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I believe method and approaches are very effective, especially when it comes to the teaching of the

Spanish language as every student learns differently. These method and approaches have disadvantages and
advantages. Based on my classmates detailed presentation I got a better understanding of each approach.
Initially before each of my pair’s presentation I try to use my own content clues to try and figure out what
exactly is each approach about.
I was the first to present my approach, my approach was grammar-translation method. This method to
me was very much straight forward to me as it mainly entails the use of grammatical analysis of sentence
structure including morphology and syntax which are taught to students and asked to practice over and over.
Over time it will get boring. I could recall a few of my teachers using this exact method to teach us. I would
find myself spacing out through the window at times. As a future educator this would not be a method for me as
I want my children to be engaged and learning.
Another method shared was the direct method, when I first heard it, I believe it was a method that was
straight to the point hence the name. However, after the presentation I got a better understanding. From what I
gathered the direct method stresses the use of only the target language in the classroom. I believe this method is
much like the grammar-translation method and it is not that effective as well. For example, if a teacher is only
using this method.
The audio-lingual method is another method, which I learned about, I find this specific method very
much interesting as this method deals with the auditory and student tend to like sounds and music especially
younger children. I also believe through listening, imitating, and performing controlled tasks, students acquire a
new form of verbal behaviour. This is a good way to keep students engaged. I could recall in high school my
Spanish teacher would bring her speaker to class and have us listen to Spanish dialogue and have us figure out
what the dialogue is about. I find this method very fun for kids.
Furthermore, suggestopedia is also another approach. It was my first time seeing this word, I didn’t even
know a word of such existed. With the help of my classmates, I was able to add a definition to such method. I
believe the suggestopedia approach is focused mainly on the target language/mother tongue. I personally find
this approach more teachers centerd rather than student centered. I believe teachers who use dialogue would
more prefer this method. I personally would use this method, but not as much as they are other ways to learn
Spanish rather than dialogues.
Moving forward, when I hear the method silent way, I see it as a classroom that is quite yet active as
students will be working. For me, this specific method emphasises the autonomy of the learner. The teacher's
role in the classroom is to be a guide not to spoon the students. I also think with this method the teacher can
monitor the students' efforts, by them doing so, the students are encouraged to have an active role in learning
the language.
Furthermore, I find the total physical response approach very innovative. I find it innovative as the
method is based on physical response, well so I though. The detailed information I learned from my pair made
me realize it goes beyond just the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through
physical (motor) activity. I believe this is a great method for student it doesn’t matter the age as we are always
learning. Especially for a future educator like myself I can see me self-using these methods with my students. I
am very good when it comes to physical response. If I was to implement this method into my classroom I would
do so by saying a word. For example, the word 'jump' and after demonstrating the action so my students can
make connection between the word and the action.
The natural approach was an approach that made me apply my thinking cap. The reason for this is
because what approach can be natural. However, what I was able to understand is that this specific approach is
effective. I think it is associated with the input hypothesis which is concerned with the acquisition rather than
the learning. I believe the natural approach values the fluency rather than the accuracy. I strong believe that
should not be the case. Moreover, if I decide to use this method with my students the first thing that I would do
is observe how children learn naturally. This would give me the input as how to move forward with my
When it comes to the communicative approach, I believe it goes beyond the talking between one teacher
to student or student to student. It is based on the idea that learning a language successfully comes through
having to communicate real meaning. By and individual communicating through real meaning they get to better
understand and learn the language being taught. Although this specific approach has it pros and cons, I believe
with the right person carrying this approach it can be executed well. If I was to use this approach to teach my
future class I would do it in a meaningful way, for example I will present a grammar topic present continuous, I
will show pictures of my last trip and tell my students something like: I have pictures of my vacation. I will
then say in this picture I am with my friends. We are having lunch at a very expensive restaurant. In this other
picture, we are swimming at the beach. By me doing so my future students will learn to use the language.
Lastly, I believe that the tasked-based approach is based on a task. For me the name of this task gives
itself away. From my complete understanding of this specific approach, it is based around the completion of a
central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it. I think by a
teacher using this approach, the students are free of language control. I also believe they will be exposed to a
whole range of lexical phrases, collocations, and patterns. I could recall a few of my teachers using this method
in the classroom but not regularly as how they used the grammar translation method. I believe this method is the
most engaging method for students.
In conclusion, for me personally deciding which is the best method is difficult because each has
strengths and weaknesses, and the nature of a student’s goals will determine which is best for that specific
individual. However, I am not in the classroom yet so I cannot come to a final answer. I do have a few methods
which I would use in my classroom however I don’t know which one is most effective. As a future educator I
would try all the approaches and see what works best for my student and then implement that specific approach.
Moreover, they are a lot that can be taken from each of these approaches to make a very great lesson. Also, I
believe my answer to which method is most effective will come sooner than later as next semester am going on

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