The Folk Box

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- .

Tb. United St.t.. 1. ...Uoa of 1..t,
culturr fUlioa of
n..rly every other _ociety in tbe vorld, To wh.t
vent before, the .nd tha bmigrant'_
cbildren .ddeo their 0lI1l.
Driven by poverty, di.crilll1.... Uoa. w.n .ad en.
hopel.unaa. of tbeir 11".a in Europe, lII111ioae
flocked to Ih1pI bound for America. "111ft Ire
l.nd 8d IIOtber bec:au .. ve vera poor" goea tha 11 ....
of an old .ons coll.ct.d intb. CAroli.....
But lt ..... not Juat ..cape that pu.bed tb.
gr.nta .crOi. tb. .... Th.r. va. tb. m&gn.ti.m of
new life in the Hew World: wu l.nd. polito
ical .nd r.llSioul freedom, vide'open froat1er,
A country of opportunity .nd of bope. Tb..e er.
the lin_IIU of the American dr..m that ... learll
1n aellool. Thi. senar.tion knowl .U too _11 bow
that dr_ b.. t\lrned illto M,btura for ainorlty
II'..... _bera. -TIlU saaar.Uon know. tb.t tbe
'1'''' ., ii" "., .. lMailtAft'. bal
al...,. be... " ..U
OI:har .Ulloll. _ hare io chaina. The
African d .... profiteble treffic i'O b_'O
bodi.....lao 1..port" tbe "'0 .ad .,_0 vbo built
tbe Americall ..iyilisation 8d ..ult...... Altbougb
tbey may haw tr.v.l .s ..ltb litU. haasaae to AMI'
ica, tbe lUera .od tbe carried tbeir cul
turel lugpse ..Ltb tb.... tha folkway.', tbe le.e.....
.... tal.. tbe boli"'ya .nd cuat._nd, icarit.
Illy. the .ODS.. .
" 1..rae legacy of folk c.dture u.. witb the
i_il1'ot. bee......0 _'Oy of tbem ....... of tb.
eoclo-.cooolll1c cl..... to vbom folk cultur. waa
_thod of c-.unlc.Uoa. Th. bulk of thttler
nd .1.... weI'. of ,.....nt or orkin, cl... back
rolk cultur. _a ped.U)' v.ll-.utt.d for
tra"l ...d tbe coloni.c' a lLfe bare. \loot mucb eaa
it v to carr,_. tale io on.' .......ory rather
tha... lot of "ound 'boolta: bow ..aiel' to un'Y
hall.d 1.. tb. mind than a .pi".t .nd .... 1 ...... of
prlnted ....lic.
The aon.. 00 51... 1 of The Folk lox Wlra cho....
to illUltr.tom. of the contributins forc.. to
tb. formation of .n Amarican folk sualc. Som4 ..ill
.I.Ull<ltr.te parent atyl of ballad ..... folk-lyr1c
i .. Scotland. lr.l......1'l<I leal.nd, "'rica. Ki_.ota
or tb. cb6ftt of tbe "-Jo lDdiana, ... _ ... hare
"dol'. til. U'" of!
Althousb it la sen.r.Uutioa witb ""'lIy ."cep
tioal, American folk -0lIl i product of the fu
alon of! two mejor muaical culture.: thOle of Scot
l.nd, Irel.nd .nd England a unit. witb that of
Wt Africa. Th"ceptione t" tbe gener_UuUon
.re _ field that have yet to be fully explored by
atudenta or_ davot of tbe tolk revival. Tb.
Westarn half of tbe Dalt.d St.te. abowa tbe _trOlll
Influenc. of the .001101'. of Hexico .nd other Span
1.h-apell<1ns 1.0.... Part. of lI"v Ensl.nd, Loui.i
....od tb. Chaaopl.ln Vell.y atill .bow .trons
French influenc.. In tb. Kidweac. che i"'Pre.. of tr.ditioa 11 greet..t. tiler. er"
doze... of .thnic .inoritl". in America, ch of
whicb atll1 manase. to ret.tnit. folk treditioae.
S.nll 1 - Goodins. A olde
of 4qlo-AMdOln folk .0lIl. witb II _I.... , chat
........11... W*,le ,. an- 01 , .. Q""'it. Y
.,.. thaI U _. b_ ..11Id b.'.... &h. 17th
c.ntury. .. ..n)' 40 ver..a have "ean coU.ct.d.
but tbia v.rdon ,...... it dovu to tI. _I pOPII1.r
fora 111 chia counCry. Cyntbi. Goocl1ns. who baa
.tudi.d old osli.b d1.ply, it
io Tba faab100 that e, ct.. eod 011......
.001'. r.tb.r ee..thy oriSi... bav. di......r.. i'O
til. face of itl lyric baluty.
Ale., .y 1..... you do I _ wrODS
To ca.t me off dtacourteou'1y.
ADd I hav. lo"d you .0 10lIl.
io yOUlr ...,....,.
Grnal__ ....11 IIY Joy.
Gr.en.lvea ... my deliaht.
Gr....l-.v.a V&I lIy beert of lold,
ADd wbo but .y l.dy. Gr....d ."
If you inteoded tbua to dl.daio.
:n dotb tb. _e,," _.
"-' .veo .0 1 atill remaill
. " lover 11'1 capUvity.
ua., my 1_. that you ahould _
A beart of VInton veolty,
io ....11: I ...dit.tlone
Upon your laaillC.rity.

.....d 2 - DOoIIII 111 TlII cau. HDI/l.n C&oapbell Folk
Croup. Tha lan CuopIHIll Polk Group contempo
ral:')' Clldnut from Bdtaill. tak UI lato tb. work
.ntina of tbort pe..... who eaigreUd to
AMl'ica. Thl..OOI .... collectCd by A. L. Lloyd
.nd pu'blbb .s '''ra'c_ in Coal Duet Ball.... (Work....
1llua1c ".oci.tion). Tba wordr. bali."... to have
H.n writteo by Durbaa 101...", .r_1II 188S. to.n
lrleb tn'iU_l CUH X- .. Th......inl .Jous9,ay
!!!!B .., TIl. !!ed-Bain" I!!!Y.
I _ a J"lal.eolltu 1.'- .. IIlitbe III blitha _
ADd l.t tha tiMa be aood _ bad.. it'. all the
_ to_. .';.,
It '. Uttie of the _ld 1 "-..... cu_ 1_ ....
u. -tl. .

.,. ......
t..... A cl".ic
"."loc17 tbat
. eba 17eh

q. ".' tr".'II.
.... collect.d.
'til _t popul.r
. illtaq,rUa it
, Th.

.. (


It., gold,

.......11 Folk

... LlOTd
..... (VoIr
_UU. to
....... .Jese!y.
...... tile . ......................... ,ll
'" t it:
.. --:,,"> -'. -"
'For "","r. tbe dOS etar ".".1' al_, 1 ....r a_y
.. 4&,..

Down in tbe coal ...ine ""dern..tb tbe around, tbe gl.... of auneblne n."er can be found,
D1Uin& liP th. duety di_da all tb.....on '
a.p dowr> in tlo. coal III1ne und.rn.atb tb.. gr_d.
Me barula are horny. hard, .... d blaek tbrough
workln' 1n the
And: like tba clothU upon .. heck, .. apaech i.
rouah and. plain,
W.1I, If I atumbla vitlo .. tonau-, I've ODe axevea
to 7. '
It '. BOt tbe collier'. btIart that '. wrona, it '.
tha baad that aoea aatray.
IIov littla do the ar..t GIl" cata who .1t at "
Wll&t b1<!4A "IIIU' "re, wIIa, "-Htlli,.
tllay a"d.ura,
'lba very fire tbay att beaid.a to cheal' th_el"..
and. vl"..
Vaa kindled at tbe coat of joVial 1111....... U"e
'lb.... chaer UP. lada, ...d ..Ita tbe _t of e".l')'
JOT ,... can,
And. alva,... let your .outh be .ucIa that beat befite
a 1IIIUt.
For let the ti.... ba aoo<!. or bad, we'll atUl be
Jovial a.,,
, For wh...e v.,..ld Britaln be Without the lada that
look for
land 3 GIIORIlIII/Evan HaeColl. Evan KacColl. oat
of the in tha Britl.h folk re"ival. offera
a elle ballad (Child. 209) In a .t.rk, unaCCOB
pani.d. nyl.. It coneerna the impri.o_nt of a
Scot, and. the afforta of bit admiring lady to 8a".
hi... It 1& bell."ed to ba". been writtan about
c.or,& the fourtb &arl of Hufttlay. who di.d
in tha battle of Cord.bira in 1502. lie .... i.
pri_ed in lSS4 and rel....d. .hortIy thareafter.
An _lod.y vith an open1na vera.. tbat
1& f&!lli 11ar Oft both &i.. of tb. AUanti c
''Will y. taa the Hialanda. my bonni., boani..
l ...? .
Will ye .ana .ta. tba Hialand vi' Geordia1
And. I'll talc' tb. hiah road and. ya' 11 tall' t.
ADd I'll be in tbe Hialuda afore,ye."
"1 would. fer rather atay OQ th. boan1. banka 0'
And ... a' tb. H.h boati.. r_in'.
Aford. 1 would. gana to your blgb H1.1and. bill.,
And bear a' your \/hit. kya lovin'." '
IIa ba.n Oft tha hiah Hialand hUb
A ""ak blot thr.a, 0,
"f.,.,. U VD ca.t ,... priaoa .tr....
For b .... tin tba ...d. tha roe, O.
Ri. la4yaba 'OC vord. o'it.
ADd quiclcly aU ..d.a rudy
ADd .u lour..... lnto IId1nburab t_.
'ro ,1'" for: tu Ufa 0' bar Geordia.
"0. Ij " \H,.d or baa he robbad
Or b4i WI' &,Jured ony?"
1140, h."; i n a-buntin' the kia,'. aln 4aar
Anel be .hall b. banglt ahortly. +
"Wlll the yellow. ydl.... iQV(\ "';'y off mY hoanf.a
. Will tb. y.llow ,QV(\ buy off lOy Geordi.! II
"It'. f1ve hun.r pOOlnd.a ya ...... pay for hi.
And ya' 11 gat the bat on y .... r Geordie ...
Sh.'. t.'e.. the kerchi. fra.. aff h.r beid,
And. ,ha', apr..d it out .aa bonDia;
And .h.'. ta'.n t.h. bat fr bar tRe love', b&n<l.
And .ha'. bellit for tba life .. ' h.r Geordia,
And. ._ lied. ber c ........... and ._ aia" hal' pouruIa
And .ome ai.d her perlin. boaDi.,
And. tha kina hi...l' aiad. a hantle o' ,(Il0l''.
For to i.t the hat Oft ber Geord:!.
n." DOt ."d lpall' &11 &11111 Irllh 111"d.
I. bovd)"h".d bDdy
Sald, "For .... Gligbty l&ird bel 10lt h1& baid.
U I II&d IIt aott.n bh lady."
Sh. turna'" aho<lt her biah bon. hald.
And vow! but ahe vaucy;
''Tb. poe ha OIl yeur lri.h fac.,
Por you na"ar could. cOmpara Vi' Wf
''1'iut 1_. l.d.y 0' bonnie
And tban 1 .... 1.dy 0' Gertly,
But nOW I ... aUi<lvlfa 0 I the bO!U\i. bog 0' Giiht ..
And. I bellit fo.. t.he life 0' my Ceord.1a. II
kya catU.
bangit hanaed.
aowd gold
..un GIU.t
aff off
beld. bead.
ieci gave
perlln. .mall p.arla
bowdy-1elle, b",,-legg.d
bod.y per.on
land. 4 WlUSKEY IN THE JIIaIlrl.h ......1.1'1. 'III..:
Id.b IlaInbl.ra, a contemporal')' group of tlulltl .
brothera named Clancy, offer this flavorful bit iii
Old World. vhi....y. A catcby, infaeU..... drinkina
.""11, for fun, not al1&lyd.. 'The Ir1.b. tbe whia
kay jar and. ".rai..... of thie .ons ba_ all ......
to _rica.
Aa 1 va. golna over the farfamed.
I ....t "lth Captaln P.....all ...d hi. _ay ha ....
1 firat proclur.d. my pl.tol ...d I tun produ",," '"7
Sayina. atand and d.aliver for you .... my bold.
CllCll.US :, oil whackfol....-d1441
Tbar', \/hi.k.y 1n tha Jar; oil whackfol-4a-d1441a.
'1'bu. whialta, in ch. J.r.
IIa _c.d out hh -, ... it ...... pratt,
I pu1: It In fit( p...bee .!HI 1 Ii... it to..,. Jenftl
She sighed end aba <1IVor. chat .he _ld ..."...
b.tray __ , ,
lut tbe devU take tbe """"'n f .... tbey n."..r C.n
be ...,.", ""
I vent tnto my cbamber. abo f .... to td....lumber.
I dr....1: of gold a"d J_lod .ur. it va. 00
1'01' Jenni. d".... mycbar,...!HI .he fUl.d th_ up
..lth vater,
And .he eent far 1'.1'1'.11 to ba rudy for
th. alaught.r
'Twa. eul), In the mornill& ""01'. 1 ...... to tr.vel
Up c_ baDd of foot_ .ocI 11kn1 .Capt.ln
I then p"lHIIlced my pl.tol fos: .h. .tol. _, my
lut I ......loin' t .bo<>t the ...t." 80 pd.<>ner I w.
n.y put .... Into "rlaOll ..Uh.... t Juda.......dUn'.
1'0" robbin' rux.ll 011 tba far..f_d DrI')'
IIbea I """loin't Qlke .. .0 I knock" tba
,t.Uor dovn.
And I bade f.......ll to tbe Jdl 10 Li...r1ck t""".
1IIow, th.",,. ..... tak. d.U,ht in the fbhl" , and
the b"..,11,,'
And othen take delight In the carrl"&. f ..t
.""olU.. '
lut I tab ddlght in th. Jul... of the barl.y
""4 ",ou.:tin p"etty Iud..... tba _ of


....d , .. wsa rAKlIII SllI'IC/Suaan .... ......d.
who ........cUw fipr. 1.. the r.vl".1 j)f tba f .... ..
U , .h..... tba ...dd... dd. of lif. 1.. tba ObI
World. '1'ba ..." ...,.,lns f_n.. of Ir.l.ocI 1.. tba
19th eftt""y ad ...11 _ kMfit .. - 11;,
.U....l.tad lr1.b 1III1",.dOll to ""'"1....
, I
ell. tba pr.U". they Irow _11 _I' ova"
bar... .
T... tba puthe tbay ",ow _11 oval' her
ell. the p".Ue. tbay",ow _11. hut va ..t tbaa
c...t. and .11.
y... va ..t th... " ...t ocI .U _" bata.
1IIow, I wlab that va van .-e. night ..... lI01:II.
nllht ..... .onI.
Y, I wiab tbat we wa". , night .nd mont.
ell. I ..lab tbat wa _ a- vbo can fl, .aM
take thair .....
ADd can die .nd take thair ,.... eaUng corn,
MUng Cor'll.
( ... p..c fi".i ".na)
Band 6 GYPSY I.ADDII/IId McCurdy. lid KcC""dy. tba
ba"itGJI...ltll th. b1, folk repertoira. 11v.....
notbar aida of the background for 1Dlilr.UCIIl, 0",
indaed. for lea.1ns ...y 1'1.... of tabU..h.d .u"
thority ..... r..p_1bllLty for _bar 11fa. 'the
r .....nt1c1all ha". ia ona tbat tba pM....t ...d vork
111&ct..... could Mdl)' tdantify wUh. What bat
ter vay to eh.... CGJItempt for 10,,41 than to "t..1
hh 1.dy?
It .... l.te 1.. the nipt vila .. tM .q..1re _
Inqu1dng for hia 1.dy;
The wat,,'-n madur. repl),.
1011. with the Cyp.)' Davy.

.., ..
.... ,
lattle twa IYpay ,ypey.
latd. t_ a Gy,.y Dairy.
Go ...tcb .. up .,. 014 grey bon
Ily 01' IUY Ilone eo .""Y.
l'U ride aU nilbt .... I'll "ide .U _y
.And l'U _rt.ka .., la4y.
It'. ba 1'048 up bi. 014 g".y bre
Ri. 014 I".y bree .0 .,...y.
Be "ode .11 nilbt .... ba rode .11 .,
An4 b. _rtool< bi. 1.4y.
It'. c_ ,0 back .., ...."t "'11,
It'. _ ,0 ....k .., lI_y.
It '. _ ,0 back .., "'1It "'11.
You ."'1' .ball want f _yo
1 _'I: 10 back, lOy "'re.t "'1',
liar 1 _'t 10 back .., b_y,
roc 1 wogl4a'1: .1". ki froa lba .".,'. u.,.
Pr you .n4 .11 YOUI' _ey.
It'. go pull off ebo...IIOW....". 11_
'tbat ' of Spanieb luther.
An4 .i". to ... your 111' ba...
An4 bi.. f.revell, for...".
It' be pulla4 off th.. enow....,t1_
!bet t. .de of Spanl.b luthe".
Sba live to Id. bell ban.
And b14 f.rewell for.v.r.
lone. could bave h.4 a. Mny floe tid.....
Fin. feetb.1I bode .... moQeY.
But now .y b.d I.e ..... of bay
And the .ypel...nee er.......
Iu. 7 - ua 'fU imAVUS/.Jeen Reelpath. Anotbar
IcoC!:1.h ._ cbec .Ii"n lnaiaht lnto the -"
..... cbe ...,. of Cb. luropean toIlo .... Co be tba
...riean. Ilobert Burne, the barel of Ayreeblr
woe. the vere.., ""'10 tb. = ie of 101korl"
pn. Jean Ile<1peCh of 1.eft'" Fif., Scotl...., wIIo
'UII& the .1tCy, ..y. chac ''In tb,. Mfore the
l.-1a "'U., J-.neyooea __ tr_lI. Er_ plactJ
.. ,\aM, _kl... 1n t...,....ery quar_. a" _
....... for their _lanc t .....ncl.....
Ily h.rt _. aiDC. .. blythe ... f ....
All tley1'. laaa.
Jut bonni. we.tlia ..eeya" led
au .art .. cbaaa. tat ......
'1' cbe 11n y. &0. ..1",
1'.. the veey.r. 11n y. &0.
1 ...... ye richl:, ..n .'.,.. .t "'cht,
1'.. I:he _re al. ,. 10.
Ily alther ....t .. t .. tbe c_
t .. _, plal........
Jut tbe veery, _1" ..-qtln' ,'t
au aarc ...1&1> ...........
bonny _tUII _va" I ..' "
Sat vorkin' at Ide 1_. ','.
Be tool< ., bert, vi' 'ciat.
1Il avery knot ft t:bI'lM. .
1 eat bende.., _"pia' .....1
M' .y. 1 ea" it "OOII.
Jut every ebock .n4 .very kDlICIr.
,Ily bert it ...4 etOUll.
'%be _ vee .ink.l.aa ill tba veet
1/1' yi pa1a .... _n.
u .,. "-y _tUa _yer la' tluQUlh tbe .1...
Jut vliet eei' or: vliet _ _ .......
..... fa' 1 nlH
Jut, oil, I fur I:he kintry, ._
Will 0 ... _1' ..,..1'.
ballt _.
" ..111
waUi., _t.ra
1n _bou14
rede .4yi
veb veb
b .011
tbr_ 10080 on4. t.nal.
...... turne;o! ot ........
.toun .tou......III
kintry countlly
.- .
k.n know
...... - AFRlCAll1'lAVELlIG ,atIl. 'iel4 ",""1111
by Herol.. Courlnder. _icolOSi.t .... f_ .di
tor of the Follcvaye Ichllie Libr.Q, In 194% In
kitr.., toIllch theft border.4 on l'b. Su4eA. l'ba
.1. voic &CeootpeDied by fon of barp .nd el..
vera ......... l.borere. 'tbay ....ClliW
the '0111 Co Itt. Co..d ...." .. on. to M ..........1.
uavaU.... Koet of the "11'- tapreee" illto
.l.....ry vel'. fr.. Weat ...d Weet-centre1 Alri.... kt
thU .ons .e_d to catch che .plr1t of Uri_
.....ic ao vell. lie bay. no indlHUon l' tIlie _
of. lenr. brouaht over., ehe .1.y..,
conCribuCion to "-r'icen folk .....t _ M
....4 , - IlAVAJO IIlGII1' CIIIdI1'. l'bl.e frapqt In.
car_y of tha lar...c trlM of ladtau UY1... 1.
"'''ica today, ie b.lI... a re-lnd.r of the rich
.nel ..rlaS.t.' 1n"i........le tr.l1t1... thet .-1.ted
1001 before the co1onlalDI and ttl....t of the
Unlte4 St.t.. by Europea.... A portlon of the not..
to thlong on of I:he Sious .n" te. !!aftj,
(lthnic folkway. Libr.ry FI 4401) by Will.rd ......
Nlglit Chant, popu1.rl, known tbe T.ibi
ehe1 (Gr.ndf.tber of the God.) I.e .n i.pollt.DI:
nin.-.y cer_ny which mel' not M ,.dcu:.ed until
.fter tbe Urn k.l.111aa froet. 11: I.e .t thie car
-.oQy thaI: boy. .nel 11r1. .re lniti.t.d lnto tba
__lel 1U. of che tribe by two ...kH __ra
.... the crell<lfatllue of the .....tOl'.
ad the ""1....... P-U JI1Y1nJ.t'y. an the leet
"'PI:' of tbe "1'_"" T.1bld.l .....ra with
......, of _ ......... ad ..._e. Aft8 a ",n,
_" .. 'oiP "-"""7";
..' ,
t "
, I
&h.t .'lII01"n.
II, aGd
--Uta con.

at".. Q
.. at!_. or.
1UIaed .u
UI '%b.
. aGd W<Il'k
llbat bet
lo nul .


1I1III......." .... ..,.,\\\tP"" . .............. .. : .. ... . ..... ""'"" ";':" far to ..
wtta. a _pl. ___ lila .at... hi Ac_ eu ..ley,
w .... ebb ""11'1 co tIM ......1t. 41ncu.. nUll:. w'U fied -.1011,
.... re...t ebe l'auu......'I'll. llJpDotlC .-r of OIl th. oeber .bore.
ehia ,. euaul.,l AI au eudl... pr0fu8loa of
,.lhlcbel ...... follow _ __ th.

a.tPt " 'I'llouah )''* ..,. 1t 011_ be.
' .)' ""I'd .nAI y_ wtU ....
Ic '. too "".I AIled.,..
'I'llat wonderful Allert",.
Should"" '0 f.r ......,..
lanAI 10 - ,lAllA At AHBIIlCA/en. II_tala. CaM
II...U.'a f .... od thi. littl. a- for hi. M1""..ot.
'I'lla tl"". ""'cb .t.nAI.upoo tb. arouad
Selittahood C""teonl.t .1"- .. rol....Y'. fiUI da-
Ar11 .. _C ......It.
11111tll&1 ..loci), ,,_ fra "",41.h _ ....11C11
.... _l')'Whan )'l1li look 7'*'11 fiB
..,... _lclt "'arU ....ptad lIteoit. Ion un i.
Old. like,. ...1
tbe .Ipt_-llfn... IkrI 1. tbe of
,be _Uu'. 41.. _ .bout tbe .... "ld.
If y... _Ida 7'* _ w:l.f.,
. 'f .
r_ or n". w:l.1l off
..u. Oft tbe a..-.t la tbe Ii.t",
k ..du: ... !loa ""It at 10
....11... _.,. al"_.
Ortar ..Ie. ftC... (ClIo.)
a .. fl... AlledCl
Ia .14 .......Cr_dan lib... it rliM. tlla poultry fall
lac. II""C ..,...,.11aC . Dllclul ... cb1<:kaas pour dwD.
a ,. dae ..... ,....,...11ac Geoao .n Irl*". pr.,.rad t. uc,
IkIda at ....1..: IIcada at ....1... 'I'll. fork 1. 18 ,be
.......kal 10 10"11: ifr... (Cko.)
r '
The pi-amiae of i_igution wa. followed by tbe
r ... Utiea of ...tt11ng th.. wild new l .. nd. From the
earlieot landings at Plymouth and Jameatown. the
colontot. were to face hardahipa. te.ta to their
endurance and their ingenuity. The pioneer apirit
waa born in or inculcated in the men who 'built thia
The ...ttling of the Kanern Seaboard and tbe
Wutward Expanaion are among the moat rOllMlnUc aa
aaa of the modern world. It baa been .uch an epic
atrugglt that countlesa f11.... 'novala, poe... and
aonga hava grawn out of thia adventureaome ere.
Songa of the American tradition follow thia ato
ry along, from the Revolution, through the early
political problema, the W..r of lil12, the _rgence
of a formal city society and the continuing explo
ration of the frontier,.
Here are a a .. mpling of 80ngS that give the fla
vor of the early years of life on this continent.
songa tell the story in a new way. with a new
penetration. Wherever the American pioneer went,
be curity, solace and aelf-expreaaion 1n
folk sOlig. The songa document hie mov...ent, hia
arowth and the growth of a new c1vili&&tion around
Band 1 - FIRST TO THIS C0Uh7&Y{New Lo8t City
llaeble.... An unuaval pioneer love aong, with &0
many gaps 1n ita narrativea tbat large portions of
the lyrics have obviously been dropped io' oral
tra.,.",iuion. l'''rfo.....d here in a Southern wbite
mountain string band revival atyle by TOOl Paley and
Mike Seeger of Tne lie... Loat City lIa..ble.... a city
trio that haa con.c!oualy and aucce.afully endeav
to re-cr.ate the mu.ic of the twentiea and
thirties for "be .. udlen;;e of todAy:
lUke Seeger: Autoharp and voice.
Tom Paley: Banjo.
, f
When first unto thia country. a atranger I came.
I courted a fair maid end Nlncy va. ber name.
I cO<.:rted her for love, and her love I didn I t
Do y"" thinlr. 'I'V", any rea. on or right to complain?
I rode to eae my Nlncy, I rode both day and night
Till:' I apied a fine gray horae botb plump-looking
and white.
Tbe sheriff'a men, they'd followed,.Dd overtaken
They carted me away to the penitentiary.
They opened up th. door and then they .hoved me
They cleared off my head and they shaved off my
They !><let me and they banged me and they ,fed me on
dry bean.
Till I wiahed to my soul I'd never been a thief.
With my banda in my pockets and my cep put on so
bold. '
Witb my eo&t of many colora, Jacob of old.
Band 2 - SPRlOOFIl!LD KOUNl'AIN{Suaan Reed. Susan
Reed ra-create. what is probably the first popular
native-born ballad in America. The song hae had at
least two live., a s.rioua veraion which the colo
nist. could With, becouae snake. did
abound in !lew England, and the perils of nature
were alwaya at hand. and a. a eomie burlesque.
Thi. song springa from an actual apiaode, in 1761,
when a Timothy Myrick of Springfield,
Ke.a. (later Wilbraham), was killed by a rattle
On Springfield Mountain there did dwell
A loveli. youth,I knowed him well-al-el.
Tu ruddie du tu mddie day,
Tu ruddie tu ruddie day.
This lovelie youth one day did go
Down to the meadow for to mow-i-o,
lie had sure. half round the field
When. poi.on e.rpent bit at hia hael..-eel.
They took hi.. home to Molli. dear,
Which him feel so verie queer-ear-ear.
Now Mollie had two ruby lipa
With ...hich the poisoo ahe did aip.
She also had a rotten tooth
And 80 the poiaon killed them both-o-oth.
Band 3 - Goa> OLD COL(lff TIMES{Ed HcCurdy. Ed
McCurdy ainga a bantering tune popular in Britain
and early America, al.o known aa The Tbree Rogue
Receot rea"uGh. Alan Loaax, the folklorist. haa
pointed out, indicates that the old beUef tbat
colonial New England knew only the staid hymna of
the Puritan. La quite There ..... anoth
er. br1gb.ter and fr.... r life for the Puritana, as
thia joggy tuo. illustrates. But tbe likelihood is
that tbis English tune dido't get popular bere un
til 1800, long after colony daya.
In good old colony timell, when we 11ved under the
Three roguisb chops fell into mishaps, because
they could not aing.
Because they could not lIing, becauae they could
not .ing:.
Three Foguisb chaps fell toto mishaps, because
tbey could not aing.
Ob, the first he waa a m11ler, and the "econd he
va_ wNvar.
And th. third he vas a little tailor, three
roguiab chapa together
Ob, th.. miller he atole corn, and tn.. weaver be
stole yarn.
And tbe little tailor ran right awaY'witb tha
broadcloth under b1a ani
l;_ ....
..... heel. Sllssn
"lie flnt popllla&'
lillie .ong ba. bad at

- Wleb tb.. colo yt,,
........"". dlel , "
....rU. of ....tllr..
-u: burl".qlle.
III "Plaode. 1n 1761.
lIhalel .!Ia....tdn.
I1aa rattle
diel dwell
III ..
III tile fialel
Ida baal-.-eel.
ll' i .. Britdn
I'bree Rogues.
lorin, he.
ill -11.f tbat
j,etale1 b.)'!illUl of
........s anotll
Purit.,," , &8
ta. 11ka11 hood 18
....lar hare "D
'l1....eI ..nder tbe
.... beullsa
- they could
.... becalls..
tile a.cond b.
... tbr.a
-_ve.. he
r_t.Il tb.
'.rIM .11_ .. la\u ......... tJae _
alit ... :l.a btl JUII. '
.... tJae cIft1.1 olape bia .t.. _ tile UUla t.U..
vitll tllo I>nacldllth UIl"" "i. an
l!AH 4 - JlrnUOlf AlII) LUUn/Ot..r ,kIacI. Aft
aleet!OII .,... of 1800 tllat _y ba... _ into ,.,...
larit7' or baen cb&ngecl, after .J.ffanOll'. aIM
t:l.COII. It _nta _ tha c1e.pi.ael AUa.....eI 5&eli
Cion Acta. Otcar lra..eI .ing. tllb .. ..t of .U
political."",.. ""ich 1. to tba t ..... of !!!!!:!!!:
Tha 8'-7 ..ight before WI fli.
The reign of t.rror n"" 1a 'o'er
Nog.g., inqlll.itora .nel .pia.
1'be harcle of barpiare DO """'
IleJoiu. Col"""'i.'. a_. rejol0.
To tyr.nta neval' bend tha knaa .
But join vitb heart vith .....1 .M voiea
ror .Jeffer.COII .nel Liberty.
No 10r"11.... bere Vith gora1... J.v.
Sball vrl... f1"" induatty tbe foo<l
No bil0ta vith their holy 1....
La7 v..te our f1alcle anel .t....te 1.. 1>100<1.
..rtr.ns.... from thounel .hor
Coapallacl by tyr.ny to r_
Sball find amidn .bIlnclant ator..
A nobler .nd happier "-e.
!Iilnel 5 - DABI.ll1C COIEY/F.te Se.ger. !he frontier
..... pl.c. for lnclepandanu. anel _n7 l'en1Ul71
"nt.n .nd ICentllcki... ...ntad to be lnclaptnclent of
paylna r.d....l t.... Oft th.i.. h_...u 11........
ru. bdght littl. I- of 1:.....1 _.hll11,. la
-... th. fl ...t aong. to .bow harp bruk i,.
Amarlca" folk .onl fro. It. Irltl.II ane.,tor 1& tb. harel-cirhlng banjo, eh. tgpo. tlla
hlgb, 7oc1el1... _tl1n &1...1". tbat .._ '0 .p
propri.ta for till. tunbout barel-cirlnk1...,
ha..eI-g...bl1... g.l _d Cor.y. 1'et. 5,.1'. vho
hat dona 1IIOr. to popularize Amadcan folk .ona than
.ny othe.. p.rformer. 1. hearell" 1950 ,.rfol'll
VI" II" .... II,. Darlllli Ofte,. oJ
What. ..ka. ,... dee, ........, "
Th_ .., ......, I'o"ben .r.......
Gol... Co tear ;your ,,111 b_....,
W.... "P....k. lip, .y clarlina.
Quit bangln, r ... ",eI ..y bed
!Iilel 11",0" ha. rll1nac1 II)' body.
Pr.tty _n ha... kl11.d .. _t dud.
Wlta liP, V&ka liPy clarl1na.
Go do the ba.t 1"" can.
1 ha.... ,ot .... another .......
You _ bUDt you .nother ....
I ',
(II ,... Qb 7". II)' ciai'll....
1 vl11 cIo the be.t 1
..t 1'1.1. n.....r Sl" II)' pl...II1"
1'0 .....lIIaar I_bUng ...n.
, '
WIll. t,be l ..t ti.... 1 " DarUng Cor.,.
Sh..... aitting by .,tba of t.ha _.
A "" "r.pped nounel har valat
ADd on har kna """J0
..... - JISA JAMIES/.JacJc UUotC. &cap '" Mu
1_ ......... 11ke tIIa ...,11_ ....11"" lobi. aoocI
e7Cl.. 40 ,-" to ....lalD tIIa diff.reDC4I 1,. ...1....
ba_ .cI4la-ell...... "folk." II&IIy foUt .""'
_r.C ..,.tbl..1 be.-- .ucIa ......1 .....,." anel
lIthar .upe.. _. Jut ber tha rnareal of ....1
.... , .. later .ongbout Pretty loy rloyd.
8t.golM otb.r ba........b"" tr..... '1'"patby
for the outlav. Th1a 1. the &tory of tbe betr.yal
of .%&M. by ".lucia," ...kina r ...... rd. Suq b7 '
.Jack Illiott. _ of th. best of tba etty _alel
.IUI. ""0 _nt .. to 1II11.tnd ...t.r naral
M.! U\M' "Si1
.J.... J_. _ l,eI vbo kHl.d ...n,. _no
.. th. Glenclal. trdn,
He .tol. f .. _ th.. rlcb .nd h. s''''' to tb. poor.
lI&' d hand .nd be.rt .nd brata.
.J.... b.d vi f. to .......... for: ht. 11f.,
Thr children tbey "'1.'. b...v., ,
lut that dirty 11ttle _ .. d tbat .bot tIr. __..eI
1Ia. Je... J..... I" hi. , ..,,,..
It _. lit<>bert Pord, that dlrty 11ttl. e_r<l.
,1 vonelerb.... be doe. feel.
ror bte of' J ....'s bre.d .,.eI be "...
Je'a bed. //
ADd h. laid .Jaa .%&M. in hi. , ....... /
.J......... _ frland to tbe poor.
Ba'd ....v.r _n .Illf... pal,.., "
ADd vlth bl. b..otber rrank. be r<;>bN4 tile Gallet..
ADd stopped th. Gl."clal. tr'ln,
It va. Oft Wedna.clay II1ght, the _ .... *111..
brigbt. '
lilt .topped tha Gl&11clal. tr.ln. '
An<l tbe peepl. eh., "ld ..,.. for -IIY ailae ....1.
It _. robbacl by rr.......... 'h .%&M
It .... Satllrclay night. .Ia........t 11_.
Talking to h1& family br.,"".
&obert Porel c_ al"", 11k thl.f 1,. tM a1&bt
,ADd b. 1.ld .J Jama. In bl. gr'''',
Tha people balel tll&1r breath vb... tb'7 .......
AU .,...r.. 11111 11& ner .....e die
II _ .. t.b. "ftl un.. Uttte, ..."
fila, .II1II .1.......... Oft lliMI as,.
.Ia wut t._ ....t Vith haDeI ... hi.......
Th. eI.vil will be IlpoD 111. k_. ' .
Ba va. born _ clay In tbe county of Sbea
ADd ha: _ k_ a .0Utuy r.ce
!he .ana _ ....<1. lip by Bl11y Gachat
Aa ._ 'the n_ did ud....
lilt .atd tber. va. DO ... vith tha lav la Iai. Mall
,1'bat could t.ka .Ia... .Ja..... vhan .Uye.
!IilM 7 - Iocr. ISUolIII LllII/l.aadb.lly.
.",,"1 In the Amerlcu.. llind of f ........ til. 1.'_
bUng ... 1& th.....U .....eI. !IilfnZ'A tM hlpwya
.M the Jet .1rcr.ft, tb. atl ...11. _ road
_y fr..._tlling bad and t_rd ._thl.. 1Iope
fill, a new ..ted 10Yer. l.aaelbeUy.
tbe ,lant of Hel"o folk .m,. catch.. all tha ..,..
MDIL tbe of th. iron horae atrutU",
tbtl raU.. Bara .ra tvo '1111..... of .&.edcall
folk -ie. r..a.belly .... Rock laland Li.... Joi....
tOl.tbar Witb tbtl erON-U" of _le.
" An' ia tbat rOIl' ..a ,0La' telk to tH ..pot
...nt ...... n ba c_ In b.'. ,011\' tell bJ.a ._
I,ot ,000U
&ot .ba.,
l,ot ".....
I ,ot bor...
I aot aU l1'" .tock
I lot aU 11ve .tock
"Depot a,ent ,ob' let bi. ,U b,. and ....... bo ,it
by, H ,010' to ton bJ.a (bo'. ,on..... now) .....
I foole' you
I 00104 y ....
1 aot iroo
r lot all PLa lrOl1
I aot aU pLa ir....
Ob, tbtl Rock Ulan' 1.1na,
It '. a adghty anod r0ll4,
Ob, the Rock I.lond Lin.,
It I. .road to ride j.
Ob, tbe aock I.lan<l Lin.,
It'. a mi,hty ,00<1 roa<l,
If you wanta to ri Lt.
Oot to Irl" it like YOll find it,
Gil )'Wr tickot at the .teU....
'or tb. Rock leland Lin
....... dla<l to .._ OIIr eLu,
Glory to God, va 1__01 b.1. &&&io.
I ..y "e Iript ao' I ..y be wrOOS.
Tou a- ad.... wbeo 1',. 1_.
A-I.e doabla I:-T-Z,
Cat. 10 the cupboar', but c:hey .....t .aa ...
"001 II - 0UCClII ,.WL/Voody OIoIt;ul.. 0... of tba
1""'1'-0- _terplaca. of lIo04y QutHla. Al-.
tllolo&h Qutbri. coapoaa' ...ry faw 0I'1,loa1 t_.,
bl. raworUq ao. r_ft,.. of tracl1t1_1 ..lo
ft...... 00 ,1ft" "CUt b. _ta' _ OIItlU...
lIua' 1. a typlcal ktlu'ia _rat!... of tba .&.er
luo .011, tb. baaot,. of IIO'riI\l a...-. tH 1.04
.upe. A latt.,,"'y pl_er, .a _101 ftot H
cHlood 10 actuality 01' 10 bl. '-aioatl.... to tbtl
11fe of tb. city.
I'va Hao a-,rubblo' 011 a littl. fa". .... a flat
aod vindy plo1n,
I'". bean .-H.t.nio to tba bunsry cattla bawl,
1'. lOll... to peck ,.y wifo and Ucla, I'. , ....... b.1t
tbat tero roa<l,
I'. ,_ b.1t tbat Or.,oo "r011 tbLa etlldns fall.
I'. lonna blt tbat Ore,on "rail tbi. ctlldns fall,
I' .. ,Oft'" b.1t tbat Ore,,,,, "ra11 tbl. ctlldOS fall,
Where the ,nod raln fall. a-pl...ty a,,<1 tha crop.
and orcbard. ,row,
I',. ,OI1na blt that Ore'.... "ra11 thi. ctlldOS faU.
Wall, .y land 1. <lry a ..' cracklio' and my ....ickau
thoy ar. cacklia'
'Ca.... tho dilrt ...<1 ....t 18 a-,ottin' io tbailr
They btl... loyin' flint-rock asp, I ha<l to built
the. vitb a .ledse,
I',. ,_ b.1t that or.,on "rall tbie ctlldoa faU.
Wall, tb. b... aod pi,. ara .""..Un', th.y're a
roekln' an. a-re.11.'
'Ca" tb.r. aln't no wat.r to _talr 10 tb. <Ira...
I'_ ar.b one by lob taU. I'. ,00'" take
ht. a va.t.rn traLl.
I'. , ....... b.1t tbat Oreaon "ral1 tbi. ctlldOS f.U.
1Iov, .Y 8004 olel bor 1. boaay, y.., loa'. dry and
bllOSI'Y, too,
Tou ca..... bLa rlb. tbr.aqlAOl"tel'O of a .11a,
Throw tho kicla up"" bu back, and the bey, and
tba black,
An<l w'U bit tbat Orq.... l'rall tb.1. ctIII10S faU.
Wall. my "Ua ,eto eort of aiUn' vbatt that _
old ....t b .atUn'
ADd .ha ",.b., 1ft lila "" k,.... "/JIn,
It Ih ..,.. IlItt.'. til .at 'ldu,. til tut ....11
'aeUie land, .
So va'll bLt: tho 0r08on tran tbia etlldns faU.
CIl:EGOH tlAll .
Word .....
@ Copyrlgllt It... s...g. MRIc

IIaod 9 - SWAll'IIA!IOII. T\IIUIlL/SI'U, DorU",. A tunnel
tlu'OU&h Svan...noa GaP. IIoI'tb CaroU.... va. eGa
pleu<l la 1883. a"d tbLa Southerollountaio t_
eolebrata. tb. event. Irlk Darltns. formerly of
l'b. Vaavera, now of The _ftop Itnsera. l ..rne'
tbla ver.ton fro. Le. Hart", and Pr.nk Hamilton.
Al.o known John aealrY'. u..-r soy. Anotber
evoeation of the work end otruaal. tbat vent lnto
tb. bulldtns of Amer1ca.
Aahe.vU10 JllDctlon, Sva,,"'noa Tun"el.
All caVe<l In. h_y. all .,..... d in.
I'. ,01. kek to Sa__ "unnel.
That'. my home, boaey. that'. my bome,

... OM of the
......... .u-.

..... _Ui
.. -"eM ......_
.... eM lellll
"'.. be

iiIi.o _ flat
_tl. bawl.
r 1...- IIit
l ..... faU
Ii eo.t ... faU.
...... faU.
f*A the Cl'Opa
t ....... f.ll.
.,. ..,. cltickea.
r ...
.... to buet
r..... taU.
r. tltey're a_
t ... d1'4".
..... cake

1' ...... faU.
"'. drya"d

iii. llil
1--... .fall.
..... IIInIl
.... f.U.
;. A tunnel
Ida t_
l ..r ...d
11< .a.ou..r
I_t lnto


... ,.;.. Ia- t""t .eNl ......111...
S-body'. I!71q. bqaay dyl...
Aud vbau you tIlat piotol arowl, be""
AIIotloar ..,,'....... a_bar _ .......... .
If I could .....1. like 't.. Doo1.y
I'd 1...". ray ...... boaay. Id1..... .;. h_
10 - DHrtICn ltOOIISBIlEl/Ed ttcC"r4y. AootIuIr
f-.. Amedcon drioki....001bo. do.c.ndo..t of
11'1.h ..... 011 the _ doUpeful propoo1U_.
Suna: by Ed ttcCurdy. tbi0lI8l haa been cO!DP'"red by
th. poot C.d Sandbura to th. k.ani,.. 01 tha Cui
I ''I. be.... _.bine&' for ".at.... 10lI8l y...r.
\ I'ft apent all .y .......y OIl vbi.k.y .nd br,
I'll ao to ._ holl.r. put up oy .Ull.
I'll .u. you CIlI. p11_ for a _-dollar bill.
I'll SO to ._ &roc.eq a"d dr11lk vith lIy Iri...... .
Wh.r. the _ con't folia.. to ae. vb&t I.,...... .
Cod bl th... pratty _n, ha.. I vtah tb.y_
Thelr larueh _U... _.t tbe .... on the
I'U Ut "he.. I'm hunary, 1'11 drlnk whe.. I'm dry;
If _bl,.. ...... t k11l .... , I'll 11ft till I die.
Cc!d bl... tboaa _binara. IocoI 1 vbh cu,
..... . ...11. .. .wa.t .. th. &004 old
_10111.. .
..... 11 - cUzH. GaUII. loca I.Ot\D/Ale..... School
Cbildra. A c:h11drft'. ri... .- rocorded .t
LU1;,'. Cha,.l School. i" 'fork. Ale...... i .. 19S0 b,.
1lU'01d COUl'l .....r. An .labor:at. a- pl."ad by
"11'0 childr... ill e... South. An interU. cca
.."tery 011 tho urbe.. ""1,,..1 io that thia .0lI8l h&I
be.1l .......tifully .rraapd by Len CIl.....l.r co1
lOS.I:I:.i...d llasro .1....1'. a.d tb. ftui_ by th
pop-fOlk IrOl1P. The \few CIlriaty be_
a aationa1 hit i. 1963.
Greft, ar..... fodty rOlld,
Some lady'. ar."... rocky rOlld.
T"ll ... who you 10'vet
Ioeky road.
Tell me who you love?
Ioeky road.
A nam. i. ''M1nnie T"""."
Dear Kl Mi_1. <_ of chUd ..
your _'. b.... coll.d,
Coale t.k" a ...t beaido th...dl
Give her a ki .....d let her go,
She'll never .it 1.. that chelr DO lIIOCe.
"Without d".i........ ha" i.o" ...1..
work ,.'" O1lC. to14 &I'!:olil CouI'l.....'!:, .n
expert on lI<I,ro folk tndl tion.. Altbaush the 1.
bore'!: wal .n African, tPa .entlment i ...niarl.
One of tha lIIQat functional u." of folk aong t.
ln the day-to-day vork dtuaUon. In many- in.t.n
en vber. ,roup work 1. involved. the un of
work-call leader become vit.l factor in com
pleting the vork on tiM. Settlftg. firm tempo.
the leader haa tbe "",mbers of the vork re.
pond antiphon.Hy. Worker... vell .. bo....
Bedd.. aetti", a 'Chytbmic pace. the work .on&
c.n be a gre.t morale-builder. relieving drudgery
vith melody, or .. catchy lyric. While the ...t
obvioul link to Old World tradition t. to be found
ill II<Igro vork lOng. there .re ...ny inUance. of
the vork .ons Itill In uae today 1n vbite t'Cadl
ti..... lIbeth.r It ia hoohine boy keeping ti....
or cowboy .oothlng cattle. or Menhaden
fl.hermen rhythmically puillng in net. American
""lIlc 1tro", In the traditional- vork .ons.
Tvo other bodles of folk .ong grev out of the
vork dtu.aUon: .onga about particul.r tr.dend
er.fte .nd tha uDion eong. whlcb helped .011dlfy
tbe workers' __nt.. Wh.t. contra.t bet.....n
the .Ong. of tha 19th century w.goDer., c.nal
boat_, reilroad mom, .nd the .ange of unlon or
Koet of tbe de.criptiva .onse .bout tr.dend
crafb vere In b.lled fom. de.cendant. of E",U.h
.1:14 Iri.h .treet b.ll.d. of the 18th century
lI.ther than of the hall.da about lord....d
A profile of America .t vork c... b. dra....
Cbroush the .ong. tbe people haw ItWe .. t.d ud
,..d op. tbons. that help.d the work go
_th1,.04 tbe .ange that 4Ie.crib.d the work.
uel thea. flnall". aousht to. lmprov. tha wed,
.iCUAtlon throuSh unlona.
..... 1 - PIC1: A lUI fI corTOII/X-db'llll". lAad
M11, ha4 til...ual1U.. of hallO, "'.ld. "".
1111 00. of OUII lre.t." folk .l....ra. 81crenatb
04 vUllUy wre Hal. b..t "'1'4 , ell.l'"'
U of eIa.o."eIa .... , II'. tha folk h.r_. JCIIm
"l1&'y .nd, Paul BUIIY_. ..._d to tIIIbody the ia.
dccaJ..t.ble PIIiela of ClIe lIe,l'. peopl.. In thi.
bript .'""1 of I\ha cottOlll lid.. of I ..t teu
X-clb.U, .h_ that the vork ."'" .... be Joy-.
"I .... pieki". cb_nd pounda of cotton day,"
h. Mid. -"" tJlU t ..... 1III&Ice. you ""H.v. Ilia.
''!low. I\hia w. when 1,.. .rou.. d Dall, Teu_.
picki", cotton. 1 .... pickl.. ' tb_...d poun"
...f ..... day. And ...y ycIu S.t tbouaand
pounda of cotton. day. you've got to JWIIp .'Cound
to ,.t it. You can' t fool eround .Del plck . thou
nd pounda ,r cotton a day. II
Jump 11_. tUl'l:l'.round. to pick. M1. of cottoa,
Jump clown. turn .roun4. plek .a bal day. (2)
ab, Lorlly, pleit ""Ie of cotton.
Ob. Lord,.. plck bal day. (2)
Ila ao4 II)' ..1 con',iu a MI. of ...t ...
He aa4 II)' sal coa ,1u M1e ....,.. (I)

l1li ..d II)' wif....
(Ch.o. )
IIa ...d II)' fd...d ...
He and ." poppe
Ia"d 2 -JWJL (If TIll IIClIILI_'Seaf.l'ue Cluma.. 'lb.
Seaf....... Cho.... f..tud,. lIua- Iricnd oondue
t.d b, HUt <*ua ",rform thU old ahanty of .4111.",
da,.. Altbou&b tILt. 1a 'l/er, .opht.ticot.el .et
tilll. mucb of the elr1". and functional!.. of the
old MUor ' ons i. re-created. 'lb!. b ""l1.ved
to be a fr._..t of .n lriah t ..n.. .Ja-u
Clooclfrtand baa _ltt." of thi""'1: .. .....U ... u,'
v what tbohort b.rd ha..l. to r.l top-..l
la"t or roy.l ..U in hard vlnd vere <:alled.
It vaa 'haul on tbe boWH.... ,tb. boWlin. haul' .,,41
.verybody fell back vith .U bia ....i'bt .... the. rope
...d the.. I peel for breatb .nel .crambled for a new
,r1p, vbll. th. canvas fl.pped a fev f t bi,b.r In
the vl..el ...41 the .ha"t.yean .t.rted the
....1 on the bowU.... oil. I'ock .nd 1,0.11 _ w.r.
&luI on the bowli.... th.......lin. haul.
One. 1 _. In Ireland '. 411811121 turf anel preti ;
"1.11 em th. bowline. the bowli,.. ha..l.
IIIIt a(IV 1'. on Yankee .Mp '. haulLht. aa4
"u1 on the bowline. tbe bOWline haul
..ul Oft tile IoMrU,......'11 ..... , or brNk 01' lMm4
....1 OIl the ......11M. eha IoMrll,.. haul.
....1 OIl tha ...... 11 .. "'11 haul _, '011 r .....
"ul od tlie boWli.... tha ....,11... beu!.
Tba ti_ I _., wi' aha ......t "1:1
....1 011 the ...... 11l1li. tha IoMr11.. haul.
S. 1 .cuek pl.ner OIl her *1< .ucl "Dt 11ft to
tha 41....11;
....1 em the bowU.... ClIe ....,11... haul.
Sheep.Un. pitch .ucl ""e'. _. they IIII&Ice a huU,
"u1 on tb. bovUne. the bowU .... haul.
'lbe Il10%'8 .b. trl.. to Iat: 1f .ff, it OIIi, .Udc.a
tha futK;
.ul OIl the _11.... tlla bowline haul.
The work i. ha..d, tha ...,..,e lons.
Th..... 41;. hiSh, the ,ele. ar. at'C""'I.
The food 1a had, the ...... low,
But aoon hore .gain we'll ,
... lilt".' ,., .....uoq IItno" ,ay 'ol
, ' oq 02 lul.... :..'..'" "nnu. _'12 p... .<....U "12 lIO.
ItIP q)tA .,qno.. ) -',}_:2l ...,q " ),UP""
'/u '1(2 ''11'')' 0) '"1),10.10, 1u101 .... ,ay "'''1'1 ,,,.. "lllloll _,2an ',uno ... "1'1
.,..,.,..,Il'll .....s ... ""r '11j ) 101 ".q '1" '"II I SI'I1IOII:)
'\IAOa ...HOOlI .q2 lIIO.lIq2 02 .1OJ ''"Il0l( 01 IulOI a, I
.... , ,,,," .. 1Uo1ju.11 ......q )lIinoqa IlfII IIWQ '10 Iu" ..t-. -,I '2
l" ,to ... .,1.1 I
..t 02 a_1l'l ... 'q'nOOJ"""" o. ,.'\OOt ''1 'n'"
'_. en....
0) ,..woa' 'II 'U. ...iuua _:I Suo,. a'llll
"Ia JO , ..q '112 JO 'U"'! 'q2 lID p......:. .1... '/1
'<l1q .1Oqan "0<1_ '21qA
JO '" n .....H"'! :8 '1,.....11)( :aftq ' ...All!
_... ''Ia DO '\000 chin o.lllllN 02 n pIlql"""
"'1' 'laoJ'la JO IIIJI1.1O ItIP 2noq. , ....'U, ...""
.2.,.IOn,". ',n.ll","no.q 02 '1 uqu.....
1tIP"H"U ttl" A.l92' "12 ',.nq '.<.n_ .n
.... 1l'l2 !Jl oiI_........ JO .tv.a. ''1'1 28 .....r t"la
.-.u .. 2noq. ,.n'll ,nJ2qln... II "U '.,..q2nO
'fOO" 1
IID,aMmo:. .Ult......" ..,,,Iuot oo".aG8
. ,.'0 .a., 1I1l!l '<'1 ....q ,.t......"., 'nt .<oq..oo
,.. ".l.nq20ay DO!l-a G;)'10/1UlCl vnu - , '''WI

'a-.q '11'1 ...."" ... ",",2 '<n_ Il'll ",.I tt .... ,ay
1l'l2 02. ""'1 .lIno U.ln2 ''1:>'''1 .,q oa nuoq ,,- 'll.
1l'l2 JO 200 'an PD' "'Jl0I!<I02 h 02 lID n ""01
'fWl .q,. ... , .t".. lit .""2 "lP I a... 'ttllfll
'2'11l" ItIP JO n. 2- 1u,1u,........,. .:q - pay
'2'11n _-toad. "J :aoq. 201 tnt ,to
!Iuoa 2a... "ll'llll,2 put .lIlM""CI 02 2"'"
..... unqin., _ IIflI P'I'II ."nor tn. ,to 'ttllfll
ltll ..... "':>Ilq .111t1P .. pen. tt..... 'll" .111nll.
.... "12
,,!,' U._AMP poe _tllO:> .q:a III PIIJ lMt2 'UIlfII
'lulpt<lall2' ,0 .1... '"12 00 ...... 0qA .t2
-a" at" 0; , ..n '.A ' .....oq:. .n AU.l,,"" 'iiiiii
ii10 -.1Oq ' .....Iu'. '"I:a JO 21.1 .q:a qUA laot.
."Ot 'Plll" 'Suo.....lPl" 'l'J'll. -An:>u...qan
,0 """':a' """'1'31 q:IlA ",.lI<1J1D' ... ...", n ...
"q.p ool,."u<I.lI.,,", '1'1' '1l'l2 "':>."2,.."". "'tn
.1J .Iao. ,(oq...,:> cln-,.,.oq 0' ,_,"'.,... o. _:>'q
"'Il'l IlfII '.h... 1l'l2 JO :>l...t:> ,.t:a' .toqM:> lOAHl
-IIlJll' "1 .lul. N.q .nt :t11112 0'1 pItWl":l1l.1 .._n'
,....q "" " ._ 1I1III'1uno,( ..... qouu ....t-AI!
- -nt -III' .. a'nJl. 1lII2 '1IHIIHt'
Una .-..... ,(,JlI'IIII/.tIlI'l' II'ID,IIY 1m I -, INWI
( '0'1:
'AMn." '1_ 0:
......,. ".t .11' 'Pl'l ...0 '"I' JI
......"" 0, .q. "llOllil ;('PlI l'''''1
"'..... ..,""II.u..lql". "I
'.tUnN 110 ""- ,... .n'lll
,"" ,to ... 2nq 'ullI'lOR
2......... JIO ...."':>02 lnoq'l"
.. lip 2.... p". Of ''J1Il OP l.... '. U
.e_n... '111'1 00 1u,,'1-''''' .n'lll
..n. UIlI(l ,np ...- n."'a I
'lOAn' UIlI(" ,np .1_ n"'" ,qlnoll'l I
lOAn.e:a.tO'-pu.-,ll.1punq-....2q.l. "I
-"lAl1'.1 .11,00 "'l'l- .tl'lll
.. "''''I' '. 'II' .,tA lUllS.,,, uy
'''1):11( "'PlI :a..... ,.- I "'ql HAl..
, llI.lIql-Al.lIO'-' ...-.ll.1punq-.....:aIl.U "1
-.elAn'.1 .q, ooan " .. OA Ol.
.. '1I1no .. q l'lll' 'I""t .q2 Ol " '''11
'MII 1l'l2 .10, pt.1O/I ,to -II' 'J.t, I
...a-"l.1OJ-pu.-'N'..nll-....'q.,. "I
'.eM"".. '"'" lIodn '1_ 0:
(d .e. 1.1 ..e....1 00 - 1 III
t IIII1f01I:)
.e_t P" Il'la UO<In 'I.1OA 0:
00 "'PU.tq AO.1".1O:> Aa '''01
'00 "'P:ll.1'1 .eo... , .. 0:> .t_ 2'11<1 I
_.e:a.lOJ-,u..'upunq-....2q1!'. VI
'"".1""" JO .';".,<1
1lII2 .. "no ...._ 'a""""" ''12 _ q'l.1I
.1 "po,- ',:ql. ''1'''.1, 10 ..U- OOO'ot
"""" .- ''"I -l.1MY 098' AI ''1:>.'''' J" n
U 'too .1... '.11l'l1 .... 'otflt ,_.1....Seq .::'14
- .... .lI.I....." ll'.1 " ...n ,""IJ, ':>lJl:>ltd ""1"11
,n' .l"...,.e-ltd .ql .l.:lll -n 1l'.1 II.....
.. h".IOA da ptpae.clnM '.tli:a_o '1II" 0" "",.II JO
IIpIIHftOq" l.... 0'It, 10 ...p!ItJ ."e:aocI.IIl. '.f.11 ."'2
DO iIii.1Oft XPPi\i .. UMII>( ..t. ....... n." -l.1MY
, "1ICI12I 0,. t...-J"...:a Mn 'lq:a .....1...... n ..
...... " ...I1.'ftftX'ft at. II) ..,,, 1AIICI'f' - C PIlI

put .,......,j
! ..n ......

Tht. .11 til. boya to etutb, tb.1 laqbect
rlSht up .leeve... .
til. _ will lend you fln. bor, fn.b
!n .. you pl
Then Sborty the larl.t .net '" ropnd tile
Zebr. Dun.
An4 IIve hi.. to the .tr.ns.r .114 ve1t.4 for
.d\e fun.
Now. 014 DuMY vee an outl.w. h. ha4 gr-. .0 "I:')'
But be cou14 p.w the -.. 4own, boye, be eou14
jlol1lp U.,
014 Du .... y .toocl rilht 'till .. if he 414n't
IIntil h. __ ..d41e4 .nd ree4y for to 10.
,""en tile nr.nger hit the 441 van. 014 DuDny
'1ult the earth.
Be trev.la4 right .trelght upward for .11 that he
vas worth.
A-wck1ng ...4 .'.'1u..11", .nd havl", _ll-eyed
Hi. hl.. d feet h18 feet In t.h.
we could .ee the tope of _nt..lna ovar Dunny' 8
very jlllllP. .
Thtrl!"l.r he va. Ilued there, 11k. t.h. _1'.
Tbe t upon hllO, an4 h. c1l1'1.d hla black,
Uke _r boarder lIbo _. _itl... for hi.
*11. be t ....... h1a 1ft the ahoulder.. .nd be
.lNn" hi...vbeD b. vh1rl.d,
.. holler.d t.o tbe 1'. the _If of the
....... vb... h. bed 4hblOUDt.d. onc........ ujton the
lie Dew be'" thorCllllll>br.. and IIOt s- frOID
low th. bob ..J_.taDdus 'rouoct ._teh1ng
of the .h.....
Be valk.d up to the 'tr.",.r and ..ld h.
D.aft 10.
If you cen bendl. lari.t . 11k. you rode the
Zebr. DuD,
You're tbe .... tWI',.. Hen loold.... for
aino. th. 7MJ:-.
llell, thet.', _ th111i1.... ".ur. thil'l8. I...
l ..me1_ I',.. b4ieIl "-n.
Th.t .ducec.d t.l1ec .in't. pluab greea.
!lend.6 - rlEUI lIOU.I&lHorac. spron. Bvu tll"",h
._ work _ lIOtof the rhythmic .ort (chopping
..llUft.1.....plke-pounding) ...... could lnv...t
1OU.i'" work. fcw ,...t.q the hour. of 1__
Anoth.r foa. of _k .ong la .u", by Sprott
of Sprott. Al vbo vee r.cordeet by ,r.d lIau.y.
Jr. for hi. Kwllc of the Sout!! ..rl... Tbe
field 1. one of the parent atyl of the
blu thl. beavtlful vordl cheat
will rev..l. The field holler, .1 knOlllD the
.rhoo11 le oa. of the _t beautiful for..a of
folk .ualc.
IaalI 1 LIIIIB' '1'IAC'l/loerner, lay ...d Cl......r.
Jdln J;.oerner, lleve 1&1 Toay Glover ..... tbr
K.tDIIUPOU. bille1""," wIIo be_ etafhet tr.di
ct.-by eill(ba ....... ....... .... _ luned
frOID tu _k .0lIl r.pertoin of Leaetbelly, et_
oae of th. aoet intertlos tr.nda In tba
curreot folk revlvel c....l.t....tery of rur.l J'
.tyl. by cit7 perfor.ere.
80, 110)'8. i. you dptt
D_ lot
All 1 bete 'I>out .linin'
Th... old 'bout t.o buat ..y hack.
Ro, bel,.. can't you 11ne '.' (jack-alaek) (3)
See Ilolae go 11111.. ' track.
Down In th. hollow below the field,
Anael. era workin' on the eberiot wheel.
Mal:')' .nd the baby _r. aitU..' .1n th. abade,
Thlnkiti' oa tbe mon.y that 1 a1ft't _eta.
O>ahta bee" 01> tu riWl' In nlnetnn-teo
"'ddy ......U ctrCl'l. the _ like th.y ctrl"
tbe men.
Moe atoocl on the Reet See .ho'
Goln' '.t th. vater vith. tvo-by-four.
IhIll, If I could 1 8111'.ly .-.let
II:anct on th. rock vbere Moe atOOll.'
(ClIo.) ,
Mary. Ll.lke. aet JaIm. _
1hI11. it.' 11 thelO dleciplar. da<14 and lone.
llell, you keep t.lkin.' hout til. bre.k ellead.
,Ain't. e.... notll1n' of ..y hoa anel "read.
(lapeat fir.t two ..e)
Ih4 - IIOIiYOURKU ....1V11U,t1Ylaqu.
VUU. 'I....., ......... '''OJ tM,_ III. -.........
bor., 111. MalltUul work .... ,... ... ",.1,
Courlander. In 111. 1Iook, U.S.....
(CollllObi.), C:-landft _itea tha eons: "Aaoong
tbe pavlft1 fearnd Mur1et1_ of tu loneten
prie_r. i. the th.,t tbat vben tlley retur1$ h_
th.y .;.,. fiu tbat tile1r __ ere no longer _u:
RcN _........ (3)
To the eOllllt,. fan,
IIOIf 70ft .Ii et_ a-.
laby. pI.... eton't so (3)
lIeck to
laby. pi.... doo't 10.
TIlZ'D JOUr I .... '- low (3)
Anct haby. pi.... don't 10.
Ia..,., .1.... doG't 10.
you' ....... I 1...... you 80 (3)
And haby, pi.... doG't I.,
laby, pi.... de't I

Jarr, r
1 lIa& )'COl all 1-.
Md klcud tbe bOI... tbe ra&p;

ADd lIilbt before,
. lIlw, ., old J.rry
' 1. tba
laby,\oa't p.
....oed old ....1 .. w
ot. l'U.l , iliad l!; bien _. Lord
.... __ )'COlr ..n d_ c_ (3)
1" have killed tbat fool.
rr_ the .,_ty fal:'lll,
f;' '
!low y__ dona c_.
Th. bOI. tda' to aboot
01' J.rry 1 .. tb. bead.
I laby, pl..... c\oa't so (3)
J.rry duck.d tbat bullat
R lack to laltt_r.,
And he .t_ped bl. dead;
It_pe. tbat bOi.
laby, pl.... don't ,0.
Tl11 1 wante' to .cr....
. I'. sola' to walk your lOS (l)
Should'va kill.d his
ADd if you !:brow ... oUt
I cause he'. .0 4aat ....n.
I'm aoln' to walk your lOS.
WVrdt ."d MvM Ito:r JMh Whil" ........ o.r
land 9 _ TtMJEll/Joab lIbita. wrluft ...d .u.. by
Copy,iOhl I u,. "r D.,_ C."",,""OA
JOib lIbita vitb Sam Gary in tba lata ninet.a.-for U..d "., ,.,... .
t1.a. In tbair traval. thay bad .aall "a
vicU Oft country r ...d .ansa. Thay b"" .
could tb. .ort of treat.nt tbat .van a .ul.
vould balk .t. a.r. tha i. the ay.bol of tha
laad 10 _ Gl.lULY JEAa/llctaro Prle....ara. ....Ied
in 1951 at a State 1'.l:'1li In Te.... by TOIb.i ...d rate
JobA Lomaa, Jr" Che.tar Bower .nd I'r"
Ballerun. 'rbi. la a!;roo, e.. 1DIIP1.of Atdcaa
.10"'1 .... 1 la _dcan "aro folk aonl can be

Got to ....11 thi. Ulll>er
Tbe _nlng 11 n.ot eaay to di.carD. ....
'Fora tba aun go.down,
veral_. raportad by C-Ullder. uy. 11: raf.r. to.
Gat it .,roe. the riYeC
a .. aacapo' .,_vict ""Ole appear.nca _ a.vlld
...' -f_.
'Fora tbe bo.. c_
tbat b.. a grizzly baar.

Dras it on down
Tbat duaty coad,
C- on, Jerry,
Lat'. dump tbi. load.
I'.. 1_ t.U )'ou a .tory 'bout ,rUdy bear,
I!:c Jack o'DlaaoDda wean't DOthina but aria&ly bier.
C8(1lUS: H. c.... a.b.ufflng and ablavlna l1ke srl&&11 bear,
IIolleri.,.. "rlaH, He h.d sreat lona tUlhaa 11ke srnd), baa.,..,
Lord. thl. tlmbar'. got to roll.
a. co.a a-webbl!na and ....uabblln' like ,rlaa1y
........0 ....
l ,
Lord, thl. tllDbar'. ,ot to ron."
And Jack o'Di......... wa. the sreet bl& Irluly
baar. . .
II)' old J.rry Ba wea a gr..t blS arlall" Irilal), baar,
wea an ArUMa. _le.
lie vaa the gra.t biS grla1ly, IrUdy be.liL

.. Beell .nrywber.
everybody va. Icare4 of tbat sriaaly baar, (2)

And b. aln't DO fool; Oh. tb. grizaly., srl.aly bear. (2)

W.l,bed nlne bUlldr.d .nd twenty-two,
Jack o'Diamon4. VII the blg ar1a&ly bier,

Dona ev.rytblns He ccma a-wnbbllna an4 a-Iquabb11na 1lke Ir,.-l,
A poor aul. do.
(Cho.) He COMI bufflns .... 11ka Irll&l), baa,.,
II CODa .-walkl". Ind 11k. Ir11111
Jerry', 01. ,heul'u II had ,rt lOftI tuana. 11-. Iri,I11 paar,
wea 11. f t tall,
II b&4 blS )' lik. srl'al), bear,
lullad .ora ,,-a.
a. hid " ... l... hal' l'k. 1'1.111 "'"
'IIlan I 'r.l,lIe ...n haull ,be arl 1y, grlly. grl,.ly bI,_, (a)
i Work s.t beavy, I'. aol.,. to tell you peopl. 'bout Sr1&!llY baar.
Old Jerry sat .or.,
X'", 80\\'" Vlrn you an4 gonna tell you '''
Pull.d .0 ....cb
griuly bear .

1M _lu't ....11 no _a!
You that srlzz1y, ari&rly bear. (2)
(Cho.) Well, tbe bear'. lonna get you nov, S",lZ.1y baar.
110" bit Jerry ("Grinly" 1. pronounced arh-u.1y throullb_.)<
And b. _de bia JIaP
j1i, ' of


SIDE 4.... ..., WIIR$IIIPPBIS, 011 8DD
It baa ........t:t..t.d tbat 110ft tbaa ...lf of all
....lca1l folk aOlllAt .ft reU,I_ 1.. _teat or ori
lla. Cl!rtaiDl, tbe h1&tor, of 0I'8&1I1II.d rd1li...
bee Hea a ator, of ..... ' a ..... of _i., to expr...
pra)'U'a. hopq and d_Uem to h18 God.
Tha complexlt, of Amerlcao r.1ili_ folk 1001
ia read11y .ppar....t. Age111... with the bulk of
cul.r folk 1001. there ar. two ..In influeocea:
the Aollo-$cotl-Irl.h and the welt African. In
thi. iut."". _. than other of folk .008.
the print.d .ons -- h)'IIID nth... or Iplrltual -
pla,.ed Ireater part than orel tran.adldon. 1'n
quentl,., the religl_ long. that were learned fram
the publl.hed vere to _derlo chang..
through " . at the early col001ot. broke out into
the frontier wilde....",... Many of th_ .000g.. dif
f.rins r_Iioll&11y .nd in their tuU .nd ...lndle.,
'have been called "folk
ODe fema of notated mudc that 1Ull flour
i.hlns a livlng tr.dlUoa in tha South 18 that
of ..cred Hrp linglnl. To uke It ealier for __
Hr. of rur.l or frOllUer churche. to foil.... the
hymnale. a ... thad of fa-.ol-l. not.ti.... with .lII'
boll rather than "ot Wat ud. Thil cr.d harp
.1011n8 leade to .0.& wild .nd eerie dia.onance.
.nd harmonia.. qult. unlike .ny other chord folk
at,.le in the UBtted Statee.
A recurrinand oft... thankle.a, ....t. that
... on -I folk ,ons .tudent. i. concerned with
tbe oriltn of the Negro .I'irltual .....ich '" felt by
....,. to H our Ireatelt for., of reli&1.OUI
Oncholer. Geors. Pullen Jackeon, hal cont.nded
pera....l"4I1y that the N"'lroe. on pl.ot.U0D8
heard the white European-derived reUliOUl .onsa.
and "borr_d" th.... Huoh IDOH per.....ive i. the
ooatftU.... that no ..tter vbat the orilin of Naaro
.pirituall. the tranafOl:m&tion ..d. the .ons. iDto
_thina n.... The ilegro .piritual hal bee_
lreet trea.ul'7 of fi.... t .pread to Eur
opa by a ehoru. fr"'" Pi.k tlniverait, in 1871. Mow,
concert .ingernd nell opera .tera will dna
the.. ,_ of lyrlc:i... and folk poetry. in
11blic.l all... lon .nd poeUc expreal1on. the aplr
ituale .ra ........ the proo""t product of the ...r,.r
of European .nd African tr.dltiona l1lto ....w mat
rix of Amet1c... folk eODI.
lIowhu....... _141&1 t.ot:eanUOil .....t 1. __
dr_tic fema 1. tlae tau I" 1t1 nUa1_
_lc. Se""'8&ted church c..,re8&ti__, be
.lna11l1 _ h,.a tbat &DOth.r _lllleiro "prai
houa." _, H .inalns at the _ t:t... Althov,sh
til. church.. _, b......ttl.d.. the can alld
doee or.... OYer.
Th. llearo cINrch, dydna tba crucial raclal
1otl.1 cent.r, coaaand headquart.r. AI
vall hOUle of _r.Mp. QJt of the "aried inte
ar.tlon hettie. have Irown ..n,. r.llI10U1-1n.pir.d
"freedom .ons.," of vh1ch there '11111 b. IlIOn to aay
011 the laat I1de of Th. Polk lIox.
&nth .... i._ over *gro relil10U1 _lc -- from
"holy bl...." to .piritual. to modern 1"'1"1'1 -
.hould not ob.cur. the be&uUf..1 devoti_l lrouP I
dna1ns ln tbe white _nt.ln &OIpal tr.dition. A
fl_ eumpl. of tid. 11 "A.-dna Or.c." on Sld. S,
Iroupad vith oth.r ...,1.. of eouatry _ic.
"nd 1 - IlUY IIAJ) A l\.Q'l/MarUyu ChUd .nd Glenn
Y.rbrouah. A aociarn int.rpr.tation of .n old IIelro .piritual. Gl_ Yarhrouah and llarilyu
Child hav. 1'4It.ined the .pirit but anl.raed the
.veep of thb tender, per.OII&l 1'4ItelHna of
the birth of Jeaua. AIlio .....y prill1U..a peopl ,
reUlioo bad an i_diaey to the Naaroe. io alavel'7
tbat .ate the Cki.t... .tor, no di.t.nt. far-off
bappallina. INt .n event tbet _d r."eot and
Yiqia Ku7 .... a littl. 1M11t7.
(la, oil, 110ry ballel..JU.
(Ia. ob, prett, little b.b,.
Glory be to the _bftIl It1na
lilIat w111 you _ that pr.tty little IMIby?
s.. call hia _ thina. tlli_ I'll call Ilia
S_ call h1a one tb1na, tllinlt I'U call bi.
... call h1a _ cu... dat_ I'll call h1a
"...... '
<.....t fint _ ..)

.....d 2 JESUS.caGIl MAD UP Hf Dn1IO IIED/Joeh
Whit.. Joah Wh1te in a f.lrly rec.nt recOl'clll11 of
a .p1r1tual h. flrat ncor.d __ thaft 20,ur.
alo uD'er the _ of ''rIae 51lllinl Chr1atian." e
Thi. 80ns 1a wldely throuahout t ... South. and
a particul.rly atroos eumpla of the poetic excal aod i.aa.r,. of tb. Nesro .piritual.
!low, 10 the ti.. of d,ins.
I cIon't _ ..t oohndy to .ourn,
All I veat ., frienda to do.
eo.a and fold., d,lns .......
Well, ....11. vall,
o So I can di...,., .te.
J..... lonna up
My d,.1D' bed.
.... J
;, '

... &'

I::! ..

;;:-: My

of I.. '!"
. 1._,


p ...
: ...

Go.... ' OIl to lba r..r.
St1dr. ay ._4 ..... 10 tba .....
Golo' .bout. "My troubla'. _r.
I _.. lt to tb. laa.d."
wall, _11. -11...
I'ft 4_ or.....d _
... Je_....t .....
!faet .. ln tba \II1eldl. of tba 011.".
And lf I:ba.o win" .heu1d faU -t
1.01."4. _I: .. with uolbar pall."
wall, _11. _11,
'Won't you .eet .e. Je.u
Meet ., ,J_P., .at me.
Keet .. in the mlddla of tbo .1r,
You ,.;OII1..d ... 10,000 yeara .co.
You'd be .tandins tbero.
(Repeat thlrd cho.)
Goln' on d""" to tb. river.
Stlck my .vord up ln tbaa4.
Ootn' &bout. "My troubl.'. over.
I ..... it to tbe p"OII1.od lhd."
(Repeat a.cond obo.)
..... 3 - IIAU 1MB TIll KlGHr/B111M1 Willie JobaMII.
A bauat1D1 ory by .... of tha snat fisur.. 1. AMr
1.... rali&l" ...... BUnd Willl. Jobna_.
Job...OII. a bHnd r ...... S...pd .,,,.or. di.d 1. 1949.
Ibls .ons was fir.t r.oorde4 011 tba C01uab1e lab.l
1.. 1927. Joh..._ ..... of tha ...t of ''boly
b1u"" .... n vho u.ed tba ",uat...l .e_tu". of t:ba
blu.. vitb rel1s1_ ...,,,..... -a..y _14"'1k tba
.treata of tba Soutb1111 tile bUnd _a'. _
tion of belllas by virt_ of file _10 tlley .....
f"001 tMlr ourb.tOll. pulplts.
Band 4 - TilELVE TO TIll crn/Judy Colll...
Judy Coilln tile f ..t-rl.1as folk alns." from
Denver. the .fflnlty tbat many vhit.
city 1'.01'1. brlas to Nearo country rel1,l_ .onsll.
ru. .... l_Ded from tb. liaslnS of another .raat
''boly blue." .1....r. th. "'v. Gary hvia. the j07
aD4 afUnaUoa of tile .cae 1I&Ice. lt a ctUo of
11:1 typ
!hz.o sat.. 1. th....t.
'i:br.. ..t.. 1. tb. vaat.
Tbrn sat.. 1. tile aorth.
Tb_ t.. 1D tbe ooutb,
'!.'bat Mb. tlMl... sat.. to tile ciC}'. ballalujall.
. QI, what a baauUful olty, (3)
tIo6r.' 0 t_lft S.t to tha olty, ball.l_jall.
walk riaht 1... you're _10_ to thO city.
Step dabt UP. ve1c_ to thO city.
valk tbo.. S.t.. to tb. city,
'ftIelro'o _IW .at.. to th. city. ballalujeh.
.. _ cldldn. all ...... 1a r&d'
.,."w .... to tile city.
....... tile dd.1"" that .......t.
I.1ch .... thO poor, _10_ to tho clt)',
Y-. mol old. ,..1c_ to tba cit:r.
w..k .u tbe nl."ODl, ...1_ to tile city.
fteft'a tvel... lat......
(teput ohol'wl)
Band' - A UMBII.t-a..odcrre Blke1. 1101,...
of _ny .thnlc .oodtie. aa.d ...ny fa1tba. otlloor
forme of rell.,l_ ...reto be l>..r4. .... 11
Jewi.b r0111'_ .OUS ...... by theoclor. til<el
1'h1. 11 a...ldic .ous. the Cballdl0 Hct _
p....ul.-ay.Uu1 'r.... p tbat flourl.bed i. tbe abOt
t_ of ....t'lln Europa ln tl>o 18':11. .u 19u. c...t ...
ri... It .... the belief of tba.. plop. J_ that va dlvlne ."'prellion. a"d tbat j.."..1 IIU
.1c _ 0 Wab forlO of upr....lll1 raUs1_.1_..
...... o1DlPly "A S...., .l1l'i 1t cont.ol,.. nch
claUfbtful ;prt.U. 11_ .. "A. Soool .....0101 ta
)'OIl. at..... GcHl."
'%oat der rabbe rob Mont...,...
A aut" IIIOrs'n !l1r Oot...,....
JIeao arop fun Imlt ''In kIu. ) 2
'In men ton ke41D u-cba-cla.)
. CllQII.US:
or. t ..dll<l... tudlki.. sayan bcD,
or. r boyl_, reaboyila folo "-:
110m. bfa...
Zoat ..... Ullo" Ir.b Mot..,...
A Got ...If 0111." Ooto"yv
Der tog 1. bay. oil ..lCIII_ ill 2
\lor ... lost Dlt eroy. doe s.ver )
Sa". tb.>o, lab Motanyu _
A soool _ml". to ,.,... lOY "'r """'.
Taktt _y y_ .qer frea ....
And we vill .ct to the lottar of the
0.. rlpt..__ rlpt_ .... d,.. ........
QI, vlcked ..D. vlcked .... faU ''boa:''
Say. tb. rebbe, ..It MotaD)'l.l _
Kay 00;1 bell' you, my "'r 00;1.
'!.'ba clay 1& bot. tho ncvlIl. 1. bar4.
..t tbey Dover .beAdon tbdr vll&pGl>ll.
loa beD
loa bom bOIl "- bl-rl-bl-rl-"-.
Baud 6 - TIlE S'l'lWI'lQ/Gl.... YarbX-oq\l.
A w1de1,...blOVD reU8i..... ballad. ...... h.r. 1' Gln
Y.rbroush. Thi. b.....tif..lly evoc.tive "clar.UOII
of loeely rali8iova f.ith va. once th....ons
for Burl Iv.... apread tbi. 8011& 'a _- ,
..,a to tbiti..'of tbe Nortb.
I '. Jut poor dyf.dna
Tr .,.l1na tbroush this world of ......
But tb.r.'s no sicknes., to11, or troubla
In tbat bdpt vorld to which I 80. '
I'. 801n8 tb"... to ae. ay f.tha.. ,
1'01na tb.... no more to 1'0811.
I'. Jut .-801na o.,... .1o..<I&n.
I'. J .. st .-101... over home.
..... 7 - SDIl'LI GIJ'fS/U McCurdy. If th.... 1n
.'1..1v.lot to eha Jewisb Chaaidic ct.
it My ftry _11 be tb. Shake.... or tlla Sbaklnl
Quak..... a radicel .ect that .atabU.ahad ite U ...t
coloey 1n upat.te !lev York tb. year of tb. _du.
bvoilltl.. 'thi. eOllI...... by U McCurdy. <l&t
fro.. 134'. 'th. baeutllul _lody 01 Si..,le Glln
bee b-a ....d by ....ron Copland in bi. Appdachi.n
!l!!!!A .uit
'Ti. the ,ift to ....illpl.. 'U. the lift to ... ,
'Yia c....Ut c". _ 4cMa vila... _ 0IlBht: to be,
AII4I vbea _ find _ 1_ itl tha p1ac. J...t
Ie Vill ba in th. ".U.,. of'lcnra a .. d ..liBbt.
.... tn.. .illpl1cit,. is ..i ......
ro .... end co ...nd, _ "ill noC be u"-'l,
'fo tara .nd to t .... n ,,111 be our dell.hc. ,
'flll b, tllra1.... cuni., .. c_ round ript.
(b,..c firac ft.... ).
_d tlUt11l' 11%181 lIUIUlUG}Lu6eII,. The
1'_. of aooMm lllpo ' ....I d ...i .... a '!'S"y sec J....lnflected _,le. _ be found It1"rl,.
rel1&l_ .houu. 8tItIaeM .... jubi1aaa. Ludb.U,
liVei all illtiP. ,.,...... , .... ""II .... MI."
l1clc1.... i"factl_ up.....ion of reIi.l..... f._.
Itu ... at: th. ""1141... ,,111 _ b. _r.
S- be _r, .oon ... Oft".
HeeU"I .t the ""l1d1....oon be _.
AU _ .. tbia "Odd.
All _ .. this _I., .,. LDl'dy.
AU __ tbl. _14.
All _ .. tbia _ld. ay I.oIrd,.
All _t thia world.
hucbi.. at: the ....Ud1......
SbouU... at tile Iluild1...... ,
1.71... at tb. Iluild1.....
..... , : mI CAlI TlLL'riIE VQIl.l)/W. Gi..... '!b.
rhytbodc cb:l". of llearo &.....1 bee ......led to _..,.
profal_1 folk nasu, lob CUIoIoa. wh.a 1,.
flua_ -. dty p...fcmoer. bee b",&.. __ Irutar
tllen hl. 0V1l alabl. repllUt1011, 111.... Ilia Intat
pr.tetlOl1 of flu old procl_tory 80spel tun.,
vitb Tha Cospel _1:"la, a441... to the _it_nt.
You can t.U the _ld .bout tb1.,
lou can tall the netio....bout thet,
T.U tb.. what tha Mutar baa .s-,
r.ll tbu tlla .oa.... l baa come.
T.ll lOb... 'tbat tb. blg cb:e... be... 'lI0II.
broq\lt J03'. JIII1, JIII1 Into .,. h....t. '
tty Lord spoke to )'OIla..d ..... ye., ha did.
Talked about a ..... ftca CdU... yea. ha dld,
Ky Lord .poke, bpoke .0 w11. ,
Tdud about fi... thet 11_ ln baU.
(Cbo.) > '
I don't know. belt I been told
Str.ete In haa"" ar. paved "lth ,old.
One of th... aoniq _c b. lona.
You 8- cell ., _,and I'U be a-.
( ....put _u....0D8)
(bput fine van
T.ll ta.. whet: 'tile !luter bee ....
Tell tlMm the g_pel bee _.
That th. 10111 ........ been _.
Iud 10 DCIIilI BY TB IlVUSIDE/CIu:'laU.a T.I....
tlMl. '<:burch. IIndarn ,ospal ill .nita bl...l ...
l .. teuit,.. r.corded by th. Cbt1atUn. T.berucle
Church 1t1 .rI... An old .pidt...l whlch retdu
the ..,..raity of It. appeal by tb. addition of
jau-l1lta udenc.. end dffe. IIoI:l.a th. aiallar
ity of jan pht&tji.... _ ill til_lal.....
a,a 1:0 rOl,l.. , end
br.tbr...lafter the hetp. ,,111 be
_r,- Arut w .U. like thoR! thet u"l,one on
bafor. .... viU stop th......,. Vith ".lke of men
elld(aUCk ou.. a_de llltlla ..nd of fi
nd. ,Y et..d,. va.. no i!:'lookln' forverd ln thla
llfe .nd &!ttUn' rud 01" tha de,. wh"n '-t.hall
1.,. "- ....rden.. by tbe dv....l .. and
.tucty _, no lIOr'ef 1
Col.,. to I., "- ., _d.....
Down b)' the t1".rn.....
Col... Co pla,. on ., IIOld':''l.EJI.
Down b)' the ri".lt.ld
Cotos to .tudy .... 110 _.
n- 10, che ..l-.-al.....
t !t .

. i
The .011 of the Alatdca" c_tr,.l"" fert11.
for arowl.... at.iv. folktraditi..... 1" urly
""y.. before roada. rediOl8 a"d fU... 'Nral folk
had to be ..If-r.1ia,,t ln ..t.t.r. of ent.rtainDInt.
a"d eu11...... .. o,.e _ld prorlde th div.rai_
for th_. .0 they 1urned how to provide them for
A lioe of dev.lopment taD ba found in
Alatrtca" eovntry _de. fr.,.. the old fiddl.-banjo
eombinatlona to the .tring banda of the
t ...nU.. and thirU.., through .ueh dClOli...nt e...
mercia1 influenc a. The '_ily up to "the
emergence of mod.rn Iluelr... banda and the compan
ion d.velopment of popular covntry-mu.ic induatry
ba..d in Nuhvill
nn. ha.... been pendulUlll ."b,... of in
""""'lcan folk _dc b.t....n the rural lIa,ro .cy1
Dd Choa. of the Southern whit. _taLnur. llagro
_ic bad been the docl...n" lntar..t in the thir
U ... aDd forU , ..hen th. collecUDtf, of the
J.omexea .... to .uch Irut .illlpr.... .
Since 1'951, however, have ....rg.d .e....r.1
""dicated advocate. of purloualy neglected peet.
of c ...... try ......ic. Thla interut ...nt beyond
the rudily &<;cepted tr.ditional. or ia
.tru.eDtali.t. It ..t.nded to the curioua pbenoae
non known ''bUlbUly'' -- tbat fl....rt.hiDtf,
lIody of cCllllP98.d .nd c_rc1.1 rur.1 folk .,.,.
tbat .praDtf, hoc tr.diUonal root. lnto nev trib
utary o( popul.r ....aic. .
Such cnll.ctor-.cholar-popu1ariaer... l'rof.
II. r;. Wil,u., 8alph tinder, John Cohen aDd K1k.
See,.r bel.n to .... srut _lu1 .nd h_n vel_
1. the "hillbilly" tredition tbat bad bn over,.
l ....ed by _yo
They bapn by c10aely atudyi... the c_rel.l
_try .-ie racordiDtf,& of the ninateen-t...nU
,.,. thlrtiti>. Th.y f.aid .n ucttl... .na_bl.
"'yl. ia ....... colorful old .tring banda .. the Car
011l1li T . rlll the Sklll..t-Lh:kernd other
The, tr.c"d the ,eneaoloaY of th... atd... banda
naht throush th. veriou. ba... of Bill Hoaroa.
known .. 'the rathar of 11""11:......
!Iaol. cit, 8 ..dl..... rupnaded "...taU...l,. thn
wZ1ll:r. to the ' ..... _.nt. Of the lnatna
...tal .plull.. the lat.rtlU.Yl....n....b1, the
kiP"1'll:d1d' ,".,let'. d",iIla. lhe poU.1I .11<1 .....
lidUrifi&lU.. III .1......... 1Ni. 1 i lIII.l. _
....IMIII ., II..... _L.'1U1 "",WH. lid
Ion... IU LI.e", r1..., CIIren .. Ill,. 1.,.,
tha 01bortle kothan, aDd ._U... otb.r
thia d. of the 'olk lox a_,. II .....t fi.l.
that th. pro.-ata of "hillbilly" _ie ......lou.
foll& .apr...l ........... ...,.,.ed ... to. We at.rt wich
tile roota 111 Ireland. throuah banjo tunaDd old
ct.e baU.da daht up to ooodern Il....'r.... Vtop
th"rv6y .borC of che ..hol. lI..h"11l.
the lar,. by "ar.Dd Ola Opry" ed
other r.dio .how...hlch tool<. the 01. hill c_try .
aa4 .... it lnto '-arlca. oth.r popul.r
....d.J. - SLICO UIIJ. aDd HWlITAUiIl.Q6l)/Wil1, Cl.IICY.
The' root. of '-adean hoed_. fiddle-hanjo c_
bll111Uona .nd IIUltp'... _r. ln lurape. Scotti.h
...d Iriab plpen &ad ficlcllara _ to cM. _ntry
..... _ their old jlS hornpipe......chortichea
....... to """.lop '-adua .ecent.. The.. plpe
t ...... 10, IIUl, Claacy. r.e...... ialr.laDd. wUt
.... t .. affiaity. rbytllloic:al1:r ..... i" .pidt. wiB
tIaa ...utll_ie that ... tir fell...
....d 2 - OI. .J<II CJ.AilI!lrio V61.....q. A brilli.nt
bit of ba.ojo-pla,illll by. oity ....aiel.... Irlc
V.l..bara, ""- _ rqard tM &qA1, if not the
...tat. of tr.ditional country banjo .t,l.. thi.
brukdcMl i. one of tM l.,.,.eat .nd _t popul.r of
.11 Southarn Hoantaln t....... Ver... ba... baen col
lacted ln .U part. of the Unit.d Stat... So ba.,.
l.,eda of vbo th. real .Joe Cl.rk _.. Suffic. it
to y tMt Chi. catch.. the fl....or of the rur.l
..... 3 - Ccx)'cOO I1J.I)/CLa_ ..I.,. A beautiful
ol.-tt.e balLad with ......1'l.71I11. parforraad
by Clerenc. ('1'..) A re-di ..-,. of 1960, ..1.,..
Aah1.,. bad 1..... career ill _lc. fr.. the trav.l-
illl ....lcb10_ .t th. _l, part of the century
throuah the .tdlll .....d ....."d the. UN re.ur
._ for .ppreciative city .udiane la tha 8ta
U .. , Vitll. f.ce .. beautiful1, snarl.d COD
tOUl' ..p of 1>1. own be10yaci South.rn Appalachi.... ,
Aahl.y 1 f clnatlnl r-.aaat of .nother .ra
TMuperb .,.,. baa bean .UDtf, by h_t. of city
all11 .... a. Th. cu.,ioua lIIOdal tUlll.... the wiatful
uend unpreured m&DDer at it....ocal d.11....ry.
the eath.tic'richn of it. ayabollc worda U
.dd up co el..aic of .ld-c", folk o1Dtf,i.....
GcIoma buil 1.. cahla
011 -cu... 10'",
,,1 __ "UUII
", lie .... PU" .,.
'bI. tile --.:.......' blrd.
She wobbla....... !liM. .
aa o....r ..,. coo-cOO
'1'111 the fourth "'" .luI,.
I.... pla," car"" i.
I.... pLayed car"" la'Spala.
I'U bat 1W call doll.....
1 beet 1W nut .-.
","I&-.-D'-"", J4Idl,..-Dl......
I... U-,.... '- old,
Yau' .. robbed ay poor pockat
Of ., a11..r ..... "IY 1014
I'll horb't huIIIry.
they. _'t ut bay
I'U dri.... lUCl. futh_.
f ..4 ' ... .,..,.
'" ...It'lftll .... -.(q 'no, w,u 8Uq:ao pu
....... .,.. tq ""tau,. P".1:o.. "l.:aunDII "'11'1'1 JO .tel
-- q.:aMn. v 'OOUWl!. ""G/r.>Vr.) !lIltnMV -I. pIl1III
UOC("" .1........ :lwq:l p."""".1p :101 p"_q:l awl
._ paw'l "" d",,"1 o:a .1OJ t_ v, :awq AW lIOOl
-t1 :ad 1'''... p<IIIO.1. po0':!. puwmoq':l 0
'"uo:a. ono.lJ-pto:o 'p.1111\ C/O IIIIQP l1lll
.1011A eq:a 1''''' .1 :n ., '1..., eq:a .tJJU. o:a puy ,.
t_ .....WI. MI.lP -:a 1.1........ lqlrioq X
....t. 1IIl'P.:a- - ...... .n "l apawq uq qnA
Iu,:aweq- P'''I''I.''-''I.1Wl
W.10Jeq Io"J.:a-. puw P"Jq"'1 lIIJ"Il--V
'-"uaodwlO;:) ............q1 pu. IIIJ"I -'"1':1 :a"M
1I1.ld wq:a HAO ....:a J _:a ...:a "" 00 pay
1I,"'p.':I_ I ellUJln. o:a WI"..
:J,Ilq. "" ,.."",q 1''' "Jq a 8-""'1 _
o:a .. -.Jq1 "'I" Inn 0" poo:a. _
........ .... l ....."'1 .:awq \10 .1y,q W:a _ a.:a.u

'P"Iq"'1 "1""'1 lIIOOl .1....
..... aMp "P':I. "...:al AW.:oI pu...... ,._
'T.lli 1l111O:> 01 01 no,( ".'111
...,t pa. "Iooq W ql,A q.t,
"..... .., 1I.f}.Il. IlH.1' A .11 paw ..... tw.:aD
'''.U ...":an 0':1 101 noA. 100111\
,_ lw.:a. w p.nn .... l"'1l lIuoq 'W.l' w 8pull J
( '0'1:)
'-.1 _nos lIIWJ o:a ,- 8111 .. *"I. -.1
'01 p. X PIOO.I 11'11 WOOl' ,uy
ap,1I a 0':1 t.:all .'nNeI 'a ... , p. X
.... t".-r- 1110. d" lIMl p"tMA 1110"
w 1GIl
' ... PlftO:1 1 .. alllJ av
w ':lOll
'p.o.lq, paw 0tpaau paq X JI
..",t- 1
WlOU 'eI" lIMl '1- pn :aGII
'ch\ lIMT 'T- lMa lOU -.1 ox
( 'oq:)
P.IU" 181 ,(wq:a .1_u r
'WIll" 11'1' ..n ......... """ ._.U
'"J.:&.J:8"I" 11'1':1 .....:01 lI",,, .U
8Od.1......... W o:a
.1a t.1.:a.q:o 11'1':1 eI" .I.ql'lI -1Il.
.... pTO .''Il PII':I
.,. 'TIIUJ ".1.<0 'I. "PIS -
Iiii ,. el"':IiiH ., q.. q':ll" 1'00lq':l .nd..,;:)
0:1 .lll'",":a"l U:aI .. '''11,.10 II. q;:)". pwq ,uN>1.
'.c:'TOII ""..II _. pt- Hn Ale
-:nOll, :awq'l P.""IAllO:)'" X .'.U .u-.c
.1.:a" 8"11 .'1"1 I'll' X JI
:on.n"'H" ':lu.p", aII':I JO 1.1_ .. Iall" 10,,,'1 Suo.
' .. pt0':l .I.qlO11
_-.1'1811, """".pl.d,, "ls.. JO 1'111"1 _ ,,':1
',(oq .UUI"...... I ".'111
punoJ I ...-rIll',; "l ':I1Iq ':a"_ ':11 .loa "'.IJ ...."
':11 ....... MUll .......U 111\ ....,,':1 1lI.,,:I. pu. ap20A
....._11 JO uon........" ......':1 ... an IIJ "'11""'"
'aJIA .IOJ luI...... -,X
0':1 110 _I aqa Suo '00ft/:' .T""" lI.q ....:aJ patUl
tuoa ....,11 'IInr ' ''1''':11'11 .ql JO lI81q1nap
.c:o.t I,q :aft.11 ... 1 AON
1..1IIt>q, .,,1 ' ....11 UIl8ll.:&0Jlll 1_':>"l..d .,q eq o:a
'.Il... .. - pal"" I tTV
'.c:o.t .111It .... I ".'111
UM ",L1I ''''''lA JII ap\;:):al1l au 'PU.lll113 al
P"lJ 1, IlptllO" aq ..tAl' 1'.....Iao. ' .1811 .11I':l101 01
.T'I' .... wq 'lIOl':l1".1':1 JO .""'1.1.UeI 8"11 JO "n
'.:awp a punoa .1aqlO '"Ia pay
... .tao. "IloJ "W:>I.1wmy loa q.lllaJ Ioll".tl0"
I .... .:&OnIon ,. .-am. - 'PM
.... 11'1 'X "WI!. pT.&OA JO "',':1 ..q:a ,uno... AlI:a_" .p\:a
1'10 GIl III 1011':118
O:a ..." 'eI.:awqs 'r 110.0 .1O:I"aTI0" ".I:aI.1a
-ilfl .c:p.,. .1 ... X q'lA X
-WJ .ql '*Ill ''P':I11I -r!RI'Dl. 1IIIIlY:uDII , 1'....
'-"D .c:paqs o:a lo'US
'-1 IIIIlIl ,. '_.ID 'peers
01".. iiiri.. '.-q a '0M.:aI) "'""
_1.1_ 1'''' (Nllll8U) .et"18 ora.. "ITO.l 01 "':lOll
'-1 "" 'lIADiIfI 'l'eers
a, punoJ "'1 a." ""eyd..r,,"'1 ,0 et,(l. .P\l JO
IIOnwWIdlre, v 'PUlA .q:l III ,n.JUG" ....n
1o".:unU 8puno. l.Ua.':IocI "180"1.1"" 0f""'1
11'11 lOU JO "'.:anU V .. ...',."Ie1 .nu." - ',(lj"qui JO '.lll:) ItIJ'IIII "".
...... of""'1 JO '.':InUlIlq<lo. :a_ .ql .0l .1:a1l ..... :n: PHII1I :I."n 0'1'1 ...........1.".. ""'" ...., .....
...-. go. ......"1... Ueq.",. '''1''1- 'a,,, aq:a poawt ".1... ..t- t".. . III -. Ooq1r II
,,:lIlwt91 lIlI1I_w ,,'lA 'I.:aeoq"l./I "1.11 "" p-'''lel 11 '''plir" puw "IUtl) iOl' ptO ,,_ iIWIoDPIIO'I seql0
.,.... '_1 or.."'1.JU '1"'"1'1'" e-neq III .Indcl. -.1& 4811S JO .....91. eql JII ... '''JlI
-- eq':! '.t"l..."llJ'lltl'lo, paw "'_ .. 01 -"1 lu11l1l1O" "'1f1UMK aW'P...... JO .t...... "'11 ,
fl" -n".'l. oql lI81wa.:a1 wql. ......."J.ZI neq0.1811 101 .Ie'l.... '111) 1." MIl .11.1. JO ....... 1-1'1.:10
paw 1I.:aeoql.1I 1I1..../lI'UIIt GIIVI-jO'I, - , ,... U, . '.cat-.r -l. at.. -l./INIIO 1JIftI ,a..
- . .
'1,uif.1I1. in Vi_.UH......... 1.8'1. It,
... Ilq.aotly i. ,w.d_ .ha,.-not. h;pa-, "
..1. "'"'1,. tbe 19th ceu*". !'h. 1............ '
phr_ .u _lLlnt -.ol.of tlla "'0__
UnCbet ....,.1 folk coald pcIUI' Into ,aU .....racI
ArIaZ1\11 sr.c,. holl _n tbe .GIlIId
!'hat .awcI . .....tch lin _.
1 __ .... loae. but QGII I'. fOWlcl.
Wa. bUnd. but new 1
'Tv.. sr.'" that teuaht ., haert to fM".
And ar.c,fe.llr "ell.wd.
BDv pr.clou. cI1d tb.t Brace .ppeal'
!'ha hour 1 ft".t bell.ved.
IIbeIl ve... ben th.r. tell tlioul&Qcl ,....n.
Irlght .hl111.... the ......'
We 'f' 110 1 cia,. to " ... c:locI'. pr.J'.
!'haI\ ...... ve fint begUD.
IIIllcI a - !3lPrUl CUEl/I)oc lIateon. Doc 'lfaUoa 1.
an wr.lon of .nother oldti_ hoe-'
a04 e"uaft-clance t...... lleten,. bUnd ....11
aiell fr_ tb. bUh of veaten IIortb CaroU..... he.
.......tOWIcI1... Cllty 11.t_e with the nuidiCy
... orl&1...lit)' of bl. gulur techniqu.. Ikr. lt
a.. ia .11 lta fineryhowi...._ of the
l ....thl to vhicll tb. "11"",le" folk atyl.. have
IIIllcI 9 - rum.rotLt/1:'h. Dilleru. The DiUaru,
aaalebr.te4 11....r... band frOlll tb. Ozarb. In.
.....m . trutalent Of' _ of the _t f ...ou .&merica,
..rclar IlaU.cIa. It.... or1&l...U, lritUh corall
.ll-ye called !'ha GoiIP!!!Ft Tr.,.dy, but baa unclar- '
1_ ar_t tr.n.formation. b're. In thie verdon.
it S.t. tbe full Bluegre tr..tment. c .... tr.punt.l
....Vinpin.t tbe -..1 119.
... 1 11-..4 $0. LDa4oD dtl. ".1 end
u... I U,,", iii ...... a .lt1. 9IIle, .... t_.
1_ ........Uful laot7...... 4:1.. fl......
1:1oey called bel' ..,.ttY';,r;,l '-",o .1..... :.ddl' .
me.::,"-",!'. :' (2) .
. lefora \lie aet ....:,pi....,. w'l1 e
WllUe. oh. VUlt., l' .dftl.:4 of y .... r .,.,... (2)
'l'be vay you ..... UllbU.... JC!Il'll l_d .. aU.,..
, fta1 _t ...... ...t ell" Cbe7
epy. < (2)
A _I, ............. JIpa4e'
. .
rolIy. Iretty 1Io11t.' , .... 11: ,sue 1bout
1"llllit., . (2)
j.,cIuC ..... ywr an.o..e pan of' laat nlsbt.
"""-:-- ' ,
fIIr .tabbad bft heart. and her beart. blood did
flow.' (2)
..... 10t0 the .r.... Pr.tty .olly did 10.
a. threw litUe d1n over ber an" turned to
10 b_. (2)
laa'filll _hi... lIeJlloc1 but the 1I1ld blru to ".....

./ ... 10 - rim ftlJ.Alll I.OSI! TllAS/o....... "sr
... Walter .l'arhaa. A.OII& claUoa frtB th. Clyil
War '1'. tbet baa llad doeen 11_, _t rec.ntly
Mil popul.r hit. Ilecau. the text ".rely y.d
.......eth S. Oold.t.ln MY'. thU "'II&&ta poe
.1blbe.t .ualc or book tr.dltion r.ther than _
"1U1Una frtB or.l circul.tion." It i. perf_d
by two Noreb Carolini.IUI, o.orae '.gr... and II.U.r
l'ar_. '.ar... cc.lltrie. lurchl.. vocal .cIcI.
c_lde".ble incerut
1.'lIN.' yellooo I:..e .t f .... cu, ". a-Iolo'
to ....
110 ........111 ....1: love her like T_ ouaht.. be.
You dn ulk .bout your Cl_ntine and I1na of
.. yellow roa. 0' T.... be.t. the girl of
I'-.01.. ' back to T-.; '1'. '-a1l1o' to ....
110 one .,ill "'''r low bar 11b Texa.. ouaht to
1 pick rIf _jo peU,. all4 .1Ioa to loH11e.
But the ,.11_ 1:." ..... tbe a1rl of
. T_..... .
11 - cir:ill aIld' th.'Greenbri.r: Ioya.
'fha fr......t l ..tu.lIa..e.f .ona. hetweeo *.ro aIld
whit. pftfoC'lle... baa not .toppa4 ..ith tbe Il"esr."
..... II/Ir.,. city 11....r .....res.tion, 111....nd
The ereeabriar 10,. (Ralpl! I111&1er, John 11/101" aod
lob y.lll..). giy" plrite4 iaterpretaUon of
'0", ,opular by laacIbeUy.
COhl. an- COl"'D "
f"" " CllOIUISI
Gr.... cora. ar.... C!lflll. c_ &1... Claarlia (4)
Gre.. _. ,1'_ COI'II, ...t 7GU c.U 1'o1ly.
lley in cbe .u.... Ute ...,. 18 brtl&ld..
r.... 1.. the pd. h_k.. bek1n'.
Eel'ly 1 .. the -ol'nina "y.
If 7GU ...C _ ._. I'. ao1.. to CIu:'CIIf it
All 1 _ad. i., 'hl. <:l'eetlO11,
Tltl''' _the ""l'k ..... not:. ".cat:1011.
Tell my boa. any 01.. ttae,
DAy-tiM 1a hia....lpc-tiM 1.lIine.
All 1" to make me b.ppy,
Tvo 11cU. I11c1a 1:0 call ... pappy,
an. _ .. aill, the other n-d DA.,.
Like their bl.cu1U .opped in 8r."Y_
My true lov.' brown-eyed clal.y,
Courti.. ' 1n Ch. ,re... co.... v1..... h.r cr.lty,
1 like CAndy .,01 8l'eell corn 11quor.
candy 1a clancly buC liquor 1. quicker.
(Ite,..c c1!.<mla ..,....1 U .... )

f .
OUIIWI AT. 1111 MIJ.ZJ'tM 1111lar ... rr.
.qaan...... CO Iluea_. _ DOC a 'OU7 w.. at...
aM tMa _ny _1c rOUDd...p ellcla 'lftdt a Mac
' al_t fnu1e.. vlUrl by 'l'bt DiU.rcla. n..
of alueara.. to ebe vUlaae oecbeatr.. of
IaJItera Europe a .... to dta fr..___U..
bellcla of .... Orl..... bec_.apP""lIc Iuor
.S- old .... lid.. '.t ehe mll,
Tbe m11 tl.lX'M<l .rou..d of i.'. ..... fl''' rill,
HaM "In tbelloppac .11" the otbel' ill the .uk,
....i , .tep fOl'V&r", an" the ,&lit. f.U back.
Well, dCIIfa t all Cllfl and he .aid all qui.t,
A 1 __ uy ...... 1_._ ni8hC,
TbcN&ht 1 b ..rcI pr.tty .bircl a .......,
Lor.. Ala1,hcy, .leep lIext uy.
Well, if, the .,.vell, nev,
U X__ a :rauns ""e, X'd heft tvo;
an. for to kid .nd the othel' to .....
And I'd beve tl'1na fOl' bubble bow.
lie11 , old _n 18 1., Ira"-"oo.
He cIoa 'c war no yea 1 do.
Pint to tbe l.n .ad then to the
Tltl. old .111 1& ',oina to ac.y .11 nilb'.
P!tOTQ I f_"--Jr
: J.
.Jus, lII_l11&r..d to be _ric.'. dUd.contd
but:1011 to _14 _ie,.l....t.p-chUi!. of folk
A1th.... p J.n .od.nbt. have carrl.d tbe IOIIde:
far frGlll ita folk roota. J.n .... born in the
tbr""ta of <:ountle"ro plant.tion worker114
fi.ld-ha"d.. 'til! roou of j.n eM" bask to the
!!!M&.. not tbe city, .opbinicoKe<I 101..... b..t tll,..
,ami.,. blllS'
Tbe blu.... fOl'1ll i. quitedtaUnct from .ny .....i
cal fQl'lII to be found In otba", etbnlc but
ita ._tiona1 fo.... i caudn to ...ny. "",deag
bl.... 1& e:0lII ",".bla to th.. .nte ndo Qf th
t e ..... an peuant, the
I,M Of tbe fprt.uguI,s
All bava e.-n emotional relationsblP.
WhUe .11 I:h..e .008 fo.:ma have v.riety of fo.,.
and ..ood. tbey str... the .. motiOQ of sorrow .nd
c_1.1nt. Tb .. y.n .ubj..eU"he.....nU. mollt
.bout 1n th.. life.
ure -- tb..... two forma mer,ed
lnto n....t"1.. of dDilng born ef troubl... Th.
...hyt.... nec.....ry for ,roup work WI. not ne..ded.
.... t the f.irly regular beat .... ther a. well ..
Ktha blue t_lity." the je:l& element th.t 1.t.r
...... """11& .nd lor... b....d. were to ..... to ..vo1ve
'ato Hew J....
After j.u II&ve1ope4 into awll'11 .nd the v.ri.....
..c*ot.ti..... of pop it wa. ...y to 10.. tb.
of the 101........t c_tl j ... _n have
..ld that tbe baaic, man
had to have. fe..l1l>i for the hI........ h .. c .... l ...t
pl.y J.n vall.
It 1. wortb r ........eril'll that tb.. 'blgg...t l ..tar
..t ln folk eualc berd.fter tb" rock
roll or.lIe of tb. e.rly fiftie.. It _ not aur
p&'ld...: tbe.. that tb. young folk .udi._ found
tbe blue. of sre.t inUr..t, b......... _t rock 'n'
roll __ an ...t ....lon of the bluea.
Mi>IIt unu.ual perM,,_ baa he.nthe d&valopment
of cot.rleof whlt. clty bl.... e1qeta. a_ ef.
.... b... clo..r to rur.l bluetyl. than .... ..,.. , parforMra who wnt 011 to play rbytbm ...d
"lela. or rock n' roll. Tba purtat. he"", v111
'till i that c"llly the .....0 can lay to
-,'i..ltive b1.... lnterpretatlOD.
IN eI"'.ir.' with ilill ftiIflIII ......l .114 .ff.....
thb 81<1e fhe " .. _tic: en, .t'll .... Ity a_
of tlla 11.lIti of folk ..1.., all ..11 all ._ by
ClCltatalldina lattar-.s.,. lnt.rpret..... lie f l tn
curr.nt city whita l ..tarpr.t.r. ba'ge .. much ript
c:o ai". tha bl....... a..,._. ,.mapa IlCt a blrtb
ript, .... t certai,Dly tha qualitie. of ld""tifica
tlO11 ..... -,patby that iDlpal _h' of th...rb.... folk
MG& -..e ACICIlci ..ot be cut off f .. _ Cou:fttry
b1aea. w, in -,. .aye, tb... ""ita bl.... int.r
p&'at............. the h1...... Hnic:., openi". the
"- for aaothar s .... r.ti.. to clUo_r the MIly
fac.. of the .
..... 1 - UIS1" JOIDl/Scmny T.ny. OM of tbe snat
country bl.....1....r. and _tb-lIup (harmonica)'
playar. .t111 011 tb...rfond.....c_ h Sanllal'8
T.ncoll, better 1m........ s.m.,. fen-y. 111114 fr_
lal. birth in Sautla CaroU..... fer.., baa _r .1oat
the rousJa. , ...lay. II&..ply l_hed at...l ... ef tbe
I'oot. hI.... ,lay.ra. lara, 1... prl._ .
u'" .oea. be curi.. OIl a 11...1,. debete
w1tb hia b--u.... vbooptna and y.U1... w1tb
.ort of w114 Jci:v. fo lII&Ily of the _try bl_
_ tb. autter or _th-nrp _ a c:ond 901... ,
&Del tb.y _III. .... tb. l ... to cany 011 a
.ort of ...I:1,b_l debete, .. S-y T.rry dou
Bancl 2 - 1 WOItDI.I WIlli I!:u. CD: TO II CA1.LID A
HAN/llta IIUl k_y. n. lat. lI1a IItll koonsy
vat. philti...te<I bl.... writ.r a1l4 .tl'ller to
vard the .1Id of bl. lif.. AltboUjlh tbia '0l'II
neftr sat.... w111& eu:n:.1lI:Y ... folk blu , tha
clear atat_t of tho at....r. 11..11& .bOll ...
inte""'.I:1". aill& of tile bl_.
When 1 _ born lnto tllta world
nla'ta vbat hap,.....d to ...
1 va. nevel:. o&1l.d II1&II.
And nCIW I'. rCICIIId fifty-tllne.
1 wond&r "ft, I _II&r "".n,
1 _II&r when 1 ,.t to be c.lled ...nj
1 'dei.thalS. wait till 1 settto t.oI ninaty-tbrea.
1 beve to walt tUl 1 &at Ili...ty-th_tl
Whan Und. SUo calle<l ..
1 I'" be called tha r ..l McCoy. '
Wha.. 1 lot. in tb. .noy.
'l'beY'jIlIK call.d ...01dler boy.
lib... 1 lot. back frOlll _r....,
That "tpt .... had . blIll,
II'U;t II&y I ...t tba ..ld boa
.. add, "loy, a.t you __rall
.I .... vorlaed.O! tha Woe ......,.
I '" .tbe extra ........ too.
IIlack _'a boy,
t clOIt't "'.........t be _ ....
n.y ..14 1 .................
117 cloell va. '1..., eM ......
ROw I'.. lot llttloiuoettQl.
Jut X'.. .till boy, ..illlt l1li.
(ClIo.) '.
....4 3 - IIIM:J:' SIIAII IlQUlfLuM11,. la. 1'1..
1"1, ehv.ll1_ .boot.. iaa6eUy blana oat tbi.
101_ plaint . 'l'be ....1IIek..ace" nl.r&1lI:!I 1a
dudy '-1. &Del tb1a ... lIeaIl JIOINlaI' 1Mp
-... the 111_ au.of But 'Tau ad tb. 111.81.
.tppt Dalt., t.vo areu part1cul.d,.
w1t1i blua1nsera
OIIh-ooh. 1 .1ut sot 110 _.
OIIh-oob, 1 ai,,'t sot ItO ..OIl. .
yOu told _lat., leat nipt, you di",'t need ...


110 WIllI
I ......

. .;
OoII-00h, black .nake cr...Un' 1n -r r_. (2)' .5- HOUSI IR tIlE ltlSING BUII/Baliy Wood.
Bett.r tell .omebody, better co-e ... set tbl. Hall)' Wood dnaa a f_. _1'I'a bla...0ftS of
10na ....... ._. proaUtut1on. WIlen the countr), .bl.... -" to _
ev' eel other clUe., there ...... gr..t ella...
00II-00h....t ha.... been bH-btua 'cau... chinch 111 iee form .nd .0ph1.ticat1on. 1... , ...4 of ....lna
couldA't bite .. that hard, (2)' purely pera.DNll it b__ perf_r-
Had -r evger baby (.in't. child in .udl.",,& ..41...... Thte.OftS f.U. il1:0 the
the yar4). ' city blu eet.lory. Ita .......inaf.. lmor.l i. torn
out of the pes" of New or leana' 1."&41 brothel
lIoney. th.t'_ .11 rlght, that' U risht for .reround the time of World loIer I. House of the
you. (2) RieLn, Sun' La cl..dc eMmple of tlte
DarUna, th.t' 11 right '_t .ny 014 ".y "tth through tradition of folk .ona. H,.,h&a roota 1..
)'ou. n EnsUeh ball.d of the 16th century .,.ll..d !l!!.
Un(ouun."e ItAke. Thla e.rUer verdon treveled
I ".lked to .y .nd I kn_d Anythina .h. 41_ to Americe end .everd centu!'l.a l.'er .... tren.
,ve11 riaht vlth me, formed into <lowboy .ons. The COIIItbY'. "-tInt.
It vee okay vith .a, ye., .nythina .h. dona .... Aft.r the Civil Wilt'. llearo c .... boys ,brousht tbe
t rlght by .. , aona vlth them into the South where 1t h
I v.lked up to her .nd I ..ant.d to know vbat _ .ttained. In pert, form. '
the matter
......._. a-hon"y, """t'. the ...U.r nwl (2)
DarUna. teU ... wh.t'. th" ..tter, don't Uke
Ther. la hou ln New,
no bleck .nak. no hoW.
Th.y c.ll the Ri.l.. Sun.
It lie.......n the ruin of many poOII' lir!
Well. "onder wileen that black ....... gone. (2)
And .... ohGod... one.
I knOlll .nak., _. 41_ run my darl1na
. hOfall'.
Well. !f I had .-It.Unad to what _ Nt.j' ,
I'd a-be." .t h_ tod.y. .
(Repe.t fir.t vera.)
But beina .0 Yo"na and fool1ah, pOOl' airl,
I let. sambler lead me .atr.y.
_-...... ..onder where that .....1Ie gOll., (2)
1 knoW that black .nak., _, dona run "'y darl1na
My OIOther La ".11or,
She aeva tho... nev blu.. Jna;
My eve.theart 1a drunkerd,
Drlnk. dOVl'l ln \lev orl.......

Band 4 - SE! THAT MY CIlAVI IS un CUAlt/Bllnd
Well. the only thil'ls a drunliard n.ede
Lemon .Hff.raon. It. cl..dc ot the c""otry bl_
I. .ultc... and trunk,
8Una by on. of it. giant., Ilind Le.on J.fferaon
And the only tl.. be' ti.fled'
of E..t T."".. .1effer.on, a. equally r_red by
Ia vb... he'. on drunk.
r j."tuonU b. I.a by &lk devot_. had Itn
....lna ability to ccaprDd convey emotion
fIe'11 flll hta gl..... to the brim
into. fev .imple phr_. Thiellotf.oa 1e
An. h. pe.... tbem .rOllnit,
t ....n fr..- 78 ",. .t.c he recorded lD "28, It
And the oaly pl.....ur. th.t he t. oat iii' ttt.
1. beli...... to have be... hta l t. or -a h1.
Ia .-hobolng from tOwn to town.
1", recorclina. before hl. death ln CbtcalO.
Nottc. how the lu1tar lmit.te. the 80Und of
Go tell .y beby .i_ter.
church bell 1'11' tb. end of tbl. f.--s blues.
!lever do vhat I done,
"'. But ahun thet hou.e in lIev orln.

They c.ll the Ri.inll Sun.
Well. U', _ kilNl favor t a,k of )'OIl,
. Well, it '. on& foot 01\ tM pl.tlon
Wdl, It 'a one fll'1d favor 1 .tk of )'OU,
And the oth.r one on tht trall1, .
Lord, It '. one klnd f.vor I k of you,
I'. golng Co New
See thet -r gr.... 1e kept cln.
to ....1' that hall .nd chain.
J "
. It ' long, lt got no .nd, (3)

It' 0 had when the devU c_.
I'.. going beck to New orleana.
, lIy ti... 1a almoat done,

I'.. 1I01ng there to .pend my day.
!!I--, . Lord. It'. two whlte hoi-.e. i ... U.... (3)
Beneath th.t Sun

Coin' to ".k. me to ..y bur),ln' around,.
Hy hrt .topped bUUn' eft<! .y """ sot
cold. (3)

It v lOftS (Journey) I been told, Band 6 - FIANCE lUlU/Mark Spoalacr.. J'aU'"

folk f.n. have .een veral of the 1'",
....... ,.
Have you ever be..... cofUn .000d? (3) U .... jug b.ndown-to....rth. h...._d. _1c
.. then )'ou knw that the poor boy'. in the tbat flour1eh.d around I!empb1a In the nlneteeD
.. ..
iround.. teen. and tvent l... The moat rec.ent rev!val .f
intere.t In blue. jus bend .... ln 1963, .nd the
Ob, .1g my vith a .llver .pede, (3) full effect of thl. f ..clnatlns. colorful mualc
You _y leave "'" dI*'n vith gold.n cheln, ba...till to ..........ur.d. Ilera,Mark Spoelatr
ing. and pl.1.. gult.r 1n the rur.l "'nner, lie 1.
Jlave you eYe't heud church bell toll' (3) ...i.ted In chie froUc by FrlU Richmortd " ......h
- Th... you knCIW th.t .the poor boy'a "ea' and a-. tub b....... DouS ,-, 3)' en veahboard and _nco.

bOIl' cake. "ap. Mby .s- Oft the IfobU. u..JIIII
lie" Lor"'y __ Be" Lordy pepa'
_ All .boue "be Mobil. 11....'
t'bat '. the I:CIIaII eo riu. beby. to .... yOUl'
t;roubl1n' llilld. . '
I 101: 1.n'1r. tM. 1.. ehe ....,. it _ ....
Iai"'. c_ Oft baby"".... yoIllr'l_ 1a
.,.11. I ...c.... ay .ut't""ri4 bun"'led.ll .., "'1
AD'" vb_ 1 lot there, she _. 1.yilll OD the cool
1na boa..d.
So I toale "" to the buryilll Ir0UD4 ,
, .........hta .......d .. cryia' vb... tbay let her
I'Iov vb.1I X eli.. don't bury uHy .t .11...
".,.t bu.." "".bon ke.p .... ill dcnbo1.
Wb<m 1 die. P\lt II" ill f .._ ...
So vben X'. a- you can ...... JllIt tIM' ._.
Ob, vben 1 Ali I'. '-10111' to dOt.> by rrllnce
_I: .11 the _ cluinc
Bello. I vent to .... yoIllr
.. J cen ta1ktlo ""baby &nyti....h.. 10IIe. '
.... 7 - c.urn BWES/Iln Loat C1I:;y .....1..... 'l'h.
CUfteIIIt &It,, h1_ rn'ival 1. DOthina un1que 111
tha bl.tot:)' of tbe hl..... CounU vblt. hl11
CllUlltry _id.",. fr_ 'l'h. Cert.r r...tly to
.a..i. IIocIpr. to Moor1. T....vb. vere f ctuted.
With the ._eI of lIearo hl_n'" the font qulck
t;, .,....eI to vblt;a ....le. Her. the .... -.on City
.....1........-.reat f_ vblt. bl.... , wrlt.ten
the leu A. p. eert.r. rue f ...lon of an 014
Aaalo-AMdcell folk-lyric atyl. vith bl.... fl,,
_1. _of the _to bu..tifu1 examp1". of the
ft.....,qtlU..Uona that vellt on betwe.1I .thnic
_ti:. ln the South. Mik. k " p1.y....tob."p
lIU.........1 Mtobup .... "illl,
MI."........ _ ..,. ,.,...
,.-"'.. 1M "."...... I'" I,M ai,
rot to 'Ii.. til. ,tel" .l1li ...... '1'0IIII4
1 t:h""'llllt 1 bau_ lCllll_ ._.
1 thoupt I h......1 true lew. ea,
Ob, to turn .nd ..- tMa _yo
Y"" 1_ ._ oth.r. ynu "'OIl't 1_ ..
YIIN _. aot for 111 compaay
Y.... 1_ ._ otb.r .nel 'X know ...."
.......... be baa ..or. 101d tbaD I
..t 101'" will ..It ...eI IllYer v111 fly
"",,1- for you .,111 DIVer "".,
'Ther. i flower I'". .....r'" I:heIa My
t'bal: cell be....... frOll tley to tley
AII4 11. tbat n_r 1 oaly coy1'" flM
'Eo eMa ....1l1li bearl: of IliD.,
III f.a ,.....if, ay cbantllll 11tt:1I 1_.
Ob, _ .. ill Cbal: 1......bOY.
AD4 ....... ve .at: llbar. 1D I:bel: 1erMI
We'll ...... DO _. thi. pall:tillll ......
BancI 8 - SLAPPllI' otI Hr BUCIt CAT 1I0000/hft Ita".
D.... ltay, Minnpe1le p.rfonoar vIIo he......f ..1
ly .tuell.4 th. ,,_1 .nel l.... .ty1 of
country b1.....inaara, bar. bit of
bl.... ID".tlC1eIl, Th. 1:0 conj..rina 111
the .ong."ereel in .0 .1moat d.aaelp... f b1on.
.r. rllnforceel by t,b. bd1U...1: play of th. 12
.tdlll plta.. ln th. backsrounel
I'Iov you oeo ..... cOllio. beb7, frooo Ions ...".
I _. chensill' tbal: _ bel lnl:o ""'"
'eeu I'. beret 10C11 "". fr_ "-. I
But you oen ...... cam1o. _. by I:be fl".hln'
on .y black CIt. bone,
IICIII I _1'" dri"" 111 ....l.k.". _. 1 _ld 4ri""
"'1 1

IIIIft the other .... ia filli.bed. I:UI:' a ....... I
'Ce.... 1'. hen. 1.......". 'r. "-.
You 01111 llear ...!lIIiIl'. ., t'" ala"in' .. t
II,. oat b_.
IICIII I do ._ tIIt.._. 11111)', tllat otllu _. _'I:
do t
they cen't. I.t the ...., ...... 1: work I:be
llul: 1 can, oeua. I' 1.... _". frooo "-
So 11:'u you _ "'- vit:h .... 0_...t
'Ceu Sftaker'. t:e1k11l'. beb7, JOI: .. _n I
can be
f .
SUl"l'tH' ON "" IlACC CAt ION! ,
WMd,...wI Mdk Illy o.v. ..,.
Clc.a,p,r.... lH4.,.NIM"
u..d by ,.,IIIkIio..
Band 9 DOM'T YCU LEAVE )IE lIIIlE/h... V.II ltonk.
Kot. .U b1u.. vere .t....'" ill .orrCIIW or ........r ...
Daft Van Ilank, ln the blue. revi".l i .. IIev York,
."..,1. out a blu.. 1eerDed. f ... the .1nailll of
Henry -n.-.. Tbi. Ituelent of counl:ry b1.....
._ of I:h. c....,l....U""1111 ..... "ocal eff.ce. the
c_try bl....... vera .b1. to .chi ."..
... ....


:..-. "!,:.
. ,. -'-;...;
A'll:! !lDa;)iOp _. It.I .. lIDloll _. I
!I,ur.. I ......,.. N.q .a"'"1 ".1
)CA "at
Al!'n nod pa" don .c. .Wl!'n "0'1 .U
" 011 .. .. I
'-AiOpA'II:! ft ...... 'P""'l ' .oq. ft A"",
'- lIDlntq DI "'.... tl- lI.l.... t 'p.zO'I
...... Iu,a"l'l III It" ,,_ I
...... lID,ntq wq1 DJ '1- n" "'_ t
" lIDJAOtl0J ."1.zAt lIalll. -.-1.
It.I.,a. " dul. ' ..", palq", .tA!I. t".tN;
"111 1J"l 0"" .1""'1" p._ "'.n'll! """
-110.. OX II"""liIIlISOdD NllIlWll)' - Ot P....
'.llI", .lOl RIP " """"l
'....wq '01 t 'tt./I
'NIMI. ........1 IIOA 1.-a
......t 110,( 1,IIOP ......t no.( 1.1IOCI
'RIa .lO 1V
.....=n.,wq ..e_." I
D_ V
" ....D I
A"" "1'0'1'1.1_ ..
-.. ... wq. '11"1\
..a ... '"I. 'tl""
... "'l" 'n.1I
( Olf.)
''''''''''1 ."""'1'1"""-" .... I
PUhO.z" I u.qK
""""I A.zOlM 01 ul'll"l.
""lUG::' DO lIDIPD"!I. ... I
1Ift.t noll
.......I.lJ A. !la.,. no,( Jl 'tl.11
'puIIO.z" ..." a"q
p_.z" .1"1_.1 ltWII
'.n pull -.. A_t ,alOll
"'''1 I .-n-s
''11- t
u.q ........t no,( 1.aoQ
,aJllO" Iuot 1'111", n" 1aM,
' ........t no.( UO(l
'-t ... , l,aop '-I 110,(


., I

t ...;1


<lip ,""!

.: '"
! iti

...,. ....

.'" .



, '...
nola b ... 1.-...,1118 of .cmp 'ouclU1I&
oo.a ...ade'y of c1lol:.... Folk aong U
trlcky aubject tbat defi.. piseOftboliaa OC' c.te
lorlutiOll. noe lI1.....ta :r- u..,. aOlll aeatly
parcalled .ad labeled. it haa va,. of u.......ppina
it.elf &ad reappearl.. la. differeat,locale vith
differ.nt t of l,.dc. alld me.lling. for people
vbo .ing it.
But no c"'"Prehe""l.... view of American folk .eng
cou14 avoi4 touchina on the that .prina.
fr"", _I' an4 the h.tre4 <if val'. fr_ r __nUc l_
ead patriotic love.
l'roh&bl,. every va' la hiatory haa _loyed
...... le to vhip up lervor. to buil4 _rale &114 to
tz:uopet the alog.1UI ...... fight for. We 'va had our
ahare of _"'ching eong.. ..nUmeacal aongn4
tun.. that .llaye4 ...... of the 1I1ry tb.t val'
cauae.. Bec';u.e of .eparaUoa. 10lle11......n4
duth. _n'. i""UncU..e arplng for.tbe .ol.c.
of """,lc ...... to grow in Intenan,. during val'
Amerlcan hi.tory. no v.r .e... to have'ln
.piree!,..ore .ong...."lt1ng than the Ci rtl liar.
Ilerav1t1& .1'. thr 50ng tvo from the time of the
war '.nd.on. of recent orlS1;'. With the .plita
that the CIvil liar rent in tbe f.bric of tbe Amer
1_ p....onal1ty. the recent CIvil liar C.,nt.nnial
.,rv.4 to bring back the ..hole Civil liar era in
.ong. A ma.terful .ntl-...r aons written by Bob
Dylan clo... the aection.
The rooiantic 1..... aongpeak prett,. lauch for
S"",e c_ncator. on eocl.1 p.tterna
ha.,. f_d grt de.l .bout American character
.. tUtucl,u towar4 ...... _r.Uty .nd ...rrlage
ea_l.d in AIoedo&ll folk .oaa. Certalnly th.y
_N flad areat deal lIOn r4!&lity ill folk
r.ther than popul.r eona. The latter .tr"...e4 the
r_ntie over the reali.Uc. the f.ntaay over the
..:t...l1ty. Folk .engad blue. touchlng on love
"- ....ry fw paaaion. pregnancy. infi
ullt,.. ii\ce.t .re .11 upon in _ric.n
folk aeng. We' .... t.ken """,wh.t 11ghter view of
1_. h_ver. In ch_ing the four .election
Patrl01:1c love 1. &1\ equ.lly impoctant ."bJ.ct.
ead in folk aeng tbere ean be found repted
tat....t. aapou.i-a Jri\therhoo4 and the _r1ca..

IIIfad 1 JOII!I IIIlOIIf'S ICIIt/lW HeCur4y. A vidaly
k"""" .0118 of the Cio'll War. ...... het:e b,. E4
HeCaroiy. no1-........1011 c . labr.t the f_d .boll
tlon1.t ..rt1" vbo ........... r.i4 011 llarpae'.
Percy. V.1n v&l.n effor" todnmaUae the
right_lID" of 11"1& fight ",iMt aI.ver,.. lie
v.......... but hi .....,..y and thi. '0lIII 11"" 011.
. ..z:.- _104y i. Im_ The Jastle By!!!!! of the

JoIoa kCMl. bod,. 11u ._ldering ill the 11'",
JoIoa bod,. 11 ...........ld..,lng 1n the ar_e.
.JoIm BrCMl 'a body l1e. __14erina 111 the Ir....
au .oul ane. marchl-a on.
Gl.ory. 11_,.. hallelujah.
Gl_y. Ilory. uUeluJah,
Glory. Ilory. hall.luJah,
111. .",,1 1_ Nrchi-a OIl.
Stu. frOll Ia......... they .ra loelli-a k1....1,.
dGwn. (3)
OIl the sr."'. of .014 .JoIm JtCMl.
..I a &_ to .he 01dier ia the .CIIJ of the
101'4. (3)
111......1 ane. _rchi-a 011.
lIand 2 - V1IGXII1A' S JLO(I)Y SOIJ./l'rank W.rner. A
at.rk 04 gory .0118 of the Civil War .ung by Fr.nk
Warner. vho baa don. extl .... collectIng .nd ra
."rch 0" thb period of Amerlcan hlator,.. Tbta
.ong .... In.pired b,. the Battl. of the WHder.....
of Hay. 1864n4 v wrltten by .n unknown bal
l.d__ker of Kin......... II. Y who died ill thet bat
tle hero. Warner l ..rned It fr.... tli1nging of
"Y.nkae" John Gal...ha of IUnerv
Come .u ,.. loy.l ullionl.te wher.ver you may he.
I hope ,.ou'll pa1.ttenUon .... 11.t... untn ....
For well you k_ the blood .n4 ..oe the ..isery
the toll
It took .to dGwn .ece..lon on Virginl.. bloody
When our good 014 flas. the St.rnd Stripe
from Stater' ...all..... hurled.
And hiah o'erha.d on the f.rtht walle. the
rebel. theIr flag unfurled.
It aroused loyal Northern man .... caued lUI
blood tn boil.
To ... that fl.aeeuaioo'. r.g, float o'er
1111'11111. '. ..oil
bill! fl'OII o'u the hUla .... _HlII ' .... 'Mra
_that wild .lan,
.. vP '" p"ltIl1C .CIIII ., 119n.II. 1M' O9IIII'q
c... fr. tilt .1&1111 .'.t "'U a. ull. ,.
b_t,ti.d .0M of toH,
I'OC' our fl,.. i. t"..1M ie tM duet 011 91l'11111. '.
blood,. .011.
And thoue.nA left tbeir ..1:1.... _ nefti'
to nturn,
And _n,. 1. the wife and f.aily ....1:' _n left
hahind to _rio
no.n .... _ vbo -" -ast them. who fr....
danser vou14 ne'.r recoil.
""" hla bon... 11. bleachina ... the fleld. of
1Ilr&ll11.. blood,. aoil.
When on tbe field of battle. be _r,
Wher. _ loud _14 r.ttle, h. .tood there
When bullete r .lne4 ..-4 him. he atood there
..ith 1I11e.
Saying. we'll cOD......r. beye. or leave OUr bonea on
Virgini. '. blood,. eoH.
III tIw ar..t ftpt of tbe tbere.
_,. tbe 111:.......... faU,




i8lr. A
. ..1







0lIl' captdn 1.01 hb CI_adu .. til....... rebel.'
,1Iot an' .ball,
'fila _ded around, tM,. .tr-o til. ar-', tbe
dud U;r buped 1n pU,
oo-rade. velt.,a.t 1n tMlr blood on V1ra1n1a.
blood,. IOU.
Maw, tha rabel. fouPt 11ke furJ or tiaar. drova
to bey,
They knew full vell if tha trUth th.,.d tha,.
could not vin the dey,
It v.a band-to-band th.,. fouPt th_, the .thlli.
val fi.rc.,
.Till bull.e pierced our caput.. _lid bratD OIl
Y1rai"ta'. b!.ood)- 1011. .
And now OIU' buo. d ....lna v1th eh_aada of tha
110 ...rl>le d.b dou MrIt the placa that ah_
whara he val 1.1',
H. died to ..... our unlon. ha' _ fraa frOID care ...01
Thank God, the Stan ....01 lItripe_ ltill WI....bow
Viraini.'1 blood,. loil.
lIand 3." twO alOl'IIRS/Th....or. ,Iik. i. Theodor.
lIikel lingl .....em lona in the folk vel.. about
the Clvil W.r, ....itten b,. l"i"a Gordon. The Clon
vullion of -the Civil War .nd the deep-...ted feel
ina. behi..d it continue to affect the Uv.. of
Americana, .nd .1'. ,t.ted her. with buutiful
(IIote: Due to otber ...-1tMat,. tile ciOPyrlpt
_1' _I vllAble to arut Pfl'II1II1Oft to prillt
the text.)
"IMI 4 - HASRRS wltA/Judy CoUiu. Too_,.
Ions' of _.1' .nd not enough .a.lut v.r, IODI of
the 70W1& lona-vr1terl of toda,. are ",lng. Judy
Coll1ne 11n.. tM dr...t1C1 .uti...1: loGe by Bob
;rlan, b1. pob to tb. 1II&1ody of 110
(... Je"" IUteh1e' ....ralon of IIott.
I1de S). Ki .. ColUnl b...bbre;r.;:te;i the orla1
Il101 P;rlan verdon b.C&ule Ibe did not .eupt the
Hll'ibuUoa unU_Dt of the hllal ...
Maw you _t,ra of "1'
You that buUd .U tbe a-
You tbat build tbe de.tlt pl.....
You that buUd tb. bia baabe
You tbat hide behi"d vaUI
You tbat hid. behind deake
1 ,lult .-want )'011 to knOll
1 e... Ie. tbrouab your _ke.
You tbat ......1' dOlle nothi..
But build to deltroy
You pl.,. v1tb .,. world
LUa it fa your Uttl. to)'
You put awn in .,. hend
An4 ,.,.. bide fr_ .,. lyee
AM ,... t".n .... non f.rtiler
\ilt4latlle_,..t INnec. Uj.

Iolke ,JUdaa of old
You Iind d.c.i..
A world v.r ca.. be _
You _ .. t III to beUeva
But 1 e.. tbrOUlh your eyu
AIld 1 ... tlll:ouah your brein
Lilte 1 ... throush th. veter
Thet n... dovIl lIlY dreln.
You fllta.. the
'or: other. to fire
Then you elt beck .nd v.tcb
Vb... the dlltb count .eU hiaher
You hide in your _ ...i ....
AI young people'. blood
fl_ out of bodle
....01 la buried 1" tb.....01.
Be', tbrown tbe fear
Th.t c.n ever be burl.d
Fr to brina children
Into tb. vorld
Or tbrt.nln' my
Unborn .nd unnamed
You .in't worth tbe blood
That na.., 1n your vai"..
Bow ..eb do 1 know
Yo out of turn
You I1gbt ..y I' .. you",
You mlgbt ,., I'm unlearaed
But there' I one thl ng 1 know
Thouah 1'. younser tboln you
tven Je.uI would nev.r
1 orglv. what you do.
Let III ..k you _ quti_
le your .....y that aood
W111 it buy you fora1ven...
Do you think that 1t could
1 think y .... will find
Vb... your deatb taka ita toll
All the IDOney you _de
Will nav.r buy beck your IICNI.
And I bop. th.t y.... dl.
An4 your da.tb'll come .ooa
1 vill fol1011 your calket
on p.le .fternoon
And l'U _tch while you're 1__
Down to your death bed
And I'll at.nd o'er your gr....
Tl1l 1'ure that you're 011101.
MAsn., OF W....
W.,.. DlWI1 M.t,ic by 1M DrI
@Cep,right by M. Wir-t"t _4 ......
at LO't/Z
IIilnd S lLai TIlE CANDLES our/Theodore Blkel.
Theodore Blkal. in J.untier mood, a1nal thl1
videly known An&lo-Sc:ote.lri.b c.ourUna loaa. Th.
.... lodyh blUeved to be Ir111t, from Th. lIi"di"
Banke of Irnll.
Vb.n I wee apprentic'd in Londoll, 1 .....t to _
..y deal',
The eft41 , th.y _".. burnina. tM _ ebGne
br1abt'.nd cll1r.
I knock.d upon-her window to "Ie b.r .eba and
She 1'0". .ha let... 1", then .b. berr.d tbe
I Un your _11 bebaYlor and tllua I often ..". Ia.d 7 .JoU.'f AJIIII/Cla.,._ Mhleyalld Ilo4l. Wat
I _'t r ..t ''Contented, love. ""l1e "OU ue far oth.r.. t.oYII r;ou to a )ae..... at Clann"
Mhley ....tth CUnt Bovard t.Ung th. lead _1.
r""da. tlla" arlO .0 IIIIIIddy. va aDnot sang Juat for fUll, Uke _t hoe4ovmo.
about. ..
c- roll _ 1.. ,._ ,1_. end bl.... tha
candl out.
Go.ina to th ....ddina. Sally An.. (re.....t)
Sift that _I arid .ave your bran,
Your father and your tIIOther in "on""r 1'001II do 11.
I'. &01ng home ..ith Sally Ann.
A-hUUiQ& one anoth.r. .0 "",. "ot you .nd It
A-huu'na "". a"otllar ..ithout "0 fear nor doubt; Did ,. .....1' a a._krat, Sally An.. (r......t)
roll _ ill "our arma. lov., and bl.... th. >,
Drauin& ita dick tail through the aand?
eandl out.
Gr..t bi.....ddi..& up, Sally An...
And if ... prONa .ucceful. love. pray name 1t
Shake that Uttl. foot, Sally Ann (r.peat)
after me.
Great' bi& ...dding up', Sally Ana,
r.eap 1t neat .nd k1.. it .....t and dap it on -"our
I'll 801na h_ ..ith Sally Ann.
lib... ..,. thr "eare arlO .ad.d ..,. ti... 1t ..111
rua .. tb. brendy, Sally Ann (ra,.at)
b. out,
I'oing ....y ..tth Sally Ann.
Thea I'll douhl ..,. indebtedo by hlOWing th.
. candl.a out.
Great b1& _ddina up, Sally Ann
land 6 - LOVE IS tEtJlIlCl Jean .Redpath. A COII
!and 8 I.l'TTLE DEVILSIJ .... " I\1tchi.. Th. ebr...ieh
_ntary on the tranaltory nature of loveung b" housewlfe ha. be.n the butt of many a folk
Scotland'a Jeaa .Redpath. Part. of th. char.... are
and folk tale baek to the Hiddl. Ag... Thill a<>na,
found 10 many Anglo-AIlIeri"n .ona.. n1. Yeraion perfo...... d by J .... Ritdlie, ie a caudn of !l!!
.... coll.cted in Someraet. 1n the of England.
Farmer'a Curet Wife and E&g! aDd Marrowbone. 'JOe
.n lov., the folk ...... to be y1na.....da in
ideal marria&
I tab, I t.h thoup I t.h 1.. wln,
I t.b 1 .... a Mid ...1n.
JNt: a ...1d qala I'll ne""l' be _ .. ol.t Mn, ... 11"," _I' "'11,
1:111 appl.. &1''' aa an orange tr... (WIllett.)
lie had a l1tU. fa,. and 1IPOft It di. dwell.
Slna hl ob r.tU. dina day.
'or 1_ 1. taui.. ' and I.,.. 1a ple...t.'
, Itk. a Jeuel vb.n flr.t It. new,
0>, tba devU came to bia one clay .t hta pi... ..
. Jut .. lt .1'..... oldar. love ,roue cold.r Th .,.'. 011& ln your family 1 ...... to ha". _ .. .
. .1M f ..... a_y Uke the tIIOrnlna d....
0>. 1 t '. neithar your aon nor your 1
..... ., apraa, tt hu& lOll, craft
117 loy. _ld follOll tad .nd ........ It 'a your old ecold1na wif. a,,4 lt 'a h.r I ..u
lut _ that ..,. aproc 1& to Ill)' !me.,
. Ie car DO _rIO vIuII: h.,,_. of M.
(Cho.) So b. hahbe' t Dr up all oc hia back...
Andllke 11014 ,..tdler _t. pack1na hl.
I I..Ii. I I..htut .,. haM- _no bona
..... ....1101 011 .,. _her' ....... . .. tllia, oItW _. tMIl"" lit.... MU
..... I, pool: at.l, _. d... n4 ._
11.., rna haell the 0_1& 04 WIU nil" lIet
tft.tb tD 10IIII pun ,1'.... arovt", _
rul vall
1Vo"l1tU. devUa _ HtUt.. that.. chab....
She haul.d back bar cuda.l and Imocked out
thetr brai......
1Vo 1IlO1'e HtUevU......,.cI _r tlla door ...
She ba"led back. M-r cudpl. k111.d Dinety-nl".
1Vo _a little devUa ...... -.. the ...11...
Sald, tek. hal' back, 1>11..,. M .'11 kUl u
11... r
So he hobha'th.r up all oc hi. back...
And 11ke a ,.dllle.&' veat pacU. bar back
lItr. 'a ".all' 01. ao0141", wif. 10041 it'a h.r 1
, VOII' t be.,.
Shin't fit for 1Iea_D .ha.'t .ta,. 1"
h.ll... "
0>, t ... _ tIM,. are ao batm thai! _ '
Wben t.h.y 80 to Iall. thay ,et .....t baCk ...1"...



jilt -,
.. .... -='..h
-..u HII&.


1IOICi;,.J, ..
. 1.

.... 1
II!R, '
.... ,..... ,., ......
.. -

pp ......

\!' HOPE
lIand 9 - Till! HAHllER S(I;G/LimelHO!u. 1..110 known
1 I Had l!aJooler. Tbis lOng' .... c:pmpo...d in
. th.. lat.. forties. by Pete Seeger .nd Lee Hay. of
Tbe Weavers. It 11,. bright statement of
bood, here performed by The Limel1tera. The 80ng
b.. anjoyed popularity :In tbe Nortb, .... a nation
al bit in tbe recorded verdon by Peter, Paul and
Mary in 1963 and even appe.... among the "freedam
.ongs" :In the Handbook of tbe Southern
Christian Leadersbip Council
If I had bammer, I'd hamher in the morning,
I'd b..-r :In tbe evening, all over thi. vorld,
",-'" ,'.

I'd "-r out dangar, I'd ru.-r out varning,
I'd b_r out love ,betwean .U of ..y brothera,
.U over tbi. vorld
It I had a t..ll. I'd ring it :In tba morning
If I b.d ong. I'd I1ng it in the morn1ng
Well. we got bammer. and ve got bell.
And we sot a aong we're dnging, .11 over thi
Ie '. ehe hammer of ju.tice. It', the bell of
It' a the aong about love betveen .11 of lIlY
brothe.... all over thia vorld.
(Rapeat laat tvo 11ne8)
(If I Hed A H(Jl'I'IlI'!ar}
WQf(h ",,,d Mv,k by l .. HaYI oftd P"e'e $..;ar
':0 C;cpyrigltt 1953 & 1961tuDLOW MU$I(. INC.
Band 10 - THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND/Woody Cuthrie.
Woody Guthrie sfng. hi. famous declaration of love
to Amerlca. To many, tbi. atirrlng"aong 1. the
Hfolk national anthem. II being even more tn the
language and cadence. of Americans than The Star
Spangled Banner. It 11 infused, .a are many folk
80nS8, vith the undying aplrit of democracy, for
aU men not just the propertied and the powerful.
CHOIUIS: \ZlCl1- Sol. - '-At"
Tbi. land i. your land, thi. land 1a my land,
From california to the New York lsland,
( FrOC!> the redwood forut to the Gulf Stream wat ......
Thia land waa for you and me
As I went .... lkln8 that ribbon of
I saV abolla me that endl.... skyway,
I aav below me that golden valley,
Thh Is,,4 "aa for you and me.
I roamed and rambled, and 1 followed my fooUtepa
To the sparkling ...nds of ber dlamond deaerta,
All around met a voice was sounding,
Th1a land vaa wade for you and me.
When the aun come sbining and 1 vaa otrolllng.
Th.. ",ben" fielda waving. the dual' clouds rolling,
A volce waa ch4ntlng and tbe fog va. 11ft:lng.
TI>1o land "'.. _de. for you and ....
wo,d. I;ftd MUIIC- by woody O",thtie
19M & 1958 LUDLOW IttWSlC. INC.

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.. :.' <It - '.' ./ ./',
'''i'''' .:"..,; ".- ''''t .. . ';
. ''1;;111 ' ". :iY ,. '0
to .peak about world of 1964.
of man's .t.bilizing guide
to tbe future witb the experi
ences of the f.ilurend the triumph. of the past.
WHICH SIDE DIl"YOU (lIl? IPete Seeger. Almanae
Pet. ,Seeger .nd The Alman
the strongest voices of l.bor .ong
in tbe World \/ar II period. PrOOl.n old 78 d1&c we
famous of .11 union .ongs. It
vritten in 1932 by Hra. Flore""e a..eca. wife of
leader of the National Hinen Union in Ilarlan
County, Kentucky. during the bitter at.rugglea in
the organizing of the coal m1nen. She u.ed the
melody of .n old Baptiat hymn. Thia beautiful
pledae of allegi.nce i. aung today in the Southern
integr.tion movement vitb auch line "Will you
or will you ba' a ...nt"
Come all you good ..orkers.
to you I'll tell
how the good old union
in here to dwell.
Which lide are you OR?
aide are you ont
1' miner I. aora.
And. I'll atiek with tbe uniOR
Till every battle '. won.
They aay in Iladan Ceunty
There are no neutral. there,
You'll either be union man
thug for J. H. Blair.
can you atand itl
bow you canl
lousy acab
you be a man?
Don't .cab for the boa.ea,
liaten to their 11...
poor felka haven't gol: chance
110 DEPRESSION IN HEAVEN/New Lo.ot City 1I&m
lUke Seeger and Tom Paley of The New Loat
"hillbilly" aong of the
This call for relief frOOl tbe
grindi08 pDverty of the thirtia...... written by
P. Carter of The Carter F...11y.
For fear tbe heart. of men .re failing
lattar day. ve know
The great IleprU.ion 1& now .preading
God'. wore! declared it would be 80.
th1tll a ve.-y few yean ago, the popular notion
of .. folk .ong w.. that it h.d to be antique. Th1a
miaeonc.e.ption has been <:l' ... red up by further redef
inition. of folk aong well B. by hultby .pate
of recent .ong-vriting in tbe folk
To the. folklorist aong 1a not truly. folk
eong until it enters lIor41 tranaSl1 ion,1t and be ...
,in. ita c.irc"itou. passage from mouth to ear
.round region or a nation. l!ut tbe whole proce.aa
of "oral tranamUaion" haa be.e.n spaeded up in the.
urban ravival by re.eords. .nd publication of
the .ong., .0.0 well by. great number of folk
Today, & long can enter the oral convey.
or belt in a matter of week. or month
There La. then. little danger that ...... riean folk
aong h4. rUched ita nadir.. New aongs are appeAr
ing, .onga that refleet the whole neW
of the y""n& city paople who have found mudc an
ida.l for ."Presaing their idua .bout the.
The urban reviv.l....rrival baa been an incubator
for dozena of able .ong-writers. Many are extr.....
ly t.lented .nd they are eonceivably vriting the
fDlk aong. of to<norrow. Tbe whi.per of topical
protest .ong in the thirtiea. which became. shout
in tha early forties hal, 1n the nineteen-a1xties,
become a """jor cultural trend.
Even tbe entertainment trade. papers were taking
cognizance of this phe""",enon in the of
1963. Variety gave. lead story to the activity
11lII0I>, folk aong-vriters and Cuh Box hailed the era
of. "the messag_ Dong. II With. the nationwide 8UCC:
of Blow!n' in tbe Wind. Bob Dylan', reworking of
the old lI<:gro .pirit""l, No More Auction Block for
Me .. we 'Witnessed a topical"'protest song bec.OCllng &
popular hit. S!wUarly. the Pete Seeger-tee Ilay,
If I P.... d a Ila"",er was !'opulari.ed by Peter. Paul
and llary, and ..... on the lips of hundreds of thou
sandi of young Ameri.c:ana.
O...e of the o<:al poinU of the feverish song
writing activity of recent yean ba. been Brcaddde
mag.zine in Nev York. a hu.:nble. mimeographed bi
..eekly edited by Agnes (Sia) Cunningham. Broadside
became a foru.. for new Bongs and helped organize
tbe mIIny voices of city " into. new .lnsing
Perhsps the gre.test functional use of topieal
protest songs 1n the Jnlted Statea .ince the days
of tbe organizing of tbe labor mov"",ent in the
thirtiea haa been in tbe Southern intesration move
ment. Of covroe. N.;gro folk .ong bad always been a
ptir.cipal outlet for the goal. and fruetr.tiona af
the l'egro-Americsn. But.. coincident With the st.rt
of tne Sit-in in Greensboro, N. C., and
Na.hville. a.;'l organized effort: to use re
\lor ked spiritual. or even pop 80:.1&S 'Wit.h integra...
tion tnem.ea got under 'Way. Guy Car.av-an pl:a..yed a
.tror.g role ill the early pha"... of the "fnedam
movement. but it swept: tbe South aQ quickly
that. scorea of jailed demonstr.tora were writing
.onga to fill the needs of their campaign. "Free
dom songs play a vital role in our movement, Of the
.lev. Mart1n Luther King Jr. bas said, and all the
integration leaders are in agreement.. Thus vt: are
'lI:!eing the continuation io our own time of an age....
old f ...nction of folk song.
In t.he United St.tes in 191>4. folk aong 10 still
Ming created. The leavea of tradition are being
kept green by the younger gener.tion. Tbe .pirit
nal children of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, lig
lIill Ib:<><nU:Y and Lue!be.Hy .re finding n_ ....aical
Tr.dition 1. one
po.u. It pointe
land 1
Singers, vith .udience.
a., Si08er. vere
hear one of the mo.t
ba an Uncia Tom,
Good newa
Ila. come
My daddy .... a
Cll, worken,
Cll. teU ..e
Will you be a
0:1: w111
Unle.. we
land 2
City bo:blera ra-create a

For theae are
I'....... 10M" then'. "" hpr...t ..
'I. tM l 1u4 tllAt.I. fr.. fn. can
I'U 1_ thl.. wrld of toU a.. ".a1.
., ill ...._. 1'.181.. ",- '
X. thet br1aht 1.... the". '11 he .. IMIpI'
lID oqhe.. daU... CI';ri'" lor br..
.. _pl.. wi"'-. toU ....truu1.
lID .u..... DO .off1...... GO duCllI
ThU dark hour of a14a1Pt _rl,.
AA4 trlbu1.U_ tj;.... wUl c_
The atorae will Ilurl ,_ a1daiaht ' ..r
And _.p loat .Ull_ to tllAir ....
IIIod 3 - 'f1oLU1IG DUSt ICIIL/Voody c:..tllri.. lIoooI"
CiuCM'1..... to Mo_ YOica of _cl_ ....
J_Uc. dud... the worat da,.. of the Dapn&U...
.. .... dl.plac." .... lIoIloe...... .....
the fnilb'. all _If ,Ia. U1111CH na,a. Otto"'.
_ to articulat. 10Mt tha lIttl. un. the a1.....t
.ra-.-. tlla"... nf.... fl'. tile ....t ...,1
.... thl.akl... WhU. SUi_beek .poka .1........1" b
'1)! Gr.,., of Wr.tb. o.tbl'1. ,poke with ....1 .10
....-c:. I....uda t.1ki_1 ..1.... .. tbM
lIek 1.. 1927. I hed llttla f.n,
And I call.d I.t hoe........
Price. lip .Dd the rd.. c_ ........ .
And I h.ul.d .,. trope .11 into t ....
I sot tb. mon." clot.......d Iroc.ri...
red tb. Uda,
Took it ..." ...
'1:11.. r.ln .lid .,at .Dd t ... wiDd lot bilh,
Md , ... old duat .ton. fl1lad tbe .k".
A.. d 1 .vappec! .,. fan for a F.r4. _cbi...
AA4 1 fllled it full of th1a ...-I.-Una
Md .tart......
10111.. ' and a-drlft1.. ' to callforni
11&" up y......r OIl tb. _ntal.. top,
I beel a bot _or .Dd a h..",. load,
I va-sol.. ' pr.tty fa.t, 1 va... 't av....toppiD'
1 .... a-bouncln' up aDd d_ Uke popcorn
-pop,in' ,
Bad. breakd_ort of. uervou.
Of tb. _hen1.. tbere...._ Itlnd of n-siDO
It ......-vay up )'ODder on tb. _tai... road
1 wa.n't f ltn' .0 yOry SoM.
And 1 S'v. thi. rollin' Ford a .h....
Md 1 va. son... cout .. far .. 1 _ld
c-lIC.d rollin', picltlD' u, .peed.
And tbere .... a beirpln tUt'll aDd I couldn't _Ite
it *' I'. a-tallin' you,
Th. fi ...l.. &lid the svitar. ru11y flew.
lhat Ford took off lib flyl.ft' .qulft.1
Md it flew hel""" arouDd tbe worl.., vi_ and daU... 8U _I'
The 8iM of tbat _taiD
WI sot to 01.. Loll Mad.. broka.
80 dad-S_ IMlp-y ... tbousht ...41 choIca,
Mel I '"-4 up pud or two
Mel ,'" wiL. c:ciok... up potatOI' at.....
Fed the Itl bll bet.,h of it,
"t tbet .... a1Sbt)' tiU. at.."
So dad-.... thl0 yau could pratt)' _111"
....41 a ..,aal,.. tbroq)a it...
If It.Ud bun Juat 0 littl. tld_r,
I ball....d. ..'II. 01...,..
If that at............. Jut. U,tUa bit tbiDUlf,
S- of OUI' _tor. c...14 .... _ tu.... It.
........." Mv_ ""
It' ($pyrip' 1960 LUOtOW MUSIC. INC,
.... 4 ",IUCIt. UOlIIAIID VIIITI/US lUl 111_,.
B1S Bill BrOOO&y vaa a hl....' Vbo
.o&d to Cblcaao ,. the tblrtla., a. artic
ulata .poke_ for the bluea a"d for tM *aro.
lie -.....d lIOra tbe.. 3SO 0ons., and ._ cat. _
daply W che burt of tbe raelal erlel. tbU tlata
.11Ibt1" tr...u1.I1C...r_le 1101..... It bun a
...... nl_lIC.....)' ....... 111-,. ___ n. ,
Thl. little ... tut I'. o1DSln' Co y...
-.eo,la. 70U knGv true;
If 7OU'r, blaek and sotta _It f 11'11f.a.
1Iov. tilt. I ......t tbay'U y to you.
Sa,... if you _ vldta, "ou'ra .11 1'1aht.
If you .... br_Uek aouDd.
.., .YOU. la !,lac.k, saC back. ,pC: ...........
" 0""._".&
1 _. In a plan _ Dilhc
'1:11..,,'1.. all Hying fun.
'1:11.." ....' all hur'as heft aDd wi_.
...t tbey _101 DOt ..u .. _.
Sf 70U vaa Vbito
:'I:haD, _nt to .Il eooplo)'lDlmt office,
".......r I pc In 11ne,
call.d .v.rybocly'. nuaPer.
..t tb.y .ver did call .1.9.
'l:hey ..ld, if you ".. whit
. 'f
til and a MD vee workin' alda b;y aida,
'1:11.18 la .....t it _t;
'l:hey _


iii the pan.
1IIPr. Almanec
.. DIe Al .... n
laIIor long
.. 71 diac .. e
_ ..... It
..... Vife of
_ ..... the
....11 70U

'1./ ......



...... LoIIt
.... of the
." fI'c.bythe
'l:hay vaa payln' me fifty .,e..ta.
'l:ll.ay .ald. if "OU _ vldta...
I halped build thl. country,
Md 1 fought for it, too;
IIov 1 ...... thet 70U can _
What black ..... haw Co dn.
'l:hay if 70U _ will ta
I h.1,.. wi __t YictOl')'.
With plow &lid ha.;
IIov I _t you t. tall _, brother,
. Wbat you SOU' t. .1..
CRow, if you..... MIt"
Ji. Crow,
"n4 , TALlIICl ATOm; ,UlEIfQl"." ,r.nd. Unell
1948. t"pic.l-politic.l '01\8.' Wlr "i.dprd
pbao...._. P.opl.. Soap a"" Peepl.....Artl..u
WIre to try to '''pply tb. org.n1aiaa '011&. for tbe
ill-f.ud tbird rarty _ .....tbebiDd Hanry A.
Wall.ce iD 1948. It _ tbe lut -J.... tbr...t of
topical-prott .ont. b.for. chilli.. ailaoc.
of tbe fUti.. broual>t OIl by tlcCartbyiR. ..... ar."" aiva. a clawr _acary OIl tbe .tOll
bOIIb. witt.D by v .... P.rU",,! . _ ......r.aa. io
"I'd like to d ... for you. V.rn. '.rU.,.,.
TdUa' ,lu vbich I l ......d 32nd-band."
I'. aoi ... to prcb you rmon .boutol' .an
Ar,d I don't ....n Adam in tb. libl. datum.
Don't ...a .wa.. that motb.r Ev...t.d.
..t I do mean Atom .d.nce lib.r.t.d;
You know id b.
lin. tela y. ha' cared, I .et .cared,
Crn i. ROt .y natur.l campl.xion.
Stop tbe world. 1 "'nt to g.t off:
Scar.d of the .tOlD bomb11 you lott. do
I. g.t tb. people in tb. world t ....tb.r "Ub you.
'CAu if you doa't a.t t ....tb.r .nd do it.
Wall. one of tb da)f" you'll be .bot to bell,
And tbat'. no future for. growina boy.
n. IIOrel of my rman 1'. tr,in' to ,
Ie the .t... bomb i. bere to .t.y.
te'. loina to .tay fi..d. tbat. pl.iD to
..t. oil ...y de.rly bel_ur. _?
we bold the truth. to bIf...ida8tl
All ..a caa be cr_t.d .qual:
You 1uoOOI. Ufe u...s to be d ..,l. J07
ADd the cyclotroll ..,.r-toy.
You a't bora .ad liv .ameti.....rry.
And .tOll v vord ia.tb. dictioaary.
lilt it _. _ of them _rda '
lvay. t.lkiD' .bout.
Th.n. '01"4' l>O)y. tfl" .very eU_,
Th.y got tOIl.ther .nd work.d for owrti...
Work.d .bd worked .nd vb.n tb.y vare don
Why .th., b.rnd the power of tb. dogaoaa
Tb.,verplittin' .tome .
You c.n br tb_ .t ..nivardU
Tbey look. I' ...pUtUn' .t .tOll:
The diplomatr till .pUtUn bairK
Tb.n. tb. Jingo boy. tbey p..t on b.,.,
To turn tb. clock on tb. UNO.
To set corner on atoma.
Ka,be tingui.b .v.ry doggone .t... tbat couldn't
.pk KngU.b.
Down "itb .tome:
"--rica i. for A8arican .tome:
Wall. tho .t... in.....tional. ia .pit. of
It flouri.b ia Utah ...d .van in liberia.
And "b.tb.r ,ou' .. black. whit red. or br_.
Tb. qua.tion'i. tlla ._ ""ea you boU it dOOIBl
To be or not to be, tbat I.e the '1.... Uonr
It i.nt '1ution of ..ilita.y data
Uke who I.t. th.r. fir.tII. vitb tb. _t... .t_.
It'. tb. p.opl"of tb. world ..... t di .. their
Stick or
It'. up to tba people eau tbe atoa .000t .an,
a. J .. ac fUt. around free tbir.
H. doe.nt give a darn .bout politico
Or vbo get. vbom into vb.t.ver fiat
All b. v.nt. to do i. .it .round
And baft hia nucleu. boabarda' by .....t1'oo.:
Wall. 1 c.... to tb nd.
1 hope I ..... it cl..r
AlIaut what, 'OU lott. do
And what ,OU lotta f ...;
I'. fiaiahed n"" .,.d bar.' ., t ....ia:
haca in tb. vorld. or
TIle _rid in piec :
w...... ,.,.....,v... .......
eCeprript 1 by ..... .....

It. ='b



..... tdleic
1=:-0, ......

"",,' .



..... , - am. '101 Till 1OIir. COUIft'ly/Baalltoo CMp.
J& iJI &_ally COIlC6d.d that the .blut. youna
...._1t.r of eM Il1neteeo-ai"Uu 18 IlOl> Dyliaa,
tile poet-p..-foJ:aer fr.... BJ.blllng, H!n....ota. "la..
.... a Y01ca for hle.I...ratiOD.uch ae
CIod:tI:rt. had ...... for Ide 1...."ClOD. lut ..ot ,11
III. 1& cOIle.rn.d witb poy.rty, vu
_ ,ulleJ:'iiil .... UOD. Be baa a lyricd, pe..._l
.i..... 1n tlli' 1_ eons -na by Be,.lltOll CMp.
If you're trav.u.n' to tl!e north country fair
1IiIIer" tbe vinela hit lou"" Oft tbe horder 11...
__ber me to tbe one who Uve.
ror .he va t..,.. 1_ of mine.
.., if you 10 1a tll.e anooifla'" .torm
When tb. dven. fr\"..e and ._r .ncIe
11....... abe baa coat aO _rill
leep her fr.. tbe b""'lin' vinde.
nau...a for .. if her hair hanae Ions
If it roll. and fl.,.,. all down her breaet
fl....... for .. ber hair hu&e 1001
'nIat'. tM vay I r_ber he.. beet
I'.. a ........ d.rin' if .ba ... at all
tIII;'y U.... l'va oft... prayed
In tb. darkn... of my Il1ght
10 tM brigbtnea. of my dey
So if you're travelin' to tbe north COWItry fair
WIler. the vinde bit baa"" on tbe border Un.
lIemtImber me toone who 11vee thec
ror .11...... one. a 1"". of mne
Wotd1. (JI\d MlHIe: by h" DyhI_
It Cop)'righf hi< M. W'iIIIQ, .. GIld
Uwd hy
..... 7 - 'l'III DfNB/Judy CoIUna. one of til.. ludina
fore.. in .0000.....itina in Britain ie til.. play
vrigbt-e1na.r-doeum.ntarian Evan tIIIcColl. On the
IlUbJect of peac., vhich i. international, 11. .. he.
intertinaly employe4 a Southern tune,
Tbe Coo-Coo 8ird (."na on Side , by T ..... Aahley). co
which be ha, added tbe vorda of thie evocative
paean to ,.."., I!!!...!!2.!! i. 'UII&. .......eeQlllplUli.d,
IIy .1u4y ColU.,..
The dove .h. 1. a pretty b1rd,
She ainga....he fU...
She bring. u, gl.d tiding.
And tella \l.a no lio.
She drink. the 'pring vatere
1'01' to .... k. bel' voice clear.
WIlen her neat Ibe 1& build1na
And aummat ia near.
Come all you younl
taka varnlna by ....
Don't go for a .oldler,
Don't Join no .t:my.
ror the dove .h. vill lu" you,
1I1a rav.n will' 0_,
And' will co.e 1IRd:Ii.'
At the \)eat of ebe .....
'eo... all you pretty fall' _Ida,
eo... _III in til.un;
And don't l.t )'OImg man
Ever carry a lun.
., ,
rOl' Che- _it will .ure b.r
And .11..'11 flY_Yl
And tben there'11. he -pina
By night and by day
("peat fint tvo verae.)
Tilt ..,.,..
Word.. 1ty fwr.on MMCon

IIand 8 ' HIGB SlIElUFl' f:I IIAZAlWtr... .....
other yOling writel', '1' .... Paxton, baU.f.,_
Guthl'le'. h_ atate of Oklahoma. faxton ia
gifted me1od1&t and poet with a filla ,ellS' .f _ ..
tl'oUed craft. Be bee traveled widely
the Un1td St.t., and he" involved hi....U vitb ir.
plllht of tb. Soutb.rn Negro and witb tbe tragedy
fadna til.. atarving ..inera of 1" .........
l:entueky. a ...n ia forced to work ill a noa-.tao
mine, putttna in a 12-hOur .hift for frOll tJar.. to
eLeht dollar. a dey. All of tbie with the bl_.tal
of tbe "Higb Sbe:riff of 1I.....rd." Til.. anna i. paJ:'
fOEad by the writer.
!low, tha bigh .bariff of 1I&,..rd ie a herd__rk1n&
To be a fin. aheriff ia hie only plan,
He dig. in .,.... poeke". talt.. vMt h. can,
I'or be '. tbe bigb abuHf of Hazar4.
n" looked tbrouah my pocket he'. learched the..
'With ear_.
But nar)l a nlc"'l or penny Vila there.
So I got tbirty deya and "' ..... bump. in my b&1r.
God 101... the 11.1gb .berHf of lIuerd.
H. caught me one evening and h.t.'. vhat b.e ..ld:"
"You lOQk Ii'" &....1.n. ynu look 11k. a 1I.e4,
And if )Iou .ra fond of your aUn .n4 your head.
"var. che hiah .beriff of
1 thank.d bim palltd)', 1 Chanked 11.1111 for all,
And five mnut lat'Jr., l a u11
To have a atrl'" t1na .at ...... Wl.i0ft hall.
And damn tbe hllb eh.riff of Be,..rd.
.... __ tban .re pl.Dt,. vlio .....t aut thair
To .cr.tch aut Ihina for childr......d vi_,
n..,. .....t for tbair paDD1a. wil. the calna
own.r thri"".
With the "laina. of tha high .bariff of Baserd.
Whan uniOll _ ...triknd troubl.. ,,_ OIl,
n.. hlgh .bar1ff'. word i. tha ..1M _a.r'. bond,
B. '. a OI1..a _r. too, ,.ou "- vhich .ide
H.'. the wealthy high .hariff of !laurd.
...... to he ao dnc. tbia old vorld beg.n.
In..t ._ folkr ...Ullng to acb_ ...d to 1'1.0,
To gouge out a fortune frOlll tba poor vorkiril _.
ror exampl., the high aheriff of !lacard.
But the an.ver i impl the ....wer 1a,
tat'. aU sat tog.tb.r vith ..othlna to f ...r. '
And throw the old battard risht out on hlar,
rar_ll to' the bigh .huUf of ila&ard.
NIGH SHlltIH Of" .....%....'0
Worch .... M.w b; TOM
""" (OpyE.gftt t964 by 0-,.
\.tWIll"" ,......."'
lIand 9 - TU TIIlU:SlIEll/PbU OdIa. 1'h1l Oche. for.
...r .. atudent who decided to write hia .d
1tor'al. 1n .ons r.thar than 10 pri..e. a..cribe.
hi_If a "topical aLq4lr" r.ther tban folk
.1.r. Ilia baa bean on convertina
...._ ."...ta of tha clay into .(lnga. a diract contin
uaUon of the IIr1tiah broaclalde tradition of the
18th and 19th ce..turie.. (The .... It.r. of IIriti.h not alwaya concerned ..ith pOlitical
II&Uu. ,but ..ould back out poems and aonga on aoy
topic th.,. felt mgbt interest til.. b"yera of their
penny poald.) H..r. i. OdI.'a ca.mentary on the
l ..a Df aD _dcan nuclear in un
41".. n.lpi.od. _d frOID tb. h...d11.... to
.ons ton. 10 ""ry abort ti....
In Portacaltb town on the ...tern .hDre vhere .....y
a f1... abip veo oor.. ,
The Threaher .... built .nd the Tbrber ....
l .... nch.d .nd the cr_ of the Thrb.r vee
Iba .....bap4lcl 11ke. t r he vee built 11ka.
hark, .he v to run fa.t .nd fr
And tba builder. .hook thair h...... end the
builder. all.reel thair vi,.., thought the,. baa
terecl the ....
Yea, .he'll .1_y. ruo ail.nt .nd .he'll .l_y.
run de.p.
Thouab the DC.... baa "0 pit,.. tbouab til........
..ill n.""r ...ep. th.y'U n.ver ....p.
And tbay ...rieled .t ber ap..d .nd they ...rvaled
at her depth. th.y marv.l.d at her o.adly
And tbey iled to .very land .nd th.y ..l1.d to
v.r,. port Ju.t to what fault. they could
Then tbe,. put ber on tbe 1.ncI for nlo. _tb. to
tend. and they work.d on bar t:rQII ata.. to
But they could wer ... it vea coffin to
be. for the ....... _lU.. fc;r their r.turn.
CD cold Weclneaclay 1IOrD. the,. put bar out to _
..... the __ the,. _ DiM fMt biab,
And the,. cIoYa n.etb tb. va".. and tb.y doy. to gu_ end they IMvar .aid laat
goodby., ,
. Md it '. o.aper and de.per uol o.aper the,. 40ft,
Ju.t to wbet .hip cauld .tand.
But the hull .... a _n and the hull ..... a
.rOOln ud tb.y pi"",... to the deapaat clarkut
IIov .b. l1e. in the deptb. of the darkened _
floor. c"".rad by tbe vet.r. cold &Ad .till, .
01, c.o't l'OU tbe .....00&b. vee o.atb .bip
.11 .long. di... before ahe hed cbence to
And .ba '11 ..var ...... .nd abe' 11 ..".r ......
claap. I
ror tha _.n bad DO pity, .od the ..."". they
never ....P. the,. ...""r veep.
WM,h _d by PWI Oritt
'!>C_l963 .............. _
U.." llr..-ulltlliH
&and 10 lIE SHALL lWERC<llEIP"te S..gar. hu
Sg.r appropriataly cloa.. thlntholosy of Amer
ican folk .ong vitb vork tbat be. bec_ tb.
.ntb... of tb. lnta.r.Uon tIIOV_nt. S- beva
called We Sbell Ovuc_ tb. HaraeUal.. of tb.
integr.Cion .trussl.. The.ooa be. bed curi_
hi.tory. Th....lody i. believad to be.... bean take..
frOlll 17th c.ntury Slcllian n.herII&.. 0llI,
tr....port.ol to GerDlllny, were it be_ a hot..
t.nt hymn, th.n gravitat.d to vblt. hottant COD
gres.Uona i .. tbe Southern United St.tea. It ....
Urae publi.b.d aa IIqro hymn ln a wna.d var
aion .ttributed to C, Albart Tlndl.,. ill the early
>:...r. of tbU ".ntur,.. It.... th.n .....d by "cion
.....bera of tba rood .od Tobacco Workar. unio.. in
South carolina in the ninete.n-forU , taken by to the Bigblandar rolk School ln Tanne.
.., ""ere it achi.ved ita prea.nt form. Tb. cur
r.nt .ong .b..... ._ .lter.tion. by 'et. Se,.ger.
Fr.nk 1Iaca11ton, Guy car."""o .nd the l.te Zllpbia
iIorton...if. of th. director of the Highla..der
Scbool. It 1& traditionally ....d to cl.....u 'In ....tins u.""lly vith tha .udi.nce .link
ina banda .nd ."""y1na ln UIM to Lt. alow.
_Jtic, confid.nce.lnapirlna .ph...... .
We .bell OVUcaM
We .ball owerc_.
V. .hell overc_, ,_ ...,..
ClIOllllS :
01. de.p in Illy h..n.
I do
wh.l1 overc__ clay.
We'll ... lk ba..d 1n band...
We .h.U 11"" in pe.ce...
Wa .ball aU be fr......
w. are not afrai4t04la)'
V. .hell _.:c_...
W.,d...... .............. ..... c_-' __
ot_..... 'HO. ''''' """__INc:.
L - 'REt/\ l AftII - 1\=-

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