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Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First


Tan, Kendrick Philippe Chua

Capstone Project

Mr. John Peter Pineda

May 8, 2021
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

Chapter 1


With how far technology has developed over the years, one might think the other uses of

these newfound technologies to replace some of the now inefficient methods of our everyday

life. Considering that a computer in the 90s and early 2000s was only a luxury, only a few can

obtain in those times a computer system can cost as high as 3840 U.S. (Comen, 2018) dollars

compared to today’s 430 U.S. dollars (2020). Considering the price differences and obvious

technological advances, we can now say that technology has never been more advanced and

more widely available in this day and age. That is why traditional methods are now being

replaced with more efficient modern methods such as modern learning. Another advantage of

technology improvement is the creation of digital games, which has boomed in the last few

years, especially during the pandemic since everyone is restricted to their home with their home

desktops being bored out of their mind. Although some games can be used to educate people,

those games are called “Serious Games,” which use the game’s entertaining presentation of

instructions to teach young students. In this study, the researcher explores the benefits of both

modern learning and serious games in context with education and to see if they can be combined

to improve students’ learning capabilities further. We see that modern learning seeks to comply

with the needs of modern students who are searching for specific characteristics in education, in

which serious games are met efficiently. Not only that, but with the use of serious games, large

and expensive books can now be rendered redundant as opposed to having a single gadget.
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First


Ever since the first video game was made called “Pong” in 1958, the video game industry

has been evolving every year. Nevertheless, video games have been seen as a bad habit rather

than a support for new ways of learning in today’s education. There are many different video
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

games; not all of them are made purely for gaming. Some are made to help people learn in a fun

way rather than traditional class learning. For example, one school in Wallingford, Connecticut,

asked 20 students to partake in an activity involving video games where they would play games

that taught them different class subjects as monitored by their teachers. As stated by the students,

the event’s feedback was positive, considering it a success (Lynn, 2019).

The gaming industry, though, might not be for everyone. The industry has seen numerous

stereotypes and unverified complaints from people worldwide, especially the media usually

showing off that a gamer is a teenage boy playing alone in the dark. However, Smith (2010)

stated that these stereotypes may not be accurate anymore even though people still use these

stereotypes. Luckily, gamers are sometimes a hard-headed bunch and will argue to back their

beliefs which resembles a society within a society. A group called Qutee helps gamers stand

against these false claims against them by giving data to the people to educate the public that

games are not always the reason and that the stereotypes should be stopped. Additionally, most

gamers benefit from games, as stated in one survey. The survey indicated that 40% said that

games improved their emotional wellbeing, which is significant since many people have

emotional problems worldwide (Anderton, 2018).

Of course, we cannot say that all games can be used in an educational setting. The games

that can be used in an educational setting or even in healthcare are called “serious games”
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

(2021). Yes, these games under this genre are still considered as games, but these have an

alternate purpose than just entertainment. Their goal is to educate the populace using new

methods. The benefit of these serious games is that they give better immersion and interaction

for people who want to explore and learn. Another benefit is that it gives a fear-free environment

for people to experiment rather than going into the world doing risky experiments (2021).

A study done by Stege et al. (2011) did an experiment where there are two groups of high

school students and were tasked to answer several questions. One group was instructed to use

serious games, and the other group was instructed via text. The results indicated that the group

with the serious games did significantly better than the other, stating that the group was better

motivated with serious games than text.

As technology becomes more and more widely available around the world, it is

undeniable that technology can be integrated into several aspects of our everyday life such as

shopping, work, and of course, studying. That is why modern learning is slowly replacing

traditional learning. Once a curriculum uses the advantages of technology such as the cloud or

online database of learning materials, it can already be considered to be modern learning. Not

only is modern learning much more updated, it also attacks the problems of traditional learning,

such as individual learning pace and a way so that students are inclined to be more engaged in

their studies while having fun (Maseleno et al., 2018).

Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

Purpose of the Study

This study will investigate whether serious games can be integrated into modern learning

and see if it is effective.

Significance of the Study

This study’s findings will help shed new light on the common stereotype that video

games are a terrible habit in children. This study will help alleviate parents’ and teachers’ fears

who are concerned about their children or students playing too many games. Instead, use those

game activities to get a head start when schools start using serious games as one of the methods

of teaching lessons. If the study is proven, then serious games can be part of future learning

when using modern learning instead of traditional ways, thus giving educational institutions the

chance to consider adding educational video games to their curriculum.


The study will be conducted in a span of 6 weeks, so the researcher may find it hard to

find related literature for the study. Due to serious games being new, it could also prove an

obstacle for the researcher to find studies pertaining to this, although some people have already

researched on this matter.

Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

The following sections will provide a background of this research’s topic from other

researchers’ studies. These will serve as a reference for future chapters in this paper.

Sandbox Games

The word sandbox to regular people means a small box filled with sand that children go

and play with their toys in the sand. For people who play games, though, this is different. The

word sandbox refers to a game where a player is given much reign over the program to do

anything that the program can give to the player, such as flying, becoming a superhero, traveling

the world, and more. The sandbox genre (Breslin, 2009) was named that way because it

simulates a child playing at a sandbox using his/her imagination. Considering that sand is one of

the essential materials, it is a good name for the title as in sandbox games, where people build

something out of nothing into something that your imagination can produce. Making such a

game needs a lot of effort and money to be put into the project. Of course, since the boom of

technology, we have seen many more comfortable and more efficient tools to make this type of

game. Not to mention the game’s framework to produce events, such that the game will adapt to

the player’s imagination resembling a primitive AI.

Since sandbox games are not always the same, they can be distinguished by the game’s

intended way of playing. Though all sandbox games are usually open-world, some games restrict

the game’s exploration aspect until at a particular part where the player has progressed towards
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

the designated mission. Additionally, some sandbox games tend to a specific age range, like the

popular games Assassin’s Creed and Grand Theft Auto, wherein players are free to roam where

they like but at a certain restriction which can be lifted while progressing through the game.

Some games are made for all audiences, such as Minecraft, where there are no restrictions

imposed on the player. There is still a goal to the game, but it is not required when playing the

game intended by the developer altogether, like following the story of the game. This is referred

to as a side quest of sorts (Kulman).

Serious Games

The term serious games have been around for quite some time now, although not many

people realize this. Research conducted by Wilkinson (2016) stated that the term serious games

were created by Clark C Abt in 1970, but Ben Sawyer only popularized it in 2002, which took a

whole 32 years. In this case, Wilkinson researched the non-digital version of serious games

wherein it can be traced back as far as Plato’s works. Another study argues that all video games

are actually serious games (Djaouti et al., 2011). However, the word’s origins may have been

used differently in terms of context as it was coined to be an oxymoron. Going all the way back

to the Renaissance era, the group of Neo-platonism used this to describe a light humor in a

serious matter which they called “serio ludure.” Another use of this word is used in the Swedish

book “Den allvarsamma leken,” which if translated to English called the “The Serious Game,”
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

but the topic of this book may be different as it tackles the two sides of adultery. Another use of

serious games comes from a book called “The New Alexandria Simulation: A Serious Game of

State and Local Politics”. This book teaches the readers how to play a game whose purpose is to

give basic knowledge about U.S. politics and its mechanics, which the book is still being used in

some schools. Another thing to note about this book is that the game was kept in a non-digital

format as the author said it is better to transfer the complex knowledge of politics in an offline

setting (Djaouti et al., 2011).

In the digital context, serious games help learners by giving them a chance to explore

different dilemmas that are either impossible or hard for learners to achieve due to cost, safety,

time, place, resources, etc. These games allow students to hone their skills and knowledge from a

safe place and less hands-on needed experiences. These games are categorized into several

groups: educational games, healthcare games, corporate games, government games, and lastly,

military games, which is the oldest of them all (Susi et al., 2008). In each game, it can teach

several subjects at once since a game can implement several mechanics that cater to the subjects

needed for the students. It is also cost-effective since it makes expensive traditional books

redundant, and since the game can teach several aspects at once so it can save a student a

significant amount of money by not needing to buy several books each semester.
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

There are also several reasons why most articles show the positive effects of these games

on education, as these games can be easily tailored to a student’s level. Another reason is that the

student can repeat these games to instill them into their mind for long-term use as these games

can be less repetitive than traditional books. The most popular reason children play these types of

games is that they want to beat the game or advance to the next level to want completion like

their assignments. In a well-made game, each level’s difficulty will be less noticeable than in

normal games, thus slowly increasing the cognitive ability and the deduction skills of these

students (Ritterfeld et al., 2009).

Traditional Learning

Traditional learning has not always been about school. Scientists believed that there was

a system before the school’s invention where parents transfer their knowledge to their offspring.

It resembles the teacher and student relationship we have today, where teachers prepare students

to be part of society and familiarize themselves with society’s norms back then (). Evidence of

these types of learning systems is found in the Inuit culture, where parents shared their history

and traditions with the new generation. It also helps younglings learn to survive in the harsh

world of before by teaching them survival skills like hunting, fishing, and farming. This also

states that the indigenous people are actually more advanced than most early civilizations. The
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

wrong stereotype was only introduced by Europeans who felt that people who are advanced need

to be civilized and be Christianized ().

Although it may have been used for many years now, some think it is not reaching

today’s children. Traditional learning heavily focuses on repetition and memorization (2017),

thus not giving students the choice to think for themselves or discourages critical thinking in new

students. Some schools use new ways of this method, which they are calling modern learning.

Some still say that traditional learning is still the best way to teach kids, but in the end, it is all

about balance and the children’s learning needs. Everyone knows how traditional learning works,

but modern learning has different kinds of techniques. One example is “spaced learning,” which

encourages children to engage in different types of activities for a short time, contrary to the

traditional four hours of learning one subject (2017).

Modern Learning And Modern Learning Environment

Modern learning can be used in many ways, such as in schools and offices as part of their

curriculum or their training program. A study surveyed 200 managers from various businesses

ranging from a small enterprise to a larger one (Sadler‐Smith et al., 2000). The questionnaire

asked the managers about the use of distance learning as opposed to onsite learning, whether

they think it is an effective way or not. The data shows that since distance learning was fully

developed back in the day, and it was a luxury that only a few can afford, they deemed it to be
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

less effective than onsite training for their employees (Sadler‐Smith et al., 2000). Modern

learning does not necessarily make traditional practices obsolete, but instead, it amplifies them

by giving support to the practices. It also does not obstruct new students from learning the

fundamental basics as traditional ways can be used to teach these still ().

Some said that when K-12 started in the Philippines, the educational institutions were not

prepared to add two more grades; as such, some schools have sacrificed students’ environment

comfortableness and effectiveness. More specifically, a modern learning environment. A modern

learning environment is the integration of technology into a standard classroom setting, thus

promoting teachers and student’s ability to collaborate and give a chance to explore new teaching

styles. These modern learning environments include devices, audiovisual equipment, and

furniture (2018). According to Osborne (2013), these environments promote several teaching

types such as creating, applying, delivering, communicating, and decision-making, thus giving

students and teachers flexibility on what they can teach and learn. This will improve people’s

time and give them better flexibility on what they can learn and practice.

Learning From Serious Games

People know about serious games, but only a few people have actually experienced

firsthand a serious game made by an educational institution. This, in turn, does not leave an

actual impression on the regular populace unless they experience it. The effectiveness of serious
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

games can improve many aspects depending on the educational institution’s primary focus and

what they want to teach to their pupils. A study (Guillén-Nieto & Aleson-Carbonell, 2012)

tested the effects of serious games in terms of giving awareness of the intercultural business. The

game focuses on teaching students how intercultural business works with the Spaniards and the

Britons while using English as the medium or the lingua franca. The study showed that the game

was indeed effective in teaching students on the topic. However, it only showed a small learning

effect towards giving awareness about the intercultural business and the reason for a medium

language. Nonetheless, the game improved the students’ skills towards the subject. The study

also says that the main factor of the game’s success is its structure and balancing, just like regular

educational settings (Guillén-Nieto & Aleson-Carbonell, 2012).

Another study (Khenissi et al., 2015) compared serious games and existing games’

learning versions on how they affect students’ level of knowledge and their satisfaction towards

education. The study aims to find out if these games can make students want to study better,

improve their motivation, and make learning enjoyable for students, which is the main problem

of learning these days. One of the games that the study used was Instruction Right Place Game,

where students learn programming by using the click and drop technology, making it fun for

students. The other game that was used is an educational version of Pacman, where students are

encouraged to make the right answers consisting of a programming language called Maple. Both
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

methods were shown to be effective at doing their jobs and may teach the teachers about

collaboration with the designers of the game (Khenissi et al., 2015).

In making a serious game, there are several things that make a serious game a good,

well-rounded game. A study (Catalano et al., 2014) explored different practices in making

serious games; in the end, the study suggested a few recommendations. One is that waiting for

new technologies to provide maximized effects of these games and their values. The advances

could give new mechanics to the game and better nonplayable characters or NPCs or otherwise

known as AI in general. AI is an essential part of the program as it can affect the game’s

performance significantly. In a University level type of serious game, the student might feel

differently as their education level is much higher, meaning that the difficulty of these games is

significantly higher. A group of researchers (Mitamura et al., 2012) develops a game to explore

the effect of serious games on a university student learning programming. As a result of their

deductions, it is possible to gain basic knowledge while having fun using serious games to learn

to program language. While in terms of programming learning, it is possible to expand basic

knowledge of this and do more in the future.

Effects of Modern Learning and Serious Games

Many studies suggest that traditional learning is still the best method to teach students as

it can promote long-term effects on the students, but the teaching method’s impressions may
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

hinder the student’s willingness to improve in the future. As for modern learning, which

incorporates different active methods to teach the students, it may help to satisfy the student’s

boredom but only for a short time since studies suggest that even though it is effective and the

result is higher in terms of memorization than traditional learning, nonetheless traditional

learning is still better in terms of long term memory.

Not only modern learning promotes better short-term memory performance, but it

promotes various aspects of a student for them to improve upon it. A study (Gulek & Demirtas,

2005) aimed to determine the differences of non-laptops using students versus students who were

using laptops in terms of their grade point average (GPA). The results showed no significance at

first on their overall scores, whether that is English language arts, mathematics, or writing.

However, the effect of having laptops did not kick in yet until after a whole year. The students

who had laptops have significantly improved after a year in nearly all the subjects that were

measured in the study. This may suggest that students are still getting used to having a laptop as

opposed to books. That is why it took the students a whole year to show significant improvement

(Gulek & Demirtas, 2005).

Since technology has advanced significantly in these short past years, technology has

been more widely available globally than ever, resulting in young people having at least a phone

or a pc in their home. These students who have access to various techniques using technologies
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

are now called “Modern Students” (Anastasiadis et al., 2018). Consequently, modern students are

now seeking new ways to gain knowledge rather than hitting the library and finding their course

books like they in the past. Modern students are seeking educational means that are interesting,

fun, motivating, engaged in learning, and innovative. This is where serious games will come into

play. Already serious games are considered to be proper educational tools because of the

characteristics that are met by the expectations of modern students. Since the serious games are

easily adjusted to a student’s level, the feeling of being left out or the lesson is too easy is

considered and thus eliminated (Anastasiadis et al., 2018).

Hands-on Experience Versus Regular Learning

Arnholz (2020) says that when we have a test upcoming, we usually review and re-read

the subjects on our textbook but is it effective in the long run or just a moment when we take the

test. He suggested that we do not actually learn from the lesson, we only memorize the lectures

for that specific moment, and most likely, we would have forgotten it in the future. Experiential

learning, also known as hands-on learning, has been around for quite some time now, ever since

the 350 BCE, where Aristotle wrote, “for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we

learn by doing them.” It did not get popularized until in the 1950s wherein it was backed by

famous psychologists Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin, and John Dewey (Longenecker, 2015).
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

The benefits include but not limited to, students are more engaged in learning than

traditional learning, leading to increased retention, practice problem solving, and then improving

critical thinking, and resulting in physical creation. Although it has many benefits, it also has

several cons, like students and teachers need to be close so that they can guide the students,

which cannot be done due to the ongoing pandemic restricting everyone’s movement. Another

thing to consider is that some experiential learning might cost more due to the purchase of

equipment, so that public schools might have a problem with this learning (Martin, 2020).


Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

Research Design

The Secondary research design will be used in this study. Secondary research relies on

existing data to organize, collate, and analyze data of those existing ones to create valid research

conclusions. Secondary research is also considered as desk research since it complies with the

data gathered from current papers, mainly via the internet, to create data. It studies the patterns in

existing researchers and applies this data towards a specific research context. Secondary research

is used in a systematic investigation (Blog, 2020).

The main advantages of secondary research are that it is cost-efficient since many papers

can download or read the abstract for free. It is very accessible via the internet. It can also help

determine the knowledge gaps of past research, which can be used towards future research

studies. Secondary research designs are a combination of qualitative and quantitative data

gathering procedures. It uses the results from surveys from quantitative research papers, and it

can also use the interview results from qualitative survey designs. In contrast, meta-analysis is

used primarily only for formal quantitative papers (Haidich, 2010).

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher searched the world wide web for information using Google Scholar on

two topics that are the main focus of the research. First information on what is “Serious Games”
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

and its origins. By researching about the topic, this will give insights on the topic and provide an

idea on what to focus on next by the researcher. Using the information obtained from several

studies on “Serious Games,” the researcher has gained some knowledge on the efficiency of

serious games and if the effects are positive or not in terms of educational settings. Several past

pieces of research gave insights on the topic, but the researcher deemed the study by

Anastasiadis et al. (2018) as one of the primary references for the conclusion and comparing


Secondly, the researcher searched for information about “Modern Learning” as the same

process on searching for information on “Serious Games” via the world wide web. Using the

knowledge from the previous searches of serious games, the researcher now has a direction on

what to search for. In the end, the researcher used the study by Mark Osborne’s MODERN

LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS (Osborne, 2013) as the primary reference for the modern

learning part of the research.

The conclusion is based on the results from the study by Murray et al. (2006), where they

proposed a new subject wherein they use serious games as their learning medium. The study

talks about the process of making a curriculum in a high school. They did this by making their

own game in which they presented the proposal to a series of faculty members. The results
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

yielded excellent results for all the participants showing excitement and interest from grades 5 to



Results and Discussion


The researcher went through several pieces of literature about modern learning, and in

almost every paper, there have been several same aspects that modern learning intends to fix that

the serious games also do. There are also some aspects that modern learning is trying to

emphasize like modern students looking for new ways to get their educational flow. At the same

time, this is where serious games come in because the effects and process of using serious games

are the ones that modern students are looking for. Serious games’ main characteristics

(Anastasiadis et al., 2018) are that the instructions are presented in an entertaining, interesting,

and engrossing style. In some games whose primary purpose is to motivate students, students are

inclined to be involved in the game whether the involvement is personal, emotional, or cognitive,

thus promoting the engagement aspect that the modern students are looking for.
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

Quality Learning

The main reference that the researcher is going to use is a study done by Mark Osborne

(2013) stating what quality learning is. First, quality learning needs personalized learning since

not everyone has the same knowledge and experience on the subject. He described this as how

we learn as unique as our fingerprints. The second focuses on student engagement with other

students to deepen the understanding while working together on a problem. Third states that not

everyone has the same knowledge to bring to the table; that is why it is important for schools to

promote their own pace of learning. Fourth is to let the students take their own initiative so that

they can learn about it more rather than being forced to learn. Lastly, students who get to learn

while doing it with hands-on experience are a much better teaching moment to gain experience

rather than learning them in textbooks (Osborne, 2013). All of these characteristics are aligned

with the characteristics of serious games.

As stated before, quality learning needs several things. Serious games can meet the

personalized learning pace by offering different difficulties to students using the program so that

the student will not feel left out. Serious games can also promote cooperative learning experience

with other students as a form of head-to-head competition or forming teams within the programs,

such as cooperative gameplay. Another good thing about serious games is that it is usually

modular in a sense that the programmer and the teacher can communicate about what kind of

lectures are needed for each student. Considering that serious games are built upon the objective
Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

of giving education to students while presenting them in an entertainment aspect, this, in turn,

will attract students to use the program and learn while having fun. Finally, students who use

serious games can easily visualize what the lessons are actually for since they can be

demonstrated on the screen already, rather than imagining what they are reading in a thick book.

Long Term Effects

As stated by Gulek and Demirtas (2005), if a student is unfamiliar with using technology

as their information medium, then the outcome of laptop users and non-laptop users is not

significant enough. However, given that the students remain on the program after some time like

in the study where they found out that the results were different after a whole year, the outcome

can be significant since the students have gotten used to using technology besides books or going

to the library. Another thing to consider is that having a simulated hands-on experience is better

than just reading them from books. Arnholz (2020) found that a study shows a comparison of

students who engaged in hands-on learning and students who did not. The results showed that

students who did not engage in hands-on experience are more likely to fail 50% more than

students who did.


Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

There are aspects that both modern learning and serious games intend to fix and to

improve the students’ educational flow. However, serious games aim to help engage, involve,

and motivate the user by entertainingly presenting instructions or involving them whether for a

personal, emotional, or cognitive purpose.

According to Mark Osborne (2013), he describes quality learning with five factors:

personalized learning, student engagement, understanding of students’ different levels of

knowledge, own initiative, and hands-on experience. Quality learning can also be achieved by

serious games. Firstly, personalized learning can be achieved by offering different difficulties to

students. Secondly, student engagement for serious games can be done either cooperatively or

competitively. Thirdly, a student’s pace of learning can be adjusted for the student’s level of

knowledge whether he may be lacking knowledge in certain lessons and such. Fourthly, students

may be initiative themselves to learn since serious games are able to present education in a fun

way. Lastly, serious games can offer a hands-on experience for students to learn of the lesson’s

application rather than reading from a book.

Students must be familiar with technology if they were to play and learn from serious

games. Additionally, a hands-on experience can enhance the student’s knowledge better than

those students who did not engage with it.

Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First


The researcher recommends that future researchers create their own serious games in

order to fully gain data specific to their curriculum while depending on past researchers’ data is

viable it is still better to do the experiment on their own. The researcher also recommends

expanding the review of related literature to further deep dive into this subject for both serious

games and modern learning. It is also recommended that the researcher have backgrounds in

games, programming, and teaching in order to further the research progress and make a serious

game easily if the researchers are planning to. Lastly, the researcher recommends to use more

dated researches for their study, to decrease the data being overruled by newer technology.

Integration of Serious Games in Modern Learning and Its Effectiveness in the Twenty-First

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