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(04 August 2022)


Position : Administrative Clerk
Status of Employment : Job Order
Date of Resignation : August 12, 2022

1. Have you shared your concern/s with anyone in the company prior to deciding to
- I have not shared concern with anyone prior to deciding to leave because it
was unexpected and by the time I have received the news, I informed my
supervisor immediately.
2. Was there a single event responsible for your decision to leave?
- None
3. What do you value about the company?
- I value the work-culture of the company. The people are kind and
professional. They are very accommodating and welcoming type of people.
4. What was your dislike about the company?
- None
5. How was the relationship with the manager / supervisor or Immediate
- My supervisor served as my mother during my tenure. She teaches me the
importance of positivity in work-place. Whenever I made mistakes, she is so
patient to give me another try. I have learned a lot from her.
6. What are the key qualities and skills we should seek in your replacement?
- The qualities and skills that the company should seek in my replacement are:
-keen to details
-open for multi-tasking
-willing to learn new skills
-good interpersonal relationship
7. Did this organization help you to fulfill your career goals?
- Yes, this is my ideal job. If not for my parents, I wish to stay.
8. Where you happy with your pay, benefits and other incentives?
- Yes, I am grateful that a job order employee like me could be treated
importantly by the company. From the initiative of the company to remit our
voluntary contribution for our benefits, to the incentives that they shared to
us during ISO recertification etc. Most especially during lockdowns, they
extend help and assistance that made us feel, that being a part of this
company, is a blessing in disguise.
9. Did you receive training in your job effectively?
- Yes, various trainings and seminars I have attended effectively helps my
10. Did you receive adequate support to do your job?
- Yes, I often receive adequate support whenever they can.
11. Did you receive adequate feedback about your performance?
- Yes, affirmative or not as long as it helps me.
12. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company?
- I have learned the importance of humbleness and respect. Respect is a
reflection of your wisdom. Humbleness will teach you the best lessons.
13. Any parting words/ comments? What other comments/ information would you
like to share?
- Thank you for giving me the chance to work with this company. It may sound
ordinary but it means a lot to young professionals like me. As this company
deserves best, I am looking forward for its continuous success.

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