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Sediment Transport Regime and Geomorphological Change in a High Discharge

Tropical Delta (Magdalena River, Colombia): Insights from a Period of Intense
Change and Human Interventio...

Article  in  Journal of Coastal Research · October 2015

DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00263.1


25 2,177

8 authors, including:

Juan Camilo Restrepo Camille Traini

Universidad del Norte (Colombia) University of Bayreuth


Juan Carlos Ortíz Andrés Fernando Orejarena Rondón

Universidad del Norte (Colombia) Universidad del Norte (Colombia)


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Assessment of human damage and loss in ecosystem services in Puerto Colombia. View project

Morfodinámica de los deltas fluviales colombianos View project

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Sediment Transport Regime and Geomorphological Change in a High Discharge

Tropical Delta (Magdalena River, Colombia): Insights from a Period of Intense
Change and Human Interventio...

Article  in  Journal of Coastal Research · October 2015

DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00263.1


5 796

8 authors, including:

Juan Camilo Restrepo Camille Traini

Universidad del Norte (Colombia) University of Bayreuth


Juan Carlos Ortíz Andrés Fernando Orejarena Rondón

Universidad del Norte (Colombia) Universidad del Norte (Colombia)


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Patrones hidrodinámicos y estudio de las propiedades ópticas en la Isla Cayos de Serranilla View project

Andrea Davis View project

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Journal of Coastal Research 00 0 000–000 Coconut Creek, Florida Month 0000

Sediment Transport and Geomorphological Change in a

High-Discharge Tropical Delta (Magdalena River,
Colombia): Insights from a Period of Intense Change and
Human Intervention (1990–2010)
Juan Camilo Restrepo†*, Kerstin Schrottke‡, Camille Traini‡, Juan Carlos Ortı́z†,
Andrés Orejarena§, Luı́s Otero†, Aldemar Higgins†, and Leonardo Marriaga§
† ‡ §
Grupo de Fı́sica Aplicada: Océano y Department of Geosciences Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas
Atmósfera JRG Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Erosion e Hidrográficas
Departamento de Fı́sica Kiel University Dirección General Marı́tima
Universidad del Norte Kiel, Germany Cartagena, Colombia
Barranquilla, Colombia

Restrepo, J.C.; Schrottke, K.; Traini, C.; Ortiz, J.C.; Orejarena, A.; Otero, L.; Higgins, A., and Marriaga, L., 0000.
Sediment transport and geomorphological change in a high-discharge tropical delta (Magdalena River, Colombia):
Insights from a period of intense change and human intervention (1990–2010). Journal of Coastal Research, 00(0), 000–
000. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

There is strong indication that environmental changes and human interventions have affected freshwater discharge and
sediment flux in the Magdalena River (northwestern South America) within the period from 1990 to 2010. Thus, stream
flow, suspended sediment load (SSL), and riverbed dynamics were analysed in this study for estimating changes in the
suspended sediment transport regime as well as of erosional/depositional patterns in different zones of the delta. It can
be shown that stream flow increased at a higher rate than suspended sediment transport, promoting changes in the
sediment transport regime. Erosion appeared at the mouth/frontal bar and the outlet zones and modified the
sedimentary balance within the prodelta in the early 2000s. There is indication that cycles of erosion and accretion were
controlled by the magnitude of fluvial discharge and riverbed scouring in the river outlet, whereas effluent diffusion and
sediment dispersion were dominant in the delta front. High freshwater discharge, as buoyancy inputs, promoted the
transfer of sediments from the river channel to the outer prodelta through the upper layers of the water column. Total
sediment accumulation in the delta corresponded to ,5% of the annual mean SSL of the Magdalena River. Overall, delta
morphology remained relatively stable, experiencing a slow progradational state with highest sedimentation rates
(1430 mm y1) in the deepest zones.

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Sediment dynamic, deltaic processes, morphological changes, delta evolution, erosion,

INTRODUCTION Syvitski and Saito, 2007; van der Wal, Pye, and Neal, 2002;
Boundary conditions and forcing factors such as sediment Wang et al., 2010). Hydrological shifts by changes of the
supply, freshwater discharges, coastal energy, accommodation rainfall patterns, water withdrawal, e.g., by building of water
space, and differences in density between fluvial, estuarine, reservoirs, or deforestation within the catchment area can
and marine waters control the dynamics and architecture of already be associated with significant changes in freshwater
deltaic zones (Li et al., 1998a, 1998b; Orton and Reading, 1993; discharge and related sediment transport, in turn leading to
Saito, Yang, and Hori, 2001; Syvitski and Saito, 2007; van der disruption of sedimentary processes at deltas (e.g., Gao, Wang,
Wal, Pye, and Neal, 2002; Wang, Hassan, and Xiaoping, 2006; and Gao, 2011; Traini et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2010; Wang,
Wright and Coleman, 1973). Changes in any of these factors Hassan, and Xiaoping, 2006; Xu, 2002; Yang et al., 2003; Zhang
will influence the geomorphological, hydrodynamic, and sedi- et al., 2008;). For example, a significant reduction in precipi-
mentological balance of these systems (Fan and Huang, 2005; tation rates and a series of human activities, mainly involving
Gao, Wang, and Gao, 2011; Wang et al., 2010; Wang, Hassan, the construction of large reservoirs and soil conservation
and Xiaoping, 2006; Yang et al., 2003). Knowing that these practices within the Yellow River basin (Huanghe, China),
highly complex coastal sites are nowadays strongly affected by has led to a substantial decrease (~90%) in water and sediment
anthropogenic interventions, demand on exploring how deltaic discharge to the Bohai Sea during the last 50 years (Fan and
systems evolve and respond to changes of forcing conditions is Huang, 2005; Wang et al., 2007, 2010; Wang, Hassan, and
significantly increasing (e.g., Gao, Wang, and Gao, 2011; Xiaoping, 2006). In response to these changes, the Yellow River
delta has undergone a series of morphological adjustments,
DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00263.1 received 28 December 2014; comprising the narrowing and abandoning of active tributar-
accepted in revision 13 August 2015; corrected proofs received
ies, the formation of new river mouths, and significant changes
24 September 2015; published pre-print online 13 October 2015.
*Corresponding author: in the coastline (Wang et al., 2007; Xu, 2002). There are other
Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2015 examples of responses of deltas to changes in river inputs
0 Restrepo et al.

associated with human impacts or climate-induced changes. Physical Setting of the Magdalena River Delta
They include variations in sediment dispersal patterns, shifts The Magdalena River forms a 1690-km2 arcuate delta. The
in turbidity maximum zones, changes in the sediment delta presents a main discharge channel (Bocas de Ceniza), a
retention index in subaqueous deltas, formation/migration of major distributary discharging into Cartagena Bay (Canal del
shoals and bars, and modifications of subsidence/sinking Dique), and a complex network of minor connections with the
processes (e.g., Gao, Wang, and Gao, 2011; Li et al., 1998a; Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Figure 1). Bocas de Ceniza is
Maillet et al., 2006; Syvitski and Saito, 2007; van der Wal, Pye, aligned to a high-slope (~408) submarine canyon, the Magda-
and Neal, 2002; Wang et al., 2010; Xu, 2002; Yang et al., 2003). lena Canyon. The morphology and architecture of this canyon
The Aswan Dam (Egypt), for example, traps more than 90% of is related to sedimentary input of the Magdalena River (Ercilla
the sediment load that was formerly delivered to the Mediter- et al., 2002; Vernette et al., 1992). The sediments deposited in
ranean Sea by the Nile River, causing erosion rates of .10 m the canyon feed a turbidite system through processes of
y1 at two active tributaries (Stanley and Warney, 1998). landslides and turbidity currents, triggered by seismic events
However, the response mechanisms of sedimentary processes (Ercilla et al., 2002; Kolla and Buffer, 1985; Koopmans, 1971;
in deltas to significant changes in the corresponding catchment Molinares et al., 2012). This seismic activity has occasionally
areas are not fully understood (e.g., Gao, Wang, and Gao, 2011; shown an active role in the river mouth geometry, particularly
Syvitski and Saito, 2007; Wang et al., 2010). This is especially in 1935 and 1963 when it promoted the deepening of the main
the case in rivers characterised by severe anthropogenic channel (Heezen, 1956; Koopmans, 1971).
interventions and environmental changes (Syvitski and Saito, The main discharge channel has undergone major physical
2007). changes after a variety of engineering activities during the last
The Magdalena River, in northwestern South America century (Figure 2). Before 1924, it was characterised by cuspate
(Figure 1), provides an illustrative example of strong interac- or lobate forms. The number and position of landforms changed
tion between processes acting in the river basin and delta, also continuously, forming different connections between the river
in the context of environmental change and recent human channel and the systems of coastal lagoons (Figure 2a). To
intervention. With a drainage basin of 2.57 3 105 km2, the prevent siltation at the river mouth and to promote commercial
Magdalena River delivers 26% of the total freshwater dis- navigation to the Port of Barranquilla, a series of engineering
charge (205 km3 y1) and 38% of the total sediment load (144 3 structures were planned along the main channel. Thus, from
106 t y1) to the Caribbean Sea (Higgins et al., 2015; Restrepo et 1936 onward, the delta has been dominated by a single
al., 2014). Thus, it delivers the highest amount of freshwater discharge channel, which is isolated from the coastal lagoon
and sediment to the Caribbean Sea. At the same time, it systems (Ciénaga de Mallorquı́n) and forced into a straight line
belongs to the world’s rivers with highest sediment and by two jetties (Figure 2b). In 1949 and 1951 the jetties were
freshwater discharge to the ocean (e.g., Milliman and Meade, reinforced and extended to 120 m and 53 m, respectively
1983; Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2000). There is currently ample (Figure 2c). Between 1994 and 1995, a training wall (1.2 km in
evidence of changes taking place in the Magdalena River basin. length) and four additional contraction groynes (0.07–0.29 km
Restrepo et al. (2014) detected a shift in the hydrological in length) were built on the eastern margin to close a secondary
patterns of the Magdalena River in 1998–2002. This shift was channel, increase current flow, and concentrate the flow along
characterised by a higher hydrologic variability, a steady the main channel (Figure 1b). Finally, between 2008 and 2009,
increase in the mean stream flow, and the strengthening of a two outer contraction groynes of 0.67 km and 0.23 km were
quasi-decadal oscillatory signal. The Magdalena River basin attached to the northern section of the eastern jetty. Currently,
also experienced dramatic land surface disturbances, such as the mouth exhibits a width of 430 m and a minimum depth of
forest clearing, arable land expansion, and mining exploitation, 9.15 m in the deep channel, and the western and eastern jetties
whereby sediment delivery from the main tributaries signifi- extend for 7.4 km and 1.4 km, respectively (Figure 1b)
cantly deviates from long-term natural rates (Restrepo and (Alvarado, 2008; Borda et al., 1973).
Syvitski, 2006). Thus, it is unclear how sediment transport The delta exhibits a microtidal regime ranging between 0.64
processes and the subaqueous delta architecture respond to m and 0.48 m during spring and neap tides, respectively, with
changes in fluvial inputs. primarily mixed diurnal tides (Restrepo and López, 2008).
In this study, we hypothesize that the combined effect of During most of the year (December–July), the delta wave
changes in anthropogenic interventions and the shift of the system is dominated by the presence of swells from the
hydrological pattern at the Magdalena River basin alter northeast (96%), which display significant wave heights (Hs)
freshwater discharge and sediment transport, promoting of 2.2 6 1.1 m and peak periods (Tp) of 6.7 6 2.3 seconds (Ortiz
morphological changes at the river mouth and subaqueous et al., 2013). The delta experiences high-energy wave condi-
delta. The aim of this work is (1) to quantify suspended tions between January and March, caused by cold fronts, and
sediment transport rates and detect changes in the sediment from June to November associated with storm surges and
transport regime occurring within the last 2 decades; (2) to hurricanes. Maximum Hs values of 4.0–5.0 m have been
analyse the recent morphological evolution and dominant reported in deep waters during extreme wave events (Ortiz,
processes of sediment transport; and (3) to evaluate the relative 2012; Ortiz et al., 2013).
importance of the variability of freshwater discharge to The amount and temporal variability of the river discharge
dominant sediment transport processes and to the short- to depend on the annual hydrological cycle, controlled by the shift
midterm morphological evolution of the Magdalena River of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), whereby the
delta. drainage basin experiences two well-defined wet seasons. The

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

Figure 1. (a) Location of the Magdalena River in northwestern South America; (b) detailed view of the river mouth site showing the main engineering structures
(1–7) and the mooring sites for the field survey.

first season extends from April to June, when the ITCZ Mean daily sediment loads amount to 256 3 103 t d1 during El
migrates from south to north. The second season lasts from Niño years and 511 3 103 t d1 during La Niña years (Restrepo
September to November, when the ITCZ shifts southward. The and Kjerfve, 2000).
periods between December–March and July–August corre- Restrepo and Syvitski (2006) indicated that deforestation,
spond to the dry and transition seasons, respectively (Poveda, mining, and dam building in the Magdalena River drainage
2004). The seasonal distribution shows high discharges of basin also modified the natural hydrology of the main
freshwater (9237 m3 s1) and suspended sediment (690 3 103 t tributaries of the Magdalena River in the last decades, leading
d1) in November. Lowest mean values appear in March, with to changes in its freshwater and sediment discharge. From
3685 m3 s1 and 146 3 103 t d1 of freshwater and suspended 1970 to 1990, ~4.8 3 106 ha of forests were converted into
sediment load (SSL), respectively (Higgins et al., 2015; agricultural and pasture lands with deforestation rates of 2343
Restrepo et al., 2014). At interannual scales, major anomalies 103 ha y1 (Restrepo and Syvitski, 2006). Between 1980 and
in hydrological patterns are linked to both phases of the El 2000, mining rose steadily up to 2% of the national gross
Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Poveda et al. 2001; domestic product (GDP); for instance, open-pit coal exploitation
Restrepo et al., 2014). Mean annual discharges during El Niño increased from 4 3 106 t y1 in 1980 to 20 3 106 t y1 in 2000.
and La Niña years are 5512 and 8747 m3 s1, respectively. Furthermore, within the drainage basin, there are 39 dam

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

0 Restrepo et al.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the Magdalena River delta between 1894 and 1961, according to historical maps and charts from (a) 1894 to 1911, (b) 1924,
(c) 1936, and (d) 1961. Modified and adapted from Borda et al. (1973).

reservoirs with a total water storage capacity of 8.2 3 109 m3 and adjusted on a regular basis (IDEAM, 2013). According to
(IDEAM, 2001). the measuring techniques and procedures for estimating the
respective rating curves, the inaccuracy of the stream flow and
METHODS SSL values is estimated as low (,7%) (IDEAM, 2013). A more
Data on stream flow, water properties (current flow, salinity, detailed analysis of the sediment rating curves at Calamar
and temperature), SSLs, and grain size, as well on bathymetry, gauging station can be found at Higgins et al. (2015). Calamar
were collected and analysed in this study as follows. station is located ~91 km away from the mouth of the
watershed. A valuable integrated signal between gain and loss
Analyses of Data on Stream Flow and Suspended of the continental water cycle can therefore be gained from
Sediment these data (e.g., Labat, 2010; Milliman et al., 2008).
Stream flow and SSL were both measured monthly (1941, The nonparametric, rank-based Mann–Kendall test (MKT)
1972 to 2010) and daily (1990 to 2010) at the hydrologic station was conducted to detect and evaluate the significance of
of Calamar (Figure 1) by the Instituto de Hidrologı́a, monotonic trends in time series of annual stream flow and
Meteorologı́a y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia (IDEAM ). SSL, over different periods (i.e. 1941–2010, n ¼ 70; 1972–2010,
Simultaneous measurements of water level, stream flow, and n ¼ 39; 1972–1990, n ¼ 19; 1990–2000, n ¼ 11; 2000–2010, n ¼
suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were done by the 11). The MKT is considered one of the most robust techniques
IDEAM during high, intermediate, and low river discharge at available to identify and estimate linear trends in hydrological
this gauging station. Sediment samples were taken from a fixed data (Milliman et al., 2008; Yue, Pilon, and Cavadivas, 2002;
volume of water samples (1 L); the sediment samples were Zhang et al., 2008). In this test, no trend in the time series is
dried and weighed to estimate concentration using the considered as a null hypothesis. A standardised variable (Z)
gravimetric method and the ratio was determined between was calculated for verification. The null hypothesis was
the net weight of sediment and the respective volume of water rejected for a significance level a if Z . Z(1a/2), where Z(1 a/2)
sample. Thus, for each measurement of water level there is a is the standard value of a normal distribution with a probability
corresponding measurement of stream flow and SSC. Using of a/2 (Yue, Pilon, and Cavadivas, 2002). A maximum
data points of water level–stream flow and stream flow–SSC, a significance level (a) of 0.1 was set for this study, implying a
rating curve and a sediment rating curve were established, minimum statistical confidence level of 90% for Z ¼ 1.64. If the
respectively (IDEAM, 2013). The rating curve and sediment Z-value increases, the statistical significance of the trend is
rating curve at Calamar are power functions, statistically enhanced. The Sen’s slope method (i.e. Theil–Sen line) was also
significant, estimated through well-known techniques (e.g., performed for time series of annual values. When a monotonic
Buchanan and Somers, 1969; Colby, 1956). Therefore, daily linear trend is detected using MKT, the Sen’s slope method can
water-level readings for the whole record were converted to be performed to estimate the slope of the trend. By using this
stream flow via the rating curve, and the SSC was estimated method, it can be calculated how the median concentration
through the sediment rating curve using daily stream flow changes linearly with time, not affected by outliers. This
data. Then, SSL was estimated through the integration of constitutes an alternative to the parametric ordinary least-
simultaneous data on stream flow and SSC. These measure- squares regression method (e.g., Yue, Pilon, and Cavadivas,
ments followed standard procedures (e.g., Asselman, 2000; 2002).
Buchanan and Somers, 1969; Colby, 1956); they were carried Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) analyses (Morlet
out in a deep/stable section of the river, the sampling wavelet spectrum) were applied to estimate periodicities and
instruments were deployed parallel to the flow’s direction, patterns of variability and to distinguish temporal oscillations
and the sediment samplings were isokinetic. The rating curve in the time series, identifying the intermittency of each
and sediment rating curve at this gauging station are revised timescale process. Generalised local base functions (i.e., mother

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

wavelets) were used for the CWT. They were stretched and Table 1. Location and dates of sounding data used in this study and the
translated in terms of frequency and time resolution (Torrence cell sizes of the interpolated bathymetric data (raster format).
and Compo, 1998). In addition, the global wavelet spectrum
Area Cell Size (m) Soundings
and the cross-correlation wavelet (XWT) between stream flow
and SSL were also calculated to estimate characteristic scales Outlet 8.5 (1) June 2000, (2) May 2004,
(3) July 2011
of long-term processes and to determine the variance signal Mouth/Frontal Bar 2.5 (1) August 1994, (2) June 2000,
distribution between the different scales. The XWT was (3) May 2004, (4) July 2011
performed on the 1972–2010 period to highlight the scale- Delta Front 10.0 (1) August 1994, (2) June 2000,
dependent relationship between these signals, exposing re- (3) April 2008, (4) April 2010,
(5) June 2012
gions with high common power and revealing information
about phase relationship (e.g., Labat, 2010; Torrence and
where U is depth-averaged velocity (m s1), qo is depth-
Compo, 1998). The CWT was applied on monthly deseasonal-
ised time series. Statistical significance of signal processes averaged density (kg m3), h is water layer height, (qb – qs) is
were density difference between superficial layer and bottom layer,
pffiffiffi limited by the cutoff frequency (T/2) and edge effects (T/ and g acceleration due to gravity. The RL allows an
2 2), defining T as the total length of the hydrological record.
Thus, to identify significant fluctuations, the 95% confidence estimation of the mixing strength within the water column,
levels for contours and edge effects were calculated, following considering tidal and discharge changes. When RL . 20, the
the Torrence and Compo (1998) methodology. water column is stable and bottom turbulence is not effective
in generating mixing; whereas when 2 , RL , 20, mixing is
Measurements of Current Flow, Salinity, and Particle activated, and in the case of RL , 2, turbulence generated by
Size bottom friction is the main mechanism of mixing (Dyer, 1998).
Stationary current measurements were conducted using a
ship-mounted RD Instruments-RDIt 1200-kHz acoustic Dopp- Processing and Analysis of Bathymetric Data
ler current profiler (ADCP) in the river outlet (Figure 1) during Bathymetric data from 1994 to 2012 was provided by the
seasons of high (28–30 November 2012) and low (19–21 April National Hydrographic Service (Servicio Hidrografico Nacio-
2013) freshwater discharge. Because of diurnal security nal–Centro de Investigaciones Oceanograficas e Hidrografi-
restrictions in the deep navigation channel, data collection cas). Data accuracy amounts to 0.1 m in the vertical and 1.0 m
periods were limited to one-half of the tidal period (~12 h at in the horizontal direction. As successive surveys do not cover
nocturnal time). The transducers of the downward-looking the same area, three zones with full coverage were defined
ADCP were installed ~0.6 m below the water surface. The first (outlet, mouth/frontal bar, and delta front) to adjust boundaries
bin was centred 0.5 m away from the transducer head. The bin and ensure concordance within the surveyed area. Digital
size was set to 0.5 m. Data were collected at a frequency of 3.3 elevation models with cell sizes ranging from 2.5 to 10.0 m
Hz, averaged in 15.15-second ensembles (50 pings per (Table 1) were set up via triangular interpolation (triangular
ensemble), with ensemble intervals of 300 seconds. The irregular network [TIN]) using ARC Gis Version 10t. TIN
standard deviation of these settings was 0.01 m s1. Instanta- provides high accuracy relative to the density of source data
neous and semitidally averaged vertical flow profiles were (Maillet et al., 2006). Areas of net erosion/accretion as well as
calculated applying standard techniques, as described in the corresponding volumetric gains/losses in the delta were
Kjerfve (1979). determined by superimposing successive soundings from
At this site water samples (1 L) from the water surface were comparable hydrological seasons (Table 1). Volumetric values
collected every 2 hours with a horizontal Niskin bottle for were converted into gravimetric sediment masses by estimat-
particle-size analyses of suspended particulate matter (SPM), ing bulk properties of the sediment. Bottom sediments at the
using a multisizer counter (Multisizer Coulter Countert).
Magdalena River mouth are predominantly coarse and
Particle sizes in the range from 0.1 to 600 lm can be detected
medium silts, mainly composed of plagioclase and quartz
with this technique by using the laser dispersion principle.
(Klingebiel and Vernette, 1979; Kolla and Buffler, 1985).
Salinity and temperature measurements were also conducted
Considering that the density of unconsolidated sediments with
in the water column every 2 hours using a conductivity–
these kinds of minerals ranges from 2.63 g cm3 to 2.76 g cm3,
temperature–depth SeaBird 19VPlus, with a sampling rate of 4
we used a dry bulk density of 2.65 g cm3. Sediment porosities
Hz. Salinity and temperature were also measured over 12
up to 73% have been reported for in situ silt–sand aggregates
vertical profiles along one longitudinal transect, spanning ~9
deposited in bays and estuaries (Leeder, 2011); thus, we
km in the deep channel (Figure 1b). Transect profiles were
decided to use a mean porosity of 80% to be conservative in
conducted during four surveys (29–30 November 2012; 20–21
the estimation of gravimetric sediment masses. These esti-
April 2013) at ebb tide to determine the spatial variability of
the salinity in the lower delta. mates represent only the apparent sedimentation, because
Velocity, temperature, and salinity data from stationary processes of consolidation/compaction and changing porosities
measurements were used to calculate the layered Richardson within sediment deposits are not considered. This approach
number (RL) (Equation 1), was successfully used in various estuarine systems, including
the use of similar values of the bulk properties (Lane, 2004;
ghðqb  qs Þ Maillet et al., 2006; Rowan, Goodwill, and Greco, 1995; van der
RL ¼ ð1Þ
U 2 qo Wal, Pye, and Neal, 2002).

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

0 Restrepo et al.

Figure 3. (a) Stream flow and suspended sediment load of the Magdalena River: Annual mean (thin line with circles), long-term trend (thick gray line), and short-
term trend (thick black line) for selected periods; trends are based on MKT and Sen’s slope methods (see Table 2 for statistics). Daily fluvial discharges for the
period of 1990–2010: (b) stream flow and (c) suspended sediment load.

RESULTS mean annual stream flow increased to 12.6%, from 6565 m3 s1
This section presents results dealing with the magnitude and to 7391 m3 s1 (Table 2 and Figure 3a). Stream flow peaks
variability of stream flow and SSL; seasonal characteristics of higher than 14,000 m3 s1 appeared in the flooding seasons of
the flow velocity, saline structure, and particle size; as well as 1999, 2000, 2008, and 2010. Highest stream flow occurred in
patterns of erosion and sedimentation in the river mouth and 1999, when daily discharge exceeded 8000 m3 s1 during the
the delta front. entire year. On the contrary, in 1997, daily stream flow was
Magnitude and Variability of Stream Flow and SSL below 5000 m3 s1 (Figure 3b). Prominent changes in stream
From 1941 to 2010, mean annual stream flow of the flow appeared from 1990 to 2010 when separating between
Magdalena River was 6501 6 1370 m3 s1, which equals 205 flood and dry seasons. In 1996, 2000, 2007, 2008, and 2010 the
km3 y1. During this period, the annual stream flow experi- flooding season extended from June to December, leading to
enced an increasing trend, significant at a 95% confidence level. stream flow above 9000 m3 s1 over 7 months, whereas during
This trend was particularly pronounced within the last 20 1992 and 2001, the dry season was longer, extending from
years, underlined by Sen’s slope estimates of 297.7 m3 s1 y1 January to September. Stream flow differences between the
and 493.7 m3 s1 y1. Between the 1990s and the 2000s, the flood and dry seasons increased in the 2000s (Figure 3b).
Table 2. Stream flow and suspended sediment load: annual mean and results of the Mann–Kendall and Sen’s slope tests for selected periods.

Stream Flow Suspended Sediment Load

Mann–Kendall Test Mann–Kendall Test
Annual Mean Sen’s Slope Annual Mean Sen’s Slope
Period (3103 m3 s1) Test Z p-Value (m3 s1 y1) (3106 t y1) Test Z p-Value (3106 t y1)
1941/1972–2010* 6.5 6 1.4 2.02 ,0.05 17.26 142.0 6 48 0.99 ns 0.84
1972–1990 6.5 6 0.9 0.42 ns 17.26 141.2 6 48 1.89 ,0.10 3.80
1990–2000 6.5 6 1.7 1.40 ns 297.72 151.4 6 46 0.62 ns 1.10
2000-2010 7.4 6 1.7 2.18 ,0.05 493.69 137.9 6 54 2.02 ,0.05 14.29

* Stream flow from 1941 to 2010 (n ¼ 70); suspended sediment load from 1972 to 2010 (n ¼ 39), 1972–1990 (n ¼ 19), 1990–2000, and 2000–2010 (n ¼ 11).

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

During this period, the annual mean showed a slight, but

statistically not significant, increasing trend (Table 2 and
Figure 3a). Average annual SSL decreased from the 1990s
(154.4 3 106 t y1) to the 2000s (137.9 3 106 t y1) by 8.9%. Only
around 2006, SSL exceeded values of 150 3 106 t y1, when a
new significant upward trend (95% confidence level) appeared
during the 2000–2010 period (Table 2 and Figure 3a). Highest
SSL with peaks .900 3 103 t d1 occurred during flood seasons
(September–November). Seasons lasting from June to Decem-
ber with SSLs .500 3 103 t d1 were identified in 1996, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2007, 2008, and 2010. In contrast, lower SSLs were
experienced in 1997 and 2005, with values ,100 3 103 t d1
being observed during most of the year (Figure 3c).
The continuous wavelet spectrum of the Magdalena’s SSL
highlighted a 6-month process, showing maximum power at
different periods (Figure 4b). The annual signal exhibited its
maximum power from 1974 to 1976, 1986 to 1992, 1994 to 2000,
and 2007 to 2010 (Figure 4b). At interannual scale, SSL
indicated a quasi-biannual process between 1987–2000 and
2009–2010. In addition, a 4–5-year oscillation from 1997 to
2002 and a 5–7-year signal from 1983 to 2000, showing a peak
power from 1985 to 1996, was detected. A quasi-decadal
oscillation (8–12 year) appeared in 1985 and extended to
2010. The wavelet spectrum also highlighted periods of intense
activity around 1988–1990 and 1995–1998, characterised by
superimposed oscillations of 0.5–1, 2–3, 5–7, and 8–12 years, as
well as between 2009 and 2010, with superimposed oscillations
Figure 4. Magdalena River continuous wavelet transform (CWT) spectrum of 1, 2–3, and 8–12 years (Figure 4b). These periods coincided
for (a) stream flow and (b) SSL. Global wavelet spectrum for (c) stream flow with high SSL (Figure 3). The annual band of SSL appeared to
and (d) SSL. (e) Cross-wavelet transform (XWT) of the stream flow and SSL. be the main oscillatory component, whereas the 5–7-year band
The red colours in the wavelet spectra correspond to high values of the emerged as a second-order source of hydrological variability
transform coefficients (power). The thick black contour delimits the 95%
confidence level against AR(1) red noise, and the cone of influence where
(Figure 4d).
edge effects are not negligible is shown as a shaded contour. The arrows Oscillations greater than 1 year were not statistically
reflect the relative phase relationship (in phase pointing right, antiphase significant for both stream flow and SSL; interpretation must
pointing left, stream flow leading SSL by 908 pointing straight down). therefore be made carefully (Figures 4c and d). Nevertheless,
such information was considered useful because (1) CWT
The continuous wavelet spectrum of the Magdalena’s stream isolates signals hidden in noise, (2) oscillations are within the
flow highlighted a 6-month component that was visible from range defined by cutoff frequency and edge effects, and (3) zero
approximately 1974 to 1995 and 2000 to 2010. The annual padding technique might reduce the true power of lower
signal appeared as a quasi-nonintermittent process of highest frequencies. More data are needed to test the true statistical
magnitudes from 1972 to 1990, 1994 to 2001, and 2007 to 2010 significance of these oscillations. The XWT revealed a signif-
(Figure 4a). At interannual scale, stream flow exhibited a 3–4- icant common power in the ~0.5-year band from 1974 to 1983,
year process between 1979 and 1984 and a 4–7-year oscillation 1985 to 1992, 1993 to 1995, 1999 to 2005, and 2006 to 2010.
between the intervals 1972–1981 and 1989–2003. The 4–7-year Highest scale dependence was observed in the annual band,
signal exhibited a maximum power between 1994 and 2002. A except between 2001 and 2007, where both time series
quasi-decadal oscillation (8–12 y) appeared in 1990 and exhibited low power. The latter indicates low scales of
extended to 2010; this signal was particularly strong between variability during this period. The XWT showed that stream
1998 and 2010. The wavelet spectrum also reflected a period of flow and SSL were in phase in all the sectors with significant
common power. Outside the areas with significant power, the
intense activity from 1998 to 2002, characterised by superim-
phase relationship was also predominantly in phase, indicating
posed oscillations of 0.5–1, 3–4, 4–7, and 9–12 years. A strong
phase locked (Figure 4e).
quasi-biennial stream flow oscillation arose in 2009 (Figure 4a).
This fluctuation superimposed with an 8–12-year process and Seasonal Characteristics of Flow Velocity, Salinity, and
coincided with a period of severe floods (Figure 3). The annual Particle Size
band appeared as the main oscillatory component, whereas the In general, current velocities were ~54% higher within the
4–7-year band emerged as a second-order source of variability season of high discharge, corresponding to depth-averaged
(Figure 4c). values of 1.06 and 0.77 m s1 in November. The measurements
SSL in the Magdalena River amounted to 5.5 3 109 t between revealed a layered flow during the high-discharge season
1972 and 2010, with 142.0 6 48.6 3 106 t y1, on average. (Figure 5). However, this layered feature weakened as a

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

0 Restrepo et al.

Figure 5. Current velocity contours throughout a half-tidal cycle (left) and the corresponding vertical profile of the residual currents (right) measured during (a)
28/29 November (h ¼ 8.0 m), and (b) 29/30 November (h ¼ 7.5 m). The values represent the velocity in m s1; z ¼ depth measured vertically downward from the
ADCP; h ¼ total depth measured downward from the ADCP.

consequence of decreased stream flow during the low-discharge the salt wedge penetrated ~4 km landward, leading to higher
season. Furthermore, superficial current velocities were near-bed salinity and implying strong seasonal-dependent
stronger than the ones observed near the bed (Figures 5 and stratification. The halocline was gently tilted, but steepened
6). Peak velocities near the water surface ranged from 0.9 to 1.2 during the high-discharge season (Figure 7).
m s1 in November and 0.48 to 0.58 m s1 in April, whereas the The dominant particle sizes of SPM (76.4% of total weight)
near-bed peak values varied from 0.6 to 0.9 m s1 in November observed in the uppermost water column in November was
and 0.36 to 0.42 m s1 in April. Consequently, shear velocities coarse silt (d10 ¼ 0.3 lm; d50 ¼14.1 lm; d90 ¼ 45.9 lm). Again,
(u*) were higher (0.042–0.052 m s1) during high-discharge medium silt (d10 ¼ 0.3 lm; d50 ¼7.8 lm; d90¼ 23.8 lm)
season compared with the values that appeared in the low- predominantly occurred in April with the 65.4% of total weight
discharge season (0.014–0.024 m s1). Overall, flow was (Figure 8). Sand-sized particles accounted for 7.1% during the
seaward directed (Figures 5 and 6). At this site, the estimated high-discharge season but were almost absent during the low-
layered Richardson number ranged between 0.3 3 103 and 6.8 discharge season (1.9%). Clay-sized particles increased from
3 102, implying that turbulence, generated by bottom friction, 16.5% to 32.7% between the seasons. Overall, the samples were
is the main mechanism for in situ mixing. very poorly sorted (Figure 8).
Spatial distribution of salinity always exhibited sharp spatial
gradients with well-defined haloclines, appearing in the upper Patterns of Erosion and Sedimentation at the River
(delta front) and lower (river mouth) water column, implying Mouth
the existence of a salt wedge (Figure 7). At the delta front, From 1994 to 2000, large sedimentation zones appeared in
salinity amounted to 6–20 in the upper and 33–35 in the lower the mouth/frontal bar sector of the Magdalena River, extending
water column, respectively. At the river mouth, values were over 0.24 km2 (82% of the total subarea evaluated) and
lower, with 0–6 in the upper and 26–33 in the lower water containing 0.61 3 106 m3 of accumulated sediments (Table 3
column. Within the riverine section, salinity was zero, except and Figure 9b). Accumulation was especially apparent in the
for the deeper zones between 2 and 5 km, where salinity ,3 was southern part of the mouth with rates of 0.38 m y1, leading to
observed (Figures 7a and b). During the low-discharge season, 2.3 m in total (Figure 9b). This period of intense sedimentation

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Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

Figure 6. Current velocity contours throughout a half-tidal cycle (left) and the corresponding vertical profile of residual currents (right) measured during (a) 19/
20 April (h ¼ 6.0 m) and (b) 20/21 April (h ¼ 5.6 m). The values represent the velocity in m s1; z ¼ depth measured vertically downward from the ADCP; h ¼ total
depth measured downward from the ADCP.

was followed by an interval of erosion from 2000 to 2004, not (11807 0 00 00 N, 74851 0 30 00 W) and the southwestern seaward
only in the mouth/frontal bar, but also in the main outlet margin (11807 0 00 00 N, 74851 0 45 00 W) experienced a sediment
(Figure 9). During this period, erosional areas covered 0.19 km2 accumulation .1.3 m (0.21 m y1) (Figure 10a). From 2000 to
and 1.61 km2 (65% and 69% of the total subarea evaluated) in 2008, the erosional/accretional balance changed. Although
the mouth/frontal bar and main outlet sectors, respectively. erosional areas covered 58% of the total subarea evaluated,
The total volumetric loss amounted to 0.24 3 106 m3 in the total sediment accumulation of 21.4 3 106 m3 prevailed
frontal bar and 2.16 3 106 m3 in the main outlet (Table 3). compared with 15.9 3 106 m3 of lost sediment (Table 3).
During this period, the main outlet experienced sediment Overall, erosional processes appeared predominantly in the
deficit of .1.1 m (0.27 m y1) (Figure 9). Between 2004 and shallower zones of the eastern shoal. Erosion patches of ~4.0 m
2011, depositional areas in the main outlet and mouth/frontal (0.50 m y1) grew or merged over the eastern shoal and
bar increased in number and size (75% total coverage), northern seaward margin of the delta front. Significant
presenting sedimentation volumes of 4.15 3 106 m3 and 0.67 sedimentary processes were observed in the deepest zones,
3 106 m3, respectively (Table 3, Figure 9). corresponding to the path to the Magdalena Canyon, with an
Patterns of Erosion and Sedimentation at the Delta accumulation .4.5 m (0.56 m y1) being recorded, promoting
Front the progressive infilling of this pathway (Figure 10). Between
Between 1994 and 2000, erosional and depositional areas 2010 and 2012, sedimentary processes consolidated over the
were balanced at the delta front (Table 3). Erosion of up to 4.0 m western margin, especially in the pathway to the Magdalena
(0.66 m y1 ) dominated at the northern (11808 0 00 00 N, Canyon and adjacent areas, which experienced sediment
74851 0 30 00 W) and eastern (11808 0 00 00 N, 74851 0 30 00 W) seaward accumulation of .4.0 m (2.0 m y1) (Figure 10b). In this period,
margins (Figure 10). Patchy areas of erosion were also the depositional areas covered 1.71 km2 (54% of the total
identified in the central zone of the delta front, especially subarea evaluated). The total volumetric gain amounted to 9.99
toward the western margin (11807 0 30 00 N, 74851 0 45 00 W) (Figure 3 106 m3 (Table 3). Erosion patches were typical of the northern
10a). In contrast, the sector closest to the river mouth and southern seaward margins of this sector (Figure 10b).

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0 Restrepo et al.

Figure 8. Suspended particle grain sizes measured at the top of the water
column during (a) November 2012 (high river discharge season) and (b) April
2013 (low river discharge season).

106 t y1 and from 29 t y1 to 36 t y1 between 1990 and 2000,
respectively (IDEAM, 2001). Hence, the combined effects of
these anthropogenic interventions and the high oscillatory
activity experienced in the 1990s led to an increase in the Sen’s
slope of stream flow and thus high annual mean SSLs (Figure 3
and Table 2).
There is evidence that the level of human intervention
declined, or at least remained steady, in the decade of 2000–
2010. Deforestation hot spots migrated from the Magdalena
Figure 7. Axial (along-channel) spatial distribution of salinity during the River drainage basin to the southern region and western
beginning of the ebb, measured in the Magdalena River outlet: (a, b) high- Pacific coast of Colombia (Etter et al., 2006). The contribution of
discharge and (c, d) low-discharge season.
mining in the Magdalena River drainage basin to GDP
remained steady at 2–3% (SIMCO, 2012). Additionally, only
DISCUSSION two new dam reservoirs were built in third-order tributaries of
This section presents the analysis and discussion of results the Magdalena River. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume
referring to the changes in the sediment transport regime; the that the dramatic reduction of the annual mean SSL observed
physical processes occurring in the delta; and the magnitude, in the early 2000s (,120 3 106 t y1) was induced by the low
causes, and implications of morphological changes in the delta. annual mean stream flow of ,6600 m3 s1 (Figure 3), indicated
Changes in the Sediment Transport Regime by the power and phase relationship of CWT and XWT,
In the Magdalena River stream flow and SSL exhibited respectively (Figure 4). The low stream flow was, in turn, the
almost the same modes of variability. The annual and 4–7-year result of climate-driven shifts (Restrepo et al., 2014) and
bands were the first and second sources of hydrologic presumably, to a lesser degree, of human intervention.
variability, respectively (Figure 4). In the Magdalena River, Table 3. Accretion and erosion balances (area and volume) in different
these periodic oscillations were linked to the annual shift of zones of the Magdalena River delta between 1994 and 2012.
ITCZ and ENSO (Restrepo et al., 2014). However, it was
hypothesized that magnitude and phase of these oscillations Zone/ Bathymetric Data Area (km2) Volume (3106 m3)

also coexist with large-scale anthropogenic impacts. The Comparison Periods Accretion Erosion Accretion Erosion
Magdalena River drainage basin has experienced major human Outlet
interventions in the last 40 years (IDEAM, 2001; Restrepo and 2000 (June)–2004 (May) 0.706 1.610 1.888 2.160
Syvitski, 2006). The peak of these interventions appeared in 2004 (May)–2011 (July) 1.743 0.572 4.151 1.676
Mouth/Frontal Bar
the 1990s, when almost 70% of the Andean forest and 30% of 1994 (August)–2000 (June) 0.243 0.052 0.609 0.054
the Caribbean lowland forest, which covered the Magdalena 2000 (June)–2004 (May) 0.101 0.194 0.196 0.243
drainage basin, were cleared as a result of deforestation rates 2004 (May)–2011 (July) 0.224 0.071 0.671 0.189
as high as 2.4% of drainage basin area (Etter et al., 2006; Delta Front (I)
1994 (August)–2000 (June) 3.221 3.267 6.331 5.003
IDEAM, 2001). Most of the dam reservoirs began to operate at 2000 (June)–2008 (April) 2.738 3.750 21.361 15.970
full capacity in the 1990s, resulting in a total water storage Delta Front (II)
capacity of 7.7 3 109 m3, which represents ~93% of the current 1994 (August)–2000 (June) 1.575 1.622 2.427 2.343
water storage capacity in the drainage basin. In addition, open- 2000 (June)–2008 (April) 2.044 1.154 19.503 6.627
2010 (April)–2012 (June) 1.712 1.485 9.991 4.840
pit mining of coal and gold increased from 8 3 106 t y1 to 20 3

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Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

Figure 9. Comparison of the accretion (positive values) and erosion

(negative values) volumes in the Magdalena River delta for different years
at the (a) outlet and (b) mouth/frontal bar. Figure 10. Comparison of the accretion (positive values) and erosion
(negative values) volumes in the Magdalena River delta for different years
at the (a) delta front (I) and (b) delta front (II).
Although stream flow and SSL exhibited almost the same
modes of variability (Figure 4), they showed significant
1999; Liquete et al., 2009; Slattery and Phillips, 2009; Walling
differences in their rates of change (i.e. mean values, significant
and Fang, 2003), particularly in areas experiencing significant
trends) (Figure 3 and Table 2). Consequently, it can be assumed
hydrological shifts, as is the Magdalena River basin (Restrepo
that one of the most important features of the Magdalena’s
sediment transport regime is the lack of proportionality in the et al., 2014). This reflects the inherent difficulty for separating
variability of stream flow and SSL, as also visible by changes in the climate and human-induced changes in a highly variable
the power coefficients, regarding the dominant scales (semian- nonstationary signal. The SSL is a highly variable process that
nual, annual, and 3–7-year bands) in the XWT analysis. This depends on geological, lithological, hydrological, and anthro-
lack of proportionality reflects significant changes in SSC, as pogenic factors; these factors, in turn, are interrelated in
underlined by results of a t test, which showed statistically nonlinear ways (Harrison, 2000; Milliman and Syvitski, 1992;
significant differences between mean SSC during 1990–2000 Walling and Fang, 2003). Although a distinction between the
and 2000–2010 at the 95% confidence level (SSC1990–2000 ¼ 0.73 net effects of specific drivers on SSL variability is beyond the
6 0.04 kg m3, SSC2000–2010 ¼ 0.65 6 0.01 kg m3; t ¼ 9.20, p ¼ scope of this work, the SSL trends (Table 2) and the turbid
7.0 3 106). Sediment retention in lagoons might also plume observed at the Magdalena River mouth (Moreno-
contribute to this lack of proportionality. The lower basin of Madriñan et al., 2015) suggest the prevalence of factors
the Magdalena River is characterised by gentle slopes (,58) promoting an increase in SSL, and thus the relatively low
and a large floodplain (12,144 km2) that houses a complex efficiency of SSL retention in dams. Besides, the grain-size
network of lagoons and swamps extending over 2596 km2
distribution of suspended load (Figure 8) would reflect the
(IDEAM, 2001). In addition, the movement of tectonic blocks
effect of deforestation in exposing soils to a more intense
defines an area of differential subsidence that allows the
weathering, which in turn would lead to an increase of fine-
progressive infilling with fluvial sediments. van der Hammen
(1986) estimated sedimentation rates between 2.1 mm y1 and particle content in the suspended load. These aspects highlight
3.0 mm y1 at this site, implying a sediment deposition of 10.73 the dominance of hydrological shifts and deforestation over
106 t y1 (5.0 3 106 m3 y1) in the lower basin of the Magdalena retention in reservoirs and buffering capacity of the basin in
River. changing sediment transport rates. However, more data
There is limited evidence regarding the net quantitative (hydrological, climatological, and land use change) are required
effects generated by contrasting impacts (i.e. deforestation and along the entire drainage basin to assess the net quantitative
retention in reservoirs) on SSL variability (Inman and Jenkins, contribution of each factor to changes in SSL.

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

0 Restrepo et al.

Sediment Transport Regime: An Approach to Ongoing 12.5 mm y1. The accuracy and standard error of the applied
Processes in the Delta bathymetric data were below the range of the calculated rates
Current measurements revealed strong, seasonal, indepen- of accretion/erosion (Figures 9 and 10), and the data were
dent ebb dominance. The competing mechanisms of advection therefore considered to be useful for obtaining volumetric
and mixing appeared to control the seasonal variations in estimates. Net sedimentary balance between accretional and
stratification. A highly stratified system was observed very erosional volumes (Table 3) indicated that, overall, sedimenta-
close to the river mouth under low tidal ranges (0.26 m) and tion dominated in the Magdalena River delta during the
high freshwater discharges. This system shifted upstream surveyed period, apart from the river outlet, which underwent
within the low-discharge season. Sediment deposition either erosion between 2000 and 2004. Average rates of sedimenta-
took place in zones with low near-bed shear stress or where the tion and erosion, ranging between 37 and 822 mm y1 (Figures
averaged near-bed current were almost nonexistent, thus 9 and 10), as well as high sedimentation rates from specific sites
promoting shoaling zones. This mechanism provides a reason- (2000 mm y1), were of a comparable magnitude with the rates
able explanation for the temporal formation of a frontal bar in reported in deltas experiencing severe sediment turnover as a
the mouth of the Magdalena River. Similar processes have been result of human interventions or large floods (e.g., Gao, Wang,
reported in microtidal systems dominated by waves (e.g., and Gao, 2011; Maillet et al., 2006; van der Wal, Pye and Neal,
Cooper, 2001; Maillet et al., 2006; Wright, 1977). 2002; Wang, Hassan, and Xiaoping, 2006; Yang et al., 2003;
In the Magdalena River delta, a highly stratified estuary Yang, Zhao, and Belkin, 2002).
experiencing high stream flow, high freshwater discharges as Thus, morphology of the Magdalena River delta can been
buoyancy inputs exert a major influence on the stratified seen as result of supply rate, capacity of marine processes for
conditions of the deltaic and adjacent coastal waters, promoting resuspension and transport, as well as accommodation space
the transfer of sediments from the river channel to the outer for sediments. New data on the magnitude of discharge-
prodelta through the upper layers of the water column. Similar induced sediment flux (Table 2 and Figure 3) strengthens the
patterns have been observed in other deltas (Li et al., 1998a; hypothesis that the river itself is the main source of sediment,
Yang et al., 2003). A decline in SSC, as occurred in the 2000– as similarly stated by other authors (e.g., Ercilla et al., 2002;
2010 period, would enhance the outflow buoyancy and, hence, Klingebiel and Vernette, 1979; Kolla and Buffler, 1985). The
the dispersion of riverine sediment (e.g., Yang et al., 2003; subaqueous portion of the delta appeared to be sensitive to
Yang, Zhao, and Belkin, 2002). Human activities also influence changes in the sediment transport regime. Morphological
ongoing processes within the Magdalena River mouth. The response was not uniform. For instance, erosion became the
hydraulic efficiency of the channel has increased because of dominant process at the mouth/frontal bar between 2000 and
channel narrowing and restricted lateral erosion. Additionally, 2004, with a shift from a mean sedimentation rate of 320.6 mm
jetty revetment presumably has enhanced the undercutting of y1 in 1994–2000 to a mean erosion rate of 39.9 mm y1 in 2000–
the riverbed because less energy is consumed because of 2004 (Table 3 and Figure 9). At the same time, the riverine SSL
friction with the riverbanks. Thus, more stress is added to the decreased by 30% (Figure 3). Conversely, when riverine SSL
riverbed, which is more vulnerable to erosion compared with increased from 1123 106 t y1 in 2000–2004 to 1543 106 t y1 in
the protected riverbank. Shear velocities indicated that bed 2004–2011 (Figure 3), the mouth/frontal bar and outlet
scouring might occur even under low discharge conditions experienced mean sedimentation rates of 232.5 mm y1 and
considering the bed’s grain composition (coarse silty very fine 152.7 mm y1, respectively (Table 3 and Figure 9). The amount
sand; d50 ¼ 70.6 lm), which is composed of ,32% of sands of annual sediment deposition in the river outlet between 2004
ranging from 130 lm (17%) to 500 lm (2.7%) (Cormagdalena, and 2011 (0.59 3 106 m3 y1) was almost equal to the annual
2013). volume of dredged sediment in the river channel between 2001
High flow velocities with associated high shear stress trigger and 2012, which was estimated to be 0.81 3 106 m3 y1
the transport of medium (500 lm) and coarse (500–1000 lm) (Cormagdalena, 2013). In the delta front, changes in SSL were
sands as suspension load and bed load. However, data revealed followed by changes in the magnitude of sedimentation rates
that sand in surficial water was ,7.1% of net weight (Figure 8), (Table 3 and Figure 10). SSL reduction of 30% between 1994–
noting that coarse sand rarely exceeds 10% of net weight 2000 and 2000–2008 coincided with an increase in sedimenta-
(Cormagdalena, 2013; NEDECO, 1973). SPM in the uppermost tion rates at the delta front, from 36.7 to 103.8 mm y1. This
part of the water column was predominantly composed of silt- increase was particularly large in the westernmost part of the
delta front (delta front II), where sedimentation rates changed
sized particles, regardless of freshwater discharge and flow
from 5.1 mm y1 (within the uncertainty range) in 1994–2000 to
conditions (Figure 8). Consequently, sediment supply rate is
503.2 mm y1 in 2000–2008 (Table 3). In the latter area,
almost controlled by fine sediments. The textural information
sedimentation rates increased even more in 2010–2012 (821.9
coincided with core data obtained at the delta front (Klingebiel
mm y1), coinciding with a period of severe floods with high
and Vernette, 1979), which revealed that sediment deposits
SSLs (223 3 106 t y1).
mainly consist of silt (50–70%) and fine sand (160 lm, ,10%
These response patterns may reflect spatial differences in
of net weight).
hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes. In the river
Magnitude, Causes, and Implications of Morphological outlet, erosional/sedimentary cycles were controlled by the
Changes in the Delta magnitude of fluvial discharges and riverbed scouring. Under
The standard error of bathymetric data with 0.1-m accuracy low discharges (2000–2004) riverbed scouring was presumably
in surveys from 4 to 8 years apart range between 25.0 mm y1 to enhanced because of the channel configuration (the narrow

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Magdalena River Delta—Recent Changes 0

channel and jetty revetment) and removed sediments were not fine-sized particles settles in the deepest zones, away from
replenished by fluvial input. A large proportion of sediment, wave dynamics, whereas the finer fraction is transported into
deposited within the subaqueous delta front, was affected by the outer prodelta. When SSL decreases, the river mouth
weak tidal currents and low discharge, which in turn led to a undergoes erosion since sediments removed are not replen-
relatively weak buoyant layer. During high freshwater ished, and consequently the cross-sectional area increases and
discharge, sand was deposited in the river outlet, whilst an buoyant flows are weakened; thus the sedimentation takes
enhanced buoyant plume promoted effluent diffusion. Given place in the closest zones to the river mouth and sediment
flow conditions (i.e. flow velocity, stratification, buoyancy) and supply to the outer prodelta diminishes, as observed in 2000–
particle size composition, most of the sediment was transferred 2004. As a net result, the deepest parts of the delta front will
to the prodelta and continental shelf. For instance, considering fill, whereas the shallower areas experience repeated cycles of
a dry bulk density of 2.65 g cm3 and a mean porosity of 80%, erosion/sedimentation. Since changes in the subaerial portion
the overall net sediment accumulation in the mouth/frontal bar of the delta are restricted by man-made structures, most of the
zone during the 1994–2011 period was 0.123 106 t y1, whereas changes are observed in the subaqueous portion of the prodelta.
that at the delta front was 2.53 3 106 t y1 during the period of Currently, the main feature of morphological instability in the
1994–2008. Thus, total sediment accumulation in the delta river mouth (subaerial portion) corresponds to the formation
(including dredging) corresponded to ,5% of the annual mean and upstream migration of sand spits along the eastern jetty,
SSL of the river (Q̄s 137–144 3 106 t y1). This pattern of triggered by wave refraction and wave–current interaction
sediment deposition deviates to what occurs in most deltas, (Koopmans, 1971).
which are considered as the major sink of fluvial sediments in
the long term. Although the proportion of sediment deposited CONCLUSIONS
in the prodelta is relatively low, these deposits constitute the Changes in freshwater discharge and linked SSL were
main source of sediments for the turbidity currents and particularly pronounced within the last 20 years. Although
landslides observed in the deltaic fan and the Magdalena these two parameters exhibited almost the same modes of
canyon (e.g., Ercilla et al., 2002). These latter processes have a variability, their respective responses to large-scale anthropo-
significant effect on the geometry and morphology of the genic impacts appear to modulate the magnitude and phase of
prodelta, which in turn affect the hydrodynamic regime, as well these changes. Consequently, there was a lack of proportion-
as on the structural stability of the engineering structures ality in the variability of the stream flow and SSL in the
(Heezen, 1956; Koopmans, 1971). Magdalena River, which in turn led to significant changes in
The erosion rates observed in the eastern shoal, mainly the sediment transport regime.
between 2000 and 2008 (Figure 10), can be explained by wave The subaqueous part of the delta appeared to be sensitive to
dynamics rather than by changes in the sediment supply. changes in the sediment transport regime. Changes in this
When sediment deposits reached maximum thickness on top of regime led to erosion of the mouth/frontal bar and outlet zones
the eastern shoal, they were remobilised by swell waves in the in the early 2000s, whereas they modified the erosional/
shallower zones (10- to 20-m depth). Predominant swell from sedimentary balance observed during the 1990s in the
NNE with high waves and long periods (Ortiz et al., 2013) prodelta. The average rates of sedimentation and erosion
enhanced, under low discharge, southwestward longshore (37–822 mm y1) were of a comparable magnitude, with rates
sediment transport. New resettlement may be favoured in reported from deltas experiencing severe sediment turnover.
the westernmost part of the delta front because of a decrease in Progressive infilling of the path to Magdalena Canyon was also
wave-induced currents as a result of the increase of depth (.20 identified. The total sediment accumulation in the delta
m). Changes in storminess may therefore contribute to changes corresponded to ,5% of the annual mean SSL of the
in the rate of the infilling of the pathway to Magdalena Canyon Magdalena River. These response patterns reflect the spatial
and should consequently be analysed thoroughly. differences in hydrosedimentary processes. In the river outlet,
It is generally expected that the size of a delta decreases as erosional/sedimentary cycles are controlled by the magnitude
the SSL is reduced (Syvitski and Saito, 2007; Wang, Hassan, of fluvial discharge and riverbed scouring. High freshwater
and Xiaoping, 2006). Regardless of changes in SSL, particu- discharge, as buoyancy input, exerts a major influence on the
larly the decline recorded in 2000–2004, sedimentation was the stratified conditions, promoting the transfer of sediments from
dominant process in the delta front; resulting in progradation the river channel to the outer prodelta through the upper
of the Magdalena Delta. This deviation is the outcome of the layers of the water column. However, the contribution of each
combined effects of changes in SSL and river mouth geometry factor cannot be precisely quantified, owing to complex
in regulating delta front morphology. At the river mouth, man- interactions and feedback mechanism and it deserves further
made structures inhibit the morphological responses to research.
changes in sediment transport, such as lateral erosion,
formation/abandonment of distributaries due to levee break- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
throughs or infilling, lateral shifting of the active channel, or This research was funded by the Research and Projects
crevasse planes. Hence, position and size of the frontal bar, the Office (DIDI) at Universidad del Norte. The following
channel gradient, or the average channel depth must change, institutions provided valuable data: Instituto de Hidrologı́a,
promoting a change in the cross-sectional area. If this area Meteorologı́a y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM, Colombia)
decreases, the buoyant flows are strengthened, enhancing the and Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas
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Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000

0 Restrepo et al.

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