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Gr Grammar
- Wrong possessive or pronoun *Mary and his husband. *Look at those dogs! Do you like its?
- Incorrect translation from Spanish *She has 20 years.
- “s” in third person singular simple present *She like running
- Adjectives ending in “s” plural *The food and the weather are very differents
- like/ love/ hate / don't mind + verb *I like go to the gym
WO Wrong word order
- Usual order in statements:
time expression-subject-verb-IO-DO-place expression-time expression *I like very much pizzas. * I every day go jogging

- Usual adjective order before a noun:

Opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material - noun *She has straight, long, brown light hair
Sp Wrong spelling *dificult

Voc - Wrong dictionary entry *She is interesting about pollution

- Wrong word (wrong grammar category) *She loves Spain weather. *Her live is so boring
T Wrong verb tense *She knows him for many years
V Wrong verb form * The Titanic sunk very quickly
? Impossible to understand what you are trying to say
[ ] This part needs to be re-written, re-arranged (it makes no sense, there’s [My house is big and very little and it is two bedrooms]
no real order, …)
Prep Wrong preposition *He arrived to London yesterday
*Opening hours here are different of those in Scotland
Con/ C No concord / agreement *Spanish people is different.
*This pens are mine
^ Word(s) missing * ^ Is difficult to work here. *My father is ^ doctor
P Bad punctuation *She's got a brother John and a sister Amy.
Capital letters *On the other hand I think that …
*english people like tea
( ) Word(s) not needed *I like (the) pop music

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