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12:30 p.m. Knot tying Boy Scout will learn how to Sdr: Angela Assigned patrol leader
-1:00 p.m. (focus: rescue using rope with'knot F.Mendoza wm demonstrate howlo
cannibal lying skills. use rope as a med
umof rescue\ rescue.
1:00 p.m.- Flag raising Scouters willknow how to Sdr: Leommel Scout
ma5terwiththe 1:30 p.m. and Flag execute ftag raising as well as
P.Buena use of realflag will
folding flag retraat. demonstrate how to raise
and fold a flagin a proper
2:50 p.m. - Break time
3:20 0.m.
1:SO p.m.- Tent To demonstrate how toinstall Sdr: Oionhet Petrol leader willshow
2:00 p.m. pitching their camp ng tent. (Dome type Gestole how to pinch tent and
tent) the students try to pinch
their tent bv Mtrol.
2:00 p.m.- Bandaging Boy Scout will learn how to use Sctr: Rodessa Assigned troop
leader will 2:30 p.m. their neckerchief as a medium
G. Ajero execute and ask the
of bandaging. soouts to use
neckerchief for
2:30 p.m.- Seouloath Scouts will memorize and able Sdr: Aire F. Assign TLwill post
and 3 00 p_m. and law to recite scout oath and law
Maceda discuss the scout oath
and law aswellas time
memorize and recite
Larong Plnoy (re ay and races)
IEach activttv wilLbe done simuttaneoustv ""'""tro
3:00 p.m.- Sack Race The first group to finish the Sctr. Femelin Each member siU
wear 3:20 p.m. game wiK be the winner
Rosel sack fromfoot to waist
and Jumploop from start
to start end pass it o
the next member.
3:20 p.m.- Caterpillar The first group to finish the Sctr:Ria D. Have the members
line 3:40 p.m. race game wiU be the
winner tameta up.ineach group, one
behind another in a
s raight fine. Have
each player place
theirlegs aroundthe
waist or the person
infTont of lhem and
have theirfeet be in
the -rson's lao.
The first group to finish the Sett:Marlon Have each team form an
3:40 p.m.- Water
4:00 p.m. Budret game wiW Tuplano evenly spaced
line between their
bethe winner two
Race containers. Distribute a
cup for each
person.On 'go." have
the person closeSI to
the bucket of water
filltheir cup with water
andthen pour the
contentsinthe next

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