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Dakota State University

College of Education  


Name: Hannah Hohwieler

Grade Level: 1
School: Dakota Prairie
Date: 4/28/22
Time: 45 minutes
Reflection from prior lesson
● The last whole group lesson I taught, the students were engaged up until I gave directions and then it
seemed like they completely forgot what they were supposed to be doing. For this lesson, I will make
sure that the students relay back to me what the directions are and what is expected of them. I will ask
them questions about directions after I get done explaining to them what they are.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

●  1.C.1.1 Identify primary symbols of the United States.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The students will create the American Flag using various materials.

Materials Needed 
● Red construction paper
○ If students choose red as their base, grab 6 strips of white paper
● White construction paper
○ If students choose white as their base, grab 7 strips of red paper
● Blue construction paper squares
● Red tissue paper
● Scissors
● Glue sticks
● White crayons
● KWL chart
● Quizizz

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● 11 boys
● 10 girls
● Talkative at times
● Students generally love hands-on activities
● 1 student on an IEP

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Formative assessment: There will be a few forms of formative assessment throughout the lesson. The
first one will be the discussion we have at the end of the Powerpoint about the information that was
talked about. I will ask them questions to see if they were paying attention. The other formative
assessment will be a Quizizz at the end of the lesson based on what was talked about during the

● Provide meaningful contexts: I will be talking about the Pledge of Allegiance which is something they
say everyday in school. It’s meaningful to talk about why they say it each day.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (5 minutes)  
○ getting attention: I will have a KWL chart where I first focus on the K category which is “Know.” I
will ask them what they already know about the American Flag.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: They say the Pledge of Allegiance everyday, so
it’s important for them to know the importance of the flag.
○ creating a need to know: They need to know what the flag symbolizes, so that they can have a
deeper understanding of why it’s important to say the Pledge each day.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Students will be engaging in a KWL chart, participating in a
Quizizz, and then will create an American Flag using various materials.

● Content Delivery (35 minutes)  

● Part 1: Powerpoint (10 minutes)

○ I will show them the Powerpoint of the American Flag after we complete the “Know” category of
the KWL chart.
■ “The American Flag” slide: I will go over the nicknames that the Flag is often called. “Old
Glory,” “the Stars and Stripes,” “the Star-Spangled Banner.” I will then continue to say
that if they ever hear these terms, that they are most likely referring to the flag.

■ “Symbolism” slide: The color red in the flag represents revolution, bravery, and
toughness. The white color in the flag represents purity, peace, and innocence. The 50
stars represent the 50 states in America, and the 13 stripes represent the 13 original

■ “Rules for respecting the flag” slide: The flag can be flown in daylight when weather is
not going to damage the flag. If there is bad weather, the flag is lowered and is not flown.
If a flag is flown at night, it should be spotlighted. The flag should never be worn as
clothing or shouldn’t ever touch the ground.
■ “What are you wondering slide?” Down below

● Part 2: KWL Chart - “Wonder” (5 minutes)

○ After I get to the last slide of the Powerpoint, it will lead into our next category on the KWL chart
which is the “Wonder” category. I will then say, “what are any of you still wondering about the
flag?” or “what do you want to know more about when it comes to the American flag?”

● Part 3: American Flag craft (20 minutes)

○ Once we get through the Powerpoint and the first two categories of the KWL chart, we will then
start with our craft. I will say something like, “Okay, now that we’ve learned about the flag, we
are going to start a craft. I don’t want any of you to get up or get materials without being
dismissed by me first. First off, you will all get the choice of having a red piece of construction
paper, or a white piece of construction paper. Once you grab a full sheet of paper, depending on
the color you choose, you will grab either strips of white or red. If you choose a white piece of
paper, you will grab red strips, and if you grab a red piece of paper, you will choose white strips.
Everyone will take one blue square to glue in the upper lefthand corner. Once you grab your
materials, you will go back to your desk and glue the strips and the blue square where they
belong, and then draw stars on the blue square. There are also cotton balls to glue on the white
stripes, and red tissue paper to glue on the red stripes.

○ I will give them about 20 minutes to start on their flags, but we will work on them more tomorrow.
We will also finish the “Learn” category of the KWL chart as well.
● Closure (5 minutes)  
○ Quizizz
i. Which is NOT a nickname of the American Flag? Red, White, and Blue
ii. What is NOT a rule for respecting the flag? Stomping on the flag
iii. How many stripes are on the flag? 13
iv. What does the BLUE color symbolize? Justice, freedom, and care
v. How many stars are on the flag? 50
vi. What does the WHITE color symbolize? Peace, purity, and innocence
vii. What does the RED color symbolize? Bravery, revolution, and toughness
viii. The Pledge of Allegiance means pledging your loyalty to your country. True

B. Assessments Used
● Discussion: We will have a discussion right after the Powerpoint about the topics discussed during the

● Quizizz: There will be 8 questions regarding the content taught during the lesson.

C. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ For the wonder category in the KWL, I will ask if there is anything else that they would like to
share rather than having it be very direct and explicit answers.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ During the craft, I might ask them to add more detail to their flag.
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners))
○ N/A

D.  Resources
The American Flag Powerpoint

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