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OXIDATION NUMBERS Select two exercises, Answer the question and show procedure

1. The oxidation number of CARBON of the following compounds is:

(a) diamond, C
(b) dry ice, CO2
(c) marble, Ca(CO3)
(d) baking soda, Na(HCO)3

2. The oxidation number of IODINE of the following compounds is:

(a) iodine, I2
(b) potassium iodide, KI
(c) silver periodate, Ag(IO4 )
(d) zinc iodate, Zn(IO3)2

3. The oxidation number of CHLORINE in the following polyatomic ions is

(a) hypochlorite ion, (ClO) –
(b) chlorite ion, (ClO2)–
(c) chlorate ion, (ClO3)–
(d) perchlorate ion, (ClO4)–

For extra points: Bond two of these ions to a cation, balance the charges, and give the name:

4. The oxidation number of SULPHUR in the following polyatomic ions is

(a) sulfide ion, (S)2–
(b) sulfite ion, (SO3)2–
(c) sulfate ion, (SO4)2–
(d) thiosulfate ion, (S2O3)2–

For extra points: Bond Two of these ions to a cation, balance the charges and give the name:

OXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTION: Select one exercise, Answer the question, and show procedure
1. Select the correct option. An example of an Oxidation reaction is:
(a) Water mixed with orange juice
(b) Solid Magnesium reacting with copper sulphate in solution
(c) Solid silver reacting with potassium carbonate
(d) Water mixed with salt

*Write the chemical equation of your answer, balance the charges, and show the half-reactions. Then, Identify the
substances that are oxidized and reduced, and indicate which is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent.
2. A rechargeable “dry cell” nickel-cadmium (nicad) battery, uses the following redox reaction to generate electricity
in battery devices:

Cd(s) + NiO(s) + 2 H2O(l) → Cd(OH)2(s) + Ni(OH)2(s)

Balance the charges and show the half-reactions. Then, Identify the substances that are oxidized and reduced
and indicate which is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent.


A ghost may be haunting the chemistry storage room in the lab! Certain chemicals were left out in a pattern, seeming
to spell out a message. A key, which matched letters to names, was also found written in invisible ink. It has been
copied for you below.

PART 1: You must match the formulas of the chemicals to their names to determine the secret message!


A Hydrogen Sulphate I Nickel (II) oxide R Monoarsenic tribromide

B Cobalt (III) sulfide J Calcium Carbonate S Magnesium oxide
C Magnesium hydroxide K Ferrous Fluoride T Triberyllium Dinitride
D Phosphorous Trichloride L Diphosphorus Tetrachloride U Hydrochloric Acid
E Nitrogen monoxide M Sodium chloride V Dialuminium trioxide
F Nickel (IV) Oxide N Manganese (II) oxide W Manganese (IV) oxide
G Potassium Chlorate O Cobalt (II) sulfide Y Oxygen difluoride
H Nitrogen trihydride or Ammonia P Triberyllium dinitride Z Titanium (II) acetate


______ _______ _______

MnO2 NH3 CoS

_______ ______ _______ _______ _______

P2Cl4 CoS Al2O3 NO MgO

_______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Mg(OH)2 NH3 NO NaCl NiO MgO Be3N2 AsBr3 OF2

PART 2: Leave a reply for the ghost using the KEY.

BALANCE OF CHEMICAL EQUATIONS, Types of Reactions and Molar Mass
1. Select 10 exercises. Balance each of the following placing a coefficient in each blank in front of a chemical
formula. In the space to the left of each number, identify the type of reaction using S for synthesis, D for
decomposition, SR for single replacement, DR for double replacement and C for combustion.

_____1. _____H2 + _____O2 → _____H2O

_____2. _____S8 + _____O2 →_____SO3

_____3. _____HgO → _____Hg + _____O2

_____4. _____Zn + _____HCl →_____ZnCl2 + _____H2

_____5. _____Na + _____H2O → _____NaOH + _____H2

_____6. _____C10H16 + _____Cl2 → _____C + _____HCl

_____7. _____Si2H3 + _____O2 →_____SiO2 + _____H2O

_____8. _____Fe + _____O2 →____Fe2O3

_____9. _____C7H6O2 + _____O2 → _____CO2 + _____H2O

_____10. _____FeS2 + _____O2 →_____Fe2O3 + _____SO2

_____11. _____Fe2O3 + _____H2 → _____Fe + _____H2O

_____12. _____K + _____Br2 → _____KBr

_____13. _____C2H2 + _____O2 → _____CO2 + _____H2O

_____14. _____H2O2 → _____H2O + _____O2

_____15. _____C7H16 + _____O2 → _____CO2 + _____H2O

_____16. _____SiO2 + _____HF → _____SiF4 + _____H2O

_____17. _____KClO3 → _____KCl + _____O2

_____18. _____KClO3 →_____KClO4 + _____KCl

_____19. _____P4O10 + _____H2O → _____H3PO4

_____20. _____Sb + _____O2 →_____Sb4O6

2. Show procedure: Calculate the Formula mass of 1 mole of the compounds highlighted in green (select only

3. Use conversion factors to calculate: Mass in grams of 3,45 moles of the compounds from the previous exercise.

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