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Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Course & Block: ________________________________________

Days Frequency Intensity Time Type

(Put a (Preferred training zone and (Sets, Reps, Duration) Choose any activity for the following HRF component;
checkmark on Heart Rate) - Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Aerobic Exercise),
your preferred - Muscular Strength (Anaerobic Exercise),
days of training) MHR = (220-age) - Muscular Endurance (Anaerobic Exercise),
- Flexibility
Monday Ex. 1. Warm-up exercise -- 5 minutes
Please refer to your training
 zone. Kung ang type of 2. 10 reps of squats and
training nyo is Anaerobic 5 sets -- 5 minutes
Exercise, hanapin nyo kung
pilang percent and kaipuhan MUSCULAR ENDURANCE
3. 16 reps of donkey kicks (Butt workout)
and ito ang kaihang nyo uya. 4 sets left and right -- 6 minutes
Ex. MHR-RHR= 193-60=
4. 1 repetition of stationary lunge,
4 sets left and right -- 5 minutes
133 x .80 = 106.4
5. 1 glute bridge (16 seconds)
106.4 + 60 = 166.4 bpm 4 sets -- 2 minutes

6. Cool down -- 5 minutes


Wednesday  1. Warm-up exercise -- 5 minutes

2. 20 reps of squats and

6 sets -- 7 minutes

3. 16 reps of donkey kicks

6 sets left and right -- 8 minutes

4. 10 repetitions of walking lunge,

5 sets -- 7 minutes

5. 1 glute bridge (20 seconds)

6 sets -- 3 minutes

6. 16 reps of leg circles,

4 sets -- 5 mins

7. Cool down -- 5 minutes

Thursday REST

Friday  1. Warm-up exercise -- 5 minutes

2. 20 reps of squats with weights and

4 sets -- 10 minutes

3. 16 reps of side raise

6 sets left and right -- 8 minutes

4. 10 repetitions of walking lunge with

5 sets -- 7 minutes

5. 16 reps left and right-side plank

4 sets -- 3 minutes

6. 16 reps of curtsy lunges,

4 sets -- 5 mins
7. Cool down -- 5 minutes


Note: During a workout, an individual passes through a series of training zones or level. Within each training zone, subtle physiological effects take place to enhance your fitness.

Training Zones
1. Energy Efficient or Recovery Zone – 60% to 70%
It is also called fitness heart rate zone. This is the higher end of the moderate-intensity exercise zone. You will be breathing heavier but will still be able to speak in short
You are going faster and therefore covering more distance. The calories you burn depend on the distance you cover and your weight more than any other factors. In this
zone, your body fuels itself with the 85 percent fat, 5 percent protein, and 10 percent carbohydrates.
You get the same health benefits and fat-burning benefits as the healthy heart zone. An example of a workout in this zone is a brisk walking workout.
2. Aerobic Zone – 70% to 80%
Training in this zone will develop your cardiovascular system. It is also called as vigorous-intensity zone. You will be breathing very hard and able only to speak in short
This is the zone to aim for when training for endurance. It spurs your body to improve your circulatory system by building new blood vessels and increases your heart and
lung capacity. Aiming 20 to 60 minutes in this zone is believed to give the best fitness training benefits.
3. Anaerobic Zone – 80% - 90%
Training in this zone will develop your lactic acid system. You will be unable to speak except a single, gasped word at a time. This exertion level takes you to the
limit where your body begins to produce lactic acid.
4. Red Line Zone – 90% to 100%
The red line zone or top zone is from 90 percent to 100 percent of your maximum heart rate. You can’t go any higher, and most people can’t stay in this zone for more than
a few minutes. You will be unable to speak except for gasping single words.

The calculation of a zone value, X% is performed in the following way:

RHR is Resting Heart Rate, MHR is Maximum Heart Rate, and WHR is Working Heart Rate.
Subtract your RHR from your MHR giving us your working heart rate (WHR). Calculate the required X% on the WHR giving us “Z”. Add “Z” and your RHR together to
give us the final value.
Example: The athlete’s MHR is 180 and their RHR is 60 determine the 70% value.
70% of 120 = 84
84+RHR= 84 +60 = 144bpm.

*to determine your resting heart rate (RHR), upon waking up in the morning, find somewhere nice and quiet, lie down and relax. Position a watch or clock where you can clearly
see it while lying down. Then determine your resting pulse rate (beats/min).

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