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Demonstration Lesson Plan in English III

Using Explicit Instruction

Date: _________ Student Teacher: Abby S. Fernandez

Time: _________ Resource Teacher: Daffodil Rona A. Cedenio

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of different listening strategies to comprehend texts.

B. Performance Standard
The learner uses information from the viewed or listened to in preparing logs and journals

C. Learning Competencies
Cognitive: To differentiate real from make-believe EN3 LC-IV-a-j-3.15
Psychomotor: Tell whether an action or event is real or make-believe EN3 LC-IV-a-j-3.15

Affective: Use wise judgment at all times

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Differentiating real or make-believe
B. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide, English for You and Me (Reading) pp. 158-161
C. Materials: video presentation, laptop, activity sheets, flash cards, show cards, realia
D. Value focus: Using wise judgment at all times

III – Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
Class, read the pair of words as I flash
the cards. (Pupils will read.)

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

This time you are going find the meanings of

the following words by matching Set A to
Set B by drawing line to its meaning.
(Please see charted activity)
Set A Set B

1. Sausage a long piece of

processed meat
2. Kingdom a land that a king owns
and lives.
3. Vanished to disappear
from sight
4. Woodcutter a person that cuts wood
for a living

(expected responses)
Now, let us use them in sentences.
A king rules over a kingdom.
The woodcutter cuts wood in the forest.
My brother likes to eat sausage for breakfast.
The sausage vanished and could be seen no

C Motivation

Do you have wishes? Yes Teacher!

I wish to become a princess!

Reca, what is your wish?
I wish to travel around the world.
How about your Rose Ann?

D. Motive Question:

Do you know the story about a woodcutter

(Varied answers)
and his wife in the forest?

E. Presentation:

Before we view the story, what are the

standards in viewing to a story?
Listen attentively.
Understand the story.
Do not talk to your classmate.
Watch silently.
But before you watch the video, read the
following questions which you are going to
answer after watching the story.

1. Who are the characters of the story?
2. Is the woodcutter and his wife a real person?
3. How about the fairy? Does fairies exists?
4. What do a wood cutter do everyday?
5. What does he do with woods?
6. Who helped them?
7. What did the fairy do?

(Video presentation of the Story the Three

D. Teaching/Modeling

Let us now answer the questions you

have read.

1. Who are the characters of the story? The characters are the wood cutter and his wife and
the fairy.
2. Is the woodcutter and his wife a real person?

3. How about the fairy? Does fairies exists? Yes, Teacher

4. What do a wood cutter do everyday? (Varied Answers)

He went to the forest to find some wood to cut.

5. What does he do with woods?
He sells it for them to buy some food.
6. Who helped them?
The fairy helped them.
7. What did the fairy do?
The fairy gave them three wishes.

From your answers, there are make believe events

and there are events that could happen in real life.

Is the woodcutter and his wife real or make-

Yes, Teacher!
How about the fairy? Are fairies real?

What do a wood cutter do everyday? No, Teacher!

He went to the forest to find some wood to cut.

Is it real or make-believe?
It is real because woodcutter looks for wood to cut
in the forest.
could it happen in real life?
Yes, Teacher!

t e.

Yes it is true that woodcutter goes to the forest

everyday to find some woods to cut.

What does he do with the woods? He sells it for them to buy some food.

Could it happen in real life? Yes, Teacher!

Yes, selling wood to buy some food could

happen in real life.

Who helped them? The fairy helped them.

Are fairies true? No, Teacher!

Yes, Fairies are just imaginary characters so

they are just make-believe.

Therefore from the story there are characters

who are real and characters who are make
Can we consider the story real or make- (varied answers)

Remember, that when a story have imaginary

characters like fairies, extra ordinary characters and
imaginary events they are called make-believe stories.
But if the story has real life characters, events that
could happen in real life they are called real stories.

D. Guided Practice
Now, let us have a game. I will show Some
pictures. Raise the letter “R” if the
Picture is real and “M” if it is make-believe.

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is real because coconuts are real. 1. Real

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is make-believe because mermaids are just
2. Make-believe
imaginary character in the story.

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is make-believe because Rapunzel’s
golden hair does not exist. 3. Make-believe

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is real turtles are real. 4. Real

Is this real or make-believe? 5. Real

Yes, this is real because this person is an actor.
6. Make-believe
Is this real or make-believe?
Yes, this is make-believe because Elsa’s ice power
does not exist in real life.

7. Real

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is real coconuts are real.

8. Make-believe

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is make-believe because Snowhite is
just an imaginary character in a story.

9. Make-believe

Is this real or make-believe?

Yes, this is make-believe because Santa
Clause does not exist in real life.

10. Real

Is this real or make-believe?

Correct, this is real because Gumamela is our national

11. real

Is this real or make-believe? The message of the story is to use wise

Yes, this is real because starfish does exist in real life. judgment at all times.

Real Story tells about something that can

What do you think is the lesson of the story? happen in real life.

Make-believe Story tells about something that

Now let us differentiate what is real story and could never happen in Real life. It is strange or
make-believe story. magical.

There are many stories in books, which are

available for us to read. They come in different
forms. Some are true and some are not. Many are
so inspiring that we fall into believing everything
that happened on it as true in real life. This greatly
affects us. Oftentimes, We believe that the same
We should learn to determine whether the story Is
will also happen to us and we expect for good
real or not.

What important things should you remember when

reading a story?

D. Independent Practice Answers:

Directions: Tell whether the sentences are real or 1. Real

make-believe. Write your answer on the blanks
provided before the number. 2. Make-believe

1. A woodcutter cuts wood in the forest. 3. Real

2. A fairy appeared and granted the woodcutter’s 4. Make-believe
three wishes. 5. Real
3. The woodcutter hurried home to his wife.
4. A giant sausage fell upon the table.
5. The woodcutter and his wife are poor.

IV.Evaluation Answers:

Directions: Write R if the statement is real and M if it 1. M

make-believe. Write your answer before the number.
2. M
1. Anna kissed the hands of her parents
before she entered the house. 3. M
____2. The giant lifted Mt. Makiling in one 4. R
sweep of his hand. 5. R
3. The computer cried.
4. It is fun to cook barbecue outdoors.
5. Amarah raised her hand and she was
called to recite.

V. Assignment

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and cross

out the words that make the sentences a fantasy.
1. She cried so much that her tears formed a river.
2. Paul met a monster in the woods.
3. The purple crow gave more milk than the white cow.
4. Superman flies above the clouds.
5. Jade rubbed his ring a genie appeared.

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