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Name:__________________________________ Grade & Section:______________ Score:__________

I-A. Read the questions thoroughly and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is being made with an Internet
connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly
ubiquitous. If something is ubiquitous, __________.
a. it is fuzzy and will bite you b. it is everywhere
c. it costs too much money d. it causes rashes
2. When the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts, they were fearful that the Native Americans would attack
them. However, the people that they encountered, the Wampanoag Indians, were a peaceful and generous tribe. To
encounter, is to _______.
a. meet b. note how many c. fight d. exchange text messages
3. As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen,
making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her. In the above statement, the word “frozen” means _______.
a. very cold b. visible c. not moving d. not melted
4. A wonderful 98 year old woman is working day and night to knit scarves to send as gifts for the troops. What a
selfless person she is! A selfless woman _______.
a. is selfish c. likes to wear scarves
b. has no name d. cares more about others than herself
5. It's not that I'm unfriendly, but sometimes I want to leave society behind and be alone for awhile.
a. people living as members of a group b. homes with messy floors
c. the fastest runners d. people who are afraid of Girl Scouts
6. Those scientists want to hear what our professor thinks about their theory because he is the foremost expert in
their field.
a. the first or main one b. craziest c. least informed d. Loudest
7. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if
they both liked the same kind of music. A dispute is a __________.
a. musical instrument b. choice of music c. discovery d. Disagreement
8. The reporter insisted that the letter he used was authentic. He said that he had shown it to many experts before he
used it in his story. When something is authentic, it’s __________.
a. genuine, or real b. carefully written c. full of tasty worms d. very old
9. Mary, of course you’re overweight. You eat too much junk food. Even worse, you exercise infrequently. What does
“infrequently” mean?
a. with a frown on one’s face b. at a gym
c. while wearing heavy clothes d. not often
10. I looked at the plans for your new house. This is earthquake country. You need to fortify the frame or you’ll have a
disaster with the first tremor.
a. shake b. build c. strengthen d. Destroy

B. Choose the correct modals to complete the sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks.

11. The son _________ not leave his mother alone. He felt a great responsibility to take back his mother home.
a. will b. shall c. would d. Could
12. The possibility of the farmer to leave his old mother on the top of a mountain _________ be done or else both of
them will die.
a. will not b. should c. shall d. cannot
13. The governor realized his mistake so with the ability he has as a governor he _________ abolish the law.
a. will not b. do not need c. will d. need not
14. Long, long ago there lived a poor farmer and his aged mother in a village where a cruel governor _________ test
the capacity of his people in following his demands.
a.could b. shall c. do not need to d. would
15. The governor once again expressed his ability to use his power by demanding that his people _________ bring
him a rope of ashes. Using the clever idea of his mother, the farmer made a rope of ashes.
a. must b. have to c. need to d. ought to
16. Jahna ________ turn 18 this year, but because of the pandemic, we have cancelled all the preparations and
A. can b. may c. must d. will
17. To look pleasant is a key in getting a job. So, you ________ wear appropriate attire for your interview.
a. could b. might c. should d. would

18. During Enhanced Community Quarantine, only those who have quarantine passes ________ go outside from their
houses to buy necessities.
A. can b. cannot c. must d. must not
19. My father works abroad, but he promised that he ________ return home on my graduation day.
a. can b. may c. must d. will
20. Everyone ________ obey the health protocols given by the government to prevent the spread of the virus and stop
the pandemic.
a. can b. cannot c. may d. must
III. Identify the modal nouns used in each sentence. Underline the modal nouns.
1. There is a possibility that I will be chosen to join the contest.
2. The weather forecast stated that the likelihood of rain tomorrow is high.
3. Eating healthy foods is a necessity.
4. Many people expressed their willingness to help those in need.
5. My father made a promise that he would buy me a laptop.
6. We have an obligation to take care of the environment.
7. The construction workers made a request to allow them to go back to work.
8. Our classroom has the capacity to accommodate 30 students.
9. I met the basic requirements for me to enroll in an online class.
10. Many families were given the chance to bond during the lockdown.
IV. Scramble Time
Arrange the scrambled words to form modal adverbs. Write your answers on the blank.

SLYISOBP __________________________
LIGNLLIYW __________________________
EGLITOBYAL __________________________
BYLA __________________________
LYMNIRPGSIO __________________________
RPYSIEELVIMS __________________________
DDYCDLIEE __________________________
IIEYRQLTSEU __________________________
EKLIYL __________________________
USLYRE __________________________

V. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition signals. Choose your answers from the transition signals in
the box below. Write your answers on the blank.
Therefore In fact Consequently due to Even so

however In the same way Furthermore Similarly Even though

1. Bel loves to sing in video karaoke. ________________, her family does it too.
2. We did not expect a heavy traffic on our way to the airport. __________________, we missed our flight.
3. It was raining very hard. _____, we need to finish cleaning the yard.
4. The courageous frontliners showed overwhelming dedication in performing their jobs. _____________, they were
commended for their services.
5. All borders were closed. _________________, all means of transportation were not allowed to operate.
6. Classes will formally open. __________________, it will not be the traditional face-to-face.
7. Gabriel was not given permission to go out __________________ bad weather.
8. All establishments are not allowed to operate. _______________, only the skeleton force of the offices is authorized
to work.
9. __________________ Paolo was quarantined, he didn’t feel isolated.
10. Driving requires concentration. ________________, biking needs full attention.


-Ma’am MJ

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