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Total Score Available 50 Total Score Received 49.

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Mubtasin Rahma 1831291630

Problem 1 Scores Availabl 20 Scores Receive 19.5

Bengal Corporation is a manufacturer of cricket
Estimated forbats and have gathered the following information about the
Activity Share of MOH 2021
Cutting 45% 5,000 sq. feet of wood
Shaping 35% 3,000 DLH
Finishing 15% 4,500 MH
Delivery 5% 50 clients
Total 100%

Estimated total MOH for December $95,000

Estimated total units to be produced in Dece 2,500

They have received an order of 1,000 units of cricket bats from NSU Cricket Club with the following require
Total DM $10,000
Total DL $0 (All labor cost is included in MOH)
Required total quantity of wood 2,000 sq. feet
Required total DLH 1,200 DLH
Required total MH 1,800 MH
Part 1.1 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate the predetermined overhead rate for job-order costing. For job-order costing they use number of units pro
POHR= $38 per units produced

Part 1.2 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 2.5

Calculate the cost of fulfulling NSU's order according to job-order costing.
Total Cost = DM+DL MOH APPL $55,600 MOH APPLIE

Part 1.3 Scores Availabl 4 Scores Receive 4

Distribute the total MOH among the four activities using the percentages given.
Cutting $42,750
Shaping $33,250
Finishing $14,250
Delivery $4,750
Part 1.4 Scores Availabl 4 Scores Receive 4
Calculate the acitivity rate for each activity.
Cutting $8.55 per sq. feet of wood
Shaping $11.08 per DLH
Finishing $3.17 per MH
Delivery $95.00 per clients
Part 1.5 Scores Availabl 6 Scores Receive 6
Calculate the cost of fulfilling NSU's order according to activity based costing.
DM $10,000 Total $46,195
DL $0
Cutting $17,100
Shaping $13,300
Finishing $5,700
Delivery $95.00

Problem 2 Scores Availabl 15 Scores Receive 15

Dhaka corporation manufactures T-shirts in a factory composed of three processing departments. The follo
for the first manufacturing department for the month of November 2021.

Percent Department
Units Materials Conversion
Work in process, beginning 50,000 50% 25%
Started into production 350,000
Completed & transferred out 330,000
Work in process, ending 70,000 40% 35%
Materials Conversion
Work in process, beginning $25,000 $34,000
Cost added during July $444,800 $225,000
Part 2.1 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate their
equivalent unitsequivalent units of product.
of product. Materials Conversion
358,000 354,500
Part 2.2 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate their cost per equivalent unit.
Materials Conversion
$1.31 $0.73
Part 2.3 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate cost of ending WIP.
Materials Conversion
$36,744.13 $17,899.86
Part 2.4 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate cost of units transferred to the next department.
Materials Conversion
$433,055.87 $241,100.14
Part 2.5 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Prepare a cost reconciliation
Cost in report. added during Cost in
beginning WIP + the month = Ending WIP
Materials : $25,000 $444,800 $36,744.13
Total $469,800
Conversion : $34,000 $225,000 $17,900
Total $259,000 =
Problem 3 Scores Availabl 15 Scores Receive 15
Chittagong corporation has provided the following information for their business:
No. units sold 10,000
Sales Revenue $100,000
Variable Expense $30,000
Fixed Expenses $25,000
Part 3.1 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate their CM Ratio.
CM Ratio= 0.7 CM= $70,000
CM Ratio= 70%
Part 3.2 Scores Availabl 3 Scores Receive 3
Calculate their break-even sales. (In dollar, not in units).



Part 3.3 Scores Availabl 4 Scores Receive 4

Calculate required sales for earning a profit of $75,000.
SALES FOR 75000= $142,857

Part 3.4 Scores Availabl 5 Scores Receive 5

Variable expense per unit has increased by $5. If owners want to maintain the same CM Ratio that you calculated i
new price?
e border marked for each question.
rded for the full duration of the exam.

ollowing information about their manufacturing process:

lub with the following requirements:

ing they use number of units produced as their allocation base.

cessing departments. The following information is available
transfered to
+ next dept.

e CM Ratio that you calculated in Part 3.1, what should be the

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