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Completeat 4)aBl2e Co) Hill oa I TEST AUTOPSY a Is Mere Check the actions you completed while studying. If possible, list the hours spent on each strategy. -2__ Re-read lecture notes/ _N/A___ Created own PowerPoint slides questions of notes/book __x__ Re-wrote lecture notes __x-5__ Asked friends __N/A___ Read/Re-read textbook questions (study buddy) ___x-5___ Answered instructor’s study —N/A___ Used tutoring/met guide question with instructor __x-3___ Practiced problems Other: Did you feel you had studied/practiced to the best of your ability before going into the test? ¥@ When/how did you study? ___Daily fora week or more _x_2-3 Days Before Test. __Day Before Review your strategies: ‘What strategy helped you understand the most information? _Revrewmg seedy mud me aad poche. ios Js Meese My. p Is there a suateny¥ mi should have‘tsed but didn’t? Sa a@ @urclet- When do you feel you a studying fo for the next fest? At leas week pore. Check each item as often as needed for why you think you missed test questions. PREPARATION ANXIETY _x__ I did not read the book/notes __x__ I panicked thoroughly 1 thought “I’m going to fail this test” 1 did not remember learning the 1 “blanked” out when taking the test information I got frustrated and gave up I studied the wrong information __x_ I memorized facts but it wasn’t the ‘TEST SKILLS am I mistakenly marked a wrong choice I misread the directions or questions Scanned with CamScanner ‘Academic Achievement Center I didn’t care by the end of the test ____ Iran out of time 1 thought I already failed so why ___x__ I changed a correct answer to a wrong continue answer Thad other things to do so I rushed through I don’t like the class/instructor so I ATTITUDE Gidn't try How many questions were: T/F Multiple Choice _16 Matching Fill In_5 Essay 2 Equations/Problems Categorize the type of questions and determine how many of each type. Rank from 1-3 (most to least). Question structure/type helps to know how deep to study in future - memorization versus applying examples or comparing details. __1__Definition/Remember Questions (Questions using a vocabulary word with only the definition - could be ‘what’ questions.) 2_Understand/Explain Questions (Questions more detailed than vocabulary, also asks for the meaning or explanation behind the words/topic - could be ‘what’ or ‘how "questions .) __1_ Application Questions (Questions describing a scenario or asking best practice/method - could be ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions.) L_Analyze/Compare/Contrast Questions (Questions asking about two or more concepts - could be ‘which’ questions.) 3___ OTHER Type: ___Yes or No, - most to least types of questions missed ranked in order, 3 categories tied for most Scanned with CamScanner [ Using the above information on question type, review the test to analyze questions answered incorrectly. Question Profile Reason Answer was Incorrect " ‘Type/Structure From Tex’ Guessed Mistaken! Material Misunderstoo Not (See above 4 types) Lecture/ vs, y Unknow d ‘Answere Both Confident Answered a d 1 Explain/Understand Both x (Essay) 2 Explain/Understand Both x Essay) 4 Application Both x 6 Analyze/Compare/ Both x Contrast. 8 Application Lecture x 11 Analyze/Compare/ Lecture x Contrast 14 Analyze/Compare/ Both x Contrast 17 Definition Lecture x 19 Application Both A 19 Yes or No Both B 20. Definition Both A 20. Definition Both B Continue on back of page if more space is needed. FOLLOW uP Follow up your review of the test by meeting with your instructor and/or tutor. Things to discuss: -Review for correct answers and why it’s that answer (not just what the answer is). Ask for study tips for the type/structure of questions you answered incorrectly most frequently. (above) -Review equations that were missed. Math builds on each other. Future tests need past knowledge. -Share notes used to study for this test - ask for suggestions on incomplete details to shape future notes, Scanned with CamScanner

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