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College of Arts and Sciences

PACUCOA Re-accredited Level IV

Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Activity No. 3-SF in


Name: ______________________________________ Score: _____________

Class Schedule: _____________ Date: ______________

After reading and watching the content, synthesize its thoughts through the following evaluative
questions: Note: Your answer should be handwritten.

1. Explain at least three (3) reasons why the Philippines is considered to be one of the
riskiest countries in terms of natural disasters?

Reason 1: Located along the boundary of major tectonic plates and at the center of a
typhoon belt, its islands are regularly impacted by floods, typhoons, landslides,
earthquakes, volcanoes, and droughts.

Reason 2: The social and economic cost of natural disasters in the country is increasing
due to population growth, change in land-use patterns, migration, unplanned
urbanization, environmental degradation and global climate change

Reason 3; the islands are located within the “Ring of Fire” between the Eurasian and
Pacific tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanoes are posing serious risks to the safety
of the populace.

2. List down the different hazards present in your community, and why do you think you are
susceptible to these hazards? (at least 1 each for biological, physical, and
hydrometeorological hazards)
Biological Hazard:
The Biological Hazard that we experienced in our community is when we experienced
typhoon, I remember that is Bagyong Yolanda and the banana trees fall and because of
that the dengue arise in our community because of the banana and because of the
wheels of the trucks that the mosquito live after the typhoon. We are all affected that
time because of the trash caused by typhoon and other things in our surroundings and
after that the barangay captain and his team help each one of us to clean to prevent
dengue from our community.

Physical Hazard:
The example of this is the smell of the Poultry farm and the fly coming from the poultry
farm go to our houses and go to our foods. The people in our area are all angry because
the fly has a bacterium from the Poultry farm.

Hydrometeorological Hazard:
The example o this that we experienced in our community is also because of typhoon in
our area mostly the road are rough roads because we lived in Linang or Bukid and when
the typhoon ended the mud in the rough roads are really dangerous especially to the
motorcycle because if they didn’t have enough strength to drive they will surely fall and it
will cause accident to many people in our area it takes time to wait until it is hard again.
We are all affected because or example I will go to the market I need to walk to the
muds because if not me and the driver will fall, and it cause landslides.

3. How does anthropogenic activities aggravate the natural disasters? Explain.

a. Anthropogenic activity No. 1: The first activity is the quarry for example is the
people that quarrying the mount Banahaw in the future if they do not stop the
mountain will collapse and for sure the people like us that lived in the Sariaya will
die because of the water that come from the Mt. Banahaw.
b. Anthropogenic activity No. 2: the second one is the loggers because many of
them are illegal and when they cut the trees, they will not plant another and when
the typhoon come the flood will “bulusok” in the community because it has no
trees that can stop the flood.

4. How do you prepare for the hazards in your community?

a. What hazard? Flood (because we are near at the river)

b. Plan: The first plan is to prepare my priority needs for example is the documents,
clothes, medicine, and food. The second one is to arrange the house things and put
it in the area to keep it dry.
c. Prepare: prepare the kit that I will bring when the time comes that I need to evacuate
d. Execution:

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