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Silver Mountain

School of Hotel Management

Mid Term Assessment

Business Communication
SMSH Number : 037020

Name : Roshika Khanal

Section :B

Semester : 3rd Semester

Subject : Business Communication

Submission Date : 11th March 2022

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Hamlet is a classical adaptation of William Shakespeare’s original version. William Shakespeare

is famously known for his writing of well-credited and popular plays. Shakespeare continued to
write many famous plays such as A Midsummer, Nights Dream, Macbeth, and The Tempest.
Hamlet is a play of lies and deceit between friends and family, which sets out to show the
audience the friction of royalty, overpower, and leadership. Hamlet is a story of how the ghost of
a murdered king comes to haunt the living with tragic consequences. A vengeful ghost and the
brothers’ murders dominated the gloomy landscape of Hamlet's Denmark. In the play Hamlet's
major theme is death. It is the death of king hamlet that triggers the events in the play one after
another. When prince hamlet hears about the news of his fathers’ deaths, He comes back to
Denmark. He is shocked at the early remarriage of his mother with his uncle. He is visited by the
ghost of the king and informs him that the kings are murdered by his uncle, Claudius. He is
given a task to kill his uncle and take revenge for the murder of his fathers. Throughout the play,
prince hamlet is thoughtful to kill or not to kill his father’s murderer. The death of Ophelia and
the death of Polonius make his son Laertes take hamlet's revenge. From the point of hamlet,
the revenger has become the revenge, the hunter becomes the hunted. From the moment
Hamlet knows that his uncle is responsible for the murder of his fathers, he is planning for his
death, in these ways, the whole play focuses on the theme of death in one way or another.

In the play hamlet, prince hamlet pretends to be mad to find out the truth regarding his father’s
death and the involvement of the new king fathers’ death and the involvement of the new king
Claudius. Polonius falsely considers hamlets madness stems from hamlets love of Ophelia and
his failure to get her in his life. But in the course of the play, hamlets behaviors become more
unpredictable and ambiguous. His acting madness seems to cause Hamlet to lose his grip on
reality. He cannot control his erratic behaviours in the palace. The circumstances he has to
manage emotionally are difficult for him. His pretense of maddening costs him a lot. The
physical violence under extreme stress shows that hamlet has deeper-set issues than merely
acting mad.

There are only two female characters Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, and Ophelia to whom hamlet
dearly loves. They both are linked to the life of Hamlet in one way or another. Both have very
important values in his life, but these two female characters lose the importance when there is a
turning point in Hamlet’s life. Hamlet is found agitated whenever he talks to them. When Hamlet
comes to Denmark to attain his father’s funeral, he is aghast to see his mother married to his
uncle Claudius so soon. He starts hating his mother then. The theme of the weakness of women
is revealed here. She cannot wait for a year for the remarriage. Her hastiness in getting married
again takes her son away from her. Moreover, Hamlet thinks that she does not love her first
husband. The idea irritates Hamlet a lot in the play. When Hamlet starts acting like a mad man
in the palace, Ophelia thinks that he has gone mad. Hamlet is sure that Ophelia is also with
Gertrude, Claudius, and Polonius. In reality, Ophelia obeyed her father and her monarch. in
both cases, Hamlet feels that both women have cheated him. He is critical and quick to point out
flaws in these females. Ophelia is usually viewed as a true victim while Gertrude’s role is
interpreted with more flexibility.
2. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas tells the story of Bruno, a young German boy growing up during
world war ll. As a nine-year-old Bruno lived in his very own world of imagination. He loved
analysing adventure stories and going on expeditions to explore the lesser-acknowledged
corners of his family’s massive house in Berlin. Although his fathers served as an officer in
Germanys Nazi party, Bruno understood little about his work, nor did he understand anything
about the wars, Bruno's main concerns in life were to follow the strict rules set forth by his
parents and to steer clear of his older sisters, Gretel otherwise, he enjoyed seeing the hustle
and bustle of Berlin and spending time with his three best friends Karl, Daniel, and Martin.
Normal life suddenly shattered when Bruno came home from school one day and found a family
maid, Maria, packing his belongings. Bruno’s mother explained that their father would soon
begin a new job and that the family needed to move immediately. Several days later, the family
boarded a train and travelled to their new home. Bruno disapproved of the new house. Not only
was it smaller than their Berlin home, but it also struck him as cold and lonely. And to make
matters worse, there were soldiers everywhere. On the day of the family’s arrival, Bruno looked
out the window of his new bedroom and witnessed an odd sight. On the other side of a very tall
fence that stretched far into the distance, he saw a large number of boys and men of all ages
wearing striped pyjamas and matching caps. Bruno went to consult his sister about their new
life. Gretel knew that their new home was called” Out -With “, but other than that she remained
as much in the dark as Bruno. Bruno decided to speak with the fathers after voicing his
frustration about the new house and arguing for the family’s return to Berlin, Bruno asked who
the people on the other side of the fence were. Father explained that they were not people at all
and that Bruno shouldn’t worry about them. Bruno persisted in his complaints about the new
house one day, he tried to get Maria to express disapproval of the family’s moves, but she
refused, she told Bruno that her father was a good man and that he had helped her and her
family in their time of greatest need. For this reason, she would not speak a word against him.
Maria had never told Bruno about her life before, and her story made him realize that she was a
complete person with her life history and experiences. A week passed, and Bruno struggled to
keep himself occupied. One day, he decided to erect a tire swing. While playing on his new
swing, Bruno fell and scraped his leg. An older Jewish man named Pavel saw the accidents
from the kitchen window. Pavel, who used to be a doctor but now helped prepare and serve the
family’s meals, brought Bruno in and dressed his wounds. Bruno felt grateful for Pavel’s help,
but he also wondered why a doctor would bother working as a servant.
More weeks passed, and Bruno decided to go exploring. In the afternoon, after history and
geography lessons with his tutors, Herr Liszt, Bruno set out walking along the fence that he
could see from his window. He walked for an hour before coming upon a boy who introduced
himself as Shmuel Bruno and Shmuel sat on either side of the fence and told each other about
their lives. Shmuel explained how his family had been forced to move into a crowded ghetto and
then again to get on a train to come to this camp in a remote part of Poland. Excited to have
made a friend, Bruno returned to the same spot along the fence nearly every day over the
coming weeks and months. As time passed, Bruno noticed that Shmuel grew thinner and
weaker. His skin looked increasingly, Gray. Bruno started stealing bread and cheese for his
hungry friends one day, in preparations for a party to celebrate Father's birthday, Bruno walked
into the kitchen and found Shmuel there polishing glasses, Bruno gave Shmuel some chicken to
eat, but a young soldier named Lieutenant Kotler, who seemed especially cruel in a moment of
panic, Bruno denied knowing Shmuel, and Lieutenant Kotler threatened to teach Shmuel a
Lesson later. Shmuel didn’t appear at the fence for nearly a week, and when he did, he had
bruises everywhere.

A year after the family’s arrival at out -with, mothers grew increasingly listless and frustrated
with the life there. When both children got lice, mother convinced father that it was time for her
to take the kids back to Berlin. Bruno told Shmuel the bad news about his impending departure,
and he lamented the fact that they had never gotten to play together properly. Shmuel had bad
news of his own his father had gone missing the two boys made a plan for their last day
together Shmuel would bring a pair of striped pyjamas, and Bruno would crawl through the small
opening at the bottom of the fence in disguise to help his friends look for his father. They
enacted their plan the following day. After searching in a vein for clues that would lead to
Shmuel’s missing fathers, Bruno wanted to go home. simply then, a group of soldiers
surrounded the area wherein Bruno and Shmuel stood and forced everyone to march into a long
dark construction. As the doors were locked and terror erupted around the two boys Bruno took
Shmuel's hands and told him he was his best friend. And Bruno was never heard from again.

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