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MEAL training

Date 11th Jan 2022

Name of trainer: Firass Alhenesh/ CARE MEAL
Objectives of the training
Acquire the knowledge to make informed decisions when having
the opportunity to collect information on the field ensuring high
levels of confidence, reliability, and representativeness
Ethical Principles
• Do no harm
• Honesty
• Competence
Introduction to Qualitative and
Quantitative Research Techniques

Are you familiar with these concepts?

 Both are needed to develop a shared understanding of how people are
affected by crisis

• magnitude and scale of a • determine the nature of the impact
crisis of a crisis upon affected
• numeric picture of its impact
upon affected communities • Answers questions of how and why
coping strategies have adapted, or
• addresses the questions: how
failed to adapt, to the changed
many and how much

 When undertaking a needs assessment, a combination of different types

and sources of data is required to build a holistic picture of the affected
Zoom in… QUANTITATIVE data
 Advantage of legitimate quantitative data: data  Gaps in information: issues which
which is collected accurately, using the are not included in the
appropriate methods, and analyzed critically = questionnaire, or secondary data
reliability checklist, will not be included in
the analysis
 Numeric estimates
 opportunity for relatively uncomplicated  Labor intensive data collection
data analysis process
 data which are verifiable
 data which are comparable between  Limited participation by affected
different communities within different persons in the content of the
locations questions or direction of the
 data that do not require analytical judgment information collection process.
beyond consideration of how the
information will be presented in the
dissemination process.
Zoom in… qualitative data

 Allow greater spontaneity + open-ended questions  Results in data which is not

have the ability to evoke responses that are: objectively verifiable : conclusions
 unanticipated by the researcher take the form of informed
In qualitative research, assertions about the meaning and
 rich and explanatory in nature
the data collection experience of certain (sub) groups
 In-depth analysis of the impact ofinstrument
a crisis is the of affected populations
researcher. Thus, the
 Perspectives of specific social and culturalteam is the Requires a labour intensive analysis
contexts core element in both the process (categorization, recoding,
observation of the etc.)
 Inclusion of a diverse and representative cross-
section of affected persons problem and in the
analysis  Needs skilled interviewers to
successfully carry out the primary
 A data collection process which requires limited
data collection activities.
numbers of respondents and can be carried out
with limited resources
Assessment accountability
With all data collection methods, be they quantitative or qualitative, there is a
responsibility by the assessment teams to be accountable to the information.
Awareness of, and adherence to, key humanitarian principles should be the first step
of all needs assessment teams when carrying out field research.

o Affected persons should be invited to participate in the data collection

process rather than feel cajoled or pressured.
o Information on how, when, where, and with whom the data will be used must
also be shared with community research participants.
o Expectations regarding potential advantages, or disadvantages, of
participating in the research process must be managed carefully to ensure
that community members do not develop false expectations about
humanitarian support or intervention.
o Failure to communicate clearly with affected populations participating in
research cannot only compromise research results but, in some cases, can
compromise the safety and security of the affected populations themselves
sons from whom they solicit

Interviews Document

or Meeting

Focus Group Observation Measuremen
Description Advantages Disadvantages

• Requires a moderate
amount of expertise
to design, use and
A list of questions given analyze
to a part of the • Can collect both • Questions may be
population. Surveys qualitative and misinterpreted

Surveys may be sent to

participants to be
quantitative data
• Can collect data from
• Can be expensive,
depending on how
completed in person, a large number of many people you are
over the telephone or people surveying
digitally. • Can be expensive,
depending on how
many people you are
Description Advantages Disadvantages

• Requires a skilled
Focused discussion
with a small group
• Creates limited
(usually 8 to 12
quantitative data
people) of • Collects detailed
• Since this is a
participants to record qualitative data
Focus feelings, opinions • Low cost
group exercise, it
may be difficult to
Groups and beliefs. A trained • Quick: one focus
moderator group can be done
collect personal
introduces the topic in an afternoon
• Collects data from
and uses an
a small number of
interview guide to
lead the discussion..
Description Advantages Disadvantages

• Requires a skilled
conversations with
• Creates limited
people who have
• Collects detailed quantitative data
special information
Interviews about a particular
qualitative data • Collects data from
• Low cost a small number of
topic. Interviews
usually have a set of
• Moderately time-
prepared questions.
Description Advantages Disadvantages

A record of what
observers see and
hear at a specified
• Low cost
site, using a detailed • Requires a skilled,
Observatio observation form.
• Can provide many
types of data, both
objective observer
n Observation may be
of physical
qualitative and
• Difficult to do for
large groups
activities or
Description Advantages Disadvantages

A review of
• Low cost
documents such as • Moderately time-
• Provides a view of
project records and consuming
Document reports, databases,
how data change
over time
• Information may
Review training materials,
• Provides both
be incomplete,
biased or
qualitative and
laws and policy inaccurate
quantitative data
Description Advantages Disadvantages

Careful • Requires a high

Laboratory measurement of
• Very accurate,
level of expertise
specific objective • Very expensive
Measureme things, such as infant
• Time-consuming
quantitative data
nts weight or water
to design, use and
Description Advantages Disadvantages

A form of public •  Organizing the

• Low cost
meeting open to all event takes time
Community community members.
• Can gather a lot of
data at once
and resources.
An interviewer asks Requires a skilled
Workshop participants
• Provides a venue
moderator and
for discussion and
or Meeting questions following a
prepared interview
skilled note-takers
to capture
guide. information.

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