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STUDENTS: Alessia Garcia, Grecia Kroll and Matías


Teacher: Francisco Gaviria

San Borja-Peru


Water is crucial for us to live, so we need to be careful with what brand we decide to
drink. We care about the health of our country, so we decided to do an experiment to
test different brands of water to see which is the most neutral and suitable for human
consumption. We are going to use three different peruvian water brands that are San
Mateo, San Luis and Andea. And we are going to measure the Ph of each of these
brands, compared to the most neutral water that is tap water.

Chapter I: Theoretical background

Definition of pH:

According to a website called Healthline(Cirino, E. (January 16, 2018). What pH

Should My Drinking Water Be? Healthline.

drinking-water#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1), The pH indicates the acidity or alkalinity, in

this case of a liquid such as water, but it is actually a measure of the potential activity

of hydrogen ions. All organisms are subject to the amount of acidity in the water and

function best within a certain range. The pH scale is logarithmic, so each pH unit

change actually represents a tenfold change in acidity. I will try to present more

information about the pH, specially about its influence on health.

Measurement of pH in water:

The Ph can be measured in different ways, such as the digital Ph meter, it is an

electronic meter that works by means of a probe that measures the activity of the

hydrogen ions in the irrigation water and gives us a value on the pH scale through

the digital screen. Another way is with a piece of paper (Litmus paper) that you put in

the liquid you want to measure and the paper will change color according to how

acidic or alkaline it is, when it is acid it turns red, when it is alkaline it turns blue and

when it is neutral it turns purple.

Work of different water brands:

There have been a lot of experiments around the world about the pH of water and

how it affects our consumption. In our experiment we are personalizing it because

we are talking about different peruvian water brands like San Luis, San Mateo, Cielo,

Andea etc. In the brand San Luis we can see that it allows its consumers to find the

balance that the body and mind need, improving the experience of daily life. In the

case of San Mateo we can see that it has the minerals that your body needs:

Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium. In the brand Cielo it is made by

coenzyme Q10 is known for its anti-aging properties, as it delays the appearance of

wrinkles and regenerates tissues. It is a vitamin-like substance that generates

cellular energy and is present in the heart, kidneys, pancreas, and liver. Finally we

have the Cusco brand Andea, a natural alkaline water with unique characteristics

and bottled at more than 3,400 meters above sea level, has decided to renew its

design and packaging with the slogan of having a brand message that ends up being

relevant and distinctive among the thousands of waters that exist in the Peruvian and

Latin American market.

Cirino, E. (January 16, 2018). What pH Should My Drinking Water Be? Healthline.

Black, J. (December 7, 2021). Measuring pH. Carolina Knowledge Center.

%7E:text=Litmus%20paper%20is%20probably%20the,red%2C%20 blue%2C


Valcárcel.N (October 22, 2019). Agua Andea. Mercado Negro.


Juárez.C(2020, 7 mayo). Agua Cielo Q10 para la piel. The food tech.

Chapter II: Experimental design

2.1 Objective and Research Question


2.2 Hypothesis: The brands of water San Mateo and Cielo are more neutral than other
brands of water.

2.3 Variables:
2.3.1 Independent: 3 brands of water (San Luis, San Mateo and Andea)
2.3.2 Dependent: Ph
2.3.3 Controlled: temperature before trials, number of trials, bottling date.

2.3.4 Uncontrolled:

2.3.5 Control Group: Tap water

2.4 List of Equipment and Materials

● 3 bottles of water (one of each brand)

● Ph meter

● glass of tap water

● 3 glasses

2.5 Method and procedure

Chapter III: Results

3.1 Record and organization of data

3.2 Presentation of results

3.3 Interpretation and analysis of results

Chapter IV: Conclusions and evaluation 4.1 Conclusions

4. 2 Strengths

4.3 Limitations

4.4 Suggestions

4.5 Extensions References

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