For and Against Essay Psy W Pracy

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Nowadays more and more companies decide to implement a lot of amenities for their workers,

including the possibility of taking domestic pets like dogs to work. This phenomenon has both
advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, the workplace is a place where people need to concentrate and stay focused. Dogs are
usually very friendly, but unfortunately also very loud and curious about their surroundings.
Spending eight or more hours in the office, carrying out group projects or signing business deals
takes a lot of energy and barking of your or someone else’s pet may be distracting. Moreover, a dog
can easily cause serious damage in a workplace. They might scratch some furniture, destroy some
important documents or stain the floor, which may lead to financial consequences for their owner.

On the other hand, scientific research proves that dogs have therapeutic influence on people and
their mental health. Even one pet in the office can have a beneficial impact on the well-being of
workers and their quality of work. It is also worth mentioning that the ability to take domestic pets to
work might become a game-changer for people who live on their own and struggle with the care of
their animals. Bringing them to work will reduce both owner’s and dog’s stress.

All things considered, I believe that the possibility of taking dogs to the workplace might be highly
favorable for certain groups of people and their dynamics of work. However, the disadvantages of
this solution must also be taken into consideration.

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