Visual and Hearing Impaired Lab

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Exercise for Special Populations

Visual Impairment Lab (10 pts)

Danny Neumann and Anna Roberts

Part 1:
 Break into pairs and blindfold 1 partner. The visually impaired client should pretend that they are
not familiar with the facility or the exercises.

 Lead your blind client throughout Boyle

1. Please include walking up stairs
2. Navigating through hallway
3. Perform the following:
 Start your client exercising on the bike, treadmill or stepper
 Perform the sit & reach test
 Instruct & complete some abdominal crunches
 Instruct & complete upper body dumbbell exercise

 Put earplugs on the other partner and repeat step 3.


1. How did it feel to be blind? What specifically did your leader do or not do that decreased/increased
your anxiety?

Putting your hand on the leader’s shoulder helped to guide. Knowing how many stairs there
were left and where the railing was helped. Not knowing where we were or thinking we were in a
different place than we were difficult.

2. As a blind client, what concerns/reservations might you have with regards to exercise?

Using machines and equipment that are easy to access for blind individuals. Stay away from free
weight until they are comfortable.

3. As the seeing Exercise Professional, what techniques did you use to lead your blind client? What
worked best……what didn’t work? How could you improve your leading abilities?

 Having client place hand on shoulder

 Guiding them through range of motion through exercises
 Letting them know where the railings and supports are on machine

4. As the seeing Exercise Professional, how hard was it to get the client to complete the different
exercises? How did you have to modify your “normal” instruction? What potential problems/barriers
could occur with working with a visually impaired client?

 Had to explain exercises very thoroughly since you cannot demonstrate

 Tell them where they are in the room so they know where obstacles are
5. List 2 considerations & modifications for the visually impaired client & 2 for the hearing impaired.

Visually Impaired:
 Having string from one place to another to guide blind individuals
 Having different textured floors near equipment and workout areas

Hearing Impaired:
 Have video demonstrations prepared
 Limit background noise so that the hearing impaired can somewhat hear
 Make sure facility is brought up to ADA guidelines in the case of emergencies

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