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Water Pollution CyberHunt!


Part 1​: Water Pollution: The Basics

Watch the following video and then read the following article. Use what you learned to
answer the questions. Type your answers in the boxes below.


What is water pollution?

Why do we need clean water?
What are three ​natural​ causes of water pollution?



What are three ​human​ causes of water pollution?




What are three effects of water pollution?



Part 2​: How Water Pollution Effects Humans

1) Watch the following video:​ ​  

What is a water crisis?

Where around the world is clean water the most difficult to find?

What can drinking polluted water cause?

What are some solutions for the water crisis?

2) Read the following article: ​“Flint's residents mad over health problems caused by changing water”​ (Article will also be assigned on Google Classroom) 
What city in the United States is also facing a water crisis?

How did this city’s water become polluted?


What are three ways that the polluted water affects the people in this town?


CyberHunt Rubric

Great! Getting There! Help Needed.

☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆
Use of Links The student  The student successfully  The student needs help to 
successfully uses all  uses some links to find  use links and find 
links to find  information. Some  information in order to 
information  assistance needed to  answer questions. 
independently in order  answer questions. 
to answer questions. 

Accuracy Almost all student  Some student answers  Few student answers are 
answers are correct  are correct (70-89%).   correct (69% or less).  

Completeness The student answered  The student answered all  The student left some 
almost all answers  questions, but answers  questions blank.  
completely. Answers  are not complete or lack 
show effort.   effort.  

Time Use Classroom time was  Classroom time was  Classroom time was not 
used appropriately for  used appropriately for  used to work on the 
the entire CyberHunt.   the majority of the time,  CyberHunt for the 
but often distracted by  majority of the time 
conversations.  and/or was highly 
Name: ________________________________________ 

Water Filtration Challenge! 

Part 1: Brainstorm 

Using the materials provided at your table, brainstorm three different ways to create a 
system that will clean dirty water. Draw and label your ideas in the boxes below. 

Idea 1:  

Idea 2:  

Idea 3:  
Brainstorm Rubric

Great! Getting There! Help Needed.

☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆
Use of Materials The student used all  The student successfully  The student did not use 
materials  uses some materials  materials appropriately. 
appropriately.   appropriately, but 
needed some reminders.  

Pictures The student drew three  The student drew two  The student drew only one 
different pictures of  different pictures of  picture of a water filter. 
water filters.   water filters.   OR​ The student did not 
draw water filters.  

Labels The student accurately  The student accurately  The student did not label 
labeled all materials  labeled some materials  drawings accurately. 
used in the three  used in drawings.  

Time Use Classroom time was  Classroom time was  Classroom time was not 
used appropriately.   used appropriately for  used to work on the 
the majority of the time,  brainstorm for the 
but often distracted by  majority of the time 
conversations.  and/or was highly 

Name: ________________________________________ 

Water Filtration Challenge! 

Part 2: Create 

The Challenge:​ ​You and your group members are trying to being hired by the company 
CleanWater Co. In order to be chosen for the position, you need to create a water filter that 
will help a struggling area of the world access clean water. The filter needs to produce 1 cup 
of clean water. You will have three chances to design and test your system. The group that 
creates the water filtration system that works quickest and creates the clearest water will be 

Materials Available:
● Water Bottle 
● Coffee filters 
● Sand 
● Gravel 
● Larger rocks  
● Activated charcoal 
● Cotton balls 
● Paper towels 
● Plastic bands

Timeframe​: ​You will have 10 minutes to share your brainstorm designs from yesterday 
with your group members. You will then work together to draw and label your first design 
idea. Make sure to label your design so you know what materials you will use! No building is 
allowed during this time.  

You will then have 40 minutes to create and test your water filtration system. Each team will 
conduct 3 trials using the polluted water provided to determine how their filter performs. 
Your team should then ​redesign​ after each trial to improve on your speed of filtration and 
clarity of water. 

Test​: ​Use the data table to log your team’s time and clarity on each trial. You will film each 
of your trials on an iPad. The team with the lowest combined score will be hired by 
CleanWater Co.!  
Step 1:
Ask Yourself:
1. What are you building?  
2. What does it need to be able to do? 
3. What materials can we use?  
4. Are there any time constraints?  
Take a few minutes to listen to each person’s design ideas.
Team Member Name What I LIKE about their design.





Plan your ​team​ design: (Label all parts as needed) 

Step 2:
Create Your Design:​ It’s time to create your water filter! Take your materials and make sure 
that all members have the chance to help build.  
1. How did the process of building your filter go?  
2. What went well?  
3. What did not go as planned?  
4. What adjustments did you make to your design? How (if at all) did they help your 
design be more effective? Explain in detail below.  
Test Your Design:
Trial Length of Time Clarity Scale
(measure in seconds)  1, 2, or 3 

Remember:​ Film each trial on an iPad. Circle your lowest combined trial.

Clarity Scale:
3- Dark (Not Touching It!) 
2- Murky (I’d Swim In It!) 
1- Clear (I’d Drink It!) 
Create Rubric

Great! Getting There! Help Needed.

☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆
Use of Materials The student used all  The student successfully  The student did not use 
materials  uses some materials  materials appropriately. 
appropriately.   appropriately, but 
needed some reminders.  

Design The student listened to  The student drew a  The student did not listen 
team members ideas to  slightly different design  to group members. The 
draw and label a design.  from the other group  student did not label the 
members. It is partially  design.  

Group Work The student worked  The student worked  The student did not work 
well with group  somewhat well with  well with group members. 
members. The student  group members. The  The student either took 
both listened to and  student either spoke  over the entire group, or 
shared ideas at  over group members at  did not participate at all.  
appropriate times.   times, or did not 
participate much.  

Time Use Classroom time was  Classroom time was  Classroom time was not 
used appropriately.   used appropriately for  used to work on the 
the majority of the time,  brainstorm for the 
but often distracted by  majority of the time 
conversations.  and/or was highly 
Name: ________________________________________ 

Water Filtration Challenge! 

Part 3: Share 

Now it’s time to share your results! Answer the following questions below.

1. Are you happy with how your water filter worked? _________________________ 


2. What went well?  


3. What did not go as planned?  


4. What do you think you could do to make your water filter better?  

Complete questions 5 AFTER your commercial presentation.   

5. What feedback was provided by the audience? 

Water Filtration Commercial 

It’s time to sell your water filter! You and your teammates will plan and film a
commercial to get CleanWater Co. to want to buy your water filter. The company will use
your water filter to help an area around the world that is struggling with polluted water.

Commercial Requirements
1. Explain how your water filter works. 
2. Explain and show how fast it works. 
3. Explain and show how clean the water gets after being filtered. 
4. Use what you learned about water pollution in Part 1 to explain how and why it will 
help people. 
5. All group members need to participate in the planning and filming of the commercial!  
6. Film using iPads.  
What would YOU like your commercial to be like? Draw and/or write notes below.

Now listen to your group members ideas.

Team Member Name What I LIKE about their ideas.




Plan your TEAM commercial here. Who will say what? Who will be filming? How will you
get CleanWater Co. to want to buy YOUR water filter?
Share Rubric

Great! Getting There! Help Needed.

☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆
Commercial The student participated  The student participated  The student did not 
Planning in the planning of the  somewhat well in the  participate in the 
commercial. The student  planning of the  planning of the 
shared ideas and  commercial. The student  commercial. The student 
listened to group  somewhat listened to  did not listen to group 
members’ ideas well.   group members’ ideas.   members’ ideas.  

Commercial The student presented  The student presented in  The student either did not 
Presentation with a loud and clear  a quiet or unclear voice.   talk or was not able to be 
voice.  understood.  

Commercial All requirements were  Some requirements are  The commercial is 
Requirements covered in the  missing from the  missing almost all 
commercial.   commercial.   requirements.  

Group Work The student worked well  The student worked  The student did not work 
with group members.  somewhat well with  well with group members. 
The student both  group members. The  The student either took 
listened to and shared  student either spoke over  over the entire group, or 
ideas at appropriate  group members at times,  did not participate at all.  
times.   or did not participate 

Time Use Classroom time was used  Classroom time was used  Classroom time was not 
appropriately.   appropriately for the  used to work on the 
majority of the time, but  brainstorm for the 
often distracted by  majority of the time 
conversations.  and/or was highly 

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