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(20 marks)

Questions 1 to 5

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.
1. A tiger uses its sharp _______________ to catch and eat its prey.

A. tail
B. ears
C. claws
D. paws

2. The mosque is situated ________________ Jalan Sultan Abu Bakar.

A. in
B. on
C. at
D. of

3. Pedestrian bridges are built for people to ____________the roads safely.

A. cross
B. crosses
C. crossed
D. crossing

4. They did not win the colouring competition, ___________they did not give up.

A. so
B. yet
C. but
D. and
5. She bought the __________________ dress for the party.

A. expensive
B. more expensive
C. most expensive
D. expensive than

Question 6

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih perumpamaan yang sesuai.

6. Arman is a very thrifty person. He doesn’t spend his money unnecessarily, as the saying

A. the apple of the eye.

B. no man is an island.
C. honesty is the best policy.
D. a ringgit saved is a ringgit earned.

Questions 7 to 9

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the dialogue that follows.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong dalam dialog yang berikut.

Najmie : Grandpa, how do you make a wau ?

Grandpa : First, I spilt a bamboo _____________soak it for two weeks to make it

flexible. Then, I _____________ a lightweight frame from the bamboo spilts.

Next, I cut patterns from the rice-paper and glue _____________piece by

piece on the frame to form beautiful wau.

7. A. or

B. but

C. nor

D. and

8. A. make

B. made

C. maked

D. making

9. A. it

B they

C. them

D. their
Question 10

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Siva became the champion in the archery competition during the Paralympic Games.

A. judge
B. winner
C. contestant
D. participant

Question 11

Choose the answers with the correct punctuation.

Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai tanda bacaan yang betul.

11. A. “Hey boy! What are you doing here?” the gang leader asked.

B. Hey boy ? What are you doing here! The gang leader asked.

C. Hey boy, “What are you doing here?” the gang leader asked!

D. “Hey boy, what are you doing here ? The gang leader asked?

Question 12-15

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk di isikan pada tempat –tempat kosong
dalam teks yang berikutnya.

My sister and I save a little bit of our pocket money every week. We put _______12____

money in a money box. Last week my father ______13_____ us to the bank. He wanted to open
a saving account for each of us. A _____14_____ bank teller helped us to fill in the application
forms. Then we put the money we had saved in our accounts. The bank will
_______15______interest on our savings.

12. A. we B. us C. our D. our

13. A. take B. takes C. took D. taking

14. A. lovely B. rude C. friendly D. proud

15. A. pay B. paid C. payee D. paying

Question 16 to 18

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

The Indian community has its own stylish and unique traditional attires. One of it is the
sari. Sari is made of materials like silk and cotton. Sequins and stones are often sewn on the saris
to make them look colourful and shiny.

Another popular attire worn by the Indian women is the salwar kameez. It is a three piece
embroidered top suit worn with pyjama-like trousers and colourful shawls.

On the other hand, the Indian men wear a five-metre long cotton or silk fabric called
veshti. The veshti is wrapped around the hips and tiedto their waist.It is often worn with jippa or
shirt with a thundu over their shoulders.

As a whole the Indian community’s attires are not only unique and stylish but they are
comfortable too.

Sari Veshti , Jippa and Thundu Salwar Kameez

16. What is added to the sari to make it look more elegant ?

A. sequins and laces

B. sequins and beads

C. sequins and pearls

D. sequins and stones

17. The word ‘embroidered’ can be replaced with_______________

A. lace

B. ribbons

C. patterns

D. buttons

18. The Indian men are often seen wearing their Veshti and Jippa to __________________

A. office

B. temple

C. cinema

D. market

Sudha Chandran

Sudha Chandran is an Indian. She is one of the most well-

known dancers and TV actresses in India.
She lost one of her legs in 1981 after a car accident. She
dances using a prosthetic leg. She also turned to acting after
the loss of her leg.
She acted in the film ‘Mayuri’, which was about her own life.
She was awarded Special Jury Award for her performance in
the film at the National Film Award in 1986.

19. Sudha Chandran uses a prosthetic leg because she ___________________________.

A. was born with only one leg

B. lost her leg in a car accident

C. broke her leg while dancing

D. broke her leg in a plane crash

20. The word ‘prosthetic leg’ can be best replaced with________________

A. iron leg

B. plastic leg

C. wooden leg

D. artificial leg


(30 marks)

Question 21

Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

Tulis jawapan yang sesuai bagi setiap gambar di ruang yang disediakan





(2 marks)





(2 marks)





(2 marks)

Question 22

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follows.
Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

Tanda ( √ ) pada jawapan yang betul.

(a) The boy’s father is a ____________________.

(1 mark)

(b) From the story, we know that the son is a____________boy.


(1 mark)

Write your answer in the space provided.
Tuliskan jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(c) List two tasks the mother told her son to do.

(i) ____________________________________ (1 mark )

(ii) ____________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) Do you think the boy counted the goats before locking them in the pen ?
Which sentence in the dialogue tells you this ?
Answer : _______________________________________________________ (1mark)

Sentence : _______________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(e) What do you think would have happened the next morning ?




(2 marks )

Question 23

Study the map given and answer the questions that follow.

Teliti peta yang diberi dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Write True or False in the space provided.

Tulis True atau False di ruang yang disediakan.

(a) The girls’ hostel is opposite the boys’ hostel. (1 mark)

(b) You must take the second exit at the roundabout to go (1mark)
the girls’ hostel.
Circle the correct answer to fill in the blank.
Bulatkan jawapan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.

(c ) If the pupils are hungry, they will go to the ___________________

cafeteria gymnasium swimming pool (1mark)

(d) To go to the basketball court, you must take the _______________ exit at the roundabout.

first second third (1mark)

(e) Amin is an athlete and he often takes parts in all the running events in his university.

Where do you think he will go for his practice?

Place : __________________________________________________________ (1mark)

Reason : ___________________________________________________________ (1mark)

(f) The events in the swimming pool are still carried on although it rains heavily

Why do you think so?




(2 marks)

Question 24

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Once when a tiger was asleep near some bushes, a little mouse ran up and down his back.

He woke the tiger up. The tiger was angry and he placed his huge paw on the mouse and wanted
to eat him.

“I’m so sorry, dear tiger!” cried the little mouse. “Let me go this time. I shall never disturb
you again and I shall never forget your kindness. Maybe one day, I will do something good for
you too.”

The tiger thought it was funny that such a small mouse might be able to help him. The
arrogant tiger laughed at the mouse. However, he lifted his paw and let him go.

A few days later, several hunters captured the tiger and tied him to a tree. After that, they
went to fetch their big cage to take him to the zoo.

Just then, the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the tiger’s situation, he ran up to
him and bit the rope that bound him.

“Was I not right?” said the little mouse, very happy to help the tiger.

Please, let me go.

I promise to help
you one day.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You

little mouse want
to help me?

Question 24

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Tanda (√) pada jawapan yang betul.

(a) The mouse and the tiger met _______________________.

At a tree
In a big cage
near some bushes
(1 mark)

(b) The most suitable proverb for the story is ______________________

one good deed deserves another

honesty is the best policy
better late than never
(1 mark)

Question 25

Write your answers in the space provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(a) Give two words to describe the lion.

(i) ______________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) ______________________________________ (1 mark)

“Was I not right ?”

(b) What did the mouse mean when he said the above statement?





(c) The lion laughed at the little mouse. Was the action correct?

Give your reason.




(2 marks)


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