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BOYLE’S LAW Name EeUGis Low hates tnt the volume of @ ga vas Invoat with ts passa emperors 'Eheld constant, (Fone goas un. the other goos down) Wes Me acai oom Sova the fl problems (essuming constant lenperature), 1. Asompie of oxygen gas occupies a volume of 250. mL at 740, Yompreawre. What 4 ‘volume wilt oosupy 0 800, tom prose? | A\samele of carbon clokels cocupies « volume of 3.60 iter et 125 kha pressure ‘Wht pressure would the gos srert ithe volume was decrecsed fo Sad meen A20 ter container of atregen hod a presute of 32 otm. What volume would be necessary to Gecreose the presute 12} Oct? -2ccupies @ Volume of 460, mL at a pressures of 720. men Hg. What ‘ceupy ct standerd pressure? i. somole of neon hod ts pressure changed frm 75 kPa to 150 KPa, Vihar is naw volume? Asc of hyorogan ot 1.5 cim had ts pressrs decreased! to 0.60 elm procuchg ‘anew Volume of 760 mL. What was ts og! volrne? Chlorine gos occupies a volume of 12 Ite occupy at ¥ atm pressuie? for presure, Whot volume wi t pressure is changed to 1.60 otm, the ogi! vous? Fluctine gos exers a pr Fis volurse 250, mL Sa ewe w CHARLES’ LAW Name, ‘Chara Law states atthe volume of 6 gos atl directly with the Kelvin temperatura, Gremring het pressure Is constant. Wa use the tolowng formule: Yeh ot xq = Vy x7, we kas 279 Solve the following problems assuming @ constant pressure, 1, Asample of trogen occupies 0 volume of ‘accupy e195" C? Lat 25*C, What volume wit Ox/99n Goss ot a tomperaturs of 40°C whan it occupies a volume of 23 Bet To whet femoeratue should tbe raised to oecupy a volume of 65 hes? Hycrogen gas was cooled tram 180°C to 80°C. is new volume fe 75mL. What was lisorkginal vokne? Chiotine gos occupies a volume of 5mLat 00K. What volume aK? pyot 5. Asample of son gas at 8 C anda volume of 26 items cooled fo 25°C. What is the new volume? Fuorine gos af 300 K occupies a volume of 600 mL. To wha temparoture should itbe lowered to bing the volume to 200 mL? FHehum occupies volume of 8 ers a 25" C. What volume wilt occupy at AS" C? june want from 889.mLt0 2 fempercture? ‘Asompia cf argon gost cooled or fina! temperature wes 55°C, Senn a y 1 The volume ofa gas 100 mt st 780 mm Ha pressute. Calculate its vstume at 6880 mn Fy praseur, Tents 2. A.quantty of gas measures 10 Lat standard pressure, Wet would be We pressure? Yelume at 120, ‘aaa ‘one aimosphare of pressure ie 100 ro. Fins the to Toaencepneres, Oma (Quanity of cnygen was comnprssed to fivesixths fk orignal walume, The (essure wes 750 me Hg. What iste be oreo i rm Hah 2.) The volume of gus measured voluene of 400 em st 88.66 KPa ps ressure were increased ta 102 8 ka? ining 20.000 m* of hyerogsn at sea evel, whate ‘3 Reight where the presaure ie 27 om ur, What velumes (304 dems) frre pressure ie 30 Chute the mow clans 122.228 m3) ner 24 kal? ese. his i ware #00, wht volume weuld esrupy at iahay at fesse ot Be ete? ‘Se00em?) soyinder wich has of 922 ocaupies 2 Lat the [Setmossteres A cuny of gos cesples 9 volume of 78 mL et 30%, Fr is volume at FC J nL Wen messuring at SOFC. 4 quant lonerea'a 10%, ts volume t 7 22U) a ty of itiogen hes volume of 10L a 20°C. Caleulote ta volume at m-20%e st; 68694) “4 Agas colected a 22°C Faso volume of SO mi, Find te volume at sland terpettue (S228), the pressure remsining constant 1 L of gas whose sted unl it has expanded 192. Ustermine ihe rev to ‘To what temperature must gas at stander volume by BOs? i 20° ig isisc} Conditions be hosted inorder to increase ts A toy basen holing 2706 ri. of hystogen at 20°C when tan into 920 sterage rar we GAY-LUSSACS’ LAW PROBLEMS 1. A auantty of gos has # pressure a 1 kPaat 30°C, Fin 2 Whar meesuted ot 150°C,» quantity of oxygen Dressure the tempsraiue islourmedio “SC S pressure at 90°C. iPab has a rassure of 940 mm Hig, ries 1686 cum Ha) To whet toreereture °C] must gas at 25°C be heater in cries to douslo he pressure ? 022°¢) 164 SE 22°C hos pressure of 85 KP, Find is press at standard Teakee) ing constat, 1 Lof gas whose heated tn ite pressure nas lsrmine the naw terporetre ‘oncitions has a volume of 100 em, Find 700 mm Hg pressuta, 2. Aasrrele of neon occupies a volume af 122 L at d0"C end 98.3 kPa 3. Given 120m of oxygen at 25°C and 720 mm Hy pressure, caloul standard conditions, 4 A.guamty of onan occupies a vokire of 0 em? at SO%C and 98.6 We pressure, Find tha volume at SF. Basen) 5 Asante of gos haa's volume of 100 er? mensured at standard condtions. Whet would be ts volume when meseured at-20°0 and 700 mm Hg presse? owe wey ST.P_ What wil be ite volume ifthe aressure is iad to 2050 2 (eo, 7. Ags ccsupien a volume of §0 mL a 20°C ane 80.66 KPa pressulé, Cae agte balonrequred 1 cDD0rBathelernto Al like 30°C ena amasphorpessre Howmenyestiemsters ‘lgeswaudeccae fone alo fa ember ced waheightwhorettarrasoire es. TOC See 736m) 9. Arrass of gos occusies 825 mt at 3O°C and 0.556 atm pressure, Wh ' the oressure ‘he volume Becomes T C00 mL snd the trnsoratars Soe (0563 cim) (eared 0 change 10 L ef hou st 109 K ane 10 269°C) (Us the idea! gale to solve the fotowing problems: If have 4 moles ofa gas 5, What is the tempor Pressure of 6.8 atm and a vokams of 12 vo an unknown quantty of gas ata proesute of 1.2 atm, a volume of iets, anda temperature of 87°C, how many moles of gat do nave contain 3 mes of 98 in container witha volume oF 60 ters and at peratre of 400 K, what the prosgure aie the contamer? 4) tl haye 7.7 motes of pressure of 0.09 atm and a a tempera (958 °C, whats the volume of the cantaine thatthe gee Ish? 5) have 47 m 88.80 Its, of gae ot a temperature of 67°C, anda volume of ste pressure ofthe ges? fn unknown quantty of gas at a pressure of 05 atm, a volume of 18a lompereture of 30 K, how many melee of gas eo have? 8 runt hs wn hit 8 ler ceaseaesy- a RoreReand 9 19) 14) ” If have 24 moles of gas held st 2 pressure of78 atm and a temperature F800 K, what isthe volume of the gas? males of ces held ata prossure of 6 atm and in 2 container Ime of 50 Hers, vets the temperature of the gas? ve 24 moles of ges held a a tomperature of 97°C and ina Fath voluse of 4B ers, whet tho pressure of he gos? if have an unknown qua ‘container wth a volume ef moles of gas have? perature of 1105 Kina ler an a pressure of 80 alm, how many of 75 K and a pressure of he volume of the gas? 11 have 72 liters of gas held at a pressure of 34 alm and e temperature (0225 K, how many melas of gee do | have? DALTON’S LAW OF Name PARTIAL PRESSURES ~~ p's Law says that the sum of the individual pressures of all the gases that moke up a ig is equal 10 the total pressure or: P,=P, +P, +P, +... The partial pressure of each Joss equal fo the mole fraction of each gas x total pressure. moles gos, Yolal motes Pp=P\+P,+P4... OF solve the following problems. A260. ml sample of oxygen s collected over water at 25° C and 760.0 tom pressure. What isthe pressure of the diy gos alone? (Vapor pressure of water at 25°C = 23.8 ton) 2, A.32.0 ml sample of hydrogen is collected over watter at 20° C and 750.0 tor pressure, What is the volume of the dry gas at SIP? (Vapor pressure of water ct 20° C = 17.5 tom) 3. A 54.0 mL sample of oxygen is collected over water at 23° C and 770.0 tom pressure. What is the volume of the dry gas at SIP? (Vapor pressure of water at 23° C =21.1 fom) 4, Amixture of 2.00 moles of H,, 3.00 moles of NH, 4,00 moles of CO, and 5.00'moles of N, exerts a total pressure of 800 tom. What is the partial pressure of each gas? The partial pressure of , in a mixture of gases where the total pressure ig 1,00 atm is 300. torr, What is the mole fraction of F,? Shamisty F876 Ez ‘irshtuctional Fair Inc. {tt j | | {

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