Flashcard Media Teaching in Vocabulary at SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan

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Flashcard Media Teaching In Vocabulary at SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan

Marta Rejeki Manalu¹ martarejekimanalu@gmail.com,

Raptama Panggabean² raptamapanggabean97@gmail.com,

Rohani Meldaria Aritonang³ rohaniaritonang98@gmail.com,

Lidya Br Aritonang4 lidyaaritonang21@gmail.com ,

Dr. Erikson Saragih, S.Pd,. M.Hum5 erikson.saragih@unprimdn.ac.id

University of Prima Indonesia Medan

Abstract: English at the Junior High School level aims to enable students to develop
communication skills and have an awareness of the importance of English to improve the
competitiveness of nations in a global society. To achieve these objectives requires the basic
abilities students must master in the form of vocabulary abilities, the more vocabulary a person
has, the higher the language skills. Given the important role of vocabulary in language,
vocabulary learning is an important concern in learning English. Learning English vocabulary is
not easy because often students have difficulty in obtaining the new vocabulary. Therefore, the
authors are interested in conducting research by trying to use flascard media in learning English
vocabulary in the hope that it can improve students' vocabulary abilities. The purpose of carrying
out this research is to find out the learning process and increase students' vocabulary skills in
learning English using flashcard media in Class VIII-7 SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan.

Keyword: English, Vocabulary, Flashcard, Languange, Learning


Vocabulary is one important element in teaching English. This statement is

supported by Hatch and Brown (1995: 1). They said, "Vocabulary is the basis for
building language, which plays a fundamental role in communication". This illustrates
that by mastering vocabulary; people can express their ideas and understand them well.
They learn about simple words or things around them, aiming that students can
understand simple English used in everyday contexts. However, it is difficult to master
other competencies without understanding vocabulary, because vocabulary is the basic
competency that must be achieved by students to get other competencies such as
reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Therefore, because they are in a position to acquire skills, they really need
techniques that can help them learn English vocabulary. As Singer et al (2003: 39) say,
"teaching is helping students to acquire new knowledge or skills. Teaching mainly
consists of saying, showing, guiding students in performance tasks and then measuring
the results." So, teachers need to know what types of class activities they can use to help
their students get new vocabulary. Teaching English vocabulary requires a variety of
learning media that will be able to help students become more interesting in accepting
lessons in class. In other words, variations in teaching can prevent students from getting

Given the importance of vocabulary, teachers must ensure teaching media that
can help students more easily learn English vocabulary. In addition, teachers must also
provide interesting ways of learning so that they are more enthusiastic in the learning
process. Many strategies can be applied by a teacher to teach vocabulary effectively,
such as word lists and flash cards. Some researchers find that teaching with flash cards
helps students to get words more effective than word lists (Komachali & Khodareza,
2012; Schmitt & Schmitt, 1995). This is in line with Thornbury (2002) which states that
flash cards help teachers to show a series of simple activities to students.

In detail, the objectives of teaching flashcards in pedagogical junior high schools

1. To introduce and practice some vocabulary allows teachers to provide different
styles and learning needs. Some students, especially students who have
difficulty through group exercises. For some students, flashcard media might be
a help to remember what they have learned. Therefore the teacher must provide
activities that can make students feel more happy and relaxed.
2. Delivering English in various ways, especially those involving various language

Flashcards can facilitate students to improve their vocabulary. Cross (1991)

notes that a flashcard is a simple drawing on a piece of card or paper, which is perhaps
the most extensive visual aid in language teaching. This is used as a personal dictionary
for students who can improve their vocabulary. Flashcards can also be instruments for
playing games. This learning strategy is expected to make students in the integrated
class more active, enjoy and motivated in the process of learning English.

Flash cards are practical media to help students and teachers in the teaching and
learning process, especially in teaching students flash cards (Nugroho et al., 2012).
Flash media can easily help students recall new vocabulary that is being studied,
because flash cards have two sides, namely words and their meanings (Khodashenas et
al., 2014). Flash cards have several advantages, as expressed by Susilana and Riyana (in
Hotimah, 2010), including being easy to carry everywhere, practical, easy to remember,
fun. Easy to carry anywhere; that is, the small size of flash cards can be stored in bags
even in pockets, so it does not require a large space, can be used anywhere, in the
classroom or outside the classroom. Practical; that is, seen from the way they are made
and used, flash cards are very practical, in using this media teachers do not need to have
special expertise, these media do not need to also need electricity. If you are going to
use it, you just need to arrange the order of the images to your liking, make sure the
position of the image is not upside down, and if it's already used, just save it again by
tying it or using a special box so it won't be scattered. Easy to remember; the
combination of images and text makes it easy for students to recognize the concept of
something, to find out the name of an object can be helped by the picture, and vice versa
to find out the name of an object or concept by looking at the letters or text. Fun; flash
cards in their use can be through games. For example students are competing to find an
object or certain names of flash cards that are stored randomly, by running students are
competing to find something command.


A. Instructional Media
Media comes from Latin, and is a plural form of medium. Etymologically,
media means an intermediary or introduction. Namely the intermediary or
introduction to the source of the message to the recipient of the message. Whereas
in terminology, media is everything that is used as a channel to convey messages or
information from one source to the recipient of the message. The message can be
conveyed through audio, visual, audio-visual, and gestures. So learning media are
all things that are used by teachers to convey messages in the form of teaching
materials to recipients, in this case, students.
Learning media is no stranger to education. A teacher must be able to make and
apply it in the learning process, in order to create an effective teaching-learning
process. In addition, learning media can be used as a substitute for the existence of
teachers, such as distance learning. Although there are many things that cannot be
done by the media, such as: designing learning, motivating students and others. But
at least with the learning media the learning process can still take place, even
though it is less than the maximum.
B. Flashcard media
1. Understanding Flashcard Media
Flashcards are picture cards equipped with words in the form of cards
introduced by Glenn Doman. The Glenn Doman learning method is done in
stages using a flash card media tool which is a word written on a white
cardboard with 10 x 12.5 cm font size, letters written in red capital letters.
(Minanur Rohman, 2010: 19-20). Flashcard media can be used for vocabulary
development in aspects of language development. This card is played by being
shown to children and read out quickly. The size of the flash card can be
adjusted to the needs of the class, meaning that the size of the flash card media
for narrow classes will be different from the size of the flash card media in a
broad class and many students.
2. Strengths and Weaknesses of Flashcard Media
Each learning media certainly has advantages and disadvantages of each.
And the advantages are functioned to assist the teacher in delivering teaching
material. Flashcard is one of the language learning media that is often used by
teachers. Besides not costing a lot, this medium is quite effective if used in
teaching vocabulary. Among the advantages of this media are:
a. Easy to carry
With a small size the flashcard can be stored in a bag even in a pocket so it
does not require a large space, can be used indoors or outdoors.
b. Practical
Judging from the way of making and using it, flashcard media is very
practical. In the use of this media the teacher does not need to have special
expertise and also this media does not need to use electricity. If you are
going to use it, you just need to arrange the order of the pictures according
to our wishes, make sure the position of the image is right and not upside
c. Easy to remember
Characteristics of flash card media is to present short messages on each card
presented. This short presentation will make it easier for students to
remember these messages. The combination of images and text makes it
easy for students to recognize a concept.
d. It's fun
Flashcard media in its use can be through games, for example students are
competing to find a particular object or name from a flash card that is stored

The above description is an advantage of flashcard media, while the

weakness of flashcard media is that children can only know and understand
words and images only to the words and images present on the flash card media

3. Vocabulary Teaching Techniques
In teaching vocabulary there needs to be a technique or stages that need to be
mastered by the teacher. The techniques for teaching vocabulary meanings will
be explained as follows:
1. Listen to the word
The word listening stage is the first stage that must be given by a teacher.
Here, the teacher must give students the opportunity to listen to the
vocabulary spoken by the teacher.
2. Pronounce the word
In this second stage the teacher must give the opportunity for students to say
the words they hear. Saying a new word can help students remember it for a
longer time. Here, the teacher must pay close attention to the accuracy of
the pronunciation of each word, because errors in pronunciation result in
errors in writing
3. Get the meaning of the word
In understanding the meaning of words to students, as much as possible a
teacher avoids translation, unless there is no other way. Because, the way
the translation will make students easily forget the meaning of the word.
There are several ways that can be used to explain meaning to students to
avoid translation, namely: by providing context, simple definitions,
synonyms, antonyms, demonstrations, and the use of original objects or


The method used in this study is a quantitative approach in accordance with the
research strategy conducted at SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan and the data collected was
also taken based on a collection conducted twice as many illustrated papers prepared by
the author. The purpose of this study is to study whether students are better able to
reverse vocabulary using the media or vice versa in reverse than expected.

In addition, it is easier to remember word for word but also tries to make
students understand the correct way of speaking in vocabulary, this is evident when they
are told to improve certain ways and make students understand strategies using this
media. the writer looks for each group of students 2. Then the author who has
previously published 3. The writer explains how to work on the paper that has been
distributed 4. Each group changes what images are on their paper 5. Then the students
change the words as needed.

The research was conducted at SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan, which is located on
Jl. KapitenPurba No. 2 18, Mangga, Kec. Medan Tuntung, Kota. Medan, North
Sumatra. This research was conducted in odd semester in class VIII-7 at SMP Budi
Murni 2 in Medan in 2019/2020 school year. The subjects in this study were students of
class VIII-7, totaling 30 people who were divided into 6 groups (each group consisted
of 5 people). This class was chosen as the research subject based on the results of
preliminary observations which showed that the students' vocabulary was still low.

The process variable that we did was the input variable for students of class
VIII-7 pure for 30 people, the process variable used vocabulary flashcard and finally the
output variable increased student mastery of vocabulary. This research uses classroom
action research. what we do in class by doing certain actions with the aim to solve the
problems faced by students in learning, from this type of research is to change the
attitude of learning, improve student competence and develop knowledge of research
subjects. in our study using the flashcard method to test students 'vocabulary skills by
using flascard can improve students' vocabulary skills in the vocabulary learning

In class action research there are four characteristics including planning, action,
observation, and reflection on the characteristics of planning in this phase we identify
the next problem that is developed into an action plan that is developed in a particular
area, the action in this phase the researcher makes planning for learning in class,
observation this phase is the part where the stage to observe the effects of the action

This study uses vocabulary learning strategies using flashcard media. The
research institute that we do is to use image media by forming six groups each group
consisting of five people each choosing a group leader to present their respective
This method is played by students through 3 varied stages, namely:

1. Stage 1, is the stage of group discussion. At this stage students in the group learn
how to mention the vocabulary given and then mention it to other group
members and note it down. At this stage students will realize how important
group learning is.
2. Stage 2, recording the results displayed by other groups in front. At this stage all
students' senses and abilities are expended, because at this stage students must
work together in groups to be able to listen and write well the vocabulary
mentioned by other groups objectively. However, at this stage students can learn
in a fun and not boring way
3. Stage 3, is the stage of class discussion and drawing conclusions. This stage is
very interesting for each group, because at this stage can be seen how many
scores or scores obtained by each group. At this stage the opportunity for the
teacher to give praise or gifts to groups that get good grades to increase student
interest in learning, and motivate students to always learn with discipline and


Research for this journal has been carried out on Wednesday, November 20,
2019 precisely at 10.30-11.30 WIB in class VIII-7 of SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan in the
2019/2020 school year with a total of 30 students. Where 16 Daughter and 14
Son.however, there were 29 people present at the time.The results of the discussion are
arranged in the form of tables according to their respective groups.

Group Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score

One 92 100

Two 94 100

Three 88 94

Four 74 84
Five 54 76

Six 77 100

In analyzing this study, researchers used the help of the SPSS 20.0 program. The
results of hypothesis testing using SPSS 20.0 for windows with a significance level of
0.05. Before conducting the T test, first test the normality of data distribution. The
results of the calculation of hypothesis testing in more detail will be explained as

1. Test data normality

Normality test is done to find out whether the data being tested is normal or not.
The normality test criteria are:
a. The significance level (sig) specified is α = 0,05
b. If the significance level (sig) is obtained> α, then the sample comes from
a normally distributed population
c. If the significance level (sig) obtained is <α, then the sample does not
come from a normally distributed population

Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test values obtained, the normality
test calculation results are shown in the following table:

Tests of Normality

Hasil Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pre-Test ,212 6 ,200* ,906 6 ,412

Post-Test ,275 6 ,175 ,812 6 ,075

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
The significance level (sig) obtained at the pretest value of 0,412 and posttest
value of 0,075, which means the value of the pretest and posttest> α. So that the
data is declared normal distribution.

2. Test T
This T-test was carried out to find out whether there were significant differences
between pre-test and post-test. This different test analysis uses analysis
techniques with SPSS. The criteria are:
a. The significance level (sig) was set as α = 0,05
b. If the significance level (sig) obtained> α, then the data stated there is no
difference between the pretest value and the posttest value
c. If the significance level (sig) obtained <α, then the data stated there is a
significant difference between the pretest value and the posttest value

From the results of SPSS analysis with different test techniques (paired
sample T Test) found the following results:

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pre Test 81,17 6 12,040 4,915

Pair 1
Post Test 92,33 6 10,152 4,145

The data above can be described as follows:

1) The average value (mean) in the pre-test was 81,17 with the number of
groups (N) of 6. Data distribution (std. Deviation) was 12,040 with a
mean standard error of 4,915
2) The mean (mean) in the post-test obtained 92,33 with the number of
groups (N) of 6. Data distribution (std. Deviation) obtained by 10,152
with a mean standard error of 4,145
This data shows that the results of the post-test are higher than the results of
the pre-test. This means that the use of flashcard media has an impact on student
vocabulary learning outcomes. But the range of posttest data distribution is also
getting wider with higher standard errors.
Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pre Test & Post Test 6 ,847 ,033

The results of the analysis test show that the correlation between the two
variables is 0,847 with a significance of 0.003.

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed)

Deviation Mean Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair Pre Test - -
11,16 6,401 2,613 -17,884 -4,450 5 ,008
1 Post Test 4,274

The results of the analysis table above are the main tables of output in SPSS that
show the results of the tests performed. T value of 4,274 with P value (significance)
0,008. Thus it can be concluded, that the use of flash card media significantly influences
the learning of English vocabulary. This means that the hypothesis (Ha) which states
that the use of flash card media is more effective than others is accepted

From the above table it can be concluded that students are better able to master
the vocabulary using the flshcard media compared to the usual learning methods as
evidenced from the list of tables of all groups and each member gets a high score that
groups one, two, six, three, four, and five get a grade high among them even three
groups get very good grades of one hundred.


Based on the research results obtained that the flashcard as a teaching medium
can improve students 'English vocabulary skills, these changes can be seen from the
students' Pre-Test & Post-Test results. Post-Test results show better results than Pre-
Test results. Post-Test results obtained a significant increase which can be seen in the
acquisition of the mean which is higher than the Pre-Test results

According to Pandeirot, 2002). Children need the help of more skilled people so
that they can complete their tasks in an appropriate manner called the ZPD (Zone of
Proximal Development) by Vygotsky. Based on that view, real objects or visual things
are needed to know and recognize the concepts being learned. The right method for
teaching new vocabulary is to use attractive teaching aids, so students can easily
recognize the new vocabulary. Flash cards are a tool for students to learn vocabulary
and understand the concepts learned, which can make it easier for students to complete
their tasks that are able to achieve curriculum demands, and the assistance is called
scaffolding by Vygotsky (in Ormrod, 2008).

In this case students are given a variety of pictures to add students' interest to
learn. Before applying media, flash cards students often have difficulty in answering
and considering new words given to them, some students need a lot of questions to
answer questions from the teacher, therefore a teacher is required to provide one word
to solve a shared problem.

After they learn vocabulary using flashcard media, students will more easily
remember and understand how to pronounce and pronounce the vocabulary. It all makes
students easier to learn English.


Based on the above discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The learning process using flashcard media can be used effectively, does not
require the learning process using media that can make students happy and
unhappy learning to develop fun learning and facilitate students who are more
easily involved in the learning process
2. The use of flashcard media empirically can help teachers conduct learning
effectively. The use of this media has been shown to have an influence on the
learning of English vocabulary for first grade students at SMP Budi Murni 2
Medan. This can be seen with an increase in student grades before and after the
use of the media. The average value before being taught using a flash card was
81,17 and thereafter was 92,33 meaning that there was an increase in student
scores of 11,16.


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