AC-S13 Week 13 Task Assignment

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Kevin Jonathan Orejuela Otero Dylan Manuel Chacon Castillo

Good evening, teacher, today my friend Dylan will be the interviewer and will ask some
questions about Kevin's daily routine.
Let us begin:
D: Hello my name is Dylan and today I will ask you some questions about your daily
routine and what you do most on your days off
D: What do you do the most on your days off?
K: I did a lot of exercise throughout the day.
D: When was your last muscle exercise in your routine?
K: I did it when I was with my parents they were at home
D: What did you do when you were with your friends on your day off?
K: I went out with them for a walk in the mall
D: What was the trip that you liked the most in your routine?
K: I went on a trip with my parents and I to the beach to enjoy a very hot day
D: I will tell you my daily routine when I could be free
D: my daily routine was very good; I went out with my parents to very nice places and I
helped them a lot to do a lot of packing to travel
K: great, I also did many things when I was with my parents
D: I met many cities when I traveled, and it was great. What did you do when you saw
the first city?
K: I was very impressed, and I really wanted to go to a nearby food stall
D: did you really like your daily routine?
K: Yes, I liked it a lot and I would like to repeat it again. Did you like the routine you
D: Yes, and I would like to travel more often

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