Ocular Anatomy Exam I - Answer Key - F' 22 - 23

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OPT 210 Exam I

Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023




Exam I

Fall term 2022-2023


Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________

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ID #: _____________________
Departmental Use Only

Section: A I- /40

II- /60
Instructor’s Name: Ms. Rita Abou Ghaida
Total - /100

Kindly make sure that you read and understand the following points:
 Anyone caught cheating or aiding another in cheating will have his/her exam confiscated immediately and will
be given an “F” in the course.
 Access to books, notes, mobile phones, pagers or other aids are strictly prohibited whilst sitting an
 Non-legible answers will not receive credit. Write clearly to get credits.
 You are not allowed to remove examination paper, booklets, completed scripts or other materials from the
examination room.
 Your answers to all the questions should be written only on the exam sheets.
 Time duration is 90 minutes.
 Total number of exam sheets including this cover is 10

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023


One correct answer for each question (Total of 20 points; 1 points each)

Concerning the orbital entrance which statement is false:

a- 35 mm in height
b- 40 mm in width
c- It is the site where the orbit is the widest
d- All of the above

The lateral orbital margin is made from:

a- The frontal bone and the maxillary bone
b- The frontal bone
c- The frontal bone and the zygomatic bone
d- The zygomatic bone and the maxillary bone

The radius of the adult human eye:

a. 24 mm
b. 26 mm
c. 12 mm
d. 24 cm

Epithelial cells of the cornea are:

a. Keratinized cells
b. Non-stratified cells.
c. Squamous cells
d. None of the above
e. All of the above.

The strongest orbital wall is:

a- The orbital roof
b- The lateral wall
c- The orbital floor
d- The medial wall

Stroma is composed of:

a. Keratocytes
b. Ground substance
c. Collagen lamellae
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

The sclera layer that contains pigment cells is:

a- The episclera
b- The stroma

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023

c- The lamina fusca

d- All of the above

Endothelial cells are attached together by:

a. Desmosomes
b. Gap junctions
c. Tight junctions
d. Hemidesmosomes
e. None of the above

Change in size and shape of endothelial cells is called:

a. Polymegathism
b. Pleomorphism
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

The supraorbital nerve:

a- Passes through the supraorbital notch
b- Is a sensory nerve
c- Is a branch of cranial nerve V
d- All of the above

The inferior ophthalmic vein passes through:

a- The superior part of the superior orbital fissure
b- The inferior orbital fissure
c- The inferior part of the superior orbital fissure
d- The optic foramen

The sclera is thickest:

a- At the insertion of the rectus muscles
b- At the equator
c- At the posterior pole
d- Anterior to muscle insertions

The most common site for sclera rupture following a blunt trauma is:
a- The supero-temporal quadrant near the linbus
b- The infero-temporal quadrant near the limbus
c- The infero-nasal quadrant near the limbus
d- The supero-nasal quadrant near the limbus

The superior orbital fissure is:

a- Medial to the optic foramen
b- Divided by the origin of the medial rectus
c- Approximately 30 mm long
d- None of the above

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023

The radius of curvature of the cornea is:

a- Around 8 mm
b- Bigger than that of the sclera
c- a and b
d- None of the above

The sclera forms approximately:

a- 30% of external coating of the eye
b- 50% of the external coating of the eye
c- 65% of the external coating of the eye
d- 80% of the external coating of the eye

Subcutaneous air bubbles are suggestive of:

a- Orbital roof fracture
b- Orbital floor fracture
c- Orbital medial wall fracture
d- Orbital lateral wall fracture

Concerning the ophthalmic artery, which statement is false:

a- It enters the orbit through the ophthalmic foramen
b- It runs beneath the optic nerve
c- All of the above
d- None of the above

Epithelial cells of the cornea:

a. Capable of mitosis
b. Life spam is between 7-10 days
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

The nasolacrymal duct opens at the level of the:

a- Superior meatus of the nose
b- Middle meatus of the nose
c- Inferior meatus of the nose
d- Eyelid margin

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023


Indicate whether each of the following questions is "true" by circling the letter
"T" or "false" by circling the letter "F” and correct the false ones (total 10
points, 1 point each).

T F anteroposterior diameter is smaller in myopia and larger in hyperopia.

T F the thickness of the cornea is 0.5 mm at the center and decreases towards the

T F the optical surface of the epithelium is smooth due to microplicae and microvilli.

T F Bowmen’s layer can be replaced unlike Descemet’s membrane.

T F The precise organization of stromal fibrils is responsible for corneal transparency.

T F Epithelium is made up of a single layer of squamous cells.

T F The cornea gets its blood supply from tiny vessels at the limbus and from ophthalmic
artery branches via the squamous humor and tear film.

T F The epithelium of the corneal is irreplaceable and any injury in it may arise with a

T F The tear film consists of four different layers.

T F The basal columnar layer is attached to the basal lamina by desmosomes.

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023


1. List the layers of the cornea. (5 points)

Bowmens membrane
Descemets membrane

2. Define a blowout fracture. What are the clinical signs and symptoms that suggest the
presence of a blowout fracture. Explain (5 points)

Blunt trauma to soft tissues of the orbit may cause a fracture of the fragile bony floor (blowoutfracture) •
Clinical features may include diplopia & enophthalmos

3. Interpret and analyze the following image, and state what is the instrument used, and is
this image normal or no and if no state why? (10 points)

Corneal haze, using the slit lamp

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023

4. Name the structures that pass through the superior part of the superior orbital fissure (5

Superior part: transmits lacrimal & frontal branches of cranial nerve V & cranial nerve IV

5. Why is the sclera white in appearance whereas the cornea is transparent, although they
basically have a similar molecular composition? (5 points)

% of water
Uniform arrangement of collagen fibers

6. Which is the thinnest of orbital walls? What is it called? What are the bones that form
this wall? (5 points)

4 bones: maxillary bone, lacrimal bone, ethmoid, lesser wing of sphenoid

Medial orbital wall
Called lamina papyracea

7. How does the cornea gets its nerve supply (5 points)?

The cornea is heavily innervated

• Branches of the nasocilliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve (V1)
• Nerves enter the stroma, perforate Bowman’s membrane & form a rich plexus beneath the
• Nerve supply is greatest centrally & diminishes towards the limbus

8. Describe the 3 layers of the sclera (5 points)

3 layers: 1. Episclera: outermost layer 2. Stromaor substantia propria: middle layer 3. Lamina
fusca: innermost layer

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OPT 210 Exam I
Ocular Anatomy Fall term 2022-2023

9. What happen if the corneal endothelium is injured after a surgery: (5 points)

Polymegathism and pleomorphism

10. What are the different motor nerves that innervate the sclera? (5 points)

 Short posterior ciliary nerves for the posterior part of the sclera
 Long posterior ciliary nerves for the anterior part of the sclera

11. Name the different structures that are located at the limbus (5 points)

1. Conjunctiva
2. Tenon’s capsule
3. Episclera
4. Corneoscleral stroma
5. Aqueous outflow apparatus

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