UNI 3 - SEM 2 - Why The Brain Thinks Differently About Your Future Self - Coursera

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24/9/22, 17:36 Why the brain thinks differently about your future self | Coursera

1. There's a region of the brain that fires up whenever you register something as 1 / 1 punto
important to you, personally. It says, "Hey! This matters to YOU! It's about YOU!
Pay attention!" What is this region called?


Temporal Lobe

Medial PreFrontal Cortext


Or mPFC for short!

2. What does this same part of the brain do, for most people, when they imagine 1 / 1 punto
themselves in a far future - say, 10 years out or more?

If they're in a good mood, it fires up and says "Hey! Pay attention!" If

they're bored, frustrated, or angry, it doesn't react.

It fires up and says "Hey! This is important! Pay attention!"

It acts like they're thinking about a complete stranger, someone who

doesn't matter to them at all.


3. What's the result of this part of the brain's behavior, when it comes to imagining 1 / 1 punto
your future self?

It's easier to predict what you will do and harder to predict what other
people will do in the future. As a result, you lose empathy for others and
focus only on your own needs and goals.

It's hard to have empathy for your future self. As a result, you make
decisions that feel good in the short run but are maybe not-so-good in the
long run.

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24/9/22, 17:36 Why the brain thinks differently about your future self | Coursera

If you spend too much time thinking about your future self, you can become
disoriented. You may become confused about what is realistic or possible
and set unrealistic goals for yourself.

Fortunately, as

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