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Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery


Biochemical conversion of ­CO2 in fuels and chemicals: status,

innovation, and industrial aspects
Rishi Gupta1 · Archana Mishra2 · Yeruva Thirupathaiah3 · Anuj Kumar Chandel4 

Received: 25 December 2021 / Revised: 26 February 2022 / Accepted: 3 March 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Carbon dioxide levels in the earth atmosphere have been rising to alarming levels over the past few decades by human activ-
ity and thus caused global climate change due to the “greenhouse effect,” which in turn brought about adverse effects on the
planet. Major sources of carbon dioxide ­(CO2) emissions include fossil fuel combustion, land-use change, industrial processing,
respiration of various life forms, and decomposition of biomass. However, over the past 20 years, there has been a continuous
research effort on the reducing carbon dioxide levels, by converting into the syngas, methanol, dimethyl carbonate, epoxides,
polymers, and fine chemicals through chemical catalytic or biotransformation routes. Biological conversion including micro-
bial and/or enzymatic conversion holds high potential as an alternative to the energy-intensive chemical conversion of ­CO2.
Besides being the low energy process, bio-conversion of C ­ O2 offers several unique advantages such as an easy and improved
production at a high scale with a better conversion rate, the possibility of a diverse product range, and hyper-production by
genetic modifications with zero competition for land with food crops. To this end, products that use ­CO2 biotransformation
by the global biotech and chemical industry are only about 11.5 million tons annually, and it is a very small fraction of the
approximately 24 billion tons of annual C­ O2 emission. Hence, there is an enormous scope for generation of high end biorefiner-
ies through C
­ O2 bioconversion systems. Here, we review the various production sources of C ­ O2, the metabolic and enzymatic
­CO2 conversion pathways, and the commercialization potentiality of various green chemicals from ­CO2.

Keywords CO2 emissions · Biological conversion · Renewable fuels and energy · Environment management

1 Introduction activities (https://​o urwo​r ldin​d ata.​o rg/​C O2-​a nd-​o ther-​
green​house-​gas-​emiss​ions). As per stoichiometry, com-
Natural events and anthropogenic activities have led to bustion of 1 ton of fossil fuel carbon emits approximately
the generation of high level of ­CO 2 emissions into the 3.5 tons of ­C O 2 , which leads to the accumulation of
environment. Since natural ­C O 2 emission events are about ­1012 tons carbon in the environment [1]. It has been
self-balancing, anthropogenic activities are considered reported that the ­CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at
the main factor for this environmental change leading to Mauna Loa has increased from 277 to 408.5 ppm from
global warming and climate change. Fossil fuels burning 1750 to 2019 [2, 3]. Furthermore, BP’s Energy Outlook
is the largest source (~ 85%) among all the anthropogenic 2030 (2013) predicts that oil will still remain the most
dominant resource of energy in the years to come. It is
also forecasted that the global energy demand will grow
* Anuj Kumar Chandel by 36% between 2011 and 2030 [4], and if the buildup; of ­CO 2 continues at current rates by 2060, it will cross
1 560  ppm (https://​w ww.​wefor ​u m.​o rg/​a genda/​2 020/​0 7/​
Material Characterization Laboratory, Anton Paar India Pvt.
Ltd, Udyog Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana 122016, India clima​te-​change-​incre​ased-​carbon-​dioxi​de-​emiss​ions-​scien​
2 tists). According to the study, if C ­ O2 does reach double
Macro Oceans Inc, San Francisco, CA, USA
the pre-industrial level, then there is up to an 18% chance
Central Sericulture Research and Training Institute, Mysuru, that temperature will rise to 4.5 °C above pre-industrial
Karnataka 570008, India
levels (http://​u nfccc.​i nt/​resou​rce/​d ocs/​2 015/​c op21/​e ng/​
Department of Biotechnology, Engineering School of Lorena l09r01.​pdf n.d).
(EEL), University of São Paulo, Lorena 12.602.810, Brazil

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Region-wise status of C ­ O2 emission in the world is shown designer biocatalysts that would make the process of ­CO2
in Fig. 1. According to the report, Asia is the largest emit- conversion more efficient into fuels and chemicals (Boot-
ter (53%), with China (27.2%) and India (6.8%) as the big- Handford et al. 2019; [8]. Various physicochemical routes
gest contributor. China alone is responsible for generating including thermal catalytic conversion, photocatalysis,
10 billion tons of C ­ O2 emission annually. North America electrocatalysis, and/or photo-electrocatalysis have been
is the second largest continent in terms of ­CO2 emissions attempted for such catalytic conversion of C ­ O2 to various
contributing to almost 18% of global anthropogenic C ­ O2 products. Various catalytic metals, metal oxides and novel
emissions. In North America, the USA is the main contribu- nano-sized catalyst metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have
tor (14.6%) with annual production of approximately 5 giga been developed for thermal catalytic hydrogenation of ­CO2.
tons of C ­ O2. European Union Countries along with Russia However, the high cost of fossil fuel used and the high value
stands for approximately 17% C ­ O2 emissions (http://​unfccc.​ of reactant hydrogen gas added in the thermal catalysis pro-
int/​resou​rce/​docs/​2015/​cop21/​eng/​l09r01.​pdf). cess make this approach less competitive to produce meth-
COPE 21 Climate Change Summit accepted the “Paris ane or methanol [13]. While, in photocatalysis, the photon-
Agreement” to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to generated electrons induce hydrocarbon formation following
keep the worldwide temperature rise up to 1.5 °C (http://u​ nf- redox reaction to ­CO2, however, the process has low conver-
ccc.​int/​resou​rce/​docs/​2015/​cop21/​eng/​l09r01.​pdf). Accord- sion efficiency and poor selectivity of products, and most
ing to IEA, this limit of temperature increase can only be importantly, it involves toxic and expensive metal elements,
achieved by limiting the C ­ O2 levels by 15 giga tons annually, which makes the process less favorable (Kocí et al. 2010;
but still, only 14% of C ­ O2 is captured annually [5]. This [14]. Another C ­ O2 conversion approach involves the elec-
means that there is a need for enormous efforts in this area. trocatalytic conversion of ­CO2 to store energy. The approach
In the quest for ­CO2 emission management, various carbon involves use of an external electric field as an energy source
capture and storage strategies (CCSS) have been investigated for the reduction of ­CO2 [15]. Compared with thermocataly-
in the last two or three decades. ­CO2 can serve as a major sis, the electrocatalytic conversion is a much cost-effective
carbon feedstock to be converted into chemicals and fuels, method,however, similar to other catalytic systems, product
and also its transformation to value-added products offers selectivity is still the major concern [16]. Recently, photo-
the dual advantage of both decreasing the atmospheric C ­ O2 electrocatalysis, which combines the advantages of photo-
levels and subsequently efficiently exploiting it as potential catalysis and electrocatalysis, has started to gain interest for
carbon resources [6]. In general, ­CO2 fixation is carried out the selective conversion of C ­ O2 under sunlight irradiation.
by physicochemical removal of ­CO2 from the atmosphere However, the process needs more efficient and environmen-
and its subsequently catalytic conversion to chemicals and tally benign catalytic systems and efficient utilization of
fuels [7, 8]. However, microbial and enzymatic approaches solar energy to make the process cost competitive [17–19].
for ­CO2 fixation and transformation to high-value products Carbon fixation by cyanobacteria and algae is of prac-
are gaining extensive interests [8–10]. These approaches tical interest because they can grow on a large scale in a
include gas fermentation, microbial electrosynthesis, and short period of time and convert ­CO2 into various metabo-
enzymatic conversions [11, 12]. Biotechnological interven- lites more efficiently. Recent studies have demonstrated that
tions could be opened up further by exploring metabolic hybrid airlift photobioreactor systems found to be highly
pathways in genetically modified microorganisms and in efficient in the selection of suitable microalgae species on

Fig. 1  Global ­CO2 emission sta-

Europe + Russia (17%)
tus (adapted from [https://​ourwo​
North America (18%)

Africa (3.7%)

Asia (53%)

South America (3.2%)

Oceana (1.3%)

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

mixotrophic culture mode and used to calculate carbon roughly has the same order as its absorption. The ocean car-
dioxide bio-fixation rate to quantify the carbon removal bon sink alone is approximately 12.6 giga tons per year [26].
[20]. Algae have been considered a key player in carbon Besides natural causes, increasing industrialization
bio-fixation in a mixotrophic mode of cultivation performs and soaring population levels have led to increasing
photosynthesis by trapping solar energy and provides a com- the ­C O 2 emissions worldwide and are responsible for
plete bio-circular approach for sustainable development for exerting extra pressure on the earth system. It has been
generation of value-added products [21]. reported that anthropogenic GHG emissions account for
In the present review, we aim to explore the various approximately up to 66.6% of the total global GHG emis-
sources of atmospheric ­CO2 emissions, strategies to reduce sions. The main anthropogenic sources of ­CO2 emissions
the ­CO2 levels, detailed understanding of the microbial con- include the use of fossil fuels, land-use change including
version of ­CO2, elucidation of enzymatic routes for a diverse agricultural activities, and industrial processes (Table 1).
product portfolio from ­CO2, and commercial industrial set- It has been reported that all these factors have now led to
ups involved in C ­ O2 bioconversion. Though the utilization reach the levels of ­CO2 emissions to a significantly dan-
of CO2 will never be the entirety of the solution, additional gerous limit (Van [27, 28]. ­CO2 emissions from different
strategies such as minimization of energy usage and shift- anthropogenic activities are discussed in the following
ing towards on alternative renewable energy sources and section (Table 1).
developing novel processes for converting C ­ O2 to produce
valuable chemicals could be an ideal solution. 2.1 CO2 emissions through fossil fuel combustion

The burning of fossil fuels is primarily used to generate elec-

2 Sources of ­CO2 emissions tricity, as a transportation fuel and driving force for several
manufacturing operations. However, its combustion leads
Natural systems and anthropogenic activities are the two to a significant amount of ­CO2 generation. According to a
main ­CO2 emission sources. The natural system includes report, in 2016, fossil fuel caused 73.5% of total anthro-
ocean sinks, earth, volcanic activities, and respiration activi- pogenic GHG emissions with more than 32.5 billion tons
ties; however, it is a complex system as the exact under- of ­CO2 emission (https://​www.​ipcc.​ch/​site/​assets/​uploa​ds/​
standing of its ­CO2 adsorption and emission mechanisms 2019/​08/4).
and methods to collect data are still uncertain. Among natu- Worldwide, coal, oil, and natural gas are the 3 main types
ral sources, oceans are the largest contributor with 42.84% of fossil fuels that have been used extensively in various
of ­CO2 emissions [22]. Since oceans have approximately sectors, and out of which, coal is the main source of ­CO2
50 times more C ­ O2 than the atmosphere, they also perform emissions. It is calculated that each ton of coal can give
huge ­CO2 diffusion activities by which ­CO2 is released. It rise to 2.5 tons of ­CO2 equivalents emissions [29]. Among
has been reported that this process generates about 330 giga various sectors, the use of fossil fuels in heat and electricity
tons of C ­ O2 emissions globally [22]. Respiration activities generation alone has generated approximately 49.1% fuel
by plants and animals contribute to 28.56% of total natural associated with GHG emissions. In 2016, 15.01 billion tons
emissions, which subsequently amounts to about 220 giga of fossil fuels were used for electricity and heat generation,
tons of ­CO2 emissions [22]. Besides, plants and animals, which is 6.15% higher than in 2010 (https://​www.​wri.​org/​
respiration by microorganisms, soil animals, and plant roots resou​rces/​data-​visua​lizat​ions/​world-​green​house-​gas-​emiss​
are other important sources of natural C ­ O2 emission. These ions). The sector is majorly dependent on coal as a fuel
soil emissions are also due to decomposition activities by the source, which makes it a major carbon footprint contributor
microorganisms. In combination, soil accounts for annual (International Energy Agency 2012). The burning of fuels
220 billion tons of ­CO2 emissions globally [22],US [23]. for transportation is the second biggest reason for anthro-
Additionally, volcanic ­CO2 emission due to volcanic erup- pogenic carbon emissions. In 2016, the transportation sec-
tion can annually create about 0.15 to 0.26 billion tons of tor emitted 7.87 billion tons of ­CO2. This sector not only
­CO2 emissions (http://v​ olcan​ oes.u​ sgs.g​ ov/h​ azard​ s/g​ as/c​ lima​ includes road transport, but also marine shipping, aviation,
te.​php). In addition to volcanic activities, earthquakes also and rail transport. Steady increase in the automobile indus-
contribute significantly to atmospheric ­CO2 emission. There try and transportation of goods are also the prominent com-
are very few reports where C ­ O2 emissions from earthquakes ponents of this sector. Among various modes of transport,
are reported. Recently, it has been reported that the Tohoku road transport alone accounts for 74.8% of C ­ O2 emission.
earthquake liberated approximately 19.2 Petagram ­CO2-eq It is important to note that the levels of C ­ O2 emission from
[24], while total GHGs emission from the Wenchuan earth- the transportation of goods has even surpassed the total
quake was nearly 1 Petagram C ­ O2-eq [25]. Nevertheless, emissions from the industrial sector. However, among vari-
it is also noteworthy that the total natural system emission ous types of transport, aviation is the most carbon-emitting

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Table 1  Major ­CO2 emitting Source CO2 emitting sectors

sources and their various
contributing activities (adapted Fossil fuel combustion in transport sector Road (16%)
Ship (2.25%)
emiss​ions) Air (2.55)
Rail and pipeline (0.8%)
Industry processes Cement (4.03%)
Iron and steel (4.98%)
Unallocated fuel burning (2.82%)
Electricity and heat Residential building (14.67%)
Commercial building (8.88%)
Agriculture Agriculture (1.21%)
Fisheries (1.07%)
Chemicals 2.42%
Land-use change Burning (2.42%)
Crop land (1.88%)
Forest land (2.96%)
Manufacturing and construction 7.27%
Other industry 6.72%

transportation and therefore is one of the fastest-growing deforestation also leads to soil disturbance with increased
­CO2 emission sources [30]. After the transportation sec- rates of decompositions, which subsequently emits C ­ O 2.
tor, the manufacturing sector causes approximately 17% of According to the IPCC Special Report, land-use change
total GHG emissions. In 2016, the C ­ O2 generation due to activities are responsible for approximately of 13% C ­ O 2,
manufacturing and construction practice was approximately 44% ­CH4, and 82% ­N2O emissions from anthropogenic
6.1 billion tons (https://​www.​wri.​org/​resou​rces/​data-​visua​ activities worldwide during 2007–2016 (https://​www.​wri.​
lizat​ions/​world-​green​house-​gas-​emiss​ions). Besides, these org/​resou​rces/​data-​visua​lizat​ions/​world-​g reen​house-​gas-​
major contributors to anthropogenic emissions, burning of emiss​ions).
fuels for other applications, and the emissions from other
miscellaneous applications also contribute to a sizeable 2.3 CO2 emissions through industrial processes
proportion. In 2016, they constituted approximately 12%
of the total fuel associated with GHG emissions ( https://​ Approximately, 36% of total anthropogenic ­CO 2 emis-
www.​wri.​org/​resou​rces/​data-​visua​lizat​ions/​world-​g reen​ sions in the year 2016 came from the industrial sector out
house-​gas-​emiss​ions). of which manufacturing has accounted for the maximum
share. In 2016, among various industries, iron and steel
2.2 CO2 emissions through land‑use changes generate maximum anthropogenic ­CO2 emission (9.6%)
followed by chemical industries (4.84%) and cement indus-
Land ecosystems are one of the major carbon stocks that tries (4.04%) (World steel Association. [35]. ­CO2 emis-
play a pivotal role in mitigating anthropogenic ­CO2 emis- sions from the industrial sector are due to the excessive
sions [31]. It has been observed that annually, land ecosys- use of fossil fuels and/or chemical reactions that occurred
tem takes up almost one-fourth of the industrial C­ O2 emis- during the production process. Fuels are used to produce
sion globally [32]. However, attributing the man’s need for various chemical products which subsequently lead to
food, fuel, and shelter led to an increase in deforestation ­CO2 emissions. Production of ammonia and hydrogen are
activities, and the growing population has further put huge among the most C ­ O2 emission-intensive processes with
pressure on forest areas. As an estimate, from 1850 to 2000, fossil fuels as their raw materials. Similarly, plastic and
the land-use change has released approximately 396–690 lubricants use petrochemicals as their raw material, which
giga tons of ­CO2 emission [33], while from 2000 to 2009, on combustion generates a high amount of C ­ O2. Chemi-
it has contributed to almost 12.5% of total emissions [34]. cal combustions are the main process in the iron-steel and
Thus, land-use changes are one of the major contributors cement processing industries. To convert cast-iron to steel,
for the ­CO2 emissions worldwide with the increased defor- the iron is oxidized, which converts the carbon into ­CO2.
estation. Though converted agriculture land also acts as a As an estimate, for the preparation of 1-ton steel, almost 2
carbon sink but not as effective as forest land. Moreover, tons of C
­ O2 is produced (World steel Association 2011).

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Table 2  List of microbes assimilating ­CO2 for subsequent conversion to various value-added products
Biological system Organism Pathway Source Product Reference

Archaea Methanobrevibacter HP/HB CO2 Methane and thermo- [68]

aboriphilus stable enzymes
Methanospirillum sp. HP/HB CO2 Methane and thermo- [68]
stable enzymes
Methanothermobacter HP/HB CO2 Methane and thermo- [68]
thermautotrophicus stable enzymes
Pyrococcus furiosus Modified genetically to CO2 and ­H2 3-Hydroxypropionic [75]
harbor genes for HP/ acid
HB cycle
Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elon- CBB pathway CO2 Sucrose [58]
Synechococcus elonga- CBB and Glycolytic CO2 2,3-Butanediol [57]
tus PCC 7942 pathway
Synechocystis elongates Over expression of CO2 Sucrose [211]
PCC7942 cscB gene
Synechocystis PCC6803 Expression of pdc and CO2 Ethanol [212]
Synechocystis sp. Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 and H2O Ethanol or hydrocarbon [60]
pathway fuels
Synechocystis sp. Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 Bioethanol http://​www.​algen​
pathway ol.​com/ direct-
Firmicutes Bacillus sp. SS105 CBB CO2 FAME [213]
Clostridium thermocel- Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 Acetate, ethanol, [68]
lum pathway butanol, caproate,
C. aceticum Wood-Ljungdahl Industrial waste gases Acetone [80]
C. carboxidivorans Wood-Ljungdahl Industrial waste gases Acetone [80]
Clostridium acetobu- Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 Acetone and butanol [81]
tylicum pathway
Clostridium autoetha- Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 Acetate, ethanol, [68]
nogenum pathway butanol, caproate,
Clostridium carboxidi- Wood-Ljungdahl H2/CO2 (3:1) Ethanol [79]
vorans pathway
Clostridium ljungdahlii Genetically modified Syngas Butanol [80]
Clostridium ljungdahlii Wood-Ljungdahl Industrial waste gases Acetone [80]
Clostridium ljungdahlii Wood-Ljungdahl Syngas Ethanol [214]
Acetobacterium woodii Wood-Ljungdahl H2:CO2 (67:33) Acetate [215]

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Table 2  (continued)
Biological system Organism Pathway Source Product Reference

Proteobacteria Acidithiobacillus CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]

Citrobacter amalonati- HP/HB CO2, H2, sucrose Succinate [217]
Cupriavidus eutrophus CBB and rTCA​ CO2:O2:H2 (1:2:7) PHA [218]
Desulfobacter hydrog- CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]
E. coli Reductive glycine CO2 Glycine and serine [104–106]
E. coli rTCA cycle CO2 Malate [109]
E. coli Reverse action of for- CO2 Formic acid production [110]
mate hydrogenlyase
E. coli CBB cycle CO2 Cell growth [111]
Ideonella dechloratans CBB and rTCA​ CO2:O2:H2 (1:2:7) PHB [219]
R. eutropha Harboring heterogene- CO2 Diesel range methyl [94]
ous fatty acid synthe- ketone
sis genes
R. eutropha A photoelectric device CO2 Isobutanol and [95]
R. eutropha Molybdenum-based CO2 Polyhydroxybutyrates, [96]
catalyst surface butanol, farnescene,
display and other long-chain
Ralstonia eutropha CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]
Rhodobacter capsulatus CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]
Rhodopseudomonas NifA, encoding tran- Light-driven ­CO2 Methane [65]
palustris scription activator of reduction
Thiomicrospira denitri- CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]
Xanthobacter flavus CBB and rTCA​ CO2 Bioplastic [216]
Actinobacillus suc- HP/HB Biogas Succinic acid and [98]
cinogenes methane
A. succinogenes HP/HB Lignocellulosic hydro- Succinic acid [99]
Yeast S. cerevisiae Reductive glycine CO2 Glycine and serine [107]
S. cerevisiae Coexpression of cbbM, CO2/xylose/maltose Ethanol [220]
sPRK, GroEL, and
 CBB Calvin-Benson-Bassham, rTCA​reductive TCA, DC/HB dicarboxylate/4-hydroxybutyrate, HP/HB 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate

Typically, in the cement industry, limestone is transformed 3 CO2 conversion through microbial routes
chemically at elevated temperature; almost 0.9 tons of ­CO2
is liberated to prepare 1 ton of cement [36]. Microbial conversion of ­CO2 is one of the crucial strat-
egies for C
­ O 2 mitigation and its conversion various to
value-added products (Table 2). The approach holds high

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

potential as an alternative to the energy-intensive chemi- as key enzymes [44]. So far, the presence of this cycle
cal conversion of C ­ O 2 [37]. Besides, being low energy has been reported only in anaerobes and facultative aer-
process, microbial conversion of ­CO2 offers several advan- obes such as Thermoproteales [45] and Desulfurococca-
tages such as easy production at a high scale, high produc- les [46] and Pyrolobus fumarii [47]. Both HP/HB cycle
tivity, high conversion rate, low source specificity, diverse [48, 49] and 3-HP bicycle [50, 51] employ acetyl-CoA/
product range, the possibility of hyper-production by propionyl-CoA carboxylase to assimilate two moles of
genetic modifications, and zero competition for land with bicarbonate,however, 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase
food crops [38]. Amelioration in biofuels titers by micro- is the main enzyme in the HP/HB cycle [44] and in 3-HP
organisms seems possible by manipulating the metabolic bicycle are propionyl-CoA synthase [52] and malonyl-CoA
intermediates that are recognized in the cellular glycolysis reductase [53], and HP/HB cycle has only been reported
pathway. A vast number of native microorganisms have a in aerobic Crenarchaeota, and 3-HP bicycle has shown
distinct genetic system that is capable of the synthesis of its presence in green non-sulfur bacteria only [40]. rTCA
green chemicals and fuels [39]. However, the production cycle, which is reversal of TCA cycle, fixes two moles of
of these petroleum substitutes from the microorganisms ­CO2, and it is reported in green sulfur bacteria, aquificae
is still uncompetitive and requires genetic manipulation bacteria, and proteobacteria [44]. Besides, in these natural
for industrial use. Metabolic engineering has played a key pathways, efforts are also been made to elucidate artificial
role in the improvement of ­CO2 utilizing microorganisms. ­CO2 fixation pathways in microbes. One such synthetic
Metabolic engineering-based innovations will be pivotal to pathway is the crotonyl-CoA/ethylmalonyl-CoA/hydroxy-
engineer the superior strains that would make the process butyryl-CoA (CE TCH) cycle. The pathway consists of 17
of conversion of ­CO2 more efficient at an industrial scale. enzymes from 9 different organisms with crotonyl-CoA
carboxylase/reductase as its key enzyme. This enzyme
has shown a higher reaction rate than RuBisCO at 40%
3.1 CO2 fixation pathways in photosynthetic less energy expenditure than CBB [54, 55]. In another
microbes study, Bar-Even et al. suggested two synthetic pathways of
malonyl-CoA-oxaloacetate-glyoxylate (MOG) assimilat-
There can be several pathways for the ­CO 2 fixation in ing two bicarbonate molecules to produce glyoxylate. In
microbes; however, so far, seven ­C O 2 fixation path- principle MOG mimics the natural ­CO2 fixation pathway
ways have been proposed. These include Calvin-Ben- of C4 plants; however, it employs methylmalonyl-CoA
son-Bassham (CBB) cycle, the reductive tricarboxylic carboxytransferase enzyme, due to which the cycle com-
acid (rTCA) cycle, the reductive glycine pathway, the plete without losing the carbon. Moreover, the pathway
reductive acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) pathway, the is suggested to have better specificity, kinetics, and ATP
3-hydroxyproppionate bicycle, the 3-hydroxypropionate/4- efficiency than the CBB cycle [56].
hydroxybutyrate cycle (HP/HB), and the dicarboxylate/4- Cyanobacteria, the autotrophic photosynthetic bacte-
hydroxybutyrate (DC/HB) cycle (Fig. 2). CBB cycle is ria, can fix C
­ O2 by photosynthesis and can be genetically
used by algae, proteobacteria, cyanobacteria, and most manipulated (especially for Synechocystis and Synecho-
plants and is quite similar to pentose phosphate pathway coccus) to convert C ­ O2 into various products [57]. The
with RuBisCO as its key enzyme [40]. In this pathway, main strategies for the genetic manipulation of cyanobac-
ribulose-5-phosphate on uptake of ­CO2 molecules forms teria are improvement in the efficiency of RuBisCO, reduc-
3-phosphoglycerate, while in the case of the Wood-Ljun- tion of photorespiration, directed pathway design, and
gdahl pathway [41] and the reductive glycine pathway hyperexpression of key enzymes to increase carbon flux
[42, 43], ­CO2 is reduced directly by CO dehydrogenase, [25, 58, 59]. Kanno and coworkers modified the glycolytic
formate dehydrogenase, and formylmethanofuran dehy- pathway and CBB cycle in Synechococcus elongatus PCC
drogenase. This pathway has been reported to be active 7942 for enhanced C ­ O2 fixation. The study demonstrated
in a variety of organisms, including proteobacteria, spiro- an amplified conversion of Ru5P to R15P for increased
chaetes, and planctomycetes [40]. Interestingly, DC/HB production of 2,3-butanediol in dark by deletion of a reg-
cycle, HP/HB cycle, 3-HP bicycle, and rTCA cycle all ulatory gene (cp12) of the CBB cycle [59]. In another
have evolved around common intermediates, viz., acetyl- study, S. elongates were engineered to export ­CO2 in the
CoA and succinyl-CoA, and also have several common form of sucrose, which was subsequently consumed by
reactions in their cycles. However, each cycle is present in the Halomonas boliviensis to produce PHB [60]. Another
the specific microbial group, and their C
­ O2 uptake mecha- example is the genetic manipulation of Synechocystis sp.
nism also varies. DC/HB cycle assimilates one mole of to produce bioethanol by Algenol Biofuels., USA (http://​
bicarbonate and one mole C ­ O2 with pyruvate synthase, www.​a lgen​o l.​c om/ direct-to-ethanol/the-technology).
PEP carboxylase, and 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase Similarly, Joule Unlimited Technologies Inc., MA, USA,

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Fig. 2  Existing ­CO2 fixation pathways in microbes including a hydroxybutyrate (DC/HB) cycle, e the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, f
the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle, b the reductive glycine the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle (HP/HB cycle),
pathway, c the reductive TCA (rTCA) cycle, d the dicarboxylate/4- and g the 3-hydroxyproppionate (3-HP) bicycle

engineered cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp.) to produce Rhodopseudomonas palustris using nitrogenase transcrip-
ethanol or hydrocarbon fuels from C
­ O2 and H
­ 2O directly in tion activator (NifA) [66].
a single-step process [61]. Besides cyanobacteria, purple
non-sulfur bacteria (Rhodospirillum rubrum, Rhodobac- 3.2 CO2 fixation pathways in other microbes
ter sphaeroides, R. capsulatus, Rhodovulum viride), and
anoxygenic phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria (Thiodic- Besides the photosynthetic microbes, the C
­ O2 fixating capa-
tyon syntrophicum) [62, 63] have also been studied for bilities of non-photosynthetic microorganisms have also
simultaneous ­CO 2 capture and H ­ 2S removal from flue been investigated. Archaea belonging to phyla Euryarchae-
gases and wastewater [52, 64, 65]. In a report, Fixen and ota and Crenarchaeota and bacteria belonging to phyla Pro-
colleagues demonstrated ­CO2 assimilation to methane by teobacteria, Actinobacter, Aquificae, Chlorobi, Firmicutes,

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Chloroflexi, and Thermodesulfobacteria are among non- autotrophic CO2 fixation [89, 90]. Ralstonia eutropha, a
photosynthetic ­CO2 fixating microorganisms. Most of the β-proteobacteria, has been modified genetically to convert
microbes in Euryarchaeota are C ­ O2-type hydrogenotrophic ­CO2 into industrially useful products [91–93]. Also, it has
methanogens, i.e., capable of methane production using C ­ O2 been reported to synthesize PHAs and produce medicinal
and ­H2 as substrate molecules. Examples of these methano- compounds via diverse carbon utilization pathways [89,
genic archaea are Methanobrevibacter aboriphilus, Metha- 90, 94]. A native beta-oxidation pathway knockout strain
nothermobacter marburgensis, Methanosarcina barkeri, and of R. eutropha, which is harboring heterogeneous fatty acid
Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus [67]. Methano- synthesis genes, has demonstrated production of methyl
gens have the potential of bioremediating and sequestering ketone at a concentration of 50–65 mg/L [95]. In another
­CO2 at the same time along with the production of methane study, the strain of R. eutropha has been used to develop
as an alternative fuel source [68, 69]. While Crenarchaeota a photoelectric device capable of using hydrogen to drive
are facultatively aerobic or strictly anaerobic, hyperthermo- ­CO2 fixation for the production of 3-methyl-1-butanol and
philic archaebacteria including Cenarchaeales, Desulfuro- isobutanol [96]. Similarly, a molybdenum-based catalyst dis-
coccales, Sulfolobales, and Thermoproteales [70–75] and playing R. eutropha has been used to develop an integrated
some members of these archaea are reported to assimilate microbial electrocatalytic system to produce butanol, poly-
­CO2 by HP/HB cycle [48]. In a study, the hyperthermophilic hydroxybutyrates, farnescene, and other long-chain alkenes
archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus has been modified geneti- [97]. Besides R. eutropha, Actinobacillus succinogenes, a
cally to harbor genes for HP/HB cycle from Metallosphaera rumen derived Proteobacteria, is also been used as a poten-
sedula to produce 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP) from ­CO2 tial candidate for genetic modification to capture C ­ O2 and
and ­H2 [76]. subsequent conversion to useful commodities. A. succino-
Acetogenic mixotrophs, such as Clostridium sp., also has genes is the best-known natural succinate producer and also
the potential to capture C­ O2 and its onward use as a feed- a capnophile, which requires high amount of ­CO2 for the
stock to produce industrial products, viz., acetate, acetone, increased production of Succinic acid [98]. Gunnarsson and
butanol, caprylate, caproate, ethanol, lactate, methanol, and coworkers demonstrated production of succinic acid and
valerate, using different pathways [77–79]. Ramachandriya methane from A. succinogenes using biogas as carbon source
et al. [80] reported 23% sequestration of C
­ O2 using Clostrid- [99]. In another study, Li and colleagues used lignocellulosic
ium carboxidivorans from a supply of H ­ 2/CO2 (3:1) along hydrolysate for large-scale succinic acid production from A.
with a 66.5% theoretical yield of ethanol. In another report, succinogenes [100]. Later, Jajesniak and group genetically
a genetically modified strain of C. ljungdahlii has been used modified the A. succinogenes strain to elucidate its carbon
for butanol production from syngas [81]. Similarly, using the metabolism and nutritional requirements [101]. Moreover,
engineered strains of C. ljungdahlii, C. carboxidivorans, and attempts have also been made for in situ recovery of succinic
C. aceticum, a German company, Evonics, has developed a acid without salt production [102].
acetone fermentation process employing ­CO2 from indus-
trial flue gases [81]. Recently, Papoutsakis and colleagues 3.3 CO2 fixation using genetic engineered microbes
engineered C. acetobutylicum for ­CO2 fixation by integrating
eleven genes of the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway from C. ljun- In addition to the above-described microbes, attempts have
gdahlii [82]. Besides, acetogens such as A. woodi, Blautia also been made to develop genetically modified Escherichia
products, Butyribacterium methylotrophicum, C. autoetha- coli and S. cerevisiae strain for ­CO2 fixation for the production
nogenum, Moorella thermoacetica, Eubacterium limosum, of a wide array of chemicals [59, 65, 79, 103, 104]. There are
and Thermoanaerobacter kivi can also be used for assimi- several reports on the heterotrophic expression of reductive
lating ­CO2 through non-photosynthetic and anaerobic route glycine pathway for ­CO2 assimilation and its conversion to cel-
[71, 72, 83, 84]. lular glycine and serine in both E. coli [105–107] and S. cer-
Moreover, Proteobacteria have also shown the capability evisiae [108]. While Mattozi and colleagues incorporated four
of sequestering ­CO2 employing various pathways. Among subgroups of 3-HP bicycle separately in different E. coli strains
them, α-Proteobacteria such as R. capsulatus, Rhodobacter and demonstrated that all the recombinant strains have devel-
sphaeroides, Oligotropha carboxidovorans, and Xantho- oped the capability to assimilate C ­ O2 [109], in another report,
bacter flavus capture ­CO2 by Calvin cycle [85, 86], while Guo and coworkers have demonstrated enhanced malate pro-
some β-proteobacteria (Herbaspirillum autotrophicum) and duction by incorporating the rTCA cycle into the periplasm of
γ-proteobacteria (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, A. thioox- E. coli [110]. Moreover, scientists at the University of Dundee
idans, and Hydrogenovibrio marinus) also used Calvin cycle (UK) genetically modified the E. coli strain for efficient carbon
to assimilate ­CO2 [49, 85, 87, 88]. Other Proteobacteria such capture and formic acid production [111]. Recently, Gleizer
as Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus and Thiomicrospira deni- and colleagues developed a fully autotrophic E. coli strain
trificans have been reported to employ the rTCA cycle for capable of growing solely on C ­ O2 by incorporating a complete

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

CBB cycle into E. coli [112]. Interestingly, the US scientists of ­CO2 may involve chemisorption of ­CO2 with regener-
have created a novel enzyme, formolase, to convert formalde- able alkaline aqueous solvents to significantly increase the
hyde into dihydroxyacetone, which opens up the avenues for ­CO2absorption rate and facilitate lower heat of desorption
the development of a novel C ­ O2-assimilation pathway that on [124].
incorporating into E. coli’s can be used for the direct conver- Though the use of calcium has shown its immense
sion of ­CO2 into ethanol as fuel (https://​sites.​google.​com/​view/​ potential in a variety of processes, however, the stringency
lidst​rom-​lab/​resea​rch/​formo​lase-​enzyme-​engin​eering?​authu​ of reaction conditions, for instance, process temperature
ser=0). (up to 125  °C), is the major hindrance in their fullest
exploitation [124]. Several approaches have been adopted
3.4 CO2 fixation using microbial electrosynthesis to overcome these limitations by the researchers (Daigle
and Desrochers 2009,[125, 126]. Additionally, Migliar-
CO2 capture and conversion using microbial electrosynthe- dini and colleagues developed a thermostable CA from
sis are another potential approach. Microbial electrosynthesis Sulfurihydrogenibium yellowstonense, which on immo-
from ­CO2 relies on the electron uptake capability of microor- bilization over polyurethane foam revealed efficient ­CO2
ganisms from the cathode directly or using reduced mediators capture and carbonate conversion. In another approach,
or regenerated equivalent from the electrode as an electron Alvizo and group employed site-directed mutagenesis to
source. The initial proof of C
­ O2 reduction via microbial elec- develop mutants of Desulfovibrio vulgaris with improved
trosynthesis was demonstrated by Nevin and colleagues, where thermotolerance (up to 107 °C) [127]. Interestingly, to
Sporomusa ovata reduced the C ­ O2 by directly consuming the increase the selectivity of RuBisCO enzyme towards ­CO2,
electrons out of graphite electrodes and generated acetate Lin and coworkers attempted to overexpress CA in Chlo-
[113]. In another report, Zhang and coworkers brought about rella sorokiniana and C. vulgaris, which when used in
2.3-fold higher acetate production with the use of nickel nan- photobioreactors exhibited a remarkable increase in their
oparticle coated carbon cathode by S. ovata in MEC setup ­CO2 capture capability with improved protein and biomass
[114, 115]. Similarly, Jourdin and colleagues reported a higher production [128].
acetate production with the use of nanoweb carbon cathode
owing to an increase in surface area for microbial adherence
[116]. Other pure cultures of acetogenic electrotrophs, such as 4.2 Conversion of CO2 by formate dehydrogenase
A. woodii, C. aceticum, C. ljungdahlii, S. sphaeroides, and S.
silvacetica, have also been employed to produce acetate [117]. Formic acid (formate), the main product of formate dehy-
The product formation in microbial electrosynthesis is greatly drogenase assisted conversion of C­ O2, is among the most
depending upon the cathode material. A maximum of 80% promising fuel alternative for various applications [129,
improvement in acetate production has been obtained by modi- 130]. Formate dehydrogenase (Fdh) is a typical oxidore-
fied cathode material such as carbon nanotube (CNT)-cotton, ductase enzyme, which requires NADH as a cofactor for
chitosan, Au-nanoparticles (Au-NPs), 3-aminopropyltrieth- the fixation of C
­ O2 and its conversion to formate. Since
oxysilane, Pd-NPs, Ni-NPs, and polyaniline [114]. Besides NADH is having quite a low stability in the oxygen-rich
acetate [114, 118, 119], this approach has also been used to environment, several attempts have been made to enhance
produce several other value-added products, such as butanol the efficacy of the process. As an attempt, Lu and cow-
[120], formate [121], methane [118, 122], oxobutyrate [117], orkers used an immobilization approach to encapsulate
and ­H2 [118]. NADH- dependent Fdh in alginate-silica hybrid gels,
which revealed approximately 95% C ­ O2 conversion effi-
ciency and was able to retain approximately 70% of its
4 Enzymatic conversion of ­CO2 activity over 10 batches of recycling [131]. In another
report, Lee and coworkers copolymerized Fdh and NADH
4.1 Conversion of CO2 by carbonic anhydrase over an electrochemically synthesized polydopamine
(PDA) thin films for formic acid production [132]. The
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is one of the most prominent copolymerized system demonstrated facilitated electron
enzyme systems to capture ­CO2. It can directly convert transport and increased stability over a longer period.
­C O 2 to bicarbonate ­(HCO 3 − ) in a two steps reaction Moreover, to decrease the NADH usage, Yadav and the
involving a nucleophilic attack and active site regenera- group developed a graphene-based photocatalyst-enzyme
tion [123]. This conversion process can assist three dif- system for NADH regeneration and formate production
ferent processes, viz., mineralization, membrane, and [133]. The artificial photosynthetic system demonstrated
absorption, in ­CO2 capture, sequestration, and utilization 54% NADH regeneration with 144 mol of formate pro-
[124]. For instance, the CA-induced enzymatic conversion duction. Similarly, Amao and coworkers have developed

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

an synthetic leaf device, which comprises co-immobili- without catalyst with a much lower required overpotential
zation of chlorin-e6 with an alkane chain and NAD(P) and extremely high selectivity [142].
H-dependent Fdh on a silica gel-based substrate [134].
On application, the artificial leaf exhibited higher for- 4.4 Conversion of CO2 by nitrogenases
mate production, NAD(P)H regeneration, and improved
enzyme stability. Interestingly, Muller and coworkers dis- Nitrogenases are another group of enzymes which has shown
covered a bacterial hydrogen-dependent ­CO 2 reductase potential in capturing ­CO2. The main product formed by
from Acetobacterium woodii that eliminates the expense capturing ­CO2 is methane, while reports are also avail-
of NAD(P)H from the formate conversion reaction [135, able for the conversion of ­CO2 into CO and other hydro-
136]. Similarly, researchers have also identified NAD(P) carbons with the action of nitrogenases. It was observed
H-independent Fdh with molybdenum or tungsten at the that the nitrogenase MoFe protein can convert ­CO2 to ­CH4
center of active sites [137–139]. through a multielectron (six-electron) reduction of N
­ 2 [145].
To the best of our knowledge, the tungsten-containing Besides methane, engineered nitrogenase can also catalyze
Fdh from Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans [139] is the most the fixation of C
­ O2 with acetylene, producing propylene. It
active enzyme for formate production. Besides, artificial has been reported that substituting the amino acids present
photosynthetic systems, the approach of enzymatic elec- in the active site of nitrogenase MoFe protein with other
trosynthesis, have also been employed for the formate appropriate molecules may alter its catalytic behavior. The
production. An enzymatic electrosynthesis cell comprises doubly substituted MoFe protein can catalyze the generation
enzymatic anode and cathode separated by an electrolyte of propylene through the reaction of ­CO2 and acetylene [6].
solution and an external circuit with power supply. Using Recently, Rebelein and coworkers have demonstrated the
this approach, Zhang et  al. studied the enzymatic elec- role of vanadium nitrogenase in reducing the C ­ O2 molecule
trosynthesis of formate from ­NaHCO3 by enzymatic fuel to hydrocarbons [146].
cell system with FDH immobilized and NADH as a cofac-
tor, and observed a maximum formate production rate of 60 4.5 Conversion of CO2 by ribulose‑1,5‑bisphosphate
mg ­L−1 ­h−1 [140]. Recently, Choi and colleagues extracted carboxylase/oxygenase
FDH from Rhodobacter capsulatus and used it with differ-
ent mediators (44 mMof alizarin red S, anthraquinone-2- The involvement of the RuBisCO is substrates specific, i.e.,
sulfonic acid, benzyl viologen, and methyl viologen [MV]) as carboxylase, it catalyzes the carboxylation of ribulose-
for effective electron transfer to reduce ­CO2, which dem- 1,5-biphosphate glucose, while as an oxygenase, it initiates
onstrated ­CO2 reduction to 6 mM of formate in 5 h [141]. C2 photorespiration for the generation of 2-phosphoglycer-
ate, and C
­ O2 [140]. In nature, RuBisCO demonstrates lower
4.3 Conversion of CO2 by carbon monoxide specificity towards C­ O2 over O­ 2, and therefore researchers
dehydrogenases are attempting to modify RuBisCO to increase its specific-
ity towards ­CO2 [58]. Liang and coworkers engineered a
Conversion of C ­ O 2 to carbon monoxide (CO) through Synechocystis PCC 6803 strain to overexpress RuBisCO,
methanol catalyzed by carbon monoxide dehydrogenases which revealed improved growth and photosynthesis activity
(CODHs) is gaining extensive interest [142, 143]. In nature, [147]. In another report, a synthetic photosynthetic system
two types of codes are available, i.e., ­O2-sensitive [Fe4S4Ni] coupled with Calvin cycle enzyme was constructed for con-
and air-stable [MoSCu] [137], among which oxygen-sensi- verting ­CO2 to sugars, which demonstrated 96% conversion
tive CODHs have been observed to exhibit CO oxidation, efficiency [148].
while the [MoCu] CODHs do not generate CO [137, 143].
As reported, oxygen-sensitive CODHs possess Ni and Fe 4.6 Conversion of CO2 by decarboxylases
centers bridged by a [3Fe–4S] cluster, which causes proxim-
ity in these metal centers. Inspired by this in vivo system, The decarboxylases are used to develop hydrophilicity to
the development of in vitro system for C ­ O2 reduction to CO toxic compounds for subsequent reduction in their lipophilic
is always a topic of interest among researchers. Shin and co- affinity. The application of decarboxylases can be catego-
workers firstly observed that [NiFe] CODH (from Moorella rized into four main groups, including (i) epoxides, (ii) aro-
thermoacetica) CODH as an appropriate enzymatic catalyst matic compounds, (iii) hetero-aromatic compounds, and (iv)
for ­CO2 reduction [144]. Later, Parkin and colleagues immo- aliphatic compounds [149]. In contrary to the carboxyla-
bilized [NiFe] CODH on a pyrolytic graphite electrode and tion of epoxides, the aromatics carboxylation involves the
investigated its efficiency in an anaerobic sealed cell and use of phenyl phosphate enzymes from Thauera aromatica
reported significantly higher standard reduction potential for for the carboxylation of phenolics to develop p-hydroxy-
the inter-conversion between C ­ O2 and CO as compared to benzoic acid [6]. Trichosporon moniliforme WU-0401

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

was used for the heterologous expression of salicylic acid polyelectrolyte-doped polyurethane lumen [159]. The artifi-
decarboxylase (Sdc) for the conversion of t m-aminophenol cial photosynthetic system revealed a 35.6–90.65% increase
into p-aminosalicylic acid with approximately 70% yield in the methanol production than the solution-based system.
[150]. Recently, Wuensh and coworkers demonstrated the Recently, Schlager and coworkers for the first time dem-
regioselective carboxylation of para-hydroxystyrene deriv- onstrated electrochemistry assisted direct methanol conver-
atives with decarboxylases to generate the corresponding sion from ­CO2by immobilizing the requisite enzymes in an
(E)-cinnamic acid derivatives with bicarbonate as a source alginate-silicate hybrid gel matrix [160].
of carbon dioxide [151]. Moreover, resorcylic acid decar-
boxylases from Rhizobium sp., Agrobacterium tumefaciens,
have also been reported to catalyze 1,3-dihydroxybenzene 5 Product portfolio of ­CO2 conversion
to 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid [6]. For the carboxylation of
aliphatic compounds, pyruvate decarboxylase from Baker’s There is a wide array of potential C
­ O2 use and applications,
yeast with thiamine pyrophosphate as a cofactor has been which includes (a) direct use or non-conversion where
employed. The enzyme has been successfully exploited for ­CO2 is not chemically altered and (b) use of ­CO2 by trans-
the synthesis of pyruvate by carboxylation of acetaldehyde, formation via multiple technological routes to fuels, chemi-
which on optimization of reaction conditions revealed an cals, and other high-value compounds (Fig. 3) [161]. This
81% pyruvate yield at pH 11 with sodium bicarbonate buffer section presents the range of possible compounds that can
as ­CO2-source [152]. be produced from ­CO2.

4.7 Conversion of CO2 by multi‑enzyme system 5.1 Syngas production

Production of methanol from ­CO2 is a multi-enzymatic step- Syngas is gaining worldwide attention because of its versa-
wise process and requires NADH cofactor. Obert and Dave tility to generate many chemicals and fuels. It is a mixture
encapsulated formate dehydrogenase (Fdh), formaldehyde of CO and ­H2 gases, which is toxic, odorless, and colorless
dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase in a porous [162]. For the production of syngas, any carbon source can
silica sol–gel matrix for enzymatic conversion of ­CO2 to be used; however, steam reforming of methane is the most
methanol and observed higher methanol yield as compared commonly used production process for syngas [163]. Con-
to free enzymes [153]. However, the major drawback of sidering the high emissions, carbon dioxide is gaining exten-
this low water solubility of these enzymes and deteriora- sive interest to be used as a primary feedstock in the syngas
tion of catalysts is due to ethanol, which is liberated dur- production. The new technologies involve various routes
ing hydrolysis [154]. To overcome these problems, Xu with ­CO2 reforming processes using hydrocarbons. Other
and coworkers, encapsulated these dehydrogenases in the ways can be catalytic reverse water gas shift (RWGS), ther-
alginate-silicate composite, which on application demon- mocatalytic route, plasma process, electro- or photocatalysis,
strated higher enzyme stability [154]. Later, different kinds and other bioprocesses such as enzyme coupled nanoparticle
of immobilizing carriers were also synthesized to produce systems, using a biomass char, bio-electrochemical reduc-
microenvironments for enzymatic reactions. Sun and cow- tion, and catalysts [163, 164].
orkers co-immobilized these dehydrogenases in ­TiO2 nano- Generation of value-added commodities by combining
particles and obtained high methanol yield [155]. In another ­CO2 and methane has always been attractive as these are
report, Wang and group immobilized these dehydrogenases cheap molecules. The process, “dry reforming,” is an endo-
in the lumen of ultrathin hybrid microcapsules to reduce the thermic reaction, and the gas evolved can be exploited to
mass transfer resistance and observed a remarkable increase produce various important hydrocarbon compounds [165].
in the yield and selectivity than free enzymes (35.5% and
47.3%) [156].
CO2 + CH42CO + 2H2;ΔH298K = 247.3kJ∕mol (1)
In another report, Marques Netto and group immobi- Here, ­CH4 and ­CO2 adsorb on different active sites: meth-
lized the above-mentioned four enzymes on functionalized ane on noble metal (e.g., Pt) and ­CO2 adsorbs on support
nanoparticles and demonstrated 64-times conversion than (e.g., ­ZrO2). The carbonate is formed by chemisorption of
free multi-enzyme complex [157]. In another report, Yadav ­CO2 at the metal or support, and the interface is reduced to
and coworkers developed a hybrid system by combining a formate by methane dissociation on the noble metal [164,
photocatalyst with enzymes (FDH, formaldehyde dehydro- 166]. Syngas is produced via methane reforming and subse-
genase, and ADH) for highly selective methanol produc- quently converted in situ via Fischer–Tropsch synthesis or
tion [158]. Similarly, Ji and colleagues reported an artifi- methanol synthesis. ­CH4 decomposition or CO dispropor-
cial photosynthesis system, where enzyme cascade coupled tionation is one of the major problems in the dry reforming
with a cofactor regeneration system was immobilized into a

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Fig. 3  Classification of pathways for C

­ O2 assimilation

process. Supported nickel is the most studied among the this direction for the development of suitable catalysts with
catalysts among a few other supported noble metals like Rh, high activity and stability have been reported by numerous
Ru, and Pt [163, 164, 166]. authors [168–175],Zheng et al. 2013). Also, a variation of
In the ­CO2 reforming of ­CH4 or dry reforming process, dry reforming has been used industrially [166]:
steam is replaced by the ­CO2 in the conventional reforming
process [164, 166]. Highly pure synthesis gas with lower ­H2/ a. Calcor process: It involves dry reforming of methane,
CO ratio of unity is produced that is suitable for a variety of optimized to reduce the hydrogen content of the product
products including Fischer–Tropsch fuels without further gas [176, 177], Teuner et al. 2001), and the hydrogen is
post-reformer reactions [164, 167]. Two types of greenhouse further separated by membrane permeators.
gases ­(CO2 and C ­ H4) are also utilized here with the flex- b. Sparg process: Here, the active catalytic sites are blocked
ibility of using installed infrastructure to the manufacture by poisoning the feed gas with hydrogen sulfide ­(H2S)
of important chemical commodities [163, 164]. However, to produce high CO content [178],O’Connor and Ross
the biggest limitation of this process is the unavailability 1998; [179].
of a well-developed catalyst to work at high temperatures
By choosing the r ight propor tions of
for high conversions, contributing to carbon deposition by
­CH4:water:CO2 (3/2/1 usually), the combination
both ­CO2 and ­CH4 [164, 167]. However, the progress in

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

of steam and dry reforming of methane can gen- produced from ­CO2 and ethylene oxide followed by produc-
erate syngas with a H
­ 2/CO ratio of ideal 2 [180, tion of DMC and ethylene glycol by reaction with excess
181]. methanol [189].
c. Bi-reforming: Dry reforming with partial oxidation is
5.4 Cyclic carbonate from CO2 and epoxide
adaptable for reforming varied natural gas and C ­ O2
sources and, thus, allowing to alter the H­ 2/CO ratio by
Cyclic carbonates can be used as an electrolyte in the sec-
controlling the extent of reaction [166, 182].
ondary batteries, a precursor for polycarbonates, and some
d. Autothermal reaction (ATR): Combination of exother-
other polymeric materials. It can also be useful as intermedi-
mal and endothermal reaction requires the addition of
ates in some fine chemicals production (e.g., pyrimidines,
­CO2 or ­CO2-rich gas to adjust the syngas composition
dialkyl carbonates, glycols, carbamates). Cyclo-addition of
for desired ­H2/CO ratio [183].
­CO2 to an epoxide for the production of cyclic carbonate is
e. Tri-reforming: It uses natural and flue gases with the
an effective route for C
­ O2 conversion with a market of more
waste heat in power plants and in situ heat generated
than 20 million tons per year. However, the stability, activity,
from oxidation with the oxygen that is present in flue gas
and recovery of the catalysts are not satisfactory, although
[184, 185]. The process results in the production of syn-
the process has now reached an industrial scale [190].
gas with desired ­H2/CO ratios (1.5–2.0) and eliminates
carbon formation in the ­CO2 reforming of ­CH4 [184].
5.5 Production of polymers

Incorporation of ­CO2 into polymers is a promising ­CO2

5.2 Methanol production
assimilation approach with a potential of worldwide annual
production exceeding 200 million tons per year [190, 191].
Methanol due to its application as carbon source for various
Urea–formaldehyde and melamine–formaldehyde resins
chemicals (acetic acid, Di-methyl-ether, formaldehyde, ole-
use ­CO2 as primary carbon source. Polyalkylene carbon-
fins, and methyl tert-butyl ether production) and as a blend-
ates can also be generated by the reaction of ­CO2 with
stock for motor fuels is considered among the most valuable
epoxides or by transesterification of C ­ O2 with dimethyl
chemical [186]. Industrially, it is produced from compounds
carbonate, which subsequently can be used in the manufac-
containing ­H2, CO, and ­CO2 such as natural gas, syngas, or
ture of thermoplastic polyurethanes, elastomers, varnishes,
coal in the presence of a catalyst. Direct ­CO2 hydrogena-
foams, adhesives, sealants, or impact-resistant modifiers
tion, electro- or photo-processes, and enzymatic processes
[192, 193]. Moreover, polyoxymethylene that could chal-
have also been reported as nonconventional routes. Methanol
lenge polyolefins and might replace polyethylene and poly-
production from C ­ O2 comprises syngas production as an
propylene partially can be developed from reaction of ­CO2
intermediate step [163]. Efforts are being made to produce
with formic acid and 1,3,5-trioxane. Moreover, ­CO2 can
methanol in a single step (via C ­ O2 hydrogenation or CO
also be captured in polymethylmethacrylate and bisphenol
from reacting with hydrogen) without syngas formation. The
A for long-term use [194, 195].
conventional process using homogeneous or heterogeneous
catalysts (Cu/ZnO/Al2O3) occurs at a pressure of 5–10 MPa
5.6 Production of fine chemicals
and a temperature of 210–350 °C [164].
CO2 assimilation for generation of fine chemicals. viz.,
5.3 Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) production
esters, carbonic acids, heterocyclics, and lactones particu-
larly, holds immense potential because of their application in
DMC, a biodegradable and non-toxic linear carbonate, is
a wide variety of commodities such as plasticizers, solvents,
used widely in industrial applications, for instance, as sol-
detergents, sun-protection agents, antioxidants, and deform-
vents, reagents for alkylation or acylation reactions, and
ing agents. Acetyl-salicylic acid from ­CO2 and phenols can
octane booster component in gasoline and diesel. Currently,
be synthesized from the carboxylation reaction. Other fea-
the main route for its production is by oxidative carbonyla-
sible reactions are conversion of ­CH4 and ­CO2 to acetic
tion of methanol [187]. Tin is the most commonly used
acid, ­CO2 and benzene to benzoic acid, C ­ O2 and ethylene to
catalyst in direct methylation reaction, which is employed
acrylic acid, and aromatics carboxylation by C ­ O2 using Si/
as an organometallic complex or oxide compound [188].
Al-based catalyst [196–198]. However, the contribution to
However, this process presents low yields (10%) due to the
­CO2 utilization is very limited in this area [190].
chemical inertness of ­CO2 and catalyst deactivation due to
formation of ­H2O [187]. Large-scale production of DMC
took place in a two-step process,first ethylene carbonate, is

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

5.7 Inorganics production fermentation process using naturally occurring anaero-

bic bacteria converting the syngas to bioethanol solution.
Calcite ­(CaCO3) is obtained from ­CO2 and Ca(OH)2 as a Exhaust gases from the fermenter are further used for heat
product in well-defined grain sizes and purity grades and and power generation [205].
used as a filling material in the pharmaceutical industries Fitoplancton Marino (Spain) is a company that deals
and buildings [199, 200]. Hydrotalcite is used widely as with microalgae production and conservation systems, nutri-
an antacid for gastric acid and produced from magnesium tion, and products that are rich in vitamins, omega-3 (with
oxide, sodium aluminate, and C ­ O2 [201]. It also serves as lower content of saturated fatty acids), minerals, antioxi-
a catalyst in the aldol reactions and polyesters transesteri- dants, and many other functional compounds focusing on
fication. Along with these, ­CO2 can also be exploited for health improvement and well-being [206]. They use propri-
metal oxides precipitation [202]. However, due to the slow etary algal bio-filters and innovative technologies to cap-
kinetics of natural mineral carbonation, these processes are ture ­CO2 and other harmful atmospheric pollutants in urban
energy-intensive. centers. Fermentalg and the Suez group have collaborated in
2015 and exploited the exceptional capacity of microalgae
to capture C­ O2 and reduced the smoke from industrial sites
6 Industrial scenario of ­CO2 bioconversion [206].
Similarly, Algenol Biotech LLC (Florida, USA) is also
There are various technological routes such as electrochemi- commercializing its algal-based technology for the develop-
cal, catalytic, biological, mineralization, and copolymeriza- ment of ethanol, diesel, gasoline, and jet fuels (http://​www.​
tion to utilize C­ O2 and convert into commercial products algen​ol.​com/ direct-to-ethanol/the-technology); [204]). The
(fuels and chemicals). This section reviews the companies total production level is aimed at around 8 × ­103 gallons fuel/
that concentrate on CO/CO2 bioconversion for the genera- year/acre, but it has not been achieved successfully to date.
tion of valued commodity chemicals (Table 3). The technology would produce fuels with reduced carbon
LanzaTech (USA) has developed a biological gas-fer- footprint (~ 60%) and cost savings to customers (~ 75 cents
mentation process that transforms the hydrogen-free-CO- per gallon). Their high yield patented technology “Direct
rich waste gases and residues from industrial processes into to ethanol®” uses cyanobacteria to convert C ­ O2 dioxide
chemicals and fuels and chemicals with high yields in a con- from industrial sources and seawater into sugars and fur-
tinuous process [61, 203]. It started the 56.8 ­m3/year capac- ther into ethanol and biomass using patented photobioreac-
ity pilot-scale ethanol facility using C
­ O2 from a mill off-gas tors and provide fresh water also (http://​www.​algen​ol.​com/
exhaust in 2008 followed by the commencement of first direct-to-ethanol/the-technology).
commercial facility with a capacity of 60,567 ­m3 ethanol In another report, Cellana, Inc., USA (founded as HR
production per year in May 2018 (China). Moreover, several BioPetroleum, Inc. in 2004), has patented ALDUO™ pro-
other commercial plants are under planning/construction cess to cultivate algae in photobioreactors and open raceway
stage in Belgium and China (90,850 m ­ 3 per year) [61, 203]. ponds using seawater and C ­ O2, harvest them, and extract oil
Joule Unlimited Technologies Inc. (USA) works on genet- from algae for conversion into biodiesel and utilize the resid-
ically engineered microbes (e.g., cyanobacteria) to harness ual high protein biomass for several co-products (2020a).
solar energy (patented Solar Converter system) and convert The company has produced over 20 metric ton dry weight
­CO2 into ethanol and/or hydrocarbon. It has already com- of algal biomass (branded ReNew Algae™) from a variety
pleted the pilot testing of ethanol (trademarked as Sunflow- of non-GMO strains. The three-product biorefinery business
E) and diesel (trademarked as Sunflow-D) production pro- model (ReNew™ Fuel, ReNew™ Omega-3, and ReNew™
cesses [61]. Feed) involves establishing off-take agreements for biofuels,
INEOS Bio (UK) is licensing and commercializing its Omega-3 nutritional oils, and animal feed to develop the
novel biochemical and thermochemical technology for the commercial algae facilities throughout the world (2020a).
generation of renewable energy from a various low-cost Interestingly, Dyecoo Textile systems BV (Netherland)
feedstocks [204]. Their breakthrough gasification and fer- are harvesting supercritical fluid extraction-CO 2 dyeing
mentation technology is the first commercial-scale produc- technology. The dyeing machines of the company run at
tion (in 2013) for the transformation of plant waste into two textile producers: Tong Siang (Thailand) and Far East-
ethanol production and renewable energy [205]. The waste ern New Century Corp. (Taiwan) for 100% polyester (poly-
biomass is superheated with controlled amounts of oxygen ethylene terephthalate) dyeing at a temperature of 120 °C
forming synthesis gas (CO + ­H2; heat from the produced and 250 bar pressure. DyeOx has a capacity of 4 tons/day
gas is recovered and used to generate renewable power. with 20–200 kg of goods/batch in three different chambers
Synthesis gas is cleaned, cooled, and then fed through the (maximum daily capacity: 4000 kg) (2020b). Nike (branded


Table 3  An overview of ­CO2 assimilation companies and their products through various technological routes
CO2 conversion pathway Company Main product Process description

Electrochemical conversion of CO2 1. Sunfire GmbH-pilot (Germany) 1. Syngas and other fuels, 1. Co-electrolysis of steam and C ­ O2 using solid
2. Etogas (Germany) such as gasoline, diesel, and methane oxide electrolysis cells + Fischer–Tropsch pro-
3. Haldor Topsøe (Denmark) 2. Methanol cess; pilot-scale in operation
4. DNV GL (Norway) 3. Methane, CO 2. Alkaline pressurized electrolysis; pilot in Japan
4. Formic acid and formate salts 3. Methanation process called TREMP™ + eCOs™
to produce CO; need more R&D
4. ECFORM process; R&D
Catalytic conversion of CO2 1. Carbon Recycling International (CRI), Iceland 1. Methanol 1. Vulcanol™ process; commercial scale
2. Carbon Engineering (Canada) 2. Liquid hydrocarbon fuels 2. Direct Fuel Production™; pilot scale
3. BSE Engineering (Germany) 3. Methanol 3. Demonstration project completed
Mineral carbonation 1. CarbonCure 1. Concrete products 1. ­CO2 concrete™ curing process; commercial
Technologies (Canada) 2. Cement- and concrete-making technology scale
2. Solidia Technologies (USA) 3. Carbon-negative aggregate 2. Concrete™ curing process; commercial scale
3. Carbon8 Systems (UK) 4. Near ­CO2-neutral building material, called 3. Accelerated Carbonisation Technology (ACT);
4. UCLA (University of California, Los ­CO2NCRETE commercial scale
Angeles, USA) 5. Cement-free concrete 4. Carbon Upcycling’s process; R&D
5. Carbstone Innovation NV of Belgium and 6. Inorganic chemicals 5. Carbstone process/carbonation activation pro-
Canadian cess; commercial scale
company CarbiCrete 6. ­CO2-mineralization processes/SkyMine process
6. Carbonfree Chemicals
(formerly Skyonic) (USA)
Bioconversion of CO2 1. LanzaTech (USA) 1. Ethanol and other fuels 1. Acetogens gas fermentation; commercial-scale
2. Joule Unlimited Technologies Inc. (USA) 2. Ethanol, diesel, or other hydrocarbon fuels production
3. INEOS (UK) 3. Ethanol 2. Genetically engineered cyanobacteria harness the
4. Algenol (USA) 4. Ethanol, diesel, gasoline, and jet fuel sunlight to convert C
­ O2
5. Cellana (USA) 5. Biofuels, Omega-3 nutritional oils, and animal and ­H2O directly into fuel; pilot testing completed
feed 3. Gas fermentation; commercial scale
4. Microalgae-based technology; pilot scale
5. ALDUO™ process; commercial scale
Copolymerization of CO2 1. Asahi Kasei Corporation (Japan) 1. Polycarbonate and monoethylene glycol pro- 1. Uses ethylene oxide,
2. Covestro (Germany) duction its by-product C
­ O2 and bisphenol; commercial-
and its partners 2. Polyether-polycarbonate scale production
3. Novomer Inc. (USA) polyols 2. Cardyon™ polyols; commercial-scale production
4. Low Carbon Technology 3. Polypropylene carbonate polyols 3. Converge® polyols; commercial-scale produc-
Company (China) 4. Catalyst system for the tion
5. Jinlong Green Chemical copolymerization of propylene oxide and C ­ O2 to 4. Commercial-scale production
Company (China) produce biodegradable polypropylene carbonate 5. Polymer-supported bimetallic compound as a
6. Inner Mongolia Mengxi High-Tech Group 5. Aliphatic polycarbonate polyols catalyst and biodegradable polyurethane foam
Company (China) 6. Aliphatic polycarbonate 6. Commercial-scale production
7. Newlight Technologies (USA) 7. Plastics branded as “AirCarbon” (40% oxygen from 7. AirCarbon production process: capture, extrac-
8. Econic Technologies (UK) air and 60% carbon and hydrogen from captured tion and polymerization; commercial-scale
carbon emissions)—a carbon negative product production
8. Homogeneous 8. Demonstration plant opened
catalyst systems to produce polycarbonate polyols
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

as Colour Dry) and Adidas (Dry Dye) are major products of emissions have demanded exploration of renewable alter-
its polyester technology. natives [213]. Hence, the utilization of microbes to cap-
CO2 Solutions Inc. Technology (Canada) is working ture ­CO2 and convert into biofuels and biochemical seems
on a new 1T1 enzyme that has the catalytic properties of the best alternative strategy. Moreover, to make renewable
accelerating ­CO2 capture without using a non-toxic salt energy sources competitive with fossil fuels, it needs to
solution. The longevity and performance of 1T1 enzymes identify the efficient ­CO 2 fixing organisms. Six differ-
are unmatched with reduced manufacturing costs (2020c). ent types of ­CO2 fixing pathways have been identified in
The  first commercialization project is completed which several species of photoautotrophic, chemoautotrophic,
involves the capture of C­ O2 up to 30 tons/day, its reuse, and and autotrophic electro-synthetic microorganisms [214].
the conversion of carbonic gas using C ­ O2 Solutions’ enzyme Molecular biology interventions could be revolutionary
technology at the Resolute kraft pulp mill (Saint-Félicien, to minimize carbon footprints. A wide variety of biofu-
Québec) (2019, 2020c). els and biochemical products have been commercially
Ethanol fermentation derived ­CO2 has a major share in produced from photoautotrophic microorganisms, such
global ­CO2 production. In the USA alone, around 50 MT as cyanobacteria and algae, which could assimilate ­CO2
­CO2 is produced from corn ethanol plants. Brazil is the sec- from marine or terrestrial aquatic water sources in both
ond largest ethanol producing country in the world from fresh and wastewater [215]. Chemoautotrophic microor-
sugarcane this contributing a major chunk in C­ O2 production ganisms such as Clostridium species have been widely used
from fermentation sector. If this C­ O2 is converted into etha- for commercial production of butanol, 2-oxobutyrate, and
nol by CCU technologies, higher amount of ethanol could 3-butanediol. Autotrophic electrosynthesis used by ace-
be produced within the ethanol producing facility without togenic microbes can be employed for the development of
additional corn grain inputs. Recently, Lee et al. [207] esti- ethanol, butanol, acetate, and butyric acid. Interestingly,
mated that 50% more ethanol could be produced using on- E. coli strains have been reported for efficient reduction of
site ­CO2 conversion. Fermentation ­CO2 is nearly pure and ­CO2 [111]. Moreover, the engineered ­CO2 fixing E. coli
thus presents a great potential in its use in development of strain could be exploited for the production of high-value
fuels/chemicals, fertilizer, beverages, and food processing, recombinant products. Hence, ­CO2 bioconversion pathways
among others. can be exploited for a wide range of commercial products,
including bioethanol or biofuels, omega-3-fatty acids, and
6.1 Key indicators in carbon footprints reduction organic acids.
by CO2 bioconversion The economics of the microalgae-based ­CO2 bioconver-
sion process can be improved using photosynthesis efficien-
It is well known that the carbon footprints in form of carbon cies and economic evaluation of C ­ O2 conversion and its
dioxide and methane are increasingly being released into demand [216]. The raw material processing and refinery
the environment by several anthropogenic activities primar- cost usually lead to approximately 50% of biofuels and
ily the burning of fossil fuels for the generation of energy biochemical production cost. Hence, it is among the key
[208]. Other activities such as deforestation for urbaniza- concerns governing the economic analysis of ­CO2 biocon-
tion, production of food grains, goods, materials, wood, and version, and it is a challenging task to compete with con-
roads for transportation are also responsible for the esca- ventional processes [217]. Also, the cost economics of bio-
lation levels of carbon footprints [209]. Due to complex fuels/biochemicals production mainly depends on the ­CO2
interactions between several GHG contributing processes conversion capacity of the organism, biomass harvesting,
and natural processes, the total carbon footprint cannot be and transportation of biomass, water, and nutrients supplied
quantified exactly [210]. Carbon footprint can be minimized [218]. Therefore, the technological challenges and eco-
using alternative sources of energy for instance, solar, and/ nomic barriers significantly contribute to the adaptation of
or wind energy [211]. The restoration of wild plantation renewable energy sources for the commercial production
can further offset the carbon footprints, by countering C­ O2 of biofuels/biochemicals. Life cycle assessment of ­CO2
emissions with their equivalent reduction [212]. Moreo- bioconversion accounts the environmental impacts of the
ver, to decrease these emissions, the dependence on fossil product derived from it. Müller et al. [219] developed a
fuels, coal mines, and landfills must be lowered. Alterna- detailed protocol for LCA of carbon capture and utilization
tively, ­CO2 bioconversion based alternative energy sources is (CCU) technologies involving the capture of C ­ O2 from the
clean for the environment. Livestock operations that con- origin sources or environment followed by its conversion
tribute to GHG contribution considerably should be more into products of commercial significance. While several
energy-saving to minimize carbon footprints [61]. LCA studies have been made recently in the CCU tech-
However, as discussed, concerns regarding fossil fuel nologies by chemical methods, ­CO2 bioconversion need to
depletion and climate changes due to greenhouse gas be studied more.

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

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tions in standard and hybrid processes. Nat Catal 2:381–386.
Towards the commercialization, Biotech companies such as
LanzaTech, Joule Unlimited, INEOS, and Algenol Biotech 14. Xu Q, Yu J, Zhang J et al (2015) Cubic anatase ­TiO2 nanocrys-
LLC have successfully developed value-added products by tals with enhanced photocatalytic ­C O 2 reduction activity.
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15. Nesbitt NT, Ma M, Trześniewski BJ et al (2018) Au dendrite
Acknowledgements  AKC gratefully acknowledges the financial sup-
electrocatalysts for C ­ O2 electrolysis. J Phys Chem C 122:10006–
port from FAPESP (Project number: 2020/12559-6) and CNPq for sci-
10016. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1021/​acs.​jpcc.​8b018​31
entific productivity program (Process number: 309214/2021-1).
16. Sun Z, Ma T, Tao H et al (2017) Fundamentals and challenges of
electrochemical ­CO2 reduction using two-dimensional materials.
Author contributions  AKC and RG had the idea for the article, AM Chem 3:560–587. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​chempr.​2017.​09.​009
and YT performed literature search and data analysis, RG and AM 17. DuChene JS, Tagliabue G, Welch AJ et al (2018) Hot hole col-
drafted the article, and AKC and YT critically revised the work. lection and hotoelectrochemical ­CO2 reduction with plasmonic
Au/p-GaN photocathodes. Nano Lett 18:2545–2550. https://​doi.​
Declarations  org/​10.​1021/​acs.​nanol​ett.​8b002​41
18. Sahara G, Kumagai H, Maeda K et al (2016) Photoelectrochemi-
cal reduction of C ­ O2 coupled to water oxidation using a photo-
Conflict of interest  The authors declare no competing interests.
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TaON photoanode. J Am Chem Soc 138:14152–14158. https://​
19. Song JT, Ryoo H, Cho M et al (2017) Nanoporous Au thin films
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