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Assalammualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Good morning and thank you to the honorable teachers and my beloved friends for giving me the
opportunity to take part in the selection of this English Speech Competition for Porseni Jombang 2022.

In the name of Allah SWT, the one and most merciful, all praise be to God the ruler of the universe,
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, because with his blessing we can gether here in good condition, healthy and

Shalawat and salam to our great Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the dark age to the
bright age.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Hira Imandari, I’m from twelve social one. Today, i would
like to deliver my speech on the topic “THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN NATIONALE

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Madrasah or Islamic High School are educational institutions in which they teach two kind of knowledge,
namely general and religious knowledge.

When attending a Madrasah, you are required not only to be able to master of general knowledge such
as math, language, social, and nature. But, you will also be required to understand Islamic laws, religious
order in detail, morals, behavior, and our faith the one and only God, Allah SWT.

My dear friend and teacher...

Education in Madrasah that prioritizes the character and behavior of their students will certainly
produce graduates who are not only intelligent but also uphold moral values.

General and religious education are integrated into various subjects in the Madrasah curriculum, making
students that studying at this institution always remember that being intelligent is not enough if it not
balanced with strong religious knowledge.

Because of this complete learning method, Madrasah students are required to play an active role in
national leadership in Indonesia.

Which, as we know that leadership in the current era is intense with moral values that are getting lower
for it’s leaders. Today we live in times of crisis who want a revolution but are never heard of.

Leadership is getting worse with various extraordinary cases happening everywhere, such as curruption,
collution, nepotism, violence, and anti-criticism.
My Friends...

In this country, intelligent and broad minded people are very much scattered everywhere, in villages, in
cities, in school, in government, even in the smalles sphere such as families and homes. However, are
there many people, especially in the government sector, who understand religion, morality, and
honesty? Of course not!

Therefore, this is where the role of Islamic High School students in the sustainability of national
leadership in our beloved country, emerges as a driver for improving the government and leadership
system. Which doesn’t only rely on knowledge and insight, which doesn’t only rely on materialism, but
also put forward Islam religious laws, honesty, manners, high and good morals.

Which all of these things we can get as students who study at this Islamic educational institution.

The honorable teacher and my beloved friend

Students graduating from Islamic High School cannot be underestimated anymore, the development of
better learning methods, with and understanding of theory and practice in the field of general and
religious knowledge deserves to be considered as qualified graduates to improve, continue, and develop
good national leadership in Indonesia.

Smart, insightful, and capable, are not enough to be a good leader. But, if it combined with honesty,
morals, etiquette, and a deep understanding of religion, then I, you, and all of us will be able to become
a good leaders.

The honorable audience...

Leadership isn’t only about government. But, leadership is broad meaning. Being a leader for yourself,
being a leader for your family, being a leader for an organization, being a leader for an institution, and
being a leader for this country.

I believe, if a leader is able to balance the knowledge with God and his religion, then he will be a good
leader, for himself and for others.

My dearest friend...
Now, is the time for us, as Madrasah students. To play an active role in national leadership and show our
values and strengths for a better Indonesia and democracy.

As a young generation, we are a pillar for changes, development, and leadership for this country, for our
beloved land. Indonesia.

I hope, this speech can provide encouragement for myself, you, and all of us. One message that I can
convey, i quoted from one of the famous scientists Albert Einstein “KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT RELIGION IS
LAME, RELIGION WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE IS BLIND”, so evertything must be balance, and a good leader
must be knowledgeable and understand about religion.

This is the end of my speech today. I hope, we can take a good lesson from what i deliver today. I ask
forgiveness for any word and behave which are not supposed to be. Thank you for your kind attention

Wassalammualaikum. Wr. Wb.

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