Articles Listening

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G a rticles

V collocation: word pairs Today’s public figures can no longer write their own speeches or
P pausing and s e n t e n c e s t r e s s books, and there is some evidence th a t they can’t read them either.
Gore Vidal,

10B The power of words US writer

1 G R A M M A R articles 2 READING
a W ho w as the first m an to land on the m oon? In w hat year? a R ead extracts from four fam ou s inspirational
speeches. M atch the su m m ary o f what they are
b 5 35))) Listen to him saying the first w ords saying to each speaker E P , W C , N M , and B O .
spoken from the m oon. W ith a partner, try
to com plete the sentence and answ er 1 Although people don’t believe we are capable o f
the questions. succeeding, if we really want to, we will be able
to do it.
“T h a t’s o n e ________ ste p f o r _________ , 2 We are prepared to starve ourselves in order to
one gian t leap f o r ________ draw attention to inequality.
3 However long it takes, we will carry on resisting
1 W hat do you think the difference is between a step and a leap? the enemy and we will never give up.
2 What do you think mankind m eans? 4 I have fought all my life to end racial inequality.

c 5 36))) Listen to an interview about the m oon landing. W hat b R ead the speeches again and find w ords or
w as the controversy about the w ords A rm stron g actually said? ph rases in the text for these definitions.
W hat’s the difference in m eaning between a man and man? Did Emmeline Pankhurst
new technology prove him right or w rong? 1 __________noun refusing to eat to protest about
d Listen again and answ er the questions. 2 __________|HJ> about to die
1 When did A rm strong write the words he w as planning to say 3 __________noun the people in power, e.g., in
when he first stepped on the moon?
4 __________adj very im portant, to be treated w ith
2 D oes Arm strong say he wrote, “T hat’s one small step fo r great respect
m an.. or “One small step fo r a m an...”?
Winston Churchill
3 Why doesn’t the sentence everybody heard make sense?
1 _________ HJITITO continue
4 What did A rm strong think he said? 2 _________ adj getting bigger
5 W ho is Peter Shann Ford? What did he discover? 3 _________ verb give up, stop fighting
6 How did Arm strong feel when he heard about this? Nelson Mandela
e R ead som e m ore facts about A rm stron g. Are the highlighted 1 __________verb formal to love something very much
p h rases right or w rong gram m atically? C orrect the m istakes. 2 __________E33> form al if necessary
Barack Obama
1 Neil A rm strong was born in the US.
1 _________ verb resist
2 He w as a shy boy, who loved the books and the music.
2 _________ noun a person who doesn’t believe
3 He studied aeronautical engineering at the university. th a t anything good can happen
4 He was the first man who set foot on moon. 3 __________IH!> when you have to think about how
5 H is fam ous words were heard by people all over the world. things really are, not how you would
like them to be
6 Before becom ing a astronaut, he worked for the U S Navy. 4 __________nounbelief
7 After 1994, he refused to give the autographs.
c W hich speeches seem s to you to be the m ost /
8 In 2005, he was involved in a lawsuit with an ex-barber, who
least in spiration al? Why?
tried to sell some o f the Arm strong's hair.
f >■ p.151 Gramm ar Bank 10B. Learn m ore about articles, and d 5 40))) Now listen to the extracts spoken by the
practice them. people them selves (except Em m eline Pankhurst’s,
which is read by an actress). D o you respond to
g > • Com m unication Geography true or fa lse A p.108 B p.106. any o f them differently? W hich do you think is
C om plete sentences about geography with articles. m ore im portant, the w ords them selves or the
way they were spoken?

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