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Project and Professionalism


A2: Project Report

Ame Nepal(E-commerce website)

Student Id : 2051977
Student Name : Raj Ale
Email :
Group : L6G13
Supervisor : Bishal Pradhan
Cohort :5
Submitted on : 2021-11-16

Submitted on : <dd-mm-yy>

This project is a web-based application software developed in PHP and

codelgniter framework. The main objective of this ecommerce store is to improve
the services of customers and suppliers. It helps customer to choose any brand
they like. The main characteristics of the project entitled "ONLINE SHOPPING"
are the high precision, the flexibility of the design and the easy availability.
Table of Contents
1. Section 1 ........................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Statement of project details................................................................ 1

1.1.1. Project Title: ...................................................................................... 1

1.1.2. Academic Question: .......................................................................... 1

1.1.3. Aims .................................................................................................. 1

1.1.4. Objectives ......................................................................................... 1

1.1.5. Artefacts ............................................................................................ 2

2. Section 2 ........................................................................................................ 3

2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 3

2.2. Initial Research into sources of information ............................................ 4

2.3. Artefact .................................................................................................... 6

2.3.1 Development ......................................................................................... 7

2.3.3 Testing ................................................................................................... 8

2.3.4. Justification of methodology ................................................................. 9

2.3.5. Design ................................................................................................ 11

2.4. Plan / Schedule ................................................................................ 14

References ....................................................................................................... 16
Table of Figures

Figure 1: People gathering in shopping mall ...................................................... 4

Figure 2: Black Box Testing ................................................................................ 8
Figure 3: Agile vs Waterfall ................................................................................. 9
Figure 4: Homepage of website ........................................................................ 11
Figure 5: Wireframe of website ......................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Work breakdown structure of Ame Nepal .......................................... 12
Figure 7: ER Diagram of Ame Nepal ................................................................ 13
Figure 8: Planning and schedule ...................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Gantt Chart ........................................................................................ 15
1. Section 1

1.1. Statement of project details

1.1.1. Project Title:

Ame Nepal (E-commerce website)

1.1.2. Academic Question:

How can we make customers to purchase products over the internet

without the need of going physically to market?
Can shopping cart adjust to customers?

1.1.3. Aims

• To offer a quality experience to customers.

• To save the time of people.
• High quality foreign brand availability.

1.1.4. Objectives

• Fast and easy shopping and payment.

• Saving the valuable time of customers

1.1.5. Artefacts

The project will manage all of the store's information regarding members. It
also manages resources that were previously managed and managed by the
workforce. The main objective of the project is to integrate separate sections
of the shop in a consistent manner so that complex functions can be managed
without problems Artefacts are simply the subsystem of overall system.
Simply division of whole system into different unit. Software development
generates artifacts as a byproduct. It is anything that's made in order to
produce a piece of software.

• Creating a shopping cart.

• Managing security by providing authorized email & password.
• Buying products and manage information of all item

2. Section 2

2.1. Introduction

Online shopping is that the activity or action of buying product or

services over the Internet. It suggests that going online, landing on a
seller' website, choosing something, and composition for delivery. the
client pays for the nice or service online with a credit or positive
identification or on delivery. Some samples of these are, the benefits of online shopping are that by having direct
access to the consumer, online stores can give products that meet the
requirements of the consumer, cookies may be wont to track customer
choice on the net or regardless of the 'interested once he visits the
website to place. online searching uses digital technology to manage
the flow of information, product and payments between consumers,
site homeowners and suppliers. online shopping may be B2B
(business to business) or B2C (business to consumer). the essential
idea of the applying is to permit the client to create purchases nearly
mistreatment the net and to allow the shoppers to get the things and
articles of their want within the store.

2.2. Initial Research into sources of information

E-commerce, also known as electronic commerce, Internet shopping, or online

shopping, is the practice of purchasing and selling products and services over
the Internet and its network architecture. In other words, they are business-to-
business or business-to-consumer transactions involving the purchase and sale
of goods and services or the exchange of information without the buyer and seller
needing to do so and meet physically but rather on the Internet.

Figure 1: People gathering in shopping mall

Mainly in today’s context gathering in shopping malls can be very risky. Now a
days people seek for easy and convenient way and online shopping is the best
way to do that. As I have seen in Nepal there is no such original brands. They
sell high copy or first copy foreign brand. In my website hey can get branded
clothes from abroad which are not available in Nepal through shipping. Yes, it will

be mor of cost but I will give different type of discounts and gift vouchers which
will attract many customers. It will allow customers to compare prices and find
expensive to cheapest products. It will be pre-order based shopping. They can
pay half amount and the order will be confirmed and they can pay another half
when their orders will arrive. Order will take time to come so it helps customer to
save their money unless it arrives.

2.3. Artefact

Artefacts are simply the subsystem of overall system. Simply

division of whole system into different unit. The different types of artefacts in
my systems are:

• Creating a shopping cart

The shopping cart is one of the important structures provided in online shopping,
it allows the customer to browse different brands and, once an item has been
selected to purchase, they can place the item in the shopping cart and continue
shopping. navigate to the end of the selection. It can also remove items from the
basket which have been previously selected before placing the final order. It
reminds us of the basket we bring to the department store

• Managing security by providing authorized email and password

Users will sign up on the website by putting their email, password. After users
have successfully signed up, they will be able to log in by inputting their
username/email and password.

• Buying products and managing information

Users will be able to manage their selected products in one shop cart.
They can select any type of brands they like.

2.3.1 Development

When the design process is completed, development process will start. For
the development process, I will be using various programming languages and

PHP: PHP is an HTML-based online programming language. This means that

PHP code can be incorporated into a website's HTML code. The PHP
routines' output on the website is normally in HTML format, which the browser
can understand. Users cannot see PHP code on a page because it is
translated to HTML before the page loads, making PHP pages secure enough
to access databases and other information.

(Tech terms, 2018)

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): CSS is a popular styling language which

describes the presentation of the content shown in the browser.

Codelgniter: Its objective is to let you construct projects much more quickly
than you could if you had to write code from scratch. By reducing the amount
of code necessary for a given activity, CodeIgniter allows you to be more
creative with your project.

Laptop: I will be using my Lenovo Ultrabook laptop for the development


2.3.3 Testing

Software testing is a technique for verifying whether a software product satisfies

the specified specifications and is defect-free. It conforms to the Pareto rule
(80/20 rule), which states that 80% of software errors are caused by 20% of
program components. The purpose of software testing, as opposed to actual
requirements, is to find errors, gaps, and missing requirements.

(Hamilton, 2021)

The type of testing used in my system is:

Figure 2: Black Box Testing

Black box testing:

Black-box testing is a type of software test that examines the functionality of an
application without examining its internal workings. This approach is used at all
levels of software testing, including unit, integration, system and acceptability
testing. Testing is done in accordance with the requirements and functionality.
This testing is done for validation. (javatpoint, 2021)

2.3.4. Justification of methodology

I am going to follow Agile Development Methodology because testing is

integrated into every level of development in Agile to ensure a high-quality
end product. Continuous testing enables for modifications and allows for the
detection of issues and bugs before they become apparent. Agile projects
never fail because the process is iterative, which means that each sprint will
be better than the last and that earlier errors will not be repeated.

Figure 3: Agile vs Waterfall

“Why I choose agile instead of waterfall?”

The Waterfall model is more of a method, with development "flowing" through

several stages. It is a step-by-step process that includes analysis, design,
implementation, testing and production, as well as ongoing maintenance.
When using Agile as a development framework, it tends to provide early
visibility, adaptability, accountability and value while reducing project risk.
Agile is adaptable, fast, lightweight, quick in response, and consistent with the
waterfall model. In the waterfall model, the tests are performed after the
development of the project. It will create a burden for me to correct all those
mistakes that I find at the end. (Amit, 2021)

Now why scrum?

Scrum is a simple framework that helps deliver the most useful resources to
the supervisor within the specified time frame. Scrum is an agile methodology
that takes an incremental approach to project completion. Scrum uses sprints
to accomplish tasks. Each sprint is planned, then implemented and evaluated.
To plan and achieve the goal, we build a sprint backlog. Help in the flexible
resolution of rapidly changing situations.

2.3.5. Design

Figure 4: Homepage of website

Figure 5: Wireframe of website

Figure 6: Work breakdown structure of Ame Nepal

Figure 7: ER Diagram of Ame Nepal

2.4. Plan / Schedule

Figure 8: Planning and schedule

9/24/2021 11/13/2021 1/2/2022 2/21/2022 4/12/2022

Study and Planning

Requirement Gathering
Feasibility Study
Risk Analysis
Different UML Diagrams
UI Design
Database Design
Development and Execution
Front end Development
Back end Development
Build and Testing
Release & Deployment
User Manual
Client Presentation

Figure 9: Gantt Chart

Amit, 2021. Orangescrum Blog. [Online]
Available at: The Waterfall model is more of a method, with development
"flowing" through several stages. It is a step-by-step process that includes
analysis, design, implementation, testing and production, as well as ongoing
maintenance. When using Agile as a developm
[Accessed 11 11 2021].
Hamilton, T., 2021. Guru99. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 11 2021].
javatpoint, 2021. javatpoint. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 11 2021].
Pandit, N., 2021. What And Why React.js. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 November 2021].
Tech terms, 2018. Tech terms. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 11 2021].


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