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Republic of the Philippines

National Statistics Office


National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Population by Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay
April 2012

ISSN 0117-1453
2010 Census of Population and Housing

Report No. 1 – K
Population by Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay




Honorable Cayetano W. Paderanga Jr.



Carmelita N. Ericta

Paula Monina G. Collado

Deputy Administrator

Socorro D. Abejo
Director III, Household Statistics Department

ISSN 0117-1453

The 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH) Report No. 1 is one of
several publications designed to disseminate the results of the 2010 CPH. This report
presents the population by province, city or municipality and barangay based on the
2010 CPH. This information will be useful for the formulation of the social and economic
development policies, plans and programs of the Government. These are also important
for purposes of the calculation of Internal Revenue Allocation, determination of number
of congressional districts, and creation or conversion of various administrative
geographic units.

The 2010 CPH is the 13th census of population and the 6th census of housing that
was conducted in the country since the first census undertaken in 1903. It was designed
to take an inventory of the total population and housing units in the country and collect
information about their characteristics as of the reference period May 1, 2010.

The 2010 CPH data were gathered through house-to-house visit and interview of
a responsible member of every household visited. The data processing of the results of
the 2010 CPH utilized a combination of Optical Mark Reader (OMR) technology and
data encoding. The 2010 CPH results on population counts underwent careful
evaluation for reasonableness and consistency with expected demographic patterns
and trends in accordance with evaluation procedures of international standards.
Unusual changes and deviations of 2010 CPH population counts and related indicators
from expected patterns and trends were field-verified.

The successful completion of the 2010 CPH would not have been possible
without the unwavering support and services rendered by the local and national officials,
government and private agencies, media, and non-government organizations. We
acknowledge with gratitude the census coordinating boards at the national, regional,
provincial, city, and municipal levels in ensuring agency logistic support and assistance,
the dedication of teachers from the Department of Education, the hired census
personnel, and our very own NSO personnel who acted as census enumerators and
supervisors, and the cooperation of the general populace. The NSO extends its deep
appreciation of their support to this important undertaking.


Manila, Philippines
April 2012
2010 Census of Population and Housing

Foreword v
Proclamation vii

Explanatory Note xi
Introduction xi
Content and Coverage of this Report xi
Authority to Conduct the 2010 CPH xi
Coordination for the 2010 CPH xii
Definition of Terms and Concepts xiii
Method of Enumeration xviii
Sampling Scheme xx

Map of Region VIII – Eastern Visayas xxi

Highlights of the Philippine Population xxiii
Highlights of Region VIII – Eastern Visayas Population xxvi

Summary Table:
A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for the Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces,
and Highly Urbanized Cities Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses xxix
B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and Municipality
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas xxxii
C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average
Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City:
Philippines, 2010 xxxvi
Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Barangay:
Biliran 1
Eastern Samar 5
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 22
Tacloban City 63
Northern Samar 67
Samar (Western Samar) 83
Southern Leyte 109


A Commonwealth Act No. 591 – An Act Creating a Bureau of the Census and
Statistics to Consolidate Statistical Activities of the Government Therein 125

B Batas Pambansa Blg 72 – An Act Providing for the Taking of an Integrated

Census Every Ten Years Beginning in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty
and for Other Purposes 128

C Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine

Statistical System (PSS) and for Other Purposes 131

D Trainings and Fieldwork for the Conduct of 2010 CPH 140

E Evaluation of Population Counts from the 2010 CPH 143

F List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City, Municipality, and

Barangay 145


The National Statistics Office conducted the 2010 Census of Population and
Housing or 2010 CPH in May 2010. This is the 13th census of population and the 6th
census of housing undertaken in the country.

Like the previous censuses conducted by the office, the 2010 CPH is designed to
take an inventory of the total population and housing units in the Philippines and to
collect information about their characteristics.

Content and Coverage of this Report

In this report, the population counts by province, city/municipality and barangay

are presented. These population counts were declared official for all purposes by His
Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III under Proclamation No. 362 dated March
30, 2012.

Authority to Conduct the 2010 CPH

Commonwealth Act (CA) No. 591, approved on August 19, 1940, authorized the
then Bureau of the Census and Statistics (now the National Statistics Office or NSO) to
collect by enumeration, sampling or other methods, statistics and other information
concerning the population and to conduct, for statistical purposes, investigations and
studies of social and economic conditions in the country, among others (Section 2 of CA
No. 591).

Batas Pambansa Blg. 72, approved on June 11, 1980, further accorded the NSO
the authority to conduct population censuses every ten years beginning in 1980, without
prejudice to the undertaking of special censuses on agriculture, industry, commerce,
housing, and other sectors as may be approved by the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA).

Executive Order (EO) No. 121, otherwise known as the Reorganization Act of the
Philippine Statistical System, which was issued on January 30, 1987, declared that the
NSO shall be the major statistical agency responsible for generating general purpose
statistics and for undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) (Section 9 of EO No. 121).

Presidential Proclamation No. 2028 “Declaring May 2010 as National Census

Month” enjoined all departments and other government agencies, including
government-owned and controlled corporations, as well as LGUs, to implement and
Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

execute the operational plans, directives, and orders of the National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB), through the NSO, relative to this Proclamation.

Coordination for the 2010 CPH

Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 provides that the National Census Coordinating Board
(NCCB) at the national level, and local boards at the regional, provincial, city, and
municipal levels shall be created to ensure the successful conduct of the census. For
the 2010 CPH, the NSCB was designated as the NCCB pursuant to NSCB’s mandated
function specified in Executive Order No. 121 to establish appropriate mechanisms for
statistical coordination at the different geographic levels.

The Director General of NEDA was the Chairperson of the NCCB, and the
Secretaries from other Departments were the Members. The NSO Administrator, who
served as the Executive Officer of the NCCB, was mandated to formulate and execute
plans for the 2010 CPH.

In the field, the NSO Regional Director (RD) was the Executive Officer of the
Regional Census Coordinating Board (RCCB). He/she was responsible for the
coordination, monitoring, and supervision of the census operations in all provinces
within the region. The RCCB was chaired by the Regional Director of the NEDA. The
Regional Director of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) served as
the Vice Chairperson. The members were the heads of the following: Regional
Development Council, National Statistics Coordination Board, Department of Agrarian
Reform, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of
Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Finance, Department of Foreign
Affairs, Department of Justice, Department of Labor and Employment, Department of
National Defense, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Social
Welfare and Development, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of
Transportation and Communications, Department of Tourism, Department of Science
and Technology, Department of Health, Commission on Population, National
Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and Office of Muslim Affairs. Completing
the membership of the RCCB was a representative from the private sector.

At the local government level, Provincial Census Coordinating Boards (PCCB)

and City/Municipality Census Coordinating Boards (C/MCCB) were created. The
Provincial Governor was the Chairperson of the PCCB and the Division Superintendent
of Schools, the Vice Chairperson. The District Highway Engineer, Provincial
Commander (PNP), Provincial Planning and Development Officer, Provincial Assessor,
Provincial Agriculturist, Provincial Population Officer, Provincial Environment and
Natural Resources Officer, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer,
Provincial Information Officer, NCIP Development Management Officer V, and three
representatives from the private sector served as members. The Provincial Statistics
Officer was the Executive Officer. He/she was also responsible for the field census
operations in the province.

xii National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Explanatory Note

The C/MCCB was chaired by the City/Municipal Mayor and co-chaired by the
City Superintendent/District Supervisor of Schools by the DepEd. The members were
composed of the following: The Station Commanders, City/Municipal Planning and
Development Officer, City/Municipal Population Officer, City/Municipal Civil Registrar,
City Assessor (for CCCB), Municipal Agriculture Officer (for MCCB), and a
representative from the private sector. The District Statistics Officer served as Executive

Definition of Terms and Concepts

The operational definitions and concepts adopted in the 2010 CPH have also
been used in past censuses of population and housing. The use of the same
operational definitions of terms and concepts in our population and housing censuses
ensures comparability of census results. The 2010 CPH enumerators were instructed
to adhere strictly to these operational definitions.


A barangay is the smallest political unit in the country. Generally, one enumerator
is assigned to enumerate one barangay. For enumeration purposes, a large barangay is
usually divided into parts, and each part is called an enumeration area (EA).

The official list of barangays of the DILG in the Philippine Standard Geographic
Code as of March 2010 was used for the 2010 CPH.

Enumeration Area

An enumeration area (EA) is a delineated geographic area usually consisting of

about 350 to 500 households. It could be an entire barangay or part of a barangay. It is
assigned to one enumerator.

Usual Place of Residence

All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence which refers to the
geographic place (street, barangay, city/municipality or province) where the person
usually resides. As a rule, a person’s usual place of residence is the place where that
person sleeps most of the time. Hence, it may be the same as or different from the
place where he/she was found at the time of the census.


A household is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of

person who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the
preparation and consumption of food.

National Statistics Office xiii

Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties,
like parents and their children. In some instances, several generations of familial ties
are represented in one household while, still in others, even more distant relatives are
members of the household.

Household helpers, boarders, and nonrelatives are considered as members of

the household provided they sleep in the same housing unit and have common
arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food and do not usually go home
to their family at least once a week.

A person who shares a housing unit with a household but separately cooks
his/her meals or consumes his/her food elsewhere is not considered a member of the
household he/she shares the housing unit with. This person is listed as a separate

Household Membership

In determining household membership, the basic criterion is the usual place of

residence or the place where the person usually resides. This may be the same or
different from the place where he/she is found at the time of the census. As a rule, it is
the place where he/she usually sleeps.

Household Population

Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Institutional Living Quarter

An institutional living quarter (ILQ) is a structurally separate and independent

place of abode intended for habitation by large groups of individuals (10 or more). Such
quarter usually has certain common facilities such as kitchen and dining rooms, toilet
and bath, and lounging areas, which are shared by the occupants.

Institutional Population

An institutional population comprises of persons who are found living in ILQs.

They may have their own families or households elsewhere but at the time of census,
they are committed or confined in institutions, or they live in ILQs and are usually
subject to a common authority or management, or are bound by either a common public
objective or a common personal interest.

Whom to Enumerate

As in past population and housing censuses, enumerators of 2010 CPH were

provided with guidelines on whom to list as members of a household and institutional
population. This will ensure uniformity in determining household membership,

xiv National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Explanatory Note

institutional population, and in identifying persons to be included in the enumeration or

excluded from it. Furthermore, this will ensure that there is no omission or duplication in
the enumeration of persons and households during census-taking. The following are
the guidelines in determining household membership and institutional population:

Persons enumerated as members of the household

1. Those who are present at the time of visit and whose usual place of residence
is the housing unit where the household lives.

2. Family members who are overseas workers and who have been away at the
time of the census for not more than five years from the date of departure and
are expected to be back within five years from the date of last departure.

An overseas worker is a household member who is currently out of the

country due to overseas employment. He/she may or may not have a specific
work contract or may be presently at home on vacation but has an existing
overseas employment to return to. Undocumented overseas workers, or TNT
for Tago Nang Tago, are considered as overseas workers for as long as they
are still considered members of the household and had been away for less
than five years. However, immigrants are excluded from the census.

3. Those whose usual place of residence is the place where the household lives
but are temporarily away at the time of the census for any of the following

a. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or training somewhere in the

Philippines and are expected to be back within six months from the date of
departure. An example is a person on training with the Armed Forces of
the Philippines for not more than six months;
b. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or studying/training abroad and are
expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;
c. working or attending school in some other place but usually comes home
at least once a week;
d. confined in hospitals for a period of not more than six months as of May 1,
2010, except when they are confined as patients in mental hospitals,
leprosaria or leper colonies, or drug rehabilitation centers, regardless of
the duration of confinement;
e. detained in national/provincial/city/municipal jails or in military camps for a
period of not more than six months as of May 1, 2010, except when their
sentence or detention is expected to exceed six months;
f. on board coastal, interisland, or fishing vessels within Philippine territories;
g. on board in oceangoing vessels but are expected to be back within five
years from the date of departure.

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Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

4. Boarders/lodgers of the household or employees of household-operated

businesses who do not usually return/go to their respective homes weekly.

5. Citizens of foreign countries who have resided or are expected to reside in

the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, except members of
diplomatic missions and non-Filipino members of international organizations.

6. Filipino balikbayans with usual place of residence in a foreign country but

have resided or are expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year
from their arrival.

7. Persons temporarily staying with the household who have no usual place of
residence or who are not certain to be enumerated elsewhere.

Persons enumerated as members of the institutional population

1. Permanent lodgers in boarding houses;

2. Dormitory residents who do not usually go home to their respective

households at least once a week;

3. Hotel residents who have stayed in the hotel for more than six months at the
time of the census;

4. Boarders in residential houses provided that their number is 10 or more.

Otherwise, they will be considered as members of regular households;

5. Patients in hospitals who are confined for more than six months;

6. Patients confined in mental hospitals, leprosaria or leper colonies, and drug

rehabilitation centers, regardless of the length of confinement;

7. Wards in orphanages;

8. Inmates of penal colonies or prison cells;

9. Seminarians, nuns in convents, and monks; and

10. Workers in mining and similar camps.

The following persons are not considered as members of the institutional

population and should be included in the households to which they belong:

1. Military officials/enlisted men or draftees (and members of their households)

who have housing units within military installations or camps;

xvi National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Explanatory Note

2. Managers (and members of their households) of refugee camps, dormitories,

hotels, hospitals, and others, who occupy and regularly use as their place of
abode a living quarter in the institution that they manage; and

3. Priests, who together with their relatives and/or household help, occupy and
regularly use as their place of abode a living quarter in the church or

Persons Included in the Census Enumeration

Included in the enumeration were those who were alive as of the census
reference date, that is, 12:01 a.m. of May 1, 2010. Specifically they are the

1. Filipino nationals permanently residing in the Philippines;

2. Filipino nationals who, as of May 1, 2010, were temporarily at Philippine sea,

or were temporarily on vacation, business/pleasure trip or studying/training
abroad and were expected to be back within a year from the date of

3. Filipino overseas workers, including those on board in oceangoing vessels,

who were away as of May 1, 2010 but were expected to be back within five

4. Philippine government officials, both military and civilian, including Philippine

diplomatic personnel and their families, assigned abroad; and

5. Civilian citizens of foreign countries who have their usual residence in the
Philippines, or foreign visitors who had stayed or are expected to stay for at
least a year from the date of their arrival in this country.

Persons Excluded in the Census Enumeration

Excluded from the enumeration are the following persons, although they
happened to be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines at the time of
the census enumeration:

1. Foreign ambassadors, ministers, consuls, or other diplomatic representatives,

and members of their families (except Filipino and non-Filipino employees
who have been residents of the Philippines prior to said employment);

2. Citizens of foreign countries living within the premises of an embassy,

legation, chancellery, or consulate;

National Statistics Office xvii

Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

3. Citizens of foreign countries who are chiefs or officials of international

organizations, such as United Nations (UN), International Labor Organization
(ILO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO), or the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
as they may be subject to reassignment to other countries after their tour of
duty in the Philippines, and members of their families;

4. Citizens of foreign countries, together with non-Filipino members of their

families, who are students, or who are employed or have business in the
Philippines, but who have stayed or are expected to stay in the country for
less than a year from arrival;

5. Citizens of foreign countries and Filipinos with usual place of residence in a

foreign country, who are visiting the Philippines and who have stayed or are
expected to stay in the country for less than a year from arrival (for instance,
a balikbayan who will return to his/her usual place of residence abroad after a
short vacation or visit in the Philippines);

6. Citizens of foreign countries in refugee camps/vessels; and

7. Residents of the Philippines on vacation, pleasure or business trip, study or

training abroad who have been away or expected to be away from the
Philippines for more than one year from departure.

Method of Enumeration

The gathering of population and housing data was performed by census

enumerators through house-to-house visits and interview of a responsible member of
each household. Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQ) were provided to households
living in special areas such as exclusive subdivisions/villages, condominiums, and
others, and institutions where personal interview was not possible. A complete listing of
buildings which contain living quarters, including vacant ones, as well as housing units
and institutional living quarters was also done.

A combination of complete enumeration and sampling of households was done

to obtain population count and data on basic characteristics of the household population
and housing units. For institutional population, a complete enumeration was done.

The non-sample households were interviewed using the Common Household

Questionnaire (CPH Form 2) while the sample households were interviewed using the
Sample Household Questionnaire (CPH Form 3). Institutional population in institutional
living quarters was enumerated using the Institutional Population Questionnaire (CPH
Form 4). These questionnaires were used to gather information on the demographic
and socio-economic characteristics of the population, as well as the characteristics of
households and housing units.

xviii National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Explanatory Note

CPH Form 2 contains questions on the following items:

Population Housing
 relationship to household head  the type of building/house
 sex  construction materials of the roof
 date of birth and outer walls
 age  state of repair of the building/house
 birth registration  year building/house was built
 marital status  floor area of the housing unit
 religion  tenure status of the lot
 ethnicity
 citizenship
 disability
 functional difficulty
 highest grade/year completed
 residence 5 years ago
 overseas worker

CPH Form 3 contains all the questions found in CPH Form 2, and also questions
on the following items:

Population Housing Household

 literacy  fuel for lighting and cooking  land ownership
 school attendance  source of water supply for  language/dialect
 place of school drinking and/or cooking and generally spoken at
 usual occupation for laundry, and for bathing home
 kind of business or  tenure status of the housing  residence five years
industry unit from now
 class of worker  acquisition of the housing unit  presence of household
 place of work  source of financing of the conveniences/availability
 fertility housing unit of information and
 monthly rental of the housing communications
unit technology devices
 usual manner of garbage  access to internet
 kind of toilet facility

CPH Form 4 contains questions on the following population items:

 residence status  religious affiliation

 sex  citizenship
 age  ethnicity
 date of birth  disability
 birth registration  functional difficulty
 marital status  highest grade/year completed

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Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Information about households of Filipinos working in Philippine embassies in

foreign countries, as well as those of homeless population were also gathered and
included in the total population of the country.

Sampling Scheme

As mentioned earlier, the 2010 CPH was carried out by using a combination of
complete enumeration and sampling. The sampling rate or the proportion of households
selected as sample households was either 100 percent or 20 percent, depending on the
size of the city/municipality, as follows:

Estimated Number of Households

Sampling Rate
in the City/Municipality
1 – 500 100 percent
501 and above 20 percent

The sampling rate for the city/municipality is applied to all EAs in the
city/municipality. Each city/municipality was treated as a domain to obtain efficient and
accurate estimates of population and housing at the city/municipality level.

For a city/municipality with 100 percent sampling rate, all households in all the
EAs within this city/municipality were selected as sample households. For municipalities
with a 20 percent sampling rate, systematic cluster sampling was adopted to minimize
the enumerator’s selection bias. In this sampling scheme, an EA was divided into
clusters composed of five households each. Clusters were formed by grouping five
households that had been assigned consecutive numbers as they were listed in CPH
Form 1. A sample selection of one in every five clusters of households was carried out
with the first cluster selected at random. Random start was pre-determined for each EA.

The following municipalities in some provinces of CAR, Region I, Region II, and
Region IV-B had been identified as having a population size of 500 persons or less,
hence assigned a 100 percent sampling rate:

CAR Region I Region II Region IV-B

Abra Ilocos Norte Batanes Palawan
 Bucloc  Adams  Ivana  Kalayaan
 Daguioman  Carasi  Mahatao
 Dumalneg  Sabtang
Ilocos Sur  Uyugan
 Sigay

xx National Statistics Office

Map of Region VIII - Eastern Visayas

Northern Samar N

Biliran Samar

Tacloban City


National Statistics Office xxi

2010 Census of Population and Housing Highlights


 The total population of the Philippines as of May 1, 2010 was 92,337,852, based on
the 2010 Census of Population and Housing.

 The 2010 population is higher by 15.83 million compared to the 2000 population of
76.51 million. In 1990, the total population was 60.70 million.

Table 1. Population Count based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines
Total Population
Census Year Census Reference Date
(in millions)
2010 May 1, 2010 92.34
2000 May 1, 2000 76.51
1990 May 1, 1990 60.70

 The Philippine population increased, on average, at the annual rate of 1.90 percent
during the period 2000 to 2010. By comparison, the rate at which the country’s
population was growing in the period 1990 to 2000 was higher at 2.34 percent.

Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines
Reference Period Population Growth Rate
2000-2010 1.90
1990-2000 2.34

 Among the 17 administrative regions, Region IVA had the largest population with
12.61 million, followed by NCR with 11.86 million and Region III with 10.14 million.
The population of these three regions together comprised about 37.47 percent of the
Philippine population.

 Five of the 17 administrative regions had an average annual population growth rate
(PGR) which is higher than the national average for the period 2000 to 2010. These
are Region IVA (3.07 percent), Region XII (2.46 percent), Region III (2.14 percent),
Region X (2.06 percent), and Region XI (1.97 percent). Twelve regions had lower
PGR than the national average.

 Among the provinces, Cavite had the largest population with 3.09 million. Bulacan
had the second largest with 2.92 million and Pangasinan had the third largest with
2.78 million.

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Highlights 2010 Census of Population and Housing

 In addition to Cavite, Bulacan, and Pangasinan, six other provinces surpassed the
two million mark: Laguna had 2.67 million; Cebu (excluding its three highly
urbanized cities Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City, and Mandaue City) had 2.62 million;
Rizal had 2.48 million; Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) had 2.40 million;
Batangas had 2.38 million; and Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) had 2.01 million.

 The provinces with a population of less than 100,000 persons were Batanes
(16,604), Camiguin (83,807), and Siquijor (91,066).

 Of the 33 highly urbanized cities (HUC), four surpassed the one million mark. Three
of such HUCs are in NCR: Quezon City (2.76 million), City of Manila (1.65 million),
and Caloocan City (1.49 million). Outside NCR, only Davao City has a population of
more than one million (1.45 million).

 The household population of the Philippines in 2010 was 92,097,978 persons, higher
by 15.78 million from the household population of 76.31 million in 2000 and 31.54
million from the household population of 60.56 million in 1990.

Table 3. Household Population, Number of Households, and

Average Household Size based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines
Household Population Number of Households Average
Census Year
(in millions) (in millions) Household Size
2010 92.10 20.17 4.6
2000 76.31 15.28 5.0
1990 60.56 11.41 5.3

 Meanwhile, the total number of households in the country in 2010 was recorded at
20.17 million, higher by 4.90 million compared with the 15.28 million posted in 2000.
In 1990, the total number of household was 11.41 million.

 The country’s average household size in 2010 was 4.6 persons, lower than the
average household size of 5.0 persons in 2000. In 1990, the average household size
was 5.3 persons.

 Among the 17 regions, ARMM had the highest average household size of 6.0
persons followed by Region V with 4.9 persons and Caraga with 4.8 persons. The
average household size in Region VIII, Region IX, and Region X was 4.7 persons;
Region VI, Region VII, and CAR was 4.6 persons; Region I, Region III, Region IVB,
and Region XII was 4.5 persons; and Region II, Region IVA, and Region XI was 4.4
persons. The National Capital Region had the lowest average household size of 4.3

xxiv National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Highlights

Table 4. Household Population, Number of Households, and

Average Household Size by Region: Philippines, 2010
Household Number of Average
Region Population Households Household
(in thousands) (in thousands) Size
National Capital Region 11,797 2,760 4.3
Cordillera Autonomous Region 1,612 352 4.6
Region I – Ilocos Region 4,743 1,051 4.5
Region II – Cagayan Valley 3,226 727 4.4
Region III – Central Luzon 10,118 2,239 4.5
Region IVA – CALABARZON 12,583 2,834 4.4
Region IVB – MIMAROPA 2,732 602 4.5
Region V – Bicol Region 5,412 1,112 4.9
Region VI – Western Visayas 7,090 1,527 4.6
Region VII – Central Visayas 6,785 1,488 4.6
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 4,090 866 4.7
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 3,398 726 4.7
Region X – Northern Mindanao 4,285 918 4.7
Region XI – Davao Region 4,453 1,012 4.4
Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 4,103 916 4.5
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 3,249 539 6.0
Caraga 2,425 504 4.8

National Statistics Office xxv

Highlights 2010 Census of Population and Housing


 The total population of Eastern Visayas as of May 1, 2010 was 4,101,322 based on
the 2010 Census of Population and Housing.

 The 2010 population of Eastern Visayas is higher by 490,967 compared to the 2000
population of 3.61 million. In 1990, the total population of this region was 3.05

Table 1. Population Count Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas
Total Population
Census Year Census Reference Date
(in millions)
2010 May 1, 2010 4.10
2000 May 1, 2000 3.61
1990 May 1, 1990 3.05

 The population of Eastern Visayas grew at an average annual population growth

rate (PGR) of 1.28 percent during the period 2000 to 2010. By comparison, the rate
at which the region’s population was growing in the period 1990 to 2000 was higher
at 1.68 percent.

Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas
Census Year Population Growth Rate
1990-2000 1.68
2000-2010 1.28

 If the average annual PGR continues at 1.28 percent, the population of Eastern
Visayas will double in 55 years.

 Among the six provinces in Eastern Visayas, Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) had
the largest population with 1.57 million, followed by Samar (Western Samar) with
733 thousand, and Northern Samar with 589 thousand. Biliran, meanwhile, had the
least population of 162 thousand.

Table 3. Population Count by Province and Highly Urbanized City

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas
Total Population (in thousands)
Province/Highly Urbanized City
1990 2000 2010
Biliran 118 140 162
Eastern Samar 329 376 429
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,231 1,414 1,568
Tacloban City 137 179 221

xxvi National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Highlights

Table 3. Population Count by Province and Highly Urbanized City

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas – concluded
Total Population (in thousands)
Province/Highly Urbanized City
1990 2000 2010
Northern Samar 384 501 589
Samar (Western Samar) 534 641 733
Southern Leyte 322 360 399

 In terms of PGR, Tacloban City, the only highly urbanized city in the region, was the
fastest growing area with an average annual PGR of 2.16 percent for the period
2000 to 2010 while Southern Leyte was the slowest with 1.03 percent.

Table 4. Annual Population Growth Rate by Province and Highly Urbanized City
Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas
Population Growth Rate
Province/Highly Urbanized City
1990-2000 2000-2010
Biliran 1.74 1.43
Eastern Samar 1.33 1.33
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1.39 1.04
Tacloban City 2.70 2.16
Nortern Samar 2.69 1.64
Samar (Western Samar) 1.85 1.35
Southern Leyte 1.13 1.03

 The household population of Eastern Visayas in 2010 was 4,089,734 persons,

higher by 486 thousand from the household population of 3.6 million in 2000 and
1.04 million from the household population of 3.05 million in 1990.

Table 5. Household Population, Number of Households, and

Average Household Size Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Eastern Visayas
Household Population Number of Households Average
Census Year
(in thousands) (in thousands) Household Size
2010 4,090 866 4.7
2000 3,604 715 5.0
1990 3,049 585 5.2

 Meanwhile, the total number of households in Eastern Visayas in 2010 was recorded
at 866 thousand, higher by 151 thousand compared with the 715 thousand posted in
2000. In 1990, the total number of households was 585 thousand.

 The region’s average household size in 2010 was 4.7 persons, lower than the
average household size of 5.0 persons in 2000 and 5.2 persons in 1990.

 Among the six provinces in Eastern Visayas, Leyte had the largest number of
households with 346 thousand, followed by Samar (Western Samar) with 146
thousand. Biliran had the least number of households at 34 thousand.

National Statistics Office xxvii

Highlights 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Table 6. Household Population, Number of Households, and

Average Household Size by Province and Highly Urbanized City: Eastern Visayas, 2010
Household Number of Average
Population Households Household
Urbanized City
(in thousands) (in thousands) Size
Biliran 161 34 4.7
Eastern Samar 428 90 4.8
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,563 346 4.5
Tacloban City 219 45 4.8
Northern Samar 588 114 5.2
Samar (Western Samar) 732 146 5.0
Southern Leyte 399 90 4.4

 Northern Samar had the highest average household size of 5.2 persons, followed by
Samar (Western Samar) with 5.0 persons. Southern Leyte had the lowest average
household size of 4.4 persons.

xxviii National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities
Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

a b c
Philippines 60,703,810 76,506,928 92,337,852 2.34 1.90 2.12

National Capital Region 7,948,392 9,932,560 11,855,975 2.25 1.78 2.02

Caloocan City 763,415 1,177,604 1,489,040 4.43 2.37 3.39
City of Las Piñas 297,102 472,780 552,573 4.75 1.57 3.15
City of Makati 453,170 471,379 529,039 0.39 1.16 0.78
City of Malabon 280,027 338,855 353,337 1.92 0.42 1.17
City of Mandaluyong 248,143 278,474 328,699 1.16 1.67 1.41
City of Manila 1,601,234 1,581,082 1,652,171 -0.13 0.44 0.16
City of Marikina 310,227 391,170 424,150 2.34 0.81 1.58
City of Muntinlupa 278,411 379,310 459,941 3.14 1.95 2.54
City of Navotas 187,479 230,403 249,131 2.08 0.78 1.43
City of Parañaque 308,236 449,811 588,126 3.85 2.72 3.28
Pasay City 368,366 354,908 392,869 -0.37 1.02 0.32
City of Pasig 397,679 505,058 669,773 2.42 2.86 2.64
Pateros 51,409 57,407 64,147 1.11 1.12 1.11
Quezon City 1,669,776 2,173,831 2,761,720 2.67 2.42 2.55
City of San Juan 126,854 117,680 121,430 -0.75 0.31 -0.22
Taguig City 266,637 467,375 644,473 5.77 3.26 4.51
City of Valenzuela 340,227 485,433 575,356 3.62 1.71 2.66

Cordillera Administrative Region 1,146,191 1,365,412 1,616,867 1.76 1.70 1.73

Abra 184,743 209,491 234,733 1.26 1.14 1.20
Apayao 74,720 97,129 112,636 2.66 1.49 2.07
Benguet (excluding Baguio City) 302,715 330,129 403,944 0.87 2.04 1.45
Baguio City 183,142 252,386 318,676 3.26 2.36 2.81
Ifugao 147,281 161,623 191,078 0.93 1.69 1.31
Kalinga 137,055 174,023 201,613 2.41 1.48 1.95
Mountain Province 116,535 140,631 154,187 1.90 0.92 1.41

Region I – Ilocos Region 3,550,642 4,200,478 4,748,372 1.69 1.23 1.46

Ilocos Norte 461,661 514,241 568,017 1.08 1.00 1.04
Ilocos Sur 519,966 594,206 658,587 1.34 1.03 1.19
La Union 548,742 657,945 741,906 1.83 1.21 1.52
Pangasinan 2,020,273 2,434,086 2,779,862 1.88 1.34 1.61

Region II – Cagayan Valley 2,340,545 2,813,159 3,229,163 1.85 1.39 1.62

Batanes 15,026 16,467 16,604 0.92 0.08 0.50
Cagayan 829,867 993,580 1,124,773 1.82 1.25 1.53
Isabela 1,080,341 1,287,575 1,489,645 1.77 1.47 1.62
Nueva Vizcaya 301,179 366,962 421,355 1.99 1.39 1.69
Quirino 114,132 148,575 176,786 2.67 1.75 2.21

Region III – Central Luzon 6,338,590 8,204,742 10,137,737 2.61 2.14 2.37
Aurora 139,573 173,797 201,233 2.22 1.48 1.84
Bataan 425,803 557,659 687,482 2.73 2.11 2.42
Bulacan 1,505,219 2,234,088 2,924,433 4.02 2.73 3.37
Nueva Ecija 1,312,680 1,659,883 1,955,373 2.37 1.65 2.01
Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) 1,295,929 1,618,759 2,014,019 2.25 2.21 2.23
Angeles City 236,686 263,971 326,336 1.10 2.14 1.62
Tarlac 859,708 1,068,783 1,273,240 2.20 1.76 1.98
Zambales (excluding Olongapo City) 369,665 433,542 534,443 1.61 2.11 1.86
Olongapo City 193,327 194,260 221,178 0.05 1.31 0.67

National Statistics Office xxix

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing

A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities
Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses -- continued

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

Region IV-A – CALABARZON 6,349,452 9,320,629 12,609,803 3.91 3.07 3.49

Batangas 1,476,783 1,905,348 2,377,395 2.58 2.24 2.41
Cavite 1,152,534 2,063,161 3,090,691 5.99 4.12 5.05
Laguna 1,370,232 1,965,872 2,669,847 3.67 3.11 3.39
Quezon (excluding Lucena City) 1,221,831 1,482,955 1,740,638 1.95 1.61 1.78
Lucena City 150,624 196,075 246,392 2.67 2.31 2.49
Rizal 977,448 1,707,218 2,484,840 5.73 3.82 4.77

Region IV-B – MIMAROPA 1,774,074 2,299,229 2,744,671 2.62 1.79 2.20

Marinduque 185,524 217,392 227,828 1.60 0.47 1.03
Occidental Mindoro 282,593 380,250 452,971 3.01 1.76 2.39
Oriental Mindoro 550,049 681,818 785,602 2.17 1.43 1.80
Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 436,140 593,500 771,667 3.13 2.66 2.89
Puerto Princesa City 92,147 161,912 222,673 5.79 3.24 4.51
Romblon 227,621 264,357 283,930 1.51 0.72 1.11

Region V – Bicol Region 3,910,001 4,686,669 5,420,411 1.83 1.46 1.65

Albay 903,785 1,090,907 1,233,432 1.90 1.23 1.57
Camarines Norte 390,982 470,654 542,915 1.87 1.44 1.65
Camarines Sur 1,305,919 1,551,549 1,822,371 1.74 1.62 1.68
Catanduanes 187,000 215,356 246,300 1.42 1.35 1.39
Masbate 599,355 707,668 834,650 1.67 1.66 1.67
Sorsogon 522,960 650,535 740,743 2.21 1.31 1.75

Region VI – Western Visayas 5,393,333 6,211,038 7,102,438 1.42 1.35 1.38

Aklan 380,497 451,314 535,725 1.72 1.73 1.72
Antique 406,361 472,822 546,031 1.53 1.45 1.49
Capiz 584,091 654,156 719,685 1.14 0.96 1.05
Guimaras 117,990 141,450 162,943 1.83 1.42 1.63
Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1,337,981 1,559,182 1,805,576 1.54 1.48 1.51
Iloilo City 309,505 366,391 424,619 1.70 1.49 1.59
Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) 1,892,728 2,136,647 2,396,039 1.22 1.15 1.19
Bacolod City 364,180 429,076 511,820 1.65 1.78 1.71

Region VII – Central Visayas 4,594,124 5,706,953 6,800,180 2.19 1.77 1.98
Bohol 948,403 1,139,130 1,255,128 1.85 0.97 1.41
Cebu (excluding Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City and Mandaue City) 1,709,621 2,160,569 2,619,362 2.37 1.94 2.15
Cebu City 610,417 718,821 866,171 1.65 1.88 1.76
Lapu-lapu City 146,194 217,019 350,467 4.03 4.91 4.47
Mandaue City 180,285 259,728 331,320 3.72 2.46 3.09
Negros Oriental 925,272 1,130,088 1,286,666 2.02 1.31 1.66
Siquijor 73,932 81,598 91,066 0.99 1.10 1.05

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 3,054,490 3,610,355 4,101,322 1.68 1.28 1.48
Biliran 118,012 140,274 161,760 1.74 1.43 1.59
Eastern Samar 329,335 375,822 428,877 1.33 1.33 1.33
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,230,925 1,413,697 1,567,984 1.39 1.04 1.22
Tacloban City 1 136,891 178,639 221,174 2.70 2.16 2.43
Northern Samar 383,654 500,639 589,013 2.69 1.64 2.17
Samar (Western Samar) 533,733 641,124 733,377 1.85 1.35 1.60
Southern Leyte 321,940 360,160 399,137 1.13 1.03 1.08

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 2,281,064 2,831,412 3,407,353 2.18 1.87 2.03

City of Isabela 59,078 73,032 97,857 2.14 2.97 2.55
Zamboanga del Norte 676,862 823,130 957,997 1.97 1.53 1.75
Zamboanga del Sur (excluding Zamboanga City) 695,741 836,217 959,685 1.85 1.39 1.62
Zamboanga City 442,345 601,794 807,129 3.12 2.98 3.05
Zamboanga Sibugay 407,038 497,239 584,685 2.02 1.63 1.83

xxx National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities
Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses -- concluded

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

Region X – Northern Mindanao 2,811,646 3,505,708 4,297,323 2.23 2.06 2.14

Bukidnon 843,891 1,060,415 1,299,192 2.31 2.05 2.18
Camiguin 64,247 74,232 83,807 1.45 1.22 1.34
Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 387,524 473,062 607,917 2.01 2.54 2.28
Iligan City 226,568 285,061 322,821 2.32 1.25 1.78
Misamis Occidental 424,365 486,723 567,642 1.38 1.55 1.46
Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 525,453 664,338 813,856 2.37 2.05 2.21
Cagayan de Oro City 339,598 461,877 602,088 3.12 2.69 2.90

Region XI – Davao Region 2,933,743 3,676,163 4,468,563 2.28 1.97 2.12

Compostela Valley 466,286 580,244 687,195 2.21 1.71 1.96
Davao del Norte 590,015 743,811 945,764 2.34 2.43 2.39
Davao del Sur (excluding Davao City) 632,798 758,801 868,690 1.83 1.36 1.60
Davao City 849,947 1,147,116 1,449,296 3.04 2.36 2.70
Davao Oriental 394,697 446,191 517,618 1.23 1.50 1.36

Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 2,399,953 3,222,169 4,109,571 2.99 2.46 2.72

Cotabato City 127,065 163,849 271,786 2.57 5.19 3.87
Cotabato (North Cotabato) 763,995 958,643 1,226,508 2.29 2.49 2.39
Sarangani 283,141 410,622 498,904 3.78 1.97 2.87
South Cotabato (excluding General Santos City) 539,458 690,728 827,200 2.50 1.82 2.16
General Santos City (Dadiangas) 250,389 411,822 538,086 5.10 2.71 3.90
Sultan Kudarat 435,905 586,505 747,087 3.01 2.45 2.73

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 2,108,061 2,803,045 3,256,140 2.89 1.51 2.20
Basilan (excluding City of Isabela) 179,230 259,796 293,322 3.78 1.22 2.49
Lanao del Sur 599,982 800,162 933,260 2.92 1.55 2.23
Maguindanao (excluding Cotabato City) 630,674 801,102 944,718 2.42 1.66 2.04
Sulu 469,971 619,668 718,290 2.80 1.49 2.14
Tawi-Tawi 228,204 322,317 366,550 3.51 1.29 2.40

CARAGA 1,764,297 2,095,367 2,429,224 1.73 1.49 1.61

Agusan del Norte (excluding Butuan City) 237,629 285,570 332,487 1.85 1.53 1.69
Butuan City 227,829 267,279 309,709 1.61 1.48 1.55
Agusan del Sur 420,763 559,294 656,418 2.88 1.61 2.25
Dinagat Islands 98,865 106,951 126,803 0.79 1.72 1.25
Surigao del Norte 327,113 374,465 442,588 1.36 1.68 1.52
Surigao del Sur 452,098 501,808 561,219 1.05 1.12 1.09

National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing
National Statistics Office, 2000 Census of Population and Housing
National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,876 homeless population and 2,336 Filipinos in
Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.
Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 18,989 persons residing in the areas disputed by the
City of Pasig (NCR) and the province of Rizal (Region IVA); and 2,851 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.
Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates
and Mission Abroad.
Converted into a a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.

National Statistics Office xxxi

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing

B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City and Municipality

Region VIII - Eastern Visayas: 1990, 2000, and 2010

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/City/Municipality 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

Philippines 60,703,810 a 76,506,928 b 92,337,852 c 2.34 1.90 2.12

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 3,054,490 3,610,355 4,101,322 1.68 1.28 1.48

Biliran 118,012 140,274 161,760 1.74 1.43 1.59

Almeria 12,013 13,854 16,495 1.43 1.76 1.60
Biliran 11,531 13,817 16,183 1.82 1.59 1.71
Cabucgayan 15,240 17,691 19,621 1.50 1.04 1.27
Caibiran 17,596 19,606 21,473 1.09 0.91 1.00
Culaba 9,822 11,506 12,252 1.59 0.63 1.11
Kawayan 15,056 17,507 20,238 1.52 1.46 1.49
Maripipi 6,943 8,319 6,699 1.82 -2.14 -0.18
Naval (Capital) 29,811 37,974 48,799 2.45 2.54 2.49

Eastern Samar 329,335 375,822 428,877 1.33 1.33 1.33

Arteche 11,245 13,024 15,164 1.48 1.53 1.51
Balangiga 9,565 10,662 12,756 1.09 1.81 1.45
Balangkayan 7,609 8,134 9,046 0.67 1.07 0.87
City of Borongan (Capital) 44,085 55,141 64,457 2.26 1.57 1.92
Can-avid 13,254 17,228 19,785 2.65 1.39 2.02
Dolores 30,570 32,812 37,912 0.71 1.45 1.08
General MacArthur 9,627 10,452 12,214 0.82 1.57 1.20
Giporlos 11,001 10,218 12,040 -0.74 1.65 0.45
Guiuan 33,825 38,694 47,037 1.35 1.97 1.66
Hernani 6,840 7,642 8,070 1.11 0.55 0.83
Jipapad 5,207 6,596 7,397 2.39 1.15 1.77
Lawaan 7,792 9,855 11,612 2.37 1.65 2.01
Llorente 18,278 19,336 19,101 0.56 -0.12 0.22
Maslog 3,089 4,009 4,781 2.64 1.78 2.21
Maydolong 10,656 11,741 13,614 0.97 1.49 1.23
Mercedes 4,505 4,857 5,369 0.75 1.01 0.88
Oras 26,978 31,315 34,760 1.50 1.05 1.27
Quinapondan 10,986 11,721 13,841 0.65 1.68 1.16
Salcedo 16,597 16,971 19,970 0.22 1.64 0.93
San Julian 11,469 12,383 13,748 0.77 1.05 0.91
San Policarpo 9,970 12,403 13,836 2.21 1.10 1.65
Sulat 12,738 14,193 15,184 1.09 0.68 0.88
Taft 13,449 16,435 17,183 2.02 0.45 1.23

Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,230,925 1,413,697 1,567,984 1.39 1.04 1.22
Abuyog 47,265 53,837 57,146 1.31 0.60 0.95
Alangalang 33,375 41,245 46,411 2.14 1.19 1.66
Albuera 32,395 34,335 40,553 0.58 1.68 1.13
Babatngon 17,400 21,110 25,575 1.95 1.94 1.94
Barugo 23,817 26,919 30,092 1.23 1.12 1.18
Bato 28,197 32,974 35,610 1.58 0.77 1.17
City of Baybay 82,281 95,630 102,841 1.51 0.73 1.12
Burauen 46,029 47,180 48,853 0.25 0.35 0.30
Calubian 25,968 28,421 29,619 0.91 0.41 0.66
Capoocan 23,687 27,593 29,834 1.54 0.78 1.16
Carigara 38,863 43,455 47,444 1.12 0.88 1.00
Dagami 25,606 29,240 31,490 1.33 0.74 1.04
Dulag 33,020 38,897 41,757 1.65 0.71 1.18
Hilongos 48,617 51,462 56,803 0.57 0.99 0.78
Hindang 16,272 18,493 20,179 1.29 0.88 1.08
Inopacan 16,894 18,680 19,904 1.01 0.64 0.82
Isabel 33,389 38,486 43,593 1.43 1.25 1.34
Jaro 31,727 37,437 39,577 1.67 0.56 1.11
Javier (Bugho) 18,658 22,857 23,878 2.05 0.44 1.24

xxxii National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City and Municipality

Region VIII - Eastern Visayas: 1990, 2000, and 2010 -- continued

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/City/Municipality 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

Julita 9,944 12,096 13,307 1.98 0.96 1.47

Kananga 36,288 42,866 48,027 1.68 1.14 1.41
La Paz 14,311 17,627 19,133 2.10 0.82 1.46
Leyte 32,575 35,241 37,505 0.79 0.62 0.71
MacArthur 13,159 16,844 18,724 2.50 1.06 1.78
Mahaplag 22,673 26,511 26,599 1.57 0.03 0.80
Matag-ob 15,474 17,527 17,089 1.25 -0.25 0.50
Matalom 28,291 30,216 31,097 0.66 0.29 0.47
Mayorga 10,530 12,650 14,694 1.85 1.51 1.68
Merida 22,345 25,326 27,224 1.26 0.72 0.99
Ormoc City 129,456 154,297 191,200 1.77 2.17 1.97
Palo 38,100 47,982 62,727 2.33 2.71 2.52
Palompon 45,745 50,754 54,163 1.04 0.65 0.85
Pastrana 12,565 14,351 16,649 1.34 1.50 1.42
San Isidro 24,442 29,410 28,554 1.87 -0.29 0.78
San Miguel 13,438 15,153 17,561 1.21 1.48 1.35
Santa Fe 12,119 15,042 17,427 2.18 1.48 1.83
Tabango 29,743 31,433 31,932 0.55 0.16 0.36
Tabontabon 7,183 8,372 9,838 1.54 1.63 1.58
Tanauan 38,033 45,056 50,119 1.71 1.07 1.39
Tolosa 13,299 14,539 17,921 0.89 2.11 1.50
Tunga 5,413 6,111 6,516 1.22 0.64 0.93
Villaba 32,339 36,042 38,819 1.09 0.74 0.92

Tacloban City 1 136,891 178,639 221,174 2.70 2.16 2.43

Northern Samar 383,654 500,639 589,013 2.69 1.64 2.17

Allen 15,404 20,066 23,738 2.68 1.69 2.18
Biri 7,467 8,700 10,987 1.54 2.36 1.95
Bobon 13,687 16,851 20,956 2.10 2.20 2.15
Capul 9,510 10,619 12,659 1.11 1.77 1.44
Catarman (Capital) 50,965 67,671 84,833 2.87 2.28 2.58
Catubig 22,057 26,917 31,723 2.01 1.66 1.83
Gamay 15,764 21,314 22,425 3.06 0.51 1.78
Laoang 42,048 54,523 58,037 2.63 0.63 1.62
Lapinig 8,232 10,798 11,744 2.75 0.84 1.79
Las Navas 22,017 29,346 36,539 2.91 2.22 2.56
Lavezares 19,058 23,991 27,464 2.33 1.36 1.84
Mapanas 7,553 11,151 12,423 3.97 1.09 2.52
Mondragon 21,399 28,098 35,318 2.76 2.31 2.54
Palapag 20,114 30,520 33,453 4.25 0.92 2.57
Pambujan 18,389 25,394 31,057 3.28 2.03 2.65
Rosario 6,699 8,647 10,214 2.58 1.68 2.13
San Antonio 7,164 7,915 8,877 1.00 1.15 1.08
San Isidro 18,353 22,847 24,952 2.21 0.88 1.55
San Jose 10,773 13,564 16,079 2.33 1.71 2.02
San Roque 13,856 19,845 26,323 3.65 2.86 3.26
San Vicente 5,777 5,831 7,447 0.09 2.48 1.28
Silvino Lobos 9,071 12,645 14,303 3.37 1.24 2.30
Victoria 9,043 11,632 13,920 2.55 1.81 2.18
Lope de Vega 9,254 11,754 13,542 2.42 1.43 1.92

Samar (Western Samar) 533,733 641,124 733,377 1.85 1.35 1.60

Almagro 8,578 10,619 11,024 2.16 0.37 1.26
Basey 39,137 43,809 50,423 1.13 1.42 1.27
Calbayog City 115,390 147,187 172,778 2.46 1.62 2.04
Calbiga 17,116 18,890 21,434 0.99 1.27 1.13
City of Catbalogan (Capital) 70,470 84,180 94,317 1.79 1.14 1.47
Daram 31,332 35,532 41,322 1.26 1.52 1.39

National Statistics Office xxxiii

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing

B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City and Municipality

Region VIII - Eastern Visayas: 1990, 2000, and 2010 -- concluded

Total Population Population Growth Rate

Region/Province/City/Municipality 1990- 2000- 1990-
1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10
2000 2010 2010

Gandara 23,673 28,866 31,943 2.00 1.02 1.51

Hinabangan 11,906 12,120 12,651 0.18 0.43 0.30
Jiabong 12,751 15,397 17,075 1.90 1.04 1.47
Marabut 10,543 12,335 15,115 1.58 2.05 1.82
Matuguinao 3,819 5,361 6,746 3.45 2.32 2.88
Motiong 12,115 13,147 14,829 0.82 1.21 1.02
Pinabacdao 10,361 13,167 16,208 2.42 2.10 2.26
San Jose de Buan 4,217 6,438 6,563 4.32 0.19 2.23
San Sebastian 5,732 6,779 7,708 1.69 1.29 1.49
Santa Margarita 16,878 21,740 24,850 2.56 1.35 1.95
Santa Rita 25,202 30,118 38,082 1.80 2.37 2.08
Santo Niño 11,743 12,545 13,504 0.66 0.74 0.70
Talalora 6,112 6,580 7,983 0.74 1.95 1.34
Tarangnan 15,894 20,538 24,146 2.59 1.63 2.11
Villareal 21,820 23,604 26,221 0.79 1.06 0.92
Paranas (Wright) 22,702 27,926 29,327 2.09 0.49 1.29
Zumarraga 13,324 15,423 16,936 1.47 0.94 1.21
Tagapul-an 6,760 8,370 7,828 2.16 -0.67 0.74
San Jorge 10,111 13,376 16,340 2.84 2.02 2.43
Pagsanghan 6,047 7,077 8,024 1.58 1.26 1.42

Southern Leyte 321,940 360,160 399,137 1.13 1.03 1.08

Anahawan 7,063 7,209 7,942 0.20 0.97 0.59
Bontoc 24,818 27,592 28,079 1.06 0.18 0.62
Hinunangan 22,454 25,016 28,415 1.09 1.28 1.18
Hinundayan 9,965 11,113 11,890 1.10 0.68 0.89
Libagon 11,239 12,907 14,352 1.39 1.07 1.23
Liloan 18,383 19,838 22,817 0.76 1.41 1.09
City of Maasin (Capital) 64,694 71,163 81,250 0.96 1.33 1.15
Macrohon 20,416 23,102 25,386 1.24 0.95 1.09
Malitbog 15,946 19,320 22,009 1.94 1.31 1.62
Padre Burgos 7,375 8,926 10,525 1.93 1.66 1.79
Pintuyan 8,177 9,567 9,261 1.58 -0.32 0.62
Saint Bernard 20,760 23,089 25,169 1.07 0.87 0.97
San Francisco 10,438 10,869 12,528 0.41 1.43 0.92
San Juan (Cabalian) 11,703 13,510 14,073 1.45 0.41 0.93
San Ricardo 9,723 8,964 10,078 -0.81 1.18 0.18
Silago 9,733 10,486 12,310 0.75 1.62 1.18
Sogod 31,342 37,402 41,411 1.78 1.02 1.40
Tomas Oppus 13,192 14,930 15,807 1.24 0.57 0.91
Limasawa 4,519 5,157 5,835 1.33 1.24 1.29

National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing
National Statistics Office, 2000 Census of Population and Housing
National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,876 homeless population and 2,336 Filipinos in
Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.
Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 18,989 persons residing in the areas disputed by the
City of Pasig (NCR) and the province of Rizal (Region IVA); and 2,851 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.
Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates
and Mission Abroad.
Converted into a a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.

xxxiv National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size
by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010

Household Number of Average

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City Total Population
Population Households Household Size

Philippines 92,337,852 92,097,978 20,171,899 4.6

National Capital Region 11,855,975 11,796,873 2,759,829 4.3

Caloocan City 1,489,040 1,487,245 345,444 4.3
City of Las Piñas 552,573 551,886 127,723 4.3
City of Makati 529,039 526,952 126,457 4.2
City of Malabon 353,337 352,890 82,546 4.3
City of Mandaluyong 328,699 323,372 79,935 4.0
City of Manila 1,652,171 1,642,743 386,835 4.2
City of Marikina 424,150 424,150 91,414 4.6
City of Muntinlupa 459,941 438,843 103,949 4.2
City of Navotas 249,131 248,831 59,296 4.2
City of Parañaque 588,126 586,322 137,405 4.3
Pasay City 392,869 391,456 97,966 4.0
City of Pasig 669,773 668,569 154,970 4.3
Pateros 64,147 64,020 14,629 4.4
Quezon City 2,761,720 2,751,579 634,346 4.3
City of San Juan 121,430 120,898 28,890 4.2
Taguig City 644,473 642,277 150,190 4.3
City of Valenzuela 575,356 574,840 137,834 4.2

Cordillera Administrative Region 1,616,867 1,611,669 352,403 4.6

Abra 234,733 234,000 49,144 4.8
Apayao 112,636 112,523 23,337 4.8
Benguet (excluding Baguio City) 403,944 403,129 90,440 4.5
Baguio City 318,676 315,800 78,313 4.0
Ifugao 191,078 190,948 39,479 4.8
Kalinga 201,613 201,206 38,642 5.2
Mountain Province 154,187 154,063 33,048 4.7

Region I – Ilocos Region 4,748,372 4,743,067 1,050,605 4.5

Ilocos Norte 568,017 567,006 128,558 4.4
Ilocos Sur 658,587 657,902 145,674 4.5
La Union 741,906 740,710 163,820 4.5
Pangasinan 2,779,862 2,777,449 612,553 4.5

Region II – Cagayan Valley 3,229,163 3,225,761 727,327 4.4

Batanes 16,604 16,530 4,270 3.9
Cagayan 1,124,773 1,123,570 250,465 4.5
Isabela 1,489,645 1,488,518 336,823 4.4
Nueva Vizcaya 421,355 420,676 95,999 4.4
Quirino 176,786 176,467 39,770 4.4

Region III – Central Luzon 10,137,737 10,118,478 2,239,011 4.5

Aurora 201,233 200,799 44,740 4.5
Bataan 687,482 685,167 150,090 4.6
Bulacan 2,924,433 2,919,370 659,158 4.4
Nueva Ecija 1,955,373 1,953,716 439,460 4.4
Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) 2,014,019 2,010,219 416,271 4.8
Angeles City 326,336 324,510 74,510 4.4
Tarlac 1,273,240 1,271,743 280,382 4.5
Zambales (excluding Olongapo City) 534,443 532,836 122,158 4.4
Olongapo City 221,178 220,118 52,242 4.2

National Statistics Office xxxv

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size
by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010 -- continued

Household Number of Average

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City Total Population
Population Households Household Size

Region IV-A – CALABARZON 12,609,803 12,583,009 2,833,595 4.4

Batangas 2,377,395 2,374,327 511,530 4.6
Cavite 3,090,691 3,078,727 703,841 4.4
Laguna 2,669,847 2,665,732 623,707 4.3
Quezon (excluding Lucena City) 1,740,638 1,738,015 384,455 4.5
Lucena City 246,392 245,242 54,488 4.5
Rizal 2,484,840 2,480,966 555,574 4.5

Region IV-B – MIMAROPA 2,744,671 2,731,928 602,131 4.5

Marinduque 227,828 227,582 51,648 4.4
Occidental Mindoro 452,971 450,779 98,872 4.6
Oriental Mindoro 785,602 784,375 172,956 4.5
Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 771,667 768,800 165,272 4.7
Puerto Princesa City 222,673 216,910 50,669 4.3
Romblon 283,930 283,482 62,714 4.5

Region V – Bicol Region 5,420,411 5,411,521 1,111,753 4.9

Albay 1,233,432 1,231,607 255,672 4.8
Camarines Norte 542,915 542,315 116,728 4.6
Camarines Sur 1,822,371 1,818,699 364,472 5.0
Catanduanes 246,300 245,574 49,368 5.0
Masbate 834,650 833,638 171,644 4.9
Sorsogon 740,743 739,688 153,869 4.8

Region VI – Western Visayas 7,102,438 7,089,739 1,526,587 4.6

Aklan 535,725 533,573 116,123 4.6
Antique 546,031 545,204 115,818 4.7
Capiz 719,685 718,961 159,061 4.5
Guimaras 162,943 162,734 35,462 4.6
Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1,805,576 1,803,710 378,856 4.8
Iloilo City 424,619 421,976 90,681 4.7
Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) 2,396,039 2,393,087 513,995 4.7
Bacolod City 511,820 510,494 116,591 4.4

Region VII – Central Visayas 6,800,180 6,784,538 1,487,710 4.6

Bohol 1,255,128 1,252,793 261,408 4.8
Cebu (excluding Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City and Mandaue City) 2,619,362 2,613,842 565,583 4.6
Cebu City 866,171 860,942 195,461 4.4
Lapu-lapu City 350,467 350,422 80,913 4.3
Mandaue City 331,320 331,213 78,394 4.2
Negros Oriental 1,286,666 1,284,351 284,740 4.5
Siquijor 91,066 90,975 21,211 4.3

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 4,101,322 4,089,734 865,657 4.7

Biliran 161,760 161,250 34,224 4.7
Eastern Samar 428,877 427,974 90,041 4.8
Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,567,984 1,563,364 346,346 4.5
Tacloban City 1 221,174 219,314 45,478 4.8
Northern Samar 589,013 587,586 113,980 5.2
Samar (Western Samar) 733,377 731,669 145,916 5.0
Southern Leyte 399,137 398,577 89,672 4.4

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 3,407,353 3,397,838 726,272 4.7

City of Isabela 97,857 97,690 20,294 4.8
Zamboanga del Norte 957,997 955,668 205,338 4.7
Zamboanga del Sur (excluding Zamboanga City) 959,685 957,499 203,402 4.7
Zamboanga City 807,129 803,282 175,050 4.6
Zamboanga Sibugay 584,685 583,699 122,188 4.8

xxxvi National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size
by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010 -- concluded

Household Number of Average

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City Total Population
Population Households Household Size

Region X – Northern Mindanao 4,297,323 4,284,594 917,840 4.7

Bukidnon 1,299,192 1,294,877 272,884 4.7
Camiguin 83,807 83,676 18,183 4.6
Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 607,917 607,116 122,868 4.9
Iligan City 322,821 321,156 67,965 4.7
Misamis Occidental 567,642 566,340 125,244 4.5
Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 813,856 812,626 173,231 4.7
Cagayan de Oro City 602,088 598,803 137,465 4.4

Region XI – Davao Region 4,468,563 4,452,549 1,011,943 4.4

Compostela Valley 687,195 686,704 151,821 4.5
Davao del Norte 945,764 937,785 211,099 4.4
Davao del Sur (excluding Davao City) 868,690 867,695 200,987 4.3
Davao City 1,449,296 1,443,890 334,473 4.3
Davao Oriental 517,618 516,475 113,563 4.5

Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 4,109,571 4,103,105 916,038 4.5

Cotabato City 271,786 271,609 55,171 4.9
Cotabato (North Cotabato) 1,226,508 1,224,279 271,784 4.5
Sarangani 498,904 498,459 108,622 4.6
South Cotabato (excluding General Santos City) 827,200 825,816 186,184 4.4
General Santos City (Dadiangas) 538,086 536,566 125,368 4.3
Sultan Kudarat 747,087 746,376 168,909 4.4

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 3,256,140 3,248,787 538,941 6.0

Basilan (excluding City of Isabela) 293,322 293,204 51,552 5.7
Lanao del Sur 933,260 928,384 143,786 6.5
Maguindanao (excluding Cotabato City) 944,718 943,486 157,715 6.0
Sulu 718,290 718,277 122,001 5.9
Tawi-Tawi 366,550 365,436 63,887 5.7

CARAGA 2,429,224 2,424,788 504,257 4.8

Agusan del Norte (excluding Butuan City) 332,487 332,189 68,051 4.9
Butuan City 309,709 308,600 65,642 4.7
Agusan del Sur 656,418 655,331 133,985 4.9
Dinagat Islands 126,803 126,699 27,460 4.6
Surigao del Norte 442,588 441,829 94,150 4.7
Surigao del Sur 561,219 560,140 114,969 4.9

National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates
and Mission Abroad.
Converted into a a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.

National Statistics Office xxxvii

2010 Census of Population and Housing Biliran

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

BILIRAN 161,760 161,250 34,224

ALMERIA 16,495 16,485 3,621

Caucab 1,638 1,638 338
Iyosan 1,288 1,288 294
Jamorawon 1,525 1,525 344
Lo-ok 1,204 1,204 250
Matanga 931 931 214
Pili 1,252 1,252 269
Poblacion 3,059 3,054 647
Pulang Bato 949 944 209
Salangi 829 829 204
Sampao 726 726 157
Tabunan 760 760 181
Talahid 1,283 1,283 264
Tamarindo 1,051 1,051 250

BILIRAN 16,183 16,073 3,425

Bato 1,320 1,290 294
Burabod 1,859 1,859 376
Busali 1,684 1,684 373
Hugpa 892 892 181
Julita 1,911 1,911 396
Canila 799 799 190
Pinangumhan 739 739 150
San Isidro (Pob.) 2,841 2,818 595
San Roque (Pob.) 2,306 2,249 481
Sanggalang 1,039 1,039 231
Villa Enage (Baras) 793 793 158

CABUCGAYAN 19,621 19,522 4,177

Balaquid 2,499 2,499 542
Baso 1,411 1,411 309
Bunga 3,835 3,828 851
Caanibongan 272 272 53
Casiawan 1,109 1,109 221
Esperanza (Pob.) 1,284 1,284 244
Langgao 1,164 1,164 251
Libertad 1,332 1,260 287

National Statistics Office 1

Biliran 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Looc 2,389 2,389 508

Magbangon (Pob.) 1,503 1,503 320
Pawikan 1,471 1,471 311
Salawad 542 542 118
Talibong 810 790 162

CAIBIRAN 21,473 21,461 4,187

Alegria 743 743 150
Asug 543 543 114
Bari-is 1,212 1,212 244
Binohangan 1,059 1,059 203
Cabibihan 1,405 1,405 283
Kawayanon 525 525 103
Looc 732 732 151
Manlabang 1,708 1,708 341
Caulangohan (Marevil) 507 507 110
Maurang 1,683 1,683 327
Palanay (Pob.) 1,138 1,135 204
Palengke (Pob.) 1,601 1,598 292
Tomalistis 916 912 181
Union 1,026 1,026 190
Uson 1,888 1,886 376
Victory (Pob.) 4,013 4,013 758
Villa Vicenta (Mainit) 774 774 160

CULABA 12,252 12,252 2,517

Acaban 635 635 135
Bacolod 292 292 67
Binongtoan 821 821 163
Bool Central (Pob.) 605 605 119
Bool East (Pob.) 970 970 228
Bool West (Pob.) 764 764 159
Calipayan 578 578 108
Guindapunan 429 429 82
Habuhab 282 282 51
Looc 829 829 151
Marvel (Pob.) 1,634 1,634 336
Patag 481 481 110
Pinamihagan 905 905 181

2 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Biliran

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Culaba Central (Pob.) 683 683 155

Salvacion 328 328 70
San Roque 477 477 90
Virginia (Pob.) 1,539 1,539 312

KAWAYAN 20,238 20,226 4,356

Baganito 550 550 120
Balacson 924 924 194
Bilwang 630 630 132
Bulalacao 790 789 159
Burabod 710 710 148
Inasuyan 1,114 1,114 258
Kansanok 717 717 157
Mada-o 1,044 1,044 227
Mapuyo 1,815 1,815 434
Masagaosao 763 763 167
Masagongsong 596 596 132
Poblacion 1,121 1,118 258
Tabunan North 171 171 35
Tubig Guinoo 739 739 166
Tucdao 1,951 1,947 406
Ungale 2,264 2,264 462
Balite 1,008 1,008 215
Buyo 884 884 186
Villa Cornejo (Looc) 1,154 1,150 225
San Lorenzo 1,293 1,293 275

MARIPIPI 6,699 6,680 1,570

Agutay 511 511 118
Banlas 249 249 64
Bato 507 507 110
Binalayan West 477 477 126
Binalayan East 476 476 112
Burabod 212 212 41
Calbani 404 404 90
Canduhao 329 329 71
Casibang 379 379 100
Danao 345 345 83
Ol-og 327 327 88

National Statistics Office 3

Biliran 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Binongto-an (Poblacion Norte) 578 573 126

Ermita (Poblacion Sur) 831 826 194
Trabugan 185 185 41
Viga 889 880 206

NAVAL (Capital) 48,799 48,551 10,371

Agpangi 2,371 2,371 539
Anislagan 602 602 126
Atipolo 3,325 3,318 672
Calumpang 5,121 4,999 1079
Capiñahan 2,272 2,272 481
Caraycaray 3,701 3,691 808
Catmon 1,486 1,464 329
Haguikhikan 1,621 1,621 335
Padre Inocentes Garcia (Pob.) 4,744 4,684 1000
Libertad 917 917 239
Lico 910 910 206
Lucsoon 1,568 1,568 314
Mabini 984 984 242
San Pablo 1,678 1,678 356
Santo Niño 2,627 2,623 549
Santissimo Rosario Pob. (Santo Rosa) 2,420 2,401 525
Talustusan 1,878 1,878 348
Villa Caneja 854 854 184
Villa Consuelo 1,764 1,764 340
Borac 728 728 167
Cabungaan 383 383 90
Imelda 958 958 218
Larrazabal 3,200 3,196 647
Libtong 989 989 213
Padre Sergio Eamiguel 1,270 1,270 263
Sabang 428 428 101

4 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

EASTERN SAMAR 428,877 427,974 90,041

ARTECHE 15,164 15,153 3,198

Aguinaldo 246 246 50
Balud (Pob.) 1,272 1,272 270
Bato (San Luis) 230 230 50
Beri 681 681 140
Bigo 313 313 57
Buenavista 376 376 79
Cagsalay 349 349 72
Campacion 175 175 38
Carapdapan 1,834 1,834 380
Casidman 204 204 44
Catumsan 1,129 1,129 239
Central (Pob.) 482 481 103
Concepcion 1,481 1,475 310
Garden (Pob.) 2,368 2,364 505
Inayawan 134 134 33
Macarthur 361 361 71
Rawis (Pob.) 1,390 1,390 300
Tangbo 1,367 1,367 293
Tawagan 655 655 135
Tebalawon 117 117 29

BALANGIGA 12,756 12,753 2,685

Bacjao 527 527 118
Cag-olango 364 364 64
Cansumangcay 872 872 189
Guinmaayohan 1,298 1,298 240
Barangay Poblacion I 1,707 1,707 358
Barangay Poblacion II 578 575 133
Barangay Poblacion III 740 740 160
Barangay Poblacion IV 460 460 111
Barangay Poblacion V 790 790 169
Barangay Poblacion VI 1,750 1,750 380
San Miguel 1,674 1,674 357
Santa Rosa 1,837 1,837 376
Maybunga 159 159 30

National Statistics Office 5

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

BALANGKAYAN 9,046 9,046 1,935

Balogo 808 808 166
Bangon 234 234 52
Cabay 2,096 2,096 467
Caisawan 525 525 96
Cantubi 294 294 54
General Malvar 128 128 20
Guinpoliran 515 515 104
Julag 108 108 26
Magsaysay 163 163 30
Maramag 831 831 206
Poblacion I 555 555 119
Poblacion II 646 646 136
Poblacion III 440 440 97
Poblacion IV 741 741 163
Poblacion V 962 962 199

CITY OF BORONGAN (Capital) 64,457 64,127 13,511

Alang-alang 1,913 1,867 423
Amantacop 494 494 93
Ando 879 879 165
Balacdas 466 466 92
Balud 3,470 3,445 726
Banuyo 555 555 97
Baras 438 438 71
Bato 3,365 3,249 696
Bayobay 520 520 105
Benowangan 759 759 117
Bugas 1,883 1,867 417
Cabalagnan 215 215 46
Cabong 1,547 1,547 364
Cagbonga 469 469 101
Calico-an 350 350 73
Calingatngan 966 966 185
Campesao 3,352 3,323 712
Can-abong 1,692 1,692 346
Can-aga 205 205 34
Camada 371 371 80
Canjaway 552 552 124

6 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Canlaray 277 277 63

Canyopay 233 233 42
Divinubo 716 716 148
Hebacong 257 257 48
Hindang 818 811 175
Lalawigan 2,109 2,108 481
Libuton 858 858 178
Locso-on 1,134 1,134 263
Maybacong 437 437 98
Maypangdan 2,521 2,516 547
Pepelitan 782 782 162
Pinanag-an 1,040 1,040 142
Purok D1 (Pob.) 744 744 150
Purok A (Pob.) 1,012 1,001 222
Purok B (Pob.) 1,575 1,575 325
Purok C (Pob.) 1,104 1,104 235
Purok D2 (Pob.) 227 215 46
Purok E (Pob.) 431 431 103
Purok F (Pob.) 308 292 58
Purok G (Pob.) 381 381 87
Purok H (Pob.) 1,026 1,026 214
Punta Maria 561 561 116
Sabang North 967 967 203
Sabang South 1,801 1,789 408
San Andres 568 568 102
San Gabriel 1,269 1,269 253
San Gregorio 350 350 69
San Jose 871 871 175
San Mateo 1,564 1,564 285
San Pablo 239 239 44
San Saturnino 1,457 1,457 325
Santa Fe 1,055 1,055 236
Siha 1,147 1,147 209
Songco 3,282 3,251 706
Sohutan 226 226 53
Suribao 1,022 1,022 199
Surok 695 695 163
Taboc 2,123 2,120 487
Tabunan 2,024 2,024 439

National Statistics Office 7

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tamoso 785 785 185

CAN-AVID 19,785 19,726 4,017

Balagon 354 354 66
Baruk 696 696 138
Boco 473 473 81
Caghalong 284 284 59
Camantang 1,303 1,250 264
Can-ilay 1,181 1,181 242
Cansangaya 1,187 1,187 254
Canteros 950 950 206
Carolina 1,304 1,304 290
Guibuangan 361 361 75
Jepaco 325 325 80
Mabuhay 599 599 123
Malogo 846 846 164
Obong 305 305 71
Pandol 471 471 89
Barangay 1 Poblacion 534 534 96
Barangay 10 Poblacion 1,243 1,243 255
Barangay 2 Poblacion 398 398 94
Barangay 3 Poblacion 553 553 127
Barangay 4 Poblacion 1,660 1,654 320
Barangay 5 Poblacion 374 374 73
Barangay 6 Poblacion 211 211 38
Barangay 7 Poblacion 1,036 1,036 185
Barangay 8 Poblacion 389 389 76
Barangay 9 Poblacion 735 735 146
Salvacion 434 434 93
Solong 572 572 115
Rawis 1,007 1,007 197

DOLORES 37,912 37,813 8,077

Aroganga 1,153 1,153 243
Magongbong 740 740 154
Buenavista 1,079 1,079 243
Cabago-an 528 528 126
Caglao-an 981 981 194
Cagtabon 528 528 114

8 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Dampigan 1,055 1,055 231

Dapdap 2,440 2,440 528
Del Pilar 355 355 68
Denigpian 868 868 169
Gap-ang 829 829 165
Japitan 615 615 133
Jicontol 1,056 1,056 207
Hilabaan 2,061 2,061 450
Hinolaso 1,377 1,372 303
Libertad 644 644 161
Magsaysay 541 541 121
Malobago 1,136 1,136 224
Osmeña 560 560 100
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 884 884 193
Barangay 10 (Pob.) 635 625 146
Barangay 11 (Pob.) 494 494 103
Barangay 12 (Pob.) 1,341 1,323 269
Barangay 13 (Pob.) 1,548 1,548 386
Barangay 14 (Pob.) 985 985 202
Barangay 15 (Pob.) 1,794 1,728 386
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 2,362 2,362 512
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 295 295 62
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 278 278 54
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 262 262 63
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 135 135 29
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 173 173 40
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 157 157 33
Barangay 9 (Pob.) 379 379 84
Rizal 767 767 157
San Isidro (Malabag) 337 337 79
San Pascual 646 646 106
San Roque 390 390 72
San Vicente 465 465 80
Santa Cruz 576 576 134
Santo Niño 871 871 200
Tanauan 697 697 151
Villahermosa 855 855 176
Bonghon 761 761 159
Malaintos 833 833 173

National Statistics Office 9

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tikling 446 446 94

GENERAL MACARTHUR 12,214 12,193 2,351

Alang-alang 109 109 23
Binalay 807 796 134
Calutan 492 492 93
Camcuevas 234 234 42
Domrog 962 962 196
Limbujan 111 111 21
Magsaysay 222 222 41
Osmeña 245 245 44
Pingan 441 441 86
Poblacion Barangay 1 778 778 168
Poblacion Barangay 2 796 796 146
Poblacion Barangay 3 363 363 76
Poblacion Barangay 4 269 269 55
Poblacion Barangay 5 461 453 92
Poblacion Barangay 6 606 604 126
Poblacion Barangay 7 975 975 195
Poblacion Barangay 8 229 229 42
Laurel 106 106 20
Roxas 245 245 43
Quirino 130 130 22
San Isidro 584 584 111
San Roque 146 146 26
Santa Cruz (Opong) 457 457 78
Santa Fe 183 183 32
Tugop 211 211 34
Vigan 971 971 200
Macapagal 123 123 24
Aguinaldo 674 674 130
Quezon 156 156 30
Tandang Sora 128 128 21

GIPORLOS 12,040 12,030 2,492

Barangay 1 (Pob.) 1,322 1,322 283
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 511 510 112
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 345 345 80
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 339 339 72

10 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay 5 (Pob.) 1,256 1,256 238

Barangay 6 (Pob.) 556 556 106
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 1,188 1,188 254
Biga 712 712 155
Coticot 978 978 194
Gigoso 792 792 177
Huknan 348 348 80
Parina 645 645 136
Paya 669 669 147
President Roxas 321 321 58
San Miguel 185 185 30
Santa Cruz (Cansingkol) 198 198 37
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 674 665 131
San Isidro (Malabag) 1,001 1,001 202

GUIUAN 47,037 46,951 10,002

Alingarog 343 343 75
Bagua 456 456 108
Banaag 395 395 81
Banahao 470 470 121
Baras 1,407 1,407 280
Barbo 624 624 134
Bitaugan 417 417 103
Bungtod 975 975 209
Bucao 191 191 48
Buenavista 531 528 118
Cagdara-o 469 469 98
Cagusu-an 658 657 143
Camparang 441 441 99
Campoyong 1,604 1,604 325
Cantahay 1,118 1,118 254
Casuguran 921 918 198
Cogon 1,146 1,146 236
Culasi 439 439 95
Poblacion Ward 10 622 622 125
Poblacion Ward 9-A 466 431 85
Gahoy 685 685 148
Habag 391 391 90
Hamorawon 512 512 127

National Statistics Office 11

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Inapulangan 589 589 153

Poblacion Ward 4-A 643 643 126
Lupok (Pob.) 2,113 2,111 437
Mayana 519 519 117
Ngolos 1,247 1,247 259
Pagbabangnan 525 525 105
Pagnamitan 535 535 124
Poblacion Ward 1 462 452 93
Poblacion Ward 2 291 291 67
Poblacion Ward 11 861 861 157
Poblacion Ward 12 486 486 100
Poblacion Ward 3 355 355 78
Poblacion Ward 4 819 818 178
Poblacion Ward 5 365 365 74
Poblacion Ward 6 1,886 1,886 358
Poblacion Ward 7 820 812 165
Poblacion Ward 8 2,157 2,154 425
Poblacion Ward 9 574 574 124
Salug 1,276 1,276 281
San Antonio 219 219 57
San Jose 462 462 100
San Pedro 528 528 114
Sapao 961 960 218
Sulangan 3,597 3,582 803
Suluan 1,637 1,637 358
Surok 1,118 1,118 238
Taytay 842 842 171
Timala 391 391 84
Trinidad 470 470 96
Victory Island 722 722 123
Canawayon 371 367 73
Dalaragan 352 352 87
Hagna 401 401 95
Hollywood 1,893 1,893 387
San Juan 491 491 107
Santo Niño 375 375 71
Tagporo 403 403 99

12 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

HERNANI 8,070 7,981 1,637

Batang 702 702 165
Cacatmonan 70 70 19
Garawon 485 485 104
Canciledes 1,061 1,061 209
Carmen 793 793 163
Nagaja 506 506 106
Padang 981 956 193
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 326 326 63
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 503 486 105
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 577 577 127
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 623 623 127
San Isidro 449 449 83
San Miguel 994 947 173

JIPAPAD 7,397 7,394 1,429

Agsaman 500 500 104
Cagmanaba 838 838 153
Dorillo 216 216 46
Jewaran 255 255 57
Mabuhay 408 408 86
Magsaysay 259 259 49
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 781 781 160
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 487 487 93
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 880 877 167
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 1,581 1,581 292
Recare 382 382 66
Roxas 168 168 36
San Roque 642 642 120

LAWAAN 11,612 11,609 2,410

Betaog 729 729 151
Bolusao 1,620 1,620 339
Guinob-an 946 946 209
Maslog 1,459 1,459 333
Barangay Poblacion 1 1,165 1,165 228
Barangay Poblacion 2 120 120 29
Barangay Poblacion 3 159 159 42
Barangay Poblacion 4 182 179 37

National Statistics Office 13

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay Poblacion 5 271 271 57

Barangay Poblacion 6 232 232 48
Barangay Poblacion 7 352 352 66
Barangay Poblacion 8 1,155 1,155 218
Barangay Poblacion 9 543 543 122
Barangay Poblacion 10 916 916 182
San Isidro 164 164 25
Taguite 1,599 1,599 324

LLORENTE 19,101 19,092 4,087

Antipolo 699 699 141
Babanikhon 119 119 22
Bacayawan 804 804 177
Barobo 876 876 158
Burak 319 319 59
Can-ato 459 459 77
Candoros 504 504 91
Canliwag 283 283 64
Cantomco 318 318 71
Hugpa 264 264 59
Maca-anga 240 240 51
Magtino 361 361 72
Mina-anod 370 370 76
Naubay 1,054 1,054 242
Piliw 520 520 102
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 1,761 1,756 392
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 319 319 71
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 362 362 82
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 300 300 67
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 163 163 31
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 222 222 51
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 467 467 95
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 702 698 154
Barangay 9 (Pob.) 181 181 45
Barangay 10 (Pob.) 276 276 63
Barangay 11 (Pob.) 1,798 1,798 376
Barangay 12 (Pob.) 987 987 233
San Jose 706 706 145
San Miguel 973 973 213

14 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

San Roque 734 734 180

So-ong 773 773 180
Tabok 840 840 181
Waso 347 347 66

MASLOG 4,781 4,781 899

Bulawan 260 260 51
Carayacay 847 847 145
Libertad 150 150 25
Malobago 81 81 17
Maputi 289 289 54
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 400 400 79
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 1,549 1,549 289
San Miguel 438 438 88
San Roque 212 212 44
Tangbo 153 153 35
Taytay 160 160 26
Tugas 242 242 46

MAYDOLONG 13,614 13,610 2,767

Camada 821 821 158
Campakerit (Botay) 546 546 109
Canloterio 608 608 113
Del Pilar 465 465 75
Guindalitan 541 541 104
Lapgap 340 340 75
Malobago 384 384 79
Maybocog 1,497 1,497 353
Maytigbao 189 189 44
Omawas 1,013 1,013 229
Patag 390 390 58
Barangay Poblacion 1 982 982 178
Barangay Poblacion 2 538 538 115
Barangay Poblacion 3 922 922 171
Barangay Poblacion 4 1,351 1,351 283
Barangay Poblacion 5 813 812 170
Barangay Poblacion 6 758 758 171
Barangay Poblacion 7 771 768 157
San Gabriel 404 404 73

National Statistics Office 15

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tagaslian 281 281 52

MERCEDES 5,369 5,369 1,133

Anuron 737 737 164
Banuyo 391 391 74
Bobon 219 219 45
Busay 376 376 72
Buyayawon 345 345 77
Cabunga-an 191 191 50
Cambante 243 243 51
Barangay 1 Poblacion 288 288 50
Barangay 2 Poblacion 242 242 51
Barangay 3 Poblacion 194 194 44
San Jose 331 331 68
Sung-an 421 421 97
Palamrag (Cabiliri-an) 459 459 101
Barangay 4 Poblacion 327 327 77
Port Kennedy 229 229 38
San Roque 376 376 74

ORAS 34,760 34,663 7,275

Agsam 858 858 176
Bagacay 250 250 48
Balingasag 591 591 115
Balocawe (Pob.) 941 941 188
Bantayan 827 827 173
Batang 840 840 164
Bato 234 234 53
Binalayan 492 492 95
Buntay 797 797 164
Burak 866 866 187
Butnga (Pob.) 320 313 72
Cadian 1,281 1,281 272
Cagdine 342 342 69
Cagpile 856 856 183
Cagtoog 527 527 116
Camanga (Pob.) 554 554 118
Dalid 1,020 1,020 226
Dao 2,601 2,569 561

16 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Factoria 612 612 132

Gamot 441 441 92
Iwayan 705 705 135
Japay 369 369 78
Kalaw 384 384 65
Mabuhay 571 571 119
Malingon 316 316 66
Minap-os 481 481 94
Nadacpan 378 378 83
Naga 418 418 80
Pangudtan 794 794 176
Paypayon (Pob.) 2,869 2,820 594
Riverside (Pob.) 1,150 1,150 247
Rizal 533 524 105
Sabang 707 707 158
San Eduardo 2,337 2,337 517
Santa Monica 1,251 1,251 254
Saugan 617 617 129
Saurong 737 737 174
Tawagan (Pob.) 1,475 1,475 299
Tiguib (Pob.) 930 930 194
Trinidad (Maycorot) 860 860 170
Alang-alang 194 194 40
San Roque (Pob.) 1,434 1,434 294

QUINAPONDAN 13,841 13,815 2,651

Anislag 741 741 128
Bagte 989 989 199
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) 752 752 135
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) 521 521 92
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) 377 377 64
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) 235 232 51
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) 626 626 119
Buenavista 1,010 987 168
Caculangan 159 159 31
Cagdaja 135 135 29
Cambilla 297 297 50
Cantenio 136 136 29
Naga 434 434 84

National Statistics Office 17

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Paco 374 374 90

Rizal (Pana-ugan) 400 400 80
San Pedro 865 865 181
San Vicente 749 749 129
Santa Cruz (Loro Diyo) 893 893 174
Santa Margarita 667 667 137
Santo Niño 1,336 1,336 267
Palactad (Valley) 423 423 83
Alang-alang 256 256 52
Barangay No. 6 (Pob.) 540 540 100
Barangay No. 7 (Pob.) 796 796 158
San Isidro 130 130 21

SALCEDO 19,970 19,970 4,191

Abejao 547 547 126
Alog 298 298 65
Asgad 423 423 85
Bagtong 1,556 1,556 333
Balud 301 301 69
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 440 440 100
Barangay 13 (Pob.) 344 344 70
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 494 494 101
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 269 269 61
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 155 155 29
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 41 41 8
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 156 156 24
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 765 765 144
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 166 166 35
Barangay 9 (Pob.) 266 266 56
Barangay 10 (Pob.) 133 133 26
Barangay 11 (Pob.) 308 308 65
Barangay 12 (Pob.) 234 234 39
Buabua 723 723 148
Burak 874 874 206
Butig 325 325 80
Cagaut 616 616 120
Camanga 534 534 98
Cantomoja 354 354 64
Carapdapan 321 321 61

18 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Caridad 421 421 87

Casili-on 593 593 139
Iberan 244 244 52
Jagnaya 273 273 65
Lusod 260 260 57
Malbog 313 313 67
Maliwaliw 388 388 81
Matarinao 1,808 1,808 383
Naparaan 1,670 1,670 381
Seguinon 399 399 80
San Roque (Bugay) 343 343 68
Santa Cruz 223 223 43
Tacla-on 266 266 56
Tagbacan 689 689 138
Palanas 744 744 149
Talangdawan 693 693 132

SAN JULIAN 13,748 13,744 3,066

Bunacan 365 365 78
Campidhan 968 968 209
Casoroy 915 915 205
Libas 1,484 1,484 346
Nena (Luna) 2,304 2,304 559
Pagbabangnan 1,341 1,341 286
Barangay No. 1 Poblacion 326 326 71
Barangay No. 2 Poblacion 350 350 81
Barangay No. 3 Poblacion 758 758 178
Barangay No. 4 Poblacion 366 366 84
Barangay No. 5 Poblacion 354 350 85
Barangay No. 6 Poblacion 797 797 182
Putong 1,015 1,015 194
San Isidro 1,413 1,413 290
San Miguel 685 685 146
Lunang 307 307 72

SAN POLICARPO 13,836 13,836 2,919

Alugan 2,155 2,155 451
Bahay 814 814 181
Bangon 176 176 40

National Statistics Office 19

Eastern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Baras (Lipata) 534 534 112

Binogawan 1,420 1,420 287
Cajagwayan 802 802 179
Japunan 844 844 198
Natividad 592 592 130
Pangpang 1,287 1,287 268
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) 706 706 148
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) 354 354 65
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) 858 858 174
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) 918 918 191
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) 1,047 1,047 221
Santa Cruz 303 303 67
Tabo 533 533 102
Tan-awan 493 493 105

SULAT 15,184 15,170 3,553

A-et 377 377 82
Baybay (Pob.) 745 735 180
Kandalakit 232 232 62
Del Remedio 1,420 1,420 365
Loyola Heights (Pob.) 499 495 113
Mabini 353 353 77
Maglipay (Pob.) 863 863 194
Maramara (Pob.) 658 658 155
Riverside (Pob.) 565 565 140
San Francisco 791 791 191
San Isidro 1,883 1,883 405
San Juan 1,071 1,071 258
San Mateo 379 379 100
San Vicente 1,305 1,305 306
Santo Niño 1,220 1,220 298
Santo Tomas 1,529 1,529 318
Tabi (Pob.) 511 511 125
Abucay (Pob.) 783 783 184

TAFT 17,183 17,148 3,756

Batiawan 887 887 200
Beto 324 324 81
Binaloan 649 644 136

20 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Eastern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bongdo 257 257 64

Dacul 349 349 84
Danao 343 343 83
Del Remedios 524 524 103
Gayam 223 223 45
Lomatud (Burak) 522 522 124
Mabuhay 795 795 179
Malinao 777 777 159
Mantang 1,989 1,989 448
Nato 1,244 1,244 270
Pangabutan 345 345 61
Poblacion Barangay 1 656 640 138
Poblacion Barangay 2 624 624 139
Poblacion Barangay 3 525 525 125
Poblacion Barangay 4 668 668 140
Poblacion Barangay 5 1,194 1,194 262
Poblacion Barangay 6 1,132 1,132 256
Polangi 1,038 1,030 219
San Luis 1,017 1,017 236
San Pablo 651 651 121
San Rafael 450 444 83

National Statistics Office 21

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

LEYTE * 1,567,984 1,563,364 346,346

ABUYOG 57,146 55,509 12,431

Alangilan 235 235 54
Anibongan 330 330 88
Buaya 713 713 179
Bagacay 513 513 116
Bahay 314 314 69
Balinsasayao 2,242 2,242 498
Balocawe 1,602 1,602 350
Balocawehay 3,439 3,439 758
Barayong 1,307 1,307 293
Bayabas 776 776 174
Bito (Pob.) 1,943 1,943 440
Buenavista 655 655 153
Bulak a 629 629 209
Bunga 1,713 1,713 375
Buntay (Pob.) 2,195 2,195 460
Burubud-an 716 716 154
Cagbolo 2,006 472 115
Can-uguib (Pob.) 1,661 1,661 345
Can-aporong 412 412 86
Canmarating 1,100 1,100 252
Capilian 907 907 193
Cadac-an 397 397 88
Combis 383 383 90
Dingle 643 643 138
Guintagbucan (Pob.) 1,234 1,234 288
Hampipila 1,400 1,400 324
Katipunan 1,078 1,078 231
Kikilo 587 587 130
Laray 244 244 57
Lawa-an 355 355 72
Libertad 1,046 1,046 240
Loyonsawang (Pob.) 1,190 1,087 225
Mahagna (New Cagbolo) 448 448 121
Mag-atubang 269 269 62
Mahayahay 175 175 44
Maitum 471 471 97

National Statistics Office 22

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Malaguicay 975 975 243

Matagnao 601 601 137
Nalibunan (Pob.) 773 773 175
Nebga 489 489 109
Odiongan 712 712 164
Pagsang-an 979 979 226
Paguite 811 811 168
Parasanon 679 679 130
Picas Sur 616 616 134
Pilar 435 435 106
Pinamanagan 585 585 141
Salvacion 674 674 148
San Francisco 336 336 85
San Isidro 569 569 138
San Roque 879 879 199
Santa Fe (Pob.) 1,710 1,710 369
Santa Lucia (Pob.) 319 319 72
Santo Niño (Pob.) 2,644 2,644 544
Tabigue 1,117 1,117 249
Tadoc 425 425 106
New Taligue 388 388 87
Old Taligue 359 359 82
Tib-o 635 635 144
Tinalian 416 416 92
Tinocolan 353 353 87
Tuy-a 709 709 170
Victory (Pob.) 2,630 2,630 558

ALANGALANG 46,411 46,397 10,004

Aslum 564 564 132
Astorga (Burabod) 1,030 1,030 238
Bato 232 232 50
Binongto-an 2,005 2,005 427
Binotong 509 509 110
Bobonon 794 794 160
Borseth 1,591 1,591 328
Buenavista 447 447 102
Bugho 1,208 1,208 260
Buri 267 267 55

23 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Cabadsan 1,548 1,548 321

Calaasan 703 703 149
Cambahanon 721 721 157
Cambolao 546 546 119
Canvertudes 719 719 143
Capiz 552 552 138
Cavite 792 792 173
Cogon 664 664 149
Dapdap 1,600 1,600 345
Divisoria 428 428 92
Ekiran 787 787 180
Hinapolan 318 318 60
Hubang 1,290 1,290 294
Hupit 539 539 119
Langit 644 644 127
Lingayon 1,446 1,446 319
Lourdes 702 702 165
Lukay 1,004 1,004 211
Magsaysay 694 694 141
Mudboron 1,960 1,955 440
P. Barrantes 1,179 1,179 255
Peñalosa 624 624 143
Pepita 243 243 57
Salvacion Poblacion 1,306 1,306 258
San Antonio 1,456 1,456 333
San Diego 959 959 213
San Francisco East 481 481 105
San Francisco West 389 389 83
San Isidro 639 639 135
San Pedro 602 602 129
San Vicente 1,934 1,934 397
Santiago 254 254 57
Santo Niño (Pob.) 485 477 99
Santol 500 500 93
Tabangohay 425 425 111
Tombo 542 542 121
Veteranos 480 480 100
Blumentritt (Pob.) 748 748 161
Holy Child I (Pob.) 1,302 1,301 275

National Statistics Office 24

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Holy Child II (Pob.) 632 632 153

Milagrosa (Pob.) 929 929 191
San Antonio Pob. (Patong Norte) 1,505 1,505 314
San Roque (Pob.) 1,238 1,238 247
Salvacion 1,255 1,255 270

ALBUERA 40,553 40,520 9,182

Antipolo 899 899 218
Balugo 4,191 4,191 939
Benolho 1,954 1,954 452
Cambalading 2,120 2,120 451
Damula-an 3,355 3,355 806
Doña Maria (Kangkuirina) 1,095 1,095 252
Mahayag 1,071 1,071 259
Mahayahay 1,374 1,374 319
Poblacion 8,524 8,524 1,900
Salvacion 628 628 138
San Pedro 3,290 3,290 732
Seguinon 1,916 1,916 459
Sherwood 2,049 2,049 431
Tabgas 2,849 2,816 655
Talisayan 2,546 2,546 543
Tinag-an 2,692 2,692 628

BABATNGON 25,575 25,566 5,249

Biasong 413 413 83
Gov. E. Jaro (Bagahupi) 1,646 1,646 336
Malibago 1,043 1,043 195
Magcasuang 548 548 105
Planza 655 655 122
Poblacion District I 2,045 2,045 386
Poblacion District II 670 670 146
Poblacion District III 1,884 1,875 398
Poblacion District IV 2,407 2,407 505
Rizal I 704 704 159
San Ricardo 880 880 193
Sangputan 565 565 118
Pagsulhugon 1,807 1,807 397
Taguite 1,404 1,404 286

25 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Uban 1,151 1,151 206

Victory 666 666 126
Villa Magsaysay 469 469 98
Bacong 382 382 90
Bagong Silang 972 972 207
Lukay 389 389 98
Rizal II 1,424 1,424 317
San Agustin 1,049 1,049 218
Guintigui-an 585 585 114
Naga-asan 927 927 163
San Isidro 890 890 183

BARUGO 30,092 30,092 6,148

Abango 1,178 1,178 272
Amahit 1,576 1,576 327
Balire 471 471 94
Balud 566 566 121
Bukid 1,110 1,110 233
Bulod 567 567 125
Busay 794 794 154
Cabolo-an 321 321 68
Calingcaguing 1,172 1,172 229
Can-isak 672 672 140
Canomantag 599 599 113
Duka 390 390 76
Guindaohan 593 593 113
Hiagsam 218 218 45
Hilaba 995 995 197
Hinugayan 890 890 173
Ibag 431 431 91
Minuhang 1,821 1,821 400
Minuswang 727 727 153
Pikas 1,187 1,187 242
Pitogo 414 414 86
Poblacion Dist. I 1,332 1,332 264
Poblacion Dist. II 1,055 1,055 212
Poblacion Dist. III 654 654 147
Poblacion Dist. IV 933 933 178
Poblacion Dist. V 1,199 1,199 247

National Statistics Office 26

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Poblacion Dist. VI (New Road) 892 892 184

Pongso 237 237 46
Roosevelt 743 743 152
San Isidro 909 909 177
Santa Rosa 1,657 1,657 341
Santarin 1,040 1,040 212
Tutug-an 501 501 99
Cabarasan 771 771 130
Cuta 582 582 117
Domogdog 447 447 93
San Roque 448 448 97

BATO 35,610 35,595 7,813

Alegria 1,252 1,252 251
Alejos 1,346 1,346 298
Amagos 715 715 158
Anahawan 2,142 2,142 476
Bago 950 950 217
Bagong Bayan District (Pob.) 989 989 230
Buli 1,130 1,130 243
Cebuana 246 246 50
Daan Lungsod 1,092 1,092 242
Dawahon 3,110 3,110 652
Himamaa 623 608 147
Dolho 2,648 2,648 556
Domagocdoc 321 321 61
Guerrero District (Pob.) 861 861 196
Iniguihan District (Pob.) 1,852 1,852 387
Katipunan 385 385 85
Liberty (Binaliw) 551 551 128
Mabini 442 442 103
Naga 454 454 111
Osmeña 1,015 1,015 240
Plaridel 413 413 91
Kalanggaman District (Pob.) 1,379 1,379 317
Ponong 1,987 1,987 426
San Agustin 420 420 108
Santo Niño 301 301 64
Tabunok 2,694 2,694 600

27 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tagaytay 1,093 1,093 255

Tinago District (Pob.) 2,460 2,460 532
Tugas 1,484 1,484 342
Imelda 425 425 90
Marcelo 385 385 77
Rivilla 445 445 80

CITY OF BAYBAY 102,841 102,435 23,475

Altavista 388 388 89
Ambacan 441 441 113
Amguhan 1,246 1,244 222
Ampihanon 621 621 143
Balao 509 509 103
Banahao 813 813 209
Biasong 545 545 139
Bidlinan 370 370 83
Bitanhuan 2,602 2,602 608
Bubon 515 515 117
Buenavista 868 868 203
Bunga 2,453 2,453 544
Butigan 520 520 103
Kabatuan 310 310 62
Caridad 3,744 3,744 865
Ga-as 2,321 2,321 544
Gabas 2,475 2,439 541
Gakat 1,865 1,865 438
Guadalupe (Utod) 2,300 2,270 514
Gubang 511 443 101
Hibunawan 1,578 1,578 343
Higuloan 541 541 121
Hilapnitan 1,877 1,877 449
Hipusngo 2,661 2,590 571
Igang 1,500 1,500 348
Imelda 764 764 193
Jaena 775 775 193
Kabalasan 766 766 189
Kabungaan 868 868 195
Kagumay 485 485 104
Kambonggan 786 786 181

National Statistics Office 28

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Candadam 2,245 2,245 523

Kan-ipa 1,156 1,156 292
Kansungka 837 837 214
Kantagnos 549 549 123
Kilim 3,205 3,205 747
Lintaon 173 173 42
Maganhan 1,089 1,089 285
Mahayahay 429 429 95
Mailhi 942 942 211
Maitum 1,277 1,277 296
Makinhas 1,064 1,064 215
Mapgap 577 577 130
Marcos 1,298 1,298 312
Maslug 1,545 1,545 333
Matam-is 331 331 73
Maybog 1,371 1,371 352
Maypatag 840 840 180
Monterico 406 403 81
Palhi 2,253 2,253 526
Pangasungan 2,028 1,973 467
Pansagan 485 485 101
Patag 1,447 1,447 333
Plaridel 3,657 3,657 894
Poblacion Zone 2 568 557 122
Poblacion Zone 3 432 429 94
Poblacion Zone 4 718 718 187
Poblacion Zone 5 612 588 122
Poblacion Zone 6 631 631 139
Poblacion Zone 7 275 272 65
Poblacion Zone 8 603 603 138
Poblacion Zone 9 455 455 103
Poblacion Zone 10 188 159 37
Poblacion Zone 11 497 497 105
Poblacion Zone 12 795 784 159
Poblacion Zone 13 221 221 48
Poblacion Zone 14 251 251 47
Poblacion Zone 15 652 652 132
Poblacion Zone 16 968 968 198
Poblacion Zone 17 613 613 124

29 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Poblacion Zone 18 1,479 1,479 311

Poblacion Zone 19 228 228 47
Poblacion Zone 20 569 569 131
Poblacion Zone 21 498 498 117
Poblacion Zone 22 943 943 207
Poblacion Zone 23 2,181 2,181 496
Pomponan 3,053 3,053 685
Punta 1,306 1,306 352
Sabang 1,181 1,181 280
San Agustin 1,261 1,261 275
San Isidro 1,764 1,764 403
San Juan 1,142 1,142 266
Santa Cruz 1,684 1,684 398
Santo Rosario 1,870 1,870 401
Sapa 508 508 112
Ciabo 1,158 1,158 254
Villa Solidaridad 1,046 1,046 261
Zacarito 458 458 106
Poblacion Zone 1 2,693 2,633 605
Cogon 1,165 1,165 268
Monte Verde 257 257 62
Villa Mag-aso 696 696 165

BURAUEN 48,853 48,711 10,594

Abuyogon 825 805 166
Anonang 826 826 176
Arado 1,293 1,293 261
Balao 512 512 122
Balatson 186 186 38
Balorinay 766 766 158
Bobon 352 352 84
Buenavista 215 215 47
Buri 718 718 178
Caanislagan 314 314 83
Cadahunan 303 303 68
Cagangon 656 656 164
Cali 267 267 45
Calsadahay 366 366 77
Candag-on 400 400 77

National Statistics Office 30

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Cansiboy 649 643 153

Catagbacan 713 713 158
Poblacion District I 1,526 1,526 319
Poblacion District II 1,601 1,601 362
Poblacion District III 2,483 2,483 540
Poblacion District IV 1,958 1,958 422
Poblacion District V 715 715 154
Poblacion District VI 2,047 2,047 444
Poblacion District VII 1,026 993 204
Poblacion District VIII 890 890 172
Poblacion District IX 2,180 2,180 466
Dumalag (Pusod) 337 337 77
Ilihan 206 206 44
Esperanza 494 494 119
Gitablan 155 155 30
Hapunan 409 409 82
Hibonawan 502 502 116
Hugpa East 262 262 56
Hugpa West 461 461 106
Kalao 408 408 92
Kaparasanan 254 254 61
Laguiwan 205 205 51
Libas 1,356 1,356 311
Limburan 579 579 138
Logsongan 409 409 81
Maabab 743 743 155
Maghubas 800 800 178
Mahagnao 753 753 165
Malabca 1,057 1,057 234
Malaguinabot 516 516 103
Malaihao (San Ramon) 509 509 117
Matin-ao 362 362 75
Moguing 452 452 85
Paghudlan 630 630 145
Paitan 337 337 81
Pangdan 668 668 145
Patag 418 418 90
Patong 604 604 132
Pawa 241 241 59

31 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Roxas 439 439 82

Sambel 309 309 64
San Esteban 742 742 193
San Fernando 225 225 51
San Jose East 720 720 161
San Jose West 752 752 167
San Pablo 780 780 167
Tabuanon 527 527 121
Tagadtaran 546 546 98
Taghuyan 220 220 49
Takin 422 422 73
Tambis (Naboya) 407 407 104
Toloyao 375 375 86
Villa Aurora 651 651 143
Villa Corazon 481 481 88
Villa Patria 428 428 78
Villa Rosas (Cabang) 708 708 163
Kagbana 251 251 46
Damulo-an 238 238 44
Dina-ayan 400 400 76
Gamay 380 297 64
Kalipayan 386 386 87
Tambuko 552 552 123

CALUBIAN 29,619 29,580 7,052

Abanilla 688 688 163
Agas 739 739 171
Anislagan 453 453 107
Bunacan 502 502 121
Cabalquinto 1,033 1,029 233
Cabalhin 759 759 176
Cabradilla 246 246 55
Caneja 382 382 88
Cantonghao 207 207 60
Caroyocan 460 460 127
Casiongan 562 562 144
Cristina 1,171 1,171 268
Dalumpines 550 550 130
Don Luis 535 535 125

National Statistics Office 32

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Dulao 255 255 73

Efe 467 467 103
Enage 583 583 142
Espinosa 430 430 98
Garganera 260 259 71
Ferdinand E. Marcos 708 708 151
Garrido 358 358 92
Guadalupe (Guadalupe Mendoza) 365 365 80
Gutosan 542 542 112
Igang 559 559 128
Inalad 926 926 240
Jubay 1,013 1,013 244
Juson 387 387 90
Kawayan Bogtong 449 449 111
Kawayanan 467 467 125
Kokoy Romualdez 604 604 164
Labtic 577 577 151
Laray 747 747 175
M. Veloso 701 677 158
Mahait 846 846 205
Malobago 523 523 118
Matagok 780 780 184
Nipa 538 538 117
Obispo 778 777 182
Pagatpat 345 345 78
Pangpang 245 245 57
Patag 371 371 93
Pates 197 197 48
Paula 368 368 84
Padoga 644 644 128
Petrolio 407 407 98
Poblacion 491 482 107
Railes 275 275 63
Tabla 279 279 67
Tagharigue 875 875 206
Tuburan 348 348 100
Villahermosa 669 669 170
Villalon 1,102 1,102 257
Villanueva 853 853 214

33 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

CAPOOCAN 29,834 29,689 6,173

Balucanad 1,451 1,451 300
Balud 2,548 2,548 544
Balugo 243 243 52
Cabul-an 1,753 1,753 350
Gayad 699 699 148
Culasian 2,604 2,604 549
Guinadiongan 515 515 122
Lemon 2,123 2,123 464
Libertad 999 999 202
Manloy 495 495 102
Nauguisan 394 394 84
Pinamopoan 2,901 2,789 598
Poblacion Zone I 2,215 2,215 475
Poblacion Zone II 4,207 4,207 828
Potot 768 768 151
San Joaquin 1,403 1,370 280
Santo Niño 1,042 1,042 209
Talairan 886 886 175
Talisay 569 569 129
Tolibao 621 621 119
Visares 1,398 1,398 292

CARIGARA 47,444 47,327 9,868

Balilit 971 971 194
Barayong 305 305 63
Barugohay Central 1,045 1,045 224
Barugohay Norte 1,952 1,952 404
Barugohay Sur 880 880 203
Baybay (Pob.) 2,485 2,380 492
Binibihan 1,171 1,171 240
Bislig 723 723 133
Caghalo 1,187 1,187 245
Camansi 1,084 1,084 211
Canal 754 754 151
Candigahub 837 837 187
Canlampay 903 903 209
Cogon 630 630 139
Cutay 880 880 189

National Statistics Office 34

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

East Visoria 845 845 170

Guindapunan East 1,201 1,201 247
Guindapunan West 845 845 166
Hiluctogan 742 742 158
Jugaban (Pob.) 2,340 2,340 469
Libo 1,002 1,002 206
Lower Hiraan 399 399 81
Lower Sogod 529 529 113
Macalpi 932 932 204
Manloy 1,048 1,048 227
Nauguisan 937 937 217
Pangna 834 834 155
Parag-um 1,195 1,195 235
Parina 704 704 156
Piloro 489 489 107
Ponong (Pob.) 2,734 2,722 541
Sagkahan 961 961 227
San Mateo (Pob.) 1,485 1,485 273
Santa Fe 393 393 84
Sawang (Pob.) 2,850 2,850 618
Tagak 568 568 116
Tangnan 730 730 153
Tigbao 595 595 126
Tinaguban 1,106 1,106 265
Upper Hiraan 720 720 156
Upper Sogod 562 562 118
Uyawan 803 803 172
West Visoria 1,687 1,687 332
Paglaum 484 484 93
San Juan 282 282 62
Bagong Lipunan 474 474 93
Canfabi 426 426 92
Rizal (Tagak East) 417 417 85
San Isidro 318 318 67

DAGAMI 31,490 31,483 6,734

Abaca 899 899 193
Abre 523 523 114
Balilit 951 951 196

35 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Banayon 458 458 102

Bayabas 271 271 50
Bolirao 465 465 97
Buenavista 21 21 7
Buntay 910 910 185
Caanislagan 349 349 69
Cabariwan 436 436 85
Cabuloran 947 947 194
Cabunga-an 217 217 44
Calipayan 935 935 196
Calsadahay 280 280 60
Caluctogan 547 547 128
Calutan 330 330 71
Camono-an 408 408 76
Candagara 375 375 79
Canlingga 841 841 170
Cansamada East 501 501 112
Digahongan 271 271 74
Guinarona 795 795 176
Hiabangan 958 958 183
Hilabago 380 380 101
Hinabuyan 658 658 127
Hinologan 579 579 123
Hitumnog 555 555 122
Katipunan 258 258 56
Los Martires 228 228 63
Lobe-lobe 164 164 38
Macaalang 253 253 59
Maliwaliw 515 515 113
Maragondong 462 462 107
Ormocay 229 229 52
Palacio 389 389 90
Panda 413 413 99
Patoc 1,449 1,449 299
Plaridel 521 521 102
Sampao West Pob. (Dist. 8) 282 282 65
Lapu-lapu Pob. (Dist. 2) 766 766 150
Lusad Pob. (Dist. 6) 732 732 161
Sampao East Pob. (Dist. 9) 533 533 121

National Statistics Office 36

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

San Antonio Pob. (Dist. 5) 616 616 128

San Jose Pob. (Dist. 1) 214 207 49
Sta. Mesa Pob. (Dist. 7) 574 574 130
Tunga Pob. (Dist. 4) 274 274 54
San Roque Pob. (Dist. 3) 264 264 53
Poponton 407 407 79
Rizal 621 621 130
Salvacion 30 30 4
San Benito 441 441 93
Santo Domingo 308 308 78
Sirab 390 390 91
Tagkip 443 443 109
Tin-ao 473 473 97
Victoria 396 396 85
Balugo 131 131 34
Cansamada West 267 267 60
Capulhan 443 443 93
Lobe-lobe East 563 563 120
Paraiso 891 891 176
Sampaguita 643 643 127
Sawahon 340 340 80
Talinhugon 372 372 79
Tuya 335 335 76

DULAG 41,757 41,734 9,101

Alegre 1,031 1,031 220
Arado 332 332 85
Bulod 631 631 141
Batug 505 505 111
Bolongtohan 492 492 103
Cabacungan 2,993 2,993 660
Cabarasan 460 460 115
Cabato-an 947 947 216
Calipayan 588 588 115
Calubian 1,057 1,057 232
Camitoc 310 310 60
Camote 778 778 175
Dacay 532 532 122
Del Carmen 442 442 97

37 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Del Pilar 884 884 193

Fatima 696 696 156
General Roxas 565 565 133
Luan 724 724 152
Magsaysay 596 596 126
Maricum 252 252 65
Barbo (Pob.) 796 796 162
Buntay (Pob.) 1,258 1,258 265
Cambula District (Pob.) 440 440 87
Candao (Pob.) 506 506 109
Catmonan (Pob.) 565 565 107
Combis (Pob.) 1,030 1,030 231
Highway (Pob.) 1,442 1,433 299
Market Site (Pob.) 442 442 93
San Miguel (Pob.) 1,535 1,535 322
Serrano (Pob.) 554 554 119
Sungi (Pob.) 1,301 1,301 277
Rawis 1,290 1,290 274
Rizal 2,049 2,049 418
Romualdez 540 540 119
Sabang Daguitan 422 422 94
Salvacion 1,102 1,102 246
San Agustin 1,091 1,091 241
San Antonio 462 462 110
San Isidro 730 730 159
San Jose 3,936 3,936 893
San Rafael 1,668 1,654 364
San Vicente 893 893 188
Tabu 1,140 1,140 267
Tigbao 1,093 1,093 242
Victory 657 657 138

HILONGOS 56,803 56,674 12,877

Agutayan 500 500 123
Atabay 2,961 2,961 634
Baas 851 851 237
Bagumbayan 912 912 198
Baliw 636 636 153
Bantigue 511 511 112

National Statistics Office 38

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bung-aw 1,528 1,528 354

Cacao 575 575 129
Campina 657 657 146
Catandog 1 589 589 147
Catandog 2 328 328 63
Concepcion 2,100 2,100 518
Himo-aw 1,693 1,693 363
Hitudpan 699 699 162
Imelda Marcos (Pong-on) 582 582 130
Kang-iras 821 821 193
Lamak 2,293 2,293 508
Libertad 485 485 102
Liberty 2,274 2,274 521
Lunang 1,674 1,674 385
Magnangoy 724 724 184
Marangog 1,169 1,165 273
Matapay 2,296 2,296 495
Naval 867 867 193
Owak 1,095 1,095 262
Pa-a 1,099 1,099 246
Central Barangay (Pob.) 2,578 2,578 562
Eastern Barangay (Pob.) 2,602 2,602 599
Western Barangay (Pob.) 2,790 2,769 605
Pontod 1,424 1,320 294
Proteccion 758 758 206
San Agustin 305 305 59
San Antonio 400 400 71
San Isidro 667 667 163
San Juan 1,303 1,303 291
San Roque 1,509 1,509 319
Santa Cruz 902 902 223
Santa Margarita 1,176 1,176 282
Santo Niño 339 339 82
Tabunok 1,421 1,421 345
Tagnate 727 727 176
Talisay 1,307 1,307 293
Tambis 927 927 233
Tejero 1,316 1,316 276
Tuguipa 912 912 200

39 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Utanan 954 954 175

Bagong Lipunan 608 608 152
Bon-ot 163 163 40
Hampangan 961 961 193
Kangha-as 379 379 93
Manaul 456 456 114

HINDANG 20,179 20,165 4,769

Anahaw 445 445 108
Anolon 527 527 132
Baldoza 308 308 71
Bontoc 1,614 1,614 388
Bulacan 839 839 222
Canha-ayon 528 528 115
Capudlosan 575 572 157
Himacugo 320 320 72
Doos Del Norte 1,239 1,239 307
Doos Del Sur 1,745 1,745 427
Himokilan Island 522 522 128
Katipunan 304 304 79
Maasin 1,406 1,406 332
Mabagon 694 694 180
Mahilum 316 316 72
Poblacion 1 2,648 2,648 582
Poblacion 2 1,355 1,344 290
San Vicente 831 831 198
Tabok 2,067 2,067 452
Tagbibi 1,896 1,896 457

INOPACAN 19,904 19,901 4,579

Apid 595 595 126
Cabulisan 579 576 131
Caminto 237 237 56
Can-angay 643 643 141
Caulisihan 376 376 80
Conalum 2,098 2,098 487
De los Santos (Mahilum) 187 187 37
Esperanza 1,312 1,312 302
Guadalupe 1,057 1,057 252

National Statistics Office 40

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Guinsanga-an 322 322 88

Hinabay 556 556 124
Jubasan 938 938 222
Linao 829 829 182
Macagoco 315 315 79
Maljo 771 771 199
Marao 1,045 1,045 280
Poblacion 2,231 2,231 497
Tahud 1,512 1,512 356
Taotaon 1,550 1,550 355
Tinago 2,751 2,751 585

ISABEL 43,593 43,524 10,075

Anislag 562 562 135
Antipolo 550 550 134
Apale b 1,697 1,697 423
Bantigue 2,085 2,085 478
Benog 607 607 163
Bilwang 2,878 2,878 641
Can-andan 373 373 95
Cangag 601 601 169
Consolacion 443 443 112
Honan 1,053 1,053 265
Libertad 4,870 4,846 1,143
Mahayag 1,959 1,959 447
Marvel (Pob.) 3,648 3,640 808
Matlang 5,841 5,822 1,329
Monte Alegre 649 649 162
Puting Bato 659 659 183
San Francisco 859 859 209
San Roque 1,614 1,614 346
Santa Cruz 1,680 1,680 364
Santo Niño (Pob.) 5,151 5,133 1,180
Santo Rosario 839 839 176
Tabunok 1,912 1,912 421
Tolingon 1,723 1,723 388
Tubod 1,340 1,340 304

41 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

JARO 39,577 39,546 8,524

Alahag 160 160 40
Anibongan 511 511 119
Badiang 446 446 97
Batug 308 308 59
Buenavista 1,449 1,449 328
Bukid 506 506 122
Burabod 927 927 203
Buri 554 554 108
Kaglawaan 1,084 1,084 223
Canhandugan 2,167 2,167 480
Crossing Rubas 1,192 1,192 231
Daro 706 706 161
Hiagsam 1,814 1,814 424
Hibunawon 510 510 102
Hibucawan 827 827 178
Kalinawan 847 847 175
Likod 408 408 82
Macanip 1,755 1,755 382
Macopa 1,115 1,115 237
Mag-aso 760 760 164
Malobago 644 644 142
Olotan 1,189 1,189 242
Pange 491 491 100
Parasan 442 442 87
Pitogo 1,060 1,060 236
District I (Pob.) 2,371 2,371 496
District II (Pob.) 1,413 1,406 306
District III (Pob.) 2,028 2,028 454
District IV (Pob.) 1,391 1,391 310
Sagkahan 424 424 88
San Agustin 824 824 173
San Pedro 496 496 98
San Roque 746 746 156
Santa Cruz 1,583 1,583 346
Santo Niño 603 603 141
Sari-sari 295 295 63
Tinambacan 1,108 1,108 227
Tuba 794 794 161

National Statistics Office 42

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Uguiao 1,108 1,108 243

Villagonzoilo (Villa Consuelo) 336 312 75
Villa Paz 254 254 55
Bias Zabala 465 465 103
Atipolo 382 382 80
Canapuan 509 509 113
La Paz 334 334 60
Palanog 241 241 54

JAVIER (BUGHO) 23,878 23,878 5,187

Abuyogay 623 623 122
Andres Bonifacio 660 660 124
Batug 741 741 182
Binulho 1,779 1,779 420
Calzada 616 616 143
Cancayang 768 768 126
Caranhug 701 701 153
Caraye 442 442 112
Casalungan 332 332 70
Comatin 1,609 1,609 352
Guindapunan 222 222 50
Inayupan 816 816 190
Laray 708 708 154
Magsaysay (Responde) 302 302 67
Malitbogay 932 932 200
Manarug 295 295 65
Manlilisid 1,296 1,296 268
Naliwatan 521 521 126
Odiong 1,400 1,400 284
Picas Norte 562 562 126
Pinocawan 728 728 144
Poblacion Zone 1 1,659 1,659 358
Poblacion Zone 2 1,407 1,407 306
Rizal 1,007 1,007 215
Santa Cruz 474 474 97
Talisayan 914 914 199
San Sotero (Tambis) 1,518 1,518 350
Ulhay 846 846 184

43 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

JULITA 13,307 13,307 3,074

Alegria 370 370 84
Anibong 763 763 167
Aslum 225 225 47
Balante 244 244 59
Bongdo 727 727 170
Bonifacio 397 397 100
Bugho 186 186 44
Calbasag 1,019 1,019 238
Caridad 254 254 64
Cuya-e 435 435 101
Dita 909 909 199
Gitabla 184 184 52
Hindang 567 567 143
Inawangan 305 305 64
Jurao 166 166 42
Poblacion District I 615 615 131
Poblacion District II 929 929 210
Poblacion District III 731 731 166
Poblacion District IV 949 949 192
San Andres 381 381 115
San Pablo 242 242 51
Santa Cruz 525 525 112
Santo Niño 1,093 1,093 263
Tagkip 221 221 55
Tolosahay 366 366 87
Villa Hermosa 504 504 118

KANANGA 48,027 47,970 10,446

Aguiting 1,930 1,919 432
Cacao 1,039 1,039 221
Kawayan 853 853 218
Hiluctogan 1,499 1,499 314
Libertad 1,215 1,215 256
Libongao 2,527 2,527 529
Lim-ao 2,589 2,589 505
Lonoy 2,603 2,603 566
Mahawan 647 647 154
Masarayao 2,526 2,526 570

National Statistics Office 44

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Monte Alegre 2,265 2,265 507

Monte Bello 1,928 1,928 423
Naghalin 2,776 2,776 582
Natubgan 2,628 2,613 535
Poblacion 7,577 7,546 1,689
Rizal 4,124 4,124 868
San Ignacio 423 423 105
San Isidro 1,085 1,085 243
Santo Domingo 512 512 100
Santo Niño 1,453 1,453 334
Tagaytay 2,065 2,065 471
Tongonan 1,064 1,064 235
Tugbong 2,699 2,699 589

LA PAZ 19,133 19,124 4,250

Bagacay East 554 554 126
Bagacay West 273 273 50
Bongtod 479 479 100
Bocawon 247 247 55
Buracan 584 584 131
Caabangan 245 245 53
Cacao 262 262 58
Cagngaran 221 221 56
Calabnian 250 250 64
Calaghusan 329 329 96
Caltayan 394 394 100
Canbañez 510 510 107
Cogon 275 275 57
Duyog 843 843 194
Gimenarat East 529 529 110
Gimenarat West 463 463 96
Limba 708 708 160
Lubi-lubi 425 425 102
Luneta 1,494 1,494 306
Mag-aso 670 670 131
Moroboro 281 281 54
Pansud 378 378 91
Pawa 537 537 128
Piliway 339 339 81

45 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Poblacion District 1 742 742 158

Poblacion District 2 816 816 169
Poblacion District 3 1,145 1,145 270
Poblacion District 4 1,131 1,122 229
Quiong 355 355 76
Rizal 576 576 135
San Victoray 385 385 95
Santa Ana 1,241 1,241 280
Santa Elena 864 864 196
Tabang 236 236 52
Tarugan 352 352 84

LEYTE 37,505 37,495 7,625

Bachao 1,236 1,236 233
Baco 817 817 161
Bagaba-o 433 433 89
Basud 207 207 47
Belen 1,503 1,503 321
Burabod 776 776 158
Calaguise 1,157 1,157 249
Consuegra 3,165 3,165 651
Culasi 985 985 207
Danus 809 809 171
Elizabeth 462 462 105
Kawayan 1,223 1,223 237
Libas 1,766 1,766 334
Maanda 518 518 104
Macupa 2,311 2,311 491
Mataloto 407 407 86
Palarao 2,402 2,402 488
Palid I (Ilawod) 1,840 1,840 371
Palid II (Iraya) 827 827 185
Parasan 565 565 131
Poblacion 5,112 5,102 1,009
Salog 952 952 182
Sambulawan 941 941 204
Tag-abaca 414 414 96
Tapol 568 568 119
Tigbawan 1,510 1,510 278

National Statistics Office 46

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tinocdugan 924 924 177

Toctoc 1,318 1,318 265
Ugbon 1,072 1,072 205
Wague 1,285 1,285 271

MACARTHUR 18,724 18,714 4,085

Batug 552 552 126
Burabod 246 246 58
Capudlosan 528 528 107
Casuntingan 1,060 1,060 230
Causwagan 454 454 109
Danao 1,192 1,192 252
General Luna 619 619 129
Kiling 187 187 35
Lanawan 242 242 53
Liwayway 1,108 1,108 239
Maya 624 614 132
Oguisan 139 139 27
Osmeña 645 645 127
Palale 1 704 704 156
Palale 2 1,001 1,001 231
Poblacion District 1 876 876 183
Poblacion District 2 1,135 1,135 243
Poblacion District 3 761 761 164
Pongon 507 507 123
Quezon 312 312 74
Romualdez 574 574 128
Salvacion 156 156 41
San Antonio 491 491 95
San Isidro 705 705 148
San Pedro 489 489 109
San Vicente 110 110 24
Santa Isabel 708 708 147
Tinawan 813 813 183
Tuyo 1,012 1,012 238
Doña Josefa 306 306 74
Villa Imelda 468 468 100

47 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

MAHAPLAG 26,599 26,594 5,838

Campin 1,652 1,652 362
Cuatro De Agosto 815 815 199
Hilusig 1,493 1,493 344
Himamara 1,234 1,229 261
Hinaguimitan 511 511 109
Liberacion 333 333 88
Mabuhay 663 663 136
Mabunga 447 447 109
Magsuganao 114 114 26
Mahayag 830 830 179
Mahayahay 761 761 184
Malinao 1,804 1,804 381
Malipoon 196 196 41
Palañogan 799 799 185
Paril 388 388 93
Pinamonoan 942 942 193
Poblacion 3,737 3,737 806
Polahongon 2,817 2,817 605
San Isidro 1,450 1,450 321
San Juan 429 429 87
Santa Cruz 295 295 60
Tagaytay 390 390 84
Uguis 774 774 192
Union 1,554 1,554 313
Upper Mahaplag 1,357 1,357 311
Hiluctogan 517 517 110
Maligaya 179 179 35
Santo Niño 118 118 24

MATAG-OB 17,089 17,089 3,911

Balagtas 1,892 1,892 401
Bulak 444 444 107
Cambadbad 426 426 96
Candelaria 736 736 185
Cansoso 681 681 159
Mansahaon 826 826 184
Masaba 443 443 96
Naulayan 497 497 108

National Statistics Office 48

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bonoy (Pob.) 592 592 136

Mansalip (Pob.) 1,042 1,042 230
Riverside (Pob.) 743 743 169
Talisay (Pob.) 564 564 133
San Dionisio 309 309 67
San Marcelino 736 736 182
San Sebastian 901 901 196
San Vicente 1,860 1,860 436
Santa Rosa 1,349 1,349 299
Santo Rosario 1,692 1,692 404
Imelda 503 503 113
Malazarte 260 260 65
San Guillermo 593 593 145

MATALOM 31,097 31,086 7,013

Agbanga 1,142 1,142 263
Altavista 753 753 151
Cahagnaan 1,945 1,945 410
Calumpang 1,036 1,036 236
Caningag 280 280 83
Caridad Norte 1,202 1,202 262
Caridad Sur 1,109 1,109 252
Elevado 1,531 1,531 359
Esperanza 781 781 208
Hitoog 699 699 189
Itum 910 910 228
Lowan 606 606 121
Monte Alegre 821 821 157
San Isidro (Pob.) 796 789 176
San Pedro (Pob.) 970 966 224
Santo Niño (Pob.) 1,189 1,189 279
President Garcia 1,104 1,104 252
Punong 1,006 1,006 215
San Juan 771 771 154
San Salvador 1,217 1,217 256
San Vicente 480 480 117
Santa Fe 2,276 2,276 507
Santa Paz 1,629 1,629 369
Tag-os 1,250 1,250 275

49 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Templanza 1,277 1,277 302

Tigbao 1,082 1,082 243
Waterloo 478 478 108
Zaragoza 1,545 1,545 346
Bagong Lipunan 679 679 154
Taglibas Imelda 533 533 117

MAYORGA 14,694 14,694 3,197

A. Bonifacio 1,102 1,102 242
Mabini 944 944 205
Burgos 456 456 93
Calipayan 629 629 131
Camansi 396 396 88
General Antonio Luna 790 790 193
Liberty 1,047 1,047 247
Ormocay 893 893 168
Poblacion Zone 1 998 998 216
Poblacion Zone 2 1,135 1,135 253
Poblacion Zone 3 845 845 166
San Roque 1,805 1,805 422
Santa Cruz 600 600 133
Talisay 796 796 163
Union 1,695 1,695 363
Wilson 563 563 114

MERIDA 27,224 27,202 6,715

Binabaye c 840 840 214
Cabaliwan 903 903 216
Calunangan 1,020 1,020 263
Calunasan 734 734 187
Cambalong 801 801 209
Can-unzo 947 947 219
Canbantug 1,009 1,009 263
Casilda 1,911 1,907 455
Lamanoc 1,931 1,918 454
Libas 2,164 2,164 519
Libjo 1,337 1,337 343
Lundag 638 638 168
Mahalit 1,216 1,216 294

National Statistics Office 50

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Mahayag 656 656 173

Masumbang 637 637 138
Poblacion 3,881 3,881 955
Puerto Bello 3,436 3,431 825
San Isidro 729 729 188
San Jose 490 490 125
Macario 933 933 223
Tubod 462 462 136
Mat-e 549 549 148

ORMOC CITY 191,200 190,345 41,996

Alegria 1,681 1,406 332
Bagong 465 465 118
Labrador (Balion) 1,941 1,941 468
Bantigue 2,494 2,494 545
Batuan 677 677 159
Biliboy 729 729 186
Borok 1,828 1,828 388
Cabaon-an 442 427 96
Cabulihan 1,709 1,709 424
Cagbuhangin 1,587 1,587 336
Can-adieng 2,446 2,416 545
Can-untog 1,495 1,495 326
Catmon 765 765 178
Cogon Combado 8,049 7,903 1,741
Concepcion 1,654 1,654 367
Curva 3,034 3,034 723
Danao 1,504 1,504 319
Dayhagan 1,588 1,588 345
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 198 198 43
Barangay 10 (Pob.) 449 449 97
Barangay 11 (Pob.) 278 274 67
Barangay 12 (Pob.) 202 187 41
Barangay 13 (Pob.) 358 358 82
Barangay 14 (Pob.) 61 61 11
Barangay 15 (Pob.) 262 262 59
Barangay 16 (Pob.) 170 170 35
Barangay 17 (Pob.) 384 379 74
Barangay 18 (Pob.) 145 145 31

51 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay 19 (Pob.) 425 396 108

Barangay 2 (Pob.) 14 14 5
Barangay 20 (Pob.) 184 184 42
Barangay 21 (Pob.) 278 278 72
Barangay 22 (Pob.) 316 316 67
Barangay 23 (Pob.) 277 267 63
Barangay 24 (Pob.) 164 164 32
Barangay 25 (Pob.) 348 348 75
Barangay 26 (Pob.) 1,056 1,056 214
Barangay 27 (Pob.) 232 212 44
Barangay 28 (Pob.) 1,626 1,626 340
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 55 55 13
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 592 592 130
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 45 45 12
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 40 40 8
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 107 107 31
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 77 69 17
Barangay 9 (Pob.) 99 99 24
Dolores 2,565 2,565 574
Domonar 1,105 1,105 277
Don Felipe Larrazabal 1,581 1,581 375
Donghol 2,017 2,017 454
Esperanza 645 645 155
Hibunawon 1,009 1,009 231
Hugpa 558 558 113
Ipil 7,743 7,743 1,639
Lao 4,688 4,688 1,051
Libertad 3,518 3,518 782
Liloan 3,621 3,621 852
Linao 8,375 8,345 1,737
Mabini 1,115 1,115 253
Macabug 2,853 2,853 603
Magaswi 449 449 108
Mahayag 578 578 116
Mahayahay 406 406 86
Manlilinao 2,103 2,103 482
Margen 3,026 3,026 693
Mas-in 1,900 1,900 411
Matica-a 2,889 2,889 649

National Statistics Office 52

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Milagro 1,805 1,799 381

Monterico 838 838 201
Nasunogan 1,398 1,398 318
Naungan 4,190 4,190 904
Nueva Vista 1,305 1,305 281
Patag 2,507 2,507 499
Punta 4,371 4,371 953
Quezon, Jr. 1,063 1,063 222
Rufina M. Tan 1,541 1,541 362
Sabang Bao 1,927 1,927 444
Salvacion 2,414 2,414 518
San Antonio 1,268 1,268 272
San Isidro 4,104 4,104 905
San Jose 3,817 3,817 859
San Juan 2,064 2,064 482
San Vicente 1,186 1,186 268
Santo Niño 2,492 2,492 578
San Pablo (Simangan) 4,146 4,146 897
Sumangga 1,184 1,184 261
Valencia 4,145 4,145 868
Barangay 29 (Pob.) 3,593 3,593 795
Airport 969 969 231
Cabintan 1,624 1,624 315
Camp Downes 2,687 2,678 573
Gaas 1,120 1,111 248
Green Valley 849 849 197
Licuma 1,241 1,241 269
Liberty 867 867 186
Leondoni 743 743 185
Nueva Sociedad 559 559 124
Tambulilid 9,403 9,403 2,028
Tongonan 2,078 2,049 403
Don Potenciano Larrazabal 621 621 135
Kadaohan 1,560 1,560 340
Guintigui-an 2,023 2,023 446
Danhug 1,230 1,184 243
Alta Vista 2,697 2,537 609
Bagong Buhay 5,524 5,524 1,122
Bayog 1,055 1,055 244

53 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Doña Feliza Z. Mejia 3,083 3,074 729

Juaton 1,723 1,723 392
Luna 1,687 1,687 342
Mabato 1,225 1,225 293

PALO 62,727 62,206 12,911

Anahaway 1,163 1,163 238
Arado 2,179 2,164 447
Baras 3,537 3,537 752
Barayong 1,631 1,328 279
Cabarasan Daku 735 735 156
Cabarasan Guti 373 373 80
Campetik 1,694 1,676 323
Candahug 1,539 1,539 322
Cangumbang 1,018 1,018 226
Canhidoc 803 803 171
Capirawan 1,869 1,869 368
Castilla 1,500 1,500 306
Cogon (Cogon San Joaquin) 2,731 2,731 544
Gacao 2,508 2,508 517
Guindapunan 5,504 5,504 1,214
Libertad 2,842 2,827 591
Naga-naga 2,330 2,330 486
Pawing 4,217 4,096 810
Buri (Pob.) 1,544 1,538 312
Cavite East (Pob.) 2,515 2,515 526
Cavite West (Pob.) 2,156 2,156 487
Luntad (Pob.) 457 457 85
Santa Cruz (Pob.) 1,480 1,463 300
Salvacion 2,047 2,033 416
San Agustin 910 910 193
San Antonio 868 868 193
San Isidro 1,233 1,233 255
San Joaquin 2,600 2,600 586
San Jose 2,452 2,452 488
San Miguel (Pob.) 1,756 1,744 350
Tacuranga 1,561 1,561 309
Teraza 1,311 1,311 261
San Fernando 1,664 1,664 320

National Statistics Office 54

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

PALOMPON 54,163 54,043 12,818

Baguinbin 902 902 217
Belen 213 213 64
Buenavista 1,330 1,330 324
Caduhaan 683 683 173
Cambakbak 900 900 210
Cambinoy 773 773 193
Cangcosme 724 724 166
Cangmuya 623 623 160
Canipaan 1,050 1,050 264
Cantandoy 1,128 1,128 258
Cantuhaon 1,678 1,678 434
Catigahan 279 279 77
Cruz 958 958 204
Duljugan 988 988 265
Guiwan 1 (Pob.) 1,661 1,573 365
Guiwan 2 (Pob.) 899 898 204
Himarco 861 861 219
Hinagbuan 463 463 111
Lat-osan 1,358 1,358 338
Liberty 886 886 209
Mazawalo Pob. (Lili-on) 3,775 3,775 886
Lomonon 1,473 1,473 346
Mabini 894 894 208
Magsaysay 792 792 204
Masaba 412 412 94
Parilla 754 754 174
Plaridel 481 481 106
Central 1 (Pob.) 672 672 140
Central 2 (Pob.) 961 950 231
Hinablayan Pob. (Central 3) 461 461 108
Rizal 1,093 1,093 274
Sabang 2,025 2,025 485
San Guillermo 842 842 204
San Isidro 2,893 2,893 640
San Joaquin 653 653 157
San Juan 2,171 2,171 464
San Miguel 2,233 2,233 514
San Pablo 202 202 53

55 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

San Pedro 487 487 126

San Roque 218 218 59
Santiago 902 902 208
Taberna 1,379 1,379 321
Tabunok 1,715 1,715 432
Tambis 872 872 206
Tinabilan 818 818 219
Tinago 922 922 212
Tinubdan 711 711 166
Pinagdait Pob. (Ypil I) 1,549 1,529 329
Pinaghi-usa Pob. (Ypil II) 1,567 1,567 356
Bitaog Pob. (Ypil III) 1,879 1,879 441

PASTRANA 16,649 16,649 3,536

Arabunog 338 338 69
Aringit 458 458 103
Bahay 494 494 106
Cabaohan 328 328 70
Calsadahay 710 710 147
Cancaraja 418 418 83
Caninoan 553 553 110
Capilla 216 216 48
Colawen 799 799 169
Dumarag 531 531 106
Guindapunan 459 459 97
Halaba 432 432 93
Jones 684 684 146
Lanawan 795 795 166
Lima 509 509 108
Macalpiay 465 465 97
Malitbogay 524 524 112
Manaybanay 947 947 204
Maricum 542 542 129
Patong 449 449 93
District 1 (Pob.) 393 393 92
District 2 (Pob.) 993 993 219
District 3 (Pob.) 633 633 132
District 4 (Pob.) 887 887 186
Sapsap 444 444 99

National Statistics Office 56

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Socsocon 409 409 86

Tingib 760 760 156
Yapad 1,020 1,020 221
Lourdes 459 459 89

SAN ISIDRO 28,554 28,554 6,963

Banat-e 2,615 2,615 594
Basud 2,331 2,331 602
Bawod (Pob.) 1,431 1,431 328
Biasong 2,647 2,647 553
Bunacan 863 863 233
Cabungaan 1,066 1,066 271
Capiñahan (Pob.) 1,739 1,739 432
Crossing (Pob.) 1,885 1,885 450
Daja-daku 1,610 1,610 406
Daja-diot 1,578 1,578 376
Hacienda Maria 1,599 1,599 406
Linao 1,495 1,495 387
Matungao 747 747 172
Paril 1,199 1,199 292
San Jose 910 910 215
Taglawigan 1,369 1,369 340
Tinago 1,051 1,051 264
Busay 1,687 1,687 424
San Miguel 732 732 218

SAN MIGUEL 17,561 17,557 3,663

Bagacay 546 546 112
Bahay 1,428 1,428 299
Bairan 1,097 1,097 244
Cabatianuhan 1,318 1,318 261
Canap 707 707 159
Capilihan 258 258 48
Caraycaray 492 492 91
Libtong (East Poblacion) 2,177 2,177 478
Guinciaman 1,322 1,318 262
Impo 267 267 53
Kinalumsan 240 240 46
Lukay 715 715 162

57 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Malaguinabot 784 784 162

Malpag 454 454 105
Mawodpawod 594 594 125
Patong 518 518 93
Pinarigusan 555 555 93
San Andres 397 397 70
Santa Cruz 1,581 1,581 339
Santol 807 807 174
Cayare (West Poblacion) 1,304 1,304 287

SANTA FE 17,427 17,427 3,655

Baculanad 657 657 137
Badiangay 511 511 91
Bulod 701 701 143
Catoogan 460 460 102
Katipunan 815 815 179
Milagrosa 657 657 125
Pilit 1,281 1,281 264
Pitogo 555 555 125
Zone 1 (Pob.) 794 794 163
Zone 2 (Pob.) 849 849 171
Zone 3 (Pob.) 707 707 140
San Isidro 1,603 1,603 349
San Juan 1,108 1,108 236
San Miguelay 416 416 85
San Roque 1,991 1,991 432
Tibak 1,655 1,655 343
Victoria 660 660 147
Cutay 542 542 107
Gapas 658 658 140
Zone 4 Pob. (Cabangcalan) 807 807 176

TABANGO 31,932 31,918 7,226

Butason I 1,379 1,379 283
Butason II 949 949 199
Campokpok 5,600 5,600 1,278
Catmon 2,112 2,112 478
Gimarco 1,688 1,688 384
Gibacungan 1,696 1,696 328

National Statistics Office 58

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Inangatan 3,756 3,756 854

Manlawaan 2,594 2,594 624
Omaganhan 1,659 1,659 379
Poblacion 6,358 6,344 1,416
Santa Rosa 1,022 1,022 245
Tabing 2,012 2,012 482
Tugas 1,107 1,107 276

TABONTABON 9,838 9,837 2,167

Amandangay 533 533 102
Aslum 340 340 69
Balingasag 646 646 134
Belisong 472 472 94
Cambucao 247 247 49
Capahuan 878 878 210
Guingawan 422 422 91
Jabong 731 731 153
Mercadohay 711 711 164
Mering 971 971 228
Mohon 290 290 68
District I Pob. (Quezon) 836 835 205
District II Pob. (Rizal) 640 640 138
District III Pob. (Bonifacio) 490 490 102
District IV Pob. (Macarthur) 691 691 152
San Pablo (Mooc) 940 940 208

TANAUAN 50,119 50,052 10,979

Ada 313 313 62
Amanluran 421 421 105
Arado 322 322 75
Atipolo 611 611 146
Balud 263 263 62
Bangon 706 706 173
Bantagan 379 379 87
Baras 327 327 74
Binolo 329 329 83
Binongto-an 461 461 103
Bislig 3,274 3,274 659
Cabalagnan 381 381 96

59 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Cabarasan Guti 347 347 87

Cabonga-an 251 251 62
Cabuynan 2,926 2,926 639
Cahumayhumayan 703 703 175
Calogcog 1,005 1,005 215
Calsadahay 762 762 180
Camire 520 520 121
Canbalisara 603 603 136
Catigbian 239 239 60
Catmon 878 878 182
Cogon 565 565 131
Guindag-an 941 941 199
Guingawan 504 504 114
Hilagpad 249 249 56
Lapay 590 590 128
Limbuhan Daku 489 489 124
Limbuhan Guti 506 506 124
Linao 390 390 82
Magay 573 573 126
Maghulod 463 463 107
Malaguicay 970 970 221
Maribi 893 893 202
Mohon 1,289 1,289 285
Pago 917 917 200
Pasil 265 265 57
Pikas 672 672 150
Buntay (Pob.) 1,030 1,017 190
Canramos (Pob.) 3,456 3,456 742
Licod (Pob.) 1,318 1,318 292
San Miguel (Pob.) 1,172 1,172 260
Salvador 1,118 1,118 256
San Isidro 914 914 189
San Roque (Pob.) 5,233 5,221 1,089
San Victor 1,070 1,070 239
Santa Cruz 871 871 175
Santa Elena 1,057 1,057 251
Santo Niño Pob. (Haclagan) 3,369 3,327 703
Solano 497 497 106
Talolora 640 640 131

National Statistics Office 60

Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tugop 778 778 171

Kiling 974 974 216
Sacme 325 325 81

TOLOSA 17,921 17,884 3,922

Burak 591 591 135
Canmogsay 595 595 132
Cantariwis 517 517 116
Capangihan 703 703 147
Malbog 728 728 183
Olot 985 985 187
Opong 1,757 1,757 395
Poblacion 1,028 1,024 207
Quilao 1,312 1,312 291
San Roque 3,133 3,133 694
San Vicente 1,010 1,010 217
Tanghas 967 958 227
Telegrafo 2,236 2,214 488
Doña Brigida 1,651 1,651 352
Imelda 708 706 151

TUNGA 6,516 6,512 1,323

Astorga (Upart) 809 809 165
Balire 657 657 139
Banawang 463 463 98
San Antonio (Pob.) 800 796 166
San Pedro 964 964 192
San Roque 991 991 205
San Vicente (Pob.) 809 809 161
Santo Niño (Pob.) 1,023 1,023 197

VILLABA 38,819 38,779 9,198

Abijao 1,745 1,745 452
Balite 1,529 1,529 363
Bugabuga 443 443 112
Cabungahan 991 991 219
Cabunga-an 1,990 1,990 473
Cagnocot 3,075 3,074 702
Cahigan 730 730 160

61 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Calbugos 1,057 1,057 255

Camporog 409 409 119
Capinyahan 669 669 174
Casili-on 1,293 1,293 279
Catagbacan 509 509 108
Fatima (Pob.) 1,249 1,249 315
Hibulangan 1,313 1,313 317
Hinabuyan 2,615 2,615 586
Iligay 529 529 136
Jalas 561 561 126
Jordan 912 912 216
Libagong 1,189 1,189 270
New Balanac 625 625 138
Payao 814 814 192
Poblacion Norte 1,012 995 228
Poblacion Sur 1,492 1,470 342
Sambulawan 690 690 183
San Francisco 473 473 116
Silad 1,351 1,351 320
Sulpa 673 673 170
Tabunok 1,325 1,325 334
Tagbubunga 2,571 2,571 601
Tinghub 603 603 150
Bangcal 334 334 81
Canquiason 536 536 134
San Vicente 297 297 79
Santa Cruz 1,070 1,070 254
Suba 2,145 2,145 494

* Excludes Tacloban City.

This barangay is being disputed by the municipality of Silago, Southern Leyte.
With boundary dispute with barangay Binabaye, municipality of Merida.
Includes population count in part of the barangay being disputed by barangay
Apale, municipality of Isabel.

National Statistics Office 62

2010 Census of Population and Housing Tacloban City

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

TACLOBAN CITY (Capital) 221,174 219,314 45,478
Barangay 2 506 506 112
Nula-tula (Bgys. 3 & 3A) 2,788 2,788 564
Libertad (Barangays 1 & 4) 1,100 1,071 248
Barangay 5 376 363 79
Barangay 6 1,264 1,235 242
Barangay 6-A 1,359 1,359 291
Barangay 7 302 302 73
Barangay 8 282 263 61
Barangay 100 (San Roque) 2,490 2,490 509
Barangay 101 (New Kawayan) 543 543 128
Barangay 102 (Old Kawayan) 376 376 91
Barangay 103 (Palanog) 3,323 3,323 651
Barangay 103-A (San Paglaum) 261 261 56
Barangay 104 (Salvacion) 1,777 1,772 369
Barangay 105 (Suhi) 1,516 1,516 315
Barangay 106 (Santo Niño) 910 910 209
Barangay 107 (Santa Elena) 905 905 190
Barangay 108 (Tagapuro) 677 663 136
Barangay 12 (Palanog Resettlement) 1,792 1,784 353
Barangay 13 95 81 20
Barangay 14 325 325 70
Barangay 15 75 75 16
Barangay 16 273 273 48
Barangay 17 169 169 40
Barangay 18 217 217 56
Barangay 19 249 249 49
Barangay 20 543 541 124
Barangay 21 287 287 67
Barangay 21-A 127 127 34
Barangay 22 98 98 17
Barangay 23 450 450 88
Barangay 24 303 303 63
Barangay 25 1,842 1,096 245
Barangay 26 277 277 57
Barangay 27 243 237 56
Barangay 28 275 275 58
Barangay 29 152 152 35
Barangay 30 124 124 28

National Statistics Office 63

Tacloban City 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay 31 706 703 150

Barangay 32 125 125 32
Barangay 33 179 179 37
Barangay 34 221 221 48
Barangay 35 274 274 49
Barangay 35-A 855 855 169
Barangay 36 1,126 1,126 221
Barangay 37 3,356 3,356 652
Barangay 37-A 944 944 210
Barangay 38 359 348 72
Barangay 39 2,697 2,697 514
Barangay 40 397 311 54
Barangay 41 237 215 47
Barangay 42 838 826 161
Barangay 43 456 424 79
Barangay 43-A 995 995 194
Barangay 43-B 1,152 1,150 234
Barangay 44 387 387 82
Barangay 44-A 198 198 39
Barangay 45 293 282 58
Barangay 46 409 408 87
Barangay 47 509 509 122
Barangay 48 426 426 90
Barangay 49 1,619 1,619 345
Barangay 50 289 272 56
Barangay 50-A 707 687 128
Barangay 50-B 798 767 173
Barangay 51 507 507 107
Barangay 52 1,304 1,290 270
Barangay 53 557 550 110
Barangay 54 720 720 155
El Reposo (Barangays 55 & 55A) 827 812 176
Barangay 56 1,124 1,124 236
Barangay 57 968 968 208
Barangay 58 1,144 1,138 270
Barangay 59 2,754 2,744 549
Barangay 60 1,224 1,224 241
Barangay 60-A 1,640 1,640 318
Barangay 61 1,393 1,393 289

64 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Tacloban City

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay 62 1,434 1,431 273

Barangay 63 2,385 2,385 478
Barangay 64 2,222 2,222 463
Barangay 65 1,127 1,127 248
Barangay 66 1,419 1,419 275
Barangay 66-A 1,236 1,236 237
Barangay 67 1,213 1,213 238
Barangay 68 2,103 2,103 419
Barangay 69 2,099 2,099 423
Barangay 70 1,167 1,167 222
Barangay 71 5,526 5,471 1,202
Barangay 72 653 653 128
Barangay 73 379 379 81
Barangay 74 7,291 7,204 1,500
Barangay 75 951 951 199
Barangay 76 1,024 1,024 218
Barangay 77 3,680 3,662 758
Barangay 78 (Marasbaras) 1,788 1,788 392
Barangay 79 (Marasbaras) 1,446 1,387 296
Barangay 80 (Marasbaras) a 1,231 1,231 236
Barangay 81 (Marasbaras) 769 769 155
Barangay 82 (Marasbaras) 1,321 1,321 276
Barangay 83 (San Jose) 2,548 2,548 540
Barangay 83-A (San Jose) 1,782 1,782 363
Barangay 84 (San Jose) 5,959 5,959 1,291
Barangay 85 (San Jose) 1,572 1,558 293
Barangay 86 1,285 1,275 248
Barangay 87 3,464 3,431 701
Barangay 88 9,806 9,740 1,930
Barangay 89 4,234 4,233 856
Barangay 90 (San Jose) 382 382 77
Barangay 91 (Abucay) 6,738 6,738 1,479
Barangay 92 (Apitong) 3,889 3,889 826
Barangay 93 (Bagacay) 3,936 3,936 871
Barangay 94 (Tigbao) 2,802 2,696 550
Barangay 95 (Caibaan) 4,361 4,350 914
Barangay 96 (Calanipawan) 5,672 5,671 1,205
Barangay 97 (Cabalawan) 2,478 2,470 478
Barangay 98 (Camansinay) 1,168 1,168 235

National Statistics Office 65

Tacloban City 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay 99 (Diit) 5,190 5,178 1,014

Barangay 109 (V & G Subd.) 5,473 5,465 1,209
Barangay 109-A b 8,163 8,163 1,808
Barangay 110 (Utap) 4,912 4,907 1,002
Barangay 5-A 444 411 91
Barangay 36-A 756 756 154
Barangay 42-A 1,620 1,620 316
Barangay 48-A 588 573 120
Barangay 48-B 660 657 141
Barangay 51-A 233 233 49
Barangay 54-A 818 818 171
Barangay 56-A 631 631 121
Barangay 59-A 3,226 3,226 666
Barangay 59-B 737 650 144
Barangay 62-A 4,645 4,645 925
Barangay 62-B 3,492 3,468 690
Barangay 83-B 2,665 2,665 576
Barangay 83-C (San Jose) 3,490 3,488 719
Barangay 95-A (Caibaan) 3,516 3,508 712
Barangay 8-A 199 193 40
Barangay 23-A 471 471 99
Barangay 94-A 1,320 1,320 257

Converted into a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.
With boundary dispute with Barangay 109-A, Tacloban City.
Includes population count in part of the barangay being disputed by Barangay 80 (Marasbaras), Tacloban City.

66 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

NORTHERN SAMAR 589,013 587,586 113,980

ALLEN 23,738 23,512 5,003

Alejandro Village (Santiago) 335 335 77
Bonifacio 654 654 135
Cabacungan 2,129 2,129 444
Calarayan 790 790 165
Guin-arawayan 525 525 109
Jubasan 3,002 3,002 593
Kinabranan Zone I (Pob.) 1,048 1,042 213
Kinaguitman 1,095 1,095 247
Lagundi 1,311 1,311 272
Lipata 1,882 1,882 426
Londres 923 923 186
Sabang Zone I (Pob.) 979 905 188
Santa Rita 325 325 77
Tasvilla 413 413 101
Frederic 696 696 136
Imelda 405 405 80
Lo-oc 753 653 129
Kinabranan Zone II (Pob.) 2,736 2,707 615
Sabang Zone II (Pob.) 3,329 3,312 726
Victoria 408 408 84

BIRI 10,987 10,987 2,210

Poblacion (Biri) 3,255 3,255 717
MacArthur 480 480 88
Kauswagan (Basud) 760 760 150
Pio Del Pilar 1,003 1,003 193
Progresso 774 774 149
San Antonio 1,721 1,721 336
San Pedro 1,222 1,222 223
Santo Niño 1,772 1,772 354

BOBON 20,956 20,796 4,191

Acerida 1,508 1,508 260
Arellano 788 788 150
Balat-balud 679 679 136
Dancalan 2,214 2,073 439

National Statistics Office 67

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

E. Duran 585 585 97

Gen. Lucban (Pob.) 1,799 1,799 380
Jose Abad Santos 410 410 83
Jose P. Laurel (Casulgan) 464 464 94
Magsaysay (Doce) 1,374 1,374 300
Calantiao (Pangobi-an) 507 507 104
Quezon (Panicayan) 908 908 187
Salvacion 2,969 2,968 610
San Isidro 970 965 225
San Juan (Pob.) 933 933 197
Santa Clara (Pob.) 2,878 2,878 553
Santander 687 687 134
Somoroy 692 692 133
Trojello 591 578 109

CAPUL 12,659 12,657 2,420

Aguin 945 945 170
Jubang 589 589 104
Landusan 1,407 1,407 288
Oson 918 918 174
Poblacion Barangay 1 716 716 132
Poblacion Barangay 2 539 537 107
Poblacion Barangay 3 542 542 106
Poblacion Barangay 4 566 566 116
Poblacion Barangay 5 2,576 2,576 511
Sagaosawan 283 283 58
San Luis 1,949 1,949 381
Sawang 1,629 1,629 273

CATARMAN (Capital) 84,833 84,280 16,226

Aguinaldo 330 330 67
Airport Village 2,138 2,138 393
Baybay 5,473 5,473 990
Bocsol 387 387 74
Cabayhan 278 278 64
Cag-abaca 1,917 1,917 361
Cal-igang 844 844 175
Cawayan 4,164 4,146 826
Cervantes 2,955 2,955 562

68 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Cularima 387 387 68

Daganas 1,898 1,898 341
Galutan 1,538 1,538 284
General Malvar 909 909 160
Guba 380 380 69
Gebalagnan (Hibalagnan) 271 271 47
Gebulwangan 590 590 131
Doña Pulqueria (Himbang) 1,112 1,112 218
Hinatad 1,096 1,096 195
Imelda (Elimbo) 742 742 145
Liberty 509 509 91
Libjo (Binog) 1,919 1,919 364
Mabini 1,164 1,164 218
Macagtas 2,606 2,606 504
Mckinley 2,301 2,301 411
New Rizal 1,130 1,130 242
Old Rizal 1,782 1,782 367
Paticua 1,059 1,059 205
Polangi 3,238 3,206 650
Quezon 576 576 118
Salvacion 473 473 98
San Julian 277 277 51
Somoge 1,176 1,176 197
Tinowaran 514 514 101
Trangue 546 546 112
Washington 1,704 1,704 323
UEP I 1,616 1,530 307
UEP II 1,401 1,389 283
UEP III 2,397 2,397 472
Acacia (Pob.) 199 170 35
Talisay (Pob.) 1,589 1,589 306
Molave (Pob.) 1,831 1,824 397
Yakal (Pob.) 2,537 2,516 505
Ipil-ipil (Pob.) 1,767 1,767 317
Jose Abad Santos (Pob.) 2,109 2,109 411
Kasoy (Pob.) 934 934 176
Lapu-lapu (Pob.) 406 406 86
Santol (Pob.) 393 393 82
Narra (Pob.) 3,191 3,118 571

National Statistics Office 69

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Calachuchi (Pob.) 1,774 1,729 348

Sampaguita (Pob.) 581 581 108
Mabolo (Pob.) 467 467 99
Jose P. Rizal (Pob.) 443 443 85
Bangkerohan 1,951 1,951 367
Dalakit (Pob.) 10,491 10,261 1,975
San Pascual 373 373 74

CATUBIG 31,723 31,682 5,915

Anongo 799 799 167
D. Mercader (Bongog) 590 590 112
Bonifacio 361 361 73
Boring 205 205 35
Cagbugna 476 476 91
Cagmanaba 871 871 140
Cagogobngan 504 504 98
Calingnan 1,151 1,151 215
Canuctan 281 281 48
Guibwangan 362 362 78
Hinagonoyan 776 776 144
Hiparayan 728 728 134
Hitapi-an 975 975 186
Inoburan 156 156 30
Irawahan 960 960 163
Libon 290 290 63
Claro M. Recto (Lobedico) 538 538 86
Lenoyahan 372 372 76
Magongon 391 391 74
Magtuad 948 948 185
Manering 367 367 66
Nabulo 402 402 71
Nagoocan 760 760 136
Nahulid 187 187 35
Opong 748 742 143
Osang 336 336 57
Osmeña 331 331 75
P. Rebadulla 507 507 81
Roxas 976 976 176
Sagudsuron 582 582 101

70 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

San Antonio 386 386 68

San Francisco 1,419 1,419 249
San Jose (Hebobollao) 2,837 2,833 545
San Vicente 1,952 1,952 364
Santa Fe 950 950 166
Sulitan 949 949 170
Tangbo 515 515 101
Tungodnon 149 149 34
Vienna Maria 361 361 59
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 1,819 1,813 349
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 647 632 128
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 622 612 122
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 403 403 73
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 335 335 64
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 298 298 59
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 291 291 58
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 860 860 167

GAMAY 22,425 22,422 4,716

Anito 1,914 1,914 413
Bangon 1,126 1,126 256
Bato 966 966 210
Bonifacio 477 477 98
Cabarasan 450 450 97
Cadac-an (Calingnan) 778 778 172
Cade-an 598 598 133
Cagamutan del Norte 1,440 1,440 294
Dao 1,086 1,086 206
G. M. Osias 665 665 140
Guibuangan 554 554 125
Henogawe 410 410 83
Lonoy 116 116 31
Luneta 295 295 48
Malidong 530 530 102
Gamay Central (Pob.) 752 752 154
Gamay Occidental I (Pob.) 583 582 121
Gamay Oriental I (Pob.) 1,484 1,482 307
Rizal 582 582 114
San Antonio 381 381 66

National Statistics Office 71

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Baybay District (Pob.) 1,957 1,957 414

Burabod (Pob.) 1,437 1,437 299
Cagamutan del Sur 1,265 1,265 259
Libertad (Pob.) 868 868 188
Occidental II (Pob.) 878 878 207
Oriental II (Pob.) 833 833 179

LAOANG 58,037 57,882 11,418

Abaton 542 542 126
Aguadahan 636 636 124
Aroganga 651 651 127
Atipolo 703 703 159
Bawang 808 808 161
Baybay (Pob.) 1,411 1,411 295
Binatiklan 451 451 102
Bobolosan 1,427 1,427 307
Bongliw 743 743 144
Burabud 980 980 174
Cabadiangan 2,819 2,819 518
Cabagngan 534 534 106
Cabago-an 881 881 163
Cabulaloan 898 898 186
Cagaasan 476 476 103
Cagdara-o 646 646 114
Cahayagan 1,774 1,774 353
Calintaan Pob. (Sto. Niño) 1,186 1,186 239
Calomotan 1,222 1,222 226
Candawid 707 707 134
Cangcahipos 819 819 167
Canyomanao 444 444 85
Catigbian 862 862 168
E. J. Dulay 740 740 159
G. B. Tan 295 295 63
Gibatangan 496 496 103
Guilaoangi (Pob.) 2,363 2,352 452
Inamlan 697 697 137
La Perla 1,395 1,395 261
Langob 556 556 108
Lawaan 880 876 178

72 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Little Venice (Pob.) 3,419 3,419 681

Magsaysay 579 579 136
Marubay 1,068 1,068 202
Mualbual 572 572 108
Napotiocan (Salvacion) 1,617 1,617 320
Oleras 1,923 1,923 325
Onay (Doña Luisa) 957 861 172
Palmera 442 442 88
Pangdan 435 435 78
Rawis 4,346 4,310 843
Rombang 1,125 1,125 221
San Antonio (Son-og) 552 552 123
San Miguel Heights (Pob.) 2,822 2,814 591
Sangcol 401 401 74
Sibunot 396 396 79
Simora 769 769 139
Suba 616 616 123
Tan-awan 636 636 118
Tarusan 418 418 93
Tinoblan 440 440 101
Tumaguingting (Pob.) 922 922 187
Vigo 1,954 1,954 389
Yabyaban (San Vicente) 535 535 106
Yapas 447 447 88
Talisay 1,604 1,604 291

LAPINIG 11,744 11,742 2,256

Alang-alang 454 454 81
Bagacay 382 382 63
Cahagwayan 502 502 103
Can Maria 525 525 106
Can Omanio 322 322 48
Imelda 635 635 118
Lapinig Del Sur (Pob.) 1,464 1,462 290
Lapinig Del Norte (Pob.) 2,330 2,330 453
Lo-ok 851 851 149
Mabini 685 685 143
May-igot 308 308 63
Palanas 266 266 56

National Statistics Office 73

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Pio Del Pilar 457 457 87

Potong 1,222 1,222 237
Potong Del Sur 1,341 1,341 259

LAS NAVAS 36,539 36,539 6,613

Balugo 422 422 86
Bugay 732 732 131
Bugtosan 424 424 77
Bukid 1,020 1,020 187
Bulao 1,260 1,260 259
Caputoan 271 271 55
Catoto-ogan 302 302 57
Cuenco 316 316 44
Dapdap 1,783 1,783 314
Del Pilar 911 911 178
Dolores 152 152 31
Epaw 308 308 55
Geguinta 510 510 99
Geracdo 316 316 58
Guyo 335 335 62
H. Jolejole District (Pob.) 1,806 1,806 335
Hangi 477 477 79
Imelda 309 309 58
L. Empon 505 505 96
Lakandula 278 278 50
Lumala-og 566 566 90
Lourdes 846 846 143
Mabini 481 481 93
Macarthur 333 333 52
Magsaysay 623 623 121
Matelarag 352 352 63
Osmeña 362 362 56
Paco 476 476 84
Palanas 251 251 50
Perez 456 456 86
Poponton 722 722 127
Quezon 221 221 45
Quirino 1,246 1,246 222
Quirino District (Pob.) 2,159 2,159 388

74 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Rebong 613 613 117

Rizal 599 599 106
Roxas 768 768 127
Rufino 181 181 30
Sag-od 282 282 56
San Andres 501 501 91
San Antonio 284 284 50
San Fernando 1,096 1,096 209
San Francisco 850 850 137
San Isidro 2,943 2,943 543
San Jorge 1,049 1,049 201
San Jose 299 299 56
San Miguel 1,467 1,467 246
Santo Tomas 146 146 30
Tagab-iran 1,168 1,168 217
Tagan-ayan 380 380 65
Taylor 1,059 1,059 168
Victory 862 862 146
H. Jolejole 461 461 87

LAVEZARES 27,464 27,385 5,596

Balicuatro 326 326 68
Bani 918 918 210
Barobaybay 1,084 1,082 232
Caburihan (Pob.) 1,526 1,526 322
Caragas (Pob.) 1,266 1,263 253
Cataogan (Pob.) 530 530 110
Chansvilla 117 117 23
Datag 278 278 57
Enriqueta 1,924 1,924 373
Libas 2,424 2,424 545
Libertad 1,294 1,294 252
Macarthur 1,578 1,578 296
Magsaysay 855 855 168
Maravilla 949 949 188
Ocad (Pob.) 835 835 189
Salvacion 542 542 102
San Agustin 630 630 133
San Isidro 395 395 75

National Statistics Office 75

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

San Jose 558 558 109

San Juan 1,131 1,131 211
San Miguel 1,294 1,294 270
To-og 658 658 100
Urdaneta 2,121 2,058 404
Villa 2,042 2,041 435
Villahermosa 460 460 92
Sabong-Tabok 1,729 1,719 379

MAPANAS 12,423 12,413 2,371

Burgos 386 386 65
Jubasan 853 853 153
Magsaysay 455 455 77
Magtaon 2,005 2,002 400
Del Norte (Pob.) 1,450 1,446 281
Del Sur (Pob.) 633 633 130
Quezon 706 706 126
San Jose 469 469 93
Siljagon 1,182 1,182 219
Naparasan 388 388 83
E. Laodenio 624 624 118
Manaybanay 1,216 1,216 242
Santa Potenciana (Pob.) 2,056 2,053 384

MONDRAGON 35,318 35,281 6,632

Bagasbas 1,227 1,227 241
Bugko 3,898 3,898 741
Cablangan 1,196 1,196 228
Cagmanaba 232 232 41
Cahicsan 756 756 125
Chitongco (Pob.) 3,141 3,141 599
De Maria 398 398 80
Doña Lucia 965 944 183
Eco (Pob.) 2,828 2,825 533
Flormina 475 475 103
Hinabangan 413 413 79
Imelda 3,103 3,103 594
La Trinidad 620 620 114
Makiwalo 4,976 4,967 931

76 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Mirador 1,485 1,485 243

Nenita 3,061 3,057 537
Roxas 1,073 1,073 203
San Agustin 944 944 192
San Antonio 648 648 114
San Isidro 630 630 136
San Jose 940 940 158
San Juan 1,287 1,287 246
Santa Catalina 417 417 82
Talolora 605 605 129

PALAPAG 33,453 33,450 6,568

Asum (Pob.) 1,230 1,230 264
Bagacay 1,250 1,250 238
Bangon 352 352 69
Binay 545 545 101
Cabariwan 606 606 124
Cabatuan 2,494 2,494 434
Campedico 456 456 85
Capacujan 1,499 1,499 297
Jangtud 716 716 131
Laniwan (Pob.) 1,661 1,658 368
Mabaras 172 172 35
Magsaysay 628 628 129
Manajao 1,048 1,048 216
Mapno 1,329 1,329 265
Maragano 319 319 59
Matambag 466 466 87
Monbon 1,246 1,246 231
Nagbobtac 594 594 122
Napo 432 432 83
Natawo 636 636 112
Nipa 1,220 1,220 252
Osmeña 1,234 1,234 221
Pangpang 2,151 2,151 426
Paysud 703 703 140
Sangay 778 778 151
Simora 637 637 117
Sinalaran 728 728 133

National Statistics Office 77

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Sumoroy 1,361 1,361 262

Talolora 1,347 1,347 263
Tambangan (Pob.) 997 997 225
Tinampo (Pob.) 2,667 2,667 553
Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. 1,951 1,951 375

PAMBUJAN 31,057 31,040 5,387

Cababto-an 2,041 2,041 344
Cabari-an 580 580 101
Cagbigajo 510 510 79
Canjumadal 685 685 118
Doña Anecita 770 770 135
Camparanga 1,799 1,799 349
Ge-adgawan 750 750 134
Ginulgan 2,070 2,070 336
Geparayan 1,327 1,327 209
Igot 626 626 111
Ynaguingayan 1,020 1,010 163
Inanahawan 656 656 113
Manahao 386 386 66
Paninirongan 1,371 1,371 249
Poblacion District 1 3,306 3,306 578
Poblacion District 2 1,105 1,105 180
Poblacion District 3 492 490 87
Poblacion District 4 952 952 180
Poblacion District 5 946 946 161
Poblacion District 6 1,671 1,671 294
Poblacion District 7 1,752 1,752 308
Poblacion District 8 3,149 3,144 568
San Ramon 527 527 86
Senonogan 582 582 104
Sixto T. Balanguit, Sr. 273 273 49
Tula 1,711 1,711 285

ROSARIO 10,214 10,203 1,932

Aguada 243 243 57
Buenavista 1,200 1,200 232
Jamoog 599 599 115
Ligaya 745 745 132

78 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Poblacion 931 930 182

Salhag 1,671 1,661 323
San Lorenzo 1,226 1,226 236
Bantolinao 620 620 114
Commonwealth 1,913 1,913 352
Guindaulan 851 851 154
Kailingan 215 215 35

SAN ANTONIO 8,877 8,874 1,860

Burabod 936 936 217
Dalupirit 1,864 1,864 364
Manraya 813 813 173
Pilar 683 683 151
Ward I (Pob.) 745 744 160
Rizal 376 376 101
San Nicolas 517 517 100
Vinisitahan 664 664 142
Ward II (Pob.) 759 759 152
Ward III (Pob.) 1,520 1,518 300

SAN ISIDRO 24,952 24,890 5,103

Alegria 2,969 2,969 628
Balite 2,972 2,972 575
Buenavista 978 978 195
Caglanipao 1,106 1,106 245
Happy Valley 1,410 1,410 272
Mabuhay 964 964 207
Palanit 3,008 3,008 649
Poblacion Norte 2,091 2,088 434
Poblacion Sur 1,151 1,145 245
Salvacion 1,101 1,056 220
San Juan 2,341 2,336 454
San Roque 1,694 1,694 353
Seven Hills 759 756 146
Veriato 2,408 2,408 480

SAN JOSE 16,079 16,046 3,509

Aguadahan 1,579 1,579 356
Bagong Sabang 623 623 116

National Statistics Office 79

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Balite 1,726 1,726 369

Bonglas 433 433 93
Da-o 1,334 1,334 303
Gengarog 673 673 147
Geratag 1,839 1,839 432
Layuhan 797 797 157
Mandugang 443 443 90
P. Tingzon 1,985 1,985 410
San Lorenzo 751 751 155
Tubigdanao 576 576 126
Barangay North (Pob.) 1,233 1,233 283
Barangay South (Pob.) 406 381 94
Barangay East (Pob.) 795 787 165
Barangay West (Pob.) 886 886 213

SAN ROQUE 26,323 26,306 4,770

Balnasan 1,030 1,030 200
Balud 826 826 154
Bantayan 4,777 4,777 907
Coroconog 1,569 1,569 312
Dale 1,172 1,172 215
Ginagdanan 1,172 1,172 168
Lao-angan 1,594 1,594 267
Lawaan 598 598 79
Malobago 1,246 1,246 253
Pagsang-an 1,536 1,528 301
Zone 1 (Pob.) 3,041 3,032 529
Zone 2 (Pob.) 1,084 1,084 209
Zone 3 (Pob.) 2,356 2,356 429
Zone 4 (Pob.) 565 565 98
Zone 5 (Pob.) 1,795 1,795 301
Zone 6 (Pob.) 1,962 1,962 348

SAN VICENTE 7,447 7,447 1,547

Maragat 1,329 1,329 294
Mongol Bongol Pob. (Bgy.1) 1,360 1,360 280
Sangputan 721 721 171
Sila 463 463 100
Tarnate 1,508 1,508 318

80 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Northern Samar

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Destacado Pob. (Bgy.2) 1,046 1,046 185

Punta Pob. (Bgy.3) 1,020 1,020 199

SILVINO LOBOS 14,303 14,298 2,400

Balud 260 260 48
Cababayogan 703 703 118
Cabunga-an 1,219 1,215 214
Cagda-o 408 408 60
Caghilot 446 446 79
Camanggaran 164 164 31
Camaya-an 189 189 32
Deit De Suba 782 782 124
Deit De Turag 574 574 120
Gebonawan 258 258 44
Gebolwangan 913 913 174
Gecbo-an 446 446 77
Giguimitan 340 340 54
Genagasan 703 703 113
Geparayan De Turag 1,055 1,055 155
Gusaran 648 648 95
Imelda 261 261 50
Montalban 159 159 35
Suba (Pob.) 1,394 1,393 225
San Isidro 357 357 63
Senonogan de Tubang 268 268 52
Tobgon 96 96 14
Victory 550 550 87
Poblacion I 1,152 1,152 199
Poblacion II 728 728 117
San Antonio 230 230 20

VICTORIA 13,920 13,917 2,893

Acedillo 311 311 67
Buenasuerte 524 524 97
Buenos Aires 1,198 1,198 249
Colab-og 1,083 1,083 217
Erenas 2,375 2,375 522
Libertad 1,578 1,578 349
Luisita 587 587 99

National Statistics Office 81

Northern Samar 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Lungib 722 722 128

Maxvilla 379 379 80
Pasabuena 323 323 63
Zone I (Pob.) 870 867 185
Zone II (Pob.) 546 546 112
Zone III (Pob.) 1,599 1,599 340
San Lazaro 894 894 179
San Miguel 598 598 117
San Roman 333 333 89

LOPE DE VEGA 13,542 13,537 2,444

Bayho 1,584 1,584 305
Bonifacio 826 826 158
Cagamesarag 230 230 43
Cag-aguingay 316 316 58
Curry 757 757 118
Gebonawan 543 543 108
Gen. Luna 281 281 45
Getigo 835 835 161
Henaronagan 167 167 35
Lope De Vega (Pob.) 3,204 3,199 582
Lower Caynaga 938 938 148
Maghipid 466 466 87
Magsaysay 433 433 76
Osmeña 664 664 114
Paguite 316 316 54
Roxas 237 237 46
Sampaguita 211 211 35
San Francisco 193 193 30
San Jose 417 417 81
San Miguel 376 376 70
Somoroy 345 345 61
Upper Caynaga 203 203 29

82 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

SAMAR (WESTERN SAMAR) 733,377 731,669 145,916

ALMAGRO 11,024 11,022 2,183

Bacjao 1,190 1,190 242
Biasong I 486 486 102
Costa Rica 357 357 72
Guin-ansan 440 440 99
Kerikite 922 922 164
Lunang I (Look) 552 552 124
Lunang II 572 572 92
Malobago 367 367 76
Marasbaras 524 524 92
Panjobjoban I 360 360 80
Poblacion 245 243 59
Talahid 586 586 109
Tonga-tonga 199 199 47
Imelda (Badjang) 424 424 86
Biasong II 444 444 85
Costa Rica II 295 295 74
Mabuhay 735 735 121
Magsaysay 461 461 72
Panjobjoban II 537 537 108
Roño 214 214 51
San Isidro 487 487 81
San Jose 276 276 64
Veloso 351 351 83

BASEY 50,423 50,277 10,594

Amandayehan 995 995 200
Anglit 497 497 120
Bacubac 973 973 208
Baloog 142 140 28
Basiao 1,209 1,207 235
Buenavista 706 706 159
Burgos 900 900 196
Cambayan 429 429 88
Can-abay 1,834 1,834 405
Cancaiyas 567 562 114
Canmanila 1,377 1,377 298

National Statistics Office 83

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Catadman 621 621 115

Cogon 1,212 1,212 234
Dolongan 1,221 1,221 258
Guintigui-an 394 394 82
Guirang 2,374 2,344 471
Balante 555 555 119
Iba 551 551 121
Inuntan 664 664 142
Loog 1,402 1,402 290
Mabini 2,429 2,429 492
Magallanes 565 565 128
Manlilinab 231 231 49
Del Pilar 893 893 191
May-it 515 515 120
Mongabong 317 317 65
New San Agustin 468 468 105
Nouvelas Occidental 1,238 1,238 285
San Fernando (Nouvelas Oriental) 1,541 1,541 346
Old San Agustin 1,760 1,760 396
Panugmonon 627 627 143
Pelit 627 627 131
Baybay (Pob.) 782 782 180
Buscada (Pob.) 1,129 1,029 220
Lawa-an (Pob.) 850 850 191
Loyo (Pob.) 1,369 1,369 273
Mercado (Pob.) 411 407 85
Palaypay (Pob.) 2,653 2,653 528
Sulod (Pob.) 776 776 165
Roxas 1,320 1,320 276
Salvacion 1,502 1,499 302
San Antonio 2,584 2,584 533
Sawa 986 986 197
Serum 945 945 216
Sugca 251 251 62
Sugponon 250 250 55
Tinaogan 1,270 1,270 249
Tingib 1,069 1,069 244
Villa Aurora 932 932 184
Binongtu-an 411 411 87

84 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bulao 1,099 1,099 213

CALBAYOG CITY 172,778 172,072 35,126

Jose A. Roño 431 431 89
Acedillo 498 498 110
Alibaba 411 411 82
Amampacang 751 751 166
Anislag 1,221 1,221 263
Ba-ay 1,462 1,462 305
Bagacay 2,730 2,730 567
Baja 268 268 60
Balud (Pob.) 3,364 3,335 663
Bante 1,303 1,303 262
Bantian 1,238 1,238 229
Basud 1,324 1,324 270
Bayo 611 611 132
Begaho 1,609 1,609 321
Binaliw 2,053 2,053 384
Bugtong 1,714 1,714 358
Buenavista 172 172 26
Cabacungan 1,030 1,030 207
Cabatuan 1,397 1,397 262
Cabicahan 653 653 134
Cabugawan 508 508 102
Cacaransan 652 652 137
Cag-olango 849 849 178
Cag-anahaw 359 359 72
Cagbanayacao 361 361 68
Cagbayang 900 900 162
Cagbilwang 494 494 102
Cagboborac 343 343 65
Caglanipao Sur 1,087 1,087 235
Cagmanipes Norte 1,847 1,847 385
Cag-anibong 544 544 121
Cagnipa 1,910 1,910 398
Cagsalaosao 1,568 1,471 303
Cahumpan 492 492 101
Calocnayan 200 200 41
Cangomaod 158 158 33

National Statistics Office 85

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Canhumadac 289 289 52

Capacuhan 725 725 143
Capoocan 4,494 4,490 922
Carayman 4,397 4,333 870
Catabunan 260 260 57
Caybago 392 392 88
Central (Pob.) 837 837 165
Cogon 800 788 165
Dagum 5,264 5,089 1035
Dawo 1,124 1,124 204
De Victoria 293 293 63
Dinabongan 280 280 61
Dinagan 559 559 118
Dinawacan 344 344 53
Esperanza 176 176 39
Gadgaran 1,501 1,399 321
Gasdo 133 133 22
Helino 399 399 71
Geraga-an 516 516 106
Guin-on 892 892 193
Guimbaoyan Norte 680 680 156
Guimbaoyan Sur 706 706 143
Hamorawon 3,945 3,945 801
Hibabngan 188 188 35
Hibatang 276 276 52
Higasaan 313 313 54
Himalandrog 667 667 135
Jimautan 587 587 123
Hugon Rosales 203 203 39
Jacinto 172 172 26
Aguit-itan (Pob.) 2,884 2,870 600
Kilikili 424 424 100
La Paz 622 622 132
Langoyon 292 292 55
Lapaan 408 408 80
Libertad 336 336 84
Limarayon 547 547 120
Looc 340 340 73
Longsob 619 619 132

86 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Lonoy 853 853 185

Mabini I (Calbayog District) 350 350 59
Mabini II (Oquendo District) 380 380 76
Macatingog 1,567 1,567 288
Mag-ubay 1,511 1,511 312
Maguino-o 1,066 1,066 217
Malaga 1,996 1,996 394
Malajog 2,117 2,117 485
Malayog 1,160 1,160 223
Malopalo 1,223 1,223 252
Marcatubig 685 685 135
Mancol 247 247 49
Mantaong (Oquendo District) 287 287 57
Matobato 4,260 4,226 991
Mawacat 983 983 195
Maybog 273 273 59
Maysalong 195 195 46
Migara 1,091 1,091 243
Nabang 657 657 136
Naga 731 731 150
Naguma 146 146 22
Navarro 530 530 112
Nijaga 2,345 2,345 461
Oboob 405 405 77
Obrero 4,419 4,419 857
Olera 333 333 55
Oquendo (Pob.) 2,184 2,133 432
Osmeña 373 373 76
Palanas 414 414 90
Palanogan 516 516 92
Panlayahan 665 665 133
Panonongan 352 352 87
Panoypoy 534 534 106
Patong 567 567 115
Peña 2,716 2,716 531
Pilar 2,209 2,206 444
Pinamorotan 341 341 67
Quezon 200 200 49
Rawis 5,054 5,022 997

National Statistics Office 87

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Rizal I (Calbayog District) 677 677 150

Rizal II (Oquendo District) 498 498 104
Roxas I (Calbayog District) 191 191 42
Roxas II (Oquendo District) 857 857 179
Saljag (Baut) 545 545 113
Salvacion 227 227 38
San Antonio 281 281 56
San Isidro 601 601 112
San Joaquin 5,648 5,643 1141
San Jose 561 561 111
San Policarpio 6,055 6,046 1271
San Rufino 670 670 125
Saputan 487 487 100
Sigo 903 903 167
Sinantan 230 230 43
Sinidman Occidental 761 761 171
Sinidman Oriental 647 647 128
Tabawan 710 710 156
Talahiban 382 382 71
Tapa-e 278 278 57
Tarabucan 1,965 1,965 380
Tigbe 348 348 61
Tinaplacan 1,637 1,637 302
Tomaliguez 924 924 201
Trinidad (Sabang) 4,155 4,141 795
Victory 624 624 129
Villahermosa 624 624 129
Awang East (Pob.) 2,526 2,516 521
Awang West (Pob.) 2,492 2,484 476
Bagong Lipunan 224 224 46
Bontay 402 402 85
Kalilihan 294 294 44
Carmen 2,670 2,670 538
Danao I 2,340 2,340 531
Danao II 403 403 80
Gabay 259 259 60
Pagbalican 602 600 126
Payahan 1,881 1,879 383
Tanval 347 347 65

88 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tinambacan Norte 1,906 1,901 422

Tinambacan Sur 3,102 3,068 675
Cagmanipes Sur 1,125 1,125 230
Manuel Barral, Sr. 388 388 76

CALBIGA 21,434 21,393 4,460

Antol 194 194 41
Bacyaran 923 923 185
Beri 365 365 75
Barobaybay 679 679 146
Binanggaran 235 235 49
Borong 292 292 68
Bulao 261 261 54
Buluan 704 704 129
Caamlongan 199 199 39
Calayaan 431 431 93
Calingonan 856 856 180
Canbagtic 352 352 75
Canticum 1,240 1,240 261
Daligan 180 180 35
Guinbanga 194 194 44
Hubasan 131 131 28
Literon 231 231 44
Lubang 173 173 35
Mahangcao 306 306 66
Macaalan 553 553 133
Malabal 1,121 1,121 226
Minata 367 367 73
Otoc 281 281 74
Panayuran 365 365 90
Pasigay 702 702 156
Patong 1,373 1,373 290
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 407 403 76
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 194 194 43
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 413 413 79
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 475 475 90
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 260 260 47
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 812 812 149
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 536 536 106

National Statistics Office 89

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Polangi 2,360 2,323 489

Rawis 531 531 111
San Ignacio 655 655 141
San Mauricio 414 414 81
Sinalangtan 205 205 41
Timbangan 469 469 91
Tinago 851 851 198
Hindang 144 144 29

CITY OF CATBALOGAN (Capital) 94,317 94,054 18,398

Albalate 267 267 53
Bagongon 749 749 141
Bangon 253 253 51
Basiao 640 640 127
Buluan 641 641 117
Bunuanan 3,731 3,731 762
Cabugawan 799 799 159
Cagudalo 176 176 40
Cagusipan 200 200 42
Cagutian 258 258 40
Cagutsan 1,228 1,228 229
Canhawan Gote 359 359 63
Canlapwas (Pob.) 10,608 10,598 2091
Cawayan 191 191 31
Cinco 933 933 158
Darahuway Daco 700 700 134
Darahuway Gote 551 551 115
Estaka 987 987 203
Guinsorongan 4,290 4,290 829
Iguid 1,456 1,456 293
Lagundi 645 634 127
Libas 347 347 72
Lobo 153 153 31
Manguehay 190 190 29
Maulong 5,459 5,438 1064
Mercedes 9,255 9,255 1813
Mombon 707 707 141
New Mahayag 1,080 1,080 188
Old Mahayag 1,258 1,258 246

90 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Palanyogon 267 267 45

Pangdan 2,760 2,760 535
Payao 1,497 1,497 300
Poblacion 1 (Barangay 1) 1,325 1,170 250
Poblacion 2 (Barangay 2) 565 565 121
Poblacion 3 (Barangay 3) 2,858 2,841 596
Poblacion 4 (Barangay 4) 1,302 1,302 251
Poblacion 5 (Barangay 5) 563 562 116
Poblacion 6 (Barangay 6) 1,782 1,782 326
Poblacion 7 (Barangay 7) 1,304 1,304 262
Poblacion 8 (Barangay 8) 1,131 1,129 230
Poblacion 9 (Barangay 9) 2,434 2,418 451
Poblacion 10 (Barangay 10) 1,878 1,875 371
Poblacion 11 (Barangay 11) 1,221 1,221 261
Poblacion 12 (Barangay 12) 647 647 137
Poblacion 13 (Barangay 13) 3,782 3,782 727
Muñoz (Poblacion 14) 2,573 2,561 500
Pupua 1,269 1,269 246
Guindaponan 3,047 3,036 609
Rama 1,503 1,503 256
San Andres 4,296 4,296 830
San Pablo 1,401 1,401 260
San Roque 1,151 1,151 225
San Vicente 805 805 163
Silanga 2,844 2,840 540
Totoringon 188 188 36
Ibol 454 454 87
Socorro 1,359 1,359 278

DARAM 41,322 41,313 7,733

Arawane 326 326 67
Astorga 1,982 1,982 364
Bachao 1,567 1,567 298
Baclayan 598 598 116
Bagacay 1,811 1,811 370
Bayog 185 185 33
Birawan 1,018 1,018 189
Betaug 407 407 76
Bono-anon 341 341 56

National Statistics Office 91

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Buenavista 606 606 102

Burgos 599 599 113
Cabac 587 587 111
Cabil-isan 294 294 60
Cabiton-an 1,031 1,031 191
Cabugao 498 498 91
Calawan-an 1,285 1,285 224
Cambuhay 470 470 82
Candugue 1,118 1,118 208
Canloloy 222 222 46
Campelipa 641 641 119
Cansaganay 438 438 97
Poblacion 3 (Canti-il) 764 764 147
Casab-ahan 1,043 1,043 197
Guindapunan 549 549 98
Guintampilan 469 469 76
Iquiran 436 436 88
Jacopon 594 594 121
Losa 904 904 181
Mabini 662 662 121
Macalpe 365 365 75
Mandoyucan 420 420 83
Mongolbongol 726 726 147
Marupangdan 663 663 115
Mayabay 1,085 1,085 199
Nipa 684 684 130
Parasan 529 529 107
Poblacion 1 (Hilaba) 1,125 1,116 196
Poblacion 2 (Malingon) 1,433 1,433 265
Pondang 865 865 146
Poso 612 612 108
Real 436 436 81
Rizal 1,069 1,069 213
San Antonio 406 406 76
San Jose 749 749 123
San Miguel 488 488 85
San Roque 1,106 1,106 200
Saugan 947 947 185
So-ong 461 461 79

92 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Sua 1,208 1,208 227

Talisay 245 245 44
Tugas 869 869 167
Ubo 721 721 125
Valles-Bello 792 792 141
Cagboboto 499 499 87
Lucob-lucob 238 238 48
San Vicente 542 542 110
Sugod 226 226 48
Yangta 368 368 81

GANDARA 31,943 31,889 6,342

Balocawe 310 310 72
Beslig 221 221 37
Burabod I (Pob.) 194 194 44
Burabod II (Pob.) 889 889 176
Buao 343 343 58
Bunyagan 397 397 71
Calirocan 383 383 67
Canhumawid 221 221 44
Caparangasan 470 470 93
Caranas 231 231 45
Carmona 270 270 56
Casab-ahan 1,071 1,071 197
Casandig 580 580 96
Caugbusan 332 332 65
Concepcion 1,141 1,141 249
Dumalo-ong (Pob.) 672 672 138
Elcano 509 509 99
Gerali 429 429 76
Giaboc 311 311 63
Hampton 381 381 81
Hinayagan 495 495 104
Hinugacan 277 277 56
Jasminez 294 294 63
Lungib 377 377 81
Mabuhay 227 227 39
Macugo 286 286 56
Minda (Pob.) 1,363 1,363 270

National Statistics Office 93

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Nacube 686 686 129

Nalihugan 233 233 46
Napalisan 770 770 180
Natimonan 597 597 129
Ngoso 377 345 63
Palambrag 407 407 70
Palanas 474 474 92
Piñaplata 381 381 88
Pizarro 340 340 70
Pologon 222 222 43
Purog 507 504 108
Rawis 601 601 124
Rizal 182 182 35
Samoyao 651 651 124
San Agustin 808 808 159
San Antonio 759 759 152
San Enrique 329 329 58
San Francisco 410 410 83
San Isidro (Dao) 348 348 74
San Jose 897 884 172
San Miguel 309 309 60
San Pelayo 561 561 101
San Ramon 227 227 42
Santa Elena 291 291 57
Santo Niño 587 587 114
Senibaran (Villa Leona) 122 122 26
Tagnao 931 931 188
Tambongan 862 862 186
Tawiran 157 157 43
Tigbawon 223 223 53
Marcos 134 134 26
Bangahon 260 260 51
Adela Heights (Pob.) 1,202 1,196 227
Arong 178 178 37
Catorse De Agosto 1,411 1,411 281
Diaz 494 494 101
Gereganan 219 219 32
Hetebac 261 261 51
Himamaloto 149 149 27

94 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Hiparayan (Kinonongan) 333 333 63

Malayog 128 128 30
Sidmon 251 251 51

HINABANGAN 12,651 12,514 2,388

Bagacay 1,486 1,486 286
Binobucalan 328 328 62
Bucalan 264 264 48
Cabalagnan 280 280 41
Canano 216 216 41
Consolabao 997 997 197
Concord 659 659 128
Dalosdoson 248 248 46
Lim-ao 314 314 60
Osmeña 417 417 91
Poblacion 1 (Barangay 1) 288 288 58
Poblacion 2 (Barangay 2) 499 499 88
Rawis 2,017 2,017 401
San Rafael 625 625 112
Tabay 390 390 62
Yabon 274 274 52
Cabang 308 308 55
Malihao 1,127 1,127 217
San Jose 752 752 153
Fatima 318 181 30
Mugdo 844 844 160

JIABONG 17,075 17,062 3,414

Bawang 216 216 40
Bugho 317 317 67
Camarobo-an 1,209 1,209 241
Candayao 264 264 51
Cantongtong 457 457 103
Casapa 516 516 109
Catalina 526 526 120
Cristina 190 190 41
Dogongan 568 568 124
Garcia 306 306 63
Hinaga 120 120 23

National Statistics Office 95

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Jia-an 1,678 1,678 350

Jidanao 297 297 58
Lulugayan 501 501 96
Macabetas 318 318 67
Malino 626 626 143
Malobago (Villalinda) 825 825 156
Mercedes 455 455 85
Nagbac 313 313 59
Parina 535 535 124
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) 755 752 127
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) 205 205 41
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) 221 221 37
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) 169 159 31
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) 618 618 112
Barangay No. 6 (Pob.) 226 226 36
Barangay No. 7 (Pob.) 573 573 112
Barangay No. 8 (Pob.) 1,811 1,811 342
Salvacion 235 235 47
San Andres 194 194 41
San Fernando 646 646 136
San Miguel 115 115 26
Tagbayaon 552 552 118
Victory 518 518 88

MARABUT 15,115 15,105 3,138

Amambucale 436 432 95
Caluwayan 829 829 162
Canyoyo 523 523 112
Ferreras 417 417 88
Legaspi 829 829 183
Logero 432 432 93
Osmeña 1,358 1,358 267
Pinalanga 844 844 187
Pinamitinan (Pob.) 425 425 93
Catato Pob. (Dist. I) 350 350 68
San Roque 833 833 154
Santo Niño Pob. (Dist. II) 290 289 57
Tagalag 734 734 138
Tinabanan 1,176 1,176 234

96 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Amantillo 600 596 138

Binukyahan 511 511 106
Lipata 639 639 145
Mabuhay 1,043 1,043 218
Malobago 446 446 92
Odoc 278 278 60
Panan-awan 316 316 69
Roño 495 494 106
Santa Rita 575 575 126
Veloso 736 736 147

MATUGUINAO 6,746 6,723 1,244

Angyap 187 187 35
Barruz (Barangay No. 1) 567 567 100
Camonoan 150 150 29
Carolina 206 206 35
Deit 227 227 51
Del Rosario 162 162 34
Libertad 198 198 47
Ligaya 133 133 22
Mabuligon Pob. (Barangay No. 2) 1,187 1,187 217
Maduroto Pob. (Barangay No. 3) 1,273 1,250 230
Mahanud 296 296 52
Mahayag 210 210 39
Nagpapacao 372 372 78
Rizal 290 290 47
Salvacion 188 188 35
San Isidro 226 226 39
Santa Cruz 128 128 23
Bag-otan 185 185 35
Inubod 279 279 48
San Roque (Mabuhay) 282 282 48

MOTIONG 14,829 14,706 2,898

Poblacion I 1,238 1,234 237
Poblacion I-A 1,847 1,817 378
Angyap 313 313 66
Barayong 169 169 27
Bayog 929 929 174

National Statistics Office 97

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Beri 114 114 19

Bonga 697 697 150
Calantawan 308 308 66
Calapi 2,682 2,593 524
Caluyahan 374 374 65
Canvais 288 288 50
Canatuan 269 269 62
Candomacol 383 383 77
Capaysagan 159 159 28
Caranas 732 732 134
Caulayanan 213 213 40
Hinica-an 304 304 43
Inalad 608 608 135
Linonoban 165 165 30
Malobago 281 281 48
Malonoy 186 186 28
Mararangsi 218 218 40
Maypange 382 382 78
New Minarog 413 413 75
Oyandic 655 655 140
Pamamasan 210 210 47
San Andres 123 123 18
Santo Niño 173 173 34
Sarao 140 140 32
Pusongan 256 256 53

PINABACDAO 16,208 16,208 3,155

Bangon 1,243 1,243 233
Barangay I (Pob.) 656 656 121
Barangay II (Pob.) 766 766 147
Botoc 697 697 138
Bugho 237 237 47
Calampong 512 512 122
Canlobo 276 276 46
Catigawan 134 134 26
Dolores 670 670 140
Lale 820 820 142
Lawaan 305 305 57
Laygayon 816 816 150

98 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Layo 219 219 43

Loctob 213 213 35
Madalunot 730 730 158
Magdawat 468 468 83
Mambog 1,368 1,368 262
Manaing 233 233 53
Obayan 1,105 1,105 230
Pahug 830 830 173
Parasanon 1,736 1,736 327
Pelaon 754 754 135
San Isidro 336 336 69
Nabong 1,084 1,084 218

SAN JOSE DE BUAN 6,563 6,503 1,170

Aguingayan 190 190 39
Babaclayon 426 426 77
Can-aponte 556 556 94
Cataydongan 308 308 52
Gusa 233 233 43
Hagbay 213 213 38
Hiduroma 258 258 43
Hilumot 313 313 55
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 1,169 1,169 223
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 460 400 85
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 298 298 52
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 1,208 1,208 213
San Nicolas 569 569 91
Hibaca-an 362 362 65

SAN SEBASTIAN 7,708 7,704 1,464

Poblacion Barangay 1 658 655 125
Poblacion Barangay 2 454 453 83
Poblacion Barangay 3 387 387 72
Poblacion Barangay 4 704 704 130
Balogo 587 587 108
Bontod 531 531 92
Camanhagay 633 633 130
Campiyak 588 588 110
Dolores 678 678 131

National Statistics Office 99

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Hita-asan I 482 482 91

Inobongan 446 446 84
Cabaywa 220 220 45
Canduyucan 893 893 178
Hita-asan II 447 447 85

SANTA MARGARITA 24,850 24,845 5,024

Agrupacion 95 95 22
Arapison 186 186 42
Avelino 292 292 47
Bahay 134 134 26
Balud 1,896 1,896 386
Bana-ao 338 338 58
Burabod 1,649 1,649 349
Cautod (Pob.) 3,261 3,256 702
Camperito 192 192 32
Campeig 71 71 18
Can-ipulan 226 226 45
Canmoros 234 234 32
Cinco 523 523 114
Curry 535 535 97
Gajo 197 197 49
Hindang 116 116 18
Ilo 1,048 1,048 208
Imelda 107 107 17
Inoraguiao 1,668 1,668 323
Jolacao 163 163 31
Lambao 1,194 1,194 247
Mabuhay 109 109 24
Mahayag 197 197 38
Monbon (Pob.) 2,585 2,585 513
Nabulo 182 182 41
Napuro 1,665 1,665 317
Palale 1,493 1,493 303
Panabatan 281 281 43
Panaruan 143 143 25
Roxas 102 102 17
Salvacion 214 214 34
Solsogon 1,828 1,828 417

100 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Sundara 192 192 38

Cagsumji 539 539 118
Matayonas 141 141 28
Napuro II 1,054 1,054 205

SANTA RITA 38,082 38,042 7,584

Alegria 254 251 58
Anibongan 1,592 1,592 310
Aslum 1,191 1,191 239
Bagolibas 585 585 111
Binanalan 1,488 1,488 264
Cabacungan 714 714 142
Cabunga-an 569 569 104
Camayse 1,048 1,048 223
Cansadong 381 381 78
Caticugan 1,883 1,859 404
Dampigan 1,951 1,951 405
Guinbalot-an 629 629 126
Hinangudtan 1,441 1,441 295
Igang-igang 795 795 153
La Paz 209 209 39
Lupig 987 987 193
Magsaysay 2,024 2,024 392
Maligaya 1,951 1,951 348
New Manunca 497 497 114
Old Manunca 1,489 1,489 308
Pagsulhogon 2,063 2,063 391
Salvacion 637 637 125
San Eduardo 456 456 93
San Isidro 824 824 163
San Juan 801 801 160
San Pascual (Crossing) 778 778 155
San Pedro 741 728 142
San Roque 181 181 43
Santa Elena 910 910 180
Tagacay 874 874 171
Tominamos 1,588 1,588 351
Tulay 787 787 165
Union 709 709 133

National Statistics Office 101

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bokinggan Pob. (Zone I) 1,149 1,149 226

Bougainvilla Pob. (Zone II) 485 485 106
Gumamela Pob. (Zone III) 1,474 1,474 309
Rosal Pob. (Zone IV) 1,144 1,144 210
Santan Pob. (Zone V) 803 803 155

SANTO NIÑO 13,504 13,504 2,720

Balatguti 668 668 117
Baras 965 965 207
Basud (Pob.) 1,381 1,381 297
Buenavista 1,737 1,737 360
Cabunga-an 1,167 1,167 218
Corocawayan 987 987 198
Ilijan 1,106 1,106 217
Ilo (Pob.) 1,464 1,464 316
Lobelobe 375 375 62
Pinanangnan 397 397 81
Sevilla 968 968 186
Takut 1,135 1,135 215
Villahermosa 1,154 1,154 246

TALALORA 7,983 7,981 1,536

Bo. Independencia 712 712 124
Malaguining 467 467 87
Mallorga 434 434 88
Navatas Daku 536 536 108
Navatas Guti 582 582 110
Placer 714 714 134
Poblacion Barangay 1 1,500 1,498 289
Poblacion Barangay 2 1,048 1,048 217
San Juan 418 418 78
Tatabunan 1,272 1,272 247
Victory 300 300 54

TARANGNAN 24,146 24,138 4,843

Alcazar 423 423 73
Awang 166 166 36
Bahay 642 642 128
Balonga-as 272 272 61

102 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Balugo 521 521 106

Bangon Gote 138 138 30
Baras 293 293 55
Binalayan 237 237 49
Bisitahan 319 319 66
Bonga 905 905 178
Cabunga-an 688 688 146
Cagtutulo 688 688 127
Cambatutay Nuevo 201 201 41
Cambatutay Viejo 303 303 59
Canunghan 270 270 54
Catan-agan 120 120 28
Dapdap 862 862 156
Gallego 403 403 81
Imelda Pob. (Posgo) 930 930 194
Lucerdoni (Irong-irong) 608 608 110
Lahong 227 227 47
Libucan Dacu 777 777 181
Libucan Gote 414 414 72
Majacob 1,457 1,457 284
Mancares 1,178 1,178 223
Marabut 155 155 28
Oeste - A 855 855 161
Oeste - B 717 716 152
Pajo 239 239 53
Palencia 581 581 117
Poblacion A 975 975 204
Poblacion B 917 917 185
Poblacion C 239 232 55
Poblacion D 439 439 90
Poblacion E 728 728 153
San Vicente 885 885 158
Santa Cruz 649 649 139
Sugod 759 759 154
Talinga 472 472 98
Tigdaranao 2,084 2,084 424
Tizon 410 410 87

National Statistics Office 103

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

VILLAREAL 26,221 26,182 5,060

Banquil 1,125 1,125 217
Bino-ongan 280 280 61
Burabod 365 365 68
Cambaguio 560 560 109
Canmucat 1,621 1,621 321
Villarosa Pob. (Campiatot) 912 912 177
Conant 246 246 44
Guintarcan 1,941 1,941 381
Himyangan 621 621 109
Igot 1,260 1,260 220
Inarumbacan 516 516 90
Inasudlan 216 216 42
Lam-awan 489 489 103
Lamingao 1,374 1,374 273
Lawa-an 292 292 60
Macopa 708 708 131
Mahayag 1,451 1,451 276
Malonoy 437 437 86
Mercado (Pob.) 315 315 64
Miramar (Pob.) 407 405 80
Nagcaduha 758 758 147
Pacao 644 644 116
Pacoyoy 380 380 76
Pangpang 999 999 176
Plaridel 603 603 119
Central (Pob.) 257 257 60
Polangi 301 301 54
San Andres 1,627 1,627 307
San Fernando 218 218 47
San Rafael (Buaya) 649 649 126
San Roque 774 737 146
Santa Rosa 432 432 91
Santo Niño 736 736 149
Soledad (Pob.) 545 545 110
Tayud (Pob.) 913 913 179
Tomabe 353 353 67
Ulayan 596 596 118
Patag 300 300 60

104 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

PARANAS (WRIGHT) 29,327 29,305 5,768

Anagasi 198 198 38
Apolonia 650 650 122
Bagsa 273 273 67
Balbagan 254 254 55
Bato 757 757 158
Buray (Binogho) 1,827 1,827 381
Cantaguic 288 288 46
Cantao-an 166 166 41
Cantato (Canturab) 464 464 85
Casandig I 631 631 123
Concepcion 536 536 93
Jose Roño 376 376 78
Cawayan 308 308 70
Lawaan I 1,220 1,220 244
Lipata 1,216 1,216 253
Lokilokon 863 863 184
Mangcal 390 390 74
Maylobe 289 289 57
Minarog 504 504 103
Nawi 328 328 61
Pabanog 1,694 1,694 346
Paco 282 282 55
Pagsa-ogan 361 361 77
Pagsanjan (Pagsan-an) 220 220 44
Patag 787 787 150
Pequit 1,085 1,075 198
Poblacion 1 587 584 117
Poblacion 2 593 593 114
Poblacion 3 907 903 187
Poblacion 4 662 659 122
Poblacion 5 1,036 1,036 181
Poblacion 6 917 917 186
Salay 519 519 116
San Isidro 935 933 175
Santo Niño 267 267 53
Sulopan 423 423 83
Tabucan 329 329 63
Tapul 400 400 62

National Statistics Office 105

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Tenani 1,615 1,615 316

Tigbawon 1,108 1,108 207
Tula 348 348 66
Tutubigan 1,337 1,337 245
Casandig II 1,042 1,042 204
Lawaan II 335 335 68

ZUMARRAGA 16,936 16,936 3,107

Alegria 607 607 101
Arteche 782 782 135
Bioso 1,392 1,392 245
Boblaran 340 340 56
Botaera 654 654 114
Buntay 603 603 114
Camayse 660 660 115
Canwarak 633 633 126
Ibarra 337 337 52
Lumalantang 670 670 115
Macalunod 899 899 155
Maga-an 745 745 132
Maputi 662 662 127
Monbon 688 688 130
Mualbual 932 932 176
Pangdan 494 494 90
Poro 499 499 87
San Isidro 1,361 1,361 268
Sugod 488 488 102
Tinaugan 1,096 1,096 205
Tubigan 642 642 124
Poblacion 1 (Barangay 1) 347 347 73
Poblacion 2 (Barangay 2) 815 815 157
Marapilit 354 354 68
Talib 236 236 40

TAGAPUL-AN 7,828 7,828 1,692

Baguiw 1,227 1,227 253
Balocawe 592 592 133
Guinbarucan 349 349 94
Labangbaybay 756 756 160

106 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Samar (Western Samar)

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Luna 719 719 150

Mataluto 522 522 113
Nipa 924 924 208
Pantalan 171 171 39
Pulangbato 450 450 96
San Vicente 370 370 79
Sugod (Pob.) 723 723 146
Suarez (Manlangit) 244 244 58
San Jose (Pob.) 477 477 99
Trinidad 304 304 64

SAN JORGE 16,340 16,340 3,142

Aurora 453 453 92
Blanca Aurora 802 802 154
Buenavista I 568 568 113
Bulao 419 419 82
Bungliw 276 276 50
Cogtoto-og 415 415 71
Calundan 104 104 19
Cantaguic 282 282 57
Canyaki 145 145 24
Erenas 1,090 1,090 209
Guadalupe 128 128 28
Hernandez 162 162 28
Himay 442 442 75
Janipon 334 334 67
La Paz 783 783 145
Libertad 186 186 30
Lincoro 269 269 51
Matalud 581 581 108
Mobo-ob 138 138 26
Quezon 684 684 141
Ranera 304 304 65
Rosalim 532 532 115
San Isidro 431 431 90
San Jorge I (Pob.) 654 654 131
Sapinit 637 637 128
Sinit-an 160 160 27
Tomogbong 554 554 100

National Statistics Office 107

Samar (Western Samar) 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Gayondato 264 264 42

Puhagan 248 248 45
Anquiana (Angkiana) 366 366 79
Bay-ang 176 176 29
Buenavista II 408 408 80
Cabugao 126 126 23
Cag-olo-olo 202 202 35
Guindapunan 336 336 72
Mabuhay 451 451 89
Mancol (Pob.) 876 876 162
Mombon 248 248 44
Rawis 193 193 41
San Jorge II (Pob.) 482 482 89
San Juan 431 431 86

PAGSANGHAN 8,024 8,023 1,733

Bangon 594 594 117
Buenos Aires 587 587 112
Calanyugan 367 367 79
Caloloma 472 472 101
Cambaye 250 250 51
Pañge 410 410 88
San Luis 701 701 171
Villahermosa Occidental 679 679 131
Canlapwas (Pob.) 1,017 1,017 224
Libertad 886 885 192
Santo Niño 1,029 1,029 250
Viejo 490 490 110
Villahermosa Oriental 542 542 107

108 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

SOUTHERN LEYTE 399,137 398,577 89,672

ANAHAWAN 7,942 7,942 1,859

Amagusan 591 591 129
Calintaan 306 306 73
Canlabian 410 410 97
Capacuhan 203 203 50
Kagingkingan 216 216 53
Lewing 482 482 114
Lo-ok 927 927 219
Mahalo 816 816 196
Mainit 219 219 50
Manigawong 126 126 33
Poblacion 1,352 1,352 314
San Vicente 821 821 187
Tagup-on 1,001 1,001 232
Cogon 472 472 112

BONTOC 28,079 28,051 6,261

Banahao 351 345 76
Baugo 550 548 116
Beniton 576 576 139
Buenavista 1,239 1,239 283
Bunga 767 767 178
Casao 661 661 148
Catmon 367 367 80
Catoogan 351 351 74
Cawayanan 521 521 123
Dao 254 254 59
Divisoria 1,838 1,831 410
Esperanza 700 700 160
Guinsangaan 705 705 152
Hibagwan 353 353 79
Hilaan 1,748 1,748 390
Himakilo 292 292 67
Hitawos 351 351 64
Lanao 192 192 36
Lawgawan 187 187 41
Mahayahay 1,119 1,119 246

National Statistics Office 109

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Malbago 694 694 150

Mauylab 507 507 118
Paku 1,197 1,197 291
Pamahawan 354 354 79
Pamigsian 529 529 106
Pangi 342 342 80
Poblacion 1,206 1,197 278
Sampongon 572 572 131
San Vicente 913 913 184
Santa Cruz 1,338 1,338 301
Taa 601 601 129
Talisay 1,679 1,679 362
Taytagan 548 548 123
Tuburan 181 181 49
Union 1,358 1,358 295
Olisihan 156 156 28
Anahao 208 208 55
Pong-on 383 383 87
San Ramon 1,130 1,126 249
Santo Niño 1,061 1,061 245

HINUNANGAN 28,415 28,378 6,639

Ambacon 637 637 149
Badiangon 589 589 140
Bangcas A 743 742 171
Bangcas B 959 959 225
Biasong 566 566 157
Bugho 1,003 1,003 218
Calag-itan 1,180 1,180 284
Calayugan 700 700 159
Calinao 264 264 60
Canipaan 1,509 1,509 353
Catublian 1,503 1,503 355
Ilaya 472 472 111
Ingan 1,018 1,018 251
Labrador 802 800 194
Lumbog 337 337 73
Manalog 731 731 164
Manlico 752 752 174

110 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Matin-ao 520 520 101

Nava 1,801 1,801 410
Nueva Esperanza 664 664 164
Otama 507 507 122
Palongpong 475 475 98
Panalaron 677 677 169
Patong 710 710 180
Poblacion 898 898 189
Pondol 993 993 249
Salog 353 345 79
Salvacion 483 483 120
San Pablo Island 440 440 95
San Pedro Island 486 486 122
Santo Niño I 524 524 119
Santo Niño II 1,004 1,004 254
Tahusan 960 940 222
Talisay 597 591 138
Tawog 523 523 118
Toptop 419 419 102
Tuburan 627 627 132
Union 378 378 86
Upper Bantawon 162 162 28
Libas 449 449 104

HINUNDAYAN 11,890 11,888 2,959

Amaga 288 288 73
Ambao 862 862 219
An-an 557 557 145
Baculod 1,007 1,007 253
Biasong 715 715 164
Bugho 886 886 199
Cabulisan 273 273 71
District I (Pob.) 670 668 168
District II (Pob.) 933 933 248
District III (Pob.) 1,043 1,043 255
Hubasan 550 550 141
Cat-iwing 382 382 93
Lungsodaan 1,293 1,293 328
Navalita 612 612 158

National Statistics Office 111

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Plaridel 340 340 78

Sabang 540 540 148
Sagbok 939 939 218

LIBAGON 14,352 14,349 3,166

Biasong 581 581 120
Bogasong 890 890 205
Cawayan 847 847 177
Gakat 1,256 1,256 297
Jubas (Pob.) 699 696 157
Magkasag 876 876 188
Mayuga 1,156 1,156 262
Nahaong 1,745 1,745 382
Nahulid 1,565 1,565 340
Otikon 1,051 1,051 239
Pangi 563 563 139
Punta 248 248 52
Talisay (Pob.) 1,036 1,036 220
Tigbao 1,839 1,839 388

LILOAN 22,817 22,809 5,105

Amaga 379 379 96
Anilao 1,057 1,057 226
Bahay 468 468 100
Cagbungalon 466 466 100
Calian 901 901 207
Caligangan 1,092 1,092 287
Candayuman 394 394 96
Estela 911 911 209
Gud-an 319 319 71
Guintoylan 1,003 1,003 233
Himayangan 1,873 1,870 456
Ilag 1,285 1,285 275
Magaupas 860 860 177
Malangsa 209 209 41
Pres. Quezon (Maugoc) 757 757 165
Molopolo 862 862 208
Pandan 600 600 123
Poblacion 3,626 3,622 794

112 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

President Roxas 629 629 155

San Isidro 967 967 195
San Roque 2,234 2,234 445
Tabugon 722 721 185
Catig 17 17 7
Fatima 1,186 1,186 254

CITY OF MAASIN (Capital) 81,250 81,094 18,394

Abgao (Pob.) 3,339 3,319 744
Asuncion 4,803 4,781 1,094
Bactul II 566 566 124
Bactul I 531 531 123
Badiang 1,199 1,199 254
Bagtican 539 539 125
Basak 756 756 172
Bato II 493 493 120
Bato I 659 659 145
Batuan 926 926 211
Baugo 550 550 131
Bilibol 1,029 1,029 231
Bogo 614 614 153
Cabadiangan 396 396 80
Cabulihan 1,215 1,215 249
Cagnituan 324 324 60
Cambooc 747 747 173
Cansirong 939 939 195
Canturing 1,033 972 212
Canyuom 564 564 134
Dongon 1,028 1,028 252
Gawisan 549 549 124
Guadalupe 1,645 1,643 372
Hanginan 706 706 166
Hantag 752 752 166
Hinapu Daku 896 896 215
Hinapu Gamay 866 866 210
Ibarra 3,697 3,690 833
Isagani 1,216 1,216 285
Laboon 1,322 1,322 344
Lanao 445 445 102

National Statistics Office 113

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Libhu 1,664 1,664 383

Lonoy 645 645 142
Lunas 1,632 1,632 330
Mahayahay 1,012 1,012 217
Malapoc Norte 883 883 212
Malapoc Sur 432 432 95
Mambajao (Pob.) 1,824 1,788 390
Manhilo 1,463 1,460 356
Mantahan (Pob.) 3,932 3,932 883
Maria Clara 2,073 2,071 474
Matin-ao 659 659 135
Nasaug 574 574 130
Nati 318 318 74
Nonok Norte 480 480 132
Nonok Sur 694 694 173
Panan-awan 1,228 1,228 253
Pansaan 509 509 115
Pinascohan 526 526 128
Rizal 1,881 1,881 424
San Isidro 424 424 93
San Jose 1,033 1,033 267
San Rafael 1,771 1,771 454
Santa Cruz 827 827 198
Santa Rosa 200 200 37
Santo Niño 687 687 165
Santo Rosario 982 979 210
Soro-soro 1,136 1,136 265
Tagnipa (Pob.) 3,215 3,215 721
Tam-is 1,404 1,404 307
Tawid 885 885 203
Tigbawan 1,006 1,006 220
Tomoy-tomoy 456 456 99
Tunga-tunga (Pob.) 1,929 1,929 448
Acasia 295 295 72
Combado 5,192 5,192 1,101
Libertad 419 419 100
Lib-og 1,196 1,196 269
Pasay 980 980 210
San Agustin 440 440 110

114 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

MACROHON 25,386 25,341 5,900

Aguinaldo 626 626 151
Amparo 1,525 1,525 381
Buscayan 777 777 210
Cambaro 410 410 83
Canlusay 270 270 72
Flordeliz 761 761 193
Ichon 3,609 3,564 807
Ilihan 692 692 148
Laray 911 911 213
Lower Villa Jacinta 721 721 165
Mabini 1,156 1,156 286
Mohon 414 414 99
Molopolo 1,053 1,053 241
Rizal 1,223 1,223 280
Salvador (Mangyang) 592 592 125
San Isidro 351 351 71
San Joaquin 1,054 1,054 238
San Roque 1,802 1,802 403
Sindangan 767 767 195
Upper Villa Jacinta 873 873 198
Asuncion 707 707 160
Bagong Silang 149 149 34
Danao 254 254 60
Guadalupe 465 465 104
San Vicente Poblacion 549 549 133
Santo Niño 465 465 113
San Vicente (Upper San Roque) 311 311 67
Santa Cruz (Pob.) 1,514 1,514 344
Santo Rosario (Pob.) 899 899 205
Upper Ichon 486 486 121

MALITBOG 22,009 21,993 4,336

Abgao 671 671 147
Aurora 388 388 69
Benit 437 437 94
Caaga 473 473 106
Cabul-anonan (Pob.) 529 524 103
Cadaruhan 482 482 98

National Statistics Office 115

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Candatag 1,031 1,031 197

Cantamuac 528 528 119
Caraatan 200 200 38
Concepcion 651 651 123
Guinabonan 322 322 58
Iba 424 424 69
Lambonao 528 528 107
Maningning 347 347 75
Maujo 890 890 171
Pasil (Pob.) 662 662 134
Sabang 880 880 178
San Antonio (Pob.) 519 519 88
San Jose 1,316 1,316 243
San Roque 528 528 118
San Vicente 1,499 1,499 295
Sangahon 761 761 166
Santa Cruz 1,264 1,264 248
Taliwa (Pob.) 1,232 1,221 236
Tigbawan I 377 377 69
Tigbawan II 398 398 67
Timba 812 812 155
Asuncion 245 245 49
Cadaruhan Sur 404 404 84
Fatima 170 170 31
Juangon 994 994 187
Kauswagan 294 294 56
Mahayahay 458 458 103
New Katipunan 295 295 55
Pancil 370 370 70
San Isidro 206 206 43
Santo Niño 424 424 87

PADRE BURGOS 10,525 10,419 2,332

Buenavista 956 956 204
Bunga 476 476 112
Laca 699 699 145
Lungsodaan 1,180 1,180 268
Poblacion 1,225 1,137 253
San Juan 855 855 218

116 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Santa Sofia 1,890 1,883 400

Santo Rosario 750 744 173
Cantutang 903 903 212
Dinahugan 728 728 151
Tangkaan 863 858 196

PINTUYAN 9,261 9,259 2,060

Badiang 241 241 58
Balongbalong 156 156 34
Buenavista 414 414 102
Bulawan 239 239 52
Canlawis 302 302 63
Catbawan 667 667 135
Caubang 278 278 65
Cogon 321 321 76
Dan-an 466 466 85
Lobo 252 252 66
Mainit 227 227 61
Manglit 617 617 116
Nueva Estrella Sur 369 369 85
Poblacion Ibabao 455 453 105
Poblacion Ubos 551 551 122
Ponod 566 566 124
Son-ok I 602 602 131
Tautag 284 284 65
Nueva Estrella Norte 377 377 93
Pociano D. Equipilag 311 311 70
San Roque 524 524 115
Santa Cruz 584 584 140
Son-ok II 458 458 97

SAINT BERNARD 25,169 25,131 5,753

Atuyan 372 372 98
Ayahag 167 167 49
Bantawon 179 179 34
Bolodbolod 1,128 1,128 237
Nueva Esperanza (Cabac-an) 191 191 45
Cabagawan 1,057 1,057 254
Carnaga 765 765 165

National Statistics Office 117

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Catmon 2,376 2,375 511

Guinsaugon 0 0 0
Himatagon (Pob.) 1,672 1,658 378
Himbangan 2,194 2,194 511
Himos-onan 700 700 140
Hindag-an 1,444 1,444 307
Kauswagan 32 32 10
Libas 375 375 65
Lipanto 1,164 1,164 252
Magatas 54 54 16
Magbagacay 2,100 2,100 557
Mahayag 577 577 133
Mahayahay 1,549 1,549 371
Malibago 1,708 1,701 388
Malinao 197 197 38
Panian 1,159 1,146 300
San Isidro 1,663 1,663 375
Santa Cruz 271 271 54
Sug-angon 55 55 15
Tabontabon 260 260 60
Tambis I 840 837 199
Tambis II 840 840 177
Hinabian 80 80 14

SAN FRANCISCO 12,528 12,520 2,945

Anislagon 321 321 65
Bongbong 684 684 142
Central (Pob.) 1,289 1,281 296
Dakit (Pob.) 1,000 1,000 246
Habay 528 528 128
Marayag 764 764 198
Napantao 1,172 1,172 271
Pinamudlan 718 718 170
Santa Paz Norte 678 678 168
Santa Paz Sur 401 401 92
Sudmon 615 615 133
Tinaan 495 495 119
Tuno 570 570 137
Ubos (Pob.) 988 988 256

118 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Bongawisan 77 77 20
Causi 306 306 75
Gabi 445 445 96
Cahayag 318 318 74
Malico 302 302 66
Pasanon 343 343 74
Punta 0 0 0
Santa Cruz 514 514 119

SAN JUAN (CABALIAN) 14,073 14,023 3,262

Agay-ay 546 546 149
Basak 1,156 1,156 277
Bobon A 380 380 89
Dayanog 780 780 176
Santa Filomena 365 365 71
Garrido 391 391 84
Minoyho 961 961 225
Pong-oy 1,080 1,080 250
San Jose (Pob.) 918 887 224
San Vicente 613 613 144
Santa Cruz (Pob.) 1,183 1,183 284
Santo Niño (Pob.) 2,039 2,035 444
Somoje 582 582 137
Sua 652 652 155
Timba 393 393 96
Osao 1,189 1,189 243
San Roque 494 479 123
Bobon B 351 351 91

SAN RICARDO 10,078 10,075 2,170

Benit 709 709 152
Bitoon 272 272 52
Cabutan 340 340 75
Camang 461 461 97
Esperanza 899 899 185
Pinut-an 1,775 1,775 356
Poblacion 834 834 209
San Antonio (Alangalang) 582 582 127
San Ramon 388 388 90

National Statistics Office 119

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Saub 769 769 158

Timba 414 414 82
Esperanza Dos 1,105 1,105 252
Kinachawa 593 593 119
Inolinan 673 670 152
Looc 264 264 64

SILAGO 12,310 12,299 2,852

Balagawan 778 778 202
Catmon 170 170 28
Pob. District I 1,324 1,316 301
Pob. District II 1,375 1,375 321
Hingatungan 2,108 2,108 471
Katipunan 549 546 111
Laguma 748 748 156
Mercedes 1,807 1,807 455
Puntana 283 283 64
Salvacion 623 623 148
Sap-ang 591 591 146
Sudmon 444 444 98
Tuba-on 418 418 93
Tubod 863 863 209
Imelda 229 229 49

SOGOD 41,411 41,380 8,790

Benit 328 328 61
Buac Daku 101 101 25
Buac Gamay 742 742 162
Cabadbaran 179 179 37
Concepcion 1,179 1,179 261
Consolacion 1,161 1,159 267
Dagsa 483 483 96
Hibod-hibod 368 368 81
Hindangan 125 125 24
Hipantag 298 298 50
Javier 721 721 154
Kahupian 1,363 1,363 291
Kanangkaan 309 309 67
Kauswagan 321 321 67

120 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Southern Leyte

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

La Purisima Concepcion 1,075 1,075 246

Libas 1,865 1,865 374
Lum-an 127 127 24
Mabicay 719 719 131
Mac 1,788 1,788 373
Magatas 1,139 1,139 270
Mahayahay 914 914 189
Malinao 497 497 94
Maria Plana 234 234 46
Milagroso 657 657 128
Pancho Villa 1,030 1,030 232
Pandan 1,182 1,182 264
Zone I (Pob.) 1,531 1,520 327
Zone II (Pob.) 821 821 174
Zone III (Pob.) 2,138 2,138 426
Zone IV (Pob.) 462 462 103
Zone V (Pob.) 3,536 3,527 749
Rizal 1,852 1,847 390
Salvacion 710 710 157
San Francisco Mabuhay 437 437 94
San Isidro 1,030 1,030 220
San Jose 1,326 1,322 289
San Juan (Agata) 668 668 135
San Miguel 1,269 1,269 288
San Pedro 1,707 1,707 361
San Roque 1,528 1,528 329
San Vicente 189 189 42
Santa Maria 209 209 35
Suba 1,031 1,031 231
Tampoong 1,622 1,622 336
Olisihan 440 440 90

TOMAS OPPUS 15,807 15,805 3,548

Anahawan 399 399 79
Banday (Pob.) 550 548 123
Bogo (Pob.) 816 816 193
Cabascan 353 353 76
Camansi 341 341 68
Cambite (Pob.) 782 782 197

National Statistics Office 121

Southern Leyte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010
(total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of

and Barangay Population Population Households

Canlupao 631 631 143

Carnaga 435 435 95
Cawayan 773 773 158
Hinagtikan 374 374 71
Hinapo 530 530 131
Hugpa 321 321 68
Iniguihan Pob. (Salvacion) 402 402 103
Looc 920 920 202
Maanyag 441 441 101
Maslog 852 852 164
Ponong 484 484 118
Rizal 728 728 163
San Isidro 1,220 1,220 273
San Miguel 369 369 94
Tinago 981 981 214
Biasong 208 208 55
Higosoan 294 294 74
Mag-ata 254 254 68
San Antonio 540 540 123
San Roque 471 471 98
Luan 255 255 52
Mapgap 430 430 86
San Agustin 653 653 158

LIMASAWA 5,835 5,821 1,341

Cabulihan 794 791 198
Lugsongan 1,178 1,172 260
Magallanes 1,577 1,577 353
San Agustin 594 594 124
San Bernardo 518 518 119
Triana 1,174 1,169 287

122 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix A




Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:

SECTION 1. Bureau of the Census and Statistics is created.

SECTION 2. The powers, functions, and duties of the Bureau of the Census and
Statistics shall be as follows:

(a) To collect by enumeration, sampling or other methods, statistics and other

information concerning population, agricultural conditions, the area and production
of crops, the number of livestock, the production of livestock products, exports,
imports, commerce, industrial and commercial enterprises, prices, employment,
wages, stock of commodities, agricultural and other properties, social and
economic institutions, and such other statistics as the President of the Philippines
by executive order may direct;

(b) To compile and classify all such statistical data and information and to publish the
same for the use of the Government and the people;

(c) To prepare for and undertake all censuses of population, agriculture, industry and

(d) To conduct, for statistical purposes, investigations and studies of social and
economic problems and conditions;

(e) To compile and classify statistical and other data for other branches and
dependencies of the government, upon the approval of the President of the

(f) To carry out and administer the provisions of Act Numbered Thirty-seven Hundred
and Fifty-three, entitled “An Act to Establish a Civil Register”;

(g) To make and publish, from time to time, estimates of population, agricultural
production, income and number of livestock.

SECTION 3. The collection of data and information prescribed in section two may be
secure by the mailing or delivery of the necessary questionnaire or form
and explanatory matter to the persons best qualified to furnish such
data or information and in which case, the proprietor, official,
government official or employee, partner, director or legal
representative to whom such questionnaire or form is mailed or
delivered, shall be required to accomplish such questionnire, or form
personally or cause the same to be accomplished by his duly authorized
agent or representative. Any person who fails or refuses to accomplish,
mail or deliver such questionnaire or form received by him to the Bureau
of Census and Statistics within thirty days of its receipt by him; or any
person who, in accomplishing any such questionnaire or form knowingly

National Statistics Office 125

Appendix A 2010 Census of Population and Housing

gives data or information which shall prove to be materially untrue in

any particular; or any person who signs such questionnaire or form after
it has been accomplished in the knowledge that it is untrue in any
particular shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
six hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or
by both.

SECTION 4. Data furnished the Bureau of the Census and Statistics by an individual,
corporation, partnership, institution or business enterprise shall not be
used as evidence in any court or any public office either as evidence for
or against the individual, corporation, association, partnership,
institutions; or business enterprise from who such data emanate; nor
shall such data or information be divulged to any person except
authorized employees of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics,
acting in the performance of their duties; nor shall such data be
published except in the form of summaries or statistical tables in which
no reference to an individual, corporation, association, partnership,
institution or business enterprise shall appear. Any person violating the
provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of
not more than six hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not more than
six months, or both.

SECTION 5. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall be under the executive
direction and supervision of the President of the Philippines. Such
personnel as may be necessary for the proper and efficient
performance of the duties prescribed by this Act shall be appointed by
the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Director
of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, at such rates of salaries as
may be fixed in accordance with Commonwealth Act Number Four
Hundred and Two, entitled “An Act to Provide for Classification of
Civilian Positions and Standardization of Salaries in the Government”.

At anytime after its organization, the President of the Philippines is

authorized to place the Bureau of the Census and Statistics under the
direct supervision and control of any of the executive department.

SECTION 6. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall have one chief and one
assistant chief, who shall be known respectively, as the Director and
Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics. The
Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall receive the
same compensation as that received by the directors of bureaus
mentioned in sub-paragraph (4), sub-section (a) of section five of
Commonwealth Act Number Four Hundred and Two, and the Assistant
Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, the same
compensation as that received by assistant directors of bureaus
mentioned in sub-paragraph (5) of said sub-section (a) of section five of
the same Act. The Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of the
Census and Statistics, shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on appointments of the
National Assembly.

126 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix A

SECTION 7. The powers, functions, and duties of the Division of Statistics of the
Department of Agriculture and Commerce, those of the Director of the
National Library under the provision of Act Number Thirty-seven
Hundred Fifty-three, and those of the Statistics Division of the Bureau of
Customs, are transferred to the Bureau of the Census and Statistics.

SECTION 8. The President of the Philippines is authorized to transfer personnel,

equipment, unexpended appropriations, if any, records, documents,
supplies and other property from the Commission of the Census created
by Commonwealth Act Number One Hundred and Seventy to the
Bureau of Census and Statistics, upon or prior to the completion of the
census taken pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act Number
One Hundred and Seventy.

SECTION 9. The President of the Philippines is authorized until June Thirty,

Nineteen Hundred and Forty-one, the provisions of existing laws to the
contrary notwithstanding, to transfer by executive order the functions,
appropriations, equipment, property, records, and personnel of any
bureau, office or part thereof, engaged in the collection, compilation,
and publication of statistics from the different executive departments,
bureaus and offices to the Bureau of Census and Statistics, when in his
judgement, greater economy, efficiency and accuracy in the collection,
compilation, and publication of statistics can be accomplished thereby.

Any action taken by the President pursuant to this authority shall be

reported by him to the National Assembly at the next regular session
thereof and shall be valid and subsisting until the National Assembly
shall provide otherwise.

SECTION 10. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, August 19, 1940.

National Statistics Office 127

Appendix B 2010 Census of Population and Housing




Be it enacted by the Batasang Pambansa in session assembled:

SECTION 1. A national census of population and other related data shall be taken
every decade beginning in 1980, in accordance with plans prepared by
the National Census and Statistics Office, without prejudice to the
undertaking of special censuses on agriculture, industry, commerce,
housing and other sectors as may be approved by the National
Economic and Development Authority.

SECTION 2. There is hereby created the National Census Coordinating Board to be

composed of the Minister of Economic Planning, as Chairman, the
Minister of Human Settlements, the Minister of Budget, the Minister of
the Justice, the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Labor, the
Minister of Finance, the Minister of Education and Culture, the Minister
of Public Works, the Minister of Transportation and Communications,
the Minister of Public Highways, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister
of Natural Resources, the Minister of Public Information, and the
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, as
members, with the Executive Director of the National Census and
Statistics Office as Executive Officer of the Board.

The censuses shall be under the supervision and coordination of the

National Census Coordinating Board which shall issue such rules and
regulations as may be necessary for the successful undertaking and
completion of the censuses provided in this Act.

SECTION 3. There shall be established a provincial, city and municipal census board
in each province, city and municipality, as the case may be, which shall
provide such facilities and assistance as may be required by the
National Census Coordinating Board. The boards shall be under the
supervision and control of the National Census Coordinating Board.

SECTION 4. The Provincial Census Board shall be composed of the Provincial

Governor, as Chairman, and the Division Superintendent of Schools, or
in case the of province with more than one school division, the Division
Superintendent designated by the National Census Coordinating Board,
as Vice Chairman, the District Highway Engineer, or in the case of
provinces which have two or more highway engineering districts, the
one that may be designated by the National Census Coordinating
Board, the Provincial Commander of the Philippine Constabulary, the
Provincial Development Officer, the Provincial Assessor, and the
Provincial Agriculturist, as members, with the Provincial Statistics
Officer as the Executive Officer.

128 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix B

The City Census Board shall be composed of the City Mayor, as

Chairman, and the City Superintendent of Schools, as Vice Chairman,
the City Engineer, the City Development Officer, and the City Assessor,
as members, with the City Census Officer as the Executive Officer.

The Municipal Census Board shall be composed of the Municipal

Mayor, as Chairman, and the District Supervisor, the Municipal
Agriculturist, the Station Commander, the Municipal Treasurer, and the
Municipal Development Officer, as members, with the Municipal Census
Officer/Census Supervisor as the Executive Officer.

SECTION 5. The National Census Coordinating Board and the local census board
may call upon any ministry, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of
the Government for any assistance in the performance of their duties.

SECTION 6. The first day of May of every regular census year is hereby designated
as the reference date for the census. The collection of data will be by
enumeration and the respondent shall be the head or any responsible
member of the household.

SECTION 7. Public school teachers shall be employed for enumeration work and for
such service shall be paid an honorarium as may be determined by the
National Census Coordinating Board but in no case not less than two
hundred-fifty pesos and shall received service credits equivalent to the
number of days rendered in census work. Other government
employees whose services are engaged for census work shall be
entitled to such allowances as shall be prescribed by the National
Census Coordinating Board payable from census funds. The census
herein taken at the barangay level shall be certified to by the
corresponding barangay captain.

SECTION 8. Before the end of the year 1980 and of every census year thereafter, a
count of the population by province, city, municipality and barangay
shall be published by the National Census and Statistics Office. The
final population count as determined from the processed census returns
shall be considered official for all purposes upon proclamation by the
President (Prime Minister).

SECTION 9. Data gathered pursuant to this Act shall not be used as evidence in any
court or public office or for or against any person, except in a criminal
case for violation of Section 10 of this Act, nor shall such data be
divulged to any person except to authorized employees of the National
Census and Statistics Office, acting in the performance of their duties;
nor shall such data be published except in the form of summaries or
statistical tables in which no reference to an individual shall appear.
Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be punished by
a fine of not more than five hundred pesos or by imprisonment of not
more than six months, or both.

SECTION 10. Any respondent as provided for in Section 6 who unjustifiably refuses to
furnish the information called for in the census questionnaire, or

National Statistics Office 129

Appendix B 2010 Census of Population and Housing

knowingly certifies or gives data or information which shall be prove to

be materially untrue in any particular, shall be guilty of an offense under
this Act and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more
than five hundred pesos or by imprisonment of not more than three
months, or both.

SECTION 11. The amount necessary for the holding of censuses shall be charged to
the appropriations available for the purpose in the corresponding
Appropriate Act.

SECTION 12. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, June 11, 1980.

130 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix C




RECALLING that the reorganization of the government is mandated expressly in Article II,
Section 1 (1), and Article III of the Freedom Constitution;

HAVING IN MIND that, pursuant to Executive Order No. 5 (1986), there is a need to effect the
necessary and proper changes in the organizational and functional structures of the
government, its agencies and instrumentalities, in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness
in the delivery of public services;

BELIEVING that the present Philippine Statistical System is too decentralized, being
characterized by a single general-purpose statistical agency, a number of agencies in the
production of specialized statistics and other instrumentalities involved in statistical activities
either as their primary functions or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions;

REALIZING that the absence of a strong coordinating mechanism has given rise to the
problems of duplication of activities, conflicting statistics, data gaps as well as unnecessary
burden on respondents;

CONSIDERING that the government needs to rationalize the allocation of resources for the
collection of statistics;

TAKING NOTE that the quality of statistical services is affected by the limited number of
qualified statistical workers;

CONVINCED that there is a need to maintain a decentralized system characterized by

independence, objectivity and integrity to make it more responsive to the requirements of
national development;

CONVINCED further that there is also a need for a stronger mechanism to coordinate the
decentralized government statistical service in order to promote the orderly development of a
system capable of providing timely, accurate and useful data for the government and the public,
especially for planning and decision-making;

AFFIRMING that there is a need to ensure the development and maintenance of high-level
statistical manpower in the government;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the

powers vested in me by the sovereign will of the Filipino People and the Freedom Constitution,
do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Title. This Executive Order shall otherwise be known as the Reorganization
Act of the Philippine Statistical System.

SECTION 2. Reorganization. The Philippine Statistical System, hereinafter referred to as

PSS, is hereby reorganized, structurally and functionally, in accordance with
the provisions of this Executive Order.

National Statistics Office 131

Appendix C 2010 Census of Population and Housing

SECTION 3. Philippine Statistical System. The PSS shall consist of statistical

organizations at all administrative levels, the personnel therein and the national
statistical program. This includes a policy-making and coordinating body, a
statistical research and training center, a single general-purpose statistical
agency, all ministries, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the
national and local government and all government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries that are engaged in statistical activities
either as their primary functions or as part of their administrative or regulatory
functions. The PSS shall remain decentralized with a strong coordination
feature to be achieved through closer linkage between statistical programming
and budgeting.

SECTION 4. National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). There is hereby created

National Statistical Coordination Board, hereinafter referred to as NSCB, which
shall be the highest policy-making and coordinating body on statistical matters.
The NSCB shall be composed of the following: the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) Director-General or his/her designated
representative as Chairman; the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Budget and
Management (MBM), as Vice-Chairman; one representative each from the
remaining Ministries with the rank of Deputy Minister; the Deputy Governor of
the Central Bank; the Administrator of the National Statistics Office; the
Secretary General of the NSCB; the Director of the Statistical Research and
Training Center; the Governor or City Mayor nominated by the League of
Governors and City Mayors; and a member from the private sector to be
elected by other members of the Board who shall sit in the Board for a period
of three years, as members.

The decisions of the NSCB on statistical matters shall be final and executory.

SECTION 5. Powers and Functions. The NSCB shall have the following powers and

1. Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system in the government;

2. Formulate policies on all matters relating to government statistical


3. Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the

development and efficiency of the system, including the internal
structure of statistical agencies;

4. Establish appropriate mechanism for statistical coordination at the

regional, provincial and city levels;

5. Approve the Philippine Statistical Development Program;

6. Allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies by

designating the statistics to be collected by them, including their
periodicity and content;

7. Review budgetary proposals involving statistical operations and submit

an integrated budget for the PSS to the MBM;

132 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix C

8. Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for statistical operations;

9. Develop, prescribe, and maintain appropriate framework for the

improvement of statistical coordination;

10. Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government


The NSCB shall not engage directly in any basic data collection activity.

SECTION 6. NSCB Technical Staff. The NSCB shall have a Technical Staff which shall
perform the following functions:

1. Provide technical and secretarial support to the NSCB;

2. Serve as the statistical clearing house and liaison for international

statistical matters;

3. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the NSCB and as may

be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Executive Order.

SECTION 7. Secretary General. The NSCB Technical Staff shall be headed by a

Secretary General with the rank of Deputy Minister, who shall be appointed
by the President, and is of proven competence and recognized stature in the
statistical profession.

SECTION 8. Inter-Agency Committee on Statistics. The NSCB may create inter-agency

committees (IAC) to assist it in the exercise of its functions.

SECTION 9. The National Statistics Office. The National Census and Statistics Office is
hereby renamed the National Statistics Office (NSO). It shall be the major
statistical agency responsible for generating general purpose statistics and
undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the NSCB.

The NSO shall be headed by an Administrator with the rank of Deputy Minister, who shall be
appointed by the President, and is of recognized stature and proven competence in the field of

SECTION 10. The Statistical Research and Training Center. There is hereby created a
Statistical Research and Training Center, hereinafter referred to as SRTC,
which shall have the following functions:

1. Develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training program

on the theories, concepts and methodologies for the promotion of the
statistical system;

2. Undertake research on statistical concepts, definitions and methods;

3. Promote collaborative research efforts among members of the academic

community, data producers and users;

4. Conduct non-degree training programs to upgrade the quality of

statistical personnel and expand the statistical manpower base in

National Statistics Office 133

Appendix C 2010 Census of Population and Housing

support of the needs of the statistical system;

5. Provide financial and other forms of assistance to enhance statistical

research and development.

SECTION 11. SRTC Governing Board. The SRTC shall have a Governing Board that shall
formulate policies for its management and operations. The Secretary General
of the NSCB shall be the Chairman of the SRTC Governing Board, with the
following as members: Administrator of the National Statistics Office; Director
of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics; Dean of the University of the
Philippines Statistical Center; Executive Director of the Philippine Social
Science Council; a representative of the NEDA and the Director of the SRTC
as ex-officio member.

SECTION 12. SRTC Executive Director. The SRTC shall have an Executive Director who
shall be appointed by the SRTC Governing Board. He shall receive such
salary and remuneration as may be determined by the SRTC Governing

SECTION 13. SRTC Endowment Fund. There is hereby established an SRTC Endowment
Fund which shall consist of contributions, donations, bequests, grants and
loans from domestic and/or foreign sources, government appropriations and
other incomes accruing from the operations of SRTC, which Fund is to
finance the carrying out of Subsection (a) to (e) of the preceding Section 10.
There is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the National Treasury or other
sources not otherwise appropriated the sum of SEVEN MILLION PESOS
(P7,000,000.00) as the initial contribution of the government to the
Endowment Fund.

SECTION 14. SRTC Initial Operating Fund. There is hereby appropriated and
programmed for immediate release out of any unappropriated balances in the
National Treasury or other sources the amount of THREE MILLION PESOS
(P3,000,000.00) as the initial operating fund of the SRTC.

SECTION 15. Other Statistical Agencies. Unless otherwise provided for in this Executive
Order or modified by the NSCB pursuant to its herein authority, all offices,
agencies and instrumentalities of the government including government-
owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries engaged in the
production of specialized statistics or otherwise involved in statistical activities
either as their primary function or as part of their administrative or regulatory
functions, shall continue to discharge such statistical functions in accordance
with the provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 16. Designated Statistics. The NSCB shall designate statistics that should be
collected, compiled, processed and disseminated by agencies in accordance
with the statistical calendar approved by the NSCB. It shall promulgate and
implement the rules and regulations concerning designated statistics and shall
periodically review the list of designated statistics as may be required

SECTION 17. Access to Data of Government Agencies. Subject to existing laws, rules
and regulations on confidentiality of information, any individual, institution or

134 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix C

instrumentality shall be given access to unpublished data, provided that the

cost incurred is assumed by the requesting party, in accordance with existing
laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 18. Timely Release of Statistics. Agencies conducting statistical inquiries shall
be responsible for ensuring the timely release of the results thereof to the
general public, in compliance with the statistical calendar approved by the

SECTION 19. Statistical Standards. All government agencies shall adopt statistical
standards prescribed by the NSCB, including standard concepts and
definitions, techniques, procedures and classification systems.

SECTION 20. Funds Programming. The NSCB shall be responsible for the review and
prioritization of statistical activities in coordination with appropriate
government agencies, given the budgetary ceiling provided by the MBM. The
NSCB will also be responsible for determining how the available financial
resources will be allocated among the prioritized activities. The MBM shall
release the funds in accordance with the priorities set by the NSCB.

SECTION 21. Abolition of Existing Government Bodies. The committee on statistical

development created under Letter of Instructions No. 601, the Statistical
Advisory Board created under Part VI, Chapter II, Article II of the 1972
Integrated Reorganization Plan, and the Statistical Coordination Office of the
National Economic and Development Authority are hereby abolished and their
appropriations, records and properties, if any, and such personnel as may be
necessary shall be transferred to the NSCB.

SECTION 22. Transitory Provisions. In accomplishing the acts of reorganization herein

prescribed, the following transitory provisions shall be complied with, unless
otherwise provided elsewhere in this Executive Order:

(a) The transfer of a government unit shall include the functions,

appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action,
rights, other assets, and liabilities, if any, of the transferred unit as well
as the personnel thereof, as may be necessary, who shall, in a hold-over
capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities
and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the
meantime they are separated from government service pursuant to
Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution.
Those personnel of the transferred unit whose positions are not included
in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing
pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman or who are not
reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be
entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of Section 23

(b) The transfer of functions which results in the abolition of the government
unit that has exercised them shall include the appropriations, funds,
records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets and
personnel as may be necessary to the proper discharge of the
transferred functions. The abolished unit's remaining appropriations and

National Statistics Office 135

Appendix C 2010 Census of Population and Housing

funds, if any, shall revert to the General Fund and its remaining assets, if
any, shall be allocated to such appropriate units as the Minister shall
determine or shall otherwise be disposed in accordance with the
Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and
regulations. Its personnel shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to
perform their duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding
salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the
service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the
Freedom Constitution. Its personnel, whose positions are not included in
the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing
pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section
23 hereof or who are not reappointed, shall be deemed separated from
the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second
paragraph of the same Section 23.

(c) The transfer of functions which does not result in the abolition of the
government unit that has exercised them shall include the
appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action,
rights, other assets and personnel as may be necessary to the proper
discharge of the transferred functions. The liabilities, if any, that may
have been incurred in connection with the discharge of the transferred
functions, shall be treated in accordance with the Government Auditing
Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. Such personnel
shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties
and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits
unless in the meantime they are separated from the service pursuant to
Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution.
Any personnel, whose position, is not included in the Philippine
Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved
and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who
has not been reappointed, shall be deemed separated from the service
and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of
the same Section 23.

(d) In case of the abolition of a government unit which does not result in the
transfer of its functions to another unit, the appropriations and funds of
the abolished unit shall revert to the General Fund, while the records,
equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights and other assets, thereof
shall be allocated to such appropriate units as the NSCB Chairman shall
determine or shall otherwise be disposed in accordance with the
Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and
regulations. The liabilities of the abolished unit shall be treated in
accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent
laws, rules and regulations, while the personnel thereof, whose positions
are included in the Ministry's new position structure and staffing pattern
approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23
hereof or who have not been reappointed shall be deemed separated
from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the
second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(e) In case of merger or consolidation of government units, the new or

136 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix C

surviving unit shall exercise the functions (subject to the reorganization

herein prescribed and the laws, rules and regulations pertinent to the
exercise of such functions) and shall acquire the appropriations, funds,
records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets,
liabilities, if any, and personnel, as may be necessary, of (1) the units
that compose the merger unit or (2) the absorbed unit, as the case may
be. Such personnel shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform
their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding
salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the
service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the
Freedom Constitution. Any such personnel, whose position is not
included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and
staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under
Section 23 hereof or who is not reappointed, shall be deemed separated
from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the
second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(f) In case of termination of a function which does not result in the abolition
of the government unit which has performed such function, the
appropriations and funds intended to finance the discharge of such
function shall revert to the General Fund, while the records, equipment,
facilities, choses in action, rights, and other assets used in connection
with the discharge of such function shall be allocated to appropriate units
as the NSCB Chairman shall determine or shall otherwise be disposed in
accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent
laws, rules and regulations. The liabilities, if any, they may have been
incurred in connection with the discharge of such function shall likewise
be treated in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other
pertinent laws, rules and regulations. The personnel who have
performed such function, whose positions are not included in the
Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern
approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23
hereof or who have not been appointed, shall be deemed separated from
the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second
paragraph of the same Section 23.

SECTION 23. New Structure and Pattern. Upon approval of this Executive Order, the
officers (the term "officer" as used in this Executive Order is intended to be
within the meaning of the term "official" as used in the Freedom Constitution)
and employees of the abolished entities mentioned in Section 21 hereof shall,
in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and
responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in
the meantime they are separated from government service pursuant to
Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution.

The new position structure and staffing pattern of the Philippine Statistical
System shall be approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman within one
hundred twenty (120) days from the approval of this Executive Order and the
authorized positions created thereunder shall be filled with regular
appointments by him or by the President as they case may be. Those
incumbents whose positions are not included therein or who are not

National Statistics Office 137

Appendix C 2010 Census of Population and Housing

reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service. Those separated

from the service shall receive the retirement benefits to which they may be
entitled under the existing laws, rules and regulations. Otherwise, they shall
be paid the equivalent of one-month basic salary for every year of service, or
the equivalent nearest fraction thereof favorable to them on the basis of
highest salary received, but in no case shall such payment exceed the
equivalent of 12-month salary.

No court or administrative body shall issue any writ or preliminary injunction

or restraining order to enjoin the separation/replacement of any officer or
employee effected under this Executive Order.

SECTION 24. Notice of Consent Requirement. If any reorganizational change herein

authorized is of such substance or materiality as to prejudice third persons
with rights recognized by law or contract such that notice to or consent of
creditors are required to be made or obtained pursuant to any agreement
entered into with any of such creditors, such notice or consent requirement
shall be complied with prior to the implementation of such reorganizational

SECTION 25. Periodic Performance Evaluation. The NSCB Chairman is hereby required
to formulate and enforce a periodic system of measuring objectively the
performance of the NSCB, which shall be submitted semi-annually and
annually to the President.

SECTION 26. Prohibition Against Change. No change in the reorganization herein

prescribed shall be valid except upon prior approval of the President for the
purpose of promoting efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public

SECTION 27. Funding. Funds needed to carry out the reorganization of any agency or
office as a result of this Executive Order shall be taken from funds available in
said agency or office.

SECTION 28. Implementing Authority of NSCB Chairman. The NSCB Chairman shall
issue such rules, regulations and other issuances as may be necessary to
ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Executive Order.

SECTION 29. Separability. Any portion or provision of this Executive Order that may be
declared unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullifying other portions
or provisions hereof, as long as such remaining portions or provisions can still
subsist and be given effect in their entirety.

SECTION 30. Repealing Clause. All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, other issuances,
or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 31. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon its

138 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix C

APPROVED in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 30th day of January, in the Year of Our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Seven.


By the President:


Executive Secretary

National Statistics Office 139

Appendix D 2010 Census of Population and Housing


The 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH) is designed to take an
inventory of the population and housing units in the Philippines and collect information about
their characteristics. All information about the population and living quarters were collected as
of 12:01 AM of May 1, 2010, the census reference date and time.

The National Statistics Office (NSO) is the agency mandated by law to conduct the 2010
CPH. Section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 591 (CA 591), Section 9 of Executive Order No. 121
and Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 (BP 72) are the legal bases for the conduct of census. CA 591
and BP 72 explicitly provide the basis for the confidentiality of data collected during the census.

The census-taking was from May 17, 2010 to June 14, 2010, except in highly urbanized
cities such as the cities in the NCR, and large provinces in CALABARZON and Central Luzon
where the enumeration period extended beyond 23 days. About 68,146 public school teachers
were employed for the census as enumerators, team supervisors, and census area supervisors.
Their number was augmented by 19,579 hired personnel who were assigned to enumerate in
large and congested areas where enumeration was expected to go beyond 23 days and thus
cannot be handled by teachers who were expected to report for the school opening on June 14.
An enumerator was assigned to enumerate one enumeration area (EA), which has about 350
households. A ratio of one team supervisor to five enumerators was used during the census

In order to prepare the 84,000 census personnel for enumeration work, four levels of
training were conducted. The first level training for enumeration was participated in by
personnel of NSO central office and officials of NSO regional and selected provincial offices,
who, in turn acted as trainers in succeeding levels. The second level training was for NSO
provincial and regional office officials and staff who served as trainers for the third and fourth
level training. The third level training was participated in by public school teachers who were
assigned as census area supervisors. The enumerators and team supervisors were trained
during the fourth level training. A standard training program covering the concepts, definitions,
procedures, as well as duties and responsibilities of enumerators and supervisors was used.

Census-taking involved going around the whole enumeration area to do the required
census procedures, as follows.

1. Courtesy Call. As a matter of protocol, the census personnel made a courtesy call to
the barangay chairperson. The enumerator informed the official that the census
would be undertaken in his/her barangay and the enumerators would go around the
entire area to ask questions from the residents.

2. Mapping and Canvassing. The enumerator went around the entire EA to familiarize
himself with the place and checked the barangay or EA boundaries and landmarks,
and reflected these on the barangay/EA map.

3. Listing using CPH Form 1 or the Listing Booklet. The enumerator listed buildings
with living quarters, housing units, households and number of household members,
and institutional living quarters, and number of persons staying in institutions.
Structures which are occupied or used as living quarters by households, even though

140 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix D

these are not intended for human habitation were also listed. During the listing, the
names of the household heads and their addresses, and the names and addresses
of institutions were recorded.

4. Interview and Recording of Answers. For every household or institution listed, the
enumerator administered a questionnaire, that is, CPH Form 2 or Form 3 for a
household and CPH Form 4 for an institution. The barangay chairperson or any
official was also interviewed by the enumerator or his team supervisor using CPH
Form 5 or Barangay Questionnaire.

5. Plotting. The enumerator plotted the building with its assigned serial number on the
EA map. Standard cartographic symbols were used in plotting the buildings of the
households and institutions.

6. Posting of sticker. The enumerator posted a sticker on the door, gate or any
conspicuous part of the housing unit or institutional living quarter, to indicate that the
household or institution has been listed and/or interviewed.

In addition to the count of the household population and institutional population,

information about selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population
were collected using different census questionnaires. These questionnaires were reviewed for
completeness and consistency of entries at various phases of the census operations. During
data collection, the census supervisors scrutinized questionnaires for completeness and
consistency of entries.

Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census and field
operations and to evaluate the completeness of census coverage in each EA while enumeration
was still ongoing. The provincial, regional and central offices of NSO monitored the progress
through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). The PMS generated reports on number of
households, institutions and persons enumerated based on the information sent by area
supervisors through SMS (short messaging system or text messaging).

Review of accomplished questionnaires for completeness and consistency of entries

was also carried out at the census headquarters where the census teams met weekly and at the
provincial offices during manual processing. Machine processing, which includes scanning and
interpretation, key-from-image data entry, completeness and consistency checking, and
consolidation of data, were done at the various census processing centers (CPC) in the country.
Data files were transmitted from the CPCs to the Central Office for the generation of census
counts. Population counts by province, city, municipality and barangay as determined from the
processed census questionnaires are official for all purposes as proclaimed by the President of
the Philippines.

The 2010 CPH adopted innovations to make the census operations efficient.

1. GPS technology for mapping. For this census round, the use of GPS (Global
Positioning System) was used for mapping selected barangays in five regions of
Caraga, Bicol region, Cordillera, Ilocos region except Pangasinan, and in Eastern
Visayas. This activity provided the enumerators with more accurate maps with
exact boundary information. The use of the GPS technology will be continued by
NSO as part of the rolling program for mapping activities.

National Statistics Office 141

Appendix D 2010 Census of Population and Housing

2. SMS technology for Progress Monitoring. The NSO made use of the SMS
technology in monitoring the progress of enumeration nationwide. Started in the
2007 census, the enhanced version of the Progress Monitoring System or PMS was
adopted for the current census round. The Philippines is the first country in the Asia
and Pacific to have adopted the SMS technology for progress monitoring.

3. OMR technology for data processing. The use of Optical Mark Reader (OMR)
technology in the Philippine census started in the 2000 CPH. The Philippines is
among the countries to have successfully used this technology. The use of OMR
shortened the data entry phase as only those items with write-in entries were
encoded. Data encoding using the key-from-image was done instead of keying from
the questionnaires.

4. Satellite images for validating census coverage. The Central Office downloaded
satellite images and identified structures (buildings) in specific cities and
municipalities. Counts of households were estimated based on identified structures.
These estimates were used to validate the completeness of census coverage in
these areas.

The NSO implemented strategies to enumerate areas which were hard to reach, remote,
upland, with Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities, under military control or with peace and
order problem, Chinese communities or exclusive villages with low response rate because of
security or other reasons, and areas with boundary disputes. These strategies included the
recruitment of enumerators who are from the area; assignment of IP teachers in IP areas;
seeking the assistance of IP guides; coordination with the AFP and PNP for transport and
escorts; coordination with local officials; and coordination with homeowners associations in
exclusive villages, high-rise condominiums and Filipino-Chinese communities.

142 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix E


Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census field operations
and to evaluate the completeness of census coverage in each enumeration area while the
enumeration was still ongoing. The provincial, regional, and central offices of NSO monitored
the progress through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). It used as inputs the
Enumerator’s Accomplishment/PM Reports (CPH Form 10). The evaluation continued after the
enumeration period using counts from processed questionnaires from the twelve Census
Processing Centers 2010 (CPC 2010) across the country.

Evaluation of Counts at the NSO Field Offices

The Regional Office (RO) was responsible for the evaluation of the 2010 CPH counts for
the region while the Provincial Office (PO) was responsible for the province. The computerized
reporting through the PMS facilitated the evaluation at the PO and the RO. The PMS generated
various reports which include the Enumeration Area (EA) Progress Enumeration Report (PMS
Report 3). This report shows the counts of population of males and females and number of
households by EA and the status of enumeration in each EA or barangay based on the
information from CPH Form 10. Another PMS report generated at the PO is the Barangay
Coverage Report (PMS Report 4). This report was used to evaluate the acceptability of the
reported counts for the following indicators, computed up to the barangay level:

a. Household and population counts

b. Demographic indicators
 Annual population growth rate
 Percent change in the number of households
 Average household size
c. Difference between 2010 and 2007 institutional population
d. Number and percent of EAs completed

The field offices investigated areas with demographically implausible growth rates and
questionable values in any of the cited indicators.

Evaluation at the Central Office

Parallel monitoring and evaluation were done at the Central Office particularly at the
Household Statistics Department (HSD). The information used for the evaluation by HSD were:

a. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level generated through PMS;

b. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level from the Enumeration Area Reference
File (EARF) filled up with population counts by the Provincial Offices after matching
and completeness checking of census questionnaires during the manual processing;
c. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level generated by CPCs;
d. average annual population growth rates for the provinces and cities/municipalities for
the periods 1990-1995, 1995-2000, 2000-2007, 1990-2000, 1995-2007, 2000-2010

National Statistics Office 143

Appendix E 2010 Census of Population and Housing

and for all geographic levels, that is, including barangay level, for the period 2007-
e. sex ratio for the provinces and cities/municipalities for the year 2007, and for all
geographic levels for the year 2010;
f. average household size for all geographic levels for the years 2000, 2007, and 2010;
g. percent change of population between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010,
and 2007 and 2010 for all geographic levels; and
h. difference in the total population, household population, and number of households
between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010, and 2007 and 2010 for all
geographic levels.

Below are other sources of information used as inputs for the extrapolation of population
for 2010. Results of extrapolation were compared with the population counts from 2010 CPH,
using the balancing equation assumption:

a. vital registration data on annual births and deaths and estimates of levels of
registration based on 2000 CPH and POPCEN 2007, for the provinces and
b. number of housing units based on satellite images, for selected provinces and
cities/municipalities; and
c. administrative records on membership of households in the community water or
electric cooperatives, for selected provinces and cities/municipalities.

Acceptable or demographically plausible values for the abovementioned indicators, as

well as the expected direction of their changes over time are specified in the Field Operations
Manual of 2010 CPH (pages 133-134). The demographic indicators for each geographic area
were evaluated using the procedures also contained in the Field Operations Manual.
Explanations were sought if a particular indicator fell outside the acceptable range of values, or
if the observed change in the indicator deviates from the expected demographic trend. The RO
submitted to the CO the explanations of the POs in his/her region for areas with census results
that were considered questionable by the CO based on its independent evaluation.

A more thorough procedure of evaluation was employed for barangays suspected of

having census under-coverage or over-coverage. Careful scrutiny of questionnaires for these
barangays was carried out following the procedures discussed in pages 135-136 of the Field
Operations Manual. In extreme cases wherein the result of the scrutiny of questionnaires
confirmed that under-enumeration or padding or fabrication of population was committed, field
verification became necessary. Teams composed of Statisticians from the CO, the PSOs and
Statisticians of concerned provinces conducted field verification in areas suspected of having
been under-enumerated or over-enumerated.

144 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix F

List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City,

Municipality, and Barangay



National Statistics Office 145


Census publications may be obtained from the Databank and

Information Services Division of the National Statistics Office at
Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa, Manila with email address: or from any NSO Provincial/Regional Office.

NSO Website:

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