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Please choose the best answer from the multiple choices below!

Question no.1 until 5 will ask you about part of speech.

1. Dadang goes to the market every day. The underlined word, is….
a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Adverb
2. Silvia is happy because she is selected to be the queen of world. The underlined word,
a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Adverb
3. Doel wants to be a singer because he has a good voice. The underlined word, is…
a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Conjunction d. Adverb
4. A society should aware that the spreading of corona virus can be challenging. The
underlined word, is…
a. Verb c. Noun
b. Conjunction d. Adverb
5. Amish eat chicken hungrily. The underlined word is…
a. Verb c. Noun
b. Conjunction d. Adverb

Question no. 6 to 10 will ask you about phrases and clauses in English.

6. Phrases are grammatical unit consists of…

a. One word only c. More than one sentence
b. One letter d. More than one word
7. The tour includes three Asian countries. Which one is noun phrase?
a. The tour includes c. three Asian countries
b. Countries d. Asian countries
8. The students are singing happily. Which one is verb phrase?
a. The students c. are singing happily
b. The students are d. singing
9. Where are the people whom I know? The underlined part is called……
a. Adjective clause c. Adverb clause
b. Noun clause d. Verb Clause
10. I think that he will never give up. The underlined part is called…
a. Adjective clause c. Adverb Clause
b. Noun clause d. Verb Clause

The questions from no. 11 to no. 15 will be about cohesive devices.

11. ______ it is raining now, we can't play football.

a. Therefore c. As
b. But d. However
12. Nandy is fat _____ she eats too much chocolate.
a. Although c. Even if
b. Besides d. because
13. Chucky is a hard worker. ______, he is not good in savings.
a. Moreover c. so
b. However d. but
14. Caroline is so lazy, and she never completes her homework. _____, she never gets a good
a. So that c. But
b. After d. Thus
15. _______ to save the kitten, I take it to the vet immediately.
a. In order c. In case
b. Because d. Therefore

The question from no. 16 to 20 will ask about subject verb agreement. Please also pay
attention to the tenses used in the sentence.

16. The waters off the coast of Cabo Pulmo, Mexico _______teeming with life.
a. are c. were
b. is d. was
17. Marine life _____ increased fivefold turning Cabo Pulmo into a tourist attraction, making
it the most successful marine reserve in the world.
a. has c. is having
b. have d. will have
18. Each year, Americans _________away more than 1 million tons of Styrofoam.
a. throw c. is throwing
b. throws d. has been throwing
19. Fish and chips ____ become the most favorite food for Americans.
a. have c. is
b. has d. has been
20. After a long journey to Pakistan, Sherly and Houston, whose house destroyed by villain,
_____ to live underground.
a. Had been deciding c. has decided
b. Has been deciding d. have decided

Question no. 20 to 25 will ask you to arrange some jumble words into a correct sentence.
Please pay attention.

21. marking – the – answers – on – his – book – Dhoni - .

a. Dhoni is marking the book on his answers.
b. Dhoni marking is the answers on his book.
c. Is Dhoni marking his book on the answers.
d. Dhoni is marking his answers on the book his.
22. Penelope – happiness – brings – to – my – family – The – birth - . – because – expect – it
–a long – time – for .
a. The birth of Penelope expect my family to brings happiness because for a long time.
b. The birth of Penelope brings happiness to my family because we expect it for a long
c. The expect of Penelope birth brings happiness to my family because we for a long
d. The expect of Penelope brings happiness because my family birth for a long time.
23. studies – so – hard - . – Thus, - Angelie – she – passes – test – the - .
a. Angelie studies so hard. Thus, she passes the test.
b. Angelie studies so hard, Thus she passes the test.
c. Angelie studies so hard. Thus. She passes the test,
d. Angelie studies so hard thus. She passes, the test.
24. Students – expected – are – stay – to – at – home – Corona – pandemic – virus – to – due
a. Students expected are to stay at home due to the pandemic Corona virus.
b. Students are expected to stay at home due to the Corona virus pandemic.
c. Students are expected to stay home due to the Corona virus at pandemic.
d. Students are expected to at home stay due to the Corona virus pandemic.
25. Gabiella – never – has – seen – so – before – sad -.
a. Gabriella never has seen so sad before.
b. Before Gabriella has never seen so sad.
c. Gabriella has never seen so sad before.
d. Gabriella never has seen so before sad.

Questions from no. 26 until no. 30 will ask you to determine which sentence is correct or

26. Which sentence is correct?

a. Abigail, no!
b. Sit down, Abigail!
c. Abigail, you!
d. Abigail?
27. Which sentence is correct?
a. Please litter the rubbish in the dustbin.
b. Please go you are!
c. Please are you!
d. Please no!
28. Which sentence is correct?
a. I went to Malang every day.
b. I went to Malang next year.
c. I went to Malang yesterday.
d. I went to Malang in two weeks.
29. Which sentence is wrong?
a. April has become an artist since 1998.
b. April has become an artist for 2 years.
c. April has already become an artist since 1998.
d. April have become an artist since 1998.
30. Which sentence is wrong?
a. Corona has affected a lot of people in countries. Thus, government picks lockdown as
an action.
b. Corona has affected a lot of people in countries. However, government picks
lockdown as an action.
c. Corona has affected a lot of people in countries. Therefore, government picks
lockdown as an action.
d. Corona has affected a lot of people in countries. As the result, government picks
lockdown as an action.

Question no. 31 until no. 35 will ask you to fill in the blanks with the right answers.

Cars should be banned in the city

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, ________ 30 road
deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer,__________ 31. Some of these
illnesses are so bad ____________32.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, ________________33.Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

________34 are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.


a. and some another c. and made a lot of

b. and cause a lot of d. and caused a lot of

a. and ‘triggers’ of asthma c. or ‘triggers’ of asthma
b. but ‘triggers’ of asthma d. common so and ‘triggers’ of asthma
a. more people die from them c. why people die from them
b. if people die from them d. that people can die from them
a. how cause them to die c. which causes them to die
b. so cause them to die d. enabling causes them to die
a. Fourthly, cars c. Meanwhile, cars
b. Thirdly, cars d. Maybe, cars

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