Parenting 02

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“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.”

— Barbara Johnson
“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Just be a real one.”

— Sue Atkins
“The most powerful way to change the world is to live in front of our children the way we
would like the world to be.”

— Graham R. White
“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.”

— Matthew Jacobsen
According to research studies, more than 50% of the all the major illnesses including the
psychiatric illness have their onset during childhood or early adolescence. One of the major
contributors to the list of risk factors for the development of pediatric mental health issues is
“challenged” or difficult parenting. Positive parenting skills provide an efficient way of
empowering parents to strengthen the bond that exists between them and helps build a
“parenting society” consisting of a highly nurturing environment for the effective upbringing of
future “positive” parents devoid of major pathologies and emotional inadequacies.
To promote a healthy and effective relationship building between parents of today and tomorrow
and play an efficient role in preventing or reducing the challenges faced by parents in raising
physically and emotionally healthy children.

Total number of sessions: 04
Number of sessions per week: 02
Duration of each session: 2 hours with a 15 minutes tea break in-between

Session 01
Self- awareness
 Introduction (knowing yourself)
 Needs of an individual
 Personality, its determinants, and brief theoretical background
 Activity:

Session 02
Family dynamics
 Role of individuals in the society
 Ideal vs real demands from their roles
 Family- basic unit of society
 Conflicts:
o Intrapsychic
o Interpsychic
 Activity:
 Adler's work on family system
Session 03

o What are they, why to bear them?

o Needs and psychological theories to understand their behavior- attachment and
Erik- Erikson
o Health- WHO definition
 Activity:

Session 04
The art of parenting
o Your expectations from your child
o Your parenting style
 Activity:
 Parenting:
o Introduction
o Real vs expected
o Parenting skills
 Endnote- questions

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