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1. There are SIX (6) pages in this Assignment including the cover page.
2. This assignment will contribute 50% to your final grade.
3. The assignment must be typewritten on double line spacing, A-4 size paper and
single sided. Work should be presented in a folder, with a cover sheet, which includes
your name, unit number, tutor's name, and the essay/group report topic.
Marks will be allocated for content, presentation, and referencing.


Extensions and Late Submissions

The University requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form
of assessment. Penalties applied in relation to unauthorized late submission of
work are as follows:

a) Coursework submitted within one week after the deadline will be accepted
for a maximum mark of 40%.

b) Any coursework handed in after seven days, without an agreed extension,

will be regarded as non-submission and awarded zero.

c) Any re-submission of coursework must adhere strictly to the deadline.

No extension will be given, and late submissions will be awarded zero.

Subject lecturers are authorized to grant extensions for coursework within their
own subjects and agreements will be documented.


Individual Assignment

DEADLINE: Week 6 (7 October 2022, before 5pm)

Upon the completion of this assignment, you will be able:

 To plan and conduct research to gather information about an organization, institution or a company
 To apply critical and analytical skills in the planning and designing for a poster

Due to the global pandemic, consumers become more concerns about environmental issues and regards
health and sustainability as major drivers to sustainable consumption. As a result, companies are
implementing new business model and marketing strategy to support the growing demand in sustainable
consumption. In this assignment, you are required to locate an example of a company (either local or
international) that is heavily involved in sustainability efforts, and prepare a poster to address the following

 Background information on the chosen brand/ product (e.g., product design, pricing, sustainability
consideration, etc.)
 Consumer profile (who are the targeted group for this product/ brand)
 Consumer behaviour concepts or theories (how the sustainability efforts relate to/ apply to the
concepts/ theories that you have learned in this course. For example, why does the brand create brand
extension to encourage sustainable consumption, what motivates consumers to choose sustainable
products over conventional products, what drives market segmentation for sustainable consumption,
 Outcomes of the sustainability efforts (evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and tactics and
focus on both positive and negative aspects)

 You are required to create a A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm) poster any appropriate tools (e.g., PowerPoint,
Microsoft Publisher Piktochart, Canva, etc.).
 You are allowed to use any font style, font size, colour combination, and any relevant images (e.g.,
product, brand logo, product labels, etc.) figures and tables for the poster design.
 The poster should consist of title (e.g., brand X & sustainability effort), background information,
consumer profile (targeted consumer), concepts (or theories) and outcomes.
 Do allocate sufficient space on the poster to include details of your personal information (name,
student ID, tutorial class)
 The maximum word length is 1,000 words ± 10%, excluding references.
 You are allowed to refer to any applied/commercial publications (e.g., Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The
Globe, etc.), company/ brand website, and any relevant 3rd party/academic publications. You may
even consider contacting companies and asking for the information you need. Make sure you cite the
reference and ensure the citation and reference list adhere to APA 7 th edition referencing guide. Note
that Wikipedia (Wiki’s) is NOT a credible source and should not be included or cited.



 Turnitin submission is required. You need to prepare all the written content (including references) in a
separate word document and upload it onto eLearn for similarity check, and the Percentage
Similarity index should not be more than 15%.
 The poster submission should be exported in pdf format and to be submitted on eLearn
together with the similarity index report as well as assignment marking rubric.
 Your work should be submitted onto eLearn before the submission due date. Each person will
be given a maximum of 3 attempts to upload the documents onto eLearn.


MKT2054 / Assignment (Q) / AUGUST 22


No. Criteria Poor Moderate Good Excellent Total
(< 1-point) (2-points) (3-points) (4-points) Points
1. Subject Demonstrate no understanding Demonstrates limited Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates a thorough
knowledge on how sustainability impact understanding on how understanding on how understanding on how
consumer behaviours. sustainability impact consumer sustainability impact consumer sustainability impact consumer
behaviours. Student is able to behaviours. Student is able to behaviours. Student is able to
highlight few key points. identify significant areas of provide insightful discussion
discussion. that went beyond details.
2. Application of No/inappropriate application Minimal application and analysis Satisfactory application and Significant application and
concept/ and analysis of theories and of theories and concepts analysis of theories and analysis of theories and
theory concepts concepts concepts with relevant
3. Critical No evidence of effective critical Little use of critical and creative Uses of critical and creative Uses of critical and creative
evaluation of and creative thinking processes thinking processes with limited thinking processes with thinking processes with a high
topic effectiveness considerable effectiveness degree of effectiveness

4. Use of Visual No visual aids, diagrams and/ or Limited visual elements used Few visual elements used to Visual elements combined with
Aids/ graphs is used. The and may not be relevant to the highlight the context of the topic, written content effectively
Visibility consideration for font style font topic of discussion. The written and the written content is deliver a high impact message
size, length and position makes content is somewhat lengthy adequately placed with few key with the visual representations
the reading difficulty. and/ or difficult to see. points highlighted. and the words reinforcing each
other. Short and precise points
are highlighted.
5. APA Format, Writing mostly doesn’t flow; Writing occasionally doesn’t Writing mostly flows well, Writing flows well, is concise
Grammar, language is frequently imprecise flow; language is occasionally although there are rough spots; and contains interesting
Spelling & and boring; sentences are imprecise and boring; language is occasionally language; sentence length is
composition frequently wordy and/ or sentences are occasionally interesting; sentences are varied; avoid wordiness and
repetitious; release is well past wordy and or repetitious; occasionally wordy and/ or unnecessary repetition;
the maximum or is not long release is over the maximum or repetitious; release is of release’s length is not an issue.
enough. under the minimum. adequate length.
Actual Score /20


Group Assignment

DEADLINE: Week 12 (18 November 2022, before 5pm)

Consumer analysis is part of a business plan, which helps marketing practitioners to find solutions to
common marketing problems. In this assignment, you are required to work in group of 4-5 members.
Pick ONE (1) of the following products, choose a brand to work on for this assignment.
 Frozen foods
 Toilet papers
 E-wallet mobile application
 Resort hotel

Prepare a written document of NOT more than 2000 words (excluding references, cover page and
appendix). Your document should include all sections indicated as below:

No. Section Details

1. Motivation and Using the product that you have chosen to research, indicate the level of
involvement motivation and involvement that a typical customer would display in the
purchase of the product.

Consider the following:

 Select one level of from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that can be
used to segment the market and position your chosen product.
Explain your choices. Justify the application of Maslow’s need
hierarchy for segmentation and positioning of your product.
 Identify possible motivational conflicts (i.e., approach/ approach,
approach/ avoidance, avoidance/ avoidance) that a prospective
consumer of your chosen product may have. Discuss how the
marketer can reduce or resolve these motivational conflicts.
 Assess the level of involvement (low versus high) that a
prospective customer of your chosen product may have. Develop
an involvement profile for a typical consumer of your chosen
product and discuss any key issues that would be relevant to a
2. Personality  Given your thinking on your product thus far, select two theories or
traits (see Chapter 7 in textbook) helpful in targeting, branding, and
related strategies. Provide examples of print ads (with URL, in-text
citation, scan or attachment) that would appeal to those with similar
personalities/traits. (Note: The ads have to be for your chosen
 Using the concept of brand personality, describe a personality for
your chosen product.
3. Perception and  Draw an attribute-based perceptual map for your chosen product.
positioning Include the main competitive brands and discuss any opportunity
for repositioning.
 What extrinsic and intrinsic cues would be used in assessing the
perceived quality of your chosen product, and how would you as a
marketer use extrinsic cues to improve the perceived quality of
your product? Also, comment on the price-quality relationship in
general and of your chosen product.
 Comment on the type and degree of perceived risks likely to be
associated with your chosen product.

4. Reinforcing How would you apply the concept of “shaping” (step-wise operant
consumer conditioning) to reinforce desired pre-purchase behaviour and attract
learning customers?

5. Consumer Explain the strategies you would use to change consumer attitudes towards
attitude a particular brand of your chosen product by:
formation/  Changing beliefs about the brand
change  Changing beliefs about competing brands
 Changing the relative evaluation of attributes
 Adding an attribute
6. Communication  Recommend two advertising media for your product and explain
and consumer your choices.
behaviour  For the objective of promoting sales, what type of message
structure, presentation style, and appeal would you use? Would
you use a comparative message?

Your team may consider to review existing articles (both academic research and a few popular/
practitioner press) to help you understand and/ or support your arguments relating to the topic area.
Note that Wikipedia (Wiki’s) is NOT a credible source and should not be included or cited.

Upon the completion of this assignment, you will be able:

 To demonstrate an understanding of the impact of internal influences such as motivation,
involvement, personality, perception, learning, attitude and emotion on consumer behaviour.
 To derive effective marketing strategies

Submission guidelines:
 You need to provide your details (name, student ID, subject code and title) on the front cover
 Turnitin submission is required – but only the single page with the Percentage Similarity
index, and the Percentage Similarity index should not be more than 15%.
 Only one submission is required for each group, and every member in the group should fill up
the peer evaluation online via Google form. The form will be made available on eLearn a week
before the submission deadline.


MKT2054 Assignment (Q) / AUGUST 22


No. Criteria Poor Moderate Good Excellent Total
(< 1-posint) (2-points) (3-points) (4-points) Points
1. Motivation and Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
involvement theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

2. Personality Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

3. Perception and Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
positioning theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

4. Reinforcing Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
consumer theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
learning No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

5. Consumer Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
attitude theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
formation/ No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
change not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

6. Communication Contains no explanation or analysis Little explanation or analysis of the Clearly explain and analyzes most of the Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains
of the information presented. No information presented. Minimal information presented. Sufficient and analyzes the information presented.
and consumer theory is identified in the discussion discussion on theories applied. End discussion on theories applied. Ends with Significant application and analysis of
behaviour No concluding statement found. with concluding statement that does a concluding statement about the central theories and concepts with relevant
not clearly relate to the central claim. claim. examples Ends with a strong or compelling
concluding statements that clearly relates to
the central claims.

Actual Score /24


MKT2054 Assignment (Q) / AUGUST 22

Assignment 2: PEER EVALUATION (6%) This marking rubric only serves as a guideline
Group Name : for your reference. During submission week, you
will be provided with a URL link to evaluate the
Name : performance for each of your member in the
Student ID :

No. Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfaction Good Excellent Total

(< 1-point) (2-points) (3-points) (4-points) (5-points) Points
1. Research & He/ she did not collect He/ she only collected He/ she collected He/ she collected He/ she collected a
collecting information at all. a little information from some information from sufficient information huge amount of
information few places. few places. from several places. information from
various places, such
as books, the internet
2. Sharing He/ she did bit share He/ she shared little He/ she sometimes He/ she often shared He/ she very often
any information or information or ideas shared information or information or ideas shared information or
ideas with other with other members ideas with other with other members. ideas with other
members. members. members.
3. Completing He/ she missed all the He/ she missed many He/ she met some He/ she met most He/ she met all
tasks deadlines and was deadlines and was deadlines and was late deadlines and was deadlines and was not
very often late for often late for meetings for some meetings and only late for some late for any of the
meetings or to or to complete work. to complete work. meetings and to meetings or to
complete work. complete work with complete work.
valid reasons given.
4. Contribution He/ she did not offer He/ she did not help He/ she sometimes He/she often offer help He/she very often help
any help to gather other members to offer help to gather to gather information, every member with all
information, edit work gather information, edit information, edit work edit work etc. tasks, such as
etc. work etc. etc. gathering information,
editing work etc.
Total Score /20
Actual Score /6


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