CII AWP CBA Engineering Meeting - 2022-05-24 - Meeting Slides

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AWP in Engineering Leading Practice JWG

JWG Meeting
May 24th, 2022

New Member Introductions

Agenda & Purpose
• 2 min - Welcome & Intros for New Members – Josh Girvin
• 2 min - Team Assignments – Josh Girvin
• 3 min - Review Pre-Workshop Questionnaire – Josh Girvin
• 10 min - Review of RT271 & RT 243 – John Strickland
• 11 min - Next Steps - Organizing Our Efforts – Josh Girvin
• 2 min - Actions Items Review & New Member Recruitment – Josh Girvin

Next Meeting
• John Strickland – Explanation of Target Value Delivery
Josh Girvin


Workshop 1pm - 3pm at the Annual Conference

Participants Planning to Attend the Workshop:

- Fernando Espana
- Chuck Mies
- Keith Henson
- Lloyd Rankin
- Robin Mikaelsson
- Nick Dartnall

Workshop Agenda Discussion
Workshop 1pm - 3pm: Breakout Sessions:
• 5 mins - Introductions & Safety Topic (Eric) • Organize into teams according to our JWG Team
• 5 mins - Purpose & Agenda (Josh)
• Data - Data Support for AWP
• 10 mins - Breakout Team Assignments & Process
• Process - Engineering Sequencing to Support Construction &
Explanation (Josh) Operations
• 60 mins - Breakout Sessions (All) • Process - Organizing Engineering Work Using AWP Principles to
Benefit Engineering Directly
• 30 mins - Report Out (Team Leads)
• Contract - Contract Requirements & Barriers
• 10 mins - Wrap-up & Next Steps (Josh) • Culture - Culture Perception & Barriers

• 10 mins - Brainstorm Challenges Specific to Areas

Notes: • 15 mins - Group Challenges and Consolidate into
• Send a Questionnaire ahead of time to capture thoughts on challenges
for facilitators to see discussions
• 5 mins - Vote on Top 3 Challenges
• Have an initial process to determine which breakout sessions will be • 20 mins - Brainstorm Solutions to Top 2 Challenges
part of the workshop based on attendance (up to 3 groups)
• 10 mins - Prepare Report Out
• AI/ML team is welcome to join the workshop to support the AWP for
Engineering agenda
Pre-Workshop Questionnaire
• Topic Areas:
• Data - Data Support for AWP
• Process - Engineering Sequencing to Support Construction & Operations
• Process - Organizing Engineering Work Using AWP Principles to Benefit Engineering Directly
• Contract - Contract Requirements & Barriers
• Culture - Culture Perception & Barriers

• Questions:
• What are the greatest current challenges that you have experienced in these areas (select all that apply to you) when deploying
AWP in Engineering?
• What examples of Benefit directly to Engineering have you seen from the implementation of AWP?
• What are the greatest future challenges that you expect to encounter in these areas (select all that apply to you) as AWP adoption
in Engineering expands into the rest of the market?

Who should receive the survey? Select group? JWG? CBA?

• Send to AWP CBA, Modularization, Supply Chain

Develop framing / explanation for questionnaire

Finalizing Team Assignments
• Volunteer or Voluntold!
o Sandeep Singh
o Eric Crivella
o Priyanshu Upadhyay
o Muhammad Umair Asif
o (name unknown – please provide name if known)

o Alexandre Praxedes (Not able to attend this quarter due to recurring conflict)

• Identify Team Leaders

Team Assignments – Leading Practice Sections
- Data - Data Support for AWP - John Strickland
- Model Maturity & Assessments - Andrew Foy
- Additional non-graphical data sources - Priyanshu Upadhyay
- Vendor Data
- Participants: - Contract - Contract Requirements & Barriers
- Tedd Weitzman - Contract Language for Supporting Different Levels of AWP Maturity in
- Scott Hendrickson Engineering
- KPIs for Engineering
- Process - Supporting Construction - Engineering Sequencing to Support - Rules of Credit for Engineering Payment
- Outline the structure
Construction & Operations - Need to load share with Process group
- Path of Engineering | Path of Construction - Participants:
- Procurement Cycle - Tedd Weitzman
- EWP Development & Alignment - Robin Mikaelsson
- Rules of Credit for Engineering Requirements (Coordinate with contracts) - Lloyd Rankin
- Participants: - Andrew Ng
- Fernando Espana - Eric Crivella
- John Fish - PTAG Participant (Lloyd)?
- Nick Dartnall
- Vishal Porwal - Culture - Culture Perception & Barriers
- Identifying & Overcoming Challenges
- Process - Benefiting Engineering Directly - Organizing Engineering Work - Participants:
using AWP principles - Chuck Mies
- Work Package Development & Management - Keith Henson
- Support for Agile Execution - Fernando Espana
- Participants: - Juan Velasco
- Josh Girvin
- Vassilina Demetracopoulou
Develop Team Section Outlines


Data – Data Support for AWP
Key Focuses:
- Model Maturity & Assessments
- Additional non-graphical data sources
- Vendor Data
- Data Standards
- Connection to Contract Language
- Data Formats
- Data Requirements

Process - Supporting Construction - Engineering Sequencing to Support Construction & Operations

Key Focuses:
- Path of Engineering
- Path of Construction
- Procurement Cycle
- EWP Development & Alignment
- EWP Status & Progress
- Constraint Management to Support Construction
- Rules of Credit for Engineering Requirements (Coordinate with contracts)
- KPIs and Metrics
- True Impact (Change & Cost) to Engineering

Process - Benefiting Engineering Directly - Organizing Engineering Work
using AWP principles
Key Focuses:
- Support for Agile Planning & Execution
- Vendor Work Package Development & Management
- Automation
- Engineering Constraint Management to Support Engineering
- Interface with Procurement
- Vendor Data Management
- Design Work Planning and Tracking
- Procurement Work Planning and Tracking
- Link to Data Requirements for Vendor Data Requirements
- KPIs and Metrics
- Target Value Delivery (Lean)
- Fundamental Scope Blocks (changing how we chunk the work)
- Value to Engineering
Contract - Contract Requirements & Barriers
Key Focuses:
- Contract Language for Supporting Different Levels of AWP Maturity in
- KPIs for Engineering
- Rules of Credit for Engineering Payment
- Alignment to LOD (level of development)
- Differences resulting from different contracting strategies (Lump Sum, T&M,
IPD, etc)
- Engineering Sign-Off Requirements (wet signature, etc)
- Paper-based processes that are inherently document-centric

Culture - Culture Perception & Barriers
Key Focuses:
- Perception of AWP as a Construction Methodology not Project Methodology
- Perception that AWP is an added cost to Engineering
- Perception that AWP looks to radically disrupt the Engineering work execution process
- Tribal warfare around including non-engineering stakeholders into the engineering process
- Embedded paradigms (John Strickland presentation)
- Increase in relative importance of non-engineering organizations earlier in the project (Podcast:
- Lack of Trust leading to duplicative 3rd party checking
- Engineering Discipline Leads lack of knowledge & benefits of AWP and how its going to help them.

Open Actions
- Recruit Worley Participant – Tedd Weitzman
- Prep for Review of Fundamental Scope Blocks – John Strickland
- Recruit a PTAG Participant – Lloyd Rankin
- Send Meeting Notes – Josh Girvin
- Send Presentation – John Strickland
- Send Questionnaire and Explanation to Bob Wible Heather Beal for distribution (cc Eric) – Josh
- Load all of the materials into SharePoint – Josh Girvin

- Review of DCC-04 and RT-365 – Chuck Mies can you share a quick overview of these efforts on a
future call?
Plus / Delta

Plus Delta
•d • 30 mins is too short
• Need to assemble a repository
for all of the data (SharePoint)

Maturity Levels
- Status Quo
- WFP Support
- AWP for the Project
- AWP for Engineering

High Level Schedule
- Recurring 30 min Fortnightly Meetings
- Hold Project Workshop at CII Conference in August
- Hold Interim Report Out at AWP Conference in October
- Target Document Release at end of Q1 2023

Decision Log
- Leading Practice Document similar to Scaffold JWG Deliverable is the goal
- Develop Presentation to share findings with greater CII Community (Full AWP CBA)
- Develop Infographic as a teaser to get others interested in the output
- AI / ML is welcome and encouraged to join the AWP in Engineering Leading
Practice workshop to support the AWP in Engineering agenda

• Josh Girvin
• Andrew Foy
• Vassilina Demetracopoulou
• Chuck Mies
• Nick Dartnall
• Andrew Ng
• Keith Henson
• Lloyd Rankin
• Vishal Porwal
• Priyanshu Upadhyay
• John Strickland
• Juan Valesco
• Jess Eaton

John Strickland



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