LotFP Handout

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Ability Scores Encumbrance Dungeon Pacing

STR Melee AB, Open Doors • Light item ➵ not counted for enc. Ability check modi ers: –4 to +4
DEX AC, Ranged AB, Initiative • Normal item ➵ 1 item of enc.
CON HP, Daily travel distance • Oversized item ➵ 1 point of enc. Dungeon
INT Magic Saves, Languages • Rest for 1 turn per hour or
WIS Non-magic Saves • Sack full of stu ➵ 1 oversized item cumulative -1 to hit & dmg rolls
CHA Retainers, Loyalty • Quiver & 20 arrows ➵ 1 item • Random encounters
• 100 coins ➵ 1 item 1-in-6 chance every 2 turns (may vary)
Adventuring • Plate Armor ➵ 2 points of enc. • PCs are active for 6,5 hours per day
• Armor is not listed in Equipment
• Sneak a ack ➵ if ≥2-in-6, gain +2 to hit • Weapons are listed as separate items Wilderness
and multiply dmg on x-in-6. • Rest for 1 per 6 days of travel or
• For Searching traps and Tinker locks Reaction cumulative -1 to hit & dmg rolls
Specialist Tools are needed. • Random encounters
• If Tinker roll is failed, same task can be 2 Hostile - 1-in-6 se led lands/grasslands
a empted only a er gaining a level. 3-5 Unfriendly - 2-in-6 desert/forest/hills
• Search o en rolled by Referee. 6-8 Indi erent - 3-in-6 swamp/mountains
• Falling 1d6 dmg per 10’, up to 200’. 8-10 Talkative
• Movement skills must be performed 11-12 Helpful Food
unencumbered or su er –1 per enc.point.
Recover • 1 ration per day or Save vs Poison
Light - if failed, 1 point of CON is lost
• ≥half hp: 1hp per peaceful night + 1d3hp • 1 waterskin per day or Save vs Poison
• Lanterns burn for 24 turns, 30’ for full day - if failed, CON is halved
• Torches burn for 6 turns, 30’ • ≤half hp: 0hp per peaceful night + 1hp - 3 failed Saves (once per day) ➵ death
• Candles burn for 12 turns, 10’ for full day • Iron ration lasts forever
• PC who cares a light can’t surprise • 0hp: wake up in 1d6h, crawl at 10’ with • Fresh ration lasts for 3 days
no gear
• Full day in a comfortable bed adds +1hp









Encounter Combat Actions Other actions Monsters

• Reaction ➵ Distance ➵ Surprise • Move & A ack • Use an Item • HD (d8) = Lvl & A ack Bonus
• Initiative ➵ Actions - ⅓ move, d20 + relevant AB - 1d3 + 1 rounds from pouch • Abilities & Saves as for Fighter
• Morale & Loyalty • Charge - 3d6 rounds from backpack
- full move, x2 damage, –2AC - Surprise AC HD Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic

• Initiative (d6, DEX mod on tie) • Parry • Helpless 0 16 16 16 15 18

• Morale (2d6>M ➵ NPC ees) - +4AC to ghter, +2 others - autohit target on max. dmg
- when rst damage in icted 1 14 12 15 13 16
• Fighters only • A ack From Behind
(if NPC outnumbered) - Press (AB+2, AC–4) - hits with Surprise AC 2 14 12 15 13 16
- when opposing force halved - Defensive (AB–4, AC+2) • Holy Water 3 14 12 15 13 16
(number or hp if alone) • Cast a Spell - AC12 in melee
• Loyalty (2d6>L ➵ NPC ees) - hands free, can’t drop things - in ranged behaves like a rock 4 12 10 13 11 14
• Change Weapon & A ack - breaks in ¾ times, d8 dmg 5 12 10 13 11 14
Weapons & Armor - –2 to hit in current round • Firing in Melee 6 12 10 13 11 14
• Hold Action - make to hit roll
- happens simultaneously - randomly determine target 7 10 8 9 9 12
• Shield gives +1 to melee AC and
+2 to missile AC • Aiming - if aimed, count 1 enemy as 2 8 10 8 9 9 12
• Polearm allows to parry a charge - no action in current round • Darkness 9 10 8 9 9 12
• Minor weapons and rapier are - AC–DEX mod - –6 to hit
- +4 to hit in next round - Surprise AC 10 8 6 7 7 10
-2 to hit with unadjusted AC≥15
• Unadjusted AC ➵ armor + shield • Pursuit - all range a acks fails 11 8 6 7 7 10
with no modi ers - contest d20 + ⅒ move rate • Oil & Fire 12 8 6 7 7 10
• Missile weapons su ers -2 to hit • Wrestling - lit ask in icts d4, if 4 then:
- defender can a ack rst - Save vs breath, if failed: 13 6 4 5 5 8
on medium, -4 on long range
• Light crossbows res every - contest roll (once per round): - d4 next round, if 4 then:
second round & ignores 2AC d20+melee AB+STR mod - engulfed ➵ d8 all next rounds • Charm
• Heavy crossbow res every (skilled gains +1 per HD) • Cover - Save vs Magic
three rounds & ignores 4AC - 3 failed rolls ➵ helpless % 25 50 75 90
- any request against subject’s
• Disarm interests triggers a Save
- target rolls Save vs Paralyze +AC 2 4 7 10 - abuse triggers a Save














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