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English 12

The Canterbury Tales Project

Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of Chaucer, his time, and his work.
Due Date: September 30, 2021
Value: 45 pts.

A Contemporary Pilgrimage
 You may work in groups of –
o 12-1: 3 students per group / 1 group of 2 students
o 12-2: 3 students, with 1 group of 4 students
o 12-3: 3 students per group
o 12-4: 3 students per group / 1 group of 4 students
 Create a modern, original prologue for a tale which mimics the structure and purpose of
Chaucer’s tale.
 Write from the point of view of a contemporary traveler, heading for a destination (not
necessarily of religious worship) with a group of friends, acquaintances, or strangers.
For your “pilgrimage,” you must do the following:
1. Create an original title.
Example: Beach Tales, Olympic Tales, College Tales, “Marcha” Tales
2. Assume a persona: a football player, a teacher or student, a lawyer, a secretary, a person of
ill repute, a construction worker, an artist, etc. (Much like the innkeeper – or host – who
describes the characters to us)
3. In your PROLOGUE introduce the circumstances of the journey and the characters involved
(10 in all). Base your characters on people in Puerto Rico, the United States, and / or the
world (without naming anyone in particular, just like Chaucer did with the majority of his
4. Use APA style
5. You will be graded on: how well you adhere to the criteria presented above; imagination
and creativity; grammar and mechanical accuracy; use of APA style; presentation.
Rubric for Canterbury Tales Presentations

Class: 12- ______

Date: September 30, 2021

Members of the Group:


CATEGORY Excellent Good Average Needs Not

Improvement Achieved
Writing includes all the
requirements of the assignment (20)

Follows the style and purpose of the
original work (Chaucer’s style), but
is original and creative (10)

Grammar/Mechanics/Spelling (10)

Correct Use of APA style (5)

Completes Required Elements:

A Contemporary Pilgrimage

Chaucer’s tale.

of religious worship) with a group of friends, acquaintances, or strangers.

1. Created an original title.

2. Assumed a persona: a football player, a teacher, a lawyer, a secretary, a person of ill
repute, a construction worker, etc. (Much like the innkeeper – or host – who describes the
characters to us)
3. Introduced the circumstances of the journey and the characters involved (10 in all).
Based characters on people in Puerto Rico, the United States, and /or the world
(without naming anyone in particular).
 Character’s role in society
explanation of job, role or profession
social class
 Character analysis including explanation of…
physical appearance (including dress)
narrator’s direct comments (attitude toward each character)
what other say about him (when possible)
 Virtuous, good (but could do better), corrupt
 Upper, middle, low class
 Creativity


 Double or 1.5 spaced
 Correct cover page
 Correct second page heading
 Correct pagination
 Times New Roman
 12 size font


 No grammatical mistakes
 No capitalization or punctuation mistakes
 No spelling mistakes
Original Canterbury Tales
[Add title of your work here]

Student’s Name, Student’s Name and Student’s Name

Cupeyville School

English 12- ____

Ms. C. Perez

September 30, 2021

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