The Pandemicour Personal Pivot Points

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The Pandemic & our Personal Pivot-Points

by Helen Mosimann-Kogan, March 19, 2021

Sheesh! More than a year with Corona sweeping the planet and even
with vaccines available there is no clear end in sight.

As part of the new upcoming podcast series, I'll be sharing perspectives

on the pandemic. Some of which I'd like to touch on here as the
introduction to this free Quarterly Energy Attunement (QEA) that you
are invited to take part in.

The QEAs are an opportunity to work with the energies of change that

accompany the quarterly pivot-points of equinoxes and solstices.

Pivot being the choice word. It's a word I've been hearing and using a
lot recently and I've been strongly sensing that crossing our personal
pivot-pointsis our way out of the lockdowns, chaos, uncertainty. We've
had to get to this point all along, it's what it has all been about.

Corona is a pivot for all of humanity and in our own singular way we are
each being faced with our own. You can call these pivot-points,
paradigm shifts or changes in life direction. Although the last wording is
a 3D-understatement, because we're aren't simply being called to take
a new road, we're being asked to hike up to a new dimension.
The White Rabbit Reveals has a new course called Alpha-Omega: Part
Two, which connects you to three goddesses of transformation. One of
these is Ayahuasca, she isn't usually called goddess but for myself and
many others, it's how her presence is experienced. 

On my own path, I spent substantial time working with Ayahuasca, in

ceremonies in the Peruvian jungle, Australian outback, American South
West... I, perhaps like some others, thought I was being prepared to
facilitate ceremonies in the future. I experienced Ayahuasca training
and teaching me until she became somewhat of a constant companion
even long after the ceremonial environment. 

In time, I did facilitate ceremonies with Ayahuasca and other teacher

plants... until I sensed that the ceremonies could no longer be limited to
a four-hour psychonauting experience. That wasn't what she had been
preparing me for. I was learning how the ceremony applied to all
experiences of life and a completely new way of living - which from here
on will feel like one long consciousness-convoluting trip!

Scholars recognise the rise in the use of psychedelics accompanies

collective pivot-points in evolution (check out punctuated equilibrium).
This doesn't mean everyone has to take them, those that don't will be
caught in the wave regardless (we're all connected remember!).

This time around, the evolutionary jump is preparing us for a new

dimension of living where our inner shaman/guide/healer must awaken
for us to become sovereign individuals and - paradoxically - at the same
time, a cohesive interdependent species. Me and other = same, same.

☝🏽Getting comfortable with paradoxes, catalyses pivots)


Back to all of life as a ceremony. Have a think, have you ever

experienced life to be as trippy as it is now? Our constructs are
collapsing, our fiercely-held to traditions are looking laughable, reality is
becoming non-sensical and yet... if we surrender to a metaphoric death
(over and over again) we will be lifted up to see higher perspectives and
method in the mammoth waves of madness.


The pandemic has specifically asked us to distance ourselves from most

all other people, which may have meant hunkering down in one place
with some specific people. This has been one long exercise in looking at
how we relate to the others in our lives and the outside world - and
what this has implied about how our relationship to ourselves (how we
speak to ourselves, treat ourselves; respect and reject ourselves etc). It's
been an opportunity for a significant life-review:

Why did I want to belong so much to her/him/them?

Why did I want to distance myself from them/him/her?

What was really happening in my family when I was growing up that
set these precedents?

This March/April has the potential to be a critical juncture in our

personal evolutionary processes. The equinox coupled with Easter just
ahead - the death/resurrection time of year - will give us the cosmic
support (read: fuel injection) to reach new dimensions of experience.

I'm not saying it will all be over in May, but I do think it will feel much
lighter by then. And if we take concerted next steps, beyond our doubts,
fears and doing what we've always done, we will be taken aback by
what we can accomplish and who we will become.
You are invited to take 50-minutes out of your day, on or around the
days around the March Equinox (or anytime that you come across this
blog) to consider what you think about your ceremony of life reaching a
pivot-point. Within this, consider the new ways of relating to yourself
and others that are beckoning you.

If it feels like a quantum leap from who you have been, you are on the
right track, you only need to keep going.

In Ayahuasca ceremonies, the pivot-point usually takes place when one

surrenders one's doubts and fears of the plant (the process) to the plant
(the process) and vomits up the old (let's go). From that point, the
individual is journeying on their way to insight, understanding and

Unless there are more ceremonies to do first - which there may be - one

emerges, shinier, brighter and a completely new person.

Happy travels everyone 🙏🏼🦋🎈🧑🏻‍🚀

The music for this session can be found here or it can be done in silence

Energy Attunements FAQs

This equinox will take place at 10:37am (CET) on Saturday, 20 March

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