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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1

Disclaimer 5

Acknowledgments 5

Document Links 6

Introduction 7

Core Rules 8
What You’ll Need 8
How to Play 8
Round Up 8
Your Character 8
Maximum & Minimum Stat 8
The Party 8
Forced Evolutionary Virus 8
Exploring the Wasteland 8
Skill & SPECIAL Checks 9
Bonuses & Penalties to Checks 9
Check Examples 9
Penalty Table 10
Assist Action 10
Defender & Attacker 10
Base 11
Group Checks 11
Free Action 11
Reroll 11
Substitute 11
Perk Charges 11
Vault Points 12
Awarding Vault Points 12
Using Vault Points 12

Character Creation 13
Primary Statistics 14
Strength (STR) 14
Perception (PER) 14

Endurance (END) 14
Charisma (CHA) 14
Intelligence (INT) 14
Agility (AGI) 14
Luck (LCK) 14
Secondary Statistics 15
Races 18
Human 19
Synth 20
Ghoul 21
Eastern Super Mutant 22
Western Super Mutant 23
Robots 24
Intelligent Deathclaw 25
Karma 26
Traits 28
Psykers 31
Mutation 33
Languages 35
Skills 36
Starting Skill Formulas 36
Background Skill Points 36
Choosing Your Tagged Skills 36
Skill Limit 36
Spending Skill Points 36
Skill Formulas 37
Combat Skills 38
Combat Specializations 40
Support Skills 42
Support Specializations 47
Starter Equipment 50
Buying Equipment 51

Level Advancement 52
So You Leveled Up? What Now? 52
Skill Progression 53
Milestone Variant 53
Perks 54
Milestone Perks 55
Roleplay Perks 55
Forced Evolution Perks 56
Mutation Perks 57

Surviving The Wasteland 81

Roleplaying 81
Combat Encounters 81
Social Encounters 81
Currency 81
Downtime Activities 82
Instruments 82
Skill Training 82
Staying Healthy 83
Books & Magazines 83
Chems, Drinks, & Addiction 83
Diseases 83
Extreme Weather 84
Fatigue (Ftg) & Nourishment 84
Radiation 85
Short & Long Rest 85
Gas 85
Disease List 86
Radiation Level List 87
Looting 88
Time, Traveling, & Navigation 89

Combat 90
Rounds of Combat 90
Turn Order 90
Surprise Round 90

Action Points 91
Movement 91
Free Movement 91
Fighting Stances 91
AP Chart 92
Types of Attacks 95
Single (S) 95
Targeted (T) 95
Burst (B) 95
Targeted Attack Table 96
How To Attack 97
Combat Example 97
Can I Attack Past Allies? 97
Sneak Attack 97
Damage Roll & Calculation 98
Damage Types 99
Conditions 100
Healing 100
Falling & Knockback 100
Comatose & Reaper Checks 101
Death 101
Suffocation 101
Underwater 101
Know Your Tactics 102
Successful Hits (SH) & Condition Marks (CM) 103
Weapon Resistance (WR) 104
Base Unarmed Attacks 104
Critical Chance 105
Burst Criticals 105
Explosion Radius Criticals 105
Instant Death Critical 105
Critical Result Table 106
Special Moves 107
Melee Weapons Special Moves 108
Unarmed Special Moves 110
Dual Wielding 114
Dual Throwing 114

We do not own nor are we affiliated with Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media Inc, or any
company associated with the Fallout franchise. We take no responsibility for translations and
any legal disputes for this is a free project and purely funded through passion. Please give credit
if you plan to use this PNP.

Thank you Black Isles Studios, Obsidian Entertainment, Bethesda Softworks for creating and
working on one of my favorite franchises of all time. I would like to thank all the people that are
helping make this Pen and Paper System better. This passion project could not have even seen
light without people backing me up.

Maybe one day, Bethesda will find this and support it.

I would like to thank my players for being the first playtesters and main team for the PNP, Vaults
& Deathclaws. We would like to thank the Vaults & Deathclaws Community and their

Vaults & Deathclaws Team

Osvel Cabrera (Skyeris), Arnold Norona (Thenonexistent), Jose Daniel Cuellar Jr. (Winnings),
Michael Carmine (Chuckles), Vladimir, ChronoKing777, and Ace of Consultants.

Honorable Mentions
DJCP2506 and Lex.

Document Links
Discord Server
If you want to get involved with the project, by all means, join our Discord Server!

DGB - Part 2
The second part of the Dweller’s Guidebook. It consists of the Crafting, Robot Upgrades,
Cybernetics, Implants, and Vehicles section.

Bestiary - Part 1
Covers How to Use the Bestiary, Creatures, FEV, and Robots.

Bestiary - Part 2
Covers Factions, Wastelanders, and Wasteland Legends.

Equipment is in its own section to make load time for the document faster.

Overseer’s Guide
A guide for those that wish to run their own Fallout Campaign. This guide covers some basics
but if you want additional ideas ask us on the Discord. All who wish to run a Fallout Campaign
should read this document.

Vaults & Deathclaws - YouTube Channel

For those who like to listen to Roleplaying Streams or wish to see how the system has evolved
since its creation with a fun and gritty campaign. We also have Video guides to better explain
the V&D PNP system. The more subscribers we get the more cool stuff we can do.

We have our own subreddit now! Discuss in our thread the wonders of Fallout and the Fallout:
Vaults & Deathclaws PNP System.

Character Sheet
A simple Character Sheet to be used for home games.

Welcome to Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws PNP Dweller’s Guide! This Pen and Paper is inspired by
the Fallout franchise. This system is always being worked on by a dedicated team and
community with one goal in mind. Make it official. This project is 100% free and anyone is free
to use it. We take all forms of constructive criticism for improving the system. If there is
something you wish to comment on, join our Discord.

What the system offers is freedom in a literal fashion. The freedom to create the character of
your dreams without the limitation of classes. Character creation comprises of point-buy. You
put points into the skills and statistics of your choice to improve them to give you a higher
possibility of succeeding in actions. The system revolves around percentile dice for the actions.

Fallout has extremely dark elements such as racism, slavery, rape, child labor, etc. This may be
too gruesome for people to stomach. It’s up to the Overseer (known in other systems as the
Game Master (GM)) to set up the expectations they have for the campaign and talk to their
players about the type of game they want to run. If the player(s) is not comfortable with it, try
to come to a compromise. If you want to learn how to become an Overseer of a Fallout PNP
Campaign, look into the Overseer’s Guide. It will provide you with ideas on how to run a Fallout:
Vaults & Deathclaws PNP campaign.

Core Rules
The Dweller’s Guide Book, or DGB, is a player and an Overseer’s primary source for most of the
rules you’ll be using in campaigns. Everything in the rules can be read as written or as intended.
Take your time to avoid confusion and don’t be afraid to check the rules if something feels off.
Anything that isn’t stated or covered in the DGB is upon the Overseer’s discretion. If you see a
term known as stat, it’ll refer to the statistic of an item be it the effect, resistances, etc. Specific
rules always override general rules. If two rules contradict, the specific rule of such an item,
overrides the general rule.

What You’ll Need of their own character. In the PNP you’ll find that everything is
referred to you but it's actually referred to your character
In order to play, you’ll need one of each dice: d4, d6, d8, d10,
because you control them.
d12, d20, and percentile dice. Have a coin on yourself just in
case a d2 is called. Have a calculator in hand for damage. Have
a token or figure to represent your character during combat. A Maximum & Minimum Stat
notebook is recommended to remind you of previous events, In some situations you’ll discover that some statistics have a
character backstory, your research, etc. Of course, the most Minimum and a Maximum. No matter what, a statistic can never
important thing you’ll need, a character sheet that you can find go below a specified minimum or above a specified Maximum.
the link for in the Links section. How everything is utilized is From that minimum, all reductions are ignored, but additions can
described as you keep reading the rules. still be applied. From the maximum, all reductions start at the
How to Play
The foundation pattern of Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws PNP is The Party
as follows: The party is composed of the players characters and any
companions they may have recruited for their journey. A starting
● The Overseer describes the environment and the party can range from three to eight players. Maybe more! Always
situation. This could either be an abandoned shed or a remember, a party that works together stays together. Help each
rowdy bar with a lot of hostile characters. other out and have fun!
● The players describe their characters actions. Each
player controls a character they’ve created and acts as Forced Evolutionary Virus
that character. Sometimes an Overseer asks to roll a
An artificial virus created by West Tek, the Forced Evolutionary
couple of dice to determine the result of some
Virus, or FEV, is a virus that forces change in both the genotype
and phenotype into one of the most important mutagens in the
● Lastly, the Overseer describes the result of the players
wasteland. Many have used FEV to alter creatures and humans
actions and rolls.
for all sorts of experiments. This is the main element of Fallout
that caused many of the mutants such as Super Mutant to exist.
Round Up Those who were created through FEV cannot be affected by the
Whenever a decimal or a fraction ends up being the result, same FEV strand.
always round up, no matter how low it is.
Exploring the Wasteland
Your Character A world like Fallout is filled with despair, corruption, and
The players of a session take control of one character of their Deathclaws. The world you’re in doesn’t have a quicksave button.
creation using the system's rules. They only control the actions Treat everything you interact with as if it's the actual world. The

Overseer has created the world around your character, but Penalties from effects from Radiation, Disease, etc. only apply to
they’re living in it and it’s probably your character’s job to save checks. They’re temporary debuffs that only apply to what’s
the world, or destroy it once again. Because war, war never stated. If it states it gives AG -3, this means for AGI checks you get
changes. -3. It doesn’t decrease everything that pertains to AGI. You can go
below the racial max for SPECIAL checks but never below the Skill
Skill & SPECIAL Checks minimum.
Skill and SPECIAL Checks is a method of resolving the actions of
All bonuses from tools, perks, Chems, Drinks, etc. only apply to
checks. They're temporary buffs and only apply to what’s
stated. If it states it gives STR +2, this means for STR checks you
Whenever a Skill Check is called for, it’s in relation to one of the
get +2. It doesn’t increase everything that pertains to STR. You
Skills: Archery, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons,
can go above the racial max for SPECIAL checks but never above
Small Guns, Throwing, Unarmed, Animalism, Blacksmith,
the Skill Limit. Refer to Skill for additional information.
Barter, Charm, Chemistry, Computer Science, Deception,
Detection, Doctor, Engineer, Gambling, Gunsmith, Insight,
Somes items or effects give bonuses or penalties to skills
Intimidation, Investigation, Lore, Pilot, Sleight of Hand, Sneak,
depending on what is in their Skill Formula. Only one skill bonus
and Survival. You roll a 1d100 and the Overseer then applies
is applied per Skill Formula per chem. If a chem gives STR Skills
the penalty based on difficulty to the value of the Skill being
+10, all skills that have STR in their Skill Formula get a +10 to the
checked. Then, if the 1d100 roll is less than your skill, the check
check. The bonus or penalty is not doubled if there is a repeated
Whenever a SPECIAL Check is called for in relation to one of the
These bonuses and penalties are also applied to the Passive
main Primary Stats, Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma,
SPECIAL and/or specified Skill as well. Refer to Defender &
Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. For SPECIAL checks, the same
Attacker for additional information. Unlike Attack Rolls, Critical
applies. You roll a 1d10 and the same condition applies from
Success and Failures do not apply to Support Skills and SPECIAL
the Skill Checks.
checks. Refer to the Penalty Table for examples of Penalties for
Skills and SPECIAL Checks.
Failing a roll results in the action not being completed.
Depending on the circumstance, the Overseer may declare that
the situation remains the same or it got worse. Players and Check Examples
Overseer’s must accept the final result of all checks and actions Skill Check Example: Bill wants to repair a toaster and the
made. Succeeding a roll results in the action the character Overseer states he must roll Engineer. Bill’s Engineer Skills is 70.
requested to be completed unless the situation is deemed to The Overseer applies a -10 penalty to Bill’s skill. Bill rolls a 1d100
be more complex. This is upon the Overseer’s discretion. and gets a 60. Because his Engineer skill is 70 and the skill penalty
is -10, 70 - 10 = 60. Bill fails the skill check because he didn’t roll
Bonuses & Penalties to Checks below his skill.
Penalties determine how difficult the action is such as putting
SPECIAL Check Example: Tiffany is being chased by a horde of
together a computer, fixing a weapon, etc. They aren’t required
Feral Ghouls through a collapsed building. Pieces of debris
for every action and it’s upon the Overseer to declare when
continue to fall down so the Overseer asks Tiffany to roll AGI to
they’re necessary. If the Overseer allows it, you may be able to
dodge the falling debris. The Overseer applies a -2 penalty to
attempt the same action you failed in, but the penalty may be
Tiffany’s AGI. Tiffany rolls a 2 compared to her AGI 7. Because her
increased. Overseer’s, ask the player what their skill is first with
AGI is 7 and the penalty is -2, 7 - 2 = 5. Tiffany manages to dodge
any bonuses they might have. This’ll allow you to calculate
the falling debris because she rolled under 5.
what the player has to roll in order for them to succeed.
Overseer’s can decide to tell or hide the penalties before the
roll is made.

Penalty Table
Difficulty Skill Penalty SPECIAL Penalty Examples

Extremely Easy +10 +2 Fix a broken Toaster with instructions.

Easy -10 +1 Cook a pound of meat.

Mildly Challenging -25 -1 Fixing a radio or finding the blood trail of a killer.

Challenging -50 -2 Bribe the Bouncer to let you into the New Reno Casino.

Hard -75 -4 Cracking open a Safe.

Very Hard -100 -6 Making a Fusion Core Generator.

Nearly Impossible -125 -8 Convincing a Legionnaire that you’re not a profligate if you’re N.C.R.

Impossible -150 -11 Convincing a Deathclaw that you don’t exist so it can walk away.

Fascist -175 -14 Hack Liberty Prime.

Communist -199 -17 Convince Frank Horrigan to not fight.

Assist Action The Overseer has final say on when a request to make a roll is
applicable or not, and may offer rolls even when the player in
If someone is attempting to help you in a task that requires a
question does not ask for it. To NPCs, Player Characters are
Skill, they must have at least 50 in the skill. This’ll give you a
always the Attackers unless specified by a rule or the Overseer.
+15 bonus to the Skill and nothing else. Multiple people can
Between Players, the one calling the Skill Check first is the
help but the bonus only applies once. If someone is attempting
attacker. If no one calls for a roll, no rolls are made. The Overseer
to help you with a SPECIAL check, you get a +2 to the check. If
may give bonuses or penalties depending on the dialogue and/or
an ability or perk allows you to replace a skill for another, the
situation to either the Attacker or Defender.
Assist Action from someone must be of the original skill. The
bonus will apply to the replaced skill.
Assuming both Sarah and Butch are Player Characters, since the
Attacker is the initiator of the action, Sarah must roll Insight and
Defender & Attacker the Penalty is the Passive Deception of Butch. The Passive is the
Similar to Skill and SPECIAL checks, we have Attack & Defender. Deception skill of Butch. Just like a Skill Check, if Sarah succeeds,
The Attacker is the initiator of the action while the Defender she’ll suspect Butch of stealing the Sweet Roll. If Sarah fails, she
fends off the effect of the action. If at any time both Attacker wouldn’t suspect Butch of stealing the Sweet Roll.
and Defender tie in the check, the Defender wins.
The same is applied with Detection against Sleight of Hand /
Example: Let’s say Butch stole a Sweet Roll from Mrs. Platter Sneak, or vice versa. The chart has examples for Overseers to
and ate it. Sarah finds out someone stole the Sweet Roll and apply additional penalties to the Defender for certains situations
searches to find the culprit. Sarah stumbles upon Butch sitting that may make it easier or difficult for the Attacker and vice
in the cafeteria and asks about the stolen Sweet Roll. Butch lies versa. This can also be applied to other Skill Checks depending on
and says he didn’t see a thing. Sarah would like to Insight the the situation. Refer to Detection & Sneak in Combat for
Butch to determine if he’s lying. The final result of the roll must additional information.
be accepted.

Free Action
Skill Bonuses Examples Some perks or equipment may state something along the lines of
“free” in certain actions such as Reloading, Sneaking, etc. This is
+10 to -75 Deception: You’re disguised as a different person. read and applied as stated. It’s free, it costs absolutely nothing to
Sleight of Hand: Someone you’re trying to
do the specific action. During Combat Free Actions can only be
pickpocket is distracted.
Sneak: You hide in a field of tall grass. done on your turn.

+100 to +175 Detection: You can spot everyone in the open Reroll
barron field.
Sleight of Hand: You attempt to pickpocket When anything calls for a reroll, you have the option to roll again.
someone while they’re asleep. If you’re satisfied with your first roll, you don’t need to reroll.
Sneak: You take cover at night to conceal yourself. However, if you reroll, you have to take the second result. You
have to say you’re going to reroll before you reroll. Any bonuses
that were added to the previous roll are also applied. If you’re
Passive Penalties Examples rerolling a skill with another skill due to a perk such as I Got This,
you do not need to expend another Gamble Point for the reroll.
-10 to -75 Deception: You lied a couple of times to your The same applies to replacing a Skill with another Skill due to a
friends and rarely have gotten caught by perk. It’s one use per check. Additional bonuses cannot be
applied after a reroll.
Detection: There are some environmental
obstacles in the way making it harder to
detect anyone trying to sneak up on me. Substitute
Sneak: You’re attacking at a distance from the
same area repeatedly with a silencer. Some perks and abilities allow you to use a SPECIAL or Skill in
replacement of another. Any bonuses applied to the skill the
-100 to -175 Deception: You attacked someone in the Overseer calls the check for are applied to the substituted skill.
middle of the street in front of your friends Some even give you an option.
and you’re trying to convince them that it
wasn’t you. Example: The Overseer asks a player to roll Survival to try and
Detection: The walls and floor are far too forage for food. The Player has the perk called Method Acting
thick to detect anyone in a parallel hallway.
which allows them to replace Deception with Survival. The player
Sneak: You hide behind the only cactus in the
middle of an open field. also has a unique tool that gives them a +15 to Survival. The +15
will apply to the Deception roll because it’s’ the skill being
Some statistics will refer to it as being Base. Base is considered
Perk Charges
the natural statistic of a character without any bonuses applied. Some perks have a limited amount of charges that depend on
either a specific stat, or a flat number. You cannot exceed these
uses unless specified. They can also be recharged but that
Example: If you have AGI 7, you have a Base Armor Class of 7
depends on the perk. Some items can give you additional uses as
and base AGI 7. well. They specify the SPECIAL of origin (Extra Requirements
don’t count). If the item has a duration, the extra charges will go
Group Checks away after the duration or the charges will go away once they're
used. This applies to all perks you have.
There are times when the entire party, or a few members of
the party, may have to roll for a check such as sneaking into a Example: You have LCK 6 and have the perk Hold My Beer. Hold
raider compound. Only half the party has to succeed in the My Beer states that it can be used up to your LCK / 2. This means
check for everyone to succeed in the task. These are rare you can use this perk up to three times. You can recharge this
occurrences but the Assist Action can be used to help out when you take a Long Rest. Upon a Long Rest, you’ll get all three
another character lacking in a skill. charges back. If you take an item that states LCK Charges +2,
you’ll get two additional charges for Hold My Beer.

Vault Points
There are moments in the wasteland when the dice isn’t on your side and you’ve used up all
your cool abilities. Maybe you have one bullet left in the chamber against the barely breathing
Deathclaw glaring down at them while raising it’s bloodied claws. Just one hit and it’ll die. You
miss your attack. This is when you could use a Vault Point! Vault Points (VP) represent the
potential to be great and create a powerful moment that could decide your fate.

Awarding Vault Points ● +2 Free Movement for one minute. This cannot be done
within the minute of the Free Movement bonus.
Vault Points are awarded to players by the Overseer and only
● Gain one charge for a trait or perk that you have that
one can be given at a time per player. Vault Points are only
recharges from a Short Rest or Long Rest (Example:
earned through roleplaying big moments such as meeting a
Biokinesis, Electrokinesis, Hold My Beer, Omnislash). This
character in a backstory, completing story arcs, roleplaying your
Vault Point usage can only be used once per perk per
character's ideals in pivotal moments, etc. The Overseer
turn on your turn. Example: If you have the perk Hold
ultimately decides when Vault Points are given.
My Beer, you can only spend a total of 1 Vault Point per
turn to regain a usage of this perk.
Overseer’s can also reward Vault Points to players after they
● If an attack is meant to down you, you can spend 2 VP to
complete a quest, job, or a story arc.
have you stay at 1 HP unless the situation makes it
impossible for them to remain alive.
You have a limited amount of Vault Points you can have that is
● Gain 2 AP. This can be done up to a max of 4 AP. For
determined by Vault Limit. Refer to the Secondary Statistics in
Driver’s using Vehicles you get 5 AP for one Vault Point.
Vault Limit.
This will last for only one round.
● +5 to a Sequence Roll. This can be said before or after
Using Vault Points the roll.
VPs have a multitude of uses and any of these actions cost one
VP, unless stated otherwise. You must declare this before any
rolls are made.

● Reroll any roll you made. This includes Skill checks,

SPECIAL checks, damage as a whole, etc. The result of
the second roll must be accepted, even if it’s worse.
The same occurs if rerolling a reroll.
● Make Reaper Checks 75 instead of 50. This lasts until
you’re Stabilized, Awake, or Dead. Also, increase the
range from waking up from Comatose from 1- 5 to 1 -
● Get a +20 to one skill check or +2 to a one SPECIAL
check. This must be called before the roll is made
(Only two can be used per check and is only applied to
one roll).

Character Creation
Before making a character, read up on the lore of Fallout. Discuss with your Overseer what
backstory you want for your character. The character-creating process is sequential; once you
finish a step, you cannot go back and change anything. Once the first session starts you cannot
make any changes to your character.

All characters start with three Vault Points unless specified. If a character is created above Level
1, the Overseer dictates how many Vault Points you get. It’s recommended you’re given at least
5 above Level 9. Refer to Vault Points under Surviving the Wasteland for additional information.

Character Creation Steps Process Section Page

Step 1: Choose a Race Races 18

Step 2: Choose a Background Perk Races 18

Step 3: What Makes You SPECIAL Primary and Secondary Statistics 14

Step 4: Good? Evil? Neutral? Karma 26

Step 5: Choose a Trait? Or Don’t. Traits 28

Step 6: How do you communicate? Languages 35

Step 7: Your Profession Before The Campaign Background Skill Points 36

Step 8: Choose Your Tagged Skills Choose Your Tagged Skills 36

Step 9: Spend Your Level 1 Skill Points Spending Skill Points 36

Skill Progression 53

Step 10: Choose Your Gear Starter Equipment 50

Primary Statistics
Each race has a specific amount of SPECIAL points to spend upon Character Creation. These are
your character’s main attributes. You must roleplay your character according to their SPECIAL
Use common sense and distribute your points however you like within the race limitations.

Strength (STR) Intelligence (INT)

Strength measures how strong a character is. This also affects Intelligence determines how smart a character is. This
your Carry Weight, Hit Points, Melee Damage, and determines how many Skill Points you get per level and how
Supplementary Range for Throwing. STR checks are required many Languages you know. Refer to Languages for additional
when doing actions such as climbing, pushing a heavy object, information. INT checks are required when someone is
or lifting a large heavy door. attempting to mind control you, or if you’re trying to figure out a
puzzle and need some help, or if you’re trying to recall an
Perception (PER) incident from your past that you barely remember.
Perception relates to the five senses: touch, sight, hearing,
smell, and taste. You notice details that others may not be able Agility (AGI)
to, like finding a needle in the haystack, and so on. This also Agility measures the speed of a character’s reaction and
affects Supplementary Range for Ranged Weapons. PER checks nimbleness. This determines your Base Armor Class, Sequence,
are required when surveying the land for any landmarks, and Action Points. AGI checks are required when you’re trying to
observing a large structure for weak points, or seeing the balance on a tightrope, or if you have to quickly dodge out of the
entrances and windows of a large building that’s very far away. way of an attack.

Endurance (END) Luck (LCK)

Endurance is the overall physical fortitude and health of a Luck determines how much the universe hates or loves you. LCK
character. The higher the Endurance, the better the immune determines your fate, Critical Chance, and also the condition of
system. This dictates Hit Points, Addiction Resistance, Implant items found. LCK checks could be used to lessen the amount of
Limit, Limb Resistance, Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance, enemies in an encounter, get an extra 10 minutes while
and Healing Rate. END checks are required for resisting poison, attempting to rob a shop stealthy by having the shopkeep look
trying not to vomit from a horrific smell, or not getting drunk for their glasses, make the town guards chasing you have to stop
while chugging a gallon of red wine. to take a few minutes longer to get to you because a Brahmin
happened to tip over in front of them, or when you’re shopping
Charisma (CHA) to find a special piece of equipment. Passing a LCK check means
Charisma is about your presence around people. The higher the fate is on your side.
Charisma, the more approachable you are to people. To be able
to talk up that bartender for a free drink. CHA checks are
required in situations regarding social interaction such as trying
to get the general vibe of a town, giving off a presence that
you’re approachable or a badass, or you wish to generally learn
about key topics or people of the town for an hour.

Secondary Statistics
Secondary Stats reflect off of your character’s SPECIAL and are used throughout a campaign.

Action Points (AP) Example: If your Max CW is 100 and you’re carrying items that
5 + (AGI / 2) equal to a CW 200, you gain two Fatigue because you went over
Action Points are the one of the more important Secondary 50% of your CW twice.
Stats used in combat. Everything in combat has a cost. The
higher the AGI, the more AP you have. To find out more about Size Carry Weight Equation
how to use AP, refer to the Action Points under Combat. The
max AP a Player Character can have is 20. The Minimum AP is Small STR x 5 lbs
Medium 20 + (10 x (STR + END)) lbs
Addiction Resistance (AR)
Large 100 + (30 x STR) + (20 x END) lbs
END x 2
Addiction Resistance pertains to resisting the addictiveness of Huge 300 + (50 x STR) + (40 x END) lbs
Chems and Drinks. Upon each use of a Chem/Drink with an
Addiction Chance, you roll 1d100. Your AR is subtracted by the Gargantuan 700 + (80 x STR) + (60 x END) lbs
Addiction Chance of the Chem/Drink. In this case, you need to
roll below the Addiction Chance. The addiction is applied after
the effect wears off. Critical Chance (CC)
Critical Chance determines the likeness to get a Critical Success or
Example: If you have END 10, your AR is 20%. If the Addiction
Failure. Your LCK dictates your Base Critical Chance. Only
Chance of the Chem or Drink you take is 80%, subtract it by 20%
permanent increases count towards your base. Success Range is
and you have a 60% chance of being addicted. When you roll
for Critical Success and Failure Range is for Critical Failures. Refer
1d100, you’ll need to roll between 61 - 100 in order to not be
to Critical Chance for additional information. For every point you
addicted. If you roll between 1 - 60, you will be addicted to the
have for LCK that is above 10, increase the Success Range by 1.
Chem/Drink. If after applying AR you end up having a 0% of
Failure Range will remain at 100 and it can never go higher. If a
being addicted, you don’t have to roll. However, if you take the
perk or ability states it increases CC, it only affects Success Range.
same Chem/Drink within 8 hours, add the original Addiction
Chance to the total Addiction Chance for this next roll. For
additional information on addiction, refer to the Chems, Drinks, LCK Success Range Failure Range
& Addiction under Surviving the Wasteland.
1 1 91 - 100
2 1-2 92 - 100
Armor Class (AC) 3 1-3 93 - 100
Armor Class determines how easy, or hard it is to attack you. 4 1-4 94 - 100
AGI dictates your Base Armor Class. This is added with your 5 1-5 95 - 100
Under Armor (UA), Armor Set (AS), Mods, and Shield AC which 6 1-6 96 - 100
7 1-7 97 - 100
makes the Total AC. Total AC is what you use in Combat to
8 1-8 98 - 100
determine whether an attack hits or misses you. The max Total 9 1-9 99 - 100
AC any character can have is 150. 10 1 - 10 100

Carry Weight (CW)

Carry Weight is the maximum amount of weight you can carry.
CW depends on size. Refer to the CW Table. Attempting to
carry more than your CW risks gaining Fatigue. Refer to the
Fatigue and Nourishment for additional information. You gain
one Fatigue everytime you go above 50% of your Max CW. This
can be done up to three Fatigue max.

Electricity Resistance (ER) For Robots, LR is specific to the body part instead of the equation
Electricity Resistance refers to resisting stun effects from and can only be repaired.
electricity. The higher the ER, the harder it is to get stunned
from electricity. Some items can decrease ER. If you ever have Melee Damage (MD)
0% or negative ER, you’re automatically Stunned. If you’re Melee Damage is additional damage equal to your STR that can
above ER 100% after the penalty is applied, you cannot be be added to your Melee/Unarmed Weapon attacks.
stunned through this method.
Personality (PL)
Example: You’re being stunned by a Spasm Gun which inflicts CHA x 10 ft
ER -10%. You have ER 20%. Subtract 20% by 10% and you have Personality determines the radius of perks and abilities related
ER 10%. Roll a 1d100. If you roll within 1 - 10, you’re not towards boosting allies, ruining enemies, sensing who’s in danger,
stunned. However, if you roll from 11 - 100 you’re stunned for etc.
however long the item states.
Example: If you have the perk Hold My Beer and you have CHA 4,
Hit Points (HP) you can use Hold My Beer on anyone within 40 ft.
15 + (STR + (END x 2))
Hit Points determine the amount of physical and psychological Poison Resistance (PR)
damage you can safely sustain. As long as you have 1 HP, you’re END x 5
not dead. There are two HPs, Max HP and Current HP. Max HP Poison is an assassin’s weapon that has proven to be very
is Maximum Hit Points and Current Hit Points are the Hit Points effective. However, some have the ability to resist these effects.
you currently have. When you level up, your Max HP increases Refer to the Damage Types section for additional information
by 3 + (END / 2). For Robots, you get Max HP +8 every level about Poisons. No one can ever have negative PR. If you have PR
because you can change your body parts. 100% after the penalty is applied, ignore the Poison Damage.
If an effect allows your Max HP to go above and the effect ends Poison Damage x (100% - PR) = Damage Result
while your Current HP is still above your Base Max HP, it goes
down to your Base Max HP. If your Max HP is reduced to 0, Example: You take 15 Poison Damage. If you have PR 15%, take
you’re dead. Refer to Reaper Checks for additional information. the difference, which is 85%, multiply it by 15, which will result in
Overseer’s, use common sense when describing how attacks 13 Poison Damage deducted from your HP. The example equation
hit. A Mole Rat cannot withstand 100 bullets. Perhaps it would be 15 x 0.85.
dodged many of them and it grew tired with a few bullets
making direct hits.
Radiation Resistance (RR)
Implant Limit (IL) END x 2
END / 3 What’s a nuclear apocalypse without a little radiation?
Implant Limit determines how many Implants can be installed Apply the same rules as PR to RR except it applies to Radiation.
in a character’s body. You cannot exceed beyond your Implant Radiation is counted separately and the more you have the worse
Limit. Refer to Implants for additional information. the effects are. Refer to the Radiation rules under Surviving the
Wasteland for additional information.
Limb Resistance (LR)
Sequence (SQ)
END / 2
Your Limb Resistance determines how many times you need to 1d20 + ((PER + AGI)/2)
be attacked with a Targeted Attack to the Arm/Leg in order for Sequence is your initiative in combat and it determines the order
it to be crippled. Refer to Crippled Body Attack under Critical of play for combat. Refer to Turn Order in Combat for additional
Chance for additional information. Your Base LR is based on the information.
above equation and it resets after a Long Rest if a limb is
uncrippled. Some Armor gives LR and it must be repaired. Refer Skill Points (SP)
to Repairing Items under Crafting for additional information. 5 + (INT x 3) = Skill Points
Skill points are used when leveling up to increase your Skills.
Refer to the Skill Progression under Level Advancement for
additional information.

Supplementary Range (SR) Vault Limit (VL)
STR / PER x 10% (CHA x 2) + 1
Supplementary Range is range added to the Base Range of a Vault Limit determines the amount of Vault Points you can have
Ranged Weapon. Depending on your PER, the Ranged Weapons in total. Refer to Vault Points on their usage under Core Rules for
Base Range will be increased by a certain percentage. Round up additional information.
to the nearest 5 ft. Use PER for the following skills: Big Guns,
Energy Weapons, and Small Guns. Use STR for the following
Skills: Throwing. You may choose to use STR or PER for Archery.

Example: If you have PER 5, the base range of all Ranged

Weapons will be increased by 50%.

System Shock (SS)

END / 2
System Shock pertains to how many Chems or Drinks effects
you can have in your body without dying or passing out.
Addiction Effects are considered active effects for System
Shock. Taking a chem you’re addicted to counts seperate to
that of the Addiction Effect. This means if you’re addicted to Jet
and you take Jet, it counts as two for System Shock, rather than
one. If you take a Chem that you already have the effect of
active and you take it again before it wears off, you’ll get an
additional System Shock.

Example: If the duration of Jet is still active on you and you

decide to take another Jet while under the effects of the first,
you’ll gain a System Shock. This will also apply if you take it
again. If however the duration wears off, remove all System
Shocks from this Chem except for Addiction.

For Drinks, System Shock is counted separate from Chems. If

you have two active Chem Effects and one active Drink effect,
you have two System Shock in Chems, and one System Shock in

Once you go above your limit you’ll be overdosed and enter

System Shock. This means that if your System Shock is 3, they
have both 3 Chems or 3 Drinks effects active, before going over
either System Shock limit. You drop to 0 HP and start rolling
Reaper Checks. Using Chems or Drinks with no Duration does
not count towards System Shock. Refer to Reaper Checks under
Combat for additional information.

Fallout has a few playable races that inhabit the world. Some races are dependent on the
timeline of a campaign. Each race also has a specific Base Unarmed Attack they can do. For
additional information, refer to Base Unarmed Attacks under Combat.

Some races have abilities such as increased hit points per level, Size Space in Ft Bonus
a chance to grow bigger, or even become susceptible to pulse.
Choose very carefully from the provided list of races and Small 2.5 ft, 2.5 ft Base AC +10
understand that not every race is accepted as friendly. Some
people of the wasteland are willing to kill those that differ in Medium 5 ft, 5 ft -
appearance or opinion from themselves. Some Races give
Large 10 ft, 10 ft -
bonuses to your Secondary Stats. These bonuses are added to
your base Secondary Stat.
Huge 15 ft, 15 ft MD +5. +5 ft of Melee/Unarmed
Background Perks
Gargantuan >15 ft, >15 ft MD +10. +10 ft of Melee/Unarmed
Background Perks are perks that are specific to a race. You can
only pick one and their effects are permanent. They cannot be
changed. Only Player Characters can get Background Perks.
Level Per Perk SPECIAL points are points you distribute into your SPECIAL with
Some races receive perks at different levels. Refer to the the Starting SPECIAL as the base. Each race has a unique set of
Leveling Up section for additional information. points. It’s recommended to look at the Perks and Skills to make
an effective character. Refer to Archetypes for example Character
Names Suggestions Builds.
Every character needs a name to be referred to as. Think about
what you represent or just pick one at random. Eastern Super Starting/Maximum SPECIAL
Mutant and Intelligent Deathclaw names max at two syllables. All races have a Starting and Maximum for SPECIAL stats. The
Starting SPECIAL is the baseline for each races’ stats that also acts
Names: Amata, Andy, Beatrice, Becky, Butch, Carol, Edna, Erin, as the racial minimum, is the lowest a character’s SPECIAL can be
John, Kyle, Nat, Percy, Sammt, Takahashi, Wellingham. for that race to have on the stat while the Maximum SPECIAL is
the max amount of points you can have on your SPECIAL stat. It’s
Size and Body Type set up below as: Starting SPECIAL/Maximum SPECIAL.
Size refers to the height and width of the character's personal
space. One Small can share a space with one creature. Body Each race has a different amount of SPECIAL points to distribute.
type refers to the physiological orientation of the individual First, start with your Starting stats and add the points from there.
which is either Humanoid, Creature, or Robot. You can never go below your Starting or above your Maximum.
SPECIAL Checks are exempt from this. Refer to the Skill and
Humanoid refers to body type similar to Humans such as SPECIAL Checks section for more information.
Ghouls, Super Mutants, etc, Creature can be any animal or in
context to the situation such as a Bloatfly, Deathclaw, Mole Rat, Starting Tagged Skills
etc. Robot refers to any robot in relation to the situation such Tagged Skills allow you to grow your skills faster than other skills.
as Protectons, Mr. Handy’s, Eyebots, etc. Use common sense. The limit is how many skills can be Tagged. Refer to Skills for
One Medium can share the same space as a Huge and additional information.
Gargantuan. One Large can share the same space as a

Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 1/10 Base Unarmed Attack: Fist & Feet

PER 1/10 +2 Free Movement.
END 1/10
CHA 1/10 Background Perks
INT 1/10
AGI 1/10 Isolationist: At levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and so on, you gain an additional
LCK 1/10 Perk when you Level Up. Choose one SPECIAL stat. For the purpose of
perk requirements, reduce the SPECIAL requirements by -1. If you
ER +20% choose STR, and choose a STR Perk requiring 10 in STR, It’s reduced to
PR +10% STR 9 for the requirement.
RR 0%
Wastelander: You can reroll any one of your rolls once, including skill
SPECIAL Points 33 rolls, damage rolls, SQ rolls, and others. This resets after a Short or Long
Level Per Perk 1 Rest. Your Max HP is increased by +25 and you gain RR +20%.
Starting Tagged Skills 4
Body Type Humanoid
Size Medium

Lore Humans are the most common race in the wasteland. You either lived in a Vault or
survived out in the wasteland.

The average Human stands between 5 ft to a little over 6 ft and weighs between 120 to
250 lbs. Skin color ranges from pale to black. Hair colors from black to blond with
various hair styles. The average life expectancy is 80 years and You reach adulthood in
your late teens.

Humans can range from being evil marauding raiders like the Fiends to kind-hearted
people pleasers like the Followers of the Apocalypse. Opinions of the other races vary
on where you’re from.

Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 1/10 Base Unarmed Attack: Fist & Feet

PER 1/10 Immune to disease and FEV.
END 1/10
CHA 1/10 You don't need to eat, drink, or sleep but you get the benefits of a
INT 1/10 Short and Long Rest.
AGI 1/10
LCK 1/10 Even though you’re entirely biological, each Gen 3 synth contains a
neurological implant inside your brain that allows for programming and
ER 0% manipulation via voice commands. The implant allows someone to
PR +10% program you with orders against your will and knowledge. Only those
RR Immune that know the command word can do this. You can attempt to break
free with an INT -5 check once an hour. The only way to not be
SPECIAL Points 33 programmed is if the implant is removed.
Level Per Perk 1
Starting Tagged Skills 4 The implant isn’t counted towards the Implant Limit and it cannot be
Body Type Humanoid detected nor removed without killing the synth. A really good doctor
Size Medium might be able to get around the killing part (Doctor Skill Check -175). If
the skill check is successful the implant is removed and the Synth lives.
It will take one hour to complete this task. If the skill check is a failure,
the Synth dies instantly and no perks, Vault Points, abilities, etc. can
revive them.

Background Perks

I Am Human: You can add a max point to a SPECIAL, but you must
reduce another SPECIAL max by one. You can do this up to five times.
You cannot surpass a Maximum of 12.

I Am Free: Select one SPECIAL stat, except LCK. All skills with the
SPECIAL you’ve chosen in the Skill Formula are increased by +15.

Lore Synths, specifically, Third Generation Synths are androids created by the Institute that
are visually indistinguishable from natural-born humans down to the cellular level. You
were built from lab-grown bones and muscles, and other tissues.

You can only play as a Gen 3 Synth if the campaign takes place after 2227. Gen 3 doesn’t
gain or lose weight. If you want to be a Prototype Third Generation such as Nick
Valentine or DiMA, refer to the Robots Race on being a Second Generation Synth. All
Synths have a Designation which are multiple-character identification codes specific to
the Synth. Below are some examples.

Synths Designations: A4-23, B8-13,G1-15, G9-83, J7-57, Q2-72.

Not all Synths go by Designations and instead have normal names like Humans.

Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 1/8 Base Unarmed Attack: Fist & Feet

PER 2/10 The minimum radiation count is 100.
END 1/8
CHA 1/10 Ignore Radiation Level effects up till 999. Refer to Radiation for
INT 3/12 additional information. For Food and Water Servings, you only need
AGI 1/10 one serving instead of two a day.
LCK 5/12
Background Perks
ER 0%
PR +30% Rigor Mortis: If an attack towards you is a Critical Success, you may
RR +80% treat it as a normal hit and ignore all Critical effects and bonuses. If the
attack would miss you, it misses. This can only be done once and it
SPECIAL Points 26 resets after a Short or Long Rest. Your Max HP is increased by +10, and
Level Per Perk 1 you gain +2 to your Max HP every Level Up.
Starting Tagged Skills 5
Body Type Humanoid You’re RADical: When Leveling Up, gain two Vault Points instead of one.
Size Medium When you use a Vault Point, roll a d10. On a roll of a 1 - 2 you get a
Vault Point, even after the Vault Point’s effects have expired.

Lore As a Ghoul, you’re a walking zombie that managed to stay alive due to the miracles of
radiation. When the bombs dropped the radiation changed your body down to the
cellular level. Some however became ghouls after the Great War. You don’t age but
there is one downside, eventually, you become feral. It may take a year, a decade,
maybe centuries. Ghouls take the same Targeted Attacks as a Human.

Eastern Super Mutant
Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 6/16 Base Unarmed Attack: Large Fist & Feet

PER 1/9 Intimidation: +30
END 5/12 Max HP +30
CHA 1/5 +3 Max Hit Points Every Level
INT 1/7 Immune to diseases.
AGI 1/10 DR +10% to all Base Armor.
LCK 1/10
Background Perks
ER +10%
PR +20% Mean and Green: Ignore two Body Part Effects. This resets after a Long
RR Immune Rest. If you’re downed to Comatose, instead you’ll be at 1 HP. This can
only be done once. This resets after a Long Rest.
SPECIAL Points 28
Level Per Perk 1 Behemoth: Your size is increased to Huge, get STR and END +1, and Max
Starting Tagged Skills 3 AGI is reduced to 9.
Body Type Humanoid
Size Large

Lore Originating in the East Coast, Eastern Super Mutants are different from their western
counterparts. You’re mostly hostile, borderline feral, completely asexual (Although this
may depend on the strand of F.E.V.), and the potential to become Behemoths. Some
also develop a tribe mentality and aren't hostile towards everyone they meet. There are
three known origin areas: Vault 87, the Institute, and Huntersville. You’re sterile and
asexual. The usual skin pigments are green and yellow.

Deciding to play a Huge Eastern Super Mutant means that you’re on the path of
becoming an Overlord or a Behemoth. Your massive size will be quite alarming to many
and it’s not easy to conceal.

Western Super Mutant
Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 5/13 Base Unarmed Attack: Large Fist & Feet

PER 1/10 Intimidation +30
END 5/11 Max HP +20
CHA 1/7 +2 Max Hit Points Every Level
INT 2/11 Immune to diseases.
AGI 1/10
LCK 1/10 Western Super Mutants take the same Targeted Attacks as a Human.

ER +10% Background Perks

PR +20%
RR Immune The Scholar: You get INT +1 and increase your Starting Tagged Skills by 1.

SPECIAL Points 27 The Soldier: You get END +1, MD +5, and DR +10% to all Base Armor.
Level Per Perk 1
Starting Tagged Skills 3
Body Type Humanoid
Size Large

Lore As a Western Super Mutants are a byproduct of the Master. Through intricate and
constant experimentation, it was discovered that the more Radiation a person has who
is dumped in the unique F.E.V. created by the Master, become unstable and forget your
past life. You may even have the mind of a child. However, if you’re dumped with no
trace of radiation you’re far more intelligent. After the Master’s fall however, the
Enclave also experimented with FEV creating the second generation Super Mutants.
You’re sterile, but unlike your Eastern brethren, you still have working reproductive
organs. The usual pigments are dark green and gray.

Race Stats Information Abilities

PER 1/10 Base Unarmed Attack: Metal Fist & Feet

CHA 1/10
INT 1/10 Robots cannot wear under armor, the only armor you can have is Armor
LCK 1/10 Plating, and you must follow the Robot Upgrades section rules for
crafting. You can never enter an Exo Suit.
ER 0%
PR Immune Robots automatically know the language called Binary and it doesn’t
RR Immune apply to the Language limit.

SPECIAL Points 24 You can only distribute your SPECIAL points in PER, CHA, INT, and LCK.
Level Per Perk 2 STR, END, and AGI have a starting value of 1 but the Maximum is
Starting Tagged Skills 4 dependent on the Robot parts attached.
Body Type Robot
Size Varies If a perk states you need to take a Long Rest, two Short Rests in a row
will suffice to regain the perk abilities. The same will apply for a level up.
Every 24 hours you must take at least two Short Rests in a row. For the
purposes of perks or abilities, this is considered a Long Rest. If you don’t,
you'll gain a Fatigue every two hours.

Refer to Robot Upgrades for additional information. You don’t need to

eat or drink. You can’t use Chems and Drinks. Robots can’t Crouch,
Prone, Long Jump, or High Jump unless specified. Water doesn’t damage
you in any way, but you’ll sink if the water is too deep. You can never die
from suffocation. All Targeted Attacks depend on the Robot Parts
attached. Immune to Disease, Gas, and FEV.

Background Perks

Domestic Personality Core: You get +10 Skill points per level, but you get
-10 Hit chance.
Military Personality Core: You may reroll two Attack Rolls. This rests
after a Short or Long Rest.
Specialist Personality Core: Increase your Starting Tagged Skills by 1, but
you no longer gain Vault Points from Level Ups.

Lore As a Robot you come in various shapes and sizes in the world of Fallout. Most Robots
are primarily in the and serve several purposes such as construction workers, security,
nurses, etc. In your case, you’ve somewhat evolved from your programming and
developed a personality. You could aos be a prototype Artificial Intelligence that was
given a body to roam for your own protection. You may choose the following Robots to
play as and you gain the benefits from all their parts:

Protectron / Mr. Handy / Ms. Handy / Second Generation Synths / Eyebots

Robot names are usually based on their voice and are sometimes an acronym. The
acronym could stand for the robot's purpose, or just a nickname by its creator.
Acronym Suggestions: A.D.A., G.U.S., P.A.R., S.A.M.

Intelligent Deathclaw
Race Stats Information Abilities

STR 8/16 Base Unarmed Attacks: Bite / Claw Stab, Claw Swipe, and Gore.
PER 3/12
END 5/15 You can’t use Unarmed Weapons, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Small
CHA 1/10 Guns. The Deathly Trigger mod can allow you to use these weapons. All
INT 3/10 Armor and Helmets must be specifically designed for them. Unarmed is
AGI 3/12 Tagged (This doesn’t count to your Tagged Skills Limit).
LCK 1/10
Intimidation +30
ER +20% +4 Max Hit Points Every Level
PR +30% Every 3rd Level up to Level 21, you get Base DT +2 and DR +5% to all, and
RR Immune Base AC +5, inflict DT -2 and DR -5% (DT and DR reductions only apply to
Unarmed Attacks).
SPECIAL Points 30 Can get access to Forced Evolution Perks.
Level Per Perk 2
Starting Tagged Skills 3 They get the following Base bonuses.
Body Type Creature AC: +15
Size Large N: 2/10%
L: 3/20%
F: 2/10%
P: 1/0%
Ex: 2/10%

Lore Deathclaws originate from the Jackson Chameleon and were created before the Great
War by the U.S. Government as a cheap replacement for human troops in combat
situations. The project was successful, but after the Great War, they escaped into the

As an Intelligent Deathclaw however, you are a Deathclaw that was exposed to FEV. The
FEV gives you higher intelligence thus allowing you to speak with a broken speech
pattern and perceive the world similar to that of a Human.

If you plan on roleplaying as an Intelligent Deathclaw, it’s recommended you research a

couple of examples. The biggest one being Goris, a companion from Fallout 2. Or
Gruthar, the leader of the Vault 13 Intelligent Deathclaws. As a Deathclaw you’ll most
likely get shot on sight, or everyone will run away. It’s best to find a means to hide
yourself in a crowd like a robe of some sort. Since you can talk you can sound and look
convincing on having some form of deformity you don’t want people to see. If you just
wander into a town filled with wastelanders, the most likely outcome is you’ll be killed.

If you somehow convinced people that you won’t attack them, you would get attention
from all types of people. Especially the OSI, the Enclave, and the Brotherhood of Steel.
Best to keep that under wraps unless you want them coming for you. When speaking as
an Intelligent Deathclaw, your speech pattern will be very articulate. This doesn’t have
to be a priority but if you wish to speak in the manner of Goris and the Intelligent
Deathclaws of Vault 13, listen and read how they speak and practice it for a bit.

Karma is the reflection of all good and bad choices you make during your campaign and how the
world views them. The main principle is cause and effect. Not only does the action matter, but
your intention for that action is taken into account. If for example you want to help out a trader
so they can owe you a favor as an alibi for a future crime you will commit, you don’t get higher
up in Karma, you go down. NPCs are either Good, Neutral, or Bad but you’ll never know
someone’s Karma unless you have an ability that allows you to know.

Karma is broken down into three categories: Good, Neutral, and Bad. Good and Bad are split
into sub categories depending on how high or low your Karma is. Depending on your actions,
you’ll either go up or down in Karma. Going up means getting Positive Karma and doing good
deeds such as helping an old lady cross the street. Going down means getting Negative Karma
and doing bad deeds such as stealing candy from a baby. Going above or below the examples is
open Overseer discretion. You can go up to 100 and as low as -100. Upon Character Creation,
you start with 0 Karma at Level 1. If your character is of higher Level, then for every third level
you go up a Tier up to Tier 3.

Karma Range Tier Karma Title Karma Plus Examples Karma Minus Examples

-100 to -75 3 Devil +1 Give a dog a treat. -1 Steal candy from a baby.

-74 to -50 2 Fiend +2 Donating caps or items to orphans. -2 Steal an item or punch an orphan.

-49 to -25 1 Bad +3 Kill a small local raider gang. -3 Commit armed robbery in a town.

-24 to 24 - Neutral +4 Free slaves from slavers. -4 Sell people to slavers.

25 to 49 1 Good +5 Wipe out a horde of feral ghouls. -5 Assassinate a friendly city mayor.

50 to 74 2 Paladin

75 to 100 3 Saint

At Level 5, you’ll gain access to Karma Specs. Depending on your Karma, you’ll gain bonuses that
will only apply if you have that Karma. Good and Bad Karma have tiers that are accessible
depending on how high, or low, your Karma is. You can only have one Karma Spec per tier. For
Neutral Karma, it’s level dependent. Tier 1 will unlock at Level 5, Tier 2 at Level 8, and Tier 3 at
Level 10. If you lose a Tier, you lose the Karma Spec from that Tier. If you go from Neutral to
either Good or Bad, you’ll lose all Neutral Karma Specs and must restart from Good or Bad
Karma Tier 1. Upon a Level Up, you’re free to change your current Karma Specs within their
respective Karma. Overseer’s decide when Karma is given to players. Overseers are to not be
generous and only give Karma when it’s impactful to the players and the world around them,
even if the world doesn’t know what they did.
Neutral Karma Specs Tier Description

Special Skills 1 Select a second Support Specialization for one Support Skill. This can be changed upon a Level Up.

Impartial Mediation 1 For 10 Positive or Negative Karma, you can exchange it to 1 VP. Can only be done if you’re above 9
Positive Karma or below -9 Negative Karma.

Super Special Skills 2 Select a third Support Specialization for one Support Skill. This can be changed upon a Level Up.

Selfish Charity 2 Select one Good or Bad Karma Spec within Tier 1 and gain its effect.

Ultra Special Skills 3 Select a four Support Specialization for one Support Skill. This can be changed upon a Level Up.

Foolin’ Around 3 Select one Good or Bad Karma Spec within Tier 2 and gain its effect.

Good Karma Specs Tier Description

Helping Hand 1 When you Stabilize someone, they wake up and they’re at 1 HP.

I’m Popular 1 For every 10 Positive Karma you have, increase your PL by 5 ft.

To Those Who Wait 2 Whenever you roll for Looting, get a +1 to the check. If you’re using a skill instead due to perks, it’s
a +15.

Blessed 2 For every three Positive Karma you gain, you get one VP. This only happens once a day.

Divine Gifts 3 Choose one SPECIAL stat. The stat chosen will increase your charges for perks using that stat by +2.
This can be changed upon a Level Up.

Pacifist 3 If you take no hostile action in a combat, till your next turn, all attacks towards you get -25 Hit

Bad Karma Specs Tier Description

Being Bad Is Cool 1 Whenever you gain Negative Karma, you get one extra Negative Karma point.

Corruption 1 For every 10 Negative Karma you have, increase your VL by +1.

Cursed 2 For every three Negative Karma you gain, you get one Vault Point. This only happens once a day.

Sadist 2 If an ally or enemy within your PL gets a Critical Failure, get a charge to a perk that you have of
your choice.

Murderous Intent 3 Whenever you kill, till your next turn, all attacks towards you get -25 Hit Chance.

Pact With The Devil 3 Increase your DM with all attacks by +0.15.

Traits are modifiers that affect your character that give a benefit and a penalty. Traits can only
be applied to Player Characters. They modify Primary Stats, Secondary Stats, and skills,
permanently unless specified. You do not have to choose a trait but you are limited to choosing
up to two upon Character Creation only. You cannot choose the same trait twice. If you get a
Trait and a SPECIAL stat goes below the starting or above the maximum, it doesn’t. It stops at
the racial min/max. Traits cannot be removed.

Trait Restrictions Description

Anti-Darwin Only Intelligent Deathclaws You are going against the very nature you were intended for. You don’t get the following benefits: +4
can get this trait. Max Hit Points Every Level, the every 3rd Level bonuses, and you can’t get Forced Evolution Perks.
Instead, your Level Per Perk is now 1, you choose between increasing skills with CHA or INT in their
equation with +10, and your size is now Medium.

Bad Natured Intelligent Deathclaws and You’re rude and you want everyone to know it. Get a +20 to Archery, Big Guns, Energy Weapons,
Robots cannot get this trait. Melee Weapons, Small Guns, and Unarmed. However, you get a -15 to all skills with CHA in their Skill
Formula and Doctor.

Bar-Room Bouncer Intelligent Deathclaws and You're tough, and you've taken your fair share in fights, and stayed standing to dish it out. You get
Robots cannot get this trait. END +2 and MD +5, but you get SQ -5.

Berserker Robots cannot get this trait. You channel your rage, ignoring the pain and pushing yourself forward no matter the circumstance.
You get a bonus of END +1, DR +10% to all Base Armor, and +2 Max HP per level, but your Base AC is 0
and you get INT -2.

Big Boned Only Humans, Ghouls, and You’re not fat, you’re big boned! Your Carry Weight equation is now that of Large, get END and CHA
Synths can get this trait. You +1, but you get AGI -2 to checks and a -2 to SQ.
can’t get this trait if you picked
Dwarf, Giant, or Small Frame.

Blind Monk Robots cannot get this trait. You’re permanently blind, but you ignore Blindness Penalties for Melee Weapons, Throwing, and
Unarmed, opponents cannot do Targeted Eye Attacks towards you, and you ignore effects that affect
Blindness. Your Detection, Melee Weapons, Unarmed get a +20. Sadly, your Computer Science and
Pilot get a -75 and PER -2 to checks. In addition, characters with this Trait ignore the Hit Chance
bonus granted towards them by the Blinded condition.

Bloody Mess - By some strange twist of fate, people around you die violently. This does not mean you kill them any
faster or slower, but when they do die, it will be dramatic. This applies to you, anyone near you or
within sight. Upon death a 1d8 is rolled. The roll determines which body part explodes in a bloody
mess and ceases to exist unless it’s a Targeted Attack. For Player Characters you roll only if they die.

1: Head
2 - 3: (2) Left / (3) Right Arm
4 - 5: (4) Left / (5)Right Leg
6: Torso
7: Nothing
8: Their entire body

Bruiser Robots cannot get this trait. You may not hit as often, but they will feel it when you do! You get STR +2 but you get CHA and AGI
-1. With Melee and Unarmed attacks, you ignore DT -3 and DR -15%, but get a -20 Hit Chance.

Cap Whisperer - You love living, but you love money more. You get CH +1 and +25 to Barter and Charm, but you get a
-20 to Deception and Insight.

Trait Restrictions Description

Chem Reliant Intelligent Deathclaw and You are more easily addicted to chems. Your Base AR is 0, but all Chem Addiction Thresholds are also
Robots cannot get this trait. halved and your System Shock is increased by 2.
You cannot get this trait if you
picked Chem Resistant.

Chem Resistant Intelligent Deathclaws and Chems last a quarter of the duration when used on yourself. This doesn’t apply for chems that are
Robots cannot get this trait. Instant. Because of this, your AR equation is changed from END x 2 to END x 4.
You cannot get this trait if you
picked Chem Reliant.

Clairvoyance - Your gut has saved your life more than you can count. You get LCK +1 and you can determine if within
a minute something good or bad will happen to you or near you. This can be done up to your LCK in a
day you roll a d100 - (LCK* 3). The closer you are to 1 the more likely you’ll know if it’s good or bad. If
you get a negative you’ll know exactly if it’s good or bad. This resets after a Long Rest. However, all
skills with PER in their Formula get a -10.

Courser Training Only Synths can get this trait. Your training in the Institute is still instilled in you. All Combat Skills get a +20, END and AGI +1, and
Night Vision up to 50 ft. However, you get CHA and LCK -2.

Dwarf Only Humans, Ghouls, and You’re smaller in size but that doesn’t stop you from taking down your foes. Your size is Small and you
Synths can get this trait. can grow no taller than 4 ft 6 in. Your CW is still that of Medium. You also get an END +1, but you get
an AGI -2 to checks only.

Fast Shot Intelligent Deathclaws cannot You cannot perform Targeted Attacks, but weapon AP Costs are reduced by -1 for the following skills:
get this trait. A character Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Small Guns. You also get CC +5 to all Ranged Weapon Attack with the
cannot have this trait if you mentioned skills.
have the Trigger Discipline

Finesse - You don't do as much damage, but you cause more critical hits. Your Base Damage Modifier is 0.8
instead of 1.0 for all attacks, but you gain CC +5 for Single and Burst Attacks, and CC +10 to Targeted

Four Eyes Intelligent Deathclaws, Robots, Nice glasses, nerd! While you are wearing glasses, you get PER +1 and a +15 to Chemistry, Computer
and Synths cannot get this Science, Engineer, and Lore. While you are not wearing glasses, you get PER -2 and a -15 to checks for
trait. the aforementioned skills and all skills with PER in their equation. You start with Glasses.

Giant Only Humans, Ghouls and You were born big and hearty. You tend to shop at Big & Tall stores, you absolute unit. Your size is
Synths can get this Trait. You now Large, get a STR +2 and +2 to your Max STR, and +2 HP per level. However you get CHA and AGI
can’t get this trait if you picked -1, and -25 to Sneak. Your Base Unarmed Attack is now Large Fists & Feet. You also require more food
Big Boned, Dwarf, and Small and water servings; for Ghouls the Servings do not change.

Gifted Robots cannot get this trait. You have more innate abilities than most, so you have not spent as much time honing your skills. You
You can’t get this trait if you get +7 points to spend on your SPECIAL stats, but all skills get a -10 and you receive -5 Skill Points per
have the Skilled trait. level.

Glowing Only Intelligent Deathclaws Extreme radiation exposure has left you glowing in the dark. You emit a Radiation Aura up to 20 ft
and Ghouls can choose this that emits 5 Rads an hour. Because you are glowing, you ignore light penalties within your Radiation
trait. Aura. You’re immune to Radiation and if you’re inflicted with it it’ll heal you. Your Radiation Aura
doesn’t heal you, but it does heal other Ghouls for an amount equal to the Rads inflicted. Refer to the
Radiation rules for additional information. If you’re a Ghoul, you can never go Feral.

Trait Restrictions Description

Good Natured Intelligent Deathclaws and You studied less-combative skills as you grew up. Get CHA +2 and all Skills with CHA and Doctor get
Robots cannot get this trait. +10. However, you get STR -1 and -10 to all Combat Skills except Throwing.

Ham Fisted Only Super Mutants can get Punching feels natural to you. You get to Tag the Unarmed skill for free and get MD +10, but you
this trait. suffer a -20 penalty to Energy Weapons, Small Guns, Computer Science, Doctor, Engineer, Gunsmith,
and Sleight of Hand Skills. This doesn’t count towards your Tagged Skill limit.

Heavy Handed Intelligent Deathclaws and You swing harder, not better. Add your END to your MD and CC +5 to all Melee Weapon and Unarmed
Robots cannot get this trait. Attacks. However, all attacks with Melee Weapon and Unarmed cost AP +1.

It Ain’t Easy Being Only Western Super Mutants Your personality is more important than your looks. Increase your Max CHA by +3 and get CHA +3.
Me can get this trait. However, you get END -2 and reduce your Max END by -2. Your size is considered Medium.

Jack of all Trades - You’re a jack of all trades, but master of none. Every time you level up you get 50% more skill points,
but you can only go up to 125 in a skill through Level Up Skill Points and Perks. Sadly, you get one less
Tagged Skill.

Jinxed - You can only choose this trait if you have LCK 3 or below. You are the incarnation of bad luck and you
remind everyone around you. Increase your Failure Range to 85 - 100 and it can never be changed. If
you or anyone within 50 ft of you rolls within your Failure Range it’s a Critical Failure. Refer to the
Critical Chance for additional information.

Kamikaze - By not paying attention to any threats, you can act a lot faster in a turn. You don’t get the benefits of
AC from your AGI and Under Armor, but your SQ increases by +10 and you gain AP +2.

Kleptomaniac Robots can’t get this trait. You’ll often find an item that you just gotta have. Get a +30 to Sleight of Hand and Sneak. However,
you get a -20 to Charm, and Intimidation. The Overseer will roll a 1d100 once a day. There's a 50%
chance for the player to get the itch to steal something. It's up to the Overseer what object the
character is obsessed with. Sometimes it can be up to the player. If the character wishes to resist,
they have to roll CHA -3. If they pass, they’ll be able to resist for the day.

Lucky Stormtrooper Intelligent Deathclaws cannot You’re a shit shot, but god damn you’re lucky to be alive. You get a +40 to the Gambling skill, CC +5
get this trait. and LCK +1, as well as +2 Vault Limit. You suffer PER -1 and -25 to all Combat Skills.

Nightkin Only Western Super Mutants Your overexposure to Stealth Boys have caused you to become delusional and your pigment has
can choose this perk. changed to a dark blue. You get INT, AGI, and PER +1 and get Sneak +10. However, you suffer CHA -2
and hate to be seen by anyone.

Night Person Robots cannot get this trait. As a night-time person, you are more awake when the sun goes down. You gain INT and PER +2 to
checks at night but are dulled during the day you get INT and PER -2 to checks. You have Night Vision
up to 25 ft.

No Need For You can’t get this trait if you Backstories are for chumps! You want one thing and one thing only. Perks! You can choose any perk
Backstory picked a Psyker Trait or Skilled. to start with (you must meet the requirements for them), but since backstories are for chumps, you
can’t get your Background Skill Points.

NPC Only Synths can get this trait. You’re a Non-Phenomenal Civilian and the mundane activities of everyday life have made you useful
in non-combat scenarios. Get CHA and INT +2, but all Combat Skills get a -20 and Max HP -10.

One Hander - One of your hands is very dominant. You have a -40 Hit Chance with Two-Handed Weapons, but get a
+20 Hit Chance with One-Handed Weapons or One/Two-Handed weapons wielded in one or both
hands. This Trait does not apply to the Throwing and Dual Wield Attacks. If wielding a Two-Handed
Weapon in one hand, the penalty applies.

Trait Restrictions Description

Rabid Only Intelligent Deathclaws You’re a half-crazed feral killing machine. Whenever someone who isn’t a Robot dies within 50 ft of
can get this trait. you, you get AP +1 and DR +5% for the rest of the combat encounter with the Max AP being 3 and
the Max DR being 15% from this trait. Chems don’t affect you in any way shape or form.

Sex Appeal Only Humans, Ghouls, and You need at least CHA 6 to get this trait. You’ve got the confidence to charm the pants off of almost
Synths can choose this trait. anyone attracted to you, but you’re bound to attract some unhealthy jealousy. Get a +40 to Barter
and Charm checks when interacting characters that would be attracted to your sex. When interacting
with those not attracted to your sex, you have a -40 to Barter and Charm checks. You also gain CH +1.
The Overseer can apply the bonus and penalty in reverse if applicable.

Skilled You can’t get this trait if you You spend more time improving your skills than a normal person than trying to be cool. All your skills
picked Gifted or No Need For are increased by +10, gain 5 additional skill points to spend every level up, and your Background Skill
Backstory. Points are doubled. However, you must remove 4 SPECIAL points from your SPECIAL that isn’t at the

Small Frame You can’t get this trait if you You are not quite as big as everyone else, but that never slowed you down. You get AGI +2, but your
picked Big Boned, Dwarf, or CW equation is 10 + (15 lbs x STR). Only Humans, Ghouls, and Synths can get this trait.

Targeting Computer Only Robots can get this trait. This experimental software makes you combat ready. Get +20 Hit Chance for all Combat Skills, but a
-10 to all Support Skills.

Tinker Tom - You've become socially inept and degraded your physical condition, perfecting your craft. Get a +25
to Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineer, Gunsmith and Sleight of Hand, but you get
CHA -2 and -15 Charm, Deception, Insight and Intimidation.

Trigger Discipline Intelligent Deathclaws cannot When using Big Guns, Small Guns and Energy Weapons, increase the AP Cost of Single and Burst
get this trait. You cannot get attacks by +1. This also counts for weapons that share the skill with another. However, you get +20
this trait if you have Fast Shot. Hit Chance, DM +0.2, and CC +5 to all Ranged Weapon Attacks of the mentioned skills.

Utility Bot Only Robots can get this trait. Your programming didn’t design you to be combat capable, but fighting isn’t the only way to live. Get
a +20 to all Support Skills, but you get a -10 to all Combat Skills.

In the world of Fallout, there are those that possess unique and could either see you as a witch, or a god. Word will spread fast
mind-bending ideas. They have the ability to move objects, read if you display your power too much. Their are a few restrictions:
your mind, or control your mind. They’re called Psykers. Psykers
are extremely rare in the Fallout world and they gained their ● Synths and Robots cannot get Psyker Traits
powers either through paranormal activity, F.E.V., natural ● If you choose a Psyker trait, you only get half your
selection, etc. Be warned that some are hunted down for various Background Skill Points. Refer to Background Skill Points
reasons. It's possible for players to become one during a campaign under Skills for additional information.
but that’s upon the Overseer’s discretion. The general response ● You cannot have more than one Psyker trait.
for demonstrating these powers is often seen as a form of magic

Trait Description

Biokinesis You wield the power to manipulate the cells in one’s body. You get INT +3 but get a PER and CHA -1. This ability only works on organic
individuals such as humans, animals, etc. Robots are immune to this. You have to be able to touch their skin. This ability cannot be used if
the Unarmed Weapon doesn’t let you do the Hold action. You may heal 5 HP for 4 AP instantly. You may also use this to inflict Poison
Damage to an opponent but the damage is double of the Heal along with PR -10%. The Poison Damage is additional to the Fist and Feet
Attack Damage and requires no additional AP. This can be applied once per attack roll. If you miss an attack you don’t waste a charge. If
you’re in combat and have an opponent in a move like Hold, at the cost of 2 AP, you can inflict the Biokinesis Poison Damage without
having to make an attack roll.

You can use your abilities in a day, up to your INT. This resets after a Long Rest. If you ever attempt to exceed your limit, you’ll get one
Fatigue per use. Upon a Short Rest, you regain one charge of your ability. For each charge added to your Biokinesis Heal, increase by 5.
For Poison it’s 10 and inflict PR -5%. For free, you’ll be able to place your hand on someone and learn if they have any diseases. You can
also change your eye color and hair color upon command.

Dreamer A minor Psyker ability that allows you to look into the dreams of others. You get INT +1. You roll 1d20 and whatever you roll you’re able to
look into that person’s dream. Roll in secret Overseer's. Because of this ability, you’re unable to take Long Rests. You instead can only take
Short Rest. You’re not sleep deprived when looking into other people’s dreams. If a perk states you need to take a Long Rest, you only
need to take four Short Rests in a row. This also applies to Fatigue and Leveling Up.

1 - 5: No Dream
6 - 10: Party Member Dream
11 - 20: Random Individual

Electrokinesis You will wield the power of electricity. You get INT +2, you’re Immune to Electricity, but get a PER and END -1. You can use it as either a
Throwing Weapon or a Fist & Feet attack. As a Throwing Weapon, it costs 4 AP with a range of 100 ft. Whenever you hit someone they’ll
be inflicted with ER -20% and they must roll to see if they’re stunned. If the opponent fails, they’re stunned for one turn.

You can use your abilities in a day up to your INT. This resets after a Long Rest. If you ever attempt to exceed your limit, you’ll get one
Fatigue per use. Upon a Short Rest, you can roll 1d2 to gain back charges of your ability. One charge can fully charge an EC, MFC, and ECP.
Four charges can charge a Fusion Core by 0.1%. You can also imbue the Electrokinesis on Melee Weapons as a Free Action but it’ll only
last for one attack roll. For free, you can touch a surface and detect if there's any electricity behind them, you can power on up to three
small objects with power like a toaster or a radio (You function as a battery) for 30 minutes, and you’ll be able to power one a large
object, such as a generator or a working desk terminal for 5 minutes. Cybernetics installed on you are considered to be at ER 100% for
they can never be immune.

Trait Description

Pyrokinesis You wield the power of fire. You get INT +2 but get a PER and END -1. You can use it as either a Throwing Weapon or a Fist & Feet attack.
Your Fire will deal 3d4+4 Fire Damage. As a Fist and Feet Attack, the Fire Damage is added on top of your Normal Damage Attack. As a
Throwing Weapon, it costs 3 AP and it has a range of 50 ft.

You can use your abilities in a day up to your INT x 2. This resets after a Long Rest. If you ever attempt to exceed your limit, you’ll get one
Fatigue per use. Upon a short rest, you can roll 1d4 to gain back charges of your ability. One charge can be used to imbue fire on ammo
such as arrows and bolts to deal Fire Damage along with the damage of the ammo. Whenever you hit anyone with your Pyrokinesis
attacks (This includes imbued attacks), targets suffer 10 Persistent Fire Damage at the beginning of their turn till they’re put out. For each
charge added to your Fire, increase the damage by 1d4+4. You can also imbue the Fire Damage on Melee Weapons but it’ll only last for
one attack roll. For free, you’ll be able to snuff out small flames within 20 ft of you, provide a small light source with the snap of your
fingers that extends up to 20 ft in darkness, and you prefer your food to be charred.

Telekinesis This is a Psyker trait. You wield the power to move objects with your mind. You get INT +2 and your Max INT is increased by 2 but get a
STR and END -2. Within an area of 50 ft, you can use your mind to lift an object that you can see that weighs 5 lbs or less, and move it to
another location within 50 ft. You can only lift one object at a time. If you wish to attack someone with this object, you must use the
Throwing skill. Telekinesis does not get bonuses from the Throwing perks, specialization. The damage varies upon the weapon or object.
The AP Cost in combat is that of the Weapons’s AP to move an object. Weapon STR Requirements are ignored when using Telekinesis. You
can do Single and Targeted Attacks only. You can attempt to remove a weapon that someone has in their hands. You roll Attacker INT vs.
Defender STR. If you succeed, the weapon flies to whatever direction you wish. If you fail the weapon remains in their hand. You must
replace INT with STR for Melee Damage when using Telekinesis for an attack. Perks and abilities that increase MD don’t apply. You can’t
Telekinetically make Ranged Weapons fire when using Telekinesis to lift them.

You can use your abilities in a day, up to your INT x 2. This resets after a Long Rest. If you ever attempt to exceed your limit, you’ll get one
Fatigue per use. Upon a Short Rest, you can roll 1d4 to gain back charges of your ability. For free, you can equip items on your person or
within 5 ft of you for free once per round within your Telekinetic weight limit in combat.

A unique trait that’s as rare as Psykers are Mutations. Unlike Super Their are a few restrictions:
Mutants, these mutations are more specific like your typical ● Only Humans and Ghouls can get these traits.
comic-book hero, or something weird. All mutations stem from ● You can only choose one Mutation from the Mutation
either experimentation with FEV, or you’re born with it because of Table.
FEV. All mutations change the character’s physiology which must ● You will also have access to Mutation Perks if the
be discussed by the Overseer and the Player. For custom Mutation you’ve chosen is listed.
mutations, talk to your Overseer. Some mutations can be acquired ● You get one less Tagged Skill and you cannot get a
during a campaign by accidentally stepping into FEV, getting Background Perk.
injected with FEV, but that all depends on the Overseer. You
cannot have more than one Mutation trait.

Mutations Description

Arachno-Creep You can climb without movement being penalized and it costs 1 AP to climb 5 ft with no SPECIAL check required. You may be
able to scale off walls and ceilings but it depends on the durability of the surface. Your hands and feet can stick to surfaces and
you have control of when you can stick. You may stand upright on most surfaces.
Physiology Examples: Silky skin with spider-like patterns.

Big Hands STR +1, MD +5, and get a +5 to all skills with STR in the Skill Formula once.
Physiology Examples: Bigger muscles, large hands, or brawny.

Deathly Features Intimidation +20. You may choose to either get the Deathclaw Bite Attack (Jagged Sharp Teeth), Deathclaw Gore Attack
(Deathclaw Horns), or the Deathclaw Claw Stab/Swipe Attack (One Deathclaw Arm). Both moves are considered Unarmed
Attacks and they get a +25 Hit Chance. You can get Intelligent Deathclaw perks except for Forced Evolution with this mutation.
Physiology Examples: Depends on the Deathclaw aspect.

Eagle Eyes PER +1, SR +20% for PER only, and get a +5 to all skills that include PER in their Skill Formula.
Physiology Examples: Innerlid when blinking or eagle pupils.

Egg Head INT +1 and get a +10 to all skills that include INT in their Skill Formula.
Physiology Examples: Lacerations on the head or enlarged brain.

Empath CHA +1, Insight +25, and when you have eye contact with a biological creature, the Overseer will say one word that describes
how that living being perceives you.
Physiology Examples: Abnormal eye colors or faint abnormal Sclera color.

Experiment 35 Get Max 2 HP Per Level (This applies at Level 1), your size is now Large, and you get the Large Fist & Feet Attack instead of Fist &
Feet Attack, and a +15 to a Combat Skill of choice. Can get Super Mutant perks with this mutation. You can’t select the following
traits: Dwarf and Giant.
Physiology Examples: Above 8 ft tall, sausage fingers, or brawny.

Green Thumb Telepathically communicate with live plants within 50 ft of you that you can see. Instead of using skills with CHA in their
equation, you can use Survival instead for Social interactions with plants. AR +20%.
Physiology Examples: Skin texture is that of a tree. A small branch or two on your head with leaves.

Healing Factor Gain double HP from Short Rest, END +1, and if you take a Long Rest, one crippled Limb by the Overseer’s choice, is uncrippled.
You also succeed on Reaper Checks on results of 60 or more, instead of 50.
Physiology Examples: Several scars across the entire body.

Mer-Man/Woman You have the ability to breathe underwater and on land normally, and ignore reduced movement penalties when in water. You
have webbed hands, webbed feet, and gills. When swimming, RR +30% when subjected to rads from the water.
Physiology Examples: Webbed feet/hands, gills, or scaly skin.

Mutations Description

Monkey Tail AGI +3 to checks, AP +1, and Base AC +10. Targeted Attacks can be done to the tail but it takes the leg penalty but if crippled,
AGI -3 to checks.
Physiology Examples: Monkey Tail.

One With Nature Telepathically communicate with Creatures within 50 ft of you that you can see. Increase your Animalism by +25 permanently
and PR +20%.
Physiology Examples: Lacerations or indent on the head.

Probability Field LCK +1, Gambling +25, and get a +5 to all skills excluding Gambling.
Physiology Examples: Golden fingernail, abnormal bright green eyes, or 3 ft tall.

Rad Out Increase RR equation from END x 2 to END x 5 and all Unarmed Attacks deal 20 Rads upon hit.
Physiology Examples: Give off a slight heat or faint green skin.

Scaly Skin Increase all Base Armor DT +2 and DR +10%.

Physiology Examples: Scale-like skin similar to a reptile.

Scorpion Tail Gain a Radscorpion Tail and the Stinger attack of a Radscorpion with a +25 Hit Chance for this attack only. This is considered an
Unarmed Attack. PR +25%.
Stinger: S: 3 T: 4 Damage: 2d8+15+MD Rng: 10 ft Normal Damage.
If Stinger hits, the target suffers PR -15% rolls END -2. If the target fails, they take 15 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they
take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll END -2 every hour for the next six hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target
doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 15 Poison Damage for the hour.
Physiology Examples: Radscorpion tail.

Speed Demon Instead of your STR being applied to your MD, apply your AGI. Your Base AC from AGI is also doubled.
Physiology Examples: Thin body type with an amazing metabolism.

Speedster AGI +1, +3 Free Movement, and get a +5 to all skills that include AGI in their Skill Formula.
Physiology Examples: Thin body type with an amazing metabolism.

Talons For Unarmed Attacks, inflict DT -2 and DR -10%. This isn’t added if the Unarmed Weapon doesn’t let you do the Special Move
Hold. Refer to Equipment Document for specifics.
Physiology Examples: Talons on your fingers.

Technopath Telepathically communicate with powered machines within 50 ft of you that you can see. Powered machines are aware of its
surroundings and are able to relay it to you. Instead of using Computer Science, you can instead use skills with CHA in their Skill
Formula when interacting with powered machines. Machine Examples: Desk Lamp, Terminals, Protectrons, VertiBots, etc.
Physiology Examples: Lacerations or indent on the head.

Telepathy Telepathically communicate with Humanoids within 50 ft of you that you can see. To talk telepathically you must concentrate on
your target.
Physiology Examples: Lacerations or indent on the head.

Thermal Sight You gain the ability to have the Thermal Sight mod, but with your eyes. This lasts for an hour and you can do this up to half of
your PER. This resets after a Long Rest. You cannot attempt this beyond your limit.
Physiology Examples: Cat Eyes with a tint of yellow.

Third Arm Another arm that can be anywhere on your body. You can Tri-Wield Weapons. Exo Suits must be custom made for you and only
Physiology Examples: A third arm.

Wings Gain the Flight ability from the Bestiary. Wing design is upon the player's choice. Overseer discretion is advised. Exo Suits must
be custom made for you. If attempting to fly while in an Exo Suit you can only take Run or Sprint Actions. Targeted Attacks can
be done to the Wings but it takes the leg penalty and if both wings are crippled, you cannot fly.
Physiology Examples: Feather or Bat-like Wings.

Language is basic communication in both spoken and written form. Languages can only be
chosen during Character Creation and you’ll know how to read, write, and speak the language
enough to communicate with others. Up to INT 5, you’ll be allowed to know one language. You
may learn an additional language if you have INT 6, a third for INT 8, a fourth for INT 10, and a
fifth for INT 12.

If your INT is below 3 you can’t read nor write, only speak the language at a basic level. Your
speech pattern is simple and big words hurt your brain. INT 3 allows you to read and write at an
elementary level.

Overseers may limit the language options depending on the character’s origin or create
languages unique to a character’s backstory or region. Below are some examples of Languages
you can choose from.
Arabic German Morse Code
Binary Italian Russian
English Japanese Sign Language
French Mandarin Tribe Language of Choice

Languages like Binary, Morse Code, and Sign require you to know another language beforehand.
For these it’ll only apply to one language.

If you wish to learn a new language, you’ll either need a Language & You Book or someone to
teach you. The person teaching you must have at least INT 5 and must know how to read, write,
and speak the language. Both have the same process. You must spend 480 hours learning a new
language. No rolls are necessary, only time. You cannot learn if you have more than one Fatigue.

Skills are your specializations, or your worst nightmare. If you want to tinker with a gun, you
have a Gunsmith. Wanna set up that 107mm Mortar? Roll Big Guns. Wanna charm that
Deathclaw? Roll Animalism? Almost anything is done with skills.

Starting Skill Formulas Example: If your Animalism skill is 200 and you have a bonus +15.
The bonus is ignored. This also applies to Hit Chance in Combat.
Your SPECIAL defines your starting Skill Points for all your skills.
Refer to SPECIAL & Skill Checks in Surviving the Wasteland for
Refer to the equations on the next page for the Skill Formulas.
additional information.
For Robots, if a Formula includes STR, END, or AGI, they’re
replaced with 5 and can never be changed.
Spending Skill Points
Background Skill Points After choosing your Tagged Skills, you can spend your Level 1 Skill
Points on any skills. Refer to Skill Points under Secondary Stats for
Background Skill Points are chosen according to the backstory
additional information. You get to spend more Skill Points every
of the character that is created and they’re applied before
time you level up. Spending Skill Points is how you increase your
choosing your Tagged Skills. All races get 40 Background Skill
skills to give you a better chance of succeeding actions. Upon
Points which can be distributed into a number of skills up to
Character Creation, you spend your Level 1 skill points. A few tips
your Race’s Tagged Skill Limit. You can spread your points
about how to spend your Skill Points.
however you’d like, whether it be even across the skills or all
into a single skill. The choice is yours. These points are a flat
● Spend Skill Points on your Tagged Skills first. These are
addition, and do not fall under the formula for Skill
the skills that are easier to increase. Refer to Skill
Progression. Refer to Mutations for additional information.
Progression for additional information.
● Think about what the rest of your party is focusing on
Choosing Your Tagged Skills and see how you can benefit them.
After spending your Background Skill Points, you get to choose ● Do not spend your Skill Points evenly. There are a lot of
your Tagged Skills. Tagged Skills are what your character skills to choose from and if a skill is too low, you’ll most
specializes in. It’s recommended to first look through the likely fail your actions. Refer to Skill & SPECIAL Checks
selection of Combat and Support Skills and see what they do for additional information.
before deciding what to Tag. It also helps to look into Crafting.
Some items may require more than one skill to craft. Consider
what other party members have as well. When a skill is Tagged,
automatically add +20 to the skill. Refer to Skill Progression for
additional information.

Skill Limit
With 27 skills to choose from, the possibilities are endless. The
minimum a Skill can be is -25. The highest a skill can be is 200.
This includes bonuses from traits, perks, Hit Chance bonuses,
etc. Additional bonuses that would exceed 200 stop at 200.
Additional bonuses that would exceed are ignored. For Hit
Chance refer to How to Attack under Combat for additional

Skill Formulas
Combat Skill Formula Support Skill Formula

Archery STR + PER + AGI + LCK Animalism CHA + INT + AGI + LCK

Big Guns STR + PER + END + LCK Blacksmith STR + PER + AGI + LCK

Energy Weapons 5 + PER + PER + LCK Barter CHA + CHA + INT + LCK

Melee Weapons 5 + STR + AGI + LCK Charm 5 + CHA + CHA + LCK

Small Guns 5 + PER + PER + LCK Chemistry PER + INT + INT + LCK

Throwing 5 + STR + AGI + LCK Computer Science PER + INT + INT + LCK

Unarmed STR + END + AGI + LCK Deception PER + CHA + CHA + LCK

Detection 5 + PER + PER + LCK

Doctor PER + INT + AGI + LCK

Engineer 5 + INT + INT + LCK

Gambling 10 + LCK + LCK

Gunsmith PER + INT + AGI + LCK

Insight PER + CHA + INT + LCK

Intimidation STR + END + CHA + LCK

Investigation PER + CHA + INT + LCK

Lore 5 + INT + INT + LCK

Pilot PER + INT + AGI + LCK

Sleight of Hand PER + CHA + AGI + LCK

Sneak 5 + AGI + AGI + LCK

Survival PER + END + INT + LCK

Combat Skills
Combat skills are your proficiency with different types of weaponry and fighting styles. These
skills are what are used to attack. Look into the Perks section to determine what perks can help
benefit your playstyle of combat. Bonuses determined by how high a skill is are not cumulative
and they only apply to the specific skill. All weapons can be found in the Equipment Document.
The Archery skill relates to anything that involves a bow, slingshot, Skill Bonus
and blowgun. In order to craft bows and arrows, you can roll
Engineer or Survival. If you wish to make more advanced arrows, 100 AP -1 to Single and Targeted Attacks.
you’ll need Blacksmith. Depending on your skill level you’ll receive
150 MD +10, inflict DT -3 and DR -10%.
bonuses. Refer to Types of Attacks for Burst Shot information.

Small Guns
Skill Bonus
The most common self-defense in the wasteland. Small Guns are
100 Inflict DT -4 and DR -15%. any weapon that’s ballistic that isn’t huge. Your common rifles,
pistols, etc. are found all across the wasteland, and finding ammo
150 +2 Damage Dice and +6 Base Damage. for it is a lot easier, and saving up is more economical. Crossbows
count as Small Guns.
Big Guns
If you ever feel like compensating for something or making them Throwing
match, the Big Guns skill is for you. You’re able to wield Artillery, Not limited to Grenades, the Throwing skill can apply to anything
Flame Weapons, Heavy Cannons, Grenade Launchers, Machine that you can throw. Like throwing a Mini Nuke at the enemy, which
Guns, Miniguns, and Rocket Launchers. You’re also able to use a is great, if you remember that it needs to be shot in order to
couple of unique Energy Weapons like the Gatling Gun and Tesla explode. If you ever wanted to live your dream of being a throwing
Cannon. knife god, the Throwing skill is your godsend. Just make sure you
have plenty of grenades to throw with your knives as well. Bonus
Energy Weapons damage is only applied to Non-Explosive Throwing Weapons.
Energy Weapons refer to Laser and Plasma Weapons. Laser
Weapons are very quiet but visible. Determining where a laser shot You can do the Unarmed Special Move Counter Attack with the
came from is easy at night, but during the day may prove somewhat Throwing Skill to an item thrown towards you. You can choose to
difficult. Plasma Weapons are more powerful but they’re slower either throw it back to the target or throw it somewhere else up to
and louder. When someone dies from a Laser or Plasma, roll 1d10. your range. Refer to Counter Attack under Unarmed Special Moves
On an 8 - 10, they turn to ash from Lasers or green goo from for additional parameters.
Skill Bonus
Melee Weapons
100 AP -1 to Single and Targeted Attacks
Do you suck with guns? Yeah, we know the feeling. So why not just
walk up to someone and stab them in the eye! Melee weapons are 150 Inflict DT -2 and DR -10% for Non-Explosives and increase
anything that you can put in your hand and hit someone with. You SPECIAL penalties by -1 for items you throw with an EXR.
see that rock, beat someone with it. Depending on your skill level
you’ll receive bonuses.

As for Unarmed, it’s as basic as you can get. Run up to someone and
punch them in the face or kick them in the knee. The Unarmed skill
utilizes Unarmed Weapons and your body. Don’t worry about his
gun or his Power Armor. Just go up there, punch in the face, and
German Suplex them. Refer to the Special Moves section for
information regarding moves you obtain.

Skill Bonus

100 AP -1 to Single and Targeted Attacks.

150 MD +10, inflict DT -3 and DR -10%.

Combat Specializations
For Combat Skills, you gain a specialization when you reach 100 in associated skill. You choose
one specialization and receive bonuses specifically for that skill. You can change your
specialization after a level up. You can get a second specialization at 150 upon the level up.
Special Energy Weapons do not get the benefit from any specialization. Weapons that can be
used with more than one skill can only benefit from the specialization of their Weapon Type.

Archery Specialization Energy Weapons Specializations

Agincourt Inflict DR -20% for Bows only. Critical Shot CC +5 for Laser Weapons only.

Amazonian Ignore Run and Sprint penalties for Archery. If your Get It Off Half the damage from an attack is dealt to the target
target is Running or Sprinting, you don’t ignore their Hit at the end of the round as Plasma Damage. This
Chance penalty. applies for each attack on your turn. This applies
only to Plasma Weapons.
David Targeted Attacks to the Head inflict 5 True Damage with
Slingshots only. Melting Point Inflict DT -5 and DR -20% for Plasma Weapons only.

Ghengis Increase DM +0.2 while Mounted for all Archery Start Blasting AP Costs -1 for Laser Weapons only.

Tribal Darter Inflict PR -15% and AC -20 when using Blow Guns only. Melee Weapons Specializations

Assassin Critical Damage increased by +25% with Daggers only.

Big Guns Specializations
Blademaster CC +5 with Swords, and +20 Hit Chance when you
Artilleryman When using Artillery, you may roll 2d8 for Direction of Parry or Counter Attack with Swords only.
scatter and choose which direction your shot scatters,
and any distance you scatter is halved with Artillery. Hunter Inflict AC -25 with Pole Arms only.
Inflict AC -25 for Artillery only.
Lumberjack Inflict DT -4 and DR -15% with Axes only.
Blastmaster AP -1 for Attacks for Grenade Launchers, Rocket
Launchers, and Heavy Cannons only. Phalanx AC +10 (Must have Shield equipped) and +20 Hit
Chance when you Deflect or Parry with Shields only.
Bullet-Storm AP -1 for Burst Attacks for Miniguns only.
Pinch Hitter DM +0.2 and inflict AC -10 with Bludgeons only.
Burn, Baby, Inflict DT -4 and DR -15% for Flame Weapons only.
Small Guns Specializations
Johnny Increase DM +0.1 for Targeted and Burst Attacks for
Basilone Machine Guns only. Gunslinger Ignore Burst Attack, Run, and Sprint penalties for
Pistols/Revolvers only. If your target is Running or
Sprinting, you don’t ignore their Hit Chance penalty.

Mafioso Reduce Reload and Burst Attack AP Cost by -1 for SMGs


Marksman Half the penalties for Targeted Attacks and inflict AC -10
Rifles only.

Terminator Inflict DT -4 and DR -10% for Shotguns only.

Trooper Reduce the Targeted Attack AP Cost by -1 and DM +0.1 for

Assault Rifles only.

Throwing Specializations

Curve Ball Inflict AC -20.

Dodge This! Increase SPECIAL penalties by -2 for items you throw

with an EXR.

Go The Distance Double your Throwing Range.

Special Delivery For every 25 points in Throwing, you can equip an

item as a free action. This resets after a Short Rest.

Unarmed Specializations

Brawler Increase DM by 0.1 and inflict DR -10%.

Defender Base DT +2 and DR +10% to all Armor. AP -1 for

Counterattack, Deflect, and Disarm.

Flurry Reroll Unarmed up to your AGI / 5. This resets after a Short


Grappler STR +2 for Special Moves that have Handy. If you maintain
an opponent in these Special Moves and they have Stay till
the end of the round, inflict True Damage equal to your
STR. If the move doesn’t have Stay, the True Damage is
inflicted at the end of the Special Move.

Speed +1 Free Movement. Ignore Run and Sprint Hit Chance


Support Skills
Support skills are the skills you’ll be utilizing in out of combat situations. The Formula makes up
your starting skill points for the skill. For skills such as Blacksmith, Computer Science, Engineer,
Gunsmith, Chemistry, and Survival, refer to the Crafting Section for additional information.
Animalism can also be used to identify weak areas of a building or determine if
Animalism can be used to tame or handle creatures, teach them an item is near breaking or fake just by looking at it. You need a Tool
how to do tricks, attempt to communicate and/or understand them, Set or Blacksmith tools in order to execute this skill. In order to
and at times being able to identify them. You may try to pacify or create a weapon, they need at least a 25 in the Combat Skill (Melee
tame animalism this way. Upon Character Creation, if you have your Weapons and Unarmed). You can already start crafting armor. Refer
Animalism at 50, you can start with an Animal Companion that’s of to the Crafting Section for more information. Failing a check could
Defcon Tier 5 <. Some animals are region specific due to lore so talk result in failing to craft an item or identifying a material’s make-up.
to your Overseer. If your character is above Level 1 upon Character
Creation, talk to your Overseer about a stronger starting animal. You Charm
can only have up to Defcon Tier 3 for Character Creation only. Charm lets you talk your way through situations and inspire others
Failing a check could result in an animal you tried to tame to attack to follow you into battle. You can try to convince someone to do you
you, threaten you, or you might fail to identify a creature. Animal a favor, convince the bouncer to let you into a club, or try to
companions will get a perk every second level advancement. You convince a gang leader to spare you. Beware of these dastardly
can also use Animalism as a substitute for Insight when dealing with charmers. Failing a check could result in failing to sweet talk and
animals; refer to the Insight rules for details. Refer to the Overseer’s instead making people mad at you, or annoyed by you.
Guide for additional information.
Barter Chemistry relates to crafting and learning about advanced
Bartering is a handy skill if you ever want to get a better deal with a pharmaceutical products such as Psycho and Mentats. Refer to
merchant or you’re trying to sell something at more than the typical Crafting Chems for additional information. You learn not only how
full price. The higher your barter, the better your base prices for addicting Jet is, but you can make it. Failing a check could result in
buying and selling items are but remember, price of items varies failing to craft a chem or identifying an unknown chem.
from merchant to merchant. You could use Barter to get more of a
profit from buying or selling items by a small amount. Failing a Computer Science
check could result in the price of an item you’re trying to buy not Computer Science relates to hacking a computer, making a program,
being lowered or on purpose the merchant increases the price and the internal hardware of a computer. You can also reprogram
because you made them mad. robots you find in the wasteland to assist you. If you want to make
your own robot, you’ll need this skill, or someone with this skill, to
Skill Buying Value Reduction Selling Value Increase program the robot. Failing a check could result in being locked out of
terminals when hacking or needing to find additional parts to get a
50 -10% +10% computer to work. Whenever you interact with a terminal, you may
ask your Overseer any of the following questions or anything similar,
100 -20% +20%
to help you understand the terminal’s system. Overseer’s are to
150 -35% +35% answer to the best of their ability. You can ask more than one.

● Has this system been tampered with?

Blacksmith ● Are there any hidden files on this system?
Blacksmithing is a rare skill to have in the wasteland, but it's ● What other systems is this system connected to?
extremely useful. Blacksmithing includes crafting, modifying, and ● Is any information on this system worth money?
repairing armor, melee weapons, and unarmed weapons. This skill ● What actions were last taken on this system?
● What failsafes or traps would I have triggered if I failed?

Deception is the art of lying and bullshitting and it’s a very handy Body Part Penalty Hours Skill Recovery Lessened
skill if you love to pit people against each other. Deception has a
variety of social implications be it disguising yourself, telling an Arm -30 6 50 -10
obvious lie to a bouncer to get into the club. Just make sure to keep
Leg -40 8 100 -20
track of all your lies. Failing a check could result in someone
knowing you lied to them. Eye -60 10 150 -40

Detection Engineer
Unlike PER, Detection is focused on looking for those in stealth, The Engineering skill is a support skill that the entire party can have,
listening to nearby footsteps, looking for traps, or trying to spot a and it doesn’t overlap at all. Engineering can be used to fix
pickpocket in a crowd. If you succeed in a Detection check you’ll see machinery, gadgets, guns, energy weapons, practically anything. You
the individual who’s done the action. Failing will cause you to be could even make your own items. Refer to the Crafting Section for
oblivious of what’s around you. The environment will affect your more information. Engineering also covers robots such as Eyebots,
Detection if too many environmental obstacles are in the way. Refer Assaultrons, Protectrons, etc. Robots can also be used to heal robots
to Defender & Attacker for additional information. if designed to. If you want to give your robot some upgrades, refer
to the Robots section. Repairing takes an hour and the one doing
Doctor the repairs can’t take a Short Rest. You need at least 2 lbs of Scrap
Finding a Doctor in the wasteland is like finding a needle in a Metal to heal a Robot but 5 lbs for a Vehicle for one hour. The
haystack. Luckily you can be one and you’ll be able to fix crippled penalty for repair is -25 and if you succeed you heal a robot or
limbs, stop bleeding, determine the cause of death from patients, vehicle for 1d10+10 HP. Failing a check could result in not being able
etc. It takes 30 minutes to heal someone for 1d6+4 HP with a -25 to craft the item or accidentally shock yourself while fixing a toaster.
penalty. The skill penalty depends on the limb and it’s considered
surgery. If you fail half the checks necessary you fail to uncripple the Upon Character Creation, if you have your Engineer at 75, you can
limb. You need a Doctor’s Bag to do surgery. When the eye is start with a Robot Companion that’s of Defcon Tier 5 <. Some
crippled or shot at, you need another eye of the same race. Failing a Robots are region specific due to lore so talk to your Overseer. If
check could result in not being able to identify someone's medical your character is above Level 1 upon Character Creation, talk to your
state or failing to fix one of their limbs. Overseer about a stronger starting Robot.

You can attempt facial reconstruction surgery but it’ll take six hours Gambling
with a skill penalty of -100. If you fail more than half the checks Gambling is a tricky skill. Whenever you’re gambling, games and
necessary you fail to change someone’s face and the patient will special situations that have to do with bidding, tend to go your way.
have scars all over their face. This can be attempted on animals but Gambling can also be used to roll for one hour to determine how
it's upon the Overseer’s discretion. This is considered surgery and much money you make or lose in a gambling environment such as a
you cannot change the eye color. casino or an alleyway where wastelanders bet their caps. You must
state what you’re planning to bid for the hour. If you succeed you
If you attempt to do a Doctor check on an animal without having get double of what you bid. If you lose, you lose everything you bid.
Animalism 100, the skill penalty is doubled. The Doctor skill can also There is a limit on how large your bid can be depending on the
lessen the Recovery necessary for Diseases. Refer to Diseases for environment. You can try to gain information this way but that’s
additional information. The reductions are not cumulative and you upon the Overseer’s discretion.
can only get the Recovery Lessened from one Doctor.
Gambling possesses the ability to have Gamble Points (GP)
depending on how high your Gambling skill is. However, you can
only use GP if you have LCK 6 or above. For every 25 points in the

Gambling Skill, you get 1 GP. You can spend one GP to reroll your Intimidation
LCK, substitute Gambling with another skill, or ignore having to roll Intimidating someone is always the best way to get people to pee
Gambling once against the dealers. Failing a check could result in their pants. You can use Intimidation to scare people away or make
failing to gamble a bid, failing the check for the substituted skill, or someone shit themselves and let you into the raider gang leaders
losing a good amount of your money. Gambling Points reset after a base. Failing a check could result in raiders not being scared of you
Long Rest. and they immediately attack you.

Environment Max Penalty Investigation

A handy skill for those with the detective’s hat. Investigation can be
Alleyway 50 -25
used to thoroughly search an area in depth to hopefully find a clue.
Bar Poker 200 -50 Or trying to find a hidden mechanism that reveals a secret
passageway. Failing a check could result in not finding anything in
Atomic Wrangler 500 -75 the area.
The Tops 1000 -100
Just because you’ve been out in the wastes doesn’t mean you know
Gunsmith it all. Lore allows players to know information about pre-war history,
A very handy skill in the wasteland for all your gun needs, the factions, post-war history, myths, legends, etc. Anything related
Gunsmith skill is the ideal skill for gun makers of all sorts. Gunsmiths historically can be found out through the Lore. Failing a check could
can be used to repair Big Guns, Small Guns, and Energy Weapons result in not knowing anything about the topic the check is called
but you’ll need a set of tools for this to be done (Tool Set or for.
Gunsmith Tools). In order to craft one of these weapons, you need
at least a 25 in the Combat Skill for the weapon type (Big Guns,
Small Guns, and Energy Weapons). Failing a check could result in
The Pilot skill helps determine if you can pull off wheelies, tight
not being able to craft the item or identifying a gun.
turns, or anything from famous car chases. The Pilot skill is to be
used on motorized vehicles from boats to airplanes. Refer to the
Insight Vehicle document for additional information. Failing a check could
Insight is a handy skill not only used to determine if someone is result in crashing a vehicle or even identifying what the vehicle even
lying, but to get an idea of someone’s motives. You catch little is.
twitches on their body, the sound of their breath, the intent in their
eyes. You get an idea of their intentions and this can also be applied For Air Vehicles you’ll need to do training since these vehicles are
to animals. Failing a check could result in believing the person you rare and difficult to manage. You need at least a Pilot 75 to begin the
think is lying to you or they’re difficult to read. Whenever you training. Someone will have to teach you or you can find a book that
interact with an NPC, you may ask your Overseer one of the can do it for you. Overseer discretion is advised. It’ll take one
following questions, and they must answer to the best of their hundred hours to learn. No rolls are necessary, just your downtime.
ability depending if you succeed or fail the check, or just come up Once you complete the training you’ll earn the Airplane Pilot perk
with one of your own. You must roll per question or upon the and you’ll be able to pilot air vehicles with no penalties. Attempting
Overseer’s discretion. to Pilot an air vehicle without training you’ll receive a -75 Penalty to
the Pilot skill.
● Do they have hostile intent towards me?
● How are they feeling right now?
● Does this person know me? Sleight of Hand
● What is their attention focused on right now? Sleight of Hand is the art of concealment, lockpicking, pickpocketing,
● What do they want most at this moment? and trap dismantling. For dismantling traps refer to the Dismantle
Action in AP Chart and Crafting Traps for additional information. You

can hide weapons on your person if you’re trying to sneak them into getting caught. You cannot Sneak out in the open where your
a casino or an establishment. You can steal what is in people’s opponents can see you and you exit Sneak if you are caught by
pockets but also give them a nice surprise inside, like a ticking Frag those you are sneaking from. The environment around you can give
Grenade. You cannot do Sleight of Hand if you’re seen. For you bonuses or penalties while Sneaking. Refer to Defender &
lockpicking, you must use a bobby pin or a Lockpicking Set. Attacker for additional information. Failing a check could result in
Whenever you fail, the Overseer rolls a 1d2. On a 1, your bobby pin getting caught by those you’re trying to sneak away or up on.
or Lockpicking Set breaks. On a 2, the lock you’re picking breaks.
Picking a lock usually takes 10 seconds to 5 minutes depending on Survival
the difficulty. For Sleight of Hand you may be able to see additional Survival allows one to make healing powder, traps, poison, and
items in someone’s inventory that are not currently equipped or alcohol. Refer to the Crafting Section for additional information.
obvious such as armor and two-handed weapons. You can Survival is also used to find tracks, identify signs of animal
determine how many items they have if you can see your target movement or dens, find food and water out in the wild. Anything
within 20 ft. Your Sleight of Hand skill determines up to how many referring to the great outdoors. Failing a check could result in not
items you see on the target. finding tracks or failing to find fresh water to drink from. During your
travels, you may attempt to forage food and water. This action can
The type of item refers to something like Wasteland Gear, Materials, only be done every ten miles during traveling only. When not
Small Guns, Big Guns, etc. No specifics are given away. The player traveling that’s upon the Overseer’s discretion as you may have an
may learn of the specific items if they’re adjacent to the target. The encounter with instead. Refer to Time & Traveling for additional
Overseer can give specifics of the items that they believe the player information. You roll Survival first to see if anything is found. If you
may be able to assume are on the target. Some items may be more succeed you roll for food and then water. The food found will either
difficult to pickpocket and may increase the skill penalty for Sleight be uncooked meat, fruits, or vegetables. The Overseer decides how
of Hand. Failing a check could result in getting caught while trying to much. Water found will always be one serving of Dirty Water unless
steal something. specified by your Overseer. Foraging in the same place twice may
increase the penalty for foraging. Failing the check will result in not
Skill Items Skill Items finding any food or water.

25 2 100 10
Food & Water Availability Penalty Servings Foraged
50 4 125 14
Plentiful (Tropical Forest) -25 2d4+2+LCK
75 6 150 18
Average (Valley Forest) -50 1d4+LCK

Scarce (Desert / Abandoned Urban Town) -75 1d2+(LCK/2)

Additional Concealment Penalties Item Type

+0 One-Handed item Only Survival can be used to track targets. Depending on the terrain,
a penalty will be applied to a check/ Sometimes you may be able to
-25 One/Two-Handed Item
get a bonus. The time it takes to find tracks ranges from 10 minutes
-50 Two-Handed Item to one hour. The easier it is, the faster you can find it.

The art of the shinobi. The shadow warrior that uses the shadows
themselves to maneuver through enemy territory. Sneak is the
favored skill for infiltrators and assassins. It determines how well
you hide in the environment and maneuver through it without

Tracking Surface Type Penalty

Soft sand and snow -10

Dirt or grass -25

Stone and concrete -50

Stormy Weather -75

Each day since since the target passed -10

Obvious blood trail +25

Support Specializations
Support Skills also get specialization; they're gained differently than Combat Skills. You have to
have 125 in the Support Skill and you may only pick one specialization per skill. You can change
specializations when you level up. Specs that give bonuses to items remain if the spec is

Animalism Specializations Charm Specializations

A Boy/Girl And Select either Animals, Cryptids, Feral Ghouls, Insects, Birds Of A Increase PL by 25 ft and VL by +5.
Their Dog Trogs, or Tunnelers to get DM +0.1 for attacks. You Feather
can change this every Short or Long Rest. This also
applies to one Animal Companion of choice. Kama Sutra You’re the greatest sex-machine every time, no
Master matter who it is. You never need to roll for your
Master of the When you are mounted on a creature, you may use performance and every person you’ve done the dirty
Saddle the Deflect, Parry, and Counter Attack when an attack deed remembers you fondly. +20 to Social Encounter
targets your mount. checks when interacting with a character you’ve
previously slept with.
Veterinarian When healing creatures, increase the heal by +50%
after rolling. You’re A Bard! When dancing, singing, playing an instrument, or
overall doing any bardic activities such as
entertainment or storytelling, get a SPECIAL +2 and
Barter Specializations Skills +15. Overseer discretion.

Godfather You can automatically succeed in Barter checks

regarding bribes up to CHA / 3 in a day. This resets Chemistry Specializations
after a Long Rest.
Adult Beverage Reduce time for distilling drinks from 7 days to 3
It Still Works Ignore Condition Mark value penalties unless it’s Days and 12 Hours.
Cutting Corners Whenever you create a Chem, roll a 1d10. On a 1 -
Sold! You can sell an item at a buying price in Equipment for 3, refund half the materials used. This doesn’t apply
CHA / 3. Condition Marks will affect the Value at to the container.
buying price. This resets after a Long Rest.
Not Strong Half the Addiction Chance of a Chem or Drink up to
Enough END / 5. This resets after a Long Rest.
Blacksmith Specializations

Man of Iron Increase the Successful Hits for all Armor you create Computer Science Specializations
by +25% and DT +2 to all Armor stats.
The Other Off When attacking Robots you get DM +0.1 for
Metal Bender You can craft or repair the same two Armors or Button attacks.
Weapons in batches of two. Roll as if you were
crafting or repairing one. Materials for each required. Patch v69.0 Increase the mod limit from 8 to 12 for Robots you
crafted at least one Body Part (Head, Torso, Arm, or
Steel Shaper When you craft a weapon with the Blacksmith Skill, Legs).
increase the WR by +2 and +10 Hit Chance when
someone uses these weapons. Tries Reset If you fail to hack with Computer Science, you can
attempt to hack it again with a reroll with a +20 to
the check. This resets after a Short Rest.

Deception Specializations Gambling Specializations

I Didn’t Mean You can reroll your SQ once. This resets after a Short Controlling You may spend one Gamble Point to make an ally
That or Long Rest. Fate reroll LCK.

Master of You can automatically succeed in Deception checks Counting Cards If you’re in a Gambling Environment for an hour, you
Disguise when disguised as someone else up to CHA / 3. This can spend one Gamble Point to increase your bid by
resets after a Long Rest. The disguise has to be +50%. Can exceed the max Gambling Environment.
convincing enough to the point you’re unrecognizable This can only be done twice per bid.
to your allies. This is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Testing Fate When rolling in the Critical Failure / Success Table, for
Politician Increase CHA Charges by +2. two Gamble Points you can reroll the result.

Detection Specializations Gunsmith Specializations

Detector Detect is a free action in combat. American-Made When you craft a weapon with the Gunsmith Skill,
increase the WR by +2 and +10 Hit Chance when
Sit Rep For every 20 points in Detection, increase your SQ by someone uses these weapons.
Ammosmith When you craft or mod any bullets, shell, or Special
Tracking Select a target you can see. If they attempt to Sneak or Ammo (Except Legendary and Epic), you can double
run away, you’ll get Detection +25 against them. This the batches with one skill check. This also applies to
can only be done to one target at a time and it lasts till the Ammo Press.
they die, you change targets, or after one minute.
Science Master When you craft EC, ECP, MFC, and PC, it has a full
charge instead of empty. Energy Ammo can be crafted
Doctor Specializations in batches of two. Materials are still required.

Awareness You can see the exact number of HP of everyone in

sight. You can also identify any Chem or Drink effects Insight Specializations
that your opponents are currently on.
Body Language If you encounter someone you’ve previously
Stay With Me Reduce the AP Cost of the Stabilize Action by -2. You Insighted, you can ask one Insight question to your
or someone you’re helping that has a Disease can do Overseer and they have to answer it to the best of
the check for Recovery two times a day. their ability. This can only be done once per Social
Encounter. This does not require an Insight check.
A Stitch Or Halve the time it takes to heal allies with the Doctor
Two Skill and Medical Kit. Intuition If you observe someone for more than 1 minute, you
know all of their perks and abilities. Traits aren’t
perks or abilities. During combat, you may only learn
Engineer Specializations one ability once per round on your turn. This costs no
AP and they have to be alive and you have to be able
Emergency When fixing broken items, you only need half of each to see them.
Duct Tape material to repair it with the Engineer Skill.
Karma Detector You can identify if someone is Good, Bad, or Neutral
Here’s The Off When attacking Robots you get DM +0.1 for attacks. as long as you see their face.

The Mechanist When healing robots, increase the heal by +50% after

Intimidation Specializations Pilot Specializations

Remember Me? If you encounter someone you’ve Intimidated from a Clown Car Reduce the Seating cost for Large and Huge for
previous encounter, get Charm, Barter, Deception, Vehicles by 1 and double the Storage Space.
Gambling, Insight, and Intimidation +15 for Social
Encounters when interacting with them. If allies are Grease Monkey When fixing Vehicles, increase the heal by +50% after
present they also get this bonus. the roll.

Rough Skin For every 20 points in Intimidation, increase your Put It In Cruise When driving a Vehicle, all allies in a Vehicle ignore
Base AC +1 and All Base Armor DR +1%. half the mph Hit Chance penalties when attacking.
This doesn’t apply to the Driver and Pilots.
Texas Ranger PR +10%, System Shock +1, and if you are affected by
a Disease, you can roll Intimidation -75 to be rid of
the Disease instantly. This can only be done upon the Sleight of Hand Specializations
start of the Disease.
Locksmith Locks don’t break if you fail to lockpick.

Investigation Specializations Prison Wallet You can automatically succeed at Sleight of Hand
checks to conceal an item of choice up to your AGI /
Bread Crumb You can use Investigation instead of Survival when 3. Multiple uses of this ability can conceal multiple
Trail tracking, as well as Investigation instead of Doctor items at once. This resets after a Long Rest.
when determining the source of injuries.
Watch The Increase the range to determine how many items a
Identify If you observe someone for more than 1 minute, you Hands target has from 20 ft to 50 ft and you can
know all they’re DT/DR. During combat, you may only successfully pickpocket a target’s currency up to AGI
learn one Damage DT and DR a round on your turn of / 5. This resets after a Short or Long Rest.
a target. This costs no AP and they have to be alive
and you have to be able to see them.
Sneak Specializations
Lip Reader As long as you see someone’s lips speaking in a
language you understand, you’ll know exactly what The Most Select either Humans, Ghouls, or Super Mutants to
they’re saying. Dangerous Game get DM +0.1 for attacks. You can change this every
Short or Long Rest. 3rd Generation Synths are
included with Humans.
Lore Specializations
Scout Ahead For every 20 points in Sneak, increase your SQ by
Textbook If you observe someone for more than 1 minute, you know 1.
it’s SPECIAL stats. During combat, you may only learn one
SPECIAL stat a turn. This costs no AP and they have to be Sneaky Boy / Girl Sneaking is a free action in combat.
alive and you have to be able to see them.

Voracious Double the bonuses from any books and magazines read. Survival Specializations
Reader You can only get this benefit from books and magazines
read while you have this spec. The doubling of bonuses Anything Is Edible When scavenging for food and water, you may
remains if the spec is changed, but the next book or replace LCK with END or INT to what you forage.
magazines read aren’t doubled. For rerolls you get two
instead of one from books. Increase deterioration dice Big Game Hunter When attacking Creatures, get DM +0.1.
from 1d6 to 1d8+2. None of this applies to Language
Books. Explorer You always know your cardinal directions, even if
you don’t have a compass. Your travel time and that
Wasteland Select either Creatures, Humanoids, or Robots to get DM of your party is reduced by 25%. This does not stack
Expert +0.1 for attacks. You can change this every Short or Long with others that have the same specialization. If
Rest. you have items that give you a compass or other
type of navigational assistance, you get Survival +25
when trying to find routes to specific locations.
Overseer discretion.

Starter Equipment
Starter Equipment is the equipment you get at the beginning of a campaign. This is all decided
before the first session. For weapons, depending on the Combat Skills tagged, the chart will
explain which weapon the player may choose from. If the Starter Weapon has different types of
ammunition, it’s upon the Overseer’s discretion on what bullets the magazine contains. Melee
Weapons users can start with two weapons. For Robots, check first what Combat Skills the
specific Robot can use. The starter weapon gained may replace or be attached depending on
the Robot. Starter Equipment items start with no Condition Marks. Refer to Successful Hits &
Condition Marks for additional information.

Combat Skill Starter Weapon Ammunition / Extras

Archery Blowgun, Crude Slingshot, or Short Bow 20 Bullet Point Arrows, 20 Darts, or 25 Caps

Big Guns B.A.R. or Grenade Pistol or Industrial Flamer Two mags for B.A.R. or 4 40mm Frags for Grenade Pistol
or 1 pound of Gasoline

Energy Weapons Wattz Laser Pistol or Recharger Laser Rifle/Pistol 2 EC or 25 Caps

Melee Weapons Multi-Purpose Axe, Knife, Machete, Crowbar, Spear 50 Caps or Small Shield

Small Guns 10mm Pistol, Police Revolver, 9mm Grease Gun, Combat Rifle, Two mags for selected weapon. For weapons without
Varmint Rifle, or Caravan Shotgun mags get 18 Bullets/Shells.

Throwing 10 Knives, 5 Spears, or 3 Pipe Bombs 50 Caps

Unarmed Brass Knuckles or Sapper 50 Caps or Small Shield

Armor is adjusted depending on the size of the and body type of the individual. Refer to Crafting
Armor for additional information. Intelligent Deathclaws can only get Robes during Character
Creation. Robots cannot get armor as starting equipment. All other races may choose one
Common Armor Set or one Common Under Armor. If you choose the Common Armor Set, you
get a set of Normal Clothing. Faction specific Armor such as N.C.R. and Caesar’s Legion can only
be chosen if you come from that faction and it’s upon the Overseer’s discretion. Starting caps is
LCK x 5.

After Armor and Starting Caps, the rest of the equipment relates to the character’s backstory.
Each player is given three days worth of Canned Food and Purified Water. Depending on what
Support skills they have Tagged they’ll get additional items. For additional items that’s upon the
Overseer’s discretion. Players cannot start with items with Exotic Abilities unless their starting
level is 10 or above. Refer to the Crafting section under What Can I Craft Already? for additional
information about Support Skills. You’ll know how to play the musical instrument you select.
Refer to Instruments under Surviving the Wasteland for additional information.

Support Skill Additional Equipment Support Skill Additional Equipment

Animalism Additional 6 lbs of Food and 3 Purified Water Gambling Deck of Cards

Blacksmith Tool Set Gunsmith Tool Set

Barter 50 Caps Insight Harmonica or Banjo

Charm Harmonica or Guitar Intimidation Triangle or Banjo

Chemistry Brewers Kit Investigation Lighter and Flashlight (Both Fully Charged)

Computer Science Computer Parts 5 lbs and a Blank Holotape Lore Blank Book and Pen (Pen has no weight)

Deception Bass or Harmonica Pilot None

Detection Binoculars Sleight of Hand 5 Bobby Pins

Doctor Medical Kit Sneak None

Engineer Tool Set Survival Cooking Tools or Skinning Kit

Buying Equipment
An alternative to Starting equipment at Level 1 is you start with 340 caps. For each point in your
LCK, add 20 caps to the starting. You can use these caps to buy your equipment. For characters
above Level 2, multiply it by your level and then multiply it again by the Caps Multiplier in the
chart below. The Overseer can also limit some item selections or increase caps. Players could
also buy items for other people if the Overseer allows it. This is only applied during Character
Creation and this is upon the Overseer’s discretion. If you use this alternative ruling, apply it to
all players. For Robots, if you wish to get new parts, you may sell your current parts for the full

Level Range Rarity Caps Multiplier

3-5 Common / Uncommon x2

6 - 10 Rare x5

11 - 15 Very Rare x7

16 - 20 Legendary x9

21+ Epic x11

Level Advancement
As you explore the world of Fallout you’ll start to gain some experience out in the wasteland.
This experience is awarded to players as Experience Points, or XP, which are given by the
Overseer. The Overseer cna give out XP throughout a session when players complete actions,
after encounters, or at the end of a session.

So You Leveled Up? What Now?

When you accumulate a certain amount of Experience Points (XP) from killing raiders, questing,
etc., you level up. The Overseer determines how much XP a party gets. However, the level up is
only gained when you end a session with a Long Rest.

Upon this action you get an increase in their maximum HP, 3 + (END / 2) and you gain one Vault
Point. Because Robots can change their body parts, their Max HP increases 8 every level

Next, you can spend their skill points. Refer to Skill Progression for additional information.
Afterward, you may choose a perk. Refer to the Races section to know when you gain a perk.
Level 1 doesn’t count as a Level Up. If it states that a race gets a perk every level, upon every
level up, your character can get a perk. If it states that your character gets a perk every second
level, upon every second level up, your character gets a perk.

Example: If you’re playing a Robot, instead of getting a perk at Level 2, you’ll get to pick one at
Level 3, and then another at Level 5.

Refer to the table below to know the experience cost for leveling up. From level 22 and on,
you’ll need an additional 40,000 XP in order to level up.

Level XP Chart
Level XP Level XP Level XP Level XP

1 0 7 21,000 13 78,000 19 171,000

2 1,000 8 28,000 14 91,000 20 190,000

3 3,000 9 36,000 15 105,000 21 210,000

4 6,000 10 45,000 16 120,000 22+ +40,000

5 10,000 11 55,000 17 136,000

6 15,000 12 66,000 18 153,000

Skill Progression
When you Level Up, you can spend your Skill Points anywhere you want. For Tagged Skills from
1 - 100, 1 Skill Point equals 2. For Level 1, you can use your Level 1 Skill points and distribute
them however you like. If a Tagged Skill is at 99, you still get 2 Points to increase it to 101. You
may choose to hold some Skill Points instead of spending them. However, you have to wait for
the next level-up to spend them.

Skill Range Untagged Cost Tagged Cost

-25 - 100 1 1:2

101 - 125 2 1
126 - 150 3 2
151 - 175 4 3
176 - 200 5 4

Milestone Variant
An alternative to XP is milestones. Milestones are simple. A level up is given by the Overseers to
the players after a specific period of time. Typically a level up would be given after a major
encounter against powerful foes like the Enclave or the Brotherhood. Below is an example of
when a level up is given depending on how many sessions have passed Level 1.

Level Session Level Session Level Session

2 2 9 32 16 80

3 4 10 36 17 90

4 6 11 42 18 100

5 12 12 50 19 110

6 16 13 58 20 120

7 20 14 64 21 130

8 26 15 72 22+ +10

Perks are a fun way to make your character unique and with over 200 perks, the possibilities are
endless. Perks are determined by your SPECIAL and some skills. The Perk Rank is the SPECIAL
requirement needed for the perk. Once you pick a perk, you can’t get it again. Some have ranks
that allow you to gain an upgrade of the perk. You must start with the first rank of a perk before
advancing to the next. Perks are earned upon level up with the restriction being Level Per Perk.
Make sure to look over the perks and make sure you meet the requirements for the perk you

You can only get perks from your Base SPECIAL and skills. Temporary, check, and Hit Chance
bonuses are ignored. If you do, however, check the Extra Requirements Section for the perk.
Perks only affect you unless specified. Under the Extra Requirements column you’ll find two
types of texts: bold and italic. Texts in bold means that you need that stat as a prerequisite for
the perk. Texts that are italicized are special. They’re requirements for the perk but you have an
option for each skill for it to work on.

Example: The perk Slugger requires 50 in Melee Weapons or Unarmed. If you have a 50 in one
Unarmed, you can get the perk. However, the perk will never activate if you attempt it in Melee
Weapons. Eventually, if you decide to level up your Melee Weapons to 50, you can use the perk
for both Unarmed and Melee Weapons. Perks that state “Any Combat Skill” also follow this

You may only benefit from one instance of a perk.

Example: If two party members have Teamwork, you do not get Skills +30 and SPECIAL +4, you
only get Skills +15 and SPECIAL +2.

Perks that increase SPECIAL or Skills are bonuses to checks unless they state it’s a permanent
increase. Customize to your heart's content, and reason. For Damage Modifier, refer to How To
Attack for additional information. If a perk states its towards allies, it doesn’t count towards you
unless specified.
Rank 1: R1
Rank 2: R2
Rank 3: R3
Rank 4: R4
Rank 5: R5
Special Move: SM
Damage Modifier: DM

Milestone Perks
Milestone Perks are perks automatically obtained at a specific level. Below are the few
Milestone Perks that can be obtained.

Level Milestone Perk Description

Every 5th level Intense Training Increase any one SPECIAL by one without surpassing your maximum. Be sure to update any stats, skills, etc.
related to your SPECIAL For skills they’re flat bonuses. If you ever put a point into a SPECIAL stat and it
surpasses the requirement (Lone Wanderer, Idiot Savant, etc.) you do not gain the benefit from that perk
anymore and it cannot be replaced. This perk is applied after Skill Points and before selecting a perk if you
get one at that level.

If you increase INT you don’t recover skill points from previous levels nor learn another language. If you
increase your STR or END, your Base HP does not update. Additionally, for your new END, apply to the
current HP Level Up, but not to previous Level Ups. Robots can only use this to increase PER, CHA, INT, and

9 Here and Now Immediately level up once. This can be done from Level 9 and above. This can only be taken once. This perk
is not gained automatically and will require a perk to obtain.

Every 10th level Tagged! You may Tag one untagged skill. This perk is not gained automatically and will require a perk to obtain.

15 and 20 Fuck the Rules At level 15 and 20, you may choose ANY perk you desire except for perks you already have. You ignore
SPECIAL, Skill, and Race requirements. If you choose a perk that has several ranks, you start from the lowest
rank available to you. If you choose to pick your Fuck the Rules perk at a later level, you may. You must state
which perks this applies to. Robots cannot get Psyker perks through this. You cannot use this to get Mutation
and Forced Evolution Perks.

Roleplay Perks
Roleplay Perks are perks earned while exploring the world of Fallout. Some require teachers to
teach you the perk.

Roleplay Perk Description

Power Armor This perk allows you to use Exo Suits and ignore their penalties. If someone who already has this perk trains you, it’ll
Training take 24 hours. By yourself it’ll take 56 hours. You must have a powered Exo Suit for the training. No rolls are
required, just time.

Forced Evolution Perks
Intelligent Deathclaws can go further into their evolution. Every 3rd Level up to Level 21, they
get to choose a Forced Evolution Perk.

Forced Evolution Rank Description

Alpha / Matriarch 1 Increase Max HP by +4 Every level (This applies to the level this is obtained).

Natural Defense 2 Base AC +10 and all Base DT +5 and DR +10%.

Thick Skin 2 Increase your Max HP by +30 and ER +10%.

Adaptive Fighter 2 Increase a Combat Skill of choice by +15 and +2 Free Movement.

Using Tools 2 Increase a Support Skill of Choice by +15 and DM +0.1.

Sharpened Claws 1 Unarmed Attacks inflict DT -2 and DR -10%. Claw Stab range can be extended by +10 ft for Hit Chance -20.

Natural Offense 1 Increase DM +0.1 for Unarmed Attacks. Claw Swipe can now be used the same as Whirlwind.

Mythic 1 Reduce the AP Cost for all Actions by 1 AP (Minimum being 1 AP unless specified) and +15 Hit Chance for all Combat
Skills at the start of a round. This will last for one round. This can be done up to your STR / 2. You cannot use
multiple charges at once. You cannot get this perk if you have Savage.

Savage 1 You enter an enraged state that increases all your attacks by DM +0.1 and instantly heal for 1d10+10 HP at the start
of a round. This will last for one round. This can be done up to your END. You cannot use multiple charges at once.
This resets after a Long Rest. You cannot get this perk if you have Mythic.

Mutation Perks
Some Mutations can be evolved at the cost of a perk. Only those with specific Mutations can get
these perks and they’re available at Level 5. You can only get the evolved mutation once.

Mutations Evolved Mutation Description

Big Hands Bear Arms You can Tag a skill with STR in the Skill Formula that isn’t already Tagged.

Eagle Eyes Night Eyes Ignore Night-Time and Total Darkness penalties.

Egg Head Psyker Select one Psyker Trait but ignore SPECIAL bonuses/penalties. This includes the Telekinesis Max INT
increase. If you already have a Psyker Trait, you cannot get this perk.

Empath Magnetic Personality You can Tag a skill with CHA in the Skill Formula that isn’t already Tagged.

Healing Factor It’ll Grow Back Quadruple HP healed during Short Rest. You can regrow limbs after two Long Rests of losing a limb.

Rad Out Half Ghoul For Unarmed Attacks, increase radiation up to 30 Rads, inflict RR -20% and 1d6+4 True Damage to
opponents, and you can get Ghoul perks with this mutation.

Scaly Skin Scales On Scales Base DT +2, DR +10%, and AC +5.

Speedster Quickster You can Tag a skill with AGI in the Skill Formula that isn’t already Tagged.

Talons Razor Sharp Inflict DT -4, DR -10%, and AC -10 with your Fist & Feet Attack.

Telepathy Mind Link You can do a mental link up for Humanoids to communicate telepathically to each other while within
your range. You can link Humanoids equal to your INT excluding yourself. For mental link you don’t have
to see the Humanoids but if they’re outside your range you have to be able to see them to relink them.
When combat begins, anyone in the mental link at the start of the round gets SQ +5.

STR Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 3 Phone Booth N/A 1 Halve the time to equip all types of Armor. Entering or Exiting an Exo Suit or
Closet inserting a Fusion Core into an Exo Suit is a Free Action. All Armor weight is
halved. This doesn’t affect crafting or dismantling.

R1: 5 Atlas Man / N/A 1 You let your beautiful muscles do the talking. You can use STR instead of CHA
Woman for checks up to your STR / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 5 Forager Survival 50 1 When foraging for food and water add your STR to what you forage. Instead of
being allowed to forage every 5 hours, you can forage every 2.5 hours for Slow
and Normal travel speed. You can now forage when going Fast travel speed
but only every 5 hours.

R1: 5 Heave Ho Throwing 75 1 Change the MD Equation from STR to STR x 2 for Throwing Weapons that
aren’t Explosives, and change the SR Equation for all Throwing Attacks from
10% to 30%.

R1: 5 Hold Your Breath N/A 1 Ignore up to -20 Hit Chance Penalties for all Combat Skills.

R1: 5 Puny Weapon N/A 1 All weapon weight is halved. All Weapon Min. STR Requirements are -2. This
doesn’t affect crafting or dismantling.

R1: 5 Slugger Melee Weapons 75 2 R1: Change the MD Equation from STR to STR x 2 for Melee Weapons and
R2: 6 Unarmed 75 Unarmed.
R2: Increase the DM by +0.1 and inflict AC -15.

R1: 5 Steady Aim N/A 1 +20 Hit Chance for all Combat Skills.

R1: 5 Strong Back N/A 2 For each rank of this perk get 100 lbs to your Total CW and STR +1.
R2: 6

R1: 6 But Wait, There's Big Guns 125 1 Big Guns Set Up and Unset Action AP Cost is reduced by -2. Ignore up to -20
More Hit Chance for Burst Attacks.

R1: 6 Follow Your Eye Archery 100 1 For Archery, inflict AC -15 and CC +5 to all Attacks.

R1: 6 Hell of an Arm Throwing 75 2 For Throwing Weapons that aren’t Explosives.
R2: 7 R1: Reduce the AP Cost by -1 and increase the DM by +0.1.
R2: Inflict DT -2 and DR -10%.

R1: 6 Iron Fist Unarmed 75 2 For each rank, inflict DT -3 and DR -15% when using Unarmed.
R2: 6

R1: 6 Outdoorsman N/A 1 When Climbing, Long Jumping, or High Jumping, reduce the AP Cost by -1 and
you don’t have to roll SPECIAL checks for these actions. Double your
suffocation time. Reduce all Difficult Terrain penalties by AP -1.

R1: 6 Stonewall N/A 2 R1: Ignore Knock Down, Stun, or Unconscious effect up to your STR / 2. This
R2: 8 resets after a Long Rest.
R2: Change the above equation from STR / 2 to STR.

R1: 6 True Aim Archery 75 1 Inflict DT -4 and DR -10% and get +2 Damage Dice for Archery Weapon Ammo.
Doubling doesn’t apply to the mods of these ammos.

STR Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 7 Martial Unarmed 125 1 When attacking or defending against Special Moves, you get a STR +2. When
Practitioner you Disarm someone, you can equip the item for free if you succeed. You may
also choose to let it fall to the ground. This can be done with
One/Two-Handed items. Disarm can be used outside of your turn just like
Deflect and Counter Attack. For the Targeted Attacks to the Groin, ignore the
Ignore Targeted Attack Groin Effect for all Armors.

R1: 7 Piercing Shot Archery 100 1 When executing a Single or Targeted Attack with the Archery skill you may
spend one additional AP to increase your DM +0.1. This can be done as long as
you have AP to spend. This must be declared before the attack is rolled.

R1: 7 Rocketman PER 5 1 When using Rocket Launchers, double the weapon’s base range, increase the
Big Guns 100 EXR by 15 ft, and increase AGI Penalty by -2.

R1: 8 Beatdown Melee Weapons 75 1 Whenever you get a Critical Success, your opponent gets Stunned for one
Unarmed 75 turn.

R1: 8 Cancerous Growth Ghoul 1 You gain HP equal to your STR during a Short Rest and can uncripple or
regenerate a missing Limb after a Long Rest. If more than one limb is crippled,
the oldest limb takes priority.

R1: 8 Gladiator Melee Weapons 125 1 When attacking with or defending against Special Moves, you get a STR +2. If
you’re executing the Special Move Charge and you hit, apply Attacker STR +2
vs. Defender STR. The one doing the Charge is the Attacker. If the Defender
fails, they’re Knocked Down. For the Targeted Attacks to the Groin, ignore the
Ignore Targeted Attack Groin Effect for all Armors.

R1: 8 Thick Hands END 8 1 Burst Attacks cost 1 AP less.

Super Mutant

R1: 9 Adrenaline Rush R1: END 8 2 R1: When you’re below 50% of your Max HP, you gain DM +0.1 and AP +1.
R2: 10 R2: END 9 R2: When you’re below 75% of your Max HP, get a DT +2 and DR +10% to all
Base Armor stats, and gain the effects of rank one of this perk at 75% of your
max HP instead of 50%.

R1: 9 DIE Melee Weapons 100 1 Double the damage dice of an attack using one of the associated Combat Skills
Unarmed 100 once. This must be declared before the attack is rolled. This can be done up to
Super Mutant your STR. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Martial Master Melee Weapons 100 1 Special Moves cost 1 AP Less, to a minimum of 2 AP.
Unarmed 100

R1: 9 Unity Western Super Mutant 1 For 4 AP, you can heal up to 10% of your Max HP. Also, till your next turn, get
Base AC +10, DT +2 and DR +10% to all Armor, and +15 Hit Chance. This can
also be used upon reaction to an attack but the AP is taken from your next
turn. This can only be done once per turn and up to your STR. This resets after
a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Omae Wa Mou Unarmed 125 1 The player MUST state when they use this perk before the attack roll is made.
Shindeiru Increase the DM +0.5 for the Unarmed Attack and the AP Cost is +3 of the
Single Attack. If you hit, the player rolls a 1d10. On a 1, the opponent's hit gets
the Instant Death effect from the Critical Table. You can only do this with a
Single Attack.

STR Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 10 Omnislash Melee Weapons 125 1 The player MUST state when they use this perk before the roll is made.
Increase the DM +0.5 for the Melee Weapon Attack and the AP Cost is +2 of
the Single Attack of the Melee Weapon. If you hit, you ignore all DT and DR.
You can do this up to your STR / 2. You can only do this with a Single Attack.
This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Strike Out Throwing 125 1 The player MUST specify when they use this perk before the roll is made.
Double the damage and range of a Thrown Weapon by AP +1 of the Single
Attack. This can be done up to your STR / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Two For One N/A 1 All Two-Handed Weapons are now considered One-Handed Weapons. This
does not work with Archery Weapons, Artillery, and Heavy Cannons.

PER Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 4 No Need For Big Guns 100 1 When doing a Ranged Weapon Melee Attack or attacking with the Bayonet of
Bullets Energy Weapons 100 the Ranged Weapon, increase the DM by +0.5 and inflict DR -10%, and when
Small Guns 100 using a weapon type of the associated skills as a Melee Weapon, you can
substitute Melee Weapons for the associated skill.

R1: 5 Check Again Detection 75 1 Reroll Detection up to your PER / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 5 I Saw It Coming N/A 1 You can use PER instead of AGI against Explosives and for the Dodge Action
reduce the AP Cost by -1. For the Defend Action, you can use PER instead of

R1: 5 Know Where To Investigation 75 1 Instead of rolling LCK for Looting, you can roll Investigation.

R1: 5 Lucky Vision N/A 1 Instead of rolling LCK for Looting, you can roll PER.

R1: 5 Night Crawler N/A 1 Halve Night-Time and Total Darkness penalties. Night Vision in Helmets get
their range doubled.

R1: 5 Scout N/A 1 Increase the Detection skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 6 Bootlegger Pilot 50 1 When doing Stunts in a Vehicle you’re driving, halve the penalties.

R1: 6 Driving City Style N/A 1 Increase the Pilot skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 6 Sharpshooter Archery 75 1 Add your PER to your weapon damage to the associated weapon types.
Big Guns 75
Energy Weapons 75
Small Guns 75

R1: 7 Death Sense Intelligent Deathclaw 2 R1: If you inflict at least 1 Damage to an opponent or smell their blood, you’ll
R2: 8 know their location at all times for the next hour with no checks required.
R2: While tracking, get bonus +25 to Detection, Investigation, and Survival
checks. You’ll also know where to find dead bodies within your Detection
Range instantly.

R1: 7 Desert Ranger Big Guns 75 2 R1: Inflict DT -4 and DR -15% for weapons of the associated skill.
R2: 8 Small Guns 75 R2: Increase DM +0.2 for weapons of the associated skill.

R1: 7 Laser Commander Energy Weapons 100 2 This perk only works with Laser Weapons.
R2: 7 R1: Inflict DT -5, DR -10%, and ignore up to -15 Hit Chance Penalties.
R2: Inflict AC -15 and CC +5.

R1: 7 Quick Scope Archery 100 1 Reduce Targeted Attack AP cost for all weapons with Scopes by -1.
Big Guns 100
Energy Weapons 100
Small Guns 100

R1: 7 Sniper N/A 1 Reduce all Cover and Environmental Effects penalties by -20. Does not work
against Full Cover. If types of penalties apply, they can stack.

PER Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 8 The D Is Silent AGI 5 1 Whenever you attempt to do a Targeted Attack to a Weapon in Hand, you can
Big Guns 125 shoot it out of their hand instead. If the weapon is an attachment this cannot
Energy Weapons 125 be done. The weapon will land within the same space as the individual that
Small Guns 125 held it. You can only do this up to your PER / 2.

R1: 8 Focus Fire Big Guns 75 1 Inflict AC -15 and increase the DM +0.1 for the associated skills.
Energy Weapons 75
Small Guns 75

R1: 8 I See Everything! AGI <5 1 AP +2.

R1: 8 Shotgun Surgeon Small Guns 100 2 R1: When attacking with Shotguns inflict DT -2 and DR -10% to attacks.
R2: 8 R2: When you hit with a Shotgun shell, the target rolls END -2. If they fail
they’re pushed back 5 ft and Knocked Down. If they succeed they’re not
pushed back and remain in their stance. If the attack is a Burst, if the shell dice
damage is doubled for the attack roll, the END check is -4 instead.

R1: 8 Someone’s Here Detection 100 1 If a Sneak Attack is attempted on you, all bonuses for Sneak Attacks don’t

R1: 8 Tank Hunter Archery 125 1 When you attack a Vehicle, a Robot bigger than Medium, or a target in an
Big Guns 125 Exo-Suit, get DM +0.15 and CC +5 to all your attacks.
Energy Weapons 125
Small Guns 125
Throwing 125

R1: 8 You’ve Gotta Archery 100 3 R1: Targeted Attacks to the Head ignore the Total Ignored Hits for Helmets up
R2: 9 Shoot ‘em In The Big Guns 100 to your PER / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.
Head Energy Weapons 100 R2: When executing a Targeted Attack to an opponent’s head, increase the
Small Guns 100 DM +0.25. For the Targeted Attacks to the Groin, ignore the Ignore Targeted
Throwing 100 Attack Groin Effect for all Armors.

R1: 9 Chauffeur Pilot 100 1 When in a Vehicle, increase the Vehicle’s AP +5. All mph penalties are halved
INT 7 for you. When driving or piloting a Vehicle, gain the Ha! Missed! and Evasion
Perks to the Vehicle only while in motion.

R1: 9 Military Training Small Guns 125 2 R1: Increase your DM +0.2 with Assault Rifles for Burst Attacks.
R2: 10 STR 4 R2: With Assault Rifles, if you do a Burst Attack using less than five rounds,
AGI 4 ignore Burst Penalties.

R1: 9 Mr. Anderson Big Guns 75 1 For Burst Attacks, the Dodge Action is ignored for your attacks only. Return to
Small Guns 75 Sender and Was That Meant For Me ignore this.

R1: 9 Peripheral Vision N/A 1 Your Overwatch is now 180 degrees from the direction you’re facing.

R1: 9 Simo Häyhä Small Guns 125 2 R1: Increase your DM +0.2 for Rifles and inflict AC -10.
R2: 10 R2: Targeted Attacks to the Arms and Legs count as two hits to LR and Ignored
Hits instead of one. For Criticals the double is also applied.

R1: 10 Better Criticals LCK 6 1 When you get a Critical Success, you can roll a second 1d10 and choose which
Critical Effect activates. If you get the same result for both rolls, roll till a
different result appears.

PER Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 10 Meltdown Energy Weapons 125 1 When you reduce an opponent to 0 HP with an Energy Weapon, they explode
LCK 5 in a blast of energy. Anyone within 10 ft takes damage equal to your damage
roll. The damage type depends on the weapon. Anyone caught in the EXR can
attempt to dodge by rolling AGI -2. If they succeed they take no damage, but if
they fail they take full damage. Anyone that is brought down to 0 HP from the
EXR also explodes in a blast of energy. If a weapon shares Energy Weapons
and another skill, it also works with this perk.

R1: 10 Vault-Tec Assisted LCK 6 1 After Hit Chance and Damage are rolled, you can roll LCK -3. If you succeed the
Targeting System Archery 90 LCK check, then your attack is a Critical Success. If you get a Critical Success
(V.A.T.S) Big Guns 90 from the initial roll, you don’t have to roll LCK -3. If the attack is a Critical
Energy Weapons 90 Failure upon the initial roll, proceed with the standard Critical Failure rules.
Small Guns 90 You can choose when to use this perk. This can be done up to your PER / 2.
Throwing 90 This resets after a Long Rest.

END Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 1 What Do We Say N/A 3 For each rank in this perk, increase the number of Reaper Check failures by 1
R2: 2 To The God of needed to die and increase the range of the 1d100 roll to get back up to 1 HP
R3: 3 Death by 10.

R1: 3 Addictive N/A 2 For each rank of this perk increase your AR by +20%.
R2: 3 Personality

R1: 3 Electric Personality N/A 2 For each rank of this perk increase your ER by +20%.
R2: 3

R1: 3 Fast Metabolism N/A 1 Double the HP gained from a Short Rest.

R1: 3 Radiant N/A 2 For each rank of this perk get RR +20%.
R2: 3

R1: 3 Snake Eater N/A 2 For each rank of this perk get PR +20%.
R2: 3

R1: 3 Well Rested N/A 1 Increase your Max HP by +30.

R1: 4 Bonsai Ghoul 1 Through careful nurturing, you have a small fruit tree growing out of your
head. Now you have a steady supply of fruit and never have to worry about
food and water ever again! This only feeds you.

R1: 4 Cannibal N/A 1 Eating a dead Humanoids heals 5% of Character’s Max HP for every serving
eaten. Reduce the AP Cost when eating by -1.

R1: 5 Flower Child N/A 1 Double your END when you succeed in rolling for your Addiction Threshold.

R1: 5 Got Anything N/A 2 For each rank of this perk, increase your System Shock by +2.
R2: 5 Stronger

R1: 5 I Drink My Milk N/A 2 For each rank of this perk increase your LR by +3.
R2: 5

R1: 5 I Love The Smell of Archery 50 2 R1: Those hit by your attacks that inflict Fire damage take a penalty to all skill
R2: 5 Napalm in the Big Guns 50 checks equal to the Fire damage you inflicted on their next turn, multiplied by
Morning Energy Weapons 50 your ranks in this Perk. This also applies to their Primary Stat tests, although
Small Guns 50 the penalty is equal to the total divided by 10 (20 Fire damage per turn is a -2
Throwing 50 to all Primary Stat tests).
R2: Increase the EXR for Fire Attacks by 50% to the nearest 5 ft. In addition,
line fire attacks have their length increased by 50% to the nearest 5 ft. You
may choose not to increase the size or length of your fire attacks, before
making the attack.

R1: 5 Implant Plus N/A 2 For each rank of this perk increase your Implant Limit by +2.
R2: 5

R1: 5 Iron Constitution N/A 2 For each rank of this perk get 100 lbs to your Total CW and END +1.
R2: 6

END Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 5 Lead Belly N/A 1 You gain no Radiation when eating food and drinks. You take half the Rads
when consuming Glowing Meat or Irradiated Water.

R1: 5 Shield Harmonic Synth 1 Increase your Laser, Fire, and Plasma Base DR +20%.

R1: 5 Survivalist N/A 1 Increase the Survival skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 6 Hunker Down Big Guns 100 1 If you’re in Big Guns Setup, all attacks towards you get -25 Hit Chance and you
reduce your Reload AP Cost by -1.

R1: 6 Life Giver N/A 1 Your Level Up HP equation is changed to 6 + EN. This takes effect on the level
you obtain this perk. Robots cannot get this perk.

R1: 6 Rad Child Ghoul 1 You heal HP +10 when in a source of radiation that gives out 10 or more rads
an hour. This applies once an hour. If you spend 6 hours in a source of
radiation as listed above, you may heal a Crippled Limb. If more than one limb
is crippled, the oldest limb takes priority.

R1: 6 Rubber Bumper Pilot 75 1 Vehicles that you drive take half damage when driving into or getting hit by

R1: 6 Toughness N/A 2 For each rank in this perk increase your Base Armor DR by +15%.
R2: 7

R1: 7 Rad Absorption N/A 1 You remove a number of Rads every hour equal to your END / 2.

R1: 7 Tis’ But A Scratch N/A 1 Add your STR and END to your Base AC. If you have the Kamikaze and/or
Berserker Trait, you cannot get this perk.

R1: 8 Atomic Survival 75 1 When in a radiated area, gain DT +2, DR +10%, and STR and END +1.
Ghoul Ghouls with the Glowing One Trait cannot get this perk.
Intelligent Deathclaw
Super Mutant

R1: 8 Brick Wall N/A 2 R1: Every time you’re struck by a Melee Weapon or Unarmed Attack, reduce
R2: 9 the AP of your attacker by 1 for that round. This effect does not trigger if
you’re Stunned or Unconscious.
R2: Every time you’re struck by a Melee Weapon or Unarmed Attack, the
attacker must roll END -2. If they fail they take True Damage equal to your
END. If they succeed they take no damage. This effect does not trigger if
you’re Stunned or Unconscious.

R1: 8 Die Hard N/A 1 When your HP drops below 50%, you get an additional DT +5 and DR +15% to
all Base Armor stats.

R1: 8 Third Lung N/A 1 If you’re suffocating or holding your breath underwater, double the normal
amount of time it would take for you to suffocate. If someone attempts to
render you Unconscious through Choke Hold, instead of 10 seconds, it takes
20 seconds. If you’re attacked when holding your breath underwater, you
don’t lose the 10 seconds of air you normally would lose.

R1: 8 Tough Hide Super Mutant 1 You gain Base AC +15 and a DT +4 to all Base Armor. You can’t get the AC
bonus if you have the Berserker or Kamikaze Traits.

END Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 9 Adamantium N/A 1 Ignore Body Part Effects and Crippled Effects up to your END. This resets after
Skeleton a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Brutish Hulk STR 10 1 Double the Max HP you get when you Level Up. This applies on the level you
Eastern Super Mutant get the perk.
Intelligent Deathclaw

R1: 9 Bulwark N/A 1 When attacked, you may switch your DT and DR for another of your Total DT
and DR. Does not apply to True Damage. This is applied for one Attack Roll
only. This can be done up to your END. This resets after a Long Rest.
Example: If you’re attacked with Normal Damage, you may apply your
Explosion DT and DR instead.

R1: 9 Rebuke N/A 2 R1: If you’d go Comatose, roll END. If you succeed, stay at 1 HP instead. For
R2: 10 every 10 damage that you would have taken, subtract 1 from END, this
negative bonus persists through the rest of the combat encounter.
R2: For Criticals, you ignore the damage bonus for initial damage and up to
your END ignore Critical Success Effects. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Moon Powered N/A 2 R1: Catch some moon rays! STR and END +2, and Max HP +10 between the
R2: 10 hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:59 a.m.
R2: Heal 5 HP an Hour during the time stated above. From R1 increase Max HP
by 10.

R1: 10 Overlord Eastern Super Mutant 1 For 4 AP, you can heal up to 25% of your Max HP. This can be done up to END /
5. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Solar Powered N/A 2 R1: Catch some solar rays! STR +2 and END +2, and Max HP +10 between the
R2: 10 hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:59 p.m.
R2: Heal 5 HP an Hour during the time stated above. From R1 increase Max HP
by 10.

R1: 10 Talon of Fear STR 10 2 When you strike with your Claws, your opponent suffers PR -10% and they
R2: 10 Survival 125 must roll END -2. If they succeed they take half the Poison Damage. If they fail
Intelligent Deathclaw they suffer 15 Poison Damage Per Hour, roll END -2 every hour for the next
two hours. If they succeed they don’t take Poison Damage. For each rank in
this perk, increase the PR penalty by -10%, increase the END penalty by -2,
increase the Poison damage by 15, and increase the Poison duration by 2

R1: 10 Walking Armory Big Guns 125 1 Inflicts AC -15 for Burst Attacks. When doing a Burst Attack with a Big Gun at a
target within 50% of your Base range to the nearest 5 ft, you combine your
total damage for every bullet that hits them, and compare it once, against the
targets DT and DR. This includes weapons that share the Big Guns.

CHA Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 1 Come & Get Me! N/A 1 For 2 AP, choose one target you can see within 100 ft that also sees you. You
roll Attacker STR/CHA +1 vs Defender CHA. If they fail, they’ll be forced to
attack you on their next turn, and cannot attack anyone else except with
attacks with EXR or other area effects that target you in their radius. If they
succeed they ignore the effect.

R1: 1 Terrifying Presence STR 6 2 R1: Whenever you or an ally within your PL is attacked, the attacker gets a -20
R2: 2 Intimidation 100 Hit Chance.
R2: You can force your opponents to reroll their Attack Rolls directed at you.
This ability can be used up to your CHA / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 1 Vault Plus N/A 1 For each rank in this perk increase your Vault Limit +3.
R2: 2
R3: 3

R1: 3 Say That To My N/A 1 Increase the Intimidation skill by 25 permanently.


R1: 3 Thicker Than Blood N/A 1 For every ally in the party that is below 50% of their Max HP within your PL,
increase your DM by +0.1.

R1: <5 Lone Wanderer N/A 1 You get a +15 to all Skill Checks and +1 to all SPECIAL when at least 25 ft away
from all other party members.

R1: 5 Animal-Friendly N/A 1 Increase the Animalism skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Best Teacher INT 5 1 When training someone, increase their training bonus from +25 to +50. You
Award can increase the skill training limit from 50 to 75 when you train someone.
Instead of training someone for an hour, it takes 30 minutes per roll.

R1: 5 Fight As One Animalism 75 2 After a Short or Long Rest, choose one ally creature. You and that creature will
R2: 5 get the bonuses from this perk as long as they're at 1 HP and within your PL.
This can be changed every Short or Long Rest. If you don’t have an ally
creature you can’t get the benefit of this perk.
R1: Increase the DM by +0.1 for you and the ally creature. The creature will
also inflict DT -2 and DR -10% for its Unarmed Attacks.
R2: Instead of one allied creature, this perk applies to allied creatures up to
your CHA / 4.

R1: 5 Food Connoisseur Survival 75 1 Any food that you eat or cook, gets double the bonuses. Applies to Bon
Appetit. This doesn’t apply to Servings.

R1: 5 Friends N/A 1 Change PL equation from CHA x 10 ft to CHA x 20 ft.

R1: 5 Hussar AGI 6 1 Ignore Run and Sprint Penalties when on a Mount. The mount also ignores the
Animalism 100 penalties when it’s being ridden. The mount can do the Disengage Action for
free once a round.

R1: 5 Salesman N/A 1 Increase the Barter skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Silver Tongue N/A 1 Increase the Deception skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Something Feels N/A 1 Increase the Insight skill by 25 permanently.


CHA Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 5 Speaker N/A 1 Increase the Charm skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Tummy Rub Animalism 75 1 Reroll Animalism up to your CHA / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 It’s All About Barter 50 1 When giving the help action to an ally with the prerequisite skill(s), double the
Vocabulary Charm 50 Assist Action bonus.
Deception 50
Intimidation 50

R1: 6 Master Speaker Barter 50 1 When you choose this perk, choose one of the associated skills. You can
Charm 50 substitute that skill for any one of the perk’s prerequisite skills up to your CHA
Deception 50 / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.
Insight 50
Intimidation 50 Example: If you select Barter, you can substitute a Barter check for a Charm
check, or any of the other skills on this list.

R1: 6 Quack Surgeon N/A 1 You may heal and awaken Comatose or Unconscious characters using Drinks
with an Addiction Chance depending on their rarity.
Common: 1d4
Uncommon: 1d6+2
Rare: 1d8+4
Very Rare: 2d6+6
Legendary: 2d8+8
Epic: 2d10+10

R1: 6 Psychology Insight 75 1 You immediately know the emotional state of anyone whose face you can see,
such as anger, sadness, jealousy, etc; this does not require a check. When
making an Insight check you can reroll up to your CHA / 2. This resets after a
Long Rest.

R1: 7 Don’t You Die On Charm 75 1 All allies within your PL require an additional Reaper Check failure to die, and
Me Doctor 75 Stabilize Action AP Cost reduced by -2.
Intimidation 75

R1: 7 Ferocious Loyalty Barter 100 1 All allies within your PL get Base Armor DT +4 andr DR +20% if you’re below
Charm 100 50% of your Max HP.
Deception 100
Intimidation 100

R1: 7 Follow My Lead Charm 75 2 R1: Allies within your PL gain AP +1 and AC +10.
R2: 8 Deception 75 R2: Allies within your PL gain +1 Free Movement, Sequence +5, and an
Intimidation 75 additional AC +10.

R1: 7 Inspiring Words Charm 75 1 For 2 AP you can help an ally out by giving them a bonus within your PL. For
Deception 75 Skill Checks you roll a bonus 1d20 + (CHA * 2). For SPECIAL Check it’s 1d2 +
Intimidation 75 (CHA / 5). The player can choose when to use these Inspiring Words for one
check only, but you have 5 minutes before it goes away. You can inspire
yourself. The person receiving the bonus must be able to hear you or see you.
This can be done outside of your turn before the roll is made at the cost of 2
AP from your next turn. You can do this up to your CHA. This resets after a
Long Rest.

R1: 7 Master Trader Barter 50 1 When shopping for items, modify your Buying Price by -15% and your Selling
Price by +15%.

CHA Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 7 Party Boy / Girl END 5 2 R1: If you’re ever addicted to a Drink, the Addiction Threshold is halved and
R2: 9 duration is doubled. Drink effects also last twice as long.
R2: The positive effects of Drinks are doubled. Drink effects last three times as
long instead of twice.

R1: 7 Sticks & Stones Charm 75 1 For 2 AP you can insult an opponent and make their actions worse within your
Deception 75 PL. For Skill Checks you roll a penalty 1d20 + (CHA * 2). For SPECIAL Check it’s
Intimidation 75 1d2 + (CHA / 5). The penalty is applied before the roll is made and it goes
away after one check. The person receiving the penalty must be able to hear
you and your harsh words. This can be done outside of your turn before the
roll is made at the cost of 2 AP from your next turn. You can do this up to your
CHA. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 7 Tag-Team N/A 2 After a Short or Long Rest, choose one ally to Tag-Team with until your next
R2: 8 Short or Long Rest. Your ally must be within your PL in order to get the
benefits. You can only have one Tag-Team on you at a time. The effects of this
perk end if your Tag-Team partner is dead, if they’re at 1 HP, or outside of
your PL.
R1: When attacking a target the other member of your Tag-Team attacks at
the end of your last turn, get an additional +20 Hit Chance and increase the
DM by +0.2 when you attack the same target.
R2: You each gain a bonus to your Base AC equal to your CHA. If your
Tag-Team partner is Comatose get +2 AP and +3 Free Movement.

R1: 8 Teamwork Charm 75 1 Allies within your PL gains a +15 to all skill checks and SPECIAL +2.
Deception 75

R1: 8 Bodyguards Animalism 75 1 For each party member within your PL, all allies get Base AC +2, DT +2 and DR
Barter 75 +5% to Base Armor. You gain these bonuses, but you’re excluded as a party
Charm 75 member for this perk.
Deception 75
Intimidation 75

R1: 8 Confirmed N/A 1 When attacking someone of the same sex, increase DM by +0.2. You also get a
Bachelor / CHA +2 and +15 to skills with CHA in their Skill Formula when in a Social
Cherchez La Encounter with them. If you cannot identify their sex, this perk doesn’t apply.
Femme Intelligent Deathclaws and Robots cannot get this perk.

R1: 8 Distraction Charm 75 1 On your turn, distract an opponent and cause them to lose 3 AP on their next
Deception 75 turn within your PL. You can do this up to twice per target per round. You can
Intimidation 75 do this up to your CHA. They have to hear you or see you. This resets after a
Long Rest.

CHA Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 8 Lady Killer / Black N/A 1 When attacking someone of the opposite sex, increase DM by +0.2. You also
Widow get a CHA +2 and +15 to skills with CHA in their Skill Formula when in a Social
Encounter with them. If you cannot identify their sex, this perk doesn’t apply.
Intelligent Deathclaws and Robots cannot get this perk.

R1: 8 Sharing is Caring Charm 75 1 On your turn, give an ally 3 AP on their next turn within your PL. You can do
Deception 75 this up to your CHA. You can do this up to twice per target per round. They
Insight 75 have to hear you or see you. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Captain Charm 100 2 R1: When a party member is within your PL, they gain an increase to their DM
R2: 10 Deception 100 by +0.1.
Intimidation 100 R2: You can give allies rerolls up to your CHA / 2 and reduce the AP Cost by -1
for the following actions: Looting, Reload, Switching Items, and Use Held Item
during Combat. This only applies to allies within your PL. This resets after a
Long Rest.

R1: 9 Learn From The Insight 100 1 You can copy the perk of an ally and you’ll have it for one hour. The ally and
Best yourself must take at least a minute to copy the perk. You ignore requirements
except for Race, Mutations, and Traits. You cannot get Milestone Perks, Idiot
Savant and Eureka. Perks that have multiple charges are based on you, not
your ally. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Method Acting Deception 100 1 You can substitute Deception as a substitute for another skill. This can be done
up to your CHA / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Divine Favor N/A 1 A higher power has taken a liking to you. Anytime you fail a check, you have
the option to reroll up to your CHA / 2. This can be done after learning the
result of the failed check. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Reload Last Save Barter 125 1 When a Barter, Charm, Deception, or Intimidation check is considered a fail,
Charm 125 you can reroll it, or talk your way out of it without rolls. Overseer discretion
Deception 125 advised. This can be done up to your CHA / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.
Intimidation 125

R1: 10 Stop Copying Me PER 5 1 You’re able to mimic the voices of people and the sounds of creatures. You
Charm 50 must be hearing the sound or dialogue for 1 full minute in order to mimic it.
Deception 50 Due to your vocal abilities, you gain Deception +20 when disguising yourself as
Insight 50 someone else.
Intimidation 50

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 3 Improvise, Adapt, Human 1 You may reroll an action, skill check, or attack roll, you can undo the failure
Overcome Synth and gain a +20 to your next action or +2 if it's a SPECIAL check, even if you
choose a different course of action. In combat, your AP will be refunded for
the action and you’ll also get the +20 to your next action, or +2 if it's a SPECIAL
check. For Burst Attacks, it’ll refund all attack rolls and damage. The +20 is
applied to the first attack roll for Burst Attacks. You may use this ability twice a
day. This resets after a Short or Long Rest. Those with Psyker Traits cannot get
this perk.

R1: <4 Idiot Savant N/A 1 Upon a Level Up when you would get a perk, you may choose to either get
your level advancement skill points again or a second perk. This is selected
after your skill points distribution and perk selection. This perk applies to the
level you get it and beyond. This cannot be used on Milestone, Roleplay, and
Forced Evolution Perks.

R1: <4 Study Guide N/A 1 Choose one SPECIAL, excluding LCK. All Skills with the SPECIAL chosen in their
Skill Formula are treated as if they’re Tagged for Skill Progression only. If a Skill
is already Tagged, nothing changes. Upon a Level Up, increase a skill of your
choice by +10 permanently. You can’t get this perk if you have Idiot Savant and
vice versa.

R1: 4 Bon Appetit Survival 50 1 Reduce Food and Water Servings by 1. Anytime you consume a Food or a
Drink, you heal 5 HP. Robots cannot take this perk.

R1: 4 Educated N/A 2 Every rank of this perk will add +10 skill points when your character gains a
R2: 4 level. This takes effect on the level you obtain this perk.

R1: 5 Assets N/A 1 Replace CHA with INT for PL equation.

R1: 5 Chemist Chemistry 50 1 When dismantling, crafting, repairing, or modifying chems, ignore penalties
Survival 50 up to -20. Crafting these items takes half the time and half the rolls.

R1: 5 Comprehension N/A 1 When training a skill, double the points you earn when you succeed and
increase the Skill training limit for you to 75.

R1: 5 Crazy Trapper Engineer 50 2 R1: When learning, modifying or creating traps, ignore penalties up to -15 for
R1: 6 Survival 50 the associated skill. Crafting traps takes half the time. Instead of rolling per
hour, you roll per 30 minutes.
R2: Add a DM +0.25 to all traps you create that inflict damage. This includes
Landmines. In addition, targets affected by your traps take an additional -1
penalty to SPECIAL checks to avoid them.

R1: 5 Crunch The N/A 1 Increase the Computer Science skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Explosions? Chemistry 75 1 All Explosives that inflict damage that you craft additionally inflict DT -5 and
EXPLOSIONS!!! Engineer 75 DR -10%. Anyone attempting an AGI check to halve damage from an Explosive
made by you takes an additional -1 penalty.

R1: 5 General Engineer 75 1 When dismantling, crafting, repairing, or modifying Items with the associated
Equipment Survival 75 skills. This also applies to mods. Crafting these items takes half the time and
half the rolls. The max Failure checks necessary to fail at crafting are doubled.

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 5 Gun Nut Gunsmith 75 1 R1: When dismantling, crafting, repairing, or modifying Big / Small Guns,
R2: 6 ignore penalties up to -20. This also applies to mods. Crafting these items
takes half the time and half the rolls. The max Failure checks necessary to fail
at crafting are doubled.
R2: Apply R1 to Bullets, Heavy, and Shells.

R1: 5 Healer Doctor 50 2 Each rank of this perk will increase the HP heal from the Doctor skill by 1d6+4.
R2: 6 In addition, at each rank you gain other benefits, listed below.
R1: Stabilize Action Doctor penalty reduced by -25.
R2: Double bonuses for SPECIAL checks when taking the Assist Action to assist
your patients in overcoming Addictions, Diseases, and Poisons. Reduce the
Wake Up AP Cost by -2.

R1: 5 I Can Fix It! Engineer 75 1 When using the Engineer skill to repair or modify something, ignore penalties
up to -15. When repairing a Robot or Vehicle, the HP gained is doubled after

R1: 5 Live Off The Land Survival 75 1 Instead of rolling LCK for Looting, you can roll Survival.

R1: 5 Medic! Doctor 50 1 Double the HP gained after rolling when you use an item that only heals.

R1: 5 Mr./Ms. Boom Chemistry 50 1 When creating or dismantling throwing explosives, ignore penalties up to -15
Engineer 50 for the associated skills. This also applies to mods. Crafting explosives takes
half the time and half the rolls.

R1: 5 Nuclear Physicist Gunsmith 75 1 When dismantling, crafting, repairing, or modifying Energy Weapons and
Energy Ammo, ignore penalties up to -15. This also applies to mods. Crafting
these items takes half the time and half the rolls. The max Failure checks
necessary to fail at crafting are doubled.

R1: 5 Pack Rat Barter 50 1 Halve the weight of all items in your inventory. You can also delay Fatigue
caused by Over-Encumbrance for up to 24 hours. This resets when you’re not

R1: 5 Photographic N/A 1 You have a perfect recall of every event and dialogue you’ve witnessed that
Memory has occurred after you choose this perk. You also get INT +2.

R1: 5 Poisoner Chemistry 100 2 R1: Poisons you craft inflict PR -10% and you may add your INT to the damage
R1: 6 Survival 100 of the poison. This also applies to hourly poisons.
R2: Increase PR reduction to -20% for Poisons you craft and any targets that
you poison will get -20 to skill checks while they’re poisoned. For poisons that
only have an On-Hit, the skill penalty will activate only for their next turn.

R1: 5 Robotics Expert Blacksmith 50 1 When creating, dismantling, or repairing Robots Parts, ignore penalties up to
Computer Science 50 -15. This also applies to mods. Crafting these items takes half the time and
Engineer 50 half the rolls.

R1: 5 Storyteller N/A 1 Increase the Lore skill by 25 permanently.

R1: 5 Swift Learner N/A 3 Each rank of this perk allows you to increase the skill of your choice that isn’t
R2: 5 Tagged by +25.
R3: 5

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 5 WHERE’S THE Blacksmith 75 2 R1: When dismantling, crafting, repairing, or modifying Armor, Helmets,
R2: 6 BLACKSMITH? Survival 75 Melee / Unarmed Weapons, Bows, and Arrows, ignore penalties up to -20.
This also applies to mods. Crafting these items takes half the time and half the
rolls. The max Failure checks necessary to fail at crafting are doubled.
R2: When you craft Armor, you’re able to make it better than the original
version. When you finish crafting armor, the armor gets an AC +5, DT +2, and
DR +10% to all stats. The value increases by +10%.

R1: 6 Book Smart Lore 75 1 You may substitute Lore for any other skill with INT in its Skill Formula up to
your INT. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Computer Whiz Computer Science 75 1 Instead of having to roll Engineer, you can instead use Computer Science, up
to your INT / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Da Vinci N/A 1 When crafting towards Progression Bar, instead of rolling every hour, you roll
every 30 minutes for one progress.

R1: 6 I Know Where Detection 75 2 R1: The Focus action AP cost is reduced by -1 AP. When you Focus, add your
R2: 7 You’re Weakest! INT x the number of Focus Actions taken to the damage of your next Attack.
R2: Whenever you take the Focus action, add your INT to the CC of one attack
roll. Can only be applied once per attack.

R1: 6 Methodical LCK 5 1 Instead of rolling LCK for Looting, you can roll INT.

R1: 6 Tactical Thinking PER 5 1 Whenever you do an attack roll that uses a Combat Skill to a target, you can
Investigation 75 ignore DT equal to your INT / 2 and DR equal to your (INT x 5)%. This can be
done up to your INT / 2. For Burst Attacks you must declare it before each roll.
This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 7 Chem Boy / Girl END 5 3 R1: The positive effects of Chems are doubled when used on yourself.
R2: 7 Chemistry 75 R2: The duration of Chems are doubled except for Instant when used on
R3: 7 Survival 75 yourself.
R3: Apply both ranks to allies when you administer the chem into them.

R1: 7 The Doctor Is Doctor 100 2 R1: When an ally is Comatose within your PL, you know exactly where they
R2: 7 Here! are and gain +5 Free Movement and you can equip one Chem or Drink for
free. You lose this bonus once no allies are Comatose or within range.
R2: You can temporarily fix a crippled limb at the cost of 5 AP and it’ll last for 5
minutes. This cannot be done to the eye.

R1: 7 Let’s Take A Closer Investigation 75 1 You can reroll Investigation up to your INT / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 7 Plasma Spaz Big Guns 75 1 R1: Reduce the AP Cost for all attacks with Plasma Weapons by -1. This also
R2: 8 Energy Weapons 75 includes Plasma Grenades.
Throwing 75 R2: Inflict AC -20 with Plasma Weapons.

R1: 7 Surgical Procedure Doctor 100 1 You can reroll Doctor up to your INT / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 8 Big Brain Energy Engineer 125 1 You may substitute your Engineer or Computer Science when making attacks
Computer Science 125 with Small Guns or Energy Weapons.

R1: 8 Greased Lightning Engineer 75 3 For each rank when healing Robots or Vehicles, apply an additional 2d10+15
R2: 8 Pilot 50 HP.
R3: 8

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 8 Jury Rig Blacksmith 100 1 If an item is broken, you may use 1 lb of Scrap Metal to quickly repair it and
Engineer 100 ignore all Condition Marks for 1 minute. This costs 5 AP to do during combat.
Gunsmith 100 This can only be done once a day per weapon. In addition, you may fix broken
items for half of the materials.

R1: 8 Lit Pyrokinesis Trait 2 For each rank in this perk, increase your Pyrokinesis Fire Damage by 2d4+4,
R2: 8 inflict DT -4 and DR -15%, and Persistent Fire Damage by +10 with DR -25%.

R1: 8 Nap Time Dreamer Trait 1 Within 50 ft, for 4 AP look at someone and you must roll Attacker INT vs.
Defender INT. You are the Attacker. If you succeed, they’ll fall Unconscious for
one round. If you fail, nothing happens. This can be done up to INT / 2. This
resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 8 Recharger Energy Weapons 100 1 Double the magazine size of Energy Weapons you use and you can transfer
Engineer 100 power from one EC/MFC/ECP/PC or other forms of battery to another within
one minute without the need of Tools and Crafting Stations. This means that
when you use an energy weapon, if it has 5 out of 10 shots in its power
source, it counts as having 10 shots in the weapon for you only.

R1: 8 Shocker Electrokinesis Trait 1 You can now put additional charges into Electrokinesis. For each charge
added, increase the ER by -10% and the Stun duration by one for the dice type
up to five charges. Two charges are 1d2, three charges 1d4, four charges 1d6
and five charges 1d8. You can use this as a reaction to a Melee Weapon or
Unarmed Attack towards you for 2 AP from your next turn. Multiple charges
can be used for this.

R1: 8 Tactician N/A 1 During combat, you and your allies within your PL can reroll SQ and choose
which roll to use.

R1: 8 The Force Telekinesis Trait 3 R1: Increase the weight limit for Telekinesis to 10 lbs. Reduces Telekinesis
R2: 8 Attacks with the Throwing Skill by AP -1.
R3: 8 R2: Increase the weight limit to 20 lbs and you can fire Ranged Weapons with
Telekinesis with the Throwing skill. The AP cost of the attack is that of the
Weapon. You cannot do Targeted Attacks with this. Apply Burst Penalties are
normal for Burst Attacks. For Burst Attacks it’s one charge per Attack Roll.
R3: Can do the Unarmed Special Move Counter Attack within half of your
Telekinesis' range against thrown items. This costs one charge. The attack
doesn’t have to be directed towards you and it cannot be done to Sneak
Attacks. For Explosives the center of Explosive Radius must be within your
Telekinesis Range.

R1: 8 Vampiric Touch Biokinesis Trait 2 For each rank in this perk, increase your Base Heal for Biokinesis by +5 (for
R2: 8 Poison it’s 10) and inflict PR -20% for Biokinesis Poison only.

R1: 9 Engineered Western Super Mutant 1 You may reroll any Skill Check that includes INT in its equation up to your INT /
Intelligence 5. This resets after a Short or Long Rest.

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 9 Hacker Man / Computer Science 125 2 R1: For 6 AP during combat, you can attempt to hack a robot within 50 ft of
R2: 10 Woman you once per Robot. This can only be done against Defcon Tier 5, 4, and 3. The
AP Cost for this perk can never be lowered. You roll Attacker INT +1 vs.
Defender INT. You are the Attacker. This does not work on Player Character
Robots, the Robot has to be able to hear you, and it doesn’t work on Turrets.
If you fail, the robot will be aware of your presence and will respond however
the Overseers deems fit. If you succeed you may give the robot one of the
following commands: Turn Off or self-destruct. They can be turned on if you’re
adjacent to the Robot with 6 AP which also can’t be lowered. Only you can do
this action and this action can only be done if you use the Turn Off command
on a Robot. Robots without an explosive will inflict the damage and effect of a
Pipe Bomb.
R2: Increase INT by +1 when attempting this perk. The Robot will be yours to
freely command and you can give it specific orders such as: Attacking your
enemies, making them wait at a specific location till your return, putting the
baby to sleep, or being your best friend.

R1: 9 Mind Over Matter Telekinesis Trait 3 R1: You can now lift two objects at the same time but both objects cannot
R2: 10 exceed a combined weight of your Telekinesis weight limit. You can do a Dual
R3: 10 Wield Attack.
R2: Increase your Telekinesis range to 100 ft and increase the equation for
charges from INT x 2 to INT x 3. When hit by an attack roll that isn't a Sneak
Attack or Critical Success or from an Energy Weapon, you can expend one
charge to stop the attack from hitting you.
R3: When telekinetically disarming a target, increase the INT check by +1.
Inflict DT -4 and DR -20% with attacks using Telekinesis.

R1: 9 Nerd Rage N/A 1 When your HP is below 25% of your Max HP, for all Base Armor get a DT +4,
DR +20%, AP +2 and increase DM +0.15.

R1: 9 Phoenix Pyrokinesis Trait 2 R1: Change the Pyrokinesis Base Fire Damage from 3d4+4 to 6d4+12. Charge
R2: 10 Base Damage is changed from 1d4+4 to 2d4+8. Increase the equation for uses
a day from INT x 2 to INT x 3.
R2: For two charges and 4 AP, summon a line of fire that can be manipulated
in any way that extends up to 50 ft. The line doesn't have to originate from
you but must be within 50 ft of you. Damage depends on your Fire Damage
Roll equal to two charges. Every charge put into Hellfire increases its duration
by one round and the damage. Anyone in the line must roll AGI -4. Increase
the penalty by -1 for each charge added. If they succeed, they take half the
Fire Damage, if they fail they take the full Fire Damage.

R1: 9 Reaper’s Favor Biokinesis Trait 3 R1: HP gained from Biokinesis is equal to the Poison Damage.
R2: 9 R2: Every time you inflict damage to an opponent with Biokinesis, you gain HP
R3: 10 equal to the damage dealt from Biokinesis before PR is applied.
R3: You can inflict one Disease to a target you hit for four charges.

R1: 9 Unlimited Power! Electrokinesis Trait 2 R1: Increase the equation for uses a day from INT to INT x 2 and everytime
R2: 10 you attack someone with your Electrokinesis, inflict 10 True Damage. For each
additional charge increase the True Damage by +5.
R2: Whenever you hit someone with your Electrokinesis, any enemies within
10 ft of the individual you hit, will also suffer the Electrokinesis attack. This will
also continue to spread to anyone within 10 ft of them as well. This cannot
target someone that is already affected by the attack.

INT Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 10 Another Tag! N/A 1 You can Tag another skill that isn’t Tagged.

R1: 10 Changeling Biokinesis Trait 2 R1: Biokinesis equation changed from INT to INT x 2 and you also heal 10 HP
R2: 10 an hour.
R2: You can rearrange your skin color, face, hair, and voice to look like
someone else for one hour. You cannot make drastic changes that make you
look like another race. This costs two charges. You’ll get a bonus +50 to checks
with Barter, Charm, Deception, or Intimidation to individuals that are familiar
with the face you chose. This is upon the Overseer’s discretion as to which

R1: 10 Eureka! Three Skills at 125 1 Upon a Level Up when you would get a perk, you can spend 30 Skill Points to
get another perk. Eureka does not apply to the Level you get it. This can only
be done once per Level Up. You cannot get this perk if you have the following
traits: Jack of all Trades or Skilled. This cannot be used on Milestone, Roleplay,
and Forced Evolution Perks.

R1: 10 Math Wrath Computer Science 125 1 Decrease all AP Costs by -1. The minimum is 1 AP for actions unless specified.
Engineer 125

AGI Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 3 Weapon Master Melee Weapons 100 1 Melee Weapons you have a Specialization in, increase their DM by +0.1 and
inflict AC -10 for attacks.

R1: 4 Demolition Expert Chemistry 90 1 Increase Explosives DM +0.25, inflict DT -5 and increase the EXR by 10 ft. You
Engineer 90 may choose not to increase the radius for an attack, but you must declare it
before the attack is rolled.

R1: 5 Evasion N/A 1 When Defending, add your AGI / 2 to the AC bonus and your max use is
increased by 2.

R1: 5 Nimble N/A 2 Each rank of this perk adds SQ +5 and AGI +1.
R2: 6

R1: 5 Pyromaniac Any Combat Skill 75 2 R1: Those lit on fire by your attacks must spend 1 extra AP to take the Firefight
R2: 6 Action. DM +0.25 to all Fire damage you deal. This includes persistent Fire
R2: Your Persistent Fire Damage inflicts an additional DR -40%.
This perk works with Pyrokinesis.

R1: 5 Quick Pockets Sleight of Hand 50 1 Reduce the AP Cost by -1 for the following actions: Disarm Trap, Looting,
Reload, Switching Items, and Use Held Item during Combat. AGI +1.

R1: 5 Thief N/A 1 Increase the Sneak skill by +25.

R1: 6 Action Boy / Girl N/A 3 For each rank in this perk, increase your Base AC by +10 and AP +1.
R2: 7
R3: 8

R1: 6 Big Leagues Melee Weapons 75 2 R1: When attacking with a Melee Weapon inflict AC -10, DT -2, and DR -20%.
R2: 7 STR 5 R2: When attacking with a Melee Weapon, you may ignore LR and Ignored
Hits per day equal to your AGI / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Duelist Energy Weapons 75 2 R1: When wielding a single handed weapon of the associated skills in one
R2: 7 Melee Weapons 75 hand, and with your other hand empty, carrying a non-weapon item, or a
Small Guns 75 Shield, the Focus Action AP Cost is reduced by 1 AP and you gain CC +10 with
that weapon.
R2: Attacks with single handed weapons following the same conditions as
above inflict DR -20% and gain +20 Hit Chance to Targeted Attacks.

R1: 6 Energy Weapons Energy Weapons 75 1 Weapon Min. STR Requirements for Energy Weapons are reduced by 3 and get
Expert a +15 Hit Chance.

R1: 6 Flexible N/A 1 It only takes you 1 AP to change your stance in combat. You can enter any
stance from Knocked Down for 1 AP. You can move as if you’re Walking while
Crouch or Prone. Doesn’t apply to Run and Sprint.

R1: 6 Moving Target N/A 1 Movement Hit Chance penalties are carried over till your next turn. However,
this only applies if you moved at least 20 ft with Run or 30 ft with Sprint on a
straight line.

R1: 6 Pickpocket N/A 1 Increase the Sleight of Hand skill by +25.

R1: 6 Second Shadow Sneak 75 1 Reroll Sneak up to your AGI / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Silent Running Sneak 100 1 Ignore Running and Sprint Sneak penalties.

AGI Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 6 Study Your Mark Sleight of Hand 75 1 You can identify exactly what items are on another individual within the
Sleight of Hand range that your character knows about. You can also equip an
item as a Free Action up to your AGI / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Small Guns Expert Small Guns 75 1 Weapon Min. STR Requirements for Small Guns are reduced by 3 and get a
+15 Hit Chance.

R1: 6 Sure Shot Big Guns 50 1 When using Two-Handed Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Small Guns get a
Energy Weapons 50 +20 Hit Chance. You also get +10 Hit Chance when attacking targets with
Small Guns 50 Cover penalties. In addition, your Supplementary Range is doubled to
weapons of the associated skills.

R1: 7 Dual Master Energy Weapons 70 1 Show your foes the art of the dual-wielder. Dual Wield Attack penalty is
Melee Weapons 70 removed for the associated skills. Reduce Weapon Min. STR Requirements by
Small Guns 70 1. Weapons that share the Big Gun skill do not benefit from this perk.
Unarmed 70

R1: 7 You’re Fighting Me STR 5 1 You can use the Deflect, Disarm, Parry, and Counter Attack on an opponent
Now! Melee Weapons 75 attacking an ally. The opponent must be within your Melee/Unarmed range.
Unarmed 75 This doesn’t work against Handy moves.

R1: 7 Ha! Missed! N/A 1 Reduce the Dodge Action AP Cost by -1. Double the hit chance penalty.

R1: 7 Hit the Deck! N/A 2 R1: You only take ½ Damage before DT and DR are applied from Explosives
R2: 8 and when falling if you fail the AGI check. This doesn’t include the True
R2: If you succeed in the AGI check, you take no damage from explosives (This
includes the True Damage).

R1: 7 I Hate Snakes N/A 1 When you trigger a trap, gain AGI +2 checks to avoid damage. Traps with
attack rolls against you get a -50 Hit Chance.

R1: 7 Light Step N/A 1 You never trigger floor-based traps like Land Mines, Tripwires, Pressure Plates,
and Bear Traps, and you get AGI +1.

R1: 7 Running N/A 3 Upon each rank of this perk, you gain +3 Free Movement.
R2: 8 Boy/Running Girl
R3: 9

R1: 7 Mag Dump Small Guns 100 2 R1: Reduce the Burst Attacks AP Cost for Pistols by -1.
R1: 7 R2: Burst Attacks with Pistols ignore AC -20.

R1: 7 Nerves of Steel PER 4 1 During combat, you increase your AP by your Sequence for every increment of
10. This will last for one combat encounter. You can use this up to your AGI / 2.
This resets after a Long Rest. Example: 25 Sequence gives AP +2.

R1: 7 Robin Hood Archery 75 1 When doing a Targeted Attack on a body part you already hit, if you attack it
again you get CC +5 and ignore up to -15 Hit Chance Penalties. This doesn't

R1: 7 Quick Cash Grab Sleight of Hand 75 1 Reroll Sleight of Hand up to your AGI / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 8 Baba Yaga Energy Weapons 125 1 +0.15 DM and CC +5 for all One-Handed Ranged Weapons using the
Small Guns 125 prerequisite skills. This perk does not affect weapons that were originally
Two-Handed. You may equip and swap these weapons as a Free Action.

AGI Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 8 Capone’d Small Guns 100 2 R1: When doing a Burst Attack with an SMG at a target within your Base range,
R2: 9 you combine your total damage for every bullet that hits them, and compare it
once, against the targets DT and DR. Your attacks with SMGs also inflict DR
R2: In a burst, your max CC goes to 5 after the first shot. This does not apply
with Dual Wield Attacks.

R1: 8 The Wrath of Khan Animalism 75 1 Ignore Hit Chance penalties from Mounted Combat, reduce the AP Cost to get
on or off the Mount by -1, and the rider can do Crouch Stance while riding.

R1: 8 Ninja Sneak 100 2 R1: When Sneak Attacking, increase DM by +0.25.
R2: 10 R2: You’re able to do up to two Sneak Attacks a round.

R1: 8 Roll With It N/A 1 If you fail a Dodge, Deflect, or Counter Attack, you take half the Total Damage
from the attack after DT and DR.

R1: 8 Six-Gun Kid PER 4 2 R1: Reduce AP cost for Targeted Attacks with Revolvers by -1. When doing
R2: 8 Small Guns 100 Burst Attack with Revolvers, the max Burst is that of the Mag Size of the
weapon. This cannot be done with Dual Wield Attacks.
R2: In a Burst, your max CC goes to 5 after the first shot. This does not apply
with Dual Wield Attacks.

R1: 8 Slasher Man / Sneak 100 1 When you attack from Sneak, your attack is considered a Critical Success if it
Woman Any Combat Skill 100 hits. It does not work with Explosives and Traps.

R1: 9 Second Death Any Combat Skill 100 1 You may re-roll the damage for one attack roll up to your AGI. When you reroll
damage, +0.1 to DM. This doesn’t stack. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Sturmgewehr Small Guns 125 2 R1: Reduce the AP cost of Burst Attacks with Assault Rifles by -1.
R2: 10 R2: In a burst, your max CC goes to 5 after the first shot. Must wield an Assault
Rifle with two hands to gain this benefit.

R1: 9 Yoink! Sleight of Hand 100 1 For 3 AP, you may attempt to steal any item from a character adjacent to you.
Roll Attacker AGI +1 vs Defender PER. You are the Attacker. If you succeed, you
may immediately steal any item from the Defender that isn’t Armor they have
equipped or items that are attached and put it in your hand. You must have a
free hand in order to do this and you must know the item is present to use this

R1: 10 I Wanna Be N/A 1 When wearing no Armor Set, get Base AC +40 and +2 to AG Checks. If you have
Naked! the Kamikaze and/or Berserker Trait, you cannot get this perk. Intelligent
Deathclaws and Robots cannot get this perk.

R1: 10 Mister Sandman Sneak 125 1 While Sneaking, increase your DM +0.5. You can instantly kill a sleeping
Unarmed 100 Humanoid or Creature. Upon Overseer discretion, some individuals cannot be
Melee Weapons 100 instantly killed.

R1: 10 Slayer LCK 6 1 After Hit Chance and Damage are rolled, roll LCK -3. If you succeed the LCK
Unarmed 125 check, then your attack is a Critical Success. If you get a Critical Success from
Melee Weapons 125 the initial roll, you don’t have to roll LCK -3. If the attack is a Critical Failure
upon the initial roll, proceed with the standard Critical Failure rules. You can
choose when to use this perk. This can be done up to your AGI / 2. This resets
after a Long Rest.

LCK Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: <4 I Make My Own Human 1 When a LCK check is required, you can roll your highest SPECIAL instead. It
Luck Synth does not apply to Gambling. Can be done three times a day. This resets after a
Long Rest.

R1: 5 Coincidence N/A 1 Anytime you want, roll 1d100 - (LCK*3) to obtain something that is convenient
for you and only you. The closer they are to 1 the more likely to have it your
way. If they somehow get a negative, they get what they're aiming for to an
extent. You can use this perk to see if the local trader by coincidence has any
extra goodies in stock, or if the man you’ve been hunting for is the bar you
just stepped into. This perk can warp reality to some extent. It can be used as
many times as your LCK. This resets after a Long Rest. This is not meant for
looting, but for making some situations easier, or funny, like a SitCom. Must be
realistic and upon Overseer’s Discretion.

R1: 5 Killzone N/A 1 Double your Base CC for a Single or Targeted Attack up to your LCK / 2. This
can only be done once per attack roll. For Sneak Attacks it would quadruple it
combined with the Sneak Attack bonuses. You must declare this ability before
rolling the attack. This will reset after a Long Rest.

R1: 5 More Criticals N/A 3 For each rank in this perk add CC +5.
R2: 8
R3: 10

R1: 6 Hold My Beer N/A 1 You can reroll any roll within your PL up to your LCK / 2, including rolls from
enemies. This can also be used on Critical Successes and Critical Failures. This
resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 6 Lucky Stash N/A 1 Replace CHA with LCK for the Vault Limit equation.

R1: 6 Mysterious N/A 1 Roll 1d100 and get a 50% chance for a Mysterious Stranger to help you in
Stranger hostile or dangerous encounters. This resets after a Short or Long Rest. This
Mysterious Stranger is a random NPC, generated by your Overseer.

R1: 6 Poker Face N/A 1 Increase the Gambling skill by +25.

R1: 7 Precise Criticals Any Combat Skill 125 1 Whenever you get a Critical Success, you may choose to adjust your roll on the
result by one up or down on the Critical Success Table up to your LCK / 3. This
resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 7 You Get A Point! N/A 2 R1: You can use your Vault Points on an ally within your PL.
R2: 7 R2: You gain one Vault Point at the start of every session or adventure.

R1: 8 It Just Works N/A 1 Critically succeed in any attack roll, succeed as if you rolled 1 regardless of the
penalty on any SPECIAL check, or succeed in a Support Skill check that you
have at least 50 skill in. You cannot do this for something you already rolled
for. This can be done up to LCK / 4. During Combat you can only use up to two
charges of this perk a turn. This resets after a Long Rest. This ability must be
declared before you take the action.

R1: 8 Royal Flush Gambling 125 1 You can spend one GP to gain a charge for a perk you have. Double your total

LCK Rank Perk Extra Requirements Ranks Description

R1: 8 Shamrock Slayer Any Combat Skill 100 1 When you get a Critical Success, increase the damage bonus from +50% to

R1: 8 Was That Meant N/A 1 Ignore any attack with attack rolls or traps that would hit you. It doesn’t work
For Me? against Critical Successes and Sneak Attacks. This perk only works on yourself.
This can be done up to your LCK / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 9 Grim Reaper’s AGI 8 1 Whenever you get the finishing blow on an opponent, once a round, regain all
Sprint Any Combat Skill 100 of your AP. Any AP used during the round is regained.

R1: 9 Pfft, Karma N/A 1 Whenever you gain a Vault Point, you gain two instead. This doesn’t apply to
the Ghoul’s Level Up ability. When an enemy gets a Critical Failure while
attacking you or an ally, you gain a Vault Point; this perk does not double the
Vault Point gain from Critical Failures against you or allies.

R1: 9 Divine CHA 5 1 If you’d go Comatose, a higher power will stop the attack from finishing you
Intervention off and render you at 1 HP. This can be done up to your LCK / 2 and it can be
used on allies you can see within your PL. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Black Cat N/A 1 As a reaction to an attack towards you, roll Attacker LCK +1 vs. Defender LCK.
You are the Attacker and the Defender is the one who attacked. If you
succeed, the attack is considered a Critical Failure. If you fail, follow standard
combat rules. This cannot be done to Critical Successes or Sneak Attacks. This
can be done up to your LCK / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Four Leaf Clover N/A 1 Any allies within your PL that get a Critical Failure, they will always get Failure
Result #1. If you get a Critical Failure, you can change it to Critical Result #1 up
to your LCK / 5. This resets after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Return To Sender N/A 1 When being attacked by an opponent with an attack roll using a Combat Skill
that inflicts at least 1 Damage, you roll Attacker LCK +1 vs Defender LCK. This
only applies to one attack roll at a time that hits you. You are the Attacker. If
you fail, the attack hits you. If you succeed, the attack redirects and hits the
Defender. You can do this up to your LCK / 2. If you and any allies are within
the same EXR, on a success, your allies take no damage. Doesn’t work against
traps, placed Landmines, Sneak Attacks, and Critical Successes. This resets
after a Long Rest.

R1: 10 Winning Ghoul 1 Whenever you’d go Comatose, instead, you’ll stay at 1 HP. This can be done up
to your LCK / 2. This resets after a Long Rest.

Surviving The Wasteland
The wasteland is a harsh environment filled with many dangers ranging from thieves to
Deathclaws. Knowing how to survive such a harsh land will ensure your survivability to lead
mankind to greatness.

What’s a tabletop rpg without roleplaying? Roleplaying is the essence of TTRPGs. It’s how you
interact with the world around you as the character you created. This section will assist you in
roleplaying in the Fallout world.

Combat Encounters ● Think about your character's goals when doing any
actions. Does it benefit them in any way or are they just
Combat encounters only occur when combat initiates between
having fun?
Player Characters and NPCs or NPCs and NPCs with the Player
● Describe not only their action, but their reaction. If you
Characters being witnesses. Combat Encounters are the core of
smell something grotesque, say that you gag a bit and
self defense in roleplaying for your words alone may not always
cover your nose from the awful stench.
be the best solution to a problem. Refer to Combat for
● Think about how people will respond to your Character’s
additional information.
actions. If they decide to pull a gun out in the middle of
the bar, expect every gun in the bar to be aimed at
Social Encounters them.
Social encounters are when you can truly roleplay as your ● When you’re going to say something, say it as the
character. Social Encounters take many forms varying from character and be as clear and descriptive as you wish.
bartering with the local shopkeep or attempting to let the
Deathclaw let you walk away without any trouble. The
Overseer takes up the mantle of playing the NPC and acts
Caps are the most common form of currency in the wasteland.
accordingly to the NPC they created. It’s just like interacting
Even before the war, caps had actual dollar value. But the
with a real person. They could be friendly, neutral, or hostile
wasteland has strayed away from paper currency and thus caps
towards you. Always pay attention to an Overseer’s description
are used. Some caps have higher value, like a Sunset Sarsaparilla
of an NPC. Learn their moods, habits, their looks, these small
Star, but some are willing to kill you for it. The N.C.R. and Caesar’s
things will help you along the way. When interacting with an
Legion are the only two known factions to have their own
NPC or anything in the world in general, you must be
currency. Below is a conversion between currencies and their
descriptive so your Overseer and the other players know what
weight. As for Pre-War money, it’s worth 0.08 Caps per Dollar, or
you’re doing.
8 Caps per $100. Might as well use it as toilet paper.
As long as everyone understands what you want to do or say,
everything should be fine. Every action you make affects the
world around you, be it big or small. The Overseer responds to
your actions in a matter that makes sense for the situation. This
is also when Skill and SPECIAL checks may come into play such
as a Charm check to try and sweet talk someone or use
Deception to get past some guards. Here are a few things to
keep in mind when describing your actions:

The rarity dictates the hours necessary to learn. You will only
learn the basics upon completion and can entertain others. All
Caps N.C.R. Dollars Caps Legion Coin
instruments require two hands to play. But also require you to
1 $3.50 5 1 Denarius breathe into them. Refer to the instruments in real life.
Overseers, players can use CHA or INT when performing to others
2 $5 100 1 Aureus
with the penalty varying on the instrument. If they pass the
3 $10 check, people take a liking to what they’re playing and may even
4 $20 interact with them. If they fail, people will walk away or tell them
they suck. If a group of players are playing instruments, each will
have to roll, but as long as half of them pass the checks, the
W Currency group succeeds.
0.01 Legion Coin
Rarity Hours
0.002 N.C.R. Dollar / U.S. Dollar
Common 14
0.001 Caps
Uncommon 30

Downtime Activities Rare 60

Fighting isn’t the only thing you do out in the wasteland.
Very Rare 120
Sometimes in between your gallant adventures in the wastes
you’ll have time to relax and have some me time. Below are a
few suggestions on what you can do throughout your day. Skill Training
Players will have a maximum of twelve hours in a day to do Skill training allows players to slowly improve their skills over
what they please. Below are a few suggestions of what you can time by taking up time in their day. You cannot train a Tagged Skill
do during your downtime: nor a skill that is above 50. You cannot train to increase your
SPECIAL through training. The point of training a skill is to train at
● Craft items for your journey or sell them for a profit. something you’re not good at. The player must take up at least an
● Go shopping if you're in a town or city. hour in order to train. They then roll the skill of their choice and
● Learn about the area around you either from an NPC they must roll under or equal to their skill.
or scouting around yourself.
● Roam around the town or settlement and interact If you do roll within your skill level, your Skill increases by 1 point.
with NPCs to gain a few contacts for future jobs or If you fail you’d have wasted an hour but you’re not hurt from the
favors. training. If someone is helping you train, they must have 50 skill
● Train a skill. points above yours. When they help you, the trainee gets a +25
towards training.
A wasteland without music is a travesty. This counts as Having a Trainer always makes training easier. Training must be
specific towards the skill and the player must explain how they’re
Wasteland Gear. Bring life to the wastes with a saxophone and
training in the skill. You cannot dual skill train nor use another
play that smooth jazz. You can learn how to play an instrument
skill to train another skill, even if a perk or ability says you can.
by rolling INT for two hours. The penalty varies on the
Some NPCs may teach you special abilities through training but
instrument. that’s up to the Overseer. Alternatively if you have a trainer, you
can spend double the time to train a skill without having to roll.

Staying Healthy
The hard part of being in the wasteland isn’t just the creatures, but keeping yourself in shape.
Be sure to note all the ways you can die just from putting the wrong thing in your body, or not
having enough.
Books & Magazines In order to kick the habit, you need to roll END until
you break through the Addiction Threshold. For one hour, you roll
Sometimes you’ll come across a magazine or a book possessing
END. If you succeed, add your END towards the progression of
knowledge that can save your own life. A magazine will take
being addiction free. If you fail, no progress is gained. Each Drug
four hours to read and a book will take 20 hours to read.
has a different Addiction Threshold and once you equal or exceed
Magazines give skill bonuses while Books provide stat bonuses
it, you’re addiction free. If you’re addicted to multiple chems
and unique abilities. Once you read a magazine or book with
and/or drinks, it’s overlaid on top of each other. If one chem has
the same title you do not benefit from reading the same one,
an Addiction Threshold of 50 while another is 100, the
they cannot be repaired, and they have a limited use which is a
progression is set up as a milestone. Your progression isn’t reset
1d6. This determines how many people can read it before it
once you’re free of one addiction.
falls apart in your hands. Overseer’s can create additional
books and magazines that provide the same skill bonuses.
However, if you use a Chem while you’re addicted, your Addiction
Books and magazines have a limited use which is a 1d6.
Threshold is reset back to 0. For each person helping you, you’ll
receive an END +1 to the check, up to a maximum of two people.
Chems, Drinks, & Addiction If the Addiction Threshold is 0, you can never be addicted to it.
Chems and Drinks are found throughout the wasteland and can The addiction effects apply once the drug wears off. If you take
make you or break you. After rolling for Addiction Resistance, the same chem/drink you're addicted to, addiction effects will
all Chems and Drinks have a duration and bonuses applied to disappear for the duration of the chem and you get the bonus
them. Once the duration reaches zero all bonuses are taken from the chem as well. Characters have to roleplay their
away. For Drinks you get a benefit by drinking a serving. For addiction. This is also applied to drinks and this is cumulative.
Chems with an instant duration such as Healing Salve, Below are the addictions for Drinks. For Chems refer to
Stimpaks, etc. the bonuses are permanent, and take effect Equipment.
immediately. Only Chems & Drinks with an Addiction Chance
count towards System Shock.
Drink Effect AT

Benefits from the same Chem or Drink don’t stack, but they do Nuka Cola / Sunset Sarsaparilla / Any Vim AP -2 50
reset the duration upon usage. However, Addiction Chance
from the same Chems and Drinks stack. The Addiction Chance Nuka Cola Quantum AP -3 70
stack ends when you take a Long Rest. All Drinks with Addiction
Nuka Cola Victory AP -4 100
Chance stack on top of each other. This means that if you drink
Rum which has an Addiction Chance of 10%, and you drink a Other Drinks with Addiction Chance SPECIAL -2 100
Whiskey, even after the effects have ended, the Addiction All Skills -25
Chance of the Whiskey is added which makes it 20%.

There are times when you may be addicted to Chems or Drinks

and it’s not fun. Addictol or a Doctor will be able to relieve you Diseases are quite common in the wasteland depending where
of addictions but sometimes you gotta break the habit yourself. you are. They can drastically affect your overall performance and
When you’re addicted you take the Addiction Effects of the the more you have the worse it gets. You may have multiple
specific item. These effects are cumulative and you can’t take a diseases on you at once. Diseases are not the same as infections
Short Rest. While under the positive effects of a Drink/Chem or viruses. Viruses such as the Scorch and F.E.V. are not
you are addicted to, you do not suffer the negative effects. considered diseases. Feel free to get inspired and make your own
Diseases using the Disease table on page 85.

A disease can be transmitted from a creature carrying a disease double the amount of water for daily consumption. For extreme
and they strike at you, getting coughed on or constantly cold temperatures, you'll need to keep up your energy and body
touched by someone who is sick, eating too much rotten food, heat and you’ll need double the amount of food for daily
drinking a lot of dirty/toxic water, touching a specific plant, etc. consumption. If you’re in temperatures below 32 degrees
Symptoms and effects of a disease occur the day after. You’ll Fahrenheit or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, roll END -1 once per
never know when you’ll contract a Disease so it’s best to be hour. If you fail you take 1d10 true damage. If you succeed you
clean and safe. take half the damage.

If you drink or eat more than 1 lb of Rotten Food, Dirty Water, Being in temperatures at absolute zero or above 100 degrees
and Toxic Water, the Overseer rolls your END in secret. The Fahrenheit will require you to roll END -2 once per hour. If you
penalty is the disease the Overseer chooses. If the END check is fail, you get one Fatigue. The END will increase by 1 every time
a success, the player doesn’t get the disease. If they fail, the you fail. Meaning that failing the first END -2 will cause you to roll
next day their disease's effects will activate. END -3 for the second hour. If you succeed you endure through
the hellish weather but any penalties you had before are applied
For every extra pound eaten, the range to gain a Disease is to the next roll. If you fail you take 1d20 true damage. If you
increased by 10 (Example: 51 - 100 to 41 - 100). Somes succeed you take half the 1d20 true damage.
diseases give penalties to skills depending on what is in their
Skill Formula. Only one skill penalty is applied per Skill Formula Fatigue (Ftg) & Nourishment
per disease. You cannot have two of the same disease.
It’s obvious that you can’t just adventure out in the wastes all
willy nilly. Any wastelander that’s biological (Human, Ghoul, and
Just before you take a Short or Long Rest, you must roll END
Super Mutant) needs nourishment. They need food and water in
with the penalty being that of the disease. Each disease has
order to survive. However, the races vary on how many pounds
Recovery which determines how many successes you must get
they must take in a day to survive. Missing a day of either one will
in order to be free from the disease. For example, if you have
give you Fatigue. This doesn’t stack if you miss both. This
the Blight disease, you must roll END -2. This END check can
continues to stack until you’ve eaten and/or drank something or
only be done once a day and will not take time out of your day.
die from starvation or dehydration. The serving is dependent on
If you succeed, you add your END into the Recovery of the
the size. This may be applied to all biological creatures. For
disease. If you fail, you gain no progress. If you match or exceed
animals it’s upon the Overseer’s discretion.
the Recovery of a Disease, the Disease and its effects go away
instantly. Just like Addiction, your Diseases are overlaid on top
When you ignore sleep for a day, don’t eat or drink for a day, are
of each other for progress. If you ever have more than six
tortured for too long, get addicted to certain chems, or
diseases, you instantly die and Reaper Checks are ignored.
incapacitated but not dead, you suffer one Fatigue. For each day
Those who specialize in being Doctor can help those who are
this occurs, you gain one Fatigue. Chems that give Fatigue can
sick. They can lessen the Recovery for diseases depending on
only be removed by becoming unaddicted. Fatigue effects are
their Doctor Skill as long as they’re willing to assist you. Those
cumulative. You can remove one Fatigue a day by taking a Long
with a high Doctor can also apply this to themselves. The Help
Rest and taking your daily servings of food and water. A serving of
Action can only be done by someone with Doctor 100 to
food and water is each 1 lb. The minimum serving is 1.
someone who has a Disease.

Size Food / Water

Extreme Weather
Extreme cold and hot temperatures will often affect your Small 1
adventuring throughout the wasteland. In order to combat Medium 2
Large 3
extreme cold temperatures you'll need to prepare yourself with Huge 4
winter clothes or winterized armor. For extreme hot Gargantuan 5
temperatures, you'll need to stay hydrated and you’ll need

watch, eat, or drink. Taking watch is acceptable but if at any point
Fatigue Count Effects you’re interrupted, you don’t gain the benefits of a Long Rest.
-25 to all Skills and SPECIAL -1 The other six hours you must be sleeping. When you’re sleeping
you’re considered Unconscious. Refer to Conditions under
2 -50 to Support Skills and SPECIAL -2 Combat for additional information. After a Long Rest, you get all
of your HP back, lose 10 Rads, and refresh any perks or abilities
3 -50 to Combat Skills and SPECIAL -3
that state you regain them once you take a Long Rest. You can
4 Max HP is Halved and SPECIAL -4 take a Long Rest once every twelve hours. Crippled Limbs are not
healed through Long or Short Rest.
5 Skill Penalties are Doubled and SPECIAL -5

6 Death Gas
Gas is a mixture such as air, dust, etc. Sometimes Gas can be
weaponized and it can be a cloud of toxic poison. Some items
Radiation make you immune to the effects of Gas. They can inflict either
Radiation is nothing to scoff at when it comes to the nuclear True or Poison Damage. Being immune doesn’t assist you in
wasteland. The Great War left traces of radiation in the sky and environments such as space or deep underground caves with
every day we suffer from that radiation. Depending on where minimal oxygen.
you are in the world the radiation you would get in a day may
Example: If you’re traveling through the Ash Heap without a
either kill you in a few weeks or several years. However, most helmet that makes you immune to Gas, you’ll be inflicted with 2
rads are so harmless that they barely affect you. Areas like the True Damage every ten minutes.
Glowing Sea may give you 100 rads an hour that can build up
very quickly if left unchecked. The moment you reach a certain
threshold in rads you start to take debuffs. Only with a Geiger
Counter can you know exactly how many rads are on your
body. Overseers must keep track of those without a Geiger
Counter and inform them of any illness. Radiation penalties are
applied when at the appropriate Radiation Level. These effects
are not cumulative. Refer to page 86 for the Radiation Levels

Short & Long Rest

There are two types of rest: Short Rest and Long Rest. A Short
Rest is equivalent to one hour and you get HP when you take
this action. During a Short Rest, you can take small activities
like shopping, napping, bird watching, etc. Some perks and
abilities that state they’re regained through a Short Rest can be
used again. Crafting is not a small activity. You get HP equal to
your END.

A Long Rest is equivalent to eight hours of resting. You must

have at least 1 HP and you may only take a Long Rest once a
day. For only a max of two hours, you may read, write, keep

Disease List
Disease Recovery Penalty Symptoms Effects

Blight 200 -2 Green spore marks all over the body. Max HP -20, SPECIAL -3 to Checks, and Skill -25.

Blood Worms 200 -2 Walking sluggish and coughing blood Total AC -25, All Skills with AGI get a -25, and AGI -3.
once in a while.

Bone Worms 100 0 Extremely soreness in the arms and All Movement Actions cost AP +1.

Buzz Brain 150 -1 Constant headache that shifts all All Skills with INT get a -25.
around the brain.

Dysentery 100 0 Constant diarrhea. Requires double the Water Servings in a day.

Flap Limb 150 -2 Consistent muscle soreness and ache. Cannot add MD to Melee Weapons and Unarmed Attacks.

Glowing Pustules 100 0 Green pustules all over your body. Gain 2 Radiation a day. This cannot be reduced with RR and
will not go away from a Long Rest.

Heat Flash 200 -2 Flushed appearance with red blotchy Cannot take a Short Rest, END -3 to Checks, Max HP -20, and
skin All Skills with END get a -25.

Jelly Fingers 100 0 Cannot feel your fingers. All Attacks cost AP +1.

Parasites 100 0 Consistent hunger. Requires double the Food Servings in a day.

Rad Worms 100 0 Soreness throughout the body. RR -25% and all Radiation is doubled to you only.

Rattle Hands 120 -2 Shaky hands. All Ranged Weapon Attacks get a -50 to Hit Chance.

Shell Shock 110 0 Feeling overtired. All Actions cost AP +1.

Sludge Lung 160 -1 It’s difficult to breathe. Total AP -3.

Snot Ear 200 -2 Green infection in your ear cavity. All skills with PER get a -25, Detection Range is halved, and
PER -3.

Swamp Gas 200 -2 Bad breath and horrible smell All Skills with CHA get a -50 and CHA -3.

Swamp Itch 130 -1 Red spore marks all over the body. All Skills with AGI get a -25.
You always need to itch.

Weeping Sores 100 0 Pink spore marks all over the body. When healed, get only half the HP you would normally gain.
Feeling awfully tired. This doesn’t count for Short or Long Rests.

Radiation Level List
Radiation Level Effect Description

50 END -1 The character feels abnormally tired.

Max HP -10

100 STR & END -2 The character begins to feel weak and achy. Skin itches slightly. A sunburn-like rash appears.
Max HP -20
All Skills -25

400 STR, END, & AGI -3 The character feels weaker. Muscles and joints hurt. The skin itches and small, open sores begin
Max HP -30 to develop. Some hair begins to fall out. Normal humans generally cannot reproduce (or have
All Skills -50 very mutated children) at about this level of radiation poisoning.

600 STR, END, CHA, & AGI -4 The character begins to vomit and experience diarrhea. Joints and muscles still hurt, but that's
Max HP -40 the least of their problems at this point. Open sores cover the skin, and hair falls out in large
All Skills -75 clumps. They develop a nice glow at night. Ghouls' memories fade away slowly.

800 STR, END, CHA, & AGI -5 Character vomits blood, as well as experiences bloody diarrhea. Hair is gone at this point. The
Max HP -50 skin begins to get soft and hangs off in places. Ghouls start to turn feral as only a hair of
All Skills -100 themselves remains.

1000 Read Description. The Radiation poisoning will be too much for your body to handle. You’ll instantly become
Comatose. Reaper Checks are applied but items and the Assist Action cannot help you in this

For Humans, if you get three Reaper Check successes first, you become a Ghoul with your rads
reset to 100. No stat changes are applied except for RR: +80%. As a substitute, mutations may
apply upon the Overseer’s discretion. If you get three Reaper Check failures first, you die and
cannot be resurrected by anything.

For Ghouls, if you get three Reaper Check successes first, your character maintains their sanity
and gains the Glowing One Trait. But if they get three Reaper Check failures first, they become a
Feral Ghoul and the character cannot be played anymore.

Looting in the wasteland is the most common way to survive. Search, take, and sell. Looting is
meant to be for general searching and not specific such as finding a secret armory in the middle
of nowhere protected by twenty Sentry Bots. It’s about what you can find and in what condition
it is in. Overseers may have specific loot in mind such as additional weapons, broken down
armor, materials, etc. There are two types of Loot. Loot set by the Overseer for the area that
cannot be changed by players, and loot the players roll for an addition.

So how do you loot? Roll LCK to see if you can find anything in the area that catches your eye. If
you pass the check, the Overseer will give you additional loot which can be one or two items of
the Overseer’s choice. If you fail the LCK check you’ll get no additional loot. This additional loot
doesn’t count as the loot already found in an area set by the Overseer. Below is a chart of
location and loot examples. If you have perks that let you use a skill, refer to Skill & SPECIAL
checks to determine what penalties align.

Locations Penalty Raider Camp RobCo Facility

Location Loot Location Loot
Raider Camp -1 or -2 -Canned Food x 4 -Computer Parts 1d6 lbs
-Dirty Water x 2 -Glass 1d4 lbs
Pre-War Weapons Factory -2 or -3
-Scrap Metal 1d10 lbs -Plastic 1d6 lbs
RobCo Facility -3 or -4 -Spear x 3 (5 Condition Marks) -Scrap Electronics 1d20 lbs
-Machete x 2 (5 Condition Marks) -Scrap Machinery 1d10 lbs
Military Bunker -4 or -5 -Combat Knife x 2 (5 Condition Marks) -Scrap Metal 1d20 lbs
-AK-47 x 4 (5 Condition Marks)
-7.62 x 3d100 Potential Player Loot
-153 Caps -Eyebot Parts 1d10 lbs
-Protectron Parts 1d10 lbs
Potential Player Loot -Tool Set
-DKS-501 (Broken) -Half Charge EC 1d4
-Radio with four holotapes with containing -Half Charge MFC 1d2
music -Mechanic Jumpsuit
-Healing Powder 1d2
-Jet 1d2
-Stimpak 1d2
-Gun Parts 1d10 lbs

Time, Traveling, & Navigation
Keeping track of the passage of time in a campaign is Areas such as forests, mountains, and swamps decrease your
important. The Overseer determines the time for tasks that miles by half. Weather can also affect this such as thunderstorms
aren’t covered. This can range from shopping to wandering in and radiation storms decrease by 1 - 3 miles depending on the
the forest. Time depends on the area and the circumstance and severity. Destructive storms such as hurricanes decrease your
the Overseer is to be as realistic as needed. A simple stroll distance by 10 miles. You can never go below 0 miles traveled.
down the street of a town should take a few minutes, exploring Traveling 0 miles means you’ll have to wait or travel through
and seeing what the city has to offer like New Vegas may take another path. While traveling you may try to scout the land for
an hour or two, or wandering through the wasteland for five potential treasure or forage, but this can only be done during
uneventful days only to be sidetracked by an army of rad rats. Slow and Normal travel speed. You can forage every 5 hours
Time during combat however is covered in the Combat Section. traveled per party member. You may attempt to travel stealthy
only during a Slow travel speed. You can use this speed to
When traveling as a party through the wasteland, you spend attempt to sneak up on hostile creatures or raiders.
more time walking than you do in towns. There are three types
of traveling speeds: Slow, Normal, and Fast. The average Players can also attempt to find sources of food and water, track
human can travel 20 miles within 10 hours of normal travel animals, draw up the map, navigate them on the right path to
speed. The ten hours include walking, resting, food and water prevent them from getting lost, or listen to the radio for potential
consumption. The ten hours applies to travel speeds. It is information. Your total System Shock determines how many extra
assumed that traveling is done on a clear road such as an hours you can travel. If you attempt to continue traveling past
interstate highway or a street. The chart below gives additional this, you’ll get one Fatigue for each extra hour traveled.
information on all three. The effects of the speed affect all
party members and companions. Sometimes you’ll be lost or you’re looking for the next part of
your adventure in the wasteland. Often you’ll have to navigate to
figure out where you are and how to get there. When navigating
you’ll have to look for signs or markings of locations to know
where you are.

Travel Speed Miles Covered Effects

Slow 10 PER +2, Detection, Sneak, and Survival +20.

Normal 20 -

Fast 30 PER -2, Detection, Sneak, and Survival -20.

In the wasteland, you’ll end up in a scuffle or two. In combat, the amount of actions you do
depends on your Action Points (AP). What you can do with them is covered in this section. If
you’re new to this system, take your time to learn the combat process. Have a calculator ready
and test a few combat scenarios. During combat, each square, tile, or space, counts as 5 ft. You
can attack through ally spaces, but not through enemy spaces. The player and the Overseer
must always state in what direction the character or non-player character (NPC) is facing.
Combat is meant to be tactical and cooperative. If you don’t work together, you’ll die together.

Rounds of Combat If an item increases your Sequence while you’re in the middle of
Combat, your Sequence will update on the start of the next
A round pertains to those in Combat Encounter each having a
round. Overseer’s will adjust the Turn Order. If the item has a
turn. Once everyone's turns have passed a new round begins.
duration and you’re at the final round of it, on the next round the
Everyone that’s in the environment, or on the way to the
Sequence bonus is removed and the Overseer will adjust the Turn
environment of the combat will get a turn to participate.
A round of combat is 10 seconds. Within a turn, you can only
say up to 15 words when speaking to another character, Surprise Round
animal, NPC, etc. in character. If you go beyond this, the If a party or group of NPCs are successful in ambushing or
Overseer may take AP from your turn. If it’s not your turn, your sneaking up on someone, they get a Surprise Round. A Surprise
character cannot take any actions unless a specific action let’s Round is when one group gets to attack another group for one
them in the AP Chart or if the Overseer allows it. turn through ambush. Only those who succeed get to do actions
during the Surprise Round.
Turn Order
Order of Sequence is used to determine who goes first in a
Turn Order determines in what order the participants of a
Surprise Round. Once the Surprise Round ends, the enemy, you
Combat Encounter go. Everyone within an encounter must
may roll their Sequence and combat will continue as normal. The
participate, even if it is to hide. If a character is too far to
Overseer determines if a Surprise Round is successful and if
participate, the Overseer must state how many turns it’ll take
Sneak Attack applies.
for them to make it. They can also base it off their Action
Points. Refer to Action Points for additional information.

At the start of a Combat Encounter, Overseer’s will ask players

to roll Sequence. The Overseer will roll for any NPCs

Sequence starts from Highest going first to Lowest going last. If

anyone has a tie, go by the highest Sequence bonus (PER +
AGI). If they have the same bonus, both roll a 1d6 and whoever
rolls the highest wins. Continue rolling till someone wins.
Players can also decide to let someone go first if they tie. All
who participate in combat get a turn. When all turns are
complete, the round ends, it goes back to the highest Sequence
character’s turn.

Action Points
Actions Points, or AP, is the ultimate weapon during combat. It allows you to take actions
determined by how much AP you have. Use your Action Points wisely for once you use up all
your AP, or you can decide to do nothing, your turn ends.

Movement is how you maneuver around the battlefield. You Stances Description
must declare your movement type at the start of your turn
Standing Your natural stance overall. You have all of your AC.
even if you don’t plan to move and you can only choose one
type of movement during a round of combat. For Movement, Crouch +10 Hit Chance on all Ranged Weapons except for
all penalties to Hit Chance end at the end of your turn. You Artillery and Heavy Cannons. If you’re in Crouch Stance
and being attacked, the opponent gets a -10 Hit Chance
cannot occupy the same space of an opponent that has at least
Penalty if attacking beyond 15 ft. This penalty does not
1 HP unless size specifies. stack with Cover penalties.

Prone +25 Hit Chance on all Ranged Weapons except for

Movement Description Artillery, Bows, and Heavy Cannons. If you’re in Prone
Stance and being attacked, the opponent gets a -25 Hit
Walk Move 5 ft for 1 AP Standing, 2 AP Crouching, and 4 Chance Penalty if attacking beyond 15 ft. This penalty
AP Prone. does not stack with Cover penalties.

Run Move 10 ft for 1 AP. -15 Hit Chance for the Runner
and the ones attacking the Runner till the end of
the Runner’s turn. This only applies while the
Runner is moving. When Running you get Sneak
-15. Can only Run while Standing. Cannot Run while
Crouch or Prone.

Sprint Move 15 ft for 1 AP. -30 Hit Chance for the Sprinter
and the ones attacking the Sprinter till the end of
the Sprinter’s turn. This only applies while the
Sprinter is moving. When Sprinting you get Sneak
-30. Can only Sprint while Standing. Cannot Sprint
while Crouch or Prone.

Free Movement
Often some enemies and allies have access to Free Movement.
Free Movement is an additional movement that is equivalent
to AP, but it can only be used for movement actions. One Free
Movement is equal to 1 AP.

Fighting Stances
Fighting Stances are how you’re positioned during combat.
Stances can be used to give you a bonus for Attack Rolls or if
you need to keep your profile as small as possible so you’re
harder to hit. You have all your AC in any stance.

AP Chart
These are additional actions you can take during combat. These actions can only be done during
your turn unless specified.

Action Description

Attack of If an enemy within your Melee or Unarmed Weapons range moves outside of your range, you can attempt one Single Attack on
Opportunity them as a free action. If the enemy is forced to move away without a choice (Power Kick, Shotgun Surgeon Rank 2, etc.), you cannot
do Attack of Opportunity. You can only do one Attack of Opportunity a round. You cannot do this if you can’t take any actions.

Big Gun Set Up Big Guns require setup in order to be used properly to their fullest potential. This costs 6 AP. The weapon cannot be moved in place
and it may be setup in any stance of your choice. This cannot be done on animals. Apply the Set Up Burst Penalties for Burst Fire and
increase the new base range if specified in the weapon’s description. You need a Bipod/Tripod in order to set up a Minigun, MG, and
some Grenade Launchers. To Unset this action it’ll cost 4 AP.

Called Shot If you make an attack roll but it misses, you may cancel the attack. The AP Cost is equal to the Weapon AP Attack made. If the
weapon uses ammunition you don’t lose it. You cannot cancel an attack if it falls within your Critical Failure range.

Change Stances 2 AP to switch (Costs 4 AP to go from Prone to Standing and vice versa).

Climbing For 2 AP, you can climb up 10 ft with a STR -2 check. If you fail, you fall and you’re knocked down on the ground. If you succeed you
easily climb up. Going up or down ladders doesn’t require a STR check. Climbing up a ladder costs 2 AP per 10 ft while climbing
down a ladder costs 1 AP per 10 ft. Movement Hit Chance penalties do not apply when climbing and the dodge action cannot be
taken. You cannot Run or Sprint when Climbing.

Defending For 1 AP on your turn, add your AGI to your AC till your next turn. You may do this up to twice per turn. This lasts till the beginning
of your next turn. You cannot use Defending as a reaction to an attack during your turn.

Detect 2 AP to use Detection. This can only be done once per round. Refer to Defender & Attacker for additional information.

Disarm Trap This costs 6 AP. For Dismantling you can dismantle Traps and Landmines that you’re adjacent to. For Landmines, you have to roll
Sneak against the Crafting Penalty of the Explosive to enter the Explosive Radius without the Landmine activating. If you were
previously Sneaking, you still have to roll again. If you succeed, you’ll have to move to where the Landmine was placed and roll
Engineer or Sleight of Hand against the Crafting Penalty. If you fail either check, the Landmine activates. If you don’t dismantle the
Landmine on the same turn you Sneak, you have to roll Sneak again at the beginning of your turn. For Traps, if you’re able to spot
them and not trigger them, you only have to pay the AP Cost. If you succeed you successfully disarm the trap. If you fail, the trap

Dodge Costs 3 AP from your next turn. Can only be done against an attack roll that’s using a Combat Skill outside of your turn as a reaction
to an attack that would hit. When Dodging you roll your AGI to decrease the Hit Chance of someone attacking you. Whatever the
result is, take the difference of your AGI and the result, then multiply it by 5. If the difference is negative you get no bonus. Dodge
applies till the beginning of your next turn and you can’t do Dodge till after your turn. The Dodge action cannot be used against
Sneak Attacks, but Dodge penalties will apply if you took the Dodge action before the Sneak Attack was declared. This action has no
Minimum AP.

Disengage For 2 AP, they can do the Disengage Action which avoids all Attacks of Opportunity for the remainder of your turn.

Firefight If you’re ever on fire, you can extinguish the fire with the cost of 4 AP. You will continue to take fire damage until you do this. You
can also do this on someone else. You remain in the stance you were in.

Focus For 2 AP, you can add +10 Hit Chance to one attack roll. This must be declared before the attack roll is made. You may add as much
AP as you’re able to from your turn. Focus cannot be applied to Overwatch. For Dual and Tri Wield Attacks, Focus will only apply to
one Attack Roll, not all.

Getting Up If Knocked Down, for 4 AP you immediately stand up into Standing Stance. With 2 AP you can turn around to be Prone Stance. For 3
AP you can enter Crouch Stance.

Action Description

High Jump For 2 AP you can jump up 5 ft. If you're attempting to jump while climbing, roll AGI -2. If you fail, you fall and you’re Knocked Down.
If you succeed you jump up and climb successfully.

Hold Action Unlike Overwatch, Hold Action activates upon a specific action that may occur during combat.
Example: You can hold your action on flipping a switch till the mutant has been pushed into its cage by the party, closing a door
after all members of your party have stepped through, etc. This costs 3 AP.

Long Jump For 2 AP you can jump forward 10 ft in one direction. For every 5 ft after it’s AGI -2. This stacks. If you fail, you jump up to half the
distance rounded up to the nearest 5 ft and you’re Knocked Down.

Looting Costs 3 AP. Looting refers to grabbing something off a table, corpse, etc. You can only take one item. This applies to any item not on
your person, including items on bodies of fallen enemies and allies, but not conscious allies; for actions such as retrieving a
magazine, chem, or other small object, see the ‘Switch Items’ action.

Open/Close For 2 AP, either open/close a door or window. This can’t be done to motion sensor doors. This is also used to climb over
Door environments that are at least half your height. Can also apply to those that are Large trying to squeeze through a 5 ft space. For
every size above it’s 2 AP more.

Overwatch Overwatch allows you to automatically attack the first opponent that enters your line of sight. This includes changing stances,
attacking, or moving in general. The player must first declare what direction they will be facing for the direction of Overwatch. They
must then decide how much AP they would like to spend. You need to spend at least 1 AP for Burst Attack. The Burst Attack Rules
will apply with 1 AP per Ammo. For Minigun it’s 1 AP per 2 Ammo. If a weapon is incapable of doing a Burst Attack, they can only do
one attack with -10 Hit Chance. You cannot do Special Moves while in Overwatch. If an item, like an Explosive, is thrown in the
direction of someone’s Overwatch, they can attempt to shoot it but with a -100 Hit Chance. If more than one person has declared
Overwatch in the same direction and an opponent is within both their Overwatch line of sight, the character that declared
Overwatch first is the one who can attack.

Example: Bill declares Overwatch with 4 AP down an alleyway. A raider appears in the alleyway so Bill will do a Four Round Burst to
the Raider.

Reaction Reactions are non typical maneuvers against attacks or environmental hazards outside of your turn. There are two types of
reactions: Minor and Major. Minor Reactions cost 2 AP from your next turn and they range from dodging incoming debris to flipping
a chair. Major Reactions cost 4 AP from your next turn and they can range from shoving an ally out of the way to using a dead body
as a temporary shield from incoming fire. Reactions cannot be used inplace of specified AP Actions such as Attacks, Movement,
Overwatch, etc.

Reload 1 AP for Archery (For Archery Double and Triple Burst Shot, it’s still 1 AP to reload). 2 AP for Small Guns and Energy Weapons. 3 AP
for Big Guns (Cannot combine magazine). If a weapon specifies a reload cost, use that instead. The magazine, ammo, etc. doesn’t
have to be in your hand but it must be in your inventory or within 5 ft of you. If a weapon states more than two skills can be used,
the reload cost is 3 AP. If you want to load ammo into an empty magazine during combat, it’ll cost 6 AP. You can do this up to 50
ammo per 6 AP. For weapons without mags, you may choose how much ammo can be loaded up to it’s Magazine Size. If you ever
get 0 AP for Reload, it’s a free action.

Sneaking 2 AP to Sneak. You can’t sneak if your opponents can see you or it's obvious where you are. Running or Sprinting breaks Sneak. This
can only be done once per round.

Stabilize Stabilizing someone when they’re at 0 HP with less than three Reaper Check fails costs 4 AP. You must use the Doctor skill for
Humanoids and Creatures. For Robots you must use Engineer. The Penalty is -50 for both. Once stabilized they’re at 1 HP and
Unconscious for one hour. If you fail the check, nothing happens.

Switch Items For 2 AP you can switch the items from your hand to your inventory and vice versa. You can switch two One-Handed Weapons for
one Two-Handed Weapon and vice versa, or one/two items. You can also use this to take an item from a conscious ally but that ally
must agree to it or you’ll have to take it by force, or pickpocket. For 3 AP you can pickpocket or reverse pickpocket someone.
Reverse pickpocket refers to when you put an item you already have equipped into someone else’s inventory. If the item is an
Explosive, it won’t activate till the end of your turn. You can only pickpocket those that aren’t aware of your presence. Refer to
Sleight of Hand for additional information.

Action Description

Use Held Item Costs 3 AP and must be already in hand. Use an item that doesn’t have an AP Cost such as a Stealth Boy, Stimpak, etc. and activate
its effect. This includes eating 1 Serving of Food or Water. Some items may require more than one hand to use. This is used to prep
landmines. It won’t activate upon prep unless at the end of your turn someone is within the EXR. Items that have a specific time like
the Fire Starter Kit require the entire turn for however long it takes the item to activate its effect. The minimum AP Cost is 1.

Use Skill Attempting to do a quick lockpick, hack a terminal, etc. is upon the Overseer’s discretion. If the Overseer deems the action to take
too long, it may cost turns.

Wake Up You can break someone from the Stunned or Unconscious effect for 4 AP. You must be adjacent to them. Cannot be done to
yourself. The minimum AP for this action is 1.

Types of Attacks
With your Combat Skills you can do three types of attacks: Single, Targeted, and Burst. The cost
for each depends on the weapon or attack. If a Type of Attack isn’t stated, you cannot do it.

Single (S) This also applied to Targeted Attacks to a Fusion Core. Refer to
Weapon Resistance under Successful Hits & Condition Marks for
One attack made with a weapon. The minimum a Single Attack
can be is 1 AP. additional information.

Targeted (T) Crippled Body Attack

One attack focused on a specific part of the body. Refer to When doing a Targeted Attack to the arms or legs, we apply LR.
Critical Chance for additional information. The minimum a Just like Ignored Hits for Helmets, except LR is applied to each
Targeted Attack can be is 2 AP. This minimum is also applied to limb separately. Once LR breaks for the specific limb, the next
Special Moves for Melee Weapons and Unarmed. attack that hits cripples the limb. You have to inflict at least 1
Damage after DT and DR are applied to remove one LR. When a
When executing a Targeted Attack, you choose where on the Targeted Attack to the arms or legs is a Critical Success, after DT
body to attack and you'll gain a bonus to your CC depending on and DR is applied, for every 10 Damage, you destroy one LR. If it's
the Body Part Targeted. The bonus is applied to the 1d100 a Single Attack and you critically succeed and get Crippled Body
Attack Roll. Refer to the Targeted Attack Table for the effects on Attack, then roll 1d10 and the effect activates. If a target can’t
the body when it hits. Targeted Attacks are that of the average take Targeted Attacks to a specific part of the body, they don’t
human and are the only areas that may be Targeted. The take the effect even when rolled. Refer to Targeted Attack Table
average Human can be hit on the head, two arms, two legs, and Crippled Table for effects. Crippling a Cybernetic Limb causes
groin, neck, and two eyes. Some areas cannot be hit because it to be broken, requiring a new one to replace it. Refer to the
they may lack it like Eyebots who cannot take Targeted Attacks table below.
to the arms and its effect.

Body Part Hit Crippled Condition

Penalty Body Part
Eyes Permanently blinded.
-20 Torso
-30 Arms, Legs, Frame, Tires Arms Can’t equip items or take any actions with the arm.
-40 Engine, Head, Groin
-50 Neck, Weapon Legs Permanently prone and can’t take any actions with
-60 Eyes, Fusion Core the leg.

CC Bonus Body Part Targeted Vehicle Attacks

For Vehicles there are three areas that can be Targeted: the
+5 Arm, Legs, Torso, Frame, Tires
Frame, and Engine. The Frame is the main body of the Vehicle.
+10 Engine, Head, Groin
+15 Eyes, Neck Vehicles specify if they have Tires and Engines but they all have
Frames. Engines are usually found at the front of the Vehicle.

Targeted Weapon Attack

Target Area Effect
Targeting a weapon in your opponent's hand is a cruel and
comedic way to end the fight. Once Weapon Resistance is Frame VR -1. Refer to VR for additional information.
broken for the weapon, for every 10 damage, the opponent
adds one weapon Condition Mark. The wielder of the weapon Tire Tire gets Punctured.
takes no damage. Targeting items on the body is upon the
Engine Pilot -20 to the Driver on their next turn.
Overseer’s discretion.

Vehicle Resistance (VR)
Vehicles Resistance (VR) functions similar to LR. You can only do Targeted Attacks on the Vehicle's Frame, Tires, and
Engine. Hitting a Tire doesn’t inflict damage to the Vehicle. If you do a Targeted Attack to a Vehicle’s Frame, you’ll
break one VR. Damage is still inflicted to the Vehicle. Once all VR for a Vehicle is broken, all attacks on the Vehicle
inflict DT -4, DR -20%, and -25 to Pilot checks. Refer to Critical Chance for Targeted Attack Conditions.

Targeted Attack Table

Number Body Part Effect

1 Head Knocked Down.

2 Neck +10 True Damage. You also take 1d4 True Damage per turn. This doesn’t stack. The Stabilize Action stops the
True damage. Healing that is Instant also stops the True Damage effect.

3 Torso +5 True Damage.

4 Torso +5 True Damage.

5 Right Arm 1d8+2 True Damage. If LR is broken, you can’t use two-handed weapons. Can’t attack with this hand.

6 Left Arm 1d8+2 True Damage. If LR is broken, you can’t use two-handed weapons. Can’t attack with this hand.

7 Right Leg 1d8+2 True Damage. If LR is broken, you can’t Run nor Sprint. Can’t attack with this foot.

8 Left Leg 1d8+2 True Damage. If LR is broken, you can’t Run nor Sprint. Can’t attack with this foot.

9 Groin Stunned for 1d2 turns.

10 Eyes +15 True Damage and you lose an eye. You’re blinded for 1d4 turns.

Burst (B) You can hit multiple targets if they’re all adjacent to the first
individual you fire at and you must declare how many attack rolls
Burst Attacks function differently than Single And Targeted. are going to each target. They must also be within sight. If a
Instead of aiming for a specific part of the body or just trying to target dies during the Burst Attack, you may continue your shots
hit you, focus on shooting as much as possible. Burst Attacks to an adjacent target or stop firing altogether. Those that are
are only applied to most Ranged Weapons but not all of them considered Large or bigger while wielding Big Guns that require
can perform this action. You first state how much ammo you Big Guns Set up, can use the Burst Attack Penalties and the base
want to fire. When firing, each attack roll consumes two rounds range of the weapon and attack with it.
of ammo and you double the damage dice for the
ammo/weapon. Miniguns quadruple the ammo consumption Set Up Burst is applied for Big Guns that require the Set Up action
and damage dice. The base damage of the weapon isn’t to be executed. Refer to the Big Guns Set Up in the AP Cost
doubled. The Hit Chance Penalty is one Attack Roll for every section for more information. For Bows, Burst Double / Triple
group of ammo fired. Shot, you do an Attack Roll for each Arrow. Double is a -25 Hit
Chance for two arrows while Triple is a -50 Hit Chance for all
If you’re missing ammo when trying to attack, remove the dice three arrows.
rolls of the missing ammunition but apply the Hit Chance
penalties. Ammo effects such as DT Reductions are added per
bullet per Attack Roll. AC and DR do not stack. Burst Attack Burst Penalty Set Up Burst Penalty

2 -10 0
Shotguns and Rifles with a Burst Attack cost have a Two-Round 3-4 -25 -10
Burst Limit unless otherwise listed. Pistols, Revolvers, and Laser 5-6 -50 -25
Weapons only have a Four-Round Burst limit. SMGs, MGS, and 7-8 -75 -40
Assault Rifles can do a Two to Ten-Round Burst. Miniguns can 9 -10 -100 -60
only do a Five to Ten-Round Burst. The table follows the first
shot to a ten round burst with their penalties. Some weapons
specify their Burst Attack limit.

Refer to Critical Chance under Burst Attacks for additional

information. The minimum a Burst Attack can be is 2 AP. Refer
to the Burst Attack Chart for Burst Penalties. For Miniguns, it
consumes four rounds of ammunition and you quadruple the
dice for the ammunition but don’t quadruple the AC and DT
reductions. The quadruple doesn’t apply to Legendary and Epic

Examples: If you declare a Six-Round Burst Attack, you must roll

three Attack Rolls with each Burst having their own penalty.

If you fire a Two-Round Burst Attack with the Assault Carbine

firing 5mm, the damage dice for each attack roll doubles from
1d10 to 2d10. For Energy Weapons such as a Wattz Laser Rifle,
only the damage dice is doubled from 4d6 to 8d6, but the +15
base damage remains the same.

The .44 Bullet has DT -2. For each Attack Roll, you stack the DT
Reductions so the DT -2 becomes DT -4 for each Attack Roll. If
you do a Three-Round Burst Attack, the Burst Penalty of the
Four-Round Burst Attack applies, but the damage dice is of one
ammo instead of two.

How To Attack
Attacking a target is the same as a skill check with the penalties determined by factors during
combat such as an opponent's AC, Cover, Targeted Attack penalties, etc. This Attack Roll is
referred to as Hit Chance, your likeliness to hit a target. Hit Chance is only applied to Combat
Skills and may increase and/or decrease depending on the situation. Hit Chance bonus can stack
as well as penalties. Upon the initial 1d100 roll, you must first determine if the attack is a
Critical Success or Failure. If the attack is a Critical Success or a Critical Failure, Refer to Critical
Chance for additional information.

When an attack roll is made, apply any bonuses you have first, then apply penalties. If after all
penalties and bonus the result is a positive number, you hit. AC does not apply as a Hit Chance
Penalty for the purposes of Perks.

Combat Example Let’s move onto the weapon itself. A .357 bullet has AC -15, DT
-2, and DR -15%. DT and DR will be covered in the next section.
Let’s say Bill the Gunslinger does a Small Guns Single Attack
The AC refers to decreasing the enemy’s AC. The AC of a mole rat
with a .357 Revolver which has no Condition Marks. Luckily it’s
is 15 which means we ignore 15 of it’s AC, rendering it practically
a bright sunny day and Bill happens to be in a Standing Stance,
against a Mole Rat that’s out in the open. Bill has a Small Guns
skill of 100. First, Bill has to roll a 1d100 to see if his attack hits
70 + 15 = 85
the target. Let's say Bill rolls a 25. Since Bill only has LCK 5 and
he wasn’t attempting a Targeted Attack, he doesn’t get a
Now after doing all this math, here’s the kicker. As long as the
Critical Success nor a Critical Failure.
final result of your attack roll is not a 0 or lower, your attack hits;
in essence, ties with the Defender’s AC miss. Since Bill rolled a 25
Then, let’s get the difference of Bill’s skill compared to what Bill
compared to 100, the attack hits the Mole Rat. In practice you’ll
rolled for attack. 100 - 25 = 75
be able to do it on the fly. Now onto Damage Calculation in the
next section.
Bill has a +10 Hit Chance bonus with Pistols so let’s add that.

75 + 10 = 85 Can I Attack Past Allies?

You can attack past allies safely without penalty. If you wish to
The most common penalty is the opponent’s AC. The attack an ally however, the ally can choose to let you attack them.
opponent’s AC is subtracted from the player’s roll difference. In this case, as long as the result isn't a negative or a Critical
The AC of a Mole Rat is 15. Now we subtract the AC to the Failure, you’ll hit.
Sneak Attack
85 - 15 = 70
If you successfully Sneak against a target you can do a Sneak
Attack. On a Sneak Attack you ignore your targets Total AC and
The Mole Rat is out in the open so we can avoid Cover
your base CC is doubled. The Targeted Attack Critical bonuses
Penalties and because it’s a bright sunny day out, no
cannot be doubled. You can only do one Sneak Attack a round
Environmental Modifiers are applied as well.
and it must be your first attack.

Detection & Sneak in Combat Combat, the Overseer applies the opponents Passive Detection
as normal. But if the player passes, on the opponent's turn if they
Typically outside of combat you will either roll Detection to
want to try and find you, they have to roll Detection and your
look for those hiding or you’re trying to Sneak past your
Passive Sneak is applied. If the circumstance is reversed the same
opponents. The standard penalty is the Passive
would apply. Whoever takes the Detect and Sneaking action are
Detection/Sneak of the opponent. In Combat it functions the
always the Attackers for penalty checks.
same way. If you are in combat and decide to Sneak, in

Damage Roll & Calculation

Damage occurs when someone, or something, inflicts harm. Damage is only taken when an
attack, or an effect states that damage is inflicted. Damage cannot go below 0. The equation
below is how you calculate damage inflicted. Afterward, review the various Damage Types.

((Initial Damage x Damage Modifier) – Damage Threshold) x (100% - Damage Resistance) =

Damage Result

The Initial Damage is the damage roll from the attack. The Next, we multiply the difference of the DR. Because the .357
Damage Modifier (DM) is the damage multiplied by your Initial bullet inflicts DR -15%, subtract the Total Normal DR.
Damage and it doesn’t round up. The Base DM is 1.0. Damage
Threshold (DT) is the impact of the attack on your armor. The 30% - 15% = 15%
Damage Resistance (DR) is how durable your armor is against
the attack. The max DR you can have in total is 100%. You can Then Subtract 100% by the Total DR of the corresponding
never go below 0 DT and DR. For every Total DR 5% above 100, damage. This Results in 100% - 15% = 85%.
you get AC +1.
12 * 85% = 10.2
Let’s say Bill gets shot by a Raider who is also using a .357
Revolver with a DM of 1.0. The Raider hits for 14 Normal Because damage always rounds up, the result is 11. Then subtract
Damage. A .357 bullet has as its effects AC -15, DT -2, and DR the damage from your Current HP. Any attack that hits counts as
-15%. Let’s ignore AC as that affects Hit Chance. The attack a Successful Hit. Refer to Successful Hits & Condition Marks for
inflicts Normal Damage because it’s a bullet. Bill is wearing additional information.
Metal Armor which was a Normal DT 4 and DR 30%.
Some attacks may inflict effects from perks that reduce DT, DR,
First, the Initial Damage is subtracted by the Total Armor AC, etc. These effects are applied to the opponent it hits. If the
Normal DT of the player’s. This DT can be reduced by weapon damage is enough to kill someone but you want to keep them
and ammunition modifiers. The .357 round reduces his DT of 4 alive, they’ll have 1 HP and fall Unconscious for an hour; when
to 2, and damage is applied. using Ranged Weapons (Thrown Explosives don’t apply), you
must roll 1d100; on a result of 1 - 50, your target lives. On a 51 -
14 - 2 = 12 100, they die. However, this doesn’t work on continuous damage
such as Poisons and Persistent Fire Damage.

Damage Types Example: You’re hit for 47 Explosive Damage, first apply DT and
DR. Let’s say the final result is 24 Explosive Damage. Apply
Normal (N) Damage to HP. The amount of Condition Marks the Armor gains is
Normal Damage is the most common form of damage. It comes 2.
from ballistics, melee weapons, falling, getting pushed back to
a wall, etc. Poison
Poison is the ultimate tool for assassins. It can be drunk, injected
Laser (L) (Venom) through a syringe, or from an attack. You can coat with
Laser damage comes from Energy Weapons from the Laser 0.5 lbs of Poison for up to three Attack Rolls to Arrows, Bolts,
category. Lasers cannot be hidden and it’s typically a bright red Unarmed Weapons, and all Melee Weapons except for
light. Bludgeons, Shields, and Special. For Arrows and Bolts you can
coat up to three of them but they’re a one time use. For Melee
Fire (F) Weapons coated in Poison, if an attack misses, you don’t lose one
use of the poison.
Fire damage comes from anything that’s on fire. Sources of fire
include a 5 ft by 5 ft fire, a Flame Weapon, or a building that’s You don't have to have ammo equipped to coat it in poison, but
on fire. Flame Weapons however have a unique effect called you have to if it’s a Melee/Unarmed Weapon. If the coated item
Persistent Fire Damage which is damage that constantly inflicts doesn’t hit a target for ten minutes, the Poison will evaporate
damage overtime on a target. The damage varies on the source and the effect will cease.
and the damage is applied at the end of the round and it
applies as one Successful Hit. Only through the Firefight Action, Effects from the same Poison don’t stack on top of each other,
being engulfed in water/film-forming foam can you extinguish but if you hit someone with the same Poison they currently have,
the duration will increase depending on the Poison.
the fire. Persistent Fire Damage from fires not caused by Flame
Weapons inflict 10 Persistent Fire Damage. All Persistent Fire Example: If you’re stung by a Radscorpion a second time, the
Damage inflicts DT ignore, and DR -10%. For every 5 Persistent duration of the poison is extended.
Fire Damage on a target, they’ll emit 5 ft. The Persistent Fire
Damage will always be that of the highest inflicted. Damage from Poison that occurs in Combat over time inflicts the
damage at the end of the round. Poison effects that occur upon a
Example: If you’re hit with a Flamer, after applying DT/DR, the Successful Hit will always inflict the Poison damage, but hourly
Flamer also inflicts 15 Persistent Fire Damage to you. At the end poisons are not cumulative if they’re the same type. Some
of the round, if you haven’t taken the Firefight Action to put out Poisons lower your PR but only for the duration of the specific
the fire, you take 15 Persistent Fire Damage. You’ll also emit poison. The PR reduction does not stack with the same poison
light up to 15 ft. and it’s not applied to hourly poisons.

Plasma (P) Example: If you’re stung by two Radscorpions, you take the on-hit
poison for each, but the hourly poison effect is only from one
Plasma damage comes from Energy Weapons from the Plasma Radscorpion for they’re the same type. PR reduction from
category. It’s usually a bright green ball of energy. Radscorpion Poison does not stack with Nightstalker Poison PR
Explosive (Ex)
Explosive damage comes from anything that’s explosive such as True
grenades, rockets, etc. Getting hit by an explosive adds True damage is inflicted by strange and exotic weapons, blood
Condition Marks to the weapons and armor you have loss, sonic weapons, and other unconventional effects, as well as
equipped. For every increment of 10 damage, the item loses some critical hits. Ignore all DT and DR and directly affect your
one Condition Mark. For Weapons it goes through Weapon HP. If you ever fall into lava or come in contact with it, you’ll take
Resistance first with every 10 damage being 1 Weapon 50 True damage when you enter, and at the end of your turn
Resistance. Explosives ignore Successful Hits and LR. For every 10 seconds and whatever limb landed first is gone forever.
Vehicles, the same is applied but to the Vehicle Resistance of If at least a third of your body is in lava, your Armor is destroyed
the areas or the vehicle hit. and can never be recovered.

Conditions will break. Cybernetics has different effects on Pulse. Refer to
Cybernetics for additional information.
Blindness, or Blinded, affects your Hit Chance in Combat. If Unconscious
you’re ever blinded, you have a -75 Hit Chance for all Ranged
When Unconscious you are Knocked Down except you have Total
Weapons and -50 Hit Chance for Melee Weapons and
AC 0 and you can’t take any actions. If someone is sleeping
Unarmed. This doesn’t apply to people who only have one eye,
they’re considered Unconscious. Effects from Perks can still be
only when they’re under the effects of Blindness. If both eyes
are gone, you get a -150 Hit Chance to Ranged Weapons and
Melee Weapons and Unarmed get a -100 Hit Chance. Blindness
You can wake up an Unconscious individual with Psycho,
effects do not add on top of each other. Any attacks toward
Psychotats, Stimpak, Super Stimpak, and Ultra Stimpak. They will
someone Blinded get +20 Hit Chance.
be Knocked Down when awoken and on their turn may do their
actions. If you’re attacking someone asleep, apply the bonuses of
Example: If you’re blinded for 2 turns and you’re blinded from
Unconscious except once you hit them, they’ll be awake. For
another attack that states it blinds you for a turn, do not
Robots only a Mister Fix-It can wake them up. Unconscious
increase the blindness duration. However, if you’re blinded for
effects do not add on top of each other. Refer to the Blindness
two turns and another attack makes you get blinded for three
example for additional information.
turns, then you add the one to make it three turns.

Immune Healing
When you’re immune you’re never affected by specific effects, Damage isn’t permanent, but you won’t be able to rest after
conditions, damage, etc. every fight. Whenever you receive healing of any kind, you add it
towards your Current HP without exceeding your Max HP; the
Example: Super Mutants are immune to Radiation therefore exception to this is Chems and effects that raise your Max HP
they ignore all effects of Radiation and they can never get rads. such as Buffout, which both increase your current and maximum
HP. You cannot heal someone or something that is dead.
Knock Down
When Knocked Down, your Total AC is halved and you end up Falling & Knockback
on the floor on your back. Robots have a malfunction when For every 10 ft you fall, pushed back to a wall or someone, or
Knocked Down. If someone is already Knocked Down, they thrown to the floor and Knocked Down, you roll 1d10+10 Normal
can’t knock them down again. While knocked down, you suffer Damage, inflict DR -5%, and LR -1 to both legs. All will stack. You
a -50 Hit Chance to all attacks you make, and a -4 to all AG apply the same effect of Explosion Damage for Condition Marks.
checks. If you ever free fall, you fall down 30 ft every second. You can roll
AGI -1 (Increase penalty for every 10 ft) to take half damage and
Stunned & Pulsed LR destroyed.
When you’re Stunned, you remain in your stance but receive
none of its bonuses and penalties, your Total AC is halved, and
you cannot take any actions until the Stun effect ends. Effects
from Perks can still apply. You can attempt to break free from a
Stun at the start of your turn. Roll END -2. If you succeed you
get your full AP, if you fail you can attempt again on the next
round. NPCs can do this as well. Stun effects do not add on top
of each other.

Pulsed is a unique effect that affects technology as a Stun. The

technology can be anything that is powered by Energy Ammo
and the Energy Ammo itself. If you're hit by a Pulse Rifle and
you’re carrying a Stealth Boy, it will be Pulsed as well. The
duration depends on the item. If the Pulse is longer than 30
seconds consecutively, the technology and the Energy Ammo

Comatose & Reaper Checks If the Targeted Attack is a Critical Success, it counts as two
failures instead of one. Limbs cut off cannot be reattached.
If your HP is reduced to 0, you’re considered Comatose. While
Missing Limb conditions are the same as Crippled Limbs in the
Comatose you suffer the same effects as Unconscious except
Critical Chance section. If the Targeted Attack is instead to the
you can take the action called Reaper Checks. Perks are still
Head, Neck, or Eyes as the final Failure Reaper Check, they
active. Effects from Addiction, Stuns, Poisons, Unconscious,
cannot be revived. If it’s the Groin, use your imagination.
active chems and drinks, etc. are still active for the turns and
time stated. Reaper Checks are only applied to Player
Characters. Death
Death is a natural part of life and it usually means to make a new
Reaper Checks are rolls made to determine whether you live or character. If you’re awake and in one attack you take damage
die. You can only roll one Reaper Check a turn or out of combat equal to or above your Current and Max HP, you instantly die and
once every 10 seconds. First, roll a 1d100. If you roll below 51, all abilities, perks, etc. are all ignored. If you’re Comatose and you
take damage equal to your Max HP in one attack, the same result
you get a success, otherwise, you get a failure. Keep track of
the successes and failures for you must continue to roll till you
get either three successes or three failures. Once you die, you cannot take any actions and any abilities you
have from perks, traits, etc. are not applied. Only a successful
If you get three successes, you are at 1 HP but are unconscious Doctor roll with a Doctor’s Bag or a Super/Ultra Stimpak can
till you are healed from any source. If you get three failures, bring a character back to life if you die. The Doctor Penalty is -50.
you die. If at any point you roll 1 - 5, you wake up Knocked If you’re brought back to life, you’re Unconscious for one hour
Down with 1 HP and you can take your turn as normal on the and you’ll get four Fatigue. If you die within the hour of being
brought back to life you cannot be revived ever again. For Robots,
same turn you rolled. If a player takes at least 1 damage while
if you die, the Body Parts are all destroyed. They’ll have to be
they’re Comatose from an Attack Roll or other sources, it repaired. Armor Plating is dependent on Condition Marks.
counts as a failure.

Aside from successful Reaper Checks, you can also be woken if

healed with Healing Powder, Healing Salve, and any type of Out in the wastes, there may be times when it's getting harder to
catch your breath. Situations like this occur in deep caves, tall
Stimpak during combat. When woken you’ll be Knocked Down
mountains, staying too long underwater, or when someone is
and can take your turn as normal. Your Reaper Check choking you. Your Suffocation duration is for each rank in END,
failures/successes reset after taking a Long Rest, if you get add 30 seconds. Once you run out of breath, you die. Perks,
three successes, or if you get brought back to life. abilities, Vault Points, etc. can delay this. You lose 10 seconds of
breathing if you’re hit with an attack roll that inflicts at least 1
If you’re Comatose from System Shock and you’re at your limit Damage.
for the count and a chem with Addiction Chance is used on
you, it’ll count as a failure and you’re not revived. If you’re Underwater
Comatose and within one round you take damage that is equal Aside from worrying about drowning, your skills are affected by
to or more than your Max HP, Reaper Checks are ignored and this as well. If your Current CW is more than half of your Total
you die. CW, you’re in an Exo Suit, or you’re a Robot (Unless they have the
Flight ability), you will descend 15 ft at the start of your turn
While Comatose, opponents have the potential to make your during Combat in Neck-Deep Water and Deep Water till you
touch the ground below. If you’re attempting to fire a Ranged
life worse by removing a limb. If a Targeted Attack to a limb hits
Weapon at someone in water while outside or in the water, all
(And when LR is broken for that specific limb, refer to Crippled bullets and projectiles will stop after 10 ft. Fire and Lasers won’t
Body Attack in Critical Chance for additional information), along work underwater. Plasma and Throwing Weapons will stop at 5 ft.
with a failure to a Reaper Check, you will lose that limb forever. Melee/Unarmed Weapon Attacks get a -25. Only Explosives and
Artillery will explode when in water. All range modifiers are
ignored when underwater.

Know Your Tactics
Cover Environmental Effect Penalty
Cover affects attacks towards that. Cover is determined by how Light Glare / Light Smoke -10
much it’s protecting you. There are four types of Cover: Fog / Glare / Radiation Storm -25
Quarter Cover, Half Cover, Three-fourths Cover, and Full Cover. Heavy Fog / Dust Storm / Heavy Storm -50
Night Time / Powerful Glare -75
Each type of cover has a different penalty towards Hit Chance Total Darkness / Blinding Glare -100
and your stances and positioning can determine how much of a
penalty attack rolls towards you, or towards your opponent.
Some Targeted Attacks cannot be done if a specific part of the Flanking
body cannot be seen. Targeted Attack Penalties stack with When two or more allies are adjacent to the same opponent,
Cover penalties. Overseer’s must state to players if Cover both allies get a +10 to all Combat Skills.
penalties apply.
Cover Hit Chance Penalty Some may possess the ability to fly such as birds or humans with
unique mutations that give them wings. Those with this ability
Full Cover Impossible to Hit ignore Difficult Terrain penalties and can apply Run and Sprint
Three-fourths Cover -75 movement while in the air. If someone ever flies and they’re
Half Cover -50 Knocked Down, they fall down 300 ft immediately.
Quarter Cover -25
Mounted Combat
Example: You are in a Standing Stance behind a barricade that Mounted Combat refers to when a character is riding a four to
covers half the body. If someone is standing across from the eight-legged Creature. The Creature is considered the mount and
barricade, they’ll get -50 Hit Chance and no one can do they can only be ridden if their size is larger than the riders. Both
Targeted Attacks to your Legs and Groin. However, if someone have their own Sequence, but once the rider mounts the creature
is behind you and no barricade is there, the opponent doesn’t the rider will do their turn on the mounted Sequence. On the
get the Cover penalty. mount's turn, both the mount and the rider have their own AP.
Once the rider gets off, they’ll return to their normal Sequence.
Difficult Terrain
Difficult terrain affects your movement in combat. The chart When mounted, the rider has a -30 Hit Chance to Ranged
below will provide a few instances of impeding movement Weapons and a -15 Hit Chance to Melee/Unarmed Attacks. The
based on Walking. rider can only be in the Standing Stance and they will share the
same space. Getting on and off the mount costs 4 AP. If the AP
Cost is lowered from perks and items to 0, it’s a Free Action. If
Terrain Type Walk Movement the rider is Knocked Down while riding, they’ll fall off their
mount. Movement penalties affect the rider as well.
Rocky Terrain / Shallow Water 2 AP per 5 ft
Snowfall / Swamp Mud 3 AP per 5 ft
Neck Deep / Under Water 4 AP per 5 ft Night Vision
Often in areas with no light you won’t be able to see anything
beyond 5 ft, but there are items that allow you to see through
Environmental Modifiers darkness and ignore Night Time and Total Darkness penalties for
The environment can often affect your effectiveness in combat. a limited amount of range such as the Riot Gear Helmet. Without
This doesn’t always apply but can provide a challenge to some these helmets, you’ll need another way to see through darkness
players. This affects your Hit Chance during combat and actions like a torch or a viable source of light.
when outside. This is optional and Overseer's should inform
their players ahead of time. These effects can stack. Refer to
the table below.

Successful Hits (SH) & Condition Marks (CM)
It’s always assumed you maintain your equipment to keep it at the condition it is. This means
that items won’t degrade over time. Armor eventually begins to lose its ability to protect and
distribute damage as it acquires more holes; these penalties are applied specifically to the DT
and DR. Condition Marks (CM) are the durability of the armor. The more Condition Marks it has,
the less protective it becomes. Determining when you lose Armor CM is through Successful Hits.
Successful Hits (SH) are attacks that are able to hit you. Everytime you’re attacked it counts as
one SH. Even getting hit with 0 damage is still a SH.

SHs vary upon armor and once the SHs reaches its max for an armor, the armor gets a CM and
the SH resets back down to 0. If an item ever gets ten CM, it’s considered broken and it cannot
be used. Refer to Repairing Items for additional information. Refer to the chart below and apply
penalties specified. Natural Armor can never be decreased through this. If the broken item is hit
again for at least 1 Damage, it’ll be destroyed and it cannot be repaired.

Whenever you attack an environmental object with a Melee or Unarmed Attack, the weapon
damage is added to a tracker before DT and DR are applied. It’ll first go through WR (Refer to
Weapons Resistance for additional information), then CM. For Unarmed Weapons without CMs,
you take damage equal to what you inflicted to the object.

Boxes Filled DT Modifier DR Modifier Weapon Hit Chance Rarity Damage

1 0 0% 0 Common 25
2 0 0% 0
3 0 0% 0 Uncommon 50
4 -1 -5% -10
5 -2 -10% -20 Rare 75
6 -4 -20% -30
7 -6 -30% -40 Very Rare 100
8 -8 -40% -50
9 -10 -50% -60 Legendary 150
10 Breaks Breaks Breaks
Epic 200

Weapon Resistance (WR)
Weapon Resistance (WR) pertains to how many times a weapon can be hit before it affects their
Condition. When a weapon is hit by an attack, it’ll remove one WR. If the WR is brought down
to 0, the weapon, for every increment of 10 damage, it’ll add a condition mark to the weapon.
WR can never go below 0. If an attack is a critical hit, for every increment of 10 damage, it’ll
remove WR, first, then the rest is applied to the Weapons Condition Marks. The rarity of the
weapon determines how much WR it has. Explosives don’t have WR. For repairing WR, refer to
Repairing Items for additional information. Weapons that don’t have a rarity don’t have WR.

Rarity WR Rarity WR

Common 2 Very Rare 8

Uncommon 4 Legendary 10

Rare 6 Epic 12

Base Unarmed Attacks

Base Unarmed Attacks are attacks that you’ll always be able to perform using your body. Each
Race has a specific Base Unarmed Attack they can perform. Condition Marks do not apply to
these attacks and mods cannot be attached. All these attacks inflict Normal Damage.

Unarmed Attack Damage Range AP Cost Description

Fist & Feet 1d4+MD 5 S: 2 This counts for any Unarmed attacks from the body. This only applies to
T: 3 those that are Small and Medium Humanoids.

Metal Fist & Feet 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 2 This counts for any Unarmed attacks from the body. This only applies to
T: 3 Robots that can use the Unarmed Skill.

Large Fist & Feet 2d4+4+MD 5 S: 2 This counts for any Unarmed attacks from the body. This only applies to
T: 3 those that are Large and above Humanoids.

Claw Swipe 3d8+15+MD 10 S: 4 Uses one arm. Only Intelligent Deathclaws can do this attack.

Bite / Claw Stab 2d10+10+MD 5 S: 3 Claw Stab uses one arm. Bite uses the mouth. Only Intelligent
T: 4 Deathclaws can do this attack.

Gore 3d6+15+MD 5 S: 4 Ignore DT -2 and DR -10%. Uses horns. Only Intelligent Deathclaws can
do this attack.

Critical Chance
Critical Chance is your likeliness to get a Critical Success or Critical Failure determined by your
LCK during combat. You cannot critically succeed or fail with Support Skills. You can only
critically fail/succeed once per attack roll. When Hit Chance is rolled, first observe the initial
1d100 roll. If you roll within your Success Range the attack is a Critical Success. If you roll within
your Failure Range, the attack is a Critical Failure.

Only your Success Range can increase from Critical Chance bonuses from Targeted Attacks,
Perks, Traits, etc. The maximum Success Range is 50. If you get a Critical Success, the attack
always hits regardless of any abilities, perks, etc. All the damage from the one attack roll is
increased by 50%. After, you roll a 1d10 on the Critical Success Table for a special event directed
to your intended target. Afterward apply DT and DR. If you roll within your Failure Range, roll
1d10 on the Critical Failure Table and the result affects you. If you ever finish anything off with a
Laser Weapon and a critical hit, they’ll turn to ash. For Plasma Weapons, they’ll turn into a
green ooze. Loot from these corpses is determined by the Overseer’s discretion. You can’t
cancel out a Critical Success with another Critical Success.

Burst Criticals
For Burst Attacks, Success/Failure Range applies only to the first attack roll. For the other attack
rolls the Success Range is 1 and the Failure Range is 100. On a 100, the Burst Attack stops even if
it’s halfway through the Bursts. The attack rolls that didn’t fire are not rolled and you don’t lose
the ammo for them either. Some perks may change the maximum Success Range of your Burst

Explosion Radius Criticals

Targets that suffer a Critical Success from items with Explosive Radius must roll their check to
halve the damage of the attack at double the penalty.

Example: Attempting to avoid a Critical Success from a Frag Grenade doubles the penalty from
AGI -3 to AGI -6.

Instant Death Critical

Upon an Instant Death Critical, you’ll be rendered Comatose. Refer to Reaper Checks for
additional information. Player Characters from level 6 - 10 can ignore Instant Death Critical
effect once a day. Player Characters from level 11 - 15 can ignore this twice a day. Player
Characters from level 16 - 20 can ignore this effect three times a day. Player Characters from
level 21 and beyond can ignore this effect four times a day.

Critical Result Table
Number Critical Success Result Critical Failure Result

1 Better Luck Next Time. No additional effects. You miss your attack.

2 Roll a d10 on the Targeted Attack Table for Single and Burst Attacks. Get Knocked Down.
If the Attack is a Targeted Attack, apply Success #1. If to a Vehicle,
inflict 15 True Damage.

3 Double the damage after the bonus damage. CM +3 to your weapon. If CM doesn’t apply or it’s an NPC, take 5
True Damage. Explosives will not blow up but are recoverable.

4 10 True Damage. CM +5 to your weapon. If CM doesn’t apply or it’s an NPC, take 10

True Damage. Explosives will not blow up but are recoverable.

5 20 True Damage. CM +8 to your weapon. If CM doesn’t apply or it’s an NPC, take 15

True Damage. Explosives will not blow up but are recoverable.

6 Blinded for 1d4 Turns. You still have your eyes. If it’s a Vehicle, You drop your weapon. If CM doesn’t apply to the weapon, take
apply Success #5. the damage that was meant for your target; if this weapon has
EXR, it will activate with you at the center.

7 Ignore DT and DR. Same effect as Failure Result 6.

8 Stunned for 1d4 turns. If it’s a Vehicle, apply Critical Success Result The weapon in your hand breaks. If CM doesn’t apply to the
5. weapon, take the damage that was meant for your target; if this
weapon has EXR, it will activate with you at the center.

9 Unconsciousness for 1d4 turns. If it’s a Vehicle, apply Success #3. Become Stunned till your next turn.

10 Instant Death - Refer to Instant Death Critical for additional Become Unconscious till your next turn.
information. If it’s a Vehicle, apply Success #7.

Special Moves
Melee Weapons and Unarmed have a unique tactic, Special Moves (SM). SMs allow for
flexibility in combat by applying effects, such as Stun, Unconsciousness, higher CC, etc. All SMs
have a Skill Requirement and once you meet it, you’ll automatically learn it. You must always roll
the Attack Roll unless specified.

For Unarmed SMs, each have their own AP Cost. For Melee Weapon SMs, the AP cost is +1 of
the Single Attack and/or the Targeted Attack that you perform. The minimum AP for a SM is 2.
The bonuses and penalties of Targeted Attacks are applied.

Some SMs can become Targeted SMs. Some can be done Anywhere, some are specific, and
others cannot be Targeted with at all. The SM will specify in the Target Area and it’s description.
For Unarmed Targeted SMs, it’s AP +1 of the move unless the move specifies it can only be done
as a Targeted SM.

For Damage use the Damage of the Weapon you are using for the Special Move unless
specified. Some SMs have a specific Base DM that must be applied. For Intelligent Deathclaws,
use Claw Swipe for the Damage unless specified.

Many moves apply Attacker vs. Defender. If the Defender succeeds, the effect of the move
doesn’t happen unless specified. Damage will still be inflicted if it hits.

Below are a few keywords that alter the situation of some Unarmed SMs.

Condition Description

No Claws Deathclaws cannot do this technique.

Deathclaw Only Deathclaws can do this Technique.

Error Robots with Thrusters cannot do this Technique.

Handy It doesn’t require an Unarmed check but the SPECIAL check is considered an Attack Roll.

Stay Keep both you and your opponent in place. If you move while you have them in a specific SM, your
opponent will move with you but you can only do the Walk movement.

Sturdy Doesn’t work against Exo Suits unless you are Large or wearing an Exo Suit.

Melee Weapons Special Moves
Special Move Weapon Type Skill Required Target Area Base DM Description

Charge All 10 Cannot Target 1 If you Run or Sprint at least 20 ft in a straight line, you can do
Charge. The first attack made once charge is declared gets a
+25 Hit Chance. If you wish to Charge during the same round of
another Charge, you have to move at least 20 ft again while
Running or Sprinting. If you’re on a Mount and the Mount
Charges, the Run Penalty is applied to you but you may also
Charge during at the same time of the Mount.

Parry All 25 Cannot Target - Can only be done to attacks directed at you but doesn’t inflict
weapon damage. If a Melee/Unarmed Attack or a Ranged
Weapon Attack within your Melee Weapons Range hits you, roll
Unarmed against the opponent’s Attack Roll. You can use this
against Throwing Weapons that don’t have an EXR. The Attack
Roll functions as a skill penalty for you. If you exceed the Attack
Roll, the attack misses. If you fail it hits you. It can be done
anytime in combat but it takes AP from your next turn. You
cannot Parry a Counter Attack, Parry, Deflect, or a Sneak Attack.

Counter Attack All 100 Cannot Target 1 Same as Deflect except it inflicts damage and AP +2 of the
Single Attack. If Dual Wielding, specify which weapon you’re
Counter Attacking with. You cannot Counter Attack a Counter
Attack, Parry, Deflect, or a Sneak Attack.

Disarm All 100 Arms - Roll Attacker Attack Roll vs. Defender Attack Roll. If the attacker
wins, the defender drops their weapon. This can only be done
to one held weapon at a time, or a weapon held with both
hands. If the Defender wins, the weapon remains in their
hands. This Special Move can only be done on the Attacker’s

Feint Any 125 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker CH/AG +2 vs Defender’s PE. If the Defender fails,
they cannot take Deflect, Counter Attack, or Parry Special
Moves against your next attack. Hit Chance penalties from the
Dodge action also do not apply to this next attack.

Backhand Shield 50 Cannot Target 1 Attacker STR +1 vs. Defender STR/AGI. If the Attacker wins, the
Defender is knocked down. If the Defender wins they’re not
Knocked Down.

Double Cut Dagger 50 Anywhere 1.3 Attack twice in one move. You must roll the Attack Roll for each
hit. -20 Hit Chance for both Hits. For Targeted Attack it must be
the same place for both hits.

Double Stab Dagger 50 Anywhere 1.1 Attack twice in one move. You must roll the Attack Roll for each
hit. CC +5 and -30 Hit Chance for both Hits. For Targeted Attack
it must be the same place for both hits.

Stab Dagger, Pole 50 Anywhere 1.1 CC +10.

Arm, Sword

Break and Stun Bludgeon, 50 Cannot Target 1 Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender END. If the Defender fails, they’re
Shield stunned for one turn.

Ice Pick Dagger 75 Anywhere 1 Ignore DT, and DR -15%.

Special Move Weapon Type Skill Required Target Area Base DM Description

Murder Stroke Axe, Sword 75 Cannot Target 1.1 Attacker STR +1 vs. Defender END. If the Defender fails, they’re
stunned for one turn.

Overhead Cut Axe, Sword 75 Cannot Target 1.2 -10 Hit Chance, Ignore DT, and DR -15%.

Whirlwind Axe, Bludgeons, 75 Cannot Target 1 Attack everyone within the range of your weapon. Can only be
Pole Arm, Sword done with one weapon. Increase Hit Chance penalty by -10 for
each opponent within Whirlwind.

Backstab Dagger 100 Cannot Target 1.3 -40 Hit Chance and inflict 1d10+(AGI) True Damage.

Double Slash Axe, Sword 100 Torso 1.2 Attack twice in one move. You must roll the Attack Roll for each
hit. CC +5 and -30 Hit Chance for both Hits.

Executioner’s Axe, Bludgeon, 100 Head or Neck 1.3 -20 Hit Chance. Attacker STR +1 (STR +2 for Bludgeons) vs.
Call Shield Defender END. If the Defender fails, they can’t Run, Sprint, or
Charge for 1d4 turns.

Figure 8 Pole Arm 100 Cannot Target 1.1 Attack twice in one move. You must roll the Attack Roll for each
hit. CC +5 and -10 Hit Chance for both Hits.

Armor Crush Bludgeon 125 Head, Torso 1 -20 Hit Chance. For every 20 points of damage after DT/DR,
break one CM on the target's Armor.

Skyward Thrust Shield, Polearm 125 Anywhere 1.2 CC +5, -20 Hit Chance, Ignore DT, and DR -10%.

Tornado All 125 Cannot Target 1 Can only be done when Dual Wielding. Only one attack roll is
made for both weapons. Everyone within the range of the
weapons is inflicted with damage. Apply damage from both
weapons separately. Apply Dual Wield Penalty and increase Hit
Chance Penalty by -10 for each opponent within Tornado. +1
AP Cost of Dual Wield Attack. If it’s a Critical Success or Failure,
apply only one effect to both weapons.

Cleaving Blow Axe 150 Any 1.2 -20 Hit Chance. For every 20 points of damage dealt to the
target after DT/DR, break 1 Limb Resistance.

Knockout Blow Bludgeon 150 Head 1 -20 Hit Chance. Roll Attacker ST +1 vs Defender’s EN. If the
Defender fails, they are Unconscious for 1d3 Turns.

Masterstrike Sword 150 Per Special - Same as Counter Attack, but you can use the Stab, Murder
Move Stroke, Overhead Cut, or Double Slash Special Moves instead of
a single attack. This does not cost extra AP.

Sever Artery Dagger 150 Dagger 1 CC +5. The target takes 3d6 True Damage each turn until they
receive healing. Stabilize Action can also be used for this.

Shield Crush Shield 150 Shield 1 STR True Damage. Roll Attacker’s STR +2 vs Defender STR. If the
Defender fails, they are knocked back 10 feet and Knocked
Down. For each size the Defender is above the Attacker, the
Attacker gets STR -2. For each size the Attacker is above the
Defender, increase the knockback range by 5 ft.

Vital Stab Polearm 150 Any 1.2 CC +10. AGI +4 True Damage.

Unarmed Special Moves
Special Move Skill Required AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Charge 10 3 Cannot Target 1.2 If you Run or Sprint at least 20 ft in a straight line you can do Charge.
The first attack made once charge is declared gets a +20 Hit Chance. If
you wish to Charge during the same round of another Charge, you have
to move at least 20 ft again while Running or Sprinting. If you’re on a
Mount and the Mount Charges, the Run Penalty is applied to you but
you may also Charge during at the same time of the Mount.

Hold 10 4 Cannot Target - This SM requires one arm. Roll Attacker STR vs. Defender STR/AGI. The
Attacker can still attack with one hand and both feet. The Attacker has
to spend AP equal to the SM in order to maintain it once a round. The
Defender can only attempt to escape for 4 AP during their turn. The
same check conditions are repeated and the Defender is the one held
in the Hold. You may move with the held person, but you cannot Run
nor Sprint. You may use the held individual as a Shield but this can only
be done to someone of equal size or lower. If they are of equal size
they’re considered a Large Shield. If their size is below they’re
considered a Medium Shield. If after applying the AC bonus the attack
hits the Attacker, the Defender takes no damage. But if after the AC
bonus is applied and it misses the Attacker, but the AC is above that of
the Defender, the Defender takes the damage. Someone outside of the
Hold can help the Defender break free from it on their turn. They’ll be
considered the Attacker and the Defender is the one who did the Hold.
The Defenders AC is halved while in Hold.
Handy Stay Sturdy

Repel 10 4 Cannot Target - When someone attacks with a Melee Weapon/Unarmed Attack
adjacent to you, Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR. If the Attacker
succeeds, the Defender is pushed back 10 ft and is Knocked Down.
Counterattack, Deflect, and Parry cannot be used against or with Repel.
Only Creatures with STR 7 and above can do this move.

Shove 10 4 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker STR +1 vs. Defender STR/AGI. The Attacker can only do this
if they're Standing. If the Attacker wins, the Defender is Knocked Down.
If the Defender wins, nothing happens.
Handy Sturdy

Tackle 10 4 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR/AGI. The Attacker can only do this
if they're Standing or Crouching. If the Attacker wins, the Defender is
knocked down but the attacker ends up prone. If the defender wins,
they remain as they were, but the Attacker is Knocked Down.
Handy Sturdy

Tail Slap 25 3 Cannot Target 1 This SM requires a tail. Inflict AC -15. For Damage Dice use Bite.

Claw Swipe 50 5 Cannot Target 1 This SM requires both arms. Attack everyone adjacent within 5 ft.
Increase Hit Chance penalty by -10 for each target in range. For
Damage use Claw Stab damage.

Special Move Skill Required AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Deflect 25 3 Cannot Target - Can only be done to attacks directed at you but doesn’t inflict weapon
damage. If a Melee/Unarmed Attack or a Ranged Weapon Attack adjacent
to you, hits you, roll Unarmed against the opponent’s Attack Roll. The
Attack Roll functions as a skill penalty. If you exceed the Attack Roll, the
attack misses. If you fail the attack hits you. Can be done anytime in
combat but it takes AP from your next turn. Doesn’t work against Sneak
Attacks. You cannot Deflect a Counter Attack, Parry, Deflect, or a Sneak

Front Kick 50 3 Anywhere 1.1 This SM requires both legs. Inflict AC -10 and CC +5.

Hook 50 3 Anywhere 1.2 This SM requires one arm. CC +5.

Knife Hand 50 3 Anywhere 1 This SM requires one arm. DT -3 and DR -15%.

Nutcracker/ 50 4 Groin 1.1 This SM requires both legs. Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender END. If the
Low Blow Defender fails, they’re stunned for 1d2 turns. Cannot be done if the
Armor ignores Target Groin Attacks Effect.

Uppercut 50 3 Anywhere 1.2 This SM requires one arm. Inflict AC -20.

Axe Kick 75 5 Head 1.0 This SM requires both legs. -20 Hit Chance. DT -6 and DR -30%.
No Claws Error

Choke Hold 75 5 Cannot Target - This SM requires both arms. Roll Attacker STR vs. Defender STR/AGI. If the
Attacker wins, the Defender starts to Suffocate them and cannot move
from their place. Attackers have two options:

Option 1: The Attacker can choose to render the Defender Unconscious

for every round the Defender has been in a Choke Hold. On the turn of
their choice, roll Attacker STR vs. Defender END. For every round the
Defender has been in Choke Hold they get END -1. Upon success the
Defender is Unconscious equal to the amount of rounds they were Choke
Hold. If the Attacker fails, Suffocation, the END Penalty, and Choke Hold
Rounds are reset for the Defender. The Defender is still in the Choke Hold
but the Attacker must try again. Suffocation doesn’t reset if the Defender
is Underwater and cannot breath.

Option 2: Attackers can attempt to choke the Defender to death. The

Attacker must keep the Defender restrained up to the Defenders
Suffocation duration. If the Attacker is successful in bringing the
Defenders Suffocation to 0 (Perks, Vault Points, etc. can delay this by a
round), the Defender dies. Reaper Checks are ignored.

The Attacker can do Option 1 during Option 2 at any time except on the
turn the Defender would be rendered to 0 HP. The Attacker has to spend
AP equal to the SM in order to maintain it once a round. The Defender
can attempt to escape for 4 AP. The same check conditions are repeated
and the Defender is the one held in the Choke Hold. The Defender can still
attack. The Attacker cannot use their arms or legs to attack the Defender,
but they can use Legs to attack adjacent targets. Someone outside of the
Choke Hold can help the Defender break free from it on their turn. They’ll
be considered the Attacker and the Defender is the one who did the
Choke Hold. The Defenders AC is halved while in Choke Hold.
Handy Stay Sturdy

Special Move Skill Required AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Palm Strike 75 4 Cannot Target 1 Ignore DT.

Power Kick 75 5 Torso 1 -20 Hit Chance. +5 ft of range. Push back the opponent 10 ft away from you.
Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender END/AGI. If the Defender fails, they’re Knocked
Down for one turn. Attempting this on a target of larger size, you’ll get a -20
Hit Chance per size higher.
No Claws Error

Tactical Hold 75 4 Arm, Leg - Specify which limb to target. Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR/AGI.
Neither the Attacker or Defender can attack one another. The attacker can
attempt to cripple the Defenders held limb for 3 AP on their turn. They must
roll the STR as before. If the Attacker wins they’ll cripple the specified limb
and deal damage as their standard unarmed attack. First you go through LR
till the arm or leg is crippled, removing a number of points of LR equal to
the Attacker’s success over the Defender. The Attacker may attempt to
Target another limb but they must repeat the entire action. If the Defender
wins, they break free from the Tactical Hold. The Defender can attempt to
escape for 4 AP on their turn. The same check conditions are repeated and
the defender is the one held in the Tactical Hold. If the Defender is Knocked
Down or Prone, the Attacker gets STR +1 for this move. Someone outside of
the Hold can help the Defender break free from it on their turn. They’ll be
considered the Attacker and the Defender is the one who did the Tactical
Hold. The Defenders AC is halved while in Tactical Hold.
Handy Stay

Counter Attack 100 4 Cannot Target 1 Same as Deflect except it inflicts damage. You can also send back an
Explosive if the center of the EXR is adjacent to you or you’re in the center
of it. You can also throw back Throwing Weapons. Roll Unarmed against the
opponents Throwing. You cannot Counter Attack a Counter Attack, Parry,
Deflect, or a Sneak Attack.

Disarm 100 4 Arms 0 Roll Attacker STR/AGI vs. Defender STR/AGI -1. If the Attacker wins, the
Defender drops their weapon. This can only be done to one held weapon at
a time. If the Defender wins, the weapon remains in their hand(s). Can be
done anytime in combat but it takes AP from your next turn. Cannot be
done against Sneak Attacks. Critical Successes and Failures don’t apply to
the one doing Deflect.

Haymaker 100 5 Head 1.3 This SM requires one arm. CC +5 and -20 Hit Chance. Attacker STR +2 vs.
Defender END. If the Defender fails, they’re Knocked Down.
No Claws

Spin Kick 100 5 Cannot Target 1.2 CC +5. Can strike up to two targets within your range. One Attack Roll and
Damage for both targets. Targets attempting to Dodge suffer -2 to their
SPECIAL check.
No Claws Error

Takedown 100 4 Cannot Target 0.75 Knock down the opponent. For Damage use one equipped Unarmed
Weapon. Attempting this on a target of larger size, you’ll get a -20 Hit
Chance per size higher.

Feint 125 2 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker CH/AG +2 vs Defender’s PE. If the Defender fails, they cannot
take Deflect, Counter Attack, or Parry Special Moves against your next
attack. Hit Chance penalties from the Dodge action also do not apply to this
next attack.

Special Move Skill Required AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Overhead Fist 125 5 Head 1 This SM requires one arm. -25 Hit Chance. Opponent rolls END -2. If they
fail, they’re stunned for 1d2 turns. If they succeed the effect doesn’t

Thunderclap 125 4 Head - This SM requires both arms. Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender END. If the
Defender fails, they’re stunned for one turn. Robots are immune to this
Special Move.
No Claws

Twist Punch 125 5 Torso 1.2 This SM requires one arm. -30 Hit Chance. Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender
END. If the Defender fails, they’re Unconscious for one turn. If they succeed
the effect doesn’t activate.
No Claws Sturdy

German Suplex 150 6 Head 1.5 This SM requires both arms and legs. Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender
STR/AGI. If the Attacker succeeds, the Defender is Unconscious for 1d6

One-Inch Punch 150 6 Cannot Target 1.5 This SM requires one arm. -30 Hit Chance. Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender
END. If the Defender fails, they’re Unconscious for 1d2 turns.
No Claws

Piercing Strike 150 5 Cannot Target 1 This SM requires one arm. CC +5. Ignore DT and inflict DR -20%.

Power Throw 150 5 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR/AGI. If the Attacker succeeds, they can
throw the Defender in any direction up to 10 ft. The Defender will be
Knocked Down. For each size the Defender is above the Attacker, the
Attacker gets STR -2. For each size the Attacker is above the Defender,
increase the throwing range by 5 ft. If the Attacker wants to throw the
Defender to another target, they’ll roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender AGI. If it
hits, both will be Knocked Down and Fall Damage is applied. If it misses, the
Defender will end up behind the target.

Dual Wielding
Dual Wielding is the ultimate rule of cool. With Dual Wielding, you can attack with two weapons
at the same time in each hand. You cannot Dual Wield with the Unarmed skill. This is called a
Dual Wield Attack and it’s considered an SM. Both weapons get -30 Hit Chance and CC +5. If you
critically succeed or fail for one of the attacks, it’s only applied to that Attack Roll and not the
other. Your weapon range is halved for Ranged Weapons. You don’t get the Hit Chance bonuses
for your attacks when in Crouch and Prone.

The AP Cost is that of the highest AP cost of the two weapons +1. You cannot do a Targeted
Attack with Ranged Weapons while dual wielding, but you may do a Dual Targeted Attack with
Melee Weapons for the highest AP of the weapon +2. You cannot do a Dual Targeted Attack
with a Melee Weapon and Ranged Weapon together. The Targeted Attacks can be different for
each weapon. When attacking, you can either Dual Wield Attack the same target with both
weapons or two separate targets. This can also be done with Overwatch. You can be
Overwatching at two separate locations but you must spend the AP separately for each weapon.
This can also be done with Melee Weapons but it’s still limited to one Attack per hit.

Another Dual Wield attack type is Dual Burst Attacks which is a Burst Attacks while Dual
Wielding. For Dual Burst Attacks the AP Cost is the same as the Dual Targeted Attack. You can
only do this if both weapons can do a Burst Attack. Stack the Burst Penalties with the Dual Wield
Penalties. Burst Attacks CC rules are applied to Dual Burst Attacks as well. The CC +5 from doing
Bursts does not apply for Dual Burst Attacks. If you Critically Succeed or Fail, the result will apply
to the weapon that rolled it. The Minimum AP for a Dual Attack is 2. The Minimum AP for Dual
Burst/Targeted Attacks is 3. Apply the Critical Success and Failure conditions for Burst Attack.
You cannot Dual Attack with two Big Guns that are Set Up at the same time. Dual Burst Attack
can get the benefits from Burst Attack perks. Dual Attack can get the benefits from Single Attack
perks. Dual Targeted Attack gets the benefits from Targeted Attack perks.

Tri-Wielding is the same as Dual Wielding except it’s three attacks at once. Only if something
states you can Tri-Wield can you do it. it functions the same as Dual Wield and it gets the
benefits of perks related to Dual Wielding. It gets CC +5, the range is reduced by -75%, and the
Tri-Wield Penalty is -60.

Dual Throwing
Dual-Throwing is when you throw two objects at the same time. They function the same as Dual
Wield attacks except your throwing range is halved for both weapons.


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