FB
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to example, in the
door safety door, start standard user
is possible (safety
door closed)

Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:

for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

23.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F17EStopFDoorPLdSIL2. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

23.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed

Table 23-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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23 User Scenario 17: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

No. Action Comment

safety door.
3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press stop enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 0
Table 23-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
6 Press start STO = 0 (acknowledgment required)
7 Start again with no. 2 STO = 1

Table 23-7 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (STO)
No. Action Comment
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 0 STO selected

2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door STO = 0
6 Close the safety door STO = 0
Start again with no. 3 STO = 1

Table 23-8 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (SLS)
No. Action Comment
1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 1 STO selected
2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door SLS = 0
6 Close the safety door SLS = 0
Start again with no. 3 SLS = 1 and startup of drive

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
c/SIL 1
24.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

24.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 When the safety door is opened during operation, the actuator is safely shut
down (STO) or monitored for Safely Limited Speed (SLS). The selection is
made using a switch.

24.3 Hardware and software components

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 24-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 2 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch 1 3SE5132-1QV20
without tumbler
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Software components
Table 24-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15 V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

24.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 24-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack




 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ Vs1





Note For the actuator signals, please refer to chapter 6.8.

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

24.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 24-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Safety door
Yes No
and e-stop Safety door open?
released Actuator is
? switched off (STO)
Yes Yes

STO selected
STO or No by operator?
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved



SLS active

Start condition

Yes Operational stop


Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

24.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 24-3 User block FB F18EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 24-3 Inputs of FB F18EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Select STO or SLS selectSTOOrSLS BOOL 0: STO Only relevant to
1: SLS opening the
safety door.

Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC

pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Position switch 1 posSwitch1 BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch 1 value posSwitch1VS BOOL 0: Fault VS: value status
status Chapter 6.7

Table 24-4 Outputs of FB F18EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: selected The converter with
1: deselected the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: selected
Speed 1: deselected
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL Acknowledgment The "ack" button is
internal drive on negative edge used for
event of acknowledgment.
Start/stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop Switches the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

drive (assignment 1: Start "EnableAxis" input of

of drive control the "SINA_SPEED"
word 1 bit 0) FB
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to example, in the
door safety door, start standard user
is possible (safety
door closed)

Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:

for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

24.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F18EStopFDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

refer to chapter 4.1.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

24.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
Table 24-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.

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24 User Scenario 18: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

No. Action Comment

3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press stop enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 0
Table 24-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
6 Press start STO = 0 (acknowledgment required)
7 Start again with no. 2 STO = 1

Table 24-7 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (STO)
No. Action Comment
1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 0 STO selected
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door STO = 0
6 Close the safety door STO = 0
Start again with no. 3 STO = 1

Table 24-8 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (SLS)
No. Action Comment
1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 1 SLS selected
2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door SLS = 0
6 Close the safety door SLS = 0
Start again with no. 3 SLS = 1 and startup of drive

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
d, e/SIL 2, 3
25.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, RFID safety switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

25.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 When the emergency stop button is pressed, the actuator is safely shut down
using STO.
 Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.

25.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Hardware components
Table 25-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
RFID safety switch 1 3SE6315-1BB01
Actuator with 1 3SE6310-1BC01
magnet latching
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Software components
Table 25-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15

25.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 25-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


.2 M

L1 0+
K2 K1

L+ Vs1
.3 L+
.4 M




.1 A2 A1 X1 X2

eStop .1

.0 Vs1

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

Note When using RFID safety switches, the short-circuit test in the hardware
configuration must be deactivated.

25.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 25-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
and e-stop
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released Actuators are

? switched off

stop was Yes
operational stop



Start condition


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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

25.6 Description of the user block

FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23
Figure 25-3 User block FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 25-3 Inputs of FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering a
safety function
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K1 NC
0: Contactor has
Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL picked up
auxiliary contact of
contactor K2

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
RFID safety switch 1 OSSD1 BOOL NC
1: Safety door
RFID safety switch 2 OSSD2 BOOL NC
1: Safety door
RFID safety switch 1 value OSSD1VS BOOL 0: Fault
VS: value status
RFID safety switch 2 value OSSD2VS BOOL
status Chapter 6.7

K1K2 value status K1K2VS BOOL

Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors

Table 25-4 Outputs of FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ

command for the
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks. Can
is possible (safety be read out, for
door closed) example, in the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency standard user
emergency stop stop released and
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

25.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F19EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

25.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed

Table 25-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out

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25 User Scenario 19: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 25-6 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Open the safety door K1K2 drops out
5 Close the safety door
6 Start again with no. 2

Table 25-7 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1K2 drops out

5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
6 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 2

Table 25-8 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting
the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL
d/SIL 2
26.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, RFID safety switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

26.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 When the emergency stop button is pressed, the actuator is safely shut down
using STO.
 When the safety door is opened during operation, the actuator is safely shut
down (STO) or monitored for Safely Limited Speed (SLS). The selection is
made using a switch.

26.3 Hardware and software components

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 26-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 2 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
RFID safety switch 1 3SE6315-1BB01
Actuator with 1 3SE6310-1BC01
magnet latching
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Software components
Table 26-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15
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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

26.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 26-1 Emergency stop and safety door without guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack


.2 M

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ Vs1



A2 A1 X1 X2

eStop .1

.0 Vs1

Note For the actuator signals, please refer to chapter 6.8.

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

26.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.
Figure 26-2 Emergency stop + safety door without guard locking – core functionality


Safety door
Yes No
and e-stop Safety door open?
released Actuator is
? switched off (STO)
Yes Yes

STO selected
STO or No by operator?
active? Yes

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved


SLS active

Start condition

Yes Operational stop

on No

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

26.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 26-3 User block FB F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Parameter description
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB


Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 26-3 Inputs of FB F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after
triggering the
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Select STO or SLS selectSTOOrSLS BOOL 0: STO Only relevant to
1: SLS opening the
safety door.
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Safety output 1 OSSD1 BOOL 1 when door
Safety output 2 OSSD2 BOOL

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

Safety output 1 value OSSD1VS BOOL
status VS: value status
Safety output 2 value OSSD2VS BOOL 0: Fault
Chapter 6.7

Table 26-4 Outputs of FB F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Safe Torque Off STO BOOL 0: selected The converter with
1: deselected the active STO
function disconnects
the power supply to
the motor.
Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: selected
Speed 1: deselected
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL Acknowledgment The "ack" button is
internal drive on negative edge used for
event of acknowledgment.
Start/stop the startStopDrive BOOL 0: Stop Switches the
drive (assignment 1: Start "EnableAxis" input of
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

of drive control the "SINA_SPEED"

word 1 bit 0) FB
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to example, in the
door safety door, start standard user
is possible (safety
door closed)

Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:

for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

26.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F20EStopFDoorPLdSIL2. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

refer to chapter 4.2.2.

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

26.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
Table 26-5 Start actuator
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.

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26 User Scenario 20: Emergency Stop + Safety Door without Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

No. Action Comment

3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press stop enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 0
Table 26-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop
No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop) STO = 0
6 Press start STO = 0 (acknowledgment required)
7 Start again with no. 2 STO = 1

Table 26-7 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (STO)
No. Action Comment
1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 0 STO selected
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door STO = 0
6 Close the safety door STO = 0
Start again with no. 3 STO = 1

Table 26-8 Safety function: Safe shutdown when the safety door is opened (SLS)
No. Action Comment
1 Set "selectSTOOrSLS" = 1 SLS selected
2 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
3 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press start enableAxis (SINA_SPEED) = 1
5 Open the safety door SLS = 0
6 Close the safety door SLS = 0
Start again with no. 3 SLS = 1 and startup of drive

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d,
e/SIL 2, 3
27.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

27.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.

27.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 27-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Component No. Article number Note

Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Hinge switch 1 3SE5132-0LU21
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 2 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 27-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

27.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 27-1 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking PL e/SIL 3 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack



.2 L+

.4 M
L1 .3
0+ Vs1
K2 K1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

.0 .2 K1 K2
eMagnet standstill 0-








Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 27-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)

27.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Figure 27-3 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
and e-stop
? Actuators stop

stop was Yes
Timer starts
operational stop


 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge expired
or “standstill”=1?


Start condition Safety door

met interlocking
is released


In this example for electromechanical actuators, the safety door's guard

locking is deactivated as follows:
WARNING When the configured delay time is greater than zero (delayTimeUnlock > 0):
 The timer has expired or
 the standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.

When the configured delay time is equal to zero (delayTimeUnlock = 0):

 The standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

27.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 27-4 User block FB F21EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Note This example assumes that you are using a hinge switch (hingedSwitch) as a
second channel. However, it is not mandatory to use a hinge switch. The
required dual-channel redundancy can also be implemented with a different

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 27-3 Inputs of FB F21EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL
auxiliary contact of
contactor K1 NC
0: Contactor has
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Readback signal from readbackK2 BOOL picked up

auxiliary contact of
contactor K2
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
Chapter 6.2
door closed)
Hinge switch hingedSwitch BOOL NC
1: Unoperated
(safety door
Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL
Hinge switch value status hingedSwitchVS BOOL
0: Fault VS: value status
Output K1K2 value status K1K2_VS BOOL Chapter 6.7
Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoil_VS BOOL
Standstill detection standstill BOOL 1: Standstill Simulates the
standstill/motion of a
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactors
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME When the time Set this time to a
of the actuators to release has elapsed, the sufficiently large
the safety door. door will be value

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 27-4 Outputs of FB F21EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactors K1/K2 K1K2 BOOL 1: Control Actuator on F-DQ
command for the
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency stop standard user
emergency stop program.
released and
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL

27.7 Configuration and parameterization

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F21EStopFDoorPLdeSIL23. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.3.2.

Death or severe personal injury may result if the actuator starts before the
safety door is interlocked.
WARNING For the following reason, this risk does not exist in the user scenarios described
in this document: The guard locking, incl. monitoring, was programmed in a
network following the switching of the actuator. This means that the actuator
only starts one program cycle after the safety door has been interlocked (switch-
on condition due to eMagnet).

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

27.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
 "delayTimeUnlock" > 0

Table 27-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

first time and after each opening of the

safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1K2 picks
4 Press stop K1K2 drops out; then the timer for the
delayed release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.

Table 27-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1K2 drops out
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
6 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Wait until the timer expires.
8 Start again with no. 2

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27 User Scenario 21: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d, e/SIL 2, 3

Table 27-7 Safety function: Safety door fault

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1K2 picks
4 Turn the hinge switch until it outputs "0" signal. K1K2 drops out; then the timer for the
delayed release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.
6 Close the safety door
7 Start again with no. 1

Table 27-8 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2 Press ack Acknowledgment mandatory when starting

the scenario for the first time
3 Press start K1K2 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 or K2 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1K2 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL
c/SIL 1
28.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electromechanical (contactor)

28.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– Opening the safety door during operation safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.

28.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 28-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Component No. Article number Note

Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
Contactors 1 3RT2015-2BB42

Software components
Table 28-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

28.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 28-1 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack



.2 L+

.0 Vs1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

standstill K1
.3 eMagnet 0-







Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Note Due to the use of the FB FDBACK F-library block, it is useful to monitor
readback. Basically, monitoring the readback signals is not required for PL c/SIL

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 28-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)

28.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 28-3 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking – core functionality


Stop request?
Safety door
and e-stop
? Actuator stops

stop was Yes
operational stop Timer starts


Timer No
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledge expired or


Start condition Safety door

met interlocking
is released


In this example for electromechanical actuators, the safety door's guard

locking is deactivated as follows:
WARNING When the configured delay time is greater than zero (delayTimeUnlock > 0):
 The timer has expired or
 the standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.

When the configured delay time is equal to zero (delayTimeUnlock = 0):

 The standstill bit ("standstill") is TRUE.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

28.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 28-4 User block FB F22EStopFDoorPLcSIL1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 28-3 Inputs of FB F22EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate

Start request start BOOL NO

1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
Readback signal from readbackK1 BOOL NC
auxiliary contact of 0: Contactor has
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

contactor K1 picked up
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
Chapter 6.2
inserted (safety
door closed)

Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL 0: Fault

VS: value status
Chapter 6.7
Output K1 value status K1_VS BOOL

Standstill detection standstill BOOL 1: Standstill Simulates the

standstill/motion of a
Time between the control feedbackTime TIME
command and the response
of the contactor
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME When the time Set this time to a
of the actuators to release has elapsed, the sufficiently large
the safety door. door will be value

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 28-4 Outputs of FB F22EStopFDoorPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
Contactor K1 K1 BOOL 1: Actuator Actuator on F-DQ
(contactor has
picked up)
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to Information of the
door safety door, start F-library blocks.
is possible (safety Can be read out,
door closed) for example, in the
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency stop standard user
emergency stop released and
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment AckReqEStop BOOL

28.7 Configuration and parameterization

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F22EStopFDoorPLcSIL1. Customizations are possible.
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

28.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
 "delayTimeUnlock" > 0

Table 28-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the

first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start Guard locking is activated, then K1 picks up
4 Press stop K1 drops out; then the timer for the delayed
release of the safety door starts.
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened.

Table 28-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop) K1 drops out
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)
6 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
7 Start again with no. 2

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28 User Scenario 22: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 28-7 Trigger readback error

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press ack Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press start K1 picks up
4 Make sure that K1 does not drop out when Simulated welding of the contactor
shutting down
5 Press stop Readback error is detected
6 Let the contactor drop out
7 Press start K1 does not pick up (acknowledgment
8 Start with no. 2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL
d/SIL 2
29.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

29.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– When the safety door is opened during normal mode (no SLS), the
SINAMICS G120 is safely shut down.
– When the safety door is opened with SLS selected, the SINAMICS G120
runs at a safe speed.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

– After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.

29.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 29-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 2 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Component No. Article number Note

2 NC for 1 3SU1400-1AA10-1CA0
emergency stop
Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21
solenoid interlocking
Hinge switch 1 3SE5132-0LU21
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 29-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15


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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Figure 29-1 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking PL d/SIL 2 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack



.2 L+

.3 .0
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved





Vs2 .0


Note In the safety program, the NC auxiliary contacts of the contactors K1 and K2 are
termed "feedback1" and "feedback2".

In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 29-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

29.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.

29.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Figure 29-3 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking – core functionality



E-stop No Door interlocking

SLS selected
released active
by operator?
SLS inactive
SLS active

Safety door No
? Door interlocking
Yes Stop command

Yes No Yes
STO active
? Stop command
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

No Acknowledgment
request Yes No
Operational stop
Yes ?
request Actuator stops
? (STO) Yes
No Acknowledged

Actuator stops
Start conditions
Timer expired
? No
Door interlocking

Actuator Door interlocking

on deactivated

In this example for electric actuators, the safety door's guard locking is
deactivated when the timer has expired. For moving parts, a hazard cannot
be automatically ruled out when the timer has expired.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

29.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 29-4 User block FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Note This example assumes that you are using a hinge switch (hingedSwitch) as a
second channel. However, it is not mandatory to use a hinge switch. The
required dual-channel redundancy can also be implemented with a different

NOTE If you want to use the extended safety function SLS in the drive, you have to set
the bit SS1 also on TRUE. This is solved in network 3 of the
FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2. There you can fit the address of SS1
if necessary.

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

Table 29-3 Inputs of FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

1: Magnet in
position switch
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
SLS request reqSLS BOOL NO
1: SLS requested
SLS feedback from drive fdbackSLS BOOL 1: SLS active
STO feedback from drive fdbackSTO BOOL 1: STO active
Power-on inhibit of drive driveLockout BOOL 1: Power-on
inhibit active
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator
inserted (safety
door closed) Chapter 6.2
Hinge switch hingedSwitch BOOL NC
1: Unoperated
(safety door
Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL
Hinge switch value status hingedSwitchVS BOOL

0: Fault VS: value status

Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoil_VS BOOL Chapter 6.7

In the position switch: Time feedbackTime TIME

between the response of

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Description Symbol Data Convention Note

the magnet and the
monitoring contact
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME When the time Set this time to a
of the actuators to release has elapsed, the sufficiently large
the safety door. door will be value

Table 29-4 Outputs of FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
"Safe Torque Off" STO BOOL 0: STO active
power supply to
drive interrupted.
"Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: SLS active
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL 1:
internal drive Acknowledgment
Start enable of onDrive BOOL 1: Start enable
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the

emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL 1: example, in the
required Acknowledgment standard user
required program.

Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to

door safety door, start
is possible (safety
door closed)
Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:
for safety door Acknowledgment

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

29.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2. Customizations are
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.2.2.

29.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios. These
scenarios can also be used as verification steps for validation.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
 No power-on inhibit on the SINAMICS G120

Note Acknowledge a power-on inhibit on the SINAMICS G120 in the same way as
internal faults with "ack".

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 29-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

Table 29-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

and close the door completely.

2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop)  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=1
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)  "STO"=0, "SLS"=1
6 Wait until the timer expires.
7 Start again with no. 2  "STO"=1, "SLS"=1

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Table 29-7 Toggle between normal mode and SLS

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Switch to SLS ( "reqSLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=1)  "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
5 Close the door and return from SLS to normal  "fDoorCoil"=0: Door interlocked
mode  "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
6 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
7 Wait until the timer expires.  When the timer has expired, the safety
door can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

"STO"=1, "SLS"=1

Table 29-8 SLS from standstill (n=0)

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Switch to SLS ("reqSLS"=0) To start at SLS from a standstill, the door
must be closed.
 "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0, "fdbackSLS"=0
3 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press "start"  "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
 "reqSLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=1
5 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=0
"stop" (OFF1 in the drive) automatically
triggers STO.
6 Press "ack"  "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
7 Start again with no. 4

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Note When switching to SLS with the safety door closed and "onDrive"=0 (OFF1
active in the drive) and the drive does not start, it goes to STO after a few

29.9 Additional information on engineering

This scenario provides you with additional information when implementing
 emergency stop
 safety door including guard locking

29.9.1 Emergency stop

In addition to the explanation in chapter 4.2, the following section provides you with
information on implementing the emergency stop in the safety program.
The "ESTOP1" function block certified by TÜV is used to implement the emergency
stop. In TIA Portal, you will find this function block in "Basic instructions > Safety
Figure 29-5 TÜV-certified FB ESTOP1 in the "Safety functions" folder of TIA Portal
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

It is called in FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2 of the safety program.

In the safety program, the 1oo2 evaluation uses only the lower channel (0) of the
emergency stop's channels 0 and 8. The evaluation type (1oo1 or 1oo2) cannot by
identified by the call of the ESTOP1 FB (E STOP parameter), but by the hardware
configuration (see Figure 4-6).
Figure 29-6 FB ESTOP1 call

The Q output ensures safe shutdown in STO and prevents the system from
restarting as long as the emergency stop has not yet been released and
(1: Emergency stop released and available.)

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

29.9.2 Safety door including guard locking

In addition to the explanation in chapter 4.2, the following section provides you with
information on implementing the safety door with guard locking.

Safety door
Like for the emergency stop, a TÜV-certified function block, "SFDOOR", is
available for implementing a safety door. In TIA Portal, you will find this function
block, too, in "Basic instructions > Safety functions".
It is called in FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2 of the safety program.
Unlike the ESTOP1 FB, the SFDOOR FB requires the signals of both position
switches (IN1 and IN2). The 1oo2 evaluation is performed within the block.
The Q output ensures safe shutdown in STO and prevents the system from
restarting as long as the safety door is open and no acknowledgment has been
When the door is closed and no fault has been saved,
a 1 signal is present at the Q output.

Figure 29-7 FB SFDOOR call

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Guard locking
Guard locking is monitored using the FDBACK FB. This TÜV-certified function
block, too, can be found in the "Safety functions" folder of TIA Portal.
Figure 29-8 FB FDBACK call

The following applies: When Q=0, the safety door's guard locking is active. In
normal mode (no SLS selected), the drive does not start until Q=0. This can be
achieved, for example, by

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

 calling the network for starting the drive first and then calling the FDBACK FB
 Q or "statFDoorCoil" as a switch-on condition for the drive.

The following figure illustrates that in the event of a falling edge of Q, the drive
cannot be started until the next program cycle. These conditions do not apply to
selected SLS as, in this case, the safety door may be opened during operation.

Figure 29-9 Starting the drive considering FB FDBACK

Network 5

Conditions for SLS

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Switch drive

Network 6

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

29.9.3 SINAMICS G120

The S7-1200 F-CPU is operated as an IO controller. Data exchange with the
PROFINET-capable drive SINAMICS G120 also includes safety-related data.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

In this document, you will find a chapter on the "LDrvSafe" library that can be used
as an alternative for implementing the tasks described here. For this library, please
use the following link:


The outputs of FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2 include:
 STO (Safe Torque Off)
 SLS (Safely Limited Speed)

You will find STO and SLS in control word 1 of the extended drive functions. In
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

the safety program, write to these bits according to the following convention:
STO: Byte 0, bit 0
0: Select STO; 1: Deselect STO
SLS: Byte 0, bit 4
0: Select SLS; 1: Deselect SLS

To deactivate the safety door's guard locking when SLS is active, the appropriate
bit from status word 1 of the SINAMICS G120 is evaluated:
SLS: Byte 0, bit 4
0: SLS is not active; 1: SLS is active.

The following figure shows these bits on

FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2:
Figure 29-10 Control and status word on FB F23EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLdSIL2
Feedback from drive
(status word 1)

Control drive using

control word 1

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29 User Scenario 23: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL d/SIL 2

Stop when SLS active

When SLS is active, the converter safely stops the motor torque using the STO
Note safety function.

For the user scenarios with safety door and SLS, this means: After a stop at SLS, a
restart requires that the safety door be closed.

Starting the motor when SLS is active

When you have triggered a stop, the SINAMICS G120 expects:
 Select STO (or SS1). STO is automatically selected by the safety program.
 Deselect STO (or SS1). STO is automatically deselected by the safety
 When STO has been deselected, wait until the converter is "ready to start".
Alternative: When STO has been deselected, wait a certain time before starting
the motor. We recommend a waiting time of 200 ms.
 Start the motor within 5 s after STO has been deselected.

For more information about the SINAMICS G120, please refer to the manual:
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop +

Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL
c/SIL 1
30.1 Sensor/actuator
Sensor: Emergency stop pushbutton, position switch
Actuator: electric (SINAMICS G120)

30.2 Safety function

This user scenario has the following safety functions:
 Pressing the emergency stop button safely shuts down the actuator.
 Safety function with regard to the position of the safety door (interlocking)
– When the safety door is opened during normal mode (no SLS), the
SINAMICS G120 is safely shut down.
– When the safety door is opened with SLS selected, the SINAMICS G120
runs at a safe speed.
 Safety function with regard to guard locking

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

After shutdown of the actuator, the safety door may only be opened when
the actuator no longer constitutes a hazard.

Note Under "Normative assessment of guard locking", chapter 6.2 addresses the
situation where there is a safety function with regard to guard locking.

30.3 Hardware and software components

You need the hardware and software components listed below.

Hardware components
Table 30-1 Hardware
Component No. Article number Note
CPU 1215FC 1 6ES7215-1HF40-0XB0 FW4.2 or higher
SM 1226 F- 1 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0
SM 1226 F-DQ 1 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Green, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB40-1BA0 Blue, screw terminal
pushbutton (NO)
Enclosed 1 3SU1100-0AB20-1CA0 Red, screw terminal
pushbutton (NC)
Emergency stop 1 3SU1100-1HB20-1CF0
pushbutton (NC)

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Component No. Article number Note

Position switch with 1 3SE5322-0SD21

solenoid interlocking
Actuator for position 1 3SE5000-0AV0
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0
CU240E-2 PN-F
SINAMICS G120 1 6SL3224-0BE17-5UA0

Software components
Table 30-2 Software
Component No. Article number Note
STEP 7 Basic V15 1 6ES7822-0AA05-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Professional V15
STEP 7 Safety 1 6ES7833-1FB15-0YA5 Or STEP 7 Safety Advanced
Basic V15 V15
SINAMICS 1 6SL3072-4EA02-0XG0 SINAMICS Startdrive V15
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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

30.4 Wiring
The figure below shows the wiring of the hardware components.
Figure 30-1 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking PL c/SIL 1 wiring

24V DC

stop start ack



.2 L+

.3 .0
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved









In the safety program, the signals of the position switch are defined as follows:
 sepAct (monitoring of the actuator position)
 sepAct (monitoring of the locking device position)
 fDoorCoil (control of guard locking)

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

The following figure shows the wiring on the position switch and therefore
complements the above connection diagram.

Figure 30-2 Internal terminals of the position switch with solenoid interlocking

sepAct (F-DI) CH + (F-DQ)

eMagnet (standard DI)

L+ (F-CPU)
Vs1 (F-DI) CH – (F-DQ)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

30.5 Brief description of the core functionality

The following flowchart provides a concise description of the core functionality.

Note Before starting the scenario for the first time, open and close the safety door
once. Then acknowledge with ack=1.

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Figure 30-3 Emergency stop + safety door with guard locking – core functionality



E-stop No Door interlocking

SLS selected
released active
by operator?
SLS inactive
SLS active

Safety door No
? Door interlocking
Yes Stop command

Yes No Yes
STO active
? Stop command
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

No Acknowledgment
request Yes No
Operational stop
Yes ?
request Actuator stops
? (STO) Yes
No Acknowledged

Actuator stops
Start conditions
Timer expired
? No
Door interlocking

Actuator Door interlocking

on deactivated

In this example for electric actuators, the safety door's guard locking is
deactivated when the timer has expired. For moving parts, a hazard cannot
be automatically ruled out when the timer has expired.
Make sure that the safety door's guard locking is deactivated only when a hazard
no longer exists.

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

30.6 Description of the user block FB

Figure 30-4 User block FB F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NOTE If you want to use the extended safety function SLS in the drive, you have to set
the bit SS1 also on TRUE. This is solved in network 3 of the
FB F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1. There you can fit the address of SS1
if necessary.

NOTICE For F-blocks, the enable input (EN) must not be wired.

Death or severe personal injury may result if you select a delayTimeUnlock

time that is too short.
WARNING Customize these times to your requirements, for example to the slow-down time
of a hazardous machine, to release the safety door when the delayTimeUnlock
time has expired.

Parameter description
The following section describes the inputs and outputs of FB

Note NO: normally open (contact); NC: normally closed (contact)

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 30-3 Inputs of FB F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data Convention Note
Acknowledgment ack BOOL NO Positive edge
1: required
Acknowledgment  after triggering
the safety
 to reintegrate
Start request start BOOL NO
1: Start request
Stop request stop BOOL NC
0: Stop request
Monitoring of magnet in eMagnet BOOL NC Chapter 6.2
position switch 0: Magnet in
position switch
1: Magnet in
position switch
Emergency stop eStop BOOL NC/NC
pushbutton 0: Emergency
stop triggered
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

SLS request reqSLS BOOL NO

1: SLS requested
SLS feedback from drive fdbackSLS BOOL 1: SLS active
STO feedback from drive fdbackSTO BOOL 1: STO active
Power-on inhibit of drive driveLockout BOOL 1: Power-on
inhibit active
Position switch sepAct BOOL NC
1: Actuator Chapter 6.2
inserted (safety
door closed)
Position switch value status sepActVS BOOL
VS: value status
Output fDoorCoil value fDoorCoilVS BOOL
status Chapter 6.7
0: Fault
In the position switch: Time feedbackTime TIME
between the response of
the magnet and the
monitoring contact
Time delay after shutdown delayTimeUnlock TIME When the time Set this time to a
of the actuators to release has elapsed, the sufficiently large
the safety door. door will be value

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Table 30-4 Outputs of FB F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1

Description Symbol Data type Convention Note
"Safe Torque Off" STO BOOL 0: STO active
power supply to
drive interrupted.
"Safely Limited SLS BOOL 0: SLS active
Acknowledge internalEventAck BOOL 1:
internal drive Acknowledgment
Start enable of onDrive BOOL 1: Start enable
Magnet in the fDoorCoil BOOL 0: Guard locking
position switch active
Release releaseEStop BOOL 1: Emergency Information of the
emergency stop stop released and F-library blocks. Can
acknowledged be read out, for
Acknowledgment ackReqEStop BOOL 1: example, in the
required Acknowledgment standard user
required program.

Release safety releaseFDoor BOOL 1: With regard to

door safety door, start
is possible (safety
door closed)
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Acknowledgment ackReqFDoor BOOL 1:

for safety door Acknowledgment

30.7 Configuration and parameterization

The STEP 7 hardware configuration (HW Config) has already been prepared for
commissioning FB F24EStopFDoorGuardLockingPLcSIL1. Customizations are
The associated HW Config can be found in the provided block library.

NOTE The provided block library includes the drive project "Drive_1". This includes our
individual parametrization for testing the functionalities of the examples. You
have to execute your own commissioning of the SINAMICS G120 in case of use.
The following link takes you to a document that explains how to control the
SINAMICS G120 using the S7-1200 F-CPU via PROFIsafe:

Inappropriate values for safety-related settings may result in the safety

function not being triggered in the event of danger.
WARNING Please keep this in mind if, due to your requirements, you want to change the
settings shown here.

Note For more information on the hardware configuration in this user scenario, please
refer to chapter 4.1.2.

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

Note For information on the SINAMICS G120, please refer to chapter 29.9.3

30.8 Operation of the user scenario

For demonstration purposes, this document shows different user scenarios.

Note For information on installing the user scenario, please refer to chapter 6.1.

 No faults
 Emergency stop released
 Safety door closed
 No power-on inhibit on the SINAMICS G120

Note Acknowledge a power-on inhibit on the SINAMICS G120 in the same way as
internal faults – with "ack".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Table 30-5 Start actuator

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
5 Wait until the timer expires. When the timer has expired, the safety door
can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).

Table 30-6 Safety function: Trigger emergency stop

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

No. Action Comment

 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Press the emergency stop (eStop)  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=1
5 Release the emergency stop (eStop)  "STO"=0, "SLS"=1
6 Wait until the timer expires.
7 Start again with no. 2  "STO"=1, "SLS"=1

Table 30-7 Toggle between normal mode and SLS

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
3 Press "start"  Guard locking is activated
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

 "onDrive"=1
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
4 Switch to SLS ( "reqSLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=1)  "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
5 Close the door and return from SLS to normal  "fDoorCoil"=0: Door interlocked
mode  "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
6 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 Timer for delayed release of safety door
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1
7 Wait until the timer expires.  When the timer has expired, the safety
door can be opened ("fDoorCoil"=1).
 "STO"=1, "SLS"=1

Table 30-8 SLS from standstill (n=0)

No. Action Comment
1 Open and close the safety door When starting the scenario for the first time
or in the event of a safety door fault, open
and close the door completely.
2 Switch to SLS ("reqSLS"=1) To start with SLS from a standstill, the door
must be closed.
 "fDoorCoil"=1: You can open the door
 "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=0
3 Press "ack" Required when starting the scenario for the
first time and after each opening of the
safety door.
4 Press "start"  "onDrive"=1

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30 User Scenario 24: Emergency Stop + Safety Door with Guard Locking at PL c/SIL 1

No. Action Comment

 "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
 "reqSLS"=1, "fdbackSLS"=1
5 Press "stop"  "onDrive"=0
 "STO"=0, "SLS"=0
"stop" (OFF1 in the drive) automatically
triggers STO.
6 Press "ack"  "STO"=1, "SLS"=0
7 Start again with no. 4

Note When switching to SLS with the safety door closed and "onDrive"=0 (OFF1
active in the drive) and the drive does not start, it goes to STO after a few
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Safety Applications with the S7-1200 FC CPU

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31 Links and Literature

31 Links and Literature

Table 31-1
Topic Title
\1\ Siemens Industry
Online Support
\2\ Download page of
the entry 8932

\3\ DIN EN ISO 14119 Safety of machinery –

Interlocking devices associated with
guards –
Principles for design and selection (ISO 14119:2013);
German version EN ISO 14119:2013
\4\ IEC 62061:2005 + Safety of machinery –
A1:2012 + A2:2015 Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and
standard programmable electronic control systems

\5\ EN ISO 13849- Safety of machinery –

1:2015 standard Safety-related parts of control systems
\6\ Safety Evaluation
Tool (SET)
\7\ Document for IEC
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

32 History
Table 32-1
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 11/2015 First version
V1.1 12/2015 Value status for F-DQ added
V1.2 12/2015  "ack" shown as NO in connection diagram
 'Position switch with solenoid interlocking' figure
V2.0 01/2018  Update to TIA Portal V15
 Examples with SINAMICS G 120 via PROFIsafe
 Safety door with RFID switches

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