Wan 2021

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Materials Letters 284 (2021) 129018

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Fabrication of high-porosity open-cell aluminum foam via

high-temperature deformation of CaCl2 space-holders
Tan Wan a, Yuan Liu a,b,⇑, Canxu Zhou a,b, Xiang Ding a,b, Xiang Chen a,b, Yanxiang Li a,b
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology (Ministry of Education), Beijing 100084, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, we found that porous CaCl2 granules can be easily deformed under certain pressure and
Received 8 September 2020 temperature conditions. Based on this finding, a new infiltration process that employs CaCl2 granules
Received in revised form 27 October 2020 as space-holders was developed to prepare aluminum (Al) foam with high porosity. In this process, por-
Accepted 8 November 2020
ous CaCl2 granule preforms were first subjected to hot-pressing deformation, which provided two bene-
Available online 12 November 2020
fits: 1) the density of the preform was increased, thereby increasing the porosity of the final prepared
open-cell Al foam (over 80%) and 2) the contact surface of the neighboring CaCl2 granules was increased.
After hot-pressing, the sizes of the dissolution and removal channels of CaCl2 increased. Consequently,
Porous materials
Space-holder process
the space-holder particles could be completely removed, which is just the most difficult bottleneck prob-
Cast lem in the traditional infiltration process applying salt particles as space-holders in which the salt
CaCl2 preform removal is not enough and the porosity is lower than 65%.
Hot-pressing deformation Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction forms with various densities using two preform processing

approaches: sintering NaCl granules at high temperature and cold
Open-cell metal foams attracted widespread attention owing to isostatic pressing. These approaches are effective for controlling
their multifunctional and integrated performance, with character- preform density; however, they are only practical when using
istics such as their lightweight, high specific stiffness, good energy microscale NaCl granules and for small-size preforms [6]. The poor
and sound absorption, and excellent heat dissipation capacity [1]. compressibility of inorganic salts limits the degree of control over
Among the techniques currently employed to manufacture the preform density [7,8]. To solve this problem, Kan et al. [8] pro-
foam, the space-holder process is one of the most convenient duced soft ceramic balls by mixing Al2O3 powders, water, polyvinyl
methods adopted to produce various open-cell metal foams owing alcohol, and small amounts of bentonite and cellulose. Goodall and
to its experimental simplicity and capacity to fabricate metal Mortensen [9] prepared compressible space-holders from a paste
foams with homogenous controllable pore structures. This tech- comprising a mixture of salt, flour, and water. These two proce-
nique can generally be divided into two fundamental categories dures are useful for adjusting the space-holder packing density
of powder metallurgy [2] and infiltration casting [3], of which over a wide range, but the fabrication of space-holders is compli-
the latter is cost-efficient and perfect for liquid aluminum with cated and time- consuming.
good fluidity. To solve these shortcomings, it is desirable to improve the com-
Despite the abovementioned advantages, low porosity (usu- pressibility of space-holders in a simple and effective way. There-
ally < 65%) and difficulty of space-holder removal often arise in fore, high-temperature deformation of porous CaCl2 granules
infiltration casting owing to the low packing density. Generally, assisted by hot-pressing is proposed to improve foam porosity
Water-soluble space-holders are the most popular for their energy and reduce the difficulty of space-holder removal.
saving and environmental protection, including inorganic salts
(NaCl, CaCl2, MgSO4, and etc.) and organic particles (carbamide,
saccharose, and etc.) [1,4]. Goodall et al. [5] prepared NaCl pre- 2. Materials and methods

Spherical CaCl2 granules (provided by Zhejiang Dacheng Cal-

⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua cium Industry Co., Ltd., purity  98%) with a diameter of 4.5 mm
University, Beijing 100084, China. and 6061-T6 Al alloy were selected as starting materials. A sche-
E-mail address: yuanliu@tsinghua.edu.cn (Y. Liu). matic of the open-cell aluminum foam manufacturing process is

0167-577X/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Wan, Y. Liu, C. Zhou et al. Materials Letters 284 (2021) 129018

shown in Fig. 1. Two types of CaCl2 preforms were prepared by hot- by the molten Al during infiltration, which is vital for avoiding
pressing for different holding times. CaCl2 granules with a total closed pores in the final foam [10]. More significantly, there was
mass of 50 g were hot-pressed in a mould of 55 mm in inner diam- a considerable decrease in the height of the CaCl2 performs and
eter and 80 mm in height at 60 kPa and 700 °C for 5 and 30 min an increase in the contact area between adjacent granules after
once reaching the furnace temperature. Another preform, manu- densification by hot-pressing, seen more clearly in Fig. 2(b). Table 1
factured without hot-pressing and with no holding time, was used summarizes the process conditions and structural features of the
as a reference. Accordingly, CaCl2 preforms (labeled A, B, and C for CaCl2 preforms and the corresponding Al foams. The value of E
0, 5, and 30 min holding times, respectively) with various packing reached 25.5% and 39.4% under holding times of 5 and 30 min,
densities were obtained. These preforms were later infiltrated with respectively.
molten Al at 700 °C and 0.1 MPa. After solidification, Al-CaCl2 com- The different stacking densities of the three preforms can be
posites were machined by engine lathe to remove the aluminum attributed to the response of the granules to the hot-pressing.
skin. The CaCl2 preforms were subsequently leached out in flowing CaCl2 granules of 4.5 mm diameter do not noticeably deform under
water at room temperature for 1 h and the final foams were dried the low pressure of 60 kPa (applied in this study) [9]; however,
to a constant weight (60 °C for 2 h) to obtain Al foams (labeled as A, they are susceptible to cracking under large loads at room temper-
B, and C, having been made from preforms A, B, and C, respectively) ature owing to their fragile nature and poor plasticity resulting
of different porosities. In order to improve the reliability of the from the limited sliding systems in them. However, at an elevated
experiment, a sum of three preforms were produced and infiltrated temperature of 700 °C, close to the melting point of anhydrous
by liquid aluminum for each condition of preform processing. CaCl2 (Tm) [11], increased atomic activity and reduced lattice resis-
The structures of the CaCl2 preforms were observed by Micro CT tance make it easier for dislocations hindered by obstacles to move,
(Quantum GX micro CT, PerkinElmer, USA) and scanning electron which can improve the plasticity of the CaCl2 granules [12]. Addi-
microscopy (SEM, MERLIN VP Compact, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). tionally, CaCl2 granules show creep during hot-pressing. As the
The compressibility of each CaCl2 preform was calculated from the temperature is raised closer to Tm, the creep rate becomes much
height change extent (E = Dh/h0), where Dh and h0 indicate the higher [13]. The anhydrous CaCl2 granule (from preform A) in
decrease in height and the original height of the investigated pre- Fig. 2(c) has a porosity of approximately 40%, as seen in Fig. 2(d).
form, respectively. The pore morphologies of Al foams were These massive pores not only reduce the area of anti-
observed by an optical microscope. Image-Pro software was used deformation but also accommodate strain, further contributing to
to analyze the channel size, an important indicator to determine significant distortion in a short time. Many pores disappeared
the pore connectivity of the final foam. The porosities of the repli- because of compression, and layered regions marked by arrows
cated foam cylinders were calculated by measuring their mass and were observed in the deformed granule (from preform B) in
volume determined by the external dimensions. Fig. 2(e), as illustrated in Fig. 2(f). Because these CaCl2 granules
are easily deformed by hot-pressing, they become significantly
3. Results and discussion more compact. This difference would be inherited by Al foams
made from these preforms.
Fig. 2(a) shows the reconstructed and cross-sectional l-CT mor- Fig. 3 shows the cross-sectional morphologies of the finally
phologies of the CaCl2 preforms obtained by hot-pressing for dif- obtained Al foams. The pores originating from the CaCl2 granules
ferent holding times. Note that preform A was supported by an were interconnected by channels introduced by the contact sur-
external force provided by a container, while preforms B and C faces between the granules. Sample A displayed poor pore connec-
were self-supporting. This illustrates that after the sintering, stable tivity and some closed pores, whereas samples B and C displayed
connections were formed between the granule contacts from the large channels. During the leaching process, the outermost CaCl2
initially stacked CaCl2 granules in a shorter time. In this way, the granules were easily dissolved away first by water. However, the
CaCl2 granules were not disturbed and accordingly not entrapped removal of inside CaCl2 granules require the entrance of water

Fig. 1. Procedure to prepare high-porosity open-cell aluminum foam.

T. Wan, Y. Liu, C. Zhou et al. Materials Letters 284 (2021) 129018

Fig. 2. (a) Micro-computed tomography morphologies and (b) micrographs of the CaCl2 preforms. (c) Optical and (d) SEM images of an undeformed CaCl2 granule in preform
A and (e) optical and (f) SEM images of a deformed CaCl2 granule in preform B.

Table 1
Summary of the process conditions and structural features of the CaCl2 preforms and the Al foams.

Sample No. Hot-pressing conditions Holding time (min) Height change extent E (%) Channel size (mm) Porosity (%)
A 700 °C+60 kPa 0 0 0.7 ± 0.2 62.3 ± 0.4
B 5 25.5 ± 0.3 1.8 ± 0.3 75.1 ± 0.5
C 30 39.4 ± 0.5 2.4 ± 0.5 83.1 ± 1.2

Fig. 3. Optical images of the final Al foam made from (a) preform A, (b) preform B, (c) preform C.

through the channels. The larger the channel size, the easier for without damage and are agglutinated as a whole due to hot-
water to enter inside, making the dissolution and removal process pressing, they present two primary advantages: First, a densely
more smoothly. The foam porosity increased monotonically from packed preform and high-porosity Al foam can be realized, and
62.3% for 0 min to 83.1% for 30 min, and the channel size grew second, sufficient granule–granule contact and increased channel
monotonically from 0.7 to 2.4 mm respectively (see Table 1). The size for CaCl2 removal can be maintained. The fast deformation
porosities of the three samples were in accordance with the stack- and sintering of porous CaCl2 granules within an hour realized by
ing densities of the preforms that were approximately character- hot pressing make this space-holder technique an effective one
ized by E. Because these space-holders continuously deform for adjusting the porosity and channel size of foams.

T. Wan, Y. Liu, C. Zhou et al. Materials Letters 284 (2021) 129018

4. Conclusions Acknowledgement

In summary, we prepared open-cell Al foams with high- The present research was supported by the National Science
porosity via the high-temperature deformation of porous CaCl2 Foundation of China (No. 51771101).
granules as space-holders in the space-holder technique. The pack-
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The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.

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