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OPT 350 Exam I

Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023




OPT 350 : Introduction To Optometry

Exam I

Fall Term 2022-2023

Date: 8/11/2019
Time: 8:30 – 9:45

Departmental Use Only

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________
(First) (Father) I.
(Family) /20
II. /20
ID #: _____________________
III. /60

Instructor’s Name: Ms. Rita Abou Ghaida Total Score: / 100

Kindly, make sure that you read and understand the following points:

 Anyone caught cheating or aiding another in cheating will have his/her exam confiscated
immediately and will be given an “F” in the course.
 The use of calculators is not allowed in this examination.
 Access to books, notes, mobile phones, pagers or other aids is strictly prohibited whilst sitting an
 Illegible answers will not receive credit. Write clearly to get credits.
 You are not allowed to remove examination paper, booklets, completed scripts or other materials
from the examination room.
 Time duration is 90 minutes.
 Total number of exam sheets including this cover is 8.

Good Work!

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023


Circle in each of the following questions the best answer. Only one answer per question is correct
(20 points, 1 point each).

The tertiary function of the inferior oblique is:

a. Depression.
b. Adduction.
c. Elevation.
d. Abduction.
Steroids users can develop:
a. Nuclear cataract.
b. Posterior cortical cataract.
c. Posterior subcapsular cataract.
d. Conjunctivitis.
Light entering the eye will be:
a. Absorbed.
b. Reflected.
c. Refracted.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
The superior oblique pulles the eye:
a. Downward and laterally.
b. Downward and medially.
c. Upward and laterally.
d. Upward and medially.
If the power of the eye was + 59 D, and the axial length was 20 mm. this patient will have:
a. Ametropia
b. Emmetropia
c. Cataract.
d. Axial hyperopia.
Aphacik patient will have a refractive power of:
a. +17 D.
b. + 20 D.
c. -20 D.
d. -17 D.
e. None of the above.
The sympathetic nervous system will cause:
a. Dilation of the pupil.
b. Constriction of the pupil.
c. accommodation.
d. None of the above.

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023

Increase in the intraocular pressure may occur due to:

a. Increase the production of tear film.
b. Increase the production of aqueous humor.
c. Decrease in the tear film drainage.
d. Decrease in the aqueous humor drainage.
e. a and c
f. b and d
Yellow deposits on the sclera is due to:
a. Thinning.
b. Fatty deposits.
c. Infections.
d. None of the above
Nystagmus means:
a. Involuntary movement of the eye.
b. Inflammation in the cornea.
c. Dropping of the eyelids.
d. Bulging of the eye.
Heterochromia may be an indication of:
a. Iris melanoma.
b. Trauma.
c. Cataract.
d. None of the above.
The diameter of the cornea is:
a. 6-7 mm.
b. 8-9 mm.
c. 11-12 mm.
d. 13-14 mm.
M ganglion cells are:
a. Sensitive to color.
b. Sensitive to depth.
c. Sensitive to shape.
d. All of the above.
The total power of the eye is:
a. +20 D.
b. +40 D.
c. +60 D.
d. None of the above.
The superior oblique is innervated by:
a. The trochlear muscle.
b. The abducent muscle.
c. The oculomotor muscle.
d. None of the above.

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023

The longest CN is:

a. CN V
c. CN IV
d. CN VI
The dark color of the iris is due to:
a. Accumulation of fatty deposits.
b. Heavily pigmented epithelial layer.
c. Absence of blood vessels.
d. None of the above.
The refractive index of the lens is:
a. 1.8.
b. 0.33.
c. 1.33.
d. None of the above.
Contraction of the ciliary body lead to:
a. Accommodation.
b. Increase the power of the eye.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.
The cornea receives oxygen from:
a. Air.
b. Tear fluid.
c. Aqueous humor.
d. All of the above.


Indicate whether each of the following questions is "true" by circling the letter "T" or
"false" by circling the letter "F” (total 20 points, 1 point each).

T F Palpebral conjunctiva covers the eyeball and is bound tightly and moves with the eyeball.

T F The lattice arrangement of collagen fibers gives the cornea its transparency.

T F Teenagers have higher risks to develop angle closure glaucoma.

T F Emmetropia can be considered an excess of power in the eye or “plus” refractive error.

T F Patients with normal tension glaucoma have high IOP.

T F All the extra ocular muscles have their origin in the back of the orbit in a fibrous ring called
the annulus of Zinn.

T F Stimulation of the sphincter muscle will cause miosis.

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023

T F Proteins are the major components of aqueous humor.

T F The inability of the eye to abduct is the result of CN IV palsy.

T F Contraction of the ciliary muscle and the relaxation of the zonules will lead to a decrease in
the power of the crystalline lens.

T F When a photon is absorbed this will result in depolarization of the photoreceptors.

T F K ganglion cells are sensitive to color and indifferent to shape or depth.

T F Information from the right visual field travels in the right optic tract.

T F The iris consists of two smooth muscles, a radial group called the sphincter pupillae, and a
circular group called the dilator pupillae.

T F Maximum visual acuity happens within the area of fovea centralize where maximum rods
density is recorded.

T F Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system will cause the dilation of the pupil.

T F Vomiting is the primary indication of closed angle glaucoma.

T F Cones are responsible for high-resolution color vision called “scotopic vision”.

T F The lens is a transparent, biconcave structure in the eye that helps to refract light to be
focused on the retina.

T F If a converging light enters a converging lens, it will always exit convergent.


1. State the 2 theories that indicate from where the cornea gets its transparency: (4 point)

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023

2. List the different functions of the Aqeous Humour (7 points)?

.Maintains the intraocular pressure and inflates the globe of the eye
Provides nutrition (e.g. amino acids and glucose) for the avascular ocular tissues; posterior cornea,
.trabecular meshwork, lens, and anterior vitreous
.Carries away waste products from metabolism of the above avascular ocular tissues
.May serve to transport ascorbate in the anterior segment to act as an anti- oxidant agent
.Presence of immunoglobulins indicate a role in immune response to defend against pathogens
.Maintains proper brain energy consumption
.Its main function is to provide diopteric power to the cornea •

3. Light traveling from a light source 50 cm in front of a +3 lens enters it. Where does this
light come to a focus?

1/0.5= -2D
1/1=1m, the light will be convergent

4. What are the different types of ganglion cells and their functions: (5 points)

1. M cells, with large center-surround receptive fields that are sensitive to depth, indifferent to
color, and rapidly adapt to a stimulus;
2. P cells, with smaller center-surround receptive fields that are sensitive to color and shape;
3. K cells, with very large center-only receptive fields that are sensitive to color and indifferent
to shape or depth;
4. Another population that is intrinsically photosensitive; and
5. A final population that is used for eye movements.

5.. discuss the different layers of the cornea (5 point)

1. Corneal epithelium: a thin epithelial multicellular tissue layer (stratified squamous epithelium) of fast-
growing and easily-regenerated cells, kept moist with tears. Irregularity or edema of the corneal

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023
epithelium disrupts the smoothness of the air-tear film interface, the most significant component of
the total refractive power of the eye, thereby reducing visual acuity. It is continuous with the
conjunctival epithelium is composed of about 6 layers of cells which are shed constantly on the
exposed layer and are regenerated by multiplication in the basal layer.
2. Bowman's layer: a tough layer that protects the corneal stroma, consisting of a similar irregularly-
arranged collagen fibers, essentially a type of stroma. It is eight to 14 micrometres thick.
. Corneal stroma: a thick, transparent middle layer, consisting of regularly- arranged collagen
fibers along with sparsely distributed interconnected keratocytes, which are the cells for
general repair and maintenance. They are parallel and are superimposed like book pages The
corneal stroma consists of approximately 200 layers of type I collagen fibrils. Each layer is 1.5
to 2.5 microns. Up to 90% of the corneal thickness is composed of stroma.
• There are 2 theories of how transparency in the cornea comes about:
1. The lattice arrangements of the collagen fibrils in the stroma. The light scatter by individual fibrils is
cancelled by destructive interference from the scattered light from other individual fibrils.
2. The spacing of the neighbouring collagen fibrils in the stroma must be < 200 nm for there to be
3. Descemet's membrane: a thin acellular layer that serves as the modified basement membrane of the
corneal endothelium, from which the cells are derived (but in a different collagen structure. It is 5-10
microns thick.
4. 5. Corneal endothelium: a simple squamous or low cuboidal monolayer of mitochondria-rich cells
responsible for regulating fluid and solute transportbetween the aqueous and corneal stromal
compartments.. The corneal endothelium is bathed by aqueous humour. Unlike the corneal
epithelium, the cells of the endothelium do not regenerate. Instead, they stretch to compensate for
dead cells which reduces the overall cell density of the endothelium and has an impact on fluid
regulation. If the endothelium can no longer maintain a proper fluid balance, stromal swelling due to
excess fluids and subsequent loss of transparency will occur.

6. List and draw the pathology of the visual system (10 points)\

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OPT 350 Exam I
Introduction To Optometry Fall Term 2022-2023
7. List the Extraocular muscles their origin, innervation, and functions (5 points)

8. what is the near and far point of accommodation?

Far point : infinity, 20 feet, 6m

Near point ; example 40cm , 100/40 = 2.5 cm

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