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English Daily Exam

I. Read the text and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D

Text      A. Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo held this party for
     B. Yuniar Bestiana has just finished her
postgraduate study
     C. People should call Desi to see Yuniar Bestiana
     D. This party will be held for Desi

6. In celebrating the graduation of" The underlined

1. The purpose of the text is to invite you .... word has closest meaning with ....
A. To attend Mr and Mrs Sembiring's marriage      A. Blame
B. To unite Alice an Jeffry in a wedding party      B. Honor
C. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party      C. Deny
D. To marry with Mr and Mrs Sembiring      D. Neglect

2. Which statement is TRUE based on text? Text 4

A. The party will be held on june 13th, 2008
B. Jeffry Sitorus is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Sembiring's son
C. The party will be sponsored by Gajah Wong
D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring will
celebrate their anniversary

Text 2

7. From the text we can infer that ....

     A. Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby
     B. The party will be held in the morning
     C. Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy
     D. Desi Bestiana is a mother to be

8. Our mommy to be is expecting a girl What does

the underlined word mean?
     A. Recognizing
     B. Admitting
     C. Confessing
3. Where is the party?      D. Waiting for
     A. At a garden
     B. School Text 5
     C. Kahfi Residence
     D. Suhito Home

4. The party will be held ....

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
 C. In the evening
D. At night

Text 3

9. The meeting will be held?

 A. On Sunday, August 8,2017
     B. On Saturday, August 8,2017
     C. On Friday, June 8,2017
     D. On Saturday, June 8,2017

10.Based on the text, we know that .…

5. Which statement is true based on the text? A. The meeting will be held in the school hall
     B. If you cloud not come, you should call Nazmi
     C. The meeting only invites the committee C. What a great idea!
     D. The meeting will be held in the morning D. Well, I’m not sure

19. Gery : I want to tell you that I will be held a

The text below is for number 11 – 13 birthday party tomorrow. I hope you could join
Aji : Would you like dinner with me tonight? Fania :............................. My mom is sick, so i
Tania : Thank you, I’d love to have to take care of her now.
A. What a great idea
B. I’m so happy
C. I like it
11. From the dialogue above we conclude that ….. D. Unfortunately I can't
A. Aji invites Tania to have dinner together
B. Aji make a date with Tania
C. Tania love Aji
D. Aji want to have dinner

12. “Thank you, I’d love to”

What is the underlined expression means?
A. Agreeing an appointment 20. Kim : Me with my friends will held the
B. Greeting friendly football match in the school field in
C. Canceling invitation sunday. I wish you could join with our team.
D. Accepting invitation Jung Kook : ..............................That would be
  very interesting!
13. Is Aji inviting Tania to the party?
A. Yes, it isn’t
B. Yes, she isn’t A. Ok, I'd love to come!
C. No, she doesn’t B. Why must that?
D. Yes, he is C. I’m sorry i can’t
D. I wish i could but i have another plan
The Dialog below is for answers number 14 – 15
Diana : Come to my party? II. State true (T) or false (F) on the
Rezki : _______________ (4)
sentences based on the greeting card
Diana : See you in my party !
Rezki : _______________ (5) below!

A. I’m afraid I’ve already promised
B. I think I can’t
C. Unfortunately, I can’t
D. Thank you very much for inviting me

A. See you too
B. I’m very sad
C. You’re right
D. Wow man! 1. The son is sending the card to his
father (T/F)
16. Geri : Why you didn’t come to my party
last night? 2. The greeting card is sent on
Linda : I am sorry. My mother was sick. I December 22. (T/F)
must accompany her to the doctor 3. The card is sent to give sad news to his
What is the underlined expression means? mom. (T/F)
A. Canceling an appointment 4. There are nine hearts in the card.
B. Agreeing an appointment (T/F)
C. Refusing invitation
D. Greeting

17. “I’d like to come but………..”

A. I must to study hard for exam tomorrow
B. Nine O’clock?
C. I like to eat
D. I’m so happy

18. Yuna :Some of our friends will join the concert

tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Krystal : ..................... it will very interesting. I
need to refresh my mind this time.

A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come

B. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
5. Ganjar sends the greeting card to
Zifa. (T/F)
6. Zifa is Ganjar’s friend. (T/F)
7. Ganjar has just won the
reading contest. (T/F)
8. Zifa feels so sad to hear the
news. (T/F).
9. There is only one trophy in the
card. (T/F).
10. The first winner means “Juara Kedua”.

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