CD 259-1 1

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CITY COLLEGES of CHICAGO, Practicum Site Contract Agreemen, j have read, understand and agree to the responsibilities of each party s designated within this cooperative agreement. All parties agree that fhe termination of a practicum in process shall only be carried-out under extreme circumstances and shall not be carried-out without prioy jscussion between the Center, the Kennedy-King College Practicum ‘upervisor and the student. bail. KAA 4-7-9. Signature of the Student Teacher fob, We gnatyre of tl ‘ite itor Date Win 9 f[pa— gnature of the Cooperating Teachor Date Signature of the Practicum Supervisor Date Kennedy-King College Child Development Progra sracticum Practices in Preschool Education CD 259 Site Location Information Student Namé{ frocks Di lyerman poe NameGac MIN. Foe LAS fasion i 5 University Ave Unease LL bolo Site Director: b Cooperating Teacher: Late oom Number Dhaalon: jte Contact Number: 173 (0430452 School Days Open: Mon L-lgaTue-JulgWel.7-lo Th.2-G Daily Operating Hours: am.to_(> pam. Jease Indicate Your Site Hours ays Hours _ ____| Additional Taformation jonday Student Teacher’s Contact Number Faesday Call if [Wednesday (Candline Phone) /ffrursday (Email) [fiiday a aca Child Development 259: Cooperative Agreement Addendum agree to allow Bilvemon (Student) : pcomplete his/her Practicum experience a Toms ¥ EQUUS, i (Name of Center/School) Iurther agree not to place Mr./Ms, innerasired deseo, (student) an employee during the time frames in which he/she is completing Practicum hours. Moreover, | will Fasure the Practicum student is assigned to a preschool/pre-k (3-5 years) classroom. In addition, | will Oovide ‘the Practicum student with the opportunity to participate in all required learning experiences Specitic to the Child Development 259. All involved parties understand that non-compliance with th agreement can lead to the Practicum Student being removed from the Practicum course. and/or sity il AK itector/Principal Printed Name vate: A=) - 2? “yPrewsé iverman Ze Se practicum Student Printed Name Practicum Student Signature pate: A-7 7% havo xead, understand and agree to the responsibilities of each party as gesienatod within this cooperative agreement. All parties agree that the rmination of a practicum in process shall only be carried-out under extreme circumstances and shall not be carricd-out without prior discussion betwoen the enter, the Kennedy-King Colloge Practicum Supervisor and the student, Signature of the Practicum Supervisor Date

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