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Assignment Topic:

Empirical Research and its Implementation

Submitted To:

Honorable Mam Dr Fouzia Ghani

Submitted By:
Ahsan Abbas Shah
Osama Ali Khan
Methods of Research

Department of Political Science, Government College University, Lahore

What is Empirical Research Study?
The bulk of human decisions relies on evidence, that is, what can be measured or proven as
valid. In choosing between plausible alternatives, individuals are more likely to tilt towards
the option that is proven to work, and this is the same approach adopted in empirical
In empirical research, the researcher arrives at outcomes by testing his or her empirical
evidence using qualitative or quantitative methods of observation, as determined by the
nature of the research. An empirical research study is set apart from other research
approaches by its methodology and features hence; it is important for every researcher to
know what constitutes this investigation method. In this era of science and technology the
importance of science and technology increased and along with this empirical research got
more importance and people prefer and believe the empirical evidence. People of the
modern era are more aware of the facts and not like ancient people who believe in the
supernatural things. Empirical research is important in today’s world because most people
believe in something only that they can see, hear or experience. It is used to validate
multiple hypothesis and increase human knowledge and continue doing it to keep advancing
in various fields.
i.e: Pharmaceutical companies use empirical research to try out a specific drug on controlled
groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. This way they prove certain theories
they had proposed for the specific drug. Such research is very important as sometimes it can
lead to finding a cure for a disease that existed for many years. Such research is not useful in
science but in many other fields like history,sociology and in the political science.

 What is Empirical Research?

Empirical research is a type of research methodology that makes use of verifiable evidence
in order to arrive at research outcomes. In other words, this type of research relies solely on
evidence obtained through observation or scientific data collection methods.
Empirical research can be carried out using qualitative or quantitative observation methods,
depending on the data sample, that is, quantifiable data or non-numerical data. Unlike
theoretical research that depends on preconceived notions about the research variables,
empirical research carries a scientific investigation to measure the experimental probability
of the research variables.
Empirical research is defined as any research where conclusions of the study is strictly
drawn from concretely empirical evidence and therefore verifiable evidence.
‘’ I will not believe it unless I see it’’
This came from ancient empiricists, a fundamental understanding that powered the
emergence of medieval science during the renaissance period and laid down the foundation
of modern science, as we know it today. The word itself has its roots in Greek word
empirickos which means ‘experienced.’
In todays world, the word empirical refers to collection of data using evidence that is
collected through observation or experience or using calibrated scientific instruments. All of
above origins have one thing in common which is dependence of observation and
experiments to collect data and test them to come up with conclusions.

 Types of empirical research

Empirical research can be conducted and analysed using qualitative or quantitative


Quantitative Research:
Quantitative research methods are used to gather information through numerical data. It is
used to quantify opinions, behaviours or other defined variables. These are predetermined
and are in a more structured format. Some of the commonly used methods are survey,
longitudinal studies, polls, etc
Qualitative Research:
Qualitative research methods are used to gather non-numerical data. It is used to find
meanings, opinions, or the underlying reasons from its subjects. These methods are
unstructured or semi structured. The sample size for such a research is usually small and it is
a conversational type of method to provide more insight or in depth information about the
problem some of the most popular forms of methods are focus groups, experiments,
interviews, etc.
Data collected from these will need to be analysed. Empirical evidence can
also be analysed either quantitatively and qualitatively. Using this, the researcher can
answer empirical questions which have to be clearly defined and answerable with the the
findings he has got. The type of reseach design used will vary depending on the field in
which it is going to be used. Many of them might choose to to do a collective research
involving quantitative and qualitative method to better answer questions which cannot be
studied in a laboratory setting.

 Characteristics of Empirical Research

Research Questions
An empirical research begins with a set of research questions that guide the investigation. In
many cases, these research questions constitute the research hypothesis which is tested
using qualitative and quantitative methods as dictated by the nature of the research.
In an empirical research study, the research questions are built around the core of the
research, that is, the central issue which the research seeks to resolve. They also determine
the course of the research by highlighting the specific objectives and aims of the systematic

 Definition of the Research Variables

The research variables are clearly defined in terms of their population, types, characteristics,
and behaviors. In other words, the data sample is clearly delimited and placed within the
context of the research.
The study of variables is a central idea in statistics. Variation means that when we measure
something over again, we get a different result, and we cannot predict the outcome of any
future observation. Any time we have a random variable, there is by definition, variation
attached to the variable.
For example, in a survey regarding the effectiveness of a political leader, ratings from
individuals will differ. In a survey dealing with reading ability among children, the
expectation is that children will differ. Even in the physical sciences, measurements might
differ from one occasion to the next because of the imprecision of the instruments used. In
a very real sense, it is this variance that motivates interest in statistical techniques.
A basic issue that researchers face is deciding how variation should be measured when
trying to characterize a population of individuals or things.

 Description of the Research Methodology

An empirical research also clearly outlines the methods adopted in the systematic
investigation. Here, the research process is described in detail including the selection criteria
for the data sample, qualitative or quantitative research methods plus testing instruments.

 Outline
An empirical research is usually divided into 4 parts which are the introduction,
methodology, findings, and discussions. The introduction provides a background of the
empirical study while the methodology describes the research design, processes, and tools
for the systematic investigation.
The findings refer to the research outcomes and they can be outlined as statistical data or in
the form of information obtained through the qualitative observation of research variables.
The discussions highlight the significance of the study and its contributions to knowledge.

 Empirical-research-study

 Uses of Empirical Research

Without any doubt, empirical research is one of the most useful methods of systematic
investigation. It can be used for validating multiple research hypotheses in different fields
including Law, Medicine, and Anthropology.
Empirical Research in Law: In Law, empirical research is used to study institutions, rules,
procedures, and personnel of the law, with a view to understanding how they operate and
what effects they have. It makes use of direct methods rather than secondary sources, and
this helps you to arrive at more valid conclusions. Empirical Research in Medicine: In
medicine, empirical research is used to test and validate multiple hypotheses and increase
human knowledge. Empirical Research in Anthropology: In anthropology, empirical research
is used as an evidence-based systematic method of inquiry into patterns of human
behaviors and cultures. This helps to validate and advance human knowledge.

 The Empirical Research Cycle

The empirical research cycle is a 5-phase cycle that outlines the systematic processes for
conducting andempirical research. It was developed by Dutch psychologist, A.D. de Groot in
the 1940s and it aligns 5 important stages that can be viewed as deductive approaches to
empirical research. In the empirical research methodological cycle, all processes are
interconnected and none of the processes is more important than the other. This cycle
clearly outlines the different phases involved in generating the research hypotheses and
testing these hypotheses systematically using the empirical data.

 Observation:
This is the process of gathering empirical data for the research. At this stage, the researcher
gathers relevant empirical data using qualitative or quantitative observation methods, and
this goes
ahead to inform the research hypotheses.

 Induction:
At this stage, the researcher makes use of inductive reasoning in order to arrive at a general
probable research conclusion based on his or her observation. The researcher generates a
general assumption that attempts to explain the empirical data and s/he goes on to observe
the empirical data in line with this assumption.

 Deduction:
This is the deductive reasoning stage. This is where the researcher generates hypotheses by
applying logic and rationality to his or her observation.

 Testing:
Here, the researcher puts the hypotheses to test using qualitative or quantitative research
methods. In the testing stage, the researcher combines relevant instruments of systematic
investigation with empirical methods in order to arrive at objective results that support or
negate the research hypotheses.

 Evaluation:
The evaluation research is the final stage in an empirical research study. Here, the research
outlines the empirical data, the research findings and the supporting arguments plus any
challenges encountered during the research process.
This information is useful for further research.

 Examples of Empirical Research

An empirical research study can be carried out to determine if listening to happy music
improves the mood of individuals. The researcher may need to conduct an experiment that
involves exposing individuals to happy music to see if this improves their moods.
The findings from such an experiment will provide empirical evidence that confirms or
refutes the hypotheses.
An empirical research study can also be carried out to determine the effects of a new drug
on specific groups of people. The researcher may expose the research subjects to controlled
quantities of the drug and observe research subjects to controlled quantities of the drug and
observe the effects over a specific period of time in order to gather empirical data.
Another example of empirical research is measuring the levels of noise pollution found in an
urban area to determine the average levels of sound exposure experienced by its
inhabitants. Here, the researcher may have to administer questionnaires or carry out a
survey in order to gather relevant data based on the experiences of the research subjects.
Empirical research can also be carried out to determine the relationship between seasonal
migration and the body mass of flying birds. A researcher may need to observe the birds and
carry out necessary observation and experimentation in order to arrive at objective
outcomes that answer the research question.

 Empirical Research Data Collection Methods

Empirical data can be gathered using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
Quantitative data collection methods are used for numerical data gathering while
qualitative data collection processes are used to gather empirical data that cannot be
quantified, that is, non-numerical data.
The following are common methods of gathering data in empirical research

 Survey/ Questionnaire
A survey is a method of data gathering that is typically employed by researchers to gather
large sets of data from a specific number of respondents with regards to a research subject.
This method of data gathering is often used for quantitative data collection, although it can
also be deployed during
quantitative research.
A survey contains a set of questions that can range from close-ended to open-ended
questions together
with other question types that revolve around the research subject. A survey can be
physically or with the use of online data-gathering platforms .

 Empirical-surveys

Empirical data can also be collected by carrying out an experiment. An experiment is a
controlled simulation in which one or more of the research variables is manipulated using a
set of interconnected processes in order to confirm or refute the research hypotheses.
An experiment is a useful method of measuring causality; that is cause and effect between
dependent and independent variables in a research environment. It is an integral data
gathering method in an empirical research study because it involves testing calculated
assumptions in order to arrive at the most valid data and research outcomes.

 Case Study
The case study method is another common data gathering method in an empirical research
study. It involves sifting through and analyzing relevant cases and real-life experiences about
the research subject or research variables in order to discover in-depth information that can
serve as empirical data.

 Observation
The observational method is a method of qualitative data gathering that requires the
researcher to study the behaviors of research variables in their natural environments in
order to gather relevant information that can serve as empirical data.

 How to collect Empirical Research Data with Questionnaire

we can create a survey or questionnaire for collecting empirical data from your
research subjects also offers multiple form sharing options so that you can share your
empirical research survey to research subjects via a variety of methods.
Good research must begin with a good research question. Yet coming up with good research
questions is something that novice researchers often find difficult and stressful. One Reason
is that this is creative process that can appear myterious-even magical with experienced
researchers seeming to pull interesting research questions out of thin air. However,
psychological research on creativity has shown that it is neither as mysterious nor as magical
as it appears. It is largely the product of ordinary thinking strategies and persistence. This
section covers some fairly simple strategies for finding general research ideas, turning those
ideas into empirically testable research questions, and finally evaluating those questions in
terms of how interesting they are and how feasible they would be to answer.

 Empirical vs Non-Empirical Research

Empirical and non-empirical research are common methods of systematic investigation
employed by researchers. Unlike empirical research that tests hypotheses in order to arrive
at valid research outcomes, non-empirical research theorizes the logical assumptions of
research variables.

Empirical research is a research approach that makes use of evidence-based data while
nonempirical research is a research approach that makes use of theoretical data.
Method: In empirical research, the researcher arrives at valid outcomes by mainly observing
research variables, creating a hypothesis and experimenting on research variables to
confirm or refute the hypothesis. In non-empirical research, the researcher relies on
inductive and deductive reasoning to theorize logical assumptions about the research
The major difference between the research methodology of empirical and non-empirical
research is while the assumptions are tested in empirical research, they are entirely
theorized in non-empirical research.

Data Sample:
Empirical research makes use of empirical data while non-empirical research does not
make use of empirical data. Empirical data refers to information that is gathered through
experience or observation.
Unlike empirical research, theoretical or non-empirical research does not rely on data
gathered through evidence. Rather, it works with logical assumptions and beliefs about the
research subject.

Data Collection Methods:

Empirical research makes use of quantitative and qualitative data gathering
methods which may include surveys, experiments, and methods of observation. This helps
the researcher to gather empirical data, that is, data backed by evidence.
Non-empirical research, on the other hand, does not make use of qualitative or quantitative
methods of data collection. Instead, the researcher gathers relevant data through critical
studies, systematic review and meta-analysis.

 Advantages of Empirical Research

Empirical research is flexible. In this type of systematic investigation, the researcher can
adjust the research methodology including the data sample size, data gathering methods
plus the data analysis methods as necessitated by the research process.
It helps the research to understand how the research outcomes can be influenced by
different research environments.
Empirical research study helps the researcher to develop relevant analytical and observation
skills that can be useful in dynamic research contexts.
This type of research approach allows the researcher to control multiple research variables
in order to arrive at the most relevant research outcomes.
Empirical research is widely considered as one of the most authentic and competent
research designs.
It improves the internal validity of traditional research using a variety of experiments and
research observation methods.

 Disadvantages of Empirical Research

An empirical research study is time-consuming because the researcher needs to gather the
empirical data from multiple resources which typically takes a lot of time.
It is not a cost-effective research approach. Usually, this method of research incurs a lot of
cost because of the monetary demands of the field research.
It may be difficult to gather the needed empirical data sample because of the multiple data
gathering methods employed in an empirical research study.
It may be difficult to gain access to some communities and firms during the data gathering
process and this can affect the validity of the research.
The report from an empirical research study is intensive and can be very lengthy in nature.

 Conclusion
Empirical research is an important method of systematic investigation because it gives the
researcher the opportunity to test the validity of different assumptions, in the form of
hypotheses, before arriving at any findings. Hence, it is a more research approach.
There are different quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering employed during
an empirical research study based on the purpose of the research which include surveys,
experiments, and various observatory methods. Surveys are one of the most common
methods or empirical data collection and they can be administered online or physically.
you to create survey forms that you can share with target respondents in order to obtain
valuable feedback about your research context, question or subject.

Create Empirical Research Surveys

Empirical research empirical research characteristics example of empirical research uses of

empirical research advantage of empirical research disadvantages of empirical resarch
empirical research method empirical research cycle.
Empirical analysis is an evidence-based approach to the study and interpretation of
information. The empirical approach relies on real-word data, metrics and results rather
than theories and concepts. Empiricism is the idea that knowledge is primarily received
through the Five senses…..


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