A Novel and Interactive Industrial Control System (2019)

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A Novel and Interactive Industrial Control System

Honeypot for Critical Smart Grid Infrastructure

Dimitrios Pliatsios, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thanasis Liatifis, Konstantinos Rompolos, Ilias Siniosoglou
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
  University of Western Macedonia
  Kozani, Greece
  {dpliatsios, psarigiannidis, aliatifis, krobolos, isiniosoglou}@uowm.gr
  Abstract—The Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are the under- classification of a number of security incidents against critical
  lying monitoring and control components of critical infrastruc- ICS infrastructure is shown in [2].
tures, which consist of a number of distributed field devices, such
  as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Remote Terminal
A large number of methods have been proposed as effective
  Units (RTUs) and Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). As modern countermeasures against ICS cyberattacks [3]. Honeypots and
  ICS are connected to the Internet, in the context of their honeynets are promising countermeasures that are leveraged
  digitalization as a part of the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, in both common and industrial networks in order to attract at-
  a number of security threats are introduced, whose exploitation tackers and mislead them from hacking the real infrastructure,
can lead to severe consequences. Honeypots and honeynets are
  while gaining valuable information, such as the origin of the
promising countermeasures that attract attackers and mislead
  them from hacking the real infrastructure, while gaining valuable attacker, the employed methods and the attack patterns [4].
  information about the attack patterns as well as the source of In this paper a novel, interactive and proof-of-concept ICS
  the attack. In this work, we implement an interactive, proof- honeypot is introduced, which is based on the Conpot frame-
  ofconcept ICS honeypot, which is based on Conpot, that is able to work. The Conpot framework is able to emulate a physical
  emulate a physical ICS device, by replicating realistic traffic from
the real device. As the honeypot runs inside a Virtual Machine, it device by replicating realistic traffic from the real devices.
  is possible to emulate the entire organization’s ICS infrastructure, As the proposed honeypot runs inside a Virtual Machine
  a fact that is very important for the security of the modern (VM), it is possible to emulate the entire organization’s ICS
  critical infrastructure. In order to assess the proposed honeypot, infrastructure. The introduced proof-of-concept ICS honeypot
  a real-life demonstration scenario was designed, which involves a is applied in a real-world hydro power plant, which uses
  hydro power plant. The honeypot architecture is provided, while
an RTU-based control center to manage all the underlying
  the structural components are presented in detail.
systems of the plant. The installed ICS honeypot is able to
  emulate the hydro power plant RTU device by interactively
  I. I NTRODUCTION communicating to the HMI, which is located at the control
  center of the plant. The architecture of the ICS honeypot is
  The Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are the underlying presented in details, while the capabilities of the honeypot
  monitoring and control components of critical infrastructures are also demonstrated. The contributions of this paper are
  such as telecommunications, transportation, and power grid. summarized as follows:
  The typical ICS architecture consists of a number of dis-
  • A novel, interactive and proof-of-concept ICS honeypot,
tributed field devices, such as actuators and sensors, a number
  which is able to attract various external attacks by emu-
of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Ter-
  lating any smart grid device using Modbus.
minal Units (RTUs) that control the field devices, and one
  or more Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), which gather the
• An efficient ICS architecture, where the proposed proof-
  data received from the field devices and presents them to the
of-concept ICS honeypot is applied.
  operator in an appropriate manner.
• A real-world use case scenario, in the context of the
  SPEAR project, where one or more ICS honeypots are
Contrary to the legacy ICS, which operate in isolated
  able to emulate various IoT-enabled control and manage-
enviroments, the current ICS are connected to the Internet.
  ment deices.
This enables operators to access the system remotely, while
the administration of the underlying network use common
  A. Related Work
computer network protocols for controlling and managing the
underlying systems. The connection of ICS to the Internet The notion of honeypots is quite popular in the literature.
introduces a number of security vulnerabilities [1]. An ad- A survey of recent advances and future trends in honeypot
  versary can exploit these vulnerabilities in order to launch a research is carried out in [5]. The survey suggests that hon-
  cyberattack against an ICS, resulting in severe consequences. eypot research is on the rise due to the increasing number
  For example, an adversary can compromise an ICS controlling of connected devices. Moreover, research honeypots generate
  power and water services or destroy military infrastructure. A valuable data that are used to improve and develop new
  978-1-7281-1016-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Reference Aim ICS com- Method/Implementation Results/Findings

[5] Investigate emerging trends regarding hon- N/A Survey on honeypot state of the art 1)Honeypot research is rising as
eypot research and detect knowledge gaps the number of connected devices is
in honeypot environments by surveying the growing. 2)Researchers aim to im-
state of art in honeypot deployments prove and develop new honeypots
based on the data obtained from
research honeypots, 3)The honeypot
must be configured in a way that
attracts attackers and keeps them en-
gaged, 4)The legal and ethical con-
cerns is an important research area
[6] Discuss how the different approaches to Modbus, Implementation and comparison of 1)Low-cost machines such as Rasp-
security of typical information systems and SNMP, FTP two approaches. In the first ap- berry Pi provide more than enough
industrial control systems lead to the need of proach the honeypot is hosted on resources. 2)In cases where the loca-
specialized SCADA honeypots for process a low-cost physical machine, while tion of the honeypot is irrelevant to
control network, and propose a reference in the second one the honeypot is the security point of view, the virtual
architecture for ICS honeypots, and discuss hosted on virtual machines honeypots are more flexible and cost-
implementation and deployment strategies effective
[7] Present a novel ICS honeypot architecture Modbus, Deployment of a modular and The real-world experiments con-
that can be globally deployed in an auto- IEC 60870- scalable honeynet architecture on ducted on a cloud infrastructure
mated manner, and implement a proof-of- 5-104 Amazon EC2 cloud platform. The show the feasibility of the proposed
concept ICS honeynet honeynet consists of multiple dis- approach. The results highlight the
tributed honeypot nodes that are fundamental requirement of having
managed by a central entity. proper security mechanisms in ICSs
[8] Present the design of a high-interaction ICS N/A Implemented they proposed honey- The deployed a water treatment
honeypot that aims to address the main pot based on the MiniCPS frame- testbed in the Capture The Flag com-
challenges related to ICS requirements work petition, highlighted the importance
of an automated and reliable crash
recovery mechanism
[9] Present DiPot, a distributed honeypot sys- Modbus, DiPot consists of three nodes, the Over the span of 6 months, DiPot
tem in order to capture and analyze sus- Kamstrup, Honeypot Node which emulates an captured and analyzed large amounts
picious behaviors against ICS. DiPot em- SNMP, ICS device, the Data Processing of legitimate and malicious network
phasizes on the coverage and diversity for BACnet, Node which periodically pulls the traffic. The results indicate the ef-
ICS devices, aiming to collect useful data S7comm raw log files from the HNs in order fectiveness of DiPot as a distributed
without being identified by attackers to analyze them, and the Manage- honeypot system
ment Node which manages the user
interaction and data visualization
[10] Design, develop and deploy a honeypot, Modbus, The iHoney ICS honeypot consists The proposed honeypot is continu-
representing a water treatment plant, that S7comm of three modules: the ICS system ously providing security intelligence
feeds intelligence to real-world ICS security module, which includes an HMI and insights, regarding IDS signa-
services and a network of PLC devices, the tures, correlation rules, and general
simulation system which evaluates awareness of the cyber threat land-
the process status variables in real- scape to real-world ICS security ser-
time and interacts with the ICS vices
system, and the cybersecurity mon-
itoring infrastructure that obtains
information about the behavior of
cyber attackers.

honeypots. Finally, the legal and ethical concerns of honeypot The authors in [7] presented the architecture of a novel
usage is an important research area. honeypot, tailored to the requirements of industrial applica-
The utilization of honeypots in ICS environments along with tions. They also deployed a modular and scalable honeynet
implementation and deployment strategies are investigated in architecture on the Amazon EC2 cloud platform. The real-
[6]. Additionally, two schemes of an ICS honeypot system world experiments support the feasibility of the proposed
were implemented and compared. In the first scheme the approach and highlight the fundamental requirement of having
honeypot is hosted on a physical device, whereas in the proper security mechanisms in ICS environments.
second one, the honeypot is hosted on virtual machines. The In [8] the authors present the design of a high-interaction
findings suggest that low-cost machines can provide enough ICS honeypot that aims to address the main challenges related
computational resources, and in cases where the location of the to ICS requirements. They also propose an attacker model
honeypot is irrelevant, the virtual honeypots are more flexible for the honeypot that captures the goals, skills resources and
and cost-effective. entry points of the attacker. In addition, the authors present
an implementation of the proposed ICS honeypot based on and exploitation trends [11]. It should be highlighted that
the MiniCPS framework. For the evaluation of the honeypot, honeypots have minimal effectiveness regarding the prevention
they deployed a water treatment testbed in a Capture The of a cyberattack, so they should be better deployed alongside
Flag (CTF) competition hosted by Singapore University of an IDS [12].
Technology and design. Apart from the captured cyber attack Honeypots can be classified based on their purpose and level
traces, the importance of an automated and reliable crash of interaction. Depending on their purpose, honeypots can be
recovery mechanism was highlighted. classified into production honeypots and research honeypots.
The authors in [9] proposed DiPot which is a distributed Production honeypots are primarily used in corporate and
industrial honeypot system that provides deep data analytics industrial organizations, aiming to increase security and miti-
and advanced visualization techniques. DiPot is a modular gate the risks. They usually mirror the organization’s network
honeypot that consists of three nodes, namely the honeypot infrastructure, inviting attackers to interact with it in order
node which emulates an ICS device, the data processing node to expose currently unknown vulnerabilities of the network.
that periodically analyses raw log files, and the management Contrary to the research honeypots, the production honeypots
node which facilitates user interaction and data visualization. are easier to build and install.
During the evaluation of Dipot, large amounts of legitimate Research honeypots aim to gather information about the
and malicious network traffic were captured and analyzed, thus motives and tactics of cyber-attackers and do not add any direct
proving its effectiveness. value to an organization. Their primary aim is to investigate
Navarro et al. [10] designed an ICS honeypot that is used to the attack patterns and understand the attacker’s motives and
collect and feed intelligence to real-world ICS cyber security behavior. Research honeypots provide significant contribution
monitoring services. The honeypot consists of the ICS system as a platform to study cyber-attacks. As they include additional
module which emulates the HMI and the PLC devices, the functionality compared to production honeypots they are more
simulation system that evaluates the process status variables in complex and difficult to deploy and manage.
real time, and the cybersecurity monitoring infrastructure that Depending on their interaction level honeypots can be cat-
obtains information about the behavior of cyber attackers. The egorized into low-interaction, medium-interaction, and high-
proposed honeypot continuously provides security intelligence interaction. A low-interaction honeypot only simulates certain
and insights regarding DIS signatures, correlation rules, and services and there is no operating system that the attacker can
general awareness of the cyber threat landscape to real-world exploit to gain access to it. This minimizes the risk of the
ICS security services. honeypot being compromised but restricts the functionality of
The leverage of honeypots is an effective asset in the honeypot. Low-interaction honeypots are easy to deploy and
protection of ICS environments. The honeypots are constantly manage.
improving in order to attract attackers and keep them engaged Similarly to low-interaction honeypots, medium-interaction
long enough to analyze their behavior and motives. Honeypots honeypots do not include an underlying operating system.
can be realized on low-cost physical machines (such as a However, they simulate more advanced application and net-
Raspberry Pi), as well as virtual ones, which are more flexible work services, providing the attacker with a better illusion of
and cost-effective. The evaluation results suggest that the interacting with a real system. This enables the collection and
honeypots achieve good performance in terms of detection ac- analysis of more sophisticated cyber-attacks.
curacy and detectability. However, the aforementioned works Finally, the high-interaction honeypots are the most ad-
feature honeypot systems that emulate ICS devices, while no vanced ones as they also incorporate an operating system. Due
particular attention was paid to the usage of real device data. to their high-interaction functionalities, they manage to act as a
Our proposed honeypot system replicates the data from the real system, capable of attracting attackers and collecting large
physical devices, thus improving its chances to attract potential amounts of information. This type of honeypots has increased
attackers. difficulty in the deployment as they require higher storage and
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II processing resources. Additionally, they require continuous
introduces the required background of honeypots and presents monitoring to ensure that the honeypot is not compromised,
the Conpot honeypot, which is used in this paper. Section hence becoming a vulnerability to the whole network.
III describes the architecture and the configuration of its
components. Section IV describes the demonstration scenario. B. Conpot Honeypot
Finally, Section V concludes the paper. Conpot is a low-interactive ICS honeypot, which is easily
deployed, modified, and extended [13]. It supports a range of
well-known ICS communication protocols, thus enable users
A. Definition and classification of honeypots to build and emulate complex realistic infrastructures that
A honeypot can be considered as a closely monitored can attract cyber-attackers. Emphasis has been given to the
network decoy that attracts attackers in order to prevent response times of services in order to mimic the behavior
them from attacking real infrastructure, provides an early of a complex system under constant load. Conpot monitors
alarm about the attack, and collects information that can be any intruder traces by utilizing a logging system, offering
analyzed in order to gain valuable insights about novel attacks basic tracking information, such as source addresses and
request types. Finally, as the Conpot is equipped with complete
stacks of the supported communication protocols, it is able to
interconnect real RTUs, PLCs, and HMIs. Supported industrial
communication protocols include the Modbus, the Distributed
Network Protocol Version 3 (DNP3) [14], the IEC 60870-5-
104 [15], and BACNET [16].
C. Modbus Communication Protocol

Fig. 2. Modbus Frame Structure


Function Code Size Operation

01 1 bit Read Memory Bit
02 1 bit Read Device Input Bit
03 16 bits Read Memory Words
04 16 bits Read Device Input Word
05 1 bit Write Memory Bit
Fig. 1. Modbus Network Architecture
06 16 bits Write Memory Word
15 1 bit Write Multiple Memory Bit
Modbus [17] is a widely used industrial communication 16 16 bits Write Multiple Memory Words
protocol, due to its open specifications, easy deployment and 23 16 bits Read/Write Multiple Memory Words
maintenance procedures. Fig. 1 shows a reference architecture
of a Modbus network. Different types of field devices (e.g.,
PLC, HMI, and I/O devices) can connect to the network networks. The complete Modbus ADU is encapsulated into
by using different Modbus variants such as Modbus+, Se- the data field of a standard TCP/IP frame.
rial, and TCP/IP. The MB+ and Serial Gateways are used A description of the Modbus supported function codes
as converters between the Modbus variants. Serial Modbus is shown in Table II. The function code column lists the
enables communication among master and slave devices using corresponding number of each code, while the Size column
serial communication mode. The master device coordinates the lists the size of each payload. Finally, the function of each
communication, while the slave devices monitor the channel code is described in the operation column.
for requests from the master and respond accordingly.
The structure of a Modbus frame is illustrated in Fig. 2. III. D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION
The Application Data Unit (ADU), includes a Protocol Data The architecture of the proposed ICS is presented subject to
Unit (PDU) along with fields reserved for device addressing the implemented testbed, as shown in Fig. 3. It is composed
and error checking. The PDU consists of the function code of the following components: a) the real HMI, which is used
field, which is used to select the operation, while the data to gather and present the collected data to the operator, b)
field size depends on the selected function. In the Modbus the Schneider Electric Saitel HU AF (RTU), which reads
serial variant, the addressing field contains the slave ID and the analog outputs from the smart meters, and c) a Virtual
utilizes CRC for error detection. In the TCP/IP variant of Machine (VM) Manager that manages two virtual machines:
Modbus, the addressing field is replaced by the Modbus the Conpot-VM that emulates the Saitel RTU in order to attract
Application Protocol (MBAP) header, while the error check potential attackers, and the Virtual HMI that generates requests
field is removed. The MBAP header includes the following to the Conpot VM. Finally, a switch is used to enable the
fields: the transaction identifier, which is used for logically interconnection of the aforementioned components. In order
pairing the transactions that are carried out in the same TCP to improve the illusion that the Conpot is a real device, we
stream. The protocol identifier is always set to 0, while the configured it to utilize real traffic collected from the Saitel
length field indicates the size of the remaining fields. Finally, RTU.
the unit identifier is used to identify hosts that belong to In order to generate realistic traffic, the Virtual HMI gen-
networks, for example in case of bridging TCP/IP and serial erates requests to the Conpot-VM. The Python code of the
Real HMI 24 modbus server socket . close ( )

Listing 1. Virtual HMI

The traces of the traffic between the real RTU and the real
HMI are collected using Wireshark [18] and stored into pcap
Saitel RTU files. A custom developed tool is used to parse pcap files in
Switch order to feed them to the Conpot engine. In this way, Conpot
manages to better imitate the behavior of its real counterpart.


Data Frame Slave ID Function Code Start Address Quantity

1 2 3 0 2
Smart Smart 2 1 1 0 2
Virtual HMI Meter Meter
3 1 3 4 1
Virtual Machine Manager 4 2 2 4 1
5 1 2 5 1
Fig. 3. Testbed Architecture
Fig. 4 shows an instance of the captured traffic between the
Virtual HMI and Conpot. The communication session begins
Virtual HMI is shown in Listing 1. The Modubs server address with the TCP handshake as shown in step 1. Then the virtual
(line 2) is set to the Conpot’s IP. The captured traffic from the HMI sends a ”Read Input Registers” Modbus/TCP packet,
real devices is exported to a csv file using Tshark. An instance followed by the corresponding TCP Acknowledgment (ACK)
of the file is shown in Table III. For each data frame, a socket packet from Conpot (step 2). Conpot replies with the appropri-
connecting to the Conpt is initialized and a PDU structure ate response packet, followed by the corresponding TCP ACK
is created (e.g., line 15). The PDU structure is included in a packet from the HMI (step 3). Finally, the communication
Modbus TCP query (line 21) and transmitted to the Conpot session terminates.
(line 22).
1 p a r s e r = argp . ArgumentParser ( )
2 p a r s e r . a d d a r g u m e n t ( ”−−modbusip ” , h e l p =” The modbus
s e r v e r i p a d d r e s s ” , r e q u i r e d =True ) The demonstration scenario aims to address one of the
3 p a r s e r . a d d a r g u m e n t ( ”−− t r a f f i c f i l e ” , h e l p =” The c s v critical infrastructures defined by the European Program for
f i l e t h a t w i l l be u s e d t o mimic t h e t r a f f i c ” ,
required=False )
Critical infrastructure Protection [19]. Within the context of
4 arguments= vars ( p a r s e r . parse args ( ) ) SPEAR H2020 project, a real-world hydro power plant was
5 selected in order to test and evaluate our honeypot. The hydro
6 dataframe = pandas . read csv ( arguments [ ” t r a f f i c f i l e ”
power plant control center features some unique characteristics
7 while True : such as a) it represents an example of renewable energy utility,
8 f o r i in range (0 , dataframe . shape [ 0 ] ) : b) it requires supreme technical skills and knowledge, thus it
9 s t a r t a d d r e s s = dataframe . iloc [ i ][ ”
StartAddr ” ]
constitutes a high-technology plant where any vulnerabilities
10 quantity = dataframe . iloc [ i ][ ” Quantity ” ] could harm major components of the smart grid infrastructure,
11 s l a v e i d = dataframe . i l o c [ i ] [ ” SlaveID ” ] c) it enables a high-cost way of generating hydro-electric
12 m o d b u s s e r v e r s o c k e t = modbus tcp . TcpMaster
( h o s t = a r g u m e n t s [ ” modbusip ” ] )
power, hence the scenario has increased impact in terms of
13 q u e r y = m o d b u s t c p . TcpQuery ( ) hardware failures and d) it constitutes a roadmap in order to
14 i f d a t a f r a m e . i l o c [ i ] [ ’ F u n c t i o n Code ’ ] = = 1 : validate the SPEAR architecture towards securing renewable
15 pdu= s t r u c t . p a c k ( ”>BHH” , 1 ,
start address , quantity )
energy smart grid utilities.
16 e l i f d a t a f r a m e . i l o c [ i ] [ ’ F u n c t i o n Code ’ Fig. 5 illustrates a hydro power plant scenario. The power
]==2: generation department includes the main power plant equip-
17 pdu= s t r u c t . p a c k ( ”>BHH” , 2 ,
start address , quantity ) ment that is related to the generation of electricity out of the
18 e l i f d a t a f r a m e . i l o c [ i ] [ ’ F u n c t i o n Code ’ river. The infrastructure includes the turbines, the generator,
]==3: the electrical systems, and the transformer. Smart devices and
19 pdu= s t r u c t . p a c k ( ”>BHH” , 3 ,
start address , quantity ) smart meters govern this equipment by using IP interfaces
20 # . . . The r e s t o f t h e f u n c t i o n c o d e s a r e and API systems. The Conpot system is installed in a VM and
n o t shown i n t h i s e x a m p l e . . . # emulates the behavior of the RTU controlling the smart meters.
21 r e q u e s t = q u e r y . b u i l d r e q u e s t ( pdu , s l a v e i d )
22 modbus server socket . send ( r e q u e s t ) In addition, a second VM emulates an HMI and generates
23 response= modbus server socket . recv ( ) realistic traffic in order to attract potential attackers.
Fig. 4. Captured Traffic Between Virtual HMI and Conpot

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