Woodhaven Country Club (Fort Worth, Texas) Bylaws

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ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS 1.1 1.2 1.3 "The Club" shall mean Woodhaven Country Club. "Management" shall mean Pegasus Golf Management, the manager of the club. Member shall mean any of the class of members as set forth in sections 4.14.9 below. "Family" shall mean the Member's spouse and all unmarried children under the age of twenty-one (21) years and dependent children under twenty-four (24) years who are full time students.


ARTICLE II. PURPOSE 2.1 Purpose. The purpose of the Club shall be the establishment, maintenance and support of a private (non-equity) country club to provide for its Members facilities for golf, tennis and swimming, together with other social and recreational benefits as determined by Management from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion.

ARTILCE III. MANAGEMENT OF THE CLUB 3.1 Operation. The operation of the Club and the management of the Club's property shall be vested in every respect in Management, acting through employees and staff at the Club. Under no circumstances shall any Member of the Club have any ownership interest in the Club, the Club's property or Management. Each Member, as a Member of the Club, will have only the privilege to use the Club in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time.

ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS AND POLICIES 4.1 Full Golf. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age, together with his/her Family shall be eligible for Full Golf Membership. Upon commencement of Membership, a Full Golf Member shall have the right and privilege to use all of the Club's facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time.


Transferable Full Golf. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age, together with his/her Family shall be eligible for Transferable Full Golf - Family

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Membership. Upon commencement of Membership, Transferable Full Golf Member shall have the right and privilege to use all of the Club's facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. Such Membership may be transferred one time only, by the original purchaser, and subject to the Club's transfer rules. 4.3 2-Year Full Golf. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age, together with his/her Family shall be eligible for 2-Year Full Golf Membership. Upon commencement of Membership, a 2-Year Full Golf Member shall have the right and privilege to use all of the Club's facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. After two (2) years the Member shall have the right to convert his/her Membership to a Full Golf or another class of Membership upon payment of the difference between the then current initiation fee and the initiation fee paid by the 2-Year Full Golf Member. 1-Year Full Golf. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age , together with his/her Family shall be eligible for 1-year Full Golf Membership. Upon commencement of membership, a 1-year Full Golf Member shall have the right and privilege to use all of the Clubs facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. After one (1) year the member shall have the right to convert his/her membership to a Full Golf or another class of membership upon payment of the difference between the then current initiation fee and the initiation fee paid by the 1 year Full Golf member. Junior Executive Full Golf. Any person between twenty-one (21) and thirty-five (35) years of age, together with his/her Family shall be eligible for Junior Executive Membership. Upon commencement of Membership, a Junior Executive Member shall have the right and privilege to restricted (five (5) day advance teetimes) use all of the Club's facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. Upon turning thirty-six (36) years of age the Member shall be obligated to convert his/her Membership to a Full Golf or another class of Membership upon payment of the difference between the then current Membership Fee and the initiation fee paid by the Junior Executive. Senior Membership. Any person over Sixty-five (65) years of age, together with his/her Family shall be eligible for Full Golf. Upon commencement of Membership, a Senior Full Golf Member shall have the right and privilege to use the golf course in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. The Club's social and other recreational facilities can be used every day in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. Corporate Full Golf. A corporate Full Golf Membership may be extended to any corporation, firm, partnership or other form of business ownership. In order to be eligible to acquire a membership, a corporation, firm, partnership or other form of business ownership must conduct an active trade and not be formed or continued primarily for the purpose of owning Membership. Corporate Members (or their designated representatives as the case may be) and their families shall enjoy all
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the rights and privileges of the Club and Club Facilities. Any organization accepted for Corporate Membership shall have its Membership issued in the name of the organization and shall designate the Membership for use by the number of representatives approved by Management, each of whom must be a principal, officer, owner, partner, or full time employee of the organization. Each representative shall be jointly and severally responsible for all dues and charges incurred in connection with the Memberships. Corporate Memberships have the right to substitute the representative of the Membership subject to payment of a transfer fee and the approval of Management. Transfer fees charged with respect to the substitution will be at the discretion of Management. Dues must continue to be paid by the corporation during the period of any transfer. 4.8 Social Members. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age shall be eligible for Social Membership. Upon commencement of Membership, a Social Member shall have the right and privilege to use all of the Club's tennis, swimming and social facilities in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws and such further rules as are adopted from time to time. A Social member may play golf once a month upon payment of one-half the normal guest fee and Guests may accompany the social member upon payment of the normal Guest fee for each Guest. Prohibition on Transfer of Membership. Except as specifically provided in Section 4.2 and 4.7 above, transfer of Club memberships are prohibited. To effectuate a transfer pursuant to section 4.2 or 4.7, the Member must make a request in writing to Management to initiate the transfer of the Membership. No Membership shall be sold or transferred to any person or entity without submission of the then current transfer fee and written approval of Management. Transfers will not be approved if the Member is not a Member in good standing. The transfer fee applies to all transfers. No Member of the Club shall advertise publicly (through print or electronic media, poster, billboards or any other form of public solicitation) his/her Membership for sale or permit such advertisement. Commencement of Membership. Each candidate for Membership in the Club shall make application in writing in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by Management. The application shall be delivered to Management, which shall have the sole authority to accept or reject each applicant. Termination of Membership: Termination of membership shall result in the loss of all rights, title and interest in the Club. 1. Resignation. Members may resign from the Club at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Club and paying all dues and charges for which they are liable through the effective date of resignation. In no event will the Club refund any fees to the resigning member. Death. In the event of a Members death, the surviving spouse shall automatically succeed to all the rights and privileges of such membership without payment of any charge or other fee by reason of such transfer. Death of a Member does not release the spouse of his/her commitment to the Club as set forth in these Rules, Regulations
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and By-Laws. However the surviving spouse does have the right to terminate the membership immediately upon payment in full of all amounts owing to the Club. 3. Suspension and/or Expulsion. Any Member who is delinquent in the payment of his/her account, or guilty of any violation of these Rules, Regulations and Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, or for any misconduct unbecoming a gentleman or lady, or any misconduct which tends to be against the best interest of the Club, all in the sole discretion of Management, may be suspended and/or expelled. The General Manager shall have the discretion to initiate any such suspension or expulsion procedures as he/she deems necessary.


Limitation of Members. Management from time to time shall determine the number of Members in each classification herein established or hereinafter established, acting in its sole discretion. Legal Separation or Divorce. In the event of the divorce or legal separation of Spouses having membership privileges, the membership, including all of its rights and benefits, will vest in the Spouse awarded the membership by an agreement of separation or a decree of divorce. Until the award of the membership and written notice thereof is provided to the Club, both Spouses will be jointly and severally liable for all dues and charges and both may continue to enjoy membership privileges so long as such amounts are timely paid. With regard to any claim or dispute about the ownership of a membership, in the absence of an agreement of separation or a decree of divorce, the Club shall be entitled to rely on the Membership Agreement and Application and may confirm ownership of that membership in the name of the person listed on the Membership Agreement and Application as the Primary Member. The Club will not become involved in any domestic or other dispute concerning ownership or issuance of a membership and does not have any liability or responsibility for the resolution of such disputes. Equal Opportunity. Woodhaven Country Club does not discriminate against any individual because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, handicap, age (above the age of 21), or marital status in evaluating an application for Membership, or in providing to any person the accommodations, advantages, facilities, Membership or privileges of the Club.



ARTICLE V. BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND COMMITTEES 5.1 Composition. There may be up to ten (10) Members to comprise the Board of Governors to serve staggered three (3) year terms. The function of the Board of Governors shall be to advise Management on matters affecting the Members, but this advise shall be for informational purposes only and shall not be binding upon Management. Committees. From time to time Management may appoint Members to serve on committees. Examples of such committees are the Golf Committee and the Social Committee. The function of the Committees shall be to advise


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Management on matters affecting the Members, but this advise shall be for informational purposes only and shall not be binding upon Management. ARTICLE VI. RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS 6.1 Visitors and Guests. Management shall have the right to prescribe rules and regulations governing visitors and guests and the conditions under which they will be extended the privileges of the Club. The sponsoring Member shall be responsible for all charges or other indebtedness incurred by his/her guest and for the guest's compliance with all Rules, Regulations and Rules, Regulations and By-Laws. The facilities of the Club shall be available for such tournaments and other activities involving non-Members as may be permitted by Management at its sole discretion and in accordance with such rules and regulations as Management may prescribe. Collection of Dues and Charges. All charges are due upon presentation of the monthly invoice. An account is considered delinquent if any balance remains unpaid after thirty (30) days. If an account balance remains unpaid after thirty (30) days, the balance is past due and subject to finance charges. If an account balance remains unpaid after sixty (60) days, the Member will be suspended. While a Member is suspended, neither the Member, nor his or her Family, will be allowed to use any of the Club's facilities. In addition to finance charges, delinquent accounts are subject to a monthly administrative fee. If an account balance remains unpaid after ninety (90) days, the Member may be expelled from Membership for non-payment of the account and may be turned over to a collection agency at Management's sole discretion. Suspended accounts will not be reinstated until full payment is made and the account is brought current. Refunds. No Member shall be entitled to a refund of any amount paid for Membership.



ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENT 7.1 Amendment. These Rules, Regulations, and Rules, Regulations and By-Laws shall govern each Member's use of, and privileges with respect to, the Club's facilities and may be altered, amended, changed or repealed by Management from time to time, at Management's sole discretion and without prior notice.

ARTICLE VIII. MANAGEMENT'S DISCRETION 8.1 Discretion. If these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws or any further rules that Management adopts pursuant hereto are silent as to a specific issue involving a Member, Management, acting in its sole discretion, shall have full power to make a decision with respect thereto, or interpret such rule in which event such decision or interpretation shall be final and binding on all parties affected.

ARTICLE IX. GENERAL RULES 9.1 Basic Provisions. These rules are established to enhance safety and our enjoyment of the Club and its facilities. All Members and guests are requested to become familiar with these rules. It is hoped that the pride we take in the Club
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and its facilities, together with the thoughtfulness and consideration we afford our fellow Members will be evident in the observance of these rules. Members and their guests are expected to abide by all Rules, Regulations and Rules, Regulations and By-Laws of the Club. Members who conduct themselves in an unbecoming manner, or who knowingly violate any Club rule, may be denied service by the Club or may have their membership suspended or terminated. Good order, proper attire, decorum, and consideration of the rights and comforts of others must be observed at all times in all places on the Club premises. Members shall be accountable for misuse and damage to any Club equipment, furniture, and fixtures. Members are accountable for the actions of their guests. 9.2 General Rules 1. Members are permitted to use the Clubhouse during normal business hours as posted by the Club. The Club is normally open Tuesday through Sunday each week with ONLY the course and Half-Way House open on Mondays. The Club reserves the right to alter hours and/or days of operation due to special events, tournaments, holidays or weather conditions. 2. Members shall be permitted to maintain a running account for charges at the Clubhouse up to a pre-authorized limit. Accounts must be paid within prescribed time periods. 3. The Dress Code must be followed at all times. Please see the section on Dress Code below. 4. Food and beverages consumed at the Club must be furnished by the Club and may be consumed only in areas designated by the Club. 5. Smoking is only permitted in the 19th Hole. For the enjoyment of everyone its preferred that Cigar smoking be kept out of the building. 6. Members are responsible for their children's actions in all areas of the Club. Children under the age of (16) must be supervised in the locker rooms. 7. Gambling is prohibited on Club property. Strict observance of all federal, state, county, and city regulations with respect to gambling on the premises is required. 8. The playing of games of all kinds on the property of the Club shall be regulated by Management, which shall have the power to prohibit the playing of any games that shall be deemed inappropriate to the interest of the Club. There will be no after hours games permitted. 9. No notices, placards, pictures or other written material other than Club bulletins shall be posted or placed in the Clubhouse facilities or elsewhere on Club property unless approved by Management.

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10. Cell Phones - In order for all members to enjoy the facilities, all members are asked to step outside to use cell phones after they ring. Cell phone conversations should not disrupt the enjoyment of others. 11. No Member of the Club shall be permitted to send any employee out of the Club facilities for any purpose, or to call upon him/her for any service that takes them away from their duties. Members and their respective Family members and guests shall not reprimand or discipline any employee. 12. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, of employees, members or guests of the Club is not permitted and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes, without limitation, unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or similarly offensive nature, offensive comments, jokes, innuendoes and other sexually oriented statements, and/or any other conduct, statements or action which creates a hostile environment. Violation of any of these offenses is grounds for immediate revocation of membership. 13. No Member or guest shall take any article belonging to the Club from the Clubhouse facilities. 14. No dogs or other pets (with the exception of seeing eye dogs) shall be allowed in or around the clubhouse or on the property of the Club while the Club is open. 15. Management shall not be responsible for articles lost, stolen or missing.

16. Members shall not be permitted in the kitchens, behind the bar, or in the golf bag storage room, cart storage area, swimming pool pump house, and other areas posted as restricted. 17. Strict observance of all federal, state, and city regulations with respect to consumption and possession of all alcoholic beverages on the premises is required. No one will be permitted to remove alcoholic beverages from the premises. No alcoholic beverages are to be brought onto Club property, served to, or consumed by, persons under the legal age. 18. All Club members, guests and employees shall respect the Clubs traffic regulations and shall park their cars in the parking areas designated respectively for Members, guests and employees. 19. No Member of the Club shall be permitted to sell any merchandise of any kind on Club property, without written permission of Management. 20. Swimming in lakes on Club property is not permitted. Fishing in lakes on Club property must NOT interfere with play, and will only be permitted in designated areas. 21. Any suggestions may be placed in the suggestion box in the Clubhouse or addressed directly to Management.

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22. Unless otherwise specified, 48 hour cancellation notice is required on all events or your account will be charged. 23. No firearms or other weapons of any kind are permitted on or about the Club premises at any time. 24. For the convenience of the Members, in lieu of tipping, an eighteen (18) percent service charge will be added to all food and beverage purchases, including Clubhouse and golf course purchases. 25. Each Member, as a condition of Membership, and each guest, as a condition of invitation to the premises of the Club, assumes sole responsibility for his/her property. The Club shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any private property used or stored on the premises of the Club whether in lockers or elsewhere. Any personal property left without payment for storage, in or on the Club facilities, for a period of six months or more may be sold by the Club, with or without notice, at a public or private sale, or may be otherwise disposed of and the proceeds, if any, shall be retained by the Club. 26. No person shall remove from the room in which it is placed or from the Club's premises any property or furniture belonging to the Club without proper authorization. Every Member of the Club shall be liable for any property damage and/or personal injury at the Club, or at any activity or function operated, organized, arranged, or sponsored by the Club caused by the Member or any guest of the Member. 27. Any Member, guest, or other person who in any manner makes use of or accepts the use of any apparatus, appliance, facility, privilege or service whatsoever owned, leased or operated by the Club, or who engages in any contest, game, function, exercise, competition or other activity operated, organized, arranged or sponsored by the Club, either on or off the Club facilities, shall do so at his/her own risk. The Member shall indemnify, defend and hold the Club, Owner, Management and Management's affiliates, directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, the Indemnified Parties), harmless from any and all loss, cost, claim, injury, damage or liability (including all legal fees) caused in whole or in part by such Member or such Members guest(s), including, without limitation from any violations of these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws. 28. Should any party bound by these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws bring suit against the Club or any of the Indemnified Parties, and such party fails to obtain judgment therein against the Club or any of the Indemnified Parties, said party shall be liable to the Club and Indemnified Parties for all costs and expenses incurred by any of the Indemnified Parties in the defense of such suit (including court costs and attorney's fees incident to appeals). 29. All Memberships are non-proprietary in nature and do not confer upon the Member any rights of ownership or proprietary interest in the Club property, Club
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assets, or decisions regarding Club management. No Member will have any voting privileges nor will any Member have any right or obligation to share in the profits or losses of the Club. Management reserves the right to modify any of these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws without giving prior notice. 9.3 Guest Rules. In addition to compliance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, the following shall apply to all guests of Members: 1. Members are responsible for their guests' actions and charges at the Club. 2. 3. All guests must be registered with the Club at the beginning of their visit. All types of memberships shall enjoy guest privileges.

4. The guest fee for use of the golf course, tennis courts, swimming pool and other facilities shall be determined by Management. 5. Any group of more than seven guests is considered an outside event and must be approved by the General Manager in advance. 6. A guest who resides in the Metroplex may visit the Club a maximum of twelve times per year and no more than two times per month unless approved by Management. 7. Guest fees are available for review in the Golf Shop.

9.4 Rules Regarding Alcohol Service. Appropriate alcohol service is a matter of interest to all Members of the Club who share a mutual desire that such service be consistent with proper decorum and the law. Therefore, this policy has been established by the Club to benefit Members and staff, and to outline their respective responsibilities. 1. The Clubs policy is to comply with the laws of the State of Texas, as they pertain to the purchase, service and consumption of alcohol. Further, the Clubs policy is not to serve alcoholic beverages to anyone who appears to be intoxicated. This policy applies to guests as well as to Members. Alcoholic beverages will not be served in excessive quantities to any Member or guest. 2. No alcoholic beverage will be sold or consumed on the premises by persons under the age of twenty-one (21). Identification will be requested of any person who appears to be under the age of twenty-one (21). 3. The Club will not serve any alcoholic beverage in an open container for offsite consumption. 4. No alcoholic beverages shall be brought onto or removed from the Club Facilities by Members, Family members or guests. 5. It is the Clubs policy to support its staff in the implementation of this policy regarding alcohol service. It is the Clubs policy that each Member must

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assume responsibility not only for himself or herself, but also for his or her guests. Further, each Member is encouraged to comply with the spirit of this policy by assisting in its implementation insofar as fellow Members are concerned. 6. Members should not reprimand or abuse staff under circumstances where the staffs judgment indicates alcohol service to an individual should cease. 7. Any disciplinary action taken against a Member which arises as a result of the implementation of the Clubs policy on alcohol service shall be at the discretion of Club management. 9.5 Golf Rules. 1. Management has the responsibility of maintaining orderly play. The golf shop shall advise and provide assistance on general course conditions. The Golf Shop staff has the authority to evict any person from the property who displays unruly, offensive, or disruptive conduct. All golf activities are under the complete control and direction of the Head Golf Professional and his/her staff. The Head Golf Professional shall designate local rules, which apply to play at Woodhaven Country Club. 2. Woodhaven Country Club is a soft spike facility. Metal or ceramic spikes are not permitted on Club property. The Golf Shop can arrange changes to soft spikes for guests. Changing into golf shoes is not permitted in the Clubhouse, except in the locker rooms provided for that purpose. 3. Appropriate dress is required on the golf course. See Dress Code below.

4. The golf course shall not be used for any purpose other than golf. (prohibited uses include, but are not limited to: ball playing, pitching, skate boarding, bicycling, blading, hitting practice balls, and riding motorcycles, mopeds or go-peds) 5. Littering on the golf course is prohibited. All players shall dispose of trash, bottles, cans, cigarettes and cigar butts in the trash bins provided by the Club. It is everyones responsibility to ensure that trash is disposed of properly. 6. Men's and Women's restrooms are provided in the clubhouse and on the course. Members and guests are strictly prohibited from relieving themselves elsewhere on the premises other than the provided restrooms. 7. It is the responsibility of every golfer to repair ball and divot marks, and replace rakes to designated areas around bunkers. 8. All members and guests shall register with the Golf Shop prior to playing, or proceeding to the driving range. 9. Starting times should be reserved in advance. Full Golf Members may make tee times seven (7) days in advance. Junior Executive Members may make tee times five (5) days in advance. The Club's starting time policy is posted in the
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Golf Shop. Members and their guests must check in at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to their scheduled starting time. Players who miss their reserved starting time will be placed in the next available opening. Management reserves the right to block starting times for special events. Regular group events (i.e. WWGA, WMGA, Noon Game, Saturday Shotgun, Sunday Game and Sunday Couples) starting times take precedence over any members without specific tee times. 10. Players who stop after playing nine (9) holes will automatically lose their position on the second nine. 11. Practice shall only be permitted on the driving range, putting green and/or other areas as specified by Management. 12. All junior golfers (under twenty-one (21) years of age) must abide by the rules for juniors established by Management. A junior must successfully complete a junior certification class and rules test before being able to play before 11:00 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays or holidays without a dues paying member. Tee times may be made 24 hour in advance. 13. Cell phone use on the course is allowed with the permission of your playing partners only. No cell phones are permitted during designated Tournament play. Cell phone users must be respectful of other players on the course teeing off, hitting or putting on holes close by. Members are encouraged to use cell phones to alert the Golf Shop of medical emergencies, slow play, or non-conformance with Club rules. 14. All players shall maintain a reasonable rate of play. The Club encourages a pace of play by its Members so that, under normal circumstances, a round of golf may be completed in four (4) hours or less, including any time stopping between nines. If a foursome or other group of players fails to keep their place on the golf course, the group may be asked to skip one or more holes. If a foursome or other group is searching for a lost ball, the group should allow the following group to play through. No more than five (5) minutes may be used to search for lost balls. The Club may monitor the pace of play through the efforts of a marshal during the hours of play. 15. Slow players, whether they are Members, Family members or guests, may be restricted from playing during Prime Times, as established by the Club. 16. When play of a hole is completed, Members shall leave the green promptly, and proceed to the next tee without delay. Members shall do the scoring for the completed hole while the others in the group are playing from the next tee. 17. Practice is not allowed on the golf course. The practice facilities should be used for all practice. The Club reserves the right to require instruction for the Members who are beginners or inexperienced, prior to allowing them to use the golf courses. The intent of the Club is to assist the Members in obtaining a level of skill and knowledge which will enhance the enjoyment of the game for them, as well as the other Members.

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18. Course closed and hole closed signs are to be adhered to without exception. 19. The rules of golf adopted by the USGA shall govern all play, except as modified by the rules set forth herein. Violation of any golf rule will result in a disciplinary letter written to the player by the Club. 20. Players shall observe the rules of golf etiquette as adopted by the USGA at all times. 21. All players are responsible for their own safety during hazardous weather conditions and play at their own risk. Players who elect to continue to play during hazardous weather conditions do so at their sole election and at their own risk, and agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner, Management and the Club, and their owners, officers, directors, affiliates, employees, representatives and agents, from any action as a result of their continued play. Under no circumstances shall the Owner, Management or the Club or their owners, officers, directors, affiliates, employees, representatives or agents be held liable for failing to warn players of hazardous weather conditions or the need to cease play. 9.6 Golf Cart Rules. The rules and restrictions below have been developed to preserve the beauty and playing conditions of our course, wile ensuring the safety of all players. Cooperation of all golfing Members in their observance of these rules and guidelines is essential. 1. Golf carts are limited to two (2) players and two (2) golf bags only.

2. Carts will not be permitted on the course when, in the opinion of Management, their use would be detrimental to the course. Observing the 90degree rule or Cart Path Only rule, when designated, is required at all times throughout the round. 3. The Member or guest must sign a rental agreement and rental fee must be paid before a cart can be released for use. 4. Individuals who do not have a valid drivers license are not permitted to drive any cart. 5. All directional signs, stakes, ropes, and other markers used to guide and direct golf cart traffic must be observed. Similarly, signs prohibiting or restricting the use of golf carts in particular areas are to be obeyed without exception. 6. Carts MUST REMAIN ON THE PATH AROUND ALL GREENS AND TEES, REMAINING A MINIMUM OF 40 YARDS FROM THE GREEN. Golfers must respect all directional signs around greens. Only carts driven by disabled players displaying a blue flag will be excepted from this rule. 7. Disabled players must display a flag, issued by the Golf Shop, on their cart to obtain relief from cart restrictions. Disabled golfers must show signed

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statement from a medical doctor or government issued documentation in order to use a blue flag. Management has the ultimate discretion on course conditions. 8. Carts MUST BE KEPT ON THE PATH ON ALL par-three holes.

9. In regular play, four (4) or fewer players playing together shall not use more than two (2) golf carts without special permission from Management. 10. Members and guests operating a cart shall be responsible for the repair of any damage caused to or by the cart. All damages must be reported to the Golf Shop and an accident report must be filled out and signed by the renting party. 9.7 Tennis Rules. 1. Only regulation tennis shoes are permitted to be worn on the courts. No jogging or black-soled shoes are allowed. 2. Proper tennis attire must be worn at all times. Shirts are required while playing on the courts. No cutoffs, swimsuits or tank tops are allowed. 3. Abusive, loud or boisterous language will not be tolerated. Striking nets or fences or throwing rackets is not permitted. 4. 5. Glass containers of any kind are not allowed on the tennis courts. Smoking is not permitted on the tennis courts.

6. The players shall abide by the ruling of the Tennis Professional/General Manager as to questions about the rules, length of play, courtesy, and other related matters (USTA). 7. All special events offered to the membership by the Club shall take precedence over open play. 8. Players shall abide by all of the above rules, and the Tennis Professional and staff are authorized to see that rules are enforced. Persons disobeying these rules may be removed or suspended from play, at the discretion of the Tennis Professional or General Manager. 9.8 Swimming Pool Rules 1. Hours of operation will be posted. No one is allowed in the pool before opening or after closing. The pool is closed on Mondays. 2. 3. Member's use of the pool is at his/her own risk. NO glass of any kind will be allowed on the deck or in the pool area.

4. Proper swim wear is required in the pool area. Cut-offs, thongs, topless or bottomless are prohibited).

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5. 6. 7. 8.

An adult must accompany all children under sixteen (16) years of age. No radios are allowed without headphones. No coolers are allowed. Floats or rafts of any kind must be approved by management before use.

9. No outside food or drinks are allowed in the pool area. Food and drinks can be ordered from the 19th Hole. 10. The pool may be reserved for private parties upon the approval of the Club Management. 9.9 1. Dress Codes Clubhouse

Men - Shirts must have a collar and sleeves. Denim (without holes or fraying) is permitted in the Clubhouse with the exception of dinning facilities other than the 19th Hole. Cloth sweat pants, cut-offs, swimming attire, tee shirts, tank tops, and gym shorts are not considered appropriate attire. Ladies - Denim (without holes or fraying) is permitted in the Clubhouse with the exception of dinning facilities other than the 19th Hole. Swimming attire, short shorts, cut offs, halter tops or tank tops are not considered appropriate attire. Bare feet are not permitted in the clubhouse. All children must also adhere to the above dress codes. 2. Golf Practice Facilities

Men - Shirts must have a collar and sleeves. Denim (without holes or fraying) is permitted. Cloth sweat pants, cut-offs, swimming attire, tee shirts, tank tops, and gym shorts are not considered appropriate attire. Ladies - Denim (without holes or fraying) is permitted. Swimming attire, short shorts, cut offs, halter tops or tank tops are not considered appropriate attire. Bare feet is not permitted. All children must also adhere to the above dress codes.


Golf Course

Men - Men must wear appropriate golf attire including shirts with collars and sleeves. Denim, cloth sweat pants, cut-offs, swimming attire, tee shirts, tank tops, and gym shorts are not considered appropriate attire. Metal or ceramic spikes are not permitted.

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Ladies - Ladies must wear appropriate golf attire. Denim, cloth sweat pants, cut-offs, swimming attire, halter tops, tank tops, gym shorts and short shorts or short skirts are not considered appropriate attire. Metal or ceramic spikes are not permitted. Bare feet is not permitted. All children must also adhere to the above dress codes.



Only proper tennis attire is permitted. Shirts are required while playing on the courts. No cut-offs, swimsuits or tank tops are allowed. Only regulation tennis shoes are permitted to be worn on the courts. No jogging or black-soled shoes are allowed. 5. Swimming

Only proper swimwear is permitted. Cut-offs are not allowed; proper swimsuits must be worn. (Thongs, topless, or bottomless are not permitted). All children must also adhere to the above dress codes.


10.1 Violations. The Club may suspend, expel or otherwise discipline any Member, or one or more of the Members Family, for committing any violation of these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws for conduct unbecoming a Member (including, but not limited to sexual harassment of another Member, a guest of the Club or of a Member, a Family member of a Member or an employee of the Club), for any offense against the best interests of the Club or for other good and sufficient cause as determined by the Club in its sole discretion. Suspension. A Member who has been suspended pursuant these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws shall be required to pay monthly dues following the effective date of suspension. No portion of any fee or monthly dues previously paid by a suspended Member shall be refunded or prorated. During the period of suspension, the Member and his or her Family shall have no rights or privileges to use the Club Facilities. Procedure for Infractions and Discipline. A written notice shall be prepared and mailed to the Member within five (5) business days of Management being made aware of the violation, describing the violation, noting all parties involved, and specifying the action taken by the Club. A copy of the notice will be placed in the Members file. Revocation. A membership may be revoked and the rights of any person or persons entitled to use the Club may be terminated for conduct unbecoming a Member, for any offense against the best interests of the Club, for committing certain infractions as specified in these Rules and Regulations, or for other good and sufficient cause.




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Grounds for Revocation. A membership may be revoked and the rights of any Person or Persons entitled to use the Club may be terminated in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and By-Laws for any violation of the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, including, but not limited to: Commission of any felony or misdemeanor theft at the Club Facilities Ninety-day delinquency Willful destruction of the Owners or a staffs, Members, Family members or guests property Physical or gross verbal abuse of staff, Members, Family members, or guests Continued and repeated violations of these Rules, Regulations and ByLaws Following suspension, if a Member or Family member again violates the rule that led to the previous suspension within twelve (12) months of the infraction, or if the Member or Family member violates any other rule that would result in suspension within twelve (12) months of the infraction


Procedure for Revocation. A written notice of revocation shall be delivered by mail or in person to the terminated Member. Upon revocation, the Member shall thereafter have no rights or privileges to use the Club. Revocation does not prejudice or affect in any manner the Clubs right to use all legal remedies available to collect any delinquent indebtedness. A period of three (3) years must elapse before reapplying for membership.

10.7 Hearing following Suspension of Revocation. The following procedures shall be made available by the Club in order that suspended Members or Members who have had their membership revoked may be afforded an opportunity to have their situation reviewed by more than one (1) individual and all circumstances taken into account:

The Member may request a review hearing, which will be held before the General Manager. If the Member does not wish the hearing to be held before the General Manager, he or she may so advise the Club in his or her request for a hearing, in which case, a designated representative of the Owner, superior to the General Manager, may serve as the hearing officer. The Members request for a hearing must be delivered to the Club within fifteen (15) days following the date upon which the Club mails the notice of suspension to the Member; and The review hearing will be conducted within thirty (30) days from the date that Members request for the hearing is delivered to the Club. The Member may attend in person or by representation. Following such hearing, the General Manager or designated representative of the Club will make every effort to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. In the event

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such a resolution is not reached, the decision of the General Manager or the Owners designated representative is final and binding. 10.8 Reinstatement. A request for reinstatement may be honored, in the Clubs sole discretion, subject to membership category availability and upon payment of the difference between the original initiation fee paid by the Member and the then current initiation fee for that membership category, or any back dues or charges owed to the Club, or both of the foregoing, at the Clubs discretion.

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